�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� �� ���������� ���������� � Vaginal and Anal Secretions Digest � � �� �� ��� ��� �� ����������������������������������������Ķ � ��� ��� ���������� ���������� � Issue #6 - October 31, 1994 � � �������� �� �� �� ����������������������������������������Ķ � ���� �� �� ���������� � Copyright (C) 1994, VaS Publications � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� Introduction ������������������ � Written By: Locust Abortion Technician � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Welcome to yet another issue of VaS digest. We actually seem to be able to put these things out at a somewhat decent pace and keep them somewhat intersting to read, so hey - we're doing pretty good. Anyhow, we here at VaS are considering sort of a VASC0N kinda deal (yeah we're gonna rip off the old SummerCon/HoHoCon bit). We are looking for any other major t-file groups that would be interested in joining forces to undertake this somewhat massive project. If you might be intersted (and don't write for LeeCH) let us know on the VaS world HQ. So enough of the lame ass introduction and on what may possibly be the most /<-RaD issue of VaS ever... �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� Introduction2 ����������������� � Written By: The Psychotic Pyrotic � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ For all who D/led digest 6 a few weeks ago and were wondering, this is now the official issue 6. LAT must have been really stoned when he released this last issue. Anyway, we cut the duplicate articles and added a few more. Look for VaS stickrZ and shirts in fy00tChEr issues. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� Mystery Solved ���������������� � Written By: Locust Abortion Technician � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Anyhow, Just in case you guys were wondering, We here at VaS were solely responsible for the Holocaust, the failure of the Bay of Pigs, the assasination of JFK (We think the lamers over at LEECH mag were the ones who went after Reagan since they fucked it up like usual), the strange crop patterns in Europe, the mutilation of farm animals in the midwest, all the floods that have been happening lately (we HaCKed The oCeaNz d00D!), and for Bill Clinton getting elected. You're welcome. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� Preoccupation ����������������� � Written By: Hedbangyr � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ THe girl was walking down the street.... The boy right beside her.... Matt pulled up to them...... Using the time honored tradition.. "Want some candy?" The hand reached in for the goods... His hand reached for the boys... Donovon heard a scream but figured it was the new lame counting crows video on MTV....... He kept on ironing clothes... The girl dropped her ice cream.... She looked down for it and cried... Martha was wondering why her kids were taking so long for the ice cream.. She looked out the window for them and encountered a beetle.. This commands her attention.... Fuck the kids.... Matt was sweating.... He didnt even know that his foot had been starting to press on the gas..... The boy was resistant.... Jimmy wondered whos bad-ass motor that was out there.. His dad was bitching about the dishes.... Couldnt check... The boy screamed again.... Matt had gotten the girl in the car and she was twitching.... No screaming.... Just the boy... The car kept moving... Matt grabbed his .357 ....... Blood splattered all over the street and door handle... In conciousness the boy slipped on his blood and his head fell under the tire...... the car stopped.... The head didnt..... Martha still busy with the bug...... Donovon with his TV..... Jimmy with his Dad...... He never heard the sirens.... We're all preoccupied sometimes........ �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� ]<-RaD SCaMz ������������������ � Written By: LeeCH HaCKuR d00d � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Hey dudeS!! This is l33ch Hacker man!!! I am here today to tell you some new scams I learned from the ultimate hackers! LEECH!!! Scam 1: Mother Ok go up to your mom and say you will cut the grass... Then ask her for some money for cutting the grass b4 you do it Ok now go and spend the money without cutting the grass!!!! You just scammed! Scam 2: Coin Trick Ok what you need is a penny.... I dont know where to get these but The Grim Phreaker said that they were reallly hard to get.. Try scam 1 to get one... Anyway what you have to do is get the penny and go to some l00s3r!! [Someone who is really big and muscular] say hey man i bet you 10 dollars that this penny will land on its head... Of course being the idiot he is he will say ok![If he says no he is a leech Hackur d00d!!] Then throw the penny in the air..... Let it land on the ground. It will spin for awile [I dont know how it works! If anyone has a Tfile on how Coins work send it to me!] if it lands on heads he has to give you 10 dollars! If it lands on tails just say that the coin cheated and make him give you 10$!! Scam 3: Bank Scam! This is REAL HARD so watch out [Only L33ch HackuRz think this is easy and pull it off without a sweat!]. What you do is go to a bank and go to one of the real dumb people that have thingies on thier chest [Anyone have a Tfile on These peeple? They have dumb names like Jenny and Anna! I dont like them!] Say 'My name is Nick Shitco and I lost my wallet... I was wondering if you can give me some money... Say like 7$?'..... Now she has two options 1] Give the money 2] Dont give you the money [Dont ask me how i found out! I had to read ToP-SeCReT to get that info! ] If she gives you the money you have to thank this person.. You have to pull down your pants and then you wave your ===DINGER=== around your nose!! [ I learned this from a cool l33ch hacker!] If she dosent then you have to fit through those holes they have in the glass to get in and get it your self!!! What a scam!!!!!!! Scam 4: Bullet Ok you need two people to do this! get a gun and put it in your mouth.. Then say 'I bet you that when I pull the trigger i can get more bullets down my throat then you! [Dont worry it doesnt hurt! only in the movies! [L33ch mommy told me]]' He will laugh at you.. [What a dumb-ass he is]. So pull the trigger three times...!! You are guarenteed to win... After all you have three bullets and he has none!!! You are rich!!!! Ok i hope this file was a help to all of you loosers trying to lead a life of fraud that only a l33ch hackur d00d can!!!!!! C-U-l8r -=L33ch HackuR d00d!!!!!!!! [l33ch/dork/gay/fag/qu33rbh0y/hypergay] �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� UseNet Post Of The Month ������ � Written By: HaiRY FLaTuLaTeD SPaGHeTTi � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Another new feature for VaS. We basically will just be scouring USENET for the funniest post of the month. This month's particlar post comes off of the alt.sex newgroup I beleive... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: chen@csri.toronto.edu (Chen Wang) Do you want to know if that special someone has saline implants? Take her to Colorado, or Mexico City or anywhere that is in a very different elevation. Apparently, the saline implants get air bubbles in them due to the change in air pressure and you can hear a swishing and popping type sound. So next time your boyfriend says he just wants to listen.................. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� Serial Killing Made Easy ������ � Written By: Da Rapist � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Well this article will deal with the ins and outs of serial killing. I know you all watch those fine tv shows like HARD COPY and the NEWS and see those cool honkey serial killers (weird, you never see black serial killers) who slice and dice people up for fun. Now you're probably sitting there saying "hey, that looks pretty cool". Well yeah, it is. And if done right, you might never get caught. The great thing about serial killing is that usually you don't get caught very easily because you are killing a whole mess of people you DONT KNOW and usually mutilating them beyond recognition (heh heh mutilation is cool heh heh). Yes this is truly a fun sport. If you just keep a few minor guidelines in mind, you will be assured of a fun slaughtering spree. First of all, most good serial killers want to target a specific group to attack. I myself prefer to go after teenage sluts. They are by far the most fun to degrade, then slaughter. However there's always old ladies, blind people, retarded people, black people, etc. Although you can usually be assured of a good time if you have a young attractive blonde singled out and carry a copy of VaS's "Basic Rape Techniques" in your back pocket. Now the next part is deciding on a few murder weapons. In