RE: re: the parable of the playground

A response to my last post

So, I don't think Maria is wrong here. Authoritarian parenting structures are pretty fucked, and in real life "Make your bed or you can't go to the playground" is kind of ridiculous. (I'm an adult, I don't make my bed half the time, there's no point when I'm just going to sleep in it again! When I do choose to make it, I do so knowing it's a purely aesthetic decision.)

The post just sprang into my head as I was seeing yet more stupid-ass people refusing to take basic safety measures because they don't care about other people's health. (Honestly, comparing them to children is probably unfair to children.) Not getting to go outside and play ISN'T a natural consequence of not making your bed, but I'm not sure what a better analogy would have been.

There are two well-known truths about analogies:

(Still, pretty neat to see that the words I typed made someone think and then they made their own collection of words in response! The smolnet really is something the wider internet is largely ceasing to become.)

(ETA: I guess there is something to be said about the fact that this was the first comparison my mind came up with, though. A result of my own upbringing? Or of how normalized these things are? IDK.)



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