1-4 player game

   Author:       Beast/sos
   Uploader:     Beast <christian bjorkqvist gmail com>
   Type:         game/2play
   Version:      1.0
   Architecture: m68k-amigaos
   Distribution: Aminet
   Date:         2022-07-05
   Readme:       http://aminet.net/game/2play/HuntingFrogsV1.readme
   Downloads:    123


Hunting Frogs (Freeware)




1 to 4 player game.

Supports the parallel port

joystick adapter for Joysticks 3 and 4

Catch and eat insects


christian.bjorkqvist at gmail.com

   Aminet © 1992-2022 Urban Müller and the Aminet team. Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net>