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2022-06-22 On Hork-Bajir language
2022-06-11 Top surgery results
2022-06-05 “Veganism is for the privileged!”
2022-05-23 Monday afternoon link roundup: May 23, 2022
2022-05-13 That’s not how kandrona starvation works!
2022-05-02 Some thoughts on “free speech” that’ve been rolling around my brain
2022-04-08 A phone that's just a web browser
2022-04-01 Tech thoughts for the week
2022-03-30 You tried, Vivaldi Translate
2022-03-28 Ah yes, the two genders
2022-03-23 Second blog for personal life stuff
2022-03-22 I don’t know How To Write —Isaac Asimov
2022-03-17 On possibly being autistic
2022-03-09 I don't need the state's approval but it's weirdly affirming to have it
2022-03-09 My final take on smart quotes (for now)
2022-03-06 Smart quotes aren’t a skeuomorphism?
2022-02-25 Starting an argument on the internet
2022-02-20 Another post about RPGs on Gemini
2022-02-19 Endwalker thoughts: SGE (on a controller)
2022-02-11 TIL about "preformationism"
2022-02-09 Another post about emphasis in Gemtext
2022-02-02 New number system just dropped
2022-01-31 Broken HTTPS certificate?
2022-01-30 Balanced Suboptimal
2022-01-29 Smart quotes are a skeuomorphism
2022-01-27 I did it! I wrote a thing!
2022-01-27 New moon, new me? And fuck Medicaid.
2022-01-08 If I could add one aetheryte anywhere in the game...
2022-01-06 Re: Discussing about Gemini on Gemini?
2021-12-21 Endwalker thoughts: WHM changes
2021-12-02 "Why are there no right-wing opinions here?"
2021-11-25 "demographic decline" lmfao
2021-11-15 A couple life things
2021-11-06 The Endwalker delay
2021-10-27 Daily writing habit? And capsule updates.
2021-10-20 I have a tinylog now
2021-10-18 Words That Don't Exist: Apeiroscule