馃懡 november

There's no such thing as an "NPC" in real life. You aren't the main character. https://xkcd.com/610/

4 months ago 路 馃憤 cobradile94, fen, lykso, tigercarnival


[1] https://xkcd.com/610/


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4 Replies

馃懡 marginalia

An alternative interpretation is that we are all main characters. Except GRRM is writing the story. 路 4 months ago

馃懡 fen

I had a guy at my old job sit there and explain to me why he knew that, "most people weren't actually conscious" for an extremely uncomfortable amount of time. total red flag from anyone right there 路 now 路 4 months ago

馃懡 november

@smokey You'd think that, but since they think nobody else is capable of rational thought, obviously THEY have to be the ones to come up with the demeaning nickname. 路 4 months ago

馃懡 smokey

Why is it that every decade or so the woke, 'red-pilled' people need to re-invent the wheel by creating a different word for the same thing derrogitory insult against the simple minded? Back in my day it was sheeple, now in the past few years NPC has taken its place. The "im so much smarter and more aware than everyone else around me because I think for myself" personality archetype has existed long enough, youd think they could at least standardize their name calling slang. 路 4 months ago