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Welcome to the simpliest place on the internet. A hash of gemini and html to make your day easy.
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OH.MG is a personal site with literally THE bestest URL on the face of the interweb networks, I also still go by the MMN name, and sometimes
OH.MG IS ALL ABOUT RETRO ______________ / /| / / | /____________ / | | ___________ | | || || | || || | || || | ||___________|| | | _______ | / /| (_______) | / ( |_____________|/ \ .=======================. | :::::::::::::::: ::: | | ::::::::::::::[] ::: | | ----------- ::: | `-----------------------'
Redacted Identity (My Journal)
Impressum (and other interesting facts)
OH.MG Historical Archive (Before April 2022)
_____ |== | OH.MG Insert Disk 1 | o. | |__O__| Randy Ransom