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I host most of my more recent projects on sr.ht. Some of the projects there are forks to add features (PRs *are* sent upstream), but the ones I've authored are:

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forage is a shopping list app backed by your (self-hosted) Mealie server. It features an offline mode, syncing and merging, the ability to add lists and items, and it runs as a native app on your desktop and mobile devices.

legume tracks issues in sourcecode TODO/FIXME comments

quasiauto is an autotype tool. It was written to add autotype functionality to kpmenu (on github)

gocryptkeeper provides a systray applet for mounting & unmounting gocrypt shares

i3quake is a lightweight hotkey popup system for i3, originally developed to provide i3 with a Quake terminal

I'm now the maintainer and main developer of gotop, a popular cross- platform, terminal `top` application

kbplug tries to be a non-root udev system, designed to run programs when smart keyboards are plugged in.

a PDF invoice generator from TimeWarrior records

i3-tracker is a script to track time in TimeWarrior based on which i3 workspace is displayed

orgchart generates organization charts from spreadsheet data, written originally out of frustration watching an admin manually maintain one in Powerpoint

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an implementation of the MARS voting system, an explatory improvement on STAR

given two images, perceptualdiff provides a perceptually difference score; originally written as part of a testing tool for web sites to track the magnitude of CSS changes

another utility for i3 to manage display plug/unplug events; use https://github.com/rliou92/python-umonitor instead

vaccinewatcher, now obsolete

duodecimal provides libraries for Ruby and Haskell for working with dozenal

another markup language; obviously the superior one, but markdown -- like Windows, git, and VHS -- has won through ubiquity despite technical inferiority

ditz-trac was a system to sync Ditz bugs with Trac. I haven't used either in so long, and ditz has been unmaintained for years, so this is probably of hysterical historical interest only