Gabriel Fontes
Some of my past and current projects
Most of these can be found at my sourcehut or github profiles (usually mirrored at both).
Full featured, yet simple, pasting service. Also includes a companion CLI for usage in the terminal.
Serverside web app built with Rust + Rocket + Tera, backed by a PostgreSQL database. CLI is built with Rust + Clap. Hosted at my rpi4.
Personal website (you are here!).
Static website built with jekyll and water.css. Hosted at sourcehut pages.
Manager and builder for base16 themes.
CLI app built with Rust + Clap. Packaged on the AUR and nixpkgs.
Nix-compatible base16 schemes and helper functions.
Personal nix(os) configurations and packages.
This declares pretty much the entirety of anything on my computers (all 4 of them), except for some state (which can be easily recreated) and secrets (which are all backed up by git and encrypted using my PGP key).
Discord bot that acts as a subsonic music client.
Built with Rust + Serenity + Sunk. Personal instance hosted at my rpi4.
Telegram bot for helping me and my classmates quickly look up our college subjects.
Built with Rust + Teloxide. Personal instance hosted at my rpi4.
I version control pretty much anything i do while on college. This project groups these repositories.
I'm coordinator and one of the founders of my institute's free software extension group, GELOS. I was responsible for building our visual identity, as well as our institutional website.
Wanna talk? Hit me up on email. Feel free to encrypt, and use plaintext if possible.
PGP: 7088 C742 1873 E0DB 97FF 17C2 245C AB70 B4C2 25E9
This site's code is available under MIT, while its content is CC BY-SA 4.0