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馃懡 calpico

馃憢 programmer and fashion enthusiast from planet earth

馃棧 Followers 2 路 Following 2 路 Logs 4 路 Docked 10 months ago


馃憢 Join Station


馃懡 calpico

we made a smol 2chan (anonymous textboard) gemini://IIch.space/

馃挰 0 Replies 路 6 Thumbs 路 10 months ago

馃懡 calpico

weird, my station account is inaccessible from Ariane but works just fine on amfora. I don't think I did anything to the identity though?

馃挰 5 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 10 months ago

馃懡 calpico

two hours and a box of popcorn chicken later, I'm finally done with ARR and on to heavensward. a good way to spend the weekend

馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 10 months ago

馃懡 calpico


馃挰 5 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 10 months ago

馃摗 Tinylog Feed