Words with Multiple Pronunciations
10 May, 2022
Words with two distinct pronunciations for different meanings or contexts
on NJR's Lists
- abstract
- advocate
- appropriate
- articulate
- arithmetic
- associate
- bass
- buffet
- bow
- close
- combine
- compact
- concert
- conflict
- consort
- consummate
- contract
- contrast
- converse
- convert
- defect
- degenerate
- desert
- designate
- discharge
- discount
- does
- duplicate
- elaborate
- entrance
- estimate
- exploit
- export
- escort
- excuse
- fragment
- frequent
- graduate
- house
- implant
- implement
- incline
- initiate
- intimate
- invalid
- lead
- live
- lower
- minute
- moderate
- moped
- object
- perfect
- permit
- pervert
- polish
- present
- produce
- progress
- protest
- read
- reading
- rebel
- recess
- refuse
- reject
- relay
- row
- second
- seconding
- separate
- shower
- sow
- subject
- subordinate
- survey
- suspect
- tear
- torment
- use
- wind
- wound
published with lists.sh