�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � � � � �� �� ������ �������� � Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter � � �� �� ��� ��� �� �� � � � �� �� �������� �������� � Issue #127 - 3/15/1998 � � �������� �������� �� �� � � � ���� �� �� �������� � -[ Written By: emmanuel on Crack ]- � � � � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � eMMaNueL GoLdsTe1n on Cr4ck � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ For many years, we at VaS have been bashing Emmanuel Goldstein and 2600 magazine. And, as usual everyone has copied off of us, but i ocasionally get an email or msg on irc along the lines of "Why are you ripping on emmanuel, he's 'l33t". Well, emmanuel was never "'l33t", and if u think so, i'll let you in on a new secret red box.. This is easier to do than that greeting card shit. Just walk up to any payphone, slit your wrists and pour the blood into the quarter slot. Then u w1ll g3t phr33 c4llZ d00dz!@!@!@! But seriously, emmanuel has been around forever(1984?), yet he still has never hacked ANYTHING. And for all those who didn't know, he was the genious technical advisor behind the greatest movie of all time: Hackers. Enough bullshit on emmanuel.. He does a better job making himself look like an idiot then we ever could. Recently, #2600 had an "0pWaRzz" where emmanuel was kick/banned. These are parts of the logs of this "opwar". We have cut out the non-important parts for clarity and to not bore the fuck out of the reader. We have in no way modified any of the following. No matter how coked up it sounds, emmanuel actually said this shit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Session Start: Mon Mar 02 16:22:12 1998 *** Now talking in #2600 *** Topic is ' FUCK OFF, find some1 else to harass_' *** Set by nerf on Mon Mar 02 16:08:31 #2600 created on Sat Feb 21 04:50:01 how many non-ops support what nef is doing everyone be quiet emmanuel: am i right or am i right? =) bout the only thing not fucked up was the mouse and modem reason? hehehe <_akira> by banning ppl who were flooding and shit I DONT HEAR ANYONE *** NeXX (Dick@md50-247.mun.compuserve.com) has joined #2600 nice job protecting the rest of us nef <_akira> you were too busy bullshitting away while ppl fuck around not one of us supports you aaaaaahahah -> *emmanuel* i got a problem... you are our saddam irc is NOT a democracy *** sadjester (~sjester@cobalt.octane.net) has joined #2600 but unlike the iraqis we got balls hey sadjester irc ain't shit sadjester <_akira> and i bgot my ops revoked for banning flooders and lame fucks who ask shit like wtf is autoexec.bat n shit./ aaahaha emmanuel hey i seriously might buy your next box, if you haven't sold it **Welcome to "Democracy Online?"** perhaps we could stay the subject here? :) sorry emmanuel mtv attention spans <_akira> and i love the way nef goes idle i'm staying put <_akira> as soon as tymat starts shit <_akira> or mka floods the channel <_akira> thats just too convenient dont you think? *** NeXX has quit IRC (Leaving_) at 6:00 pm there will be a demonstration and civil disobedience in #2600 *** the_gh0st (gh0st@bantha3.phillynet.com) has joined #2600 kewl heh we will be gathering in the channel to protest the oppression of the people infi: still dont wanna help? im leaving at 6. bring signs and chant Session Close: Mon Mar 02 16:25:56 1998 Session Start: Mon Mar 02 16:27:32 1998 *** Now talking in #2600 *** Topic is ' FUCK OFF, find some1 else to harass_' *** Set by nerf on Mon Mar 02 16:08:31 #2600 created on Sat Feb 21 04:50:01 you are tho. i havent had this much fun since my last anti-nuke rally <_akira> im just bringing things to your attention WHOS BOTS ARE THOSE? sadjester if you flood me, i promise you wont be happy how things turn out 6:00 pm hmm now THAT is a threat nerf: am i ever happy call your friends <_akira> i think THAT was a threat bring your family WHO CONTROLS WHO IS BANNED/OPPED? *** Wolfgame has quit IRC (Ping timeout_) *** Warmech (kory@mboard.com) has joined #2600 segv i dont have a bot in the channel dumbass pets are welcome * davd is away _- Automatically set away. -_ all messages will be saved. <_akira> my my how the tables have turned * sadjester has had the first theat pinned to him *** CpU (loot@p10-as1.dubadl.tinet.ie) has left #2600 nerf. * emmanuel is notifying the press emmanuel someone just msged me for a fucking press release there is a difference *** HagCel (hagcel@pm3-tst75.tstonramp.com) has joined #2600 segv there are others who have masters also so whats your point? Nerf, Segv, Emmanuel.. do you know? emmanuel do all of those own the bot too? 30 minutes til rally ack, came in late. what are we protesting again? I need to steal someones Guestbook... argh! there are 62 people in here now <_akira> i know whose about to own the kline to that bot =) thats not the point. we will have over 100 by then maybe 200 the other botmasters emmanuel this will be like 1989 romania isn't it scary how irc mirrors real life? are just as guilty as you