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Welcome to SCUMWARE, my radioactive little corner of Geminispace. Enjoy your stay...

This capsule is gonna be updated pretty frequently. Feel free to poke around.

personal stuff

💀 about the guy

💀 statement of intent

💀 gemlog

💀 guestbook

💀 playlists

reading stuff

📚 poetry

📚 reading list

📚 stories i like

computer stuff

💽 software i like

💽 digital declutter tips

gemini stuff

🪐 gemini vocabulary

🪐 simple guide to gemtext

🪐 coolest capsules in geminispace

other stuff

🍷 alcohol "reviews"

🌿 strain reviews

🍽 recipes

my plant, gwynfydd 🌱

This page is being protected by my buddy Sanford.

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