Other name: Isop
Flower colour: Blue-violet
Flowering: July - November
Height: 20 - 60 cm
Active ingredients: Essential oils, flavonoids, marubiine, tannins, oleanolic and ursolic acid, fenolic acids
Used parts: The flowering tops with leaves.
Hyssop might have been mentioned in the Bible, though not everyone agrees on whether that is the Hyssopus officinalis or a completely different plant. Hence, I cannot really say reliably anything about those things, for I do not know whether they are really about the Hyssop or not. Still, the plant seems to be linked to catholic things. It is known that the Ancient Greek already used Hyssop. Hippocrates used it against pleurisy and bronchitis and Galenus used it against angina. Dioscorides used it against asthma and the school of Salerno used it, boiled in water with honey, against lung issues.
Nowadays, Hyssop is sometimes still used. It helps against bronchitis and asthma. Furthermore it is used aganst pharyngitis, angina and laryngitis.
Sometimes, Hyssop can cause irritation of the stomach or intestines. Hence, it could best be combined with a plant containing mucilage.
ONLY use the essential oil if a qualified doctor says that you should, for a too high dosis has a neurotoxical effect.
Do NOT use this plant if you are a nervous person!
Do NOT use Hyssopus Officinalis if you are pregnant!