馃懡 smokey

Mentally ill neighbor just installed a security camera in their shed and pointed it right at my back patio. Can't sit out at night anymore without noticing the red blinking light reminding me im being watched. Yet another reason my first home is going to be a cabin or cob hut built on land bought in the middle of bumfuck-nowhere appalachian mountains. My question is why though.

2 weeks ago


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6 Replies

馃懡 tskaalgard

"Accidentally" knock it out with a pellet gun. (As a joke, in Minecraft. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice) 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 steve_dracula

Sounds like a great time to rig up a gigantic infrared spotlight. 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 eph

Are you able to ask your neighbor to point the camera away from your patio? 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 bencollver

https://www.wikihow.com/Blind-a-Surveillance-Camera 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 smokey

@superfxchip I did some research on it, it is within their legal right since its on their property and the patio is technically a "publically viewable area without the expectation of privacy". since you can see it from the street and whatnot. Its creepy as hell but it is legal. I hope its just a temporary thing. 路 2 weeks ago

馃懡 superfxchip

something about that sounds like it should be legally actionable. stay safe, hope you can find a way to block their feed from catching your property, they legally have no right to do that. 路 2 weeks ago