date: 2021-08-07 04:57:57
categories: default
firstPublishDate: 2021-08-07 04:57:57
I have got from work a baseline list of word for more inclusive language. It contains selected words with biased interpretation, that we no longer want use.
Unacceptable term - Defined replacement - Suggested context Master/Slave Primary/Secondary Context of control Primary/Replica, Context of duplication or Main/Replica inheritance Active/Standby Context of state Leader/Follower Context of control Whitelist/Blacklist Allowlist/Blocklist Context of access, listing values for which access is allowed/denied Acceptlist/Excludelist Context of use, listing values that can always be used/cannot be used. Greylist Tracklist, Inspectlist Black delivery Temporary delivery (internal) Restricted delivery (internal) Internal delivery Beta delivery White delivery Official delivery Production delivery