Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 623:6
Shulchan Arukh
623 [1] **“The order of the Closing Prayer, *Ne’ilah*” - Containing six paragraphs.**
For the Closing Service we say “אשרי” and *Kaddish* but we do not say “ובא לציון”.
- Hagah*: I have already written that the custom in these lands is to say “אשרי” and “ובא לציון” before the Closing Service. [2] The time for the Closing Service is when the sun is just on the tops of the trees so that it can be completed close to the setting of the sun, and the reader needs to shorten the prayers of forgiveness and the verses in the middle of the *Tefillah* and he must not lengthen in the Closing Prayer every word as he lengthens them in the rest of the prayers, so that he will finish before the sun sets, (and he says instead of “inscribe us (in the “Book of Life”)”, “seal us (in the “Book of Life”)”), (טור). [3] If (the *Ne’ilah* Prayer) falls on the Sabbath, we remember in it the Sabbath in the prayer (meaning, we mention it), but in the confession which is after the Silent Prayer we do not mention the Sabbath. This refers to the individual worshipper, but the reader, since he said it in the midst of his Silent Prayer, he mentions the Sabbath in it (even when repeating the Prayer outloud). If he does not mention it (the Sabbath) they do not make him return and repeat it. [4] He says “כתר”, “the crown”, just as in the Additional Service. [5] They give the priestly benediction during the Closing Service. (The custom in these lands is not to give the priestly benediction, but we say “אבינו מלכנו”.) [6] At the end of the prayers of forgiveness we say seven times, “He is the God,” (and one time the “שמע ישראל”), and three times the, “Blessed be His glorious kingdom forever and ever,” (see above section 61, (מנהגים).) and we blow the *shofar*, (תקיעה, שברים, תרועה, תקיעה).
- Hagah*: There are those who say that we only blow the *shofar* once (תקיעה), (מרדכ והגהות מיימוני סוף הלכות ואגור י״כ), and thus we do it in these lands, we sound the *shofar* after we say the *Kaddish* after the Closing Service, but in a few places the custom is to blow the *shofar* before the *Kaddish*.
Version Info
Version: Hilkhot Yom ha-Kippurim, trans. by Jan M. Brahms. HUC, 1976
License: CC-BY
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