Exchanges - Area Code 204 - 1 of 2   (2 December 1991)

2222   000    44       //  2222  2222   000        55555  999   999
    2 0   0  4 4      //       2     2 0   0       5     9   9 9   9
 222  0   0 44444    //     222   222  0   0  ===  5555   9999  9999
2     0   0    4    //     2     2     0   0           5    9     9
22222  000     4   //      22222 22222  000        5555    9     9

      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9
22| -  - | -  - | Winn | -  - | Winn | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |22
23| -  - | Winn |Barrow| Winn |Oakbur| Winn |BirchR| Winn |Bowsma|Portag|23
24| -  - | -  - |Manito|Portag|PoplaR| -  - |Darlin| ???  |NotreD| -  - |24
25| -  - | -  - |Portag|<---------   Winnipeg   --------->| -  - | -  - |25
26| -  - | Winn | -  - |PineRi| -  - |Beause| -  - |Oakvil|Beause| Winn |26
27| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |Portag| Winn |PineDo|Bisset|Inwood|Hecla |27
28| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | Winn | -  - |Thicke| Winn |Ilford| -  - |28
29| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |29
32| -  - | -  - |Warren|Broche|Altona|Winkle|Steinb|Gretna|Rivers|Easter|32
33| -  - | -  - |Brando|<--Winnipeg->|GodsLa| Winn |LacBro|<--Winnipeg->|33
34| -  - |<-Split Lake>|Roland|StonyM|LacDuB|Rivers|StMalo|Whitem|Falcon|34
35| -  - | -  - |Glenel| Elie |Brookd|Landma|LynnLa|Cormor|SnowLa|Norway|35
36| -  - | -  - | -  - |Manigo|Vidir |Strath|GodsRi|PineFa|Arden |Rennie|36
37| -  - | -  - |FisheB|Emerso|SouthI|Marque|Arborg|Kleefe|Rivert|StClau|37
38| -  - | -  - |Berens|Woodla| -  - |Gladst|Plumas| -  - |Niverv|WinBch|38
39| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |FisheR|PineDo| -  - |Little| -  - | -  - |39
42| -  - | -  - |SteAnn|Piney |LaBroq| Vita |Hadash|Domini|Portag|Woodri|42
43| -  - | -  - | -  - |StPier|Grunth|Miami |ElmCre|Spragu| -  - | -  - |43
44| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |Oakban|Langru| -  - |SteRos|Eddyst|SteepR|44
45| -  - | -  - |<--Winnipeg->| -  - | -  - |Garden|Waasag|Pikwit| -  - |45
46| -  - | -  - |StTher| -  - | -  - | -  - |Sidney|Stonew|Cranbe|RedSuc|46
47| -  - | -  - |Cranbe|LeafRa|<--Winnipeg->|Neepaw|<--Winnipeg->| -  - |47
48| -  - | -  - |Selkir|Souris|Nelson| -  - |Sundan| -  - |<--Winnipeg->|48
49| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |49
52| -  - | -  - |Melita|Killar|Camper|Minito|Hollan| -  - |Ninett|Cartwr|52
53| -  - | -  - |Binsca| -  - |Boisse|Baldur| -  - |Belmon|Oxford|Benito|53
54| -  - | -  - | -  - |Grandv| -  - |Mafeki|Grandv|Minito|Gilber| -  - |54
55| -  - | -  - | -  - |Pukata| -  - |[Diry]|Virden| -  - | -  - | -  - |55
56| -  - | -  - |Cranda| -  - |Inglis|Shamat|OakRiv|Miniot|Beulah|Cowan |56
57| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |57
58| -  - | -  - | Winn | -  - | -  - |SandyL| Winn |Pelica| -  - | Winn |58
59| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |59
      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9

Exchanges - Area Code 204 - 2 of 2   (2 December 1991)

2222   000    44       //    66  2222   000        999   999   999
    2 0   0  4 4      //    6        2 0   0      9   9 9   9 9   9
 222  0   0 44444    //    6666   222  0   0  ===  9999  9999  9999
2     0   0    4    //     6   6 2     0   0         9     9     9
22222  000     4   //       666  22222  000         9     9     9

