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     It's for the beauty of the baud...

Hello, world!

Personal Gemlog

📖 Gemlog


🔗 Some projects, people and things I find interesting.

Project-y type things

These are parts of my life that I find interesting -- I'm using this as a log of my progress (or failures) with some of the projects I'm in. I'm also giving this another go pseudonymously, and to be honest, I'm finding that this approach works better already.

🚒 CFA (Volunteer Firefighter)

🥋 Freestyle Martial Arts

📻 Amateur ("Ham") Radio

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parenting, Co-parenting, and Homeschooling

Get In Touch

I fled pretty much all social media, but I'm back on Mastodon as of recently. I use teh Bad Bird mostly for keeping tabs on things.

📨 mailto: semaphore@fastmail.com

Mastodon: @AcidBurn@aus.social

Bad Bird: @BootYouFromOTV@twitter.com

This entire capsule is a work-in-progress and is, of course, licensed CC 4.0 BY-SA