order to avoid getting the murders linked, its usually a good idea to vary the methods of killing. For example, you may want to drive a wooden stake through your first victim's skull, and then peel off the skin on his limbs. Then for your second victim you might want to drill a 7/16" hole in their chest to stun them, and then reach down their throat, and pull their internal organs out. This one always gets a few odd stares from passersby. For locations of murder, this one is always tricky. You dont want to do it anywhere where someone might hear the screams of a person having his eyeballs removed from their sockets. I prefer to do my killing around lunchtime in fairly loud places. For example, in the bathroom at a crowded, noisy resteraunt. After finishing him off, put him in a stall, lock the door, and crawl out from under to make your escape (after washing your hands well of course - we do want to be sanitary , eh?). Now it will be a few hours before someone finds him (usually not until the end of the night when they have the retard janitors coming in to clean up, and they notice a pile of steaming entrails laying on the floor. Of course finally, in order to authenticate the serial killing, you will want to leave some sort of sign that it was you. I personally like to leave a copy of VaS's "Penis News Flash" in their wallet. This way they know it's me doing it (they just dont know who "me" is, heh-heh). Now I don't think leaving your home phone number or anything like that would be a good original idea, but how about leaving maybe a picture of Nick Sitko (The Grim Phreaker of 810 Lame Fame) or something stupid like that... Anyhow I hope you find this information extremely useful and decide to go on a bloody rampant killing spree. Hey, why not slaughter every lamer in your area code (I am plotting this one out for 313 AC as we speak). So go out and have a good time, and save some kidneys for me! �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� M0Re oF KaPTaIN ]<-RaD �������� � Written By: NoCTuRNaL B0Dy 3MiSSioNz � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Well after a long vacation, we have finally tracked down the wherabouts of that famed s00peR haCquEr ]<-aPTiN /<-RaD! We located him somewhere near Alabama incesting small farm animals and peeing in the slurpee machines in 7-11. After a brief chat, We feel we can fill you in on THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF KAPTAIN KRAD... Shortly after his rendezvous with Paul Ruebens to save the world from the evil FBI, KapTaIN KRaD decided that once again it was time to enter that sacred realm of s00peRhaKeRd0m. Firing up his Pie-RaTTeD copy of QmoDem Pr0 For windowz (KaPTaIN KraD, like ALL LaMerz, iS uNABlE To USe D0S SuCCEsFuLLY), He StaRteD AtTaCK DiaLiNg The LoCaL ANsi-HaCkEr BBS. uNaBLe T0 ConnEcT afTer 309 conSecutive tries, he switched over to FuCKiN HaCKEr v4.SeCT0RediT95. He HaD juSt HeaRd AbouT The NeW3Zt C0DeZZ. ThEY WeRe ThE 911-XXXX CoDEzzzz. So He enTeReD "911-6969" as The nUmBeR t0 HaCK and "422537XXXX" as the template (ThaTS HACKERXXXX for YoU iLL3TraTe TyPEz). AFtER A Few MiNuTes oF HaCKiNG HiS PhONe WaS RiNGiNG uNConTRollablee. "umm HeLL0?" came KapTaiN KraDS pathetic whiny greeting to the 911 opeRaToR. "Is everythin all right 0ver TheRe M'aam?" was the opeRaT0rz resPoNse (having that high pitched modem geek voiCe oFtEn CoNFuSed operatorz as t0 his gender). "uMMM WOW i HaCKEd The 911 SySTEM!" KaPTain KraD exclaimed. He slammed the phone down, and PRoCeeDed t0 LoAD uP CsH0w 2000 (PiRaTed ReGisTereD copy, 0f CouRSE) and L0aD up HiS SuPEr diRT-EEE CD R0m GiF FesT. AfTeR StiCKyiNg uP HiS KeyboARd a BiT M0re, He StARteD t0 BraG t0 hiS FriENDs aBout WhaT a S00peR HaCKEr He Was. WoRd GoT AroUNd to The auThORS of SHiT MaGAZINe (SoMe HaiRy iLLiCiT TeSTACLEs) AnD b00yy WERe tHeY PiZZeD 0ff aT KaPTaiN KraD! TheY JuST HaD REleaSEd An ARticle 0n h0w T0 haK 911 aNd HeRe ThE LaMERz WeRE aLReaDy doiNG iT ! H0w un-]<-RaD!!1!!!!11 S0 The StuDz aT ShIT MaGaZINE haD t0 eXaCT REVEngE oN KapTain KraD. WhateveR sHouLD ThEY d0? HaCK HiS m0dEM (usiNG vaS DiGeST TechniqueS)? Nah, too easy. DiScOnnEcT HiS PH0nE Lin3? Nah, he gets that all the time. InstEaD tHEy CaRdED SoME PLANe TiCKets t0 go PaY Mr. KraD a ViSiT. UpON ARRiViNG iN t0wN ThEY sToLE A MaCK [daddy] TruCK And Dr00Ve it oVer kaPTaiN KraDS HouSE. ThEy HaD The PLAN t0 eLiMiNATe THiS PeSt oNCe AND FoR ALL. WhEN KapTaiN KraD anSwEred hIs