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⚠️ This is a working progress process (WIP) ⚠️
This content can be accessed only via Gemini at this moment, sorry folks!
* AWS default environment variables
* GIT default environment variables
* Examples
export AWS_PROFILE=myprofile ; export AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 ; eval $(ssh-agent -s) ; ssh-add ~/repos/myproject/personal-git.pem ; export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=myemail@company.com ; export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="My user" ; cd ~/repos/myproject
* GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=me@domain.com
* Add file `.gitignore`
* init, plan, apply, destroy
* terraform state management
* modules and projects
* using environments with tfvar files
* docker registry
* Write a Dockerfile
* docker basic commands
* build, push and tag images
* work with docker-compose
* container registry
* Write a Dockerfile
* build, push and tag images
* Add file `.dockerignore`
* Pod
* Deployments
* Services
* Ingresses
* NetworkPolicies
* ServiceAccounts
* Namespaces
* Nodes
* kubectx, kubens
* kubetpl, kubeval, kube-score
* fluxcd, k9s, popeye, checkov
* checkov, terrascan
* blablablaa