Gabriel Fontes
Hey 👋, my name is Gabriel. I'm a brazillian programmer, designer, and activist.
I'm currently working on my Bachelor of Information Systems degree at University of São Paulo's Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, as a developer at UGet, and on a couple personal projects.
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
I'm interested in FLOSS, Distributed Systems, Software Engineering, and Functional Programming. Mainly working with Linux, Rust, Postgres, Nix, Python, and C/C++.
I've been into computers, science and math since i was little. I love Linux (FOSS in general), CLI programs, customization, and graphic design.
I enjoy modern and egornomical languagens, strong typing and high performance are nice to have.
I favor minimalism and composability in tools. I currently use NixOS, SwayWM, Neovim, Qutebrowser, NeoMutt as daily drivers.
I'm a huge fan of space and science fiction genres (games, books, artwork).
I love animals (I have five cats and a dog), the planet, and the people who live in it.
Studying at one of the big public universities of Brazil, meeting all sort of amazing people, and witnessing injustice has shaped how i think.
I'm an free software, environmental, queer, anti-capitalist, and education activist.
You'll probably see me avoiding proprietary software and walled gardens at all costs.
Wanna talk? Hit me up on email. Feel free to encrypt, and use plaintext if possible.
PGP: 7088 C742 1873 E0DB 97FF 17C2 245C AB70 B4C2 25E9
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