About ⛄️ Chilly Weather
⛄️ Chilly Weather is a Gemini service that returns the current weather in a fun and streamlined way
- Shows current weather, next 24 hours forecast, and next 7 days forecast.
- Clear, simple presentation, prioritizing (what I think is) the most important weather data
- Uses Emoji *and* a description to represent weather conditions. Because "🌤" is more skimmable than "Scattered cloudy"
- Chilly uses your client's IP to geolocate you, and looks up the weather from there.
- You can also search for a location and see the weather there.
- No need to select the metric, or displaying both Fahrenheit and Celsius. Chilly uses the country you are in to decide the units to display.
So... Celsius?
As a nerd, I appreciate the value of Celsius for scientific applications. But it a complete garbage scale to use for human-range temperatures. If you want to be depraved, I'm not going to stop you.
Where possible, I want to use simple services in Gemini instead of HTTP/HTML. So that means ignoring most web-based weather services.
While there are a few weather services in Gemini, none of them presented the data that I cared about, in a format that I found easy to read. Also, I think weather apps are cool to hack on because, while getting the data isn't necessarily hard, there are so many fun challenges and choices for how display it:
- What metrics do you care about? (temperature vs "feels like" temperature, barometric pressure, humidity chance of precipitation, wind)
- What events do you care about? (sunrise, sunset, moon, etc)
- How do optimize for readability? ("Cloudy overnight with showers starting around 2am" vs a list of times and conditions)
I could probably endlessly hack on Chilly Weather.
For weather data, Chilly uses OpenWeather's API:
For IP-to-location, Chilly uses Free IP API:
Chilly also uses Gemini.Cgi, a reusable CGI framework:
Gemini.Cgi via Github Proxy
Gemini.Cgi on Github
Let me see the code!
Sure. You can access it via Gemini or HTTP
ChillyWeather repo via @krixano's Github Proxy
ChillyWeather on Github
ChillyWeather.Cgi repo via @krixano's Github Proxy
ChillyWeather.Cgi on Github
Search for a specific location
Use Current Location
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