are. <_akira> either make a change you'll have to flee in a helicopter I will give you a couple of bots for the inf <_akira> or be forever booted once we take it back info hahaha akira the tighter the ops pull their grip, the weaker their power will become <_akira> i know <_akira> im a funny guy yes, they caught up to ceausescu you know <_akira> =) NEF again dont start <_akira> danke and they shot him live on tv OP ME NOW. Please someone. emm read your mail, just got errant stuff again you'd do well to remember history * davd has returned. -> *emmanuel* sorry to bother you....i have a parental conflict that is stating that i won't be able to keep my 2600 shirts or going to the local meetings (which i lead)...1) do you allow refunds on tshirts and 2) advice PLEASE!!! *** GSRPnoY (next@sf-pm12-30-62.dialup.slip.net) has joined #2600 the shah of iran akira no <_akira> i think ya'll tried that already *** nerf sets mode: +m *** nerf sets mode: +v _akira *** mmmmmmmm (~raven@kalypso.cybercom.net) has left #2600 <_akira> *emmanuel* move to #2601! i can go as far as posting mka's info if i must. this is just going with my principles *** Dedbeat (dead@sf-asc1-203-204.dialup.slip.net) has joined #2600 *** sadjester was kicked by nerf (nerf_) <_akira> only you and tymat have had disagreements with me if its only me and tymat <_akira> makes you wonder why was it that 4 people who made the bots thougtht you shouldnt get ops damn newbies been here 6 months and you know how things are <_akira> im supposed to believe you nef? LET US TALK! <_akira> let me know when stalin is overthrown 20 minutes to the rally to overthrow the #2600 dictatorship!_ some people seem to think the channel is still +m - IT ISNT you created your insomnia thing *** _akira (akira@brainchild.trancenet.com) has joined #2600 you have a voice people, USE IT if they had irc in the 1930's thats where the nazis would have started Emmanuel: Are you the real article? no, i'm a puppet of the proletariat Puppets don;t revolt. Pupets obey emmanuel, you need to lay off the cough syrup.. really man. there are people who have been here for years who are more clueless than people who have been here a month <_akira> nef, whatever you cant measure this based on time plus nobody has the right to measure it or intelligence hiih thefloyd - you're supposed to say 'i'm worried about you man' emmanuel - hahahahaha another southpark fan =) acf - i havent had time - i'm getting all these msgs i cant even read come ON people - we only have 65 people here OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. we only have 14 minutes OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. OP EMMANUEL SO I CAN GET OPPED AND FEEL KEWL AGAIN. nightline's gonna be covering this hey emmanuel i doin things dont bother me! segv will stay banned THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED emmanuel i was just thinking wouldn't it be great if EVERYONE LEFTR after the rally we should all leave we'll march down the efnet #2600 rights GIMMEE AN N GIMME A I GIMME A G GIMME A G haha what in the fuck is going on in here GIMMEE AN N_ WHAT DOES THAT SPELL? *** soultrap is now known as kast NIGGIE!! *** phr_ has quit IRC (Leaving_) hahaha goddammit nef is gonna be SORRY - al sharpton is coming emmnauel bite me mka- in your dreams emm emmanuel..nehh not relaly *** Roots- (~tcp@gw.icpma.com) has joined #2600 you think for alll your bitching That's pretty sick that emmanuel just said that. that i would have banned you you have what you wanted uhm emmaunel wat would you do if you had ops? you cant ban me nef because if you did people would see you for what you are and you dont want that as long as it stayed that way i NEVER said this was fine so are you saying your word is worth that? you said "as long as it stays -k or -m i dont really care. its fine with me" maybe it was one of those fake emmanuels you're always so worried about taking over i would be content if there were no ops at all emm id ont kick you anymore but you go around opping all your butt buddies and it's some sorta power trip stopped that a long time ago and stll you bitch you kicked indigo cuz you didnt like his domain you kicked segv cuz he was annoying you no we cant even CHANGE THE FUCKING TOPIC *** darkcube (darkcube@ts013d11.det-mi.concentric.net) has joined #2600 hello all i saw you flooding and you didnt get kicked wait now when was this? wow look at that erm.. indigo didnt even get to SAY anything his mere presence is enough to get banned well how democratic yhe said enough earlier and you're the one who decides who has 'enough' to say emmaunel and you would be to if you were an op Session Close: Mon Mar 02 16:55:08 1998 Session Start: Mon Mar 02 17:01:03 1998 *** Now talking in #2600 *** Topic is ' got an opening for a system engineer in NYC - contact david@2600.com_' *** Set by nerf on Mon Mar 02 16:58:33 #2600 created on Sat Feb 21 04:50:01 i will only kickban and +m if the channel gets flooded and emmanuel this is NOT #hack *** tpp (tpp1@pm168-09.dialip.mich.net) has joined #2600 free the channel free the channel free the channel free the channel freedom free the channel emmanuel: are you on a free the channel deal like tou want to free kevin mitchnik? free you so you can do what? you all are lame i am not lame free the channel *** fh_ (~hostile@max06-25.qni.com) has joined #2600 Free the channel free the channel <|ce> ? I CANT HEAR YOU free the channel Free the channel *** tpp is now known as em4nu3l free the channel Free the channel +m it again Free the channel *** emmanuel was kicked by nerf (nerf_) *** nerf sets mode: +b *!