Of of the more intruiging aspects of the microcomputer piracy subculture has been the rise of "Courier Groups", which are dedicated to the sole purpose of transporting pirated games from the groups that pirate to high-traffic web sites and BBSes, often available with a membership fee. This more shark-like piracy approach rose in the early 1990s with the PC world, and by the middle of the decade, it was an established near-industry.
9000 COURIERS: Introduction, Cast List, BBS List, Ad
9000 COURIERS: Staff List, BBS List, Ad
9000 COURIERS: Staff List, BBS List, Fresh Warez Guaranteed!
9000 COURIERS: Member List, BBS List
ALPHA: Courier Spreader Identifier
AMBITION: Courier and Trader List, January 1997
COCAINE: Courier List, Members, Greets, Boards
PE: Public Enemy Courier Application
DEVO Couriers, January 5, 1993
DEVO Couroiers: AxiS The Movie, Final Release, August 25, 1993
Gravity's Pull Courier File from Lightnin Hopkins
HTC: High Tech Couriers 10 1995 Member List and Board List
IIT: Israel's Internet Traders Courier List
Tag File for the Incarcerated Scarfaces Courier Group
The Tag for Rise in Superior Couriering
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 2/1995
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 2/1996
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 3/1994
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 5/1995
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 7/1995
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 9/1996
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering Member and Board Lists
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 12/1993
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering, Welcome Alpha Couriering!
RISC: Rise in Superior Couriering 5/1995
STEALTH: Stealth Couriers Member and Board List
TCA: The Courier Associated Board and Member List
THERAPY: Courier and Member List 1995
UC: United Couriers Third Year Anniversary
UC: Uniter Couriers Member and Board List, October 1992
UC: Uniter Couriers, Member and Board List
UC: Uniter Couriers Member and Board List 1994
WWC: World Wide Couriers: Member List
<TR VALIGN=TOP><TD ALIGN=TOP><A HREF="�l�s�d��.nfo">�l�s�d��.nfo</A> LSD: Light Speed Distributors, the Official Courors of Vision
Important Credit: A portion of these files came from a site called the
<A HREF="http://www.defacto2.net/scene-archive/">Defacto2 Scene Archive</A>,
and were acquired and saved by the folks of that group. They've done a
wonderful job on the site, and it is highly reccommended that you check
it out.