      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9
62| -  - | -  - | -  - |ThePas|ThePas|Elphin|Sperli| -  - |Waterh| -  - |62
63| -  - |<---- Winnipeg ---->|Pierso|GullLa|Ericks|Austin|Dauphi|GrandR|63
64| -  - | -  - |Gimli |Fraser| -  - |FisheR|StLaur| -  - | -  - |Lyleto|64
65| -  - | -  - |Gillia| -  - | Winn |Sifton|Winpgo|ForkRi|Goodla|Gypsum|65
66| -  - | Winn |Sincla| Winn |Poplaf|Medora| -  - |<---- Winnipeg ---->|66
67| -  - | -  - | -  - |Waskad| -  - |Church|CrossL|Thomps|MooseL| -  - |67
68| -  - | -  - |Wanles|StLaza|Tadoul|MacGre|Tilsto|FlinFl|(Crei)|Wabowd|68
69| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | Winn | -  - | -  - | Winn | -  - | -  - |69
72| -  - | -  - |McAule|Treher| -  - |<-----------  Brandon  ---------->|72
73| -  - | -  - |Rorket|OchreR|SwanRi|Starbu|Sanfor|Letell|Peters|Eriksd|73
74| -  - | -  - |Ethelb|Cypres|Somers|Carman|Morris|Delora|Virden|Rathwe|74
75| -  - | -  - |Alexan|Pinawa|GrandB|HazelR|GrandB|Lockpo|StJean|ShoalL|75
76| -  - | -  - |Lundar|Dougla|Hamiot|Shilo |Libau |Alonsa|Ashern|Elgin |76
77|<---- Winnipeg ---->|Russel|<--Winnipeg->|Minto | -  - |Thomps| -  - |77
78| Winn | -  - | -  - |<--Winnipeg->|Selkir|<---  Winnipeg  --->| -  - |78
79| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |79
82| -  - | -  - |Morden| -  - |Wawane|PilotM|RapidC|Glenbo|Carman|PlumCo|82
83| -  - |<---- Winnipeg ---->|Carber|McCrea|SwanLa| Winn |Kenton| -  - |83
84| -  - | -  - |Birtle|Amaran| -  - |Elkhor| -  - |Foxwar|ClearL|Newdal|84
85| -  - | -  - | -  - |Dugald|Pipest|OakLak| ???  |Portag|Hartne|Rossbu|85
86| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |StFran|Clanwi|Anola |Minned| -  - | -  - |86
87| -  - | -  - | -  - |Crysta|Basswo| -  - |Snowfl|Reston|Lorett| -  - |87
88| -  - | -  - |SteAga|StAdol|Pointe| Winn |Teulon| -  - |<--Winnipeg->|88
89| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |<---- Winnipeg ---->| -  - | -  - |89
92| -  - | -  - | -  - |<--Winnipeg->| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |92
93| -  - |<-------  Winnipeg  ------>|SanCla| -  - |Roblin| -  - | -  - |93
94|<---------------------------   Winnipeg   -------------------------->|94
95|(950S)| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |<---- Winnipeg ---->|[T-??]|(T-PT)|95
96| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | Eden |Kelwoo| -  - | -  - |96
97| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |[976S]| -  - | -  - | -  - |97
98| -  - |<--------------  Winnipeg  ------------->| -  - |<--Winnipeg->|98
99| -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - | -  - |99
      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9

Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart

Alexan - Alexander         FisheB - Fisher Branch      Melita - Melita
Alonsa - Alonsa            FisheR - Fisher River       Miami  - Miami
Altona - Altona            FlinFl - Flin Flon          Miniot - Miniota
Amaran - Amaranth          ForkRi - Fork River         Minito - Minitonas
Anola  - Anola             Foxwar - Foxwarren          Minned - Minnedosa
Arborg - Arborg            Fraser - Fraserwood         Minto  - Minto
Arden  - Arden             Garden - Garden Hill        MooseL - Moose Lake
Ashern - Ashern            Gilber - Gilbert Plains     Morden - Morden
Austin - Austin            Gillia - Gilliam            Morris - Morris
Baldur - Baldur            Gimli  - Gimli              Neepaw - Neepawa
Barrow - Barrows           Gladst - Gladstone          Nelson - Nelson House
Basswo - Basswood          Glenbo - Glenboro           Newdal - Newdale
Beause - Beausejour        Glenel - Glenella           Ninett - Ninette
Belmon - Belmont           GodsLa - God's Lake         Niverv - Niverville
Benito - Benito                       Harbour          Norway - Norway House
Berens - Berens River      GodsRi - God's River        NotreD - Notre Dame de
Beulah - Beulah            Goodla - Goodlands                       Lourdes
Binsca - Binscarth         GrandB - Grand Beach        OakLak - Oak Lake
BirchR - Birch River       GrandR - Grand Rapids       OakRiv - Oak River
Birtle - Birtle            Grandv - Grandview          Oakban - Oakbank
Bisset - Bissett           Gretna - Gretna             Oakbur - Oakburn
Boisse - Boissevain        Grunth - Grunthal           Oakvil - Oakville
Bowsma - Bowsman           GullLa - Gull Lake          OchreR - Ochre River
Brando - Brandon           Gypsum - Gypsumville        Oxford - Oxford House
Broche - Brochet           Hadash - Hadashville        Pelica - Pelican Rapids
Brookd - Brookdale         Hamiot - Hamiota            Peters - Petersfield
Camper - Camperville       Hartne - Hartney            Pierso - Pierson
Carber - Carberry          HazelR - Hazel Ridge        Pikwit - Pikwitonei
Carman - Carman            Hecla  - Hecla              PilotM - Pilot Mound
Cartwr - Cartwright        Hollan - Holland            Pinawa - Pinawa
Church - Churchill         Ilford - Ilford             PineDo - Pine Dock
Clanwi - Clanwilliam       Inglis - Inglis             PineFa - Pine Falls
ClearL - Clear Lake        Inwood - Inwood             PineRi - Pine River
Cormor - Cormorant         Kelwoo - Kelwood            Piney  - Piney
Cowan  - Cowan             Kenton - Kenton             Pipest - Pipestone
Cranbe - Cranberry Portage Killar - Killarney          PlumCo - Plum Coulee
Cranda - Crandall          Kleefe - Kleefeld           Plumas - Plumas
Creigh - Creighton         LaBroq - La Broquerie       Pointe - Pointe du Bois
CrossL - Cross Lake        LacBro - Lac Brochet        PoplaR - Poplar River
Crysta - Crystal City      LacDuB - Lac Du Bonnet      Poplaf - Poplarfield
Cypres - Cypress River     Landma - Landmark           Portag - Portage la
Darlin - Darlingford       Langru - Langruth                      Prairie
Dauphi - Dauphin           LeafRa - Leaf Rapids        Pukata - Pukatawagan
Delora - Deloraine         Letell - Letellier          RapidC - Rapid City
Domini - Dominion City     Libau  - Libau              Rathwe - Rathwell
Dougla - Douglas           Little - Little Grand       RedSuc - Red Sucker Lake
Dugald - Dugald                       Rapids           Rennie - Rennie
Easter - Easterville       Lockpo - Lockport           Reston - Reston
Eddyst - Eddystone         Lorett - Lorette            Rivers - Rivers
Eden   - Eden              Lundar - Lundar             Rivert - Riverton
Elgin  - Elgin             Lyleto - Lyleton            Roblin - Roblin
Elie   - Elie              LynnLa - Lynn Lake          Roland - Roland
Elkhor - Elkhorn           MacGre - MacGregor          Rorket - Rorketon
ElmCre - Elm Creek         Mafeki - Mafeking           Rossbu - Rossburn
Elphin - Elphinstone       Manigo - Manigotagan        Russel - Russell
Emerso - Emerson           Manito - Manitou            SanCla - San Clara
Ericks - Erickson          Marque - Marquette          SandyL - Sandy Lake
Eriksd - Eriksdale         McAule - McAuley            Sanfor - Sanford
Ethelb - Ethelbert         McCrea - McCreary           Selkir - Selkirk
Falcon - Falcon Lake       Medora - Medora-Napinka     Shamat - Shamattawa

