Other names: Salicin willow, withe withy
Flower colour: Yellow - green
Flowewring: April - May
Height: 1 - 20 m
Active ingredients: Phenolic glycosides (Salicin, among others), polyphenols, tannins, coumarins, aromatic aldehydes, aromatic acids, saligenin
Used parts: The bark.
The Babylonians already used willow against fever and the ancient Egyptians used an ointment of the seeds of white willow against inflamed joints and broken bones. Another, not medical, use of the plant that is commonly known is the braiding of branches to create baskets. This could be done because the branches of the willow are very flexible. In the ancient times, willow was a symbol of chastity and infertility. Furthermore, the tree is a symbol of intuition and sincerity and it would help fulfulling wishes. The ancient Greeks also used willow for several purposes. Hippocrates recommended a decoction of the bark against arthritis, pain and fever and he recommended to chew on the bark during births for a narcotic effect. The medieval Matthiolus said that the leaves of white willow would help against sleeplessness. There was a time where willow was a symbol of sorrow and desolation. If your beloved one would let you down and leave you, you would wear a wreath of willow. Around 1829 a French pharmacist isolated the salicin, which is the famous main ingredient of the aspirin.
A lot of people still know that willow bark has pain killing effects and that it helps against fever. Though, people will think you are mad if you start chewing on the bark and I actually do not think that it is really nice to do either. Still, the bark is known to help against some things. It can be used against arthrosis, arthritis, mild headaches, artritis urica and myalgia (muscle pain).
Sometimes there can be mild side effects like dyspepsia, diarrhoea or headache.
Do NOT use willow if you have often sudden bleedings or if you have a stomach disorder.
Do NOT use willow if you have a liver disorder or a kidney disorder.
Do NOT use this plant if you have asthma.
Do NOT use willow if you are hypersensitive to salicylates or aspirin.
Do NOT use willow while breastfeeding.
Do NOT use this plant for children.
There is a possible interaction with medicines that thin the blood.
Do NOT use willow if you use methotrexate, metoclopramide, phenytoin, spironolactone or probenicid, unless a qualified doctor says that you should do so.
Willow can influence the absorption of bivalent minerals. Hence, do not use nutritional supplements at the same time as willow.