06 Jul, 2022
general purpose log
on erock's blog
- I'm pretty tired. I'd like to be productive but it has been a slow start. The kid has been a little more needy so I'm feeling a little guilty and tried to give MIL a break.
- It's amazing what adding another adult into taking care of a baby can have on our energy levels. Overall happy and having a good day. I also managed to re-organize the garage and excited to enjoy it being a little more clean in there. Good vibes.
- So far having a great morning. MIL is doing well with the kid and I managed to do some organizing with our storage room which has been a huge source of stress and conflict for us.
- Still having a good day, mainly because wife and I get a break from the kid. This is the first time since the kid was born that we felt like we could let someone else take care of him for the evening. Having her put the kid down for bed while we laid in bed was pretty magical. Feeling very thankful.
- Feeling good about working the day. I haven't been able to sleep as much lately, probably because I'm drinking too much caffeine.
- Exhausted from the thought of having to take care of the kid for the weekend. Wife's mom is staying for the weekend so it adds an extra sense of mystery around how the weekend will go. I'm not a huge fan of having people over at my house so I feel a little tinge of dred / anxiety. It'll probably be okay and she will clean and help with kid.
- Finally got a desk at a coworking space so I'm pretty excited. I forgot a couple of items which leads me to believe I won't be staying very long today. I really just want to get things setup and maybe get lunch downtown.
- I had fun running into former coworkers. I have a feeling it's going to be difficult for me to make it there on a regular basis. We only have one car for three humans so it's a game of hot potato. Also my house is much too comfortable and it was difficult to get there.
- I just got out of a therapy session where she recommended that I try to check in with my feelings a couple of times a day.
- I think I'll try using this journal to document it.
- Overall in a good mood.
- I'm a little worried about my wife's career because she has some serious deadlines that will impact the family. I want to support her but nervous about getting overwhelmed with family duties, including taking care of our son.
- Thankful and happy that me, the wife, and son all got to spend the evening together.
- It was a really pleasant evening with me and the wife working together to have fun with kiddo.
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