Name: How To Build And User A Magneta Box Date: 5/14/90 Time: 10:11 pm HOW TO BUILD AND USE A MAGENTA BOX. Designed and Written by Street Fighter. First of all I named this the Magenta Box because all of the fags that made boxes, whose only purpose is adding a hold button to your phone, used all of the fucking colors. I can afford a fucking piece of shit Radio Shack 2-line phone with hold. A box's purpose is to fuck with the Telco., not to add a fucking hold button to your phone. Anyway I will get on with this. PARTS LIST: SPDT Miniature PC RELAY (about 9v, 500 ohm) DPDT Miniature PC RELAY (about 6v, 500 ohms, 12 mA) 2000 or so uF electrolytic capacitor 1 meg resistor .01 uF capacitor 555 timer chip 2 diodes (1N914) 10 K resistor 1 K resistor 9 volt battery -w- clip Pc Board 4 alligator clips some kind of a box (small) some 20 or 22 gauge wire to work with. If you don't know how to put together a project by looking at a schematic, then isn't the project to start with. I would ask someone with some electronics knowledge to give you a helping hand. This has to be put together on a pc-board. Enough talk, now the schematic: +9v ^ | +---------------+----+----------------+ | |8 |4 | | ------------ | / | |3 | |--| \ | |-------------------->|---+------|\ | 1 Meg / R1 | | | | C| \| (1000K)\ | | | - O|\ | | | 555 | \ ^ I| \| | | chip | 10 K / | L|\ | | 7| | \ +------| \| +------------| | / | |--| | 6| |2 | | +------------| |-------------+-------+ | NC | ------------ | | +-o o o--< | |1 |5 --------o NC | | | TIP #2 | | | --___ | | | NC + | | | ---o---+ | | | o o o--< --- | ---.01 uF | | | | | RING #2 2000 uF -^- C1 | -^- --------o-- | --+ | | | *see note | | | | | | | | | | +-------|--|C | | | | | | | | |\ |O +---+ | | | | | | | | \|I | | | | | | | | +---|--|L | | | | +-------------+---+-------------------+-----------+ | | | | | | | ----- | +-----------+-------------+ | --- | | | - +--/\/\/\----------+------------+ GROUND 4.7K | | 9V | | | +------------< RING #1 | | +---------------< TIP #1 K E Y ~~~~~ NC - Normally Closed --< - Alligator Clip --- -^- Capacitor ->|- Diode | - ^ Diode | o o o Contacts on relay. DPDT o o o --------o ___---o Contacts on relay. SPDT -- --------o -/\/\/\- Resistor | / \ Resistor / | Whew! Well, the schematic explains almost everything. It would be helpful to you if you used one color for the line #1 clips and another for the line #2 clips. It will work even if you get the ring and tip mixed up, but you must get all of the clips on the right line. But, to be safe, you could put tags on each clip labeling it RING #1, TIP #2, ect. Installation. Find one of those green posts that are about 3 feet high. They are everywhere. Get a socket wrench to open it up. There will be (a) row(s) of paired up posts. Each pair of posts represents a line. YOU *MUST* KNOW THE NUMBER OF LINE #1. Sometimes the number is tagged on to the pair of wires leading up to the posts, if so pick these posts as your line #1. Then you can pick any other set of posts for line #2. Now to the good part. Use of the the final product. When you call up line one from your house you will get a dial tone almost immediately. Using DTMF you can dial anywhere that the person who owns line 2 has service to. Which means you can direct dial alliance, Australia, and your favorite BBS for FREE. The Telco. will undoubtably discover the device after 2 days, so post the number on your favorite boards so you can abuse it while it is in service. With a 2000 uF capacitor and a 1 meg resistor you will get a 50 minute call before it disconnects you. By lowering the value of the resistor and capacitor you can change the time to your taste. So don't dial a wrong number, because you will have to wait 50 minutes until it resets again. The formula for the time is the following: 2*R1 C1 C1 is in microfarads ---- * ---- R1 is in Kohms 100 10 See schematic for location of R1 and C1. ----------- = Minutes 60 The time produced by this formula is only approximate. Well, that is one of the more complicated boxes to build. But it is very useful and will pay for itself with its first use. It would be wise to remove it before the Telco. finds it so you won't have to make another, or install it on a line that belongs to a family that is on vacation (GOOD IDEA) Well, there it is. I hope it saves you a lot of cash. I, Street Fighter, designed this box for the sole purpose of fucking over Ma Bell. It is not for imformational purposes, but to be used to cost the TelCo. thousands of dollars. If you wish to have one built for you. Leave me E-mail on the Iron Curtain or the CornerStone or any other board I frequent. It won't be more than $15, hopefully it will only be about $8. DON'T LET PHREAKING DIE! STREET FIGHTER - 1988