*@2600.com freee the fukin channel *** emmanuel (~emmanuel@2600.com) has joined #2600 *** emmanuel was kicked by infi_ (Banned_) Free the channel ./kick #2600 emmanuel shuddddup *** phen` was kicked by nerf (nerf_) *** nerf sets mode: +b *!*@ts1ppp4.magiccarpet.com I am sick of his bickering heh nef can you like uhm like unvoice someone like not moderate <|ce> hmm.. but give them no speakin privaledges mka its not +m now yes i know :) you may be desynched *** emmanuel2 (~emmanuel@setec.org) has joined #2600 FREE THE CHANNEL_______ emmanuel iz 0wNeD THEY MAY KILL ONE OF US free the channel BUT THEY WILL NEVER GET ALL OF US *** emmanuel2 was kicked by nerf (nerf_) *** nerf sets mode: +b *!*@setec.org i bet i can however fill the ban list trying to keep the channel -m go for it heh will you join in our crusade? who will join and stand with me? * fh_ frees his wang it needed to be freed * bitchymka frees her tits * sadjester sighs Software Review: KoMMaNdEr KeEn 1- by MeGaEliTe Hi, I'm mega3l33t. Commander Keen is a big strong boy who runs from building to building. He has nice little legs and a tight ass. He is so strong and it makes me sweat when he uses his long titanium shaft pogo-stick to overcome large slimy throbbing jelly-like monsters. He's so petite and sweet. I would just like to take him out of the game and make him run around in my pocket. oh damn tits all over will you join in our crusade , who will be strong and stand with me? but the crusade is of course for freedom -F.R.E.E.D.O.M- * fh_ WhiPS oUT his CoCK anD haNGs a GoLDeN StReAM oN em4nu3l's FaCe! *** emmanuel3 (~emmanuel@panix.com) has joined #2600 FREE THE CHANNEL FREE THE CHANNEL FREE THE CHANNEL *** emmanuel3 was kicked by dalilama (that was fun, let's do it again!_) *** emmanuel3 (~emmanuel@panix.com) has joined #2600 FREE THE CHANNEL FREE THE CHANNEL FREEDOM! * em4nu3l ThRowS emmanuel3 To THE FLoOR anD DELiVERs a KiCK FROM thE FaiTHFuL ComBIe To emmanuel3's FoREheAD. aFTER cARvInG a SwASTiKA iN emmanuel3's bACk iN HoMMaGe to his MenTOr, em4nu3l MethODicaLLY caRvES the stiLL-UnConCiouS coRpSE in PrePaRatiON foR FuCKin! FREE THE CHANNEL HACK THE #2600 and while your at it. free mitnick FREE THE CHANNEL FREE THE CHANNEL YOU STUPID FUCKS FREE MANSON!!!! FREE THE CHANNEL FREE MANSON!!!! FREE THE CHANNEL HACK THE PLANET!! HACKERS THE MOVIE ROCKS!!! HACK THE PLANET!! HACKERS THE MOVIE ROCKS!!! * em4nu3l , goRgED wiTH A haLF DozEn oOZinG WeASeL LivERs, beATs his ABDoMEn unTIL a SHowEr oF GorE SpLAShES ACRoSS emmanuel3's diSco VeST... FREE THE CHANNEL SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM I'M STILL A VIRGIN!@!@!- 0 cool FREE MANSON!!!! *** fh_ (~hostile@max06-25.qni.com) has left #2600 free the channel!!!WILL YOU JOIN IN OUR CRUSADE?!?! who will be strong and stand with me? *** nerf sets mode: +m oh well +m it is *** sadjester was kicked by nerf (nerf_) *** nerf sets mode: +b *!*@cobalt.octane.net akira well i just find it funny that emmanuel is such a idiot emmanuel says its a rally, thats why hes flooding umm ok rally on irc? wtf hes the guy that makes all the idiotic rules happen its funny how lame poeple get when they look up to emmanuel sadjester live in illinois i should drive over there and kick his ass in person *** nerf changes topic to 'emmanuel and his clueless followers. this is funny_' why is the entire *!*@2600.com domain banned? haha fearwire cuz everyone from there is a fuckin morn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I don't think i have to say anything. FuCKiNG BaNNeR-RaPe-JeW-MaCHiNe aSCii FoRMaTTeD aND DeSIGNeD BY VaS!! �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � ���������������� ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ����������������� � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � VaS WWW HomePage http://www.sinnerz.com/vas/ � � The Floating Pancreas WeB BBS www.infected.com � � ftp.umich.archives.etext.edu in /pub/CuD/VaS � � ftp.etext.org in /pub/Zines/VaS � � ftp.eff.org in /pub/Publications/CuD/Vas � � ftp.dto.net in /pub/zines/Vas � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � NE BBS's still around? Interested in being a dist site? Email us at � � vas@sinnerz.com � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ (C)opywrite VaS. If YoU RiP ThIs OfF wE WiLL FuCk YoU uP! [VaS] '98 - "Don't debate with me girl, just come here and die while you still have the option of doing it quickly!" - Pinhead