LESSONS of FAITH - 1 It �was �in the bag. �He was clutching it like it �was �the last �thing he owned. �And it was. �The attendants had to pry �it from �his �hands. �When they opened it, �they �found �over �3000 dollars, ��mostly small bills. �By some standards, �he might �be considered rich, but you see, he wasn't. He was poor, �wandering the �streets, �sleeping in alleys and doorways, �begging for food and �money. ��He �had found a good area where �the �people �were generous. �He asked and they gave. Yet, when they found him, dead from �the �cold and lack of good food, �his clothes were old �and dirty, �and his pockets were empty. �All he had was that bag �and 3000 dollars. What happened? What �happened is that he failed to follow one of the �most important �teachings in the Bible. �God's principle of Use. �This same �principle is rarely applied in many of our own lives, ��and yet it is easily recognized as "missing" �in others. The man with the bag failed to apply the principle. �He was keeping all he had hid in a paper bag. He was saving for a rainy day. He was so busy saving �for an unsure future, �he failed to see the storm �around him, ��and he ended up dead on the sidewalk, �clutching his �only belonging. It was in the bag. That which he cared so much about is now useless to him. �He didn't use what he had. �He kept it hid in a bag, while he wasted away. He didn't spend a cent for food, clothing, or anything. �He kept saving, saving, saving! Now it's too late. He didn't use it. It was in the bag. Are �you holding on to all you have? �Are you afraid to �use it? Are you saving for a rainy day? Don't! Don't die holding the bag! ��God wants you to use your talents and your resources. ��He gave �them �to you, �not so you can hide them in a bag, ��but �to display �to �all �for His Glory! �Jesus, �in the parable �of �The Talents, ��was pleased at the servants that used what �they �were given �and �angry at the servant that buried his portion �in �the ground. �(See Matt. �25:14) �Jesus even instructs us not to �save treasures �on �earth where moth and dust �corrupt, ��and �thieves steal, �but to save treasures in heaven, �for where our treasures are, our heart will be also. (Matt. 6:19) Please, take it out of the bag! LRH 10/10/85