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I got a minimal Linux server with 1 CPU and 1Gb RAM with connection to Internet, installed Ubuntu 20, full update the system and kernel, reboot and then start to install some new packages. This is a little cheatsheet to run gemini servers.
There are some gemini servers available:
Using jetforce server:
jetforce --host --port 1965 --hostname ibannieto.info --dir /home/iban/gemini/ibannieto.info --tls-certfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ibannieto.info/fullchain.pem --tls-keyfile /etc/letsencrypt/live/ibannieto.info/privkey.pem
Using agate server:
agate --hostname ibannieto.info --content ~/gemini/ibannieto.info --lang en-US
NOTE: I dinnae recommend to start gemini servers as root, you should use nobody or another unprivileged user.
Jetforce supports CGI scripts. In order to start using this feature, you need to create a directory called cgi-bin under your gemini-content directory and add some scripts. All files under cgi-bin must be executable in order to run from the browser. Also you must be careful with security on CGI scripts.
Example of cgi-script in bash:
#!/bin/bash # # Output Large Headings to a Gemini Bash Server # echo "20 text/gemini" echo " " echo "\`\`\`" # Generate large text figlet -f standard "gemini" figlet -f small -m 2 $(date +"%T") # show CPU stats vmstat echo "\`\`\`"
Example of cgi-script in python:
#!//usr/bin/python3 from datetime import date today = date.today() print("20 text/gemini") #Note: Some Gemini CGI servers may do this print("```") # use code mode print("Today's date:", today)
NOTE: You'll need always to send the "20 text/gemini" response to the browser.
In order to access your gemini capsule from a conventional browser, you need a gemini proxy like kineto:
I'm already running nginx so I just need to proxy_pass to kineto proxy in order to get gemini content from the browser.
Daemonizing kineto with systemd:
Create the file /etc/systemd/system/kineto.service
[Unit] Description=Kineto Server [Service] Type=simple Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kineto -b gemini://ibannieto.info [Install] WantedBy=default.target
Add new service to systemd, enable and start kineto:
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable kineto systemctl start kineto
Modify nginx configuration:
server { server_name ibannieto.info; location / { proxy_pass; } }
Then restart nginx:
systemctl restart nginx
I'm using md2gmi to convert files to from markdown gmi and neovim to update content.
I'm using rsync between my local repo and the gemini server
rsync -Pav -e "ssh -q -i ~/.ssh/myserver.pem" . user@mydomain.com:/home/myuser/gemini
I'm using Lagrange (GUI)
For the CLI I'm using amfora (TUI)
amfora gemini://ibannieto.info
AmiSSL package is required. The AmiSSL project is a collaborative effort to develop a port of OpenSSL in a shared library for Amiga-based systems (AmigaOS, MorphOS, AROS, etc). OpenSSL (www.openssl.org) is "an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library."
AmiGemini is a browser for the Gemini protocol.
Unfortunately I can't manage to get AmiGemini working yet in the A1200 😢
castor9 is a plan 9 gemini client:
ramfs cd /tmp git/clone https://git.sr.ht/~julienxx/castor9 cd castor9 mk install
term % castor gemini://ibannieto.info
Questions I have about gemini
Last Updated: 15/JUN/2022