So I got myself a new phone. One thing led into another, and I tried to get back into listening to podcasts. This met with two problems:
1. Care to recommend any?
While there are solutions to the latter problem, they are all Windows applications with a GUI, and I’ve been trying to avoid Windows,² not to mention avoid running a GUI application for what is essentially a server job.
2. With recent developments, you’d be advised to as well.
Well, here is my solution: [ytpod].
This is a very simple command line program that accepts a youtube channel RSS feed, downloads the videos in it, and drops them into files together with an rss.xml that describes them as a proper podcast feed. You can then serve these with your web server and give the URL to your podcatcher. Verified with [Pocket Casts] and works, but should likewise work fine with iTunes and anything else that obeys standards and can handle a sufficient variety of mp4/webm files.
Not bad for a few hours work. It should also be applicable to transmuting your own YouTube channel into a podcast and hosting files off something like Amazon, so it can be conveniently used to provide your listeners with a podcast when you use YouTube as your primary hosting service.
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