Welcome to Lagrange Point.
The following is my experiences trying to run Emacs for
everything as a non-lisp programmer. I want to try programming
more in lisp, but it's hard to get used to all the parantheses
and whatnot, speaking as a person used to Python and C++. I know
you can do lots of powerful things with lisp and stuff, so it is
on my todo list.
Anyways, here's the following programs I use to do everything:
This one is a pretty good Mastodon client, has
all the features I need.
IRC client with notifications.
RSS feed reader. I like how everything is organized in it.
Gopher/Gemini browser. Not too bad, still getting used to
navigating around in it though.
Epub reader. Someone of the authors I read publish DRM free
ebooks, and they're in .epub format. This reads them pretty well.
Epub Org exporter. I like how I can export any number
Org files as epubs, makes writing so much easier.
Same as above, but for Gemini!
EMMS+Elfeed work great together. I heartily recommend them!
Big Brother DataBase. I installed this today, and imported
a vcf file that was originally from Gmail. The default importer
didn't really work well, so I used one from the Melpa emacs
packages repo and then it imported every correctly. Still
figuring out what I can do with that...
Personal organizer. Killer app it is... everyone
should give it a try.
Email client. I like it for my personal email, but
still getting used to the interface.
Directory browser/file manager. A little confusing
at first, but still getting the hang of it.
Emacs Shell. Everyone says it's really powerful,
so I'm learning this as well.... apparently it has an in-built
ssh client!
Journal/Calendar. I don't journal that much,
but I'm trying with this!
That's everything so far I use Emacs for... whew!
Working on the gopher side of LagrangePoint. There's
4 things on LagrangePoint so far. A gemini, gopher, spartan
and httpd server! They are at the following addresses:
I will be taking signups for 10 people currently, in an
effort to turn this place into a tilde. LagrangePoint runs
on NixOS, so you every user can install their own software
with the following command "nix-env -iA irssi.nixpkgs" as
an example. That means a lot more flexibility compared to
other tildes! I'll also have to explore putting users in
NixOS containers. That might complicate things too much
though. I would just like every user to be able to do
things their own way and through their own methods.
Anyways, to reach me, send an email to: mdsj at disroot dot org.
Please send your public key so I can add it, and then you'll
be good to go!
I will be implementing a IRC server at the very least, that will
only be facing on the internal network. I might have to totally
restructure the server to add more services, but that's relatively
easy to do with NixOS.