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What I'm up to at the moment
Plans for the Euskal Encounter 30
- Clean my Pocket list: I have tons of unread and old articles
- Participate in the SDF Plan9 Summer BootCamp 2022
- Coding: Miniweb, Amiga ASM, RedPill, Plan 9, Gemini ...
- Gaming: finish "Dead Cells" and continue with the DLCs
- Meet with some old demosceners and friends
Working progress
- Nasa APOD Image of the day applicacton for gemini (WIP)
- Voyager Probes tracking application for gemini (WIP)
- James Webb Space Telescope stats application for gemini (WIP)
- Research ZFS VS BTRFS in the Raspberry Pi
- Update my MiSTER cores and update the ROMs library
- Add my ROMs library to the Anbernic 315M
- Research hypercore/dat, ipfs
- Researching Plan 9, running a term in one of my Raspis and a server in the cloud!
- RISC-V assembly for fun, currently running some programs in a MaixDuino board
- Taking steps with RedPill in Amiga, I'm trying to create my first 16-bit minigame!
- Taking steps with my first scroll-intro binary in Amiga, almost ready for the ekparty
- Learning Gemini clients, servers, the protocol, the community and tips from the users
- Creating some cg-bin applications for Gemini, the first one is the ISS Tracker
- Working in my MSX and Amiga collections
- Researching new papers downloaded from Arxiv
- Researching some APIs from NASA/JPL and ESA for get space data science analysis
- Researching some Python Libraries from the NASA/JPL, I'm trying to simulate the Voyager's flight
- Reading new books: "Vida, la gran historia" from Juan Luis Arsuaga and "Eso no estaba en mi libro de la exploración espacial" from Pedro León
- Researching new basque quotes, gaidhlig phrases, scottish sayings and spanish insults
- Thinking in take a wee rest after the Euskal Party, go to Scotland and visit my parents
- Working on the RISC-V, Kubernetes, Terraform and Docker Workshops
- Working on the SysAdmin SuperDocument: I'm reformating all the document and gathering my notes
- Fixes golang course typos, links and update information (DONE)
- Port my old chef recipe dotfiles to ansible (DONE)
- Switch from FS-UAE environment to PiMiga in the Raspi (DONE)
- Researching PiMiga 2.0 in my Raspi, planning to migrate from my old FS-UAE environment (DONE)
- Research HAIKU OS in a QEMU environment under Linux (DONE)
Last Updated
Last Updated: 11/JUL/2022