Hello small internet. Here is some information about me. > Who are you? I'm just a tiny guy¹ with a tiny computer². I am 20 years old and live in Germany. > What do you do? Nothing related to programming, I'm afraid. I'm kinda into PC stuff but I've only got a very vague understanding of what I'm doing at any given moment. I really like writing websites but I don't have anything interesting to publish so I have no webpage. > What's in this capsule Just a few small files: lists, art, writing and stuff like that. This is my main internet page, so anything I'd like to publish goes here methinks. ************************ Footnotes 1 I'm 165cm high (USAmericans: figure it out) and my gender is whatever you think it is 2 my pink Acer Aspire One A150X may not be able to get through a youtube video but it's enough for tip-tapping into the linux mint terminal for half an hour before the battery dies. ************************ .:. .:. \|/ .:. \|/ | \|/ If there is a witness to my little life, To my tiny throes and struggles, He sees a fool; And it is not fine for gods to menace fools. - Stephen Crane