D00r EXPeCTiNG His ShipMeNt oF 23 caRdEd 28.8 moDeMS he was iN FoR a biT OF A sh0CK (no PuN iNTenDed). The SHiT guYz GraBBeD HiM, anD aTTaCHeD The DreaDeD JuMpEr CABLes 0f d00M To HiS GnaDz. ThE OtHer ENd WaS CoNNecTeD t0 ThE AlTernAt0r oF The MaCK [daddy] TruCK. The SHiT PReSiDEnt Fl00reD ThE GaS, INstANtly RemoVing ThE GnaDz of KapTaiN Krad. NoW KaPTain KraD wAsnT g0iNG TO Go FoR this. He wEnt iNsIDe, and LocKed The D00rs. Then He B00teD up His Copy 0f BASiCA (He hasnt goTTen ThAT n3w WaRe GW-BaSiC Yet). He WroTe The f0LL0WiNG PRoGRam: 10 REM ********************* 20 REm ** HaCK MACK ViRuS ** 30 REM ********************* 40 REm 50 REM GuArEnTeeD t0 HaCK The MaCK 60 REM 70 HACK MACK TRUCK 80 PRINT "HAHA Y0uR HACKED d00d!!!!!!!" 90 IF MACK TRUCK NOT HACKED GOTO 70 He proceeeded to run his New VirUs aND The MaCK got HaCKED! HaRDC0re! KaPtaiN KRad sat back aNd LauGHed aT THe DeStruCtioN His LaMEr ASS hAd uNLeaSHed. BuT This WaS NoT T0 LaST... TO BE CONTINUED AT A LATER DATE !1!1!!!!1111 KRAD!!!!!!! �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� SuIcIdE iN StYlE �������������� � Written By: Mogel � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Okay, so all my life I've been waking up in a cold sweat having dreams that one day I could actually write for VaS!! That day has finally come that I can unite with the RaDest guys on 'da scene. Now don't doubt me, YES I can be as obnoxious and ignorant as them! Really I can!! Fuck the homos, fuck the blacks, fuck the jews, fuck anything that is or isn't me!! You ALL suck and VaS kicks everyone and everything's ass. With that out of the way, I'll begin the file. This file is not about the lates way to get ]<0d3z or the gNu |-|4C/ | | St4Yz a 0-3 d4y ZiT3!!!11!!1 | | | |___________________________________________| _______________________________________________ | | | Dear Mom, | | I'm a little tea pot short | | and stout. Here is my penis, here is my | | spout. There once was a lady named Venus | | whose body was shaped like a Venus flytrap | | Remember the alamo? Where's my liver? | | I'm melting...I'm melting. I wish, I wish, | | I wish I was a fish. Mom I think I love | | you won't you tell me your name. Haha, | | tricked you that's a line from a song. | | I like to call Mogel's board at 2157323413. | | Well, at least now you know where Dad's | | shotgun went to. I really don't have too | | much to say now that I'm dead. Oh yeah, I | | wanted to mention that I always hated our | | family outings to the forest. Uncle Jack | | with nachos and big farts and always hearing | | you and dad scream as you were having sex in | | tent next door. Please engrave "I'm Coming" | | on my grave stone and best wishes to you. | | I did it for Drano. Please excuse the Mogel | | Plug, Goodbye.... | |_______________________________________________| Another more affective note technique is to be an asshole. You need to gather up all that anger and let it loose in a flame note. Observe: ___________________________________________________ | | | YOU MONEY GRUBBING SACK OF SHIT! I AM SO | | FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF YOU AND THIS LIFE | | AND THIS WORLD AND YOUR PLACE IN IT. HERE | | LIES MY MOTHERFUCKING BODY, ASSHOLE. YOU | | WANNA KNOW WHY I'M HERE?! I'M HERE BECAUSE | | YOU FUCKING PUT ME HERE! THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S | | YOUR FAULT!! I COMMITED SUICIDE BECAUSE OF | | YOU!! NO MATTER WHAT YOUR FRIENDS WILL TRY TO | | TELL YOU, I SLIT MY WRIST BECAUSE BLEEDING TO | | DEATH WAS MORE FUN THAN LIVING WITH YOU. YOU | | BITCH! YOU KILLED ME. | |___________________________________________________| This letter is the best kind. It's great fun to die knowing you have put a kind of guilt on a person that they will never forget. Hey, you might even get them to commit suicide too. But no way will their letter be better than yours(unless they were reading this great text file).. their's will say something like "..i just couldn't live with myself..." That wollows in lamity compared to yours, huh? The next thing I'm going to discuss is the actual methods you can commit suicide. This first part is the list of old, been-done, stupid things that only lame suicide people do. Suicide For Losers: ------------------ 1) Hanging yourself 2) Slitting your wrists 3) Shooting yourself 4) Stabbing yourself 5) Jumping off a building 6) Going into the bathtub with a toaster 7) Overdosing on something /