Micah 6



6 ‎(1) Hear what the LORD is saying:

Come, present [My] case before the mountains,

And let the hills hear you pleading.

‎(2) Hear, you mountains, the case of the LORD—

You firm foundations of the earth!

For the LORD has a case against His people,

He has a suit against Israel.

‎(3) “My people!

What wrong have I done you?

What hardship have I caused you?

Testify against Me. ‎(4) In fact,

I brought you up from the land of Egypt,

I redeemed you from the house of bondage,

And I sent before you

Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.

‎(5) “My people,

Remember what Balak king of Moab

Plotted against you,

And how Balaam son of Beor

Responded to him.

[Recall your passage]

From Shittim to Gilgal—

And you will recognize

The gracious acts of the LORD.”

‎(6) With what shall I approach the LORD,

Do homage to God on high?

Shall I approach Him with burnt offerings,

With calves a year old? ‎(7) Would the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams,

With myriads of streams of oil?

Shall I give my first-born for my transgression,

The fruit of my body for my sins?

‎(8) “He has told you, O man, what is good,

And what the LORD requires of you:

Only to do justice

And to love goodness,

And to walk modestly with your God; ‎(9) Then will your name achieve wisdom.”

Hark! The LORD

Summons the city:

Hear, O scepter;

For who can direct her ‎(10) but you?

Will I overlook, in the wicked man’s house,

The granaries of wickedness

And the accursed short *ephah*? ‎(11) Shall he be acquitted despite wicked balances

And a bag of fraudulent weights?— ‎(12) Whose rich men are full of lawlessness,

And whose inhabitants speak treachery,

With tongues of deceit in their mouths.

‎(13) I, in turn, have beaten you sore,

Have stunned [you] for your sins: ‎(14) You have been eating without getting your fill,

And there is a gnawing at your vitals;

You have been conceiving without bearing young,

And what you bore I would deliver to the sword. ‎(15) You have been sowing, but have nothing to reap;

You have trod olives, but have no oil for rubbing,

And grapes but have no wine to drink. ‎(16) Yet you have kept the laws of Omri,

And all the practices of the House of Ahab,

And have followed what they devised.

Therefore I will make you an object of horror

And her inhabitants an object of hissing;

And you shall bear the mockery of peoples.




Rashi on Micah

Version Info

Version: Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures, published by JPS

Source: https://jps.org/books/tanakh-the-holy-scriptures-blue/

License: CC-BY-NC

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