*********************************************************** * MEMBER NAME: BLUE * * *********************************************************** Read: BLUE BOX PLANS!! NOTE TO ALL:This is an original phile From the OSUNY BBS(now defunct)...it is still a very commonplace file, and many law enforcement agencies do have a printup of this file...If you were ever caught with a copy of this phile, I have absoluely no idea nor grasp of what the consequences would be..also note that it is an old hardware type file...unless you are really interested in building one, and can accept the consequences of being caught with a hardware blue box(outlined on d1's "PhreakersRights") then do not take this file and try to use it...it can certainly mean nothing but trouble for you.... \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/ \ / \ The Art and / \ Practice of / \ Bue Boxing / \ / \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/ =)>Originally typed by:<(= ~-Nickie Halflinger-~ ~- & Mr. America -~ THIS IS THE TONE MATRIX FOR A BOX WHICH GENERATES TONES THAT OPERATORS USE TO DIAL.ROTARY WORKS AS WELL, ON OPERATOR LINES, BUT THIS IS TECHNOLOGICAL(!). NOW I AGREE WITH THE OPINION OF A WELL KNOWN PHREAK THAT 'BOXING' IS/WILL BE FOR THE MOST PART DEAD, BUT THIS IS TRADITION... FIRST,YOU DIAL DIR.ASST, OR AN OPER. ETC, THEN YOU BLAST TE LINE WITH A 2600HZ TONE. THIS GIVES YOU THE LINE, THIS IS ALSO HOW MA BELL TRACKS DOWN BLUE BOXERS... THERE ARE 2600HZ DETECTORS SYSTEMS, AND EVEN ON OLD #4 CROSSBARS... ONCE ON A OPER.TRUNK LINE, YOU USE YOUR BLUE BOX/ROTARY TO DIAL... SO, IF YOU USE2600HZ, WHICH IS NECESSARY, UNLESS YOU ARE *VERY* CAREFUL, YOU WILL BE SNAGGED. FINALLY, THIS IS WHAT YOU READ!SO LONG AND HARD FOR: 700 : 1 : 2 : 4 : 7 : 11 : 900 : + : 3 : 5 : 8 : 12 : 1100 : + : + : 6 : 9 : KP : 1300 : + : + : + : 10 : KP2 : 1500 : + : + : + : + : ST : : 900 : 1100 : 1300 : 1500 : 1700 : USE KP TO START A CALL, AND ST TO STOP, WITH THE BELOVED 2600HZ TONE TO DISCONNECT. I ALSO HEAR THAT 2600HZ RESETS SPRINT NODES AND GIVES YOU THEIR INITIAL TONE.. NOW, IF YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT WHAT TO CALL FROM AN OPERATOR TRUNK, HERE ARE SOME GOODIES TO HELP YOU OUT: XXX+101 - TOLL SWITCHING XXX+121 - LOCAL OPERATOR XXX+131 - INFORMATION XXX+141 - RATE & ROUTE XXX+181 - COIN REFUND OPERATOR XXX+11501 - MOBILE OPERATOR XXX+11521 - MOBILE OPERATOR XXX+11511 - CONFERENCE OPERATOR THESE WORK WITH ROTARY OR OPERATORS TONES, BUT ONLY ON OPER. TRUNK LINES... THANKS FOR LISTENING! Blue Boxes, Part II While reading the fine article on the blue box I saw that there a lot of data left out of the document. I hope this adds, in some small way, to the information. First the tones. While all the informatio is correct, the timing specs were not included. The tone pairs are to remain on for 1/10 sec. with 1/10 sec. of slience between digits. The 'KP' tones should be sent for 2/10 sec. A way to defeat the 2600hz traps is to send along with the 2600z some pink noise(most of the energy in this signal should be above 3000hz, this signal won't make it over the toll network, but should carry as far as your local toll center) so that the traps won't find 'pure' 2600hz on the trunk. Ths is not a perfectly safe way to box, but it should slow down the discovery. As to use, the first thing you need to understand is that there are two(2) types of toll completing trunk, inward and outward. The names are reference to the ofice that is switching the call(The toll center that serves the WATS line you called) and each type of trunk has a different class of service. From an inward toll completing trunk, you can reach the different service operators, the toll test board and the Inward Operator. Some offices also allow remote testing and it is in these offices that you can access the outward toll completing trunks. The Outward trunks allow you to make Verification(emergency) calls, do service monitoring(tapping), stack trunks(busy out all trunks between LA and NYC), enable and disable TSPS positions, and in some cases(on some 4A's) issue temporary rerouting instructions( send all calls from LA to NYC via Miami, Boston, or any other class 5 office or offices). Both type of trunk allow you to place a 'standard' call with a box. In some offices, mostly the small ones with a toll test board that is unattended at night and on weekends, you can get an outward toll completing tUh oh... (>tward toll completing tUh oh...