Has anyone used Gemini / Spartan over a 56K dialup connection? If so, what's your experience been like? if not... who wants to help me set up a Gemini dialup ISP :v
2 days ago 路 馃憤 nristen
I like the idea. I was also thinking of the idea of a BBS that you visit using your gemini browser. It would be cool to be able to connect with existing BBS chat networks like FIDO or FSXNet, upload/download files and even play some of the old games like TradeWars. 路 9 hours ago
@captchasolverwanted There was a lot of talk about TLS taking up bandwidth, and I seen it brought back up a bit recently. I wonder how slow/fast the TLS handshakes are at that speed, and if it's a significant enough problem to consider more. I imagine TLS resumption should pretty much solve the problem, but I don't know much about these things, lol. 路 15 hours ago
dimkr, i love that idea. It would be nice if it allowed gopher too. Do you know of proxy software that is aware of gemini or gopher? 路 1 day ago
A VPN open to the public which serves Gemini content at <= 56Kbp without a route to the internet would be cool 路 2 days ago
Not dialup but I has used Gemini over Tor, which mostly limits my connection speed to less than 100K/s. My experience on it has been better than on HTTP. "(Gemini) Is lighter than the web" is true for me. 路 2 days ago
quote(a) 路 2 days ago