Abbreviations for towns and cities in the above chart (continued)

Shilo  - Shilo             SteRos - Ste Rose du Lac   Thomps - Thompson
ShoalL - Shoal Lake        StFran - St Francois       Tilsto - Tilston
Sidney - Sidney                       Xavier          Treher - Treherne
Sifton - Sifton            StJean - St Jean           Vidir  - Vidir
Sincla - Sinclair          StLaur - St Laurent        Virden - Virden
Snowfi - Snowfield         StLaza - St Lazare         Vita   - Vita
SnowLa - Snow Lake         StMalo - St Malo           Waasag - Waasagomach
Somers - Somerset          Stonew - Stonewall         Wabowd - Wabowder
Souris - Souris            StonyM - Stony Mountain    Wanles - Wanless
SouthI - South Indian Lake StPier - St Pierre Jolys   Warren - Warren
Sperli - Sperling          Strath - Strathclair       Waskad - Waskada
SplitL - Split Lake        StTher - St Theresa Point  Waterh - Waterhen
Spragu - Sprague           StTher - St Theresa Point  Wawane - Wawanesa
StAdol - St Adolphe        Sundan - Sundance          Whitem - Whitemouth
Starbu - Starbuck          SwanLa - Swan Lake         WinBch - Winnipeg Beach
SteAga - Ste Agathe        SwanRi - Swan River        Winkle - Winkler
SteAnn - Ste Anne          Tadoul - Tadoule Lake      Winn   - Winnipeg
StClau - St Claude         Teulon - Teulon            Winpgo - Winnepegosis
SteepR - Steep Rock        ThePas - The Pas           Woodla - Woodlands
Steinb - Steinbach         Thicke - Thicket Portage   Woodri - Woodridge

Other abbreviations and notes

[Diry]  - Directory Assistance Exchange
(Crei)  - Creighton, Sask - not part of 204, but likely protected to
          allow for local dialing into Manitoba (to avoid confusion)

???     - this may be active for testing, or may have appeared to be
          active on the phone system by mistake
(T-PT)  - reserved for phone testing
[T-??]  - reported active for phone testing
(950S)  - reserved for future alternate long distance services
[976S]  - for special announcements services

Note and Comment

Manitoba Telephone System (MTS) runs the telephone service in Manitoba.

While exchanges outside Winnipeg should be fairly complete in this list,
MTS isn't too eager to list its Winnipeg exchanges too clearly. Winnipeg
numbers are likely to be always somewhat out of date considering exchange
growth due to cellular phones, pagers, growth of electronic exchange
services, etc. No specific data has yet been found for mobile/paging

One incident which occurred in late '90 was an attempt by MTS to introduce
a 666 prefix to the Winnipeg exchange. This met with opposition, as the
number 666 is associated with the number of the Beast mentioned in the
Bible's book of Revelation, and the number is associated with satanism.
MTS backed off the assignment of 666, and instead the new prefix 654
was used. In other areas, BCTel saw fit to assigning the 666 prefix
to the federal government in area 604; other instances occur in some
other North American area codes.

MTS has announced some expansion of local calling areas and other technical
improvements in the province. This will likely mean service to new areas
of the province (some new exchanges have already formed).

Some changes from previous release(s):

- Hecla is listed as 279 and is a new place in the Tel Codes list as
  of December 1991; other new prefixes are Winnipeg 771, 933, 982, 984
- with January '91 release, new Winnipeg exchanges include 336, 654, 770, 833
  Split Lake 341, Fisher River 394. A 976 service appears to be active,
  and 958 is mentioned with Winnipeg location, but likely a test number.
- with April '90 release, new Winnipeg exchanges include 231, 333, 697, 784,
  787, 896, 897, 932, 981.
- April '90: new Brandon exchange 332
- MacDonald has been replaced by Portage La Prairie (incorporated into
  exchange, or corrected from last Tel Codes issue).
- God's River is a new exchange (366).
- Tadoule Lake (684) is also new.
- some other corrections and updates made based on recently-obtained

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