👽 melyanna

Since I lost things I had in my life that made me happy, my brain now can't accept I can be happy again and just goes into "this won't last" mode whenever I am feeling happy about something in my life. How does one break this loop?

6 months ago · 👍 cobradile94


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2 Replies

👽 morganm

I'm fortunate in that where I live I can get out in nature in places that are mostly free of man-made objects, man made-noise, and man-made conflict. Sometimes getting out of all the chaos for a while helps me to get things back in proper perspective and gives me a chance to regroup. Do you have a place near you where you can try something like that? Either way, best wishes to you for getting things sorted out. · 6 months ago

👽 cobradile94

I’ve had similar experiences. What I did was find communities that feel the same way about things I care about. (For example, Gemini, Gopher and Yesterweb communities have been greatly for me to make the internet fun again), and have adopted the attitude that even if it doesn’t last, I would regret not making the most of it while it’s around.

Hope this helps · 6 months ago