welcome, stay awhile and listen. wei're kulupu keta, a queer leftist/anarchist plural group of about six. feel free to check this capsule out.
gender: it's complicated
pronouns.1pp: wei/muir
pronouns.2pp: y&/y&r
pronouns.3pp: they/them or ask
matrix: @keta:kulu.pw
misc: otherkin/voidpunk/queer
toki pona
video games
weird ideas
equity, social justice, and being a part of creating the world wei want to be in are important to muis.
wei don't know a lot but wei're always trying to challenge muirself to consider the bias and oppresions wei uphold so that wei can dismantle them.
Black Lives Matter
if wei're chatting, and a specific member wants to say something, wei put the first letter of their name as the first character in the chat