�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � � � � �� �� ������ �������� � Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter � � �� �� ��� ��� �� �� � � � �� �� �������� �������� � Issue #124 - 11/3/1997 � � �������� �������� �� �� � � � ���� �� �� �������� � -[ Written By: HuEy f00lbert NeWt0n ]- � � � � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � FlAvA f00l oN ThA 0lD sCh00l T1P � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ From : Black And Huge #1867 To : Hedbangyr #831 Subject: life is boaring Date : 01 Apr 97 17:36:13 *** Quoting Hedbangyr #831 to Jade #1861 dated 03-31-97 *** > Well Michelle I would be glad to take this opportunity to ask for > those numbers. After harassing them i will then > proceed to post the wavs around just so everyone can hear them. > Anyways if you would like to chat about somthihng bring up a topic! > Personally i enjoy music and programming and have a twisted sense of > humor but as of now college has used up my daily allotment of brain > cells so sorry... > > > [------------------------ End of Quote ------------------------] Excuse me Mr. Headbangyr- Being a black man, and a member of Afro-America, I do not appreciate the humor in the degeneration of the population. In fact, Jehovah's witness may look like some dumb ass honkeys when the come to yo door, but they is a minority similar to the rest of us. Next time please cognitate before you agitate and/or desecrate the barbituate of the superior race. word. Brownie From : Black And Huge #1867 To : Hedbangyr #831 Subject: life is boaring Date : 16 Apr 97 23:31:19 *** Quoting Hedbangyr #831 to Black And Huge #1867 dated 04-02-97 *** > Mr. Brownie > > Obviously you did not understand what I was saying. The Jehovah > and the African race are very similar indeed. But you forget the fact > that i will bust you in the back cause i got the knock to make to step > back and watch you smoke some more of the crack. y0.. > > > [------------------------ End of Quote ------------------------] Do you know that your people have enslaved my people for two hundred years? Dumb smartass honkeys like yo damn self is about to get shot. If I find out where yo ass lives, yo momma is going to fins yo head mailed to her in my fuckenn EMPTY KFC BUCKET B I T C H Black and HUGE ..------- From : Black And Huge #1867 To : Cybercracka #1859 Subject: life is boaring Date : 16 Apr 97 23:33:21 *** Quoting Cybercracka #1859 to Black And Huge #1867 dated 04-03-97 *** > Yo Phunkey phunky Ph00l d0g w3rd! > > [------------------------ End of Quote ------------------------] Yo bitch you trippin i'm big bad hank i got more ryhmes than serious so come on b i t c h sing dat song to tha rythym of the boggie-da-bang-bang-da-bong i'm here i'm there i'm big bad hank i'm everywhere B U S T A From : Black And Huge #1867 To : Hedbangyr #831 Subject: Morons.. Date : 16 Apr 97 23:36:18 *** Quoting Hedbangyr #831 to All dated 04-12-97 *** > > I apologize to all of you who cared to reply to either mine or > CyberCrackas message. > > 1-That thread was mine and his. You wasted Bandwith and space by > replying and quoting to the whole message with a 'Huh? i d0nt nudustand > wat you say..' > 2-To those who cry 'race war'. Im sorry you cant comprehend the word > SARCASM next time dont take messages to serious. You seem to be the > same people that people can rip off quite easily becuase you seem to > believe everything you see or take it personally like a child. > > 3-Im sure if a sysop decided our thread was worthless he/she would have > asked us to stop which we would have completely done. You decided to > take it into your own hands and interpret it wrong which you shouldnt > have done. > > -=(*) None of you can be trusted with guns (*)=- > -=h3dbangu8r289ur28urrrrr=- l1k3r w3wp! > > [------------------------ End of Quote ------------------------] and just who do you think yo punk ass is? martin lawrence ? From : Superstar Hank Williams #146 To: All Subject: My bad self Date : 18 May 97 16:03 What up yall I go by the name Superstar Hank Williams, although some of you may know me as the high priest of LSD. Dierobot is my illegitimate black brother, so i had to call this board. I am an amateur rapper / jungle DJ and would love to do any parties or go in on any old school gang rhyme. I am aspiring to be a mod/it wizzzzzard and enjoy the nostalgia of my emulator software. If any of you are experienced in the s3m/mod/it/etc mix and have any kick ass tracks that i could analyze, please email my punk ass. later my homies and only brothers Superstar * H A N K W I L L I A M S * That's me dogg! From : David Mitchell #140 To: All Subject: Yoyo Date : 19 May 97 02:40 Hey Hank, ya should check out the program called REBIRTH. I can send a copy up here... Its a TR303 / TR808 emulator and it sounds EXACTLY like those 2 particular devices. From : Superstar Hank Williams #146 To: Filthy Rich #1 Subject: This area... Date : 21 May 97 22:01 *** Quoting Filthy Rich #1 to All dated 05-21-97 *** > I'm am asking everyone that has been posting in this area to 'chill-out' > with the cyber/dope rap. OFFHOOK! tries to keep a sort of > professionalism as users of all ages call. I prefer a more > intellectual atmosphere myself. Thanks! > Filthy Rich man thats a badass name dogg! Its all about mon-ee ya know Man I know some of you got a problem with the way I jive. See some fellas say that I act like a clown. They say: "Hank whats wrong with you? Why you talk like a monkey clown?" Well all I got ta say about that is that man when you wanna bust freestyle for some filthy ca$h you gotta be on toppa the rhyme or the ryhme is gonna be on top of yo po ass. All this jive about my style reminds of a rhyme that will make y all smile. a from the time I was only ten years old (uh huh) i never forget what i was told it was the best ad-vice that i ever did have it came from mah wise and dear old "dad" he said "sit down punk i wanna talk to you, and don't way a word until i'm through... now there's a time to laugh, a time to cry a time to live and a time to die a time to freak and a time to chill to act civilised or act reel ill but whatever you do in yo life time you never let an MC steal yo rhyme so from '86 to this very day I'll always remember what he had to say do it do it DO IT! uh huh uh huh huh huh HUH so keep in real in my hood, and watch yo da*n language on the man's bbs systems. its like dracula w/out his fangs, like the boogie to tha boogie w/out the boogie bang * S/S HANK WILLIAMS ]I[ ************* From : Superstar Hank Williams #146 To: Kurt #30 Subject: This area... Date : 25 May 97 00:23 *** Quoting Kurt #30 to Superstar Hank Williams #146 dated 05-24-97 *** > Man you really need to knock off the stupid crap. It annoies me just > as much as filthy rich. Let's get some real posting going on here not > that stupid rap sh*t. If I had it my way all rappers would be killed > cuz they are stupid fools that are trying to make a buck. Now listen > to some metal they actually put thought into their music. Rappers > don't have to think cuz they already have a reputation of killing, > raping, etc... Metals groups actually think and try to get a point > across not like I'm gonna bust a cap in yer ass if you touch my bitch > again. And what's the deal with rappers degrading everybody, mostly > women. Do you see metal groups doing that... NO!!!!! So get over > this stupid sh*t. Post something worth reading, I don't like seeing > stupid posts about stupid stuff, MAINLY RAP. > man, its yo racist ass thats trying to pull tha plug on me and my homies. sure, hate the black man, and use yo damn stereotypes. how many times did i say that i was gonna kill someone in my message or use a gun? man, ain't nobody be talkin about death and violence in the hood. man, i don't listen to metal, but i don't write you shit about blach blach blah duh metal sux because we dont get as much pussy as you fly fly funky fried chicken rap rap artistes. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSshhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it, man dogg if you gotta complaint take it up with my home dogg Super Freak Rick JameZ because he deals with the bustas the marks and the hitmen you know. Man, you know i hate going off on the violence tip but id love ta smack thew taste out yo mouth. but YO i ain't like that. I'd smoke yo ass in the street and piss on yo bleeding and moaning honkey corpse, but YO I ain't, I say I ain't like that a tat tat. yo I'm more like a saint when I'm sayin i aint so regulate the cognitate and don't hesitate to penetrate the hymen of racism. SUPA SUPERSTAR HANK "friendly, neighborhood hank" "DENOUNCE THE 40 OUNCE AHHAAHHHAHAAHHHA MAN DRINK THA MICKEYS WIDE MOUF" P.S. YO IT AINT A BLACK THANG SO WHAT UP NOW From : Superstar Hank Williams #146 To: All Subject: ??????YO FAVORITE MALK LICKA:""?*** Date : 25 May 97 00:26 Hello hello all adults and children alike No one is young enough to escape the magic of malt licka whether yous and old man or you ride a fresh stolen bike aint nothin sweeter or thicka than my motha, my wife, my my my malt likkkkkkkkkka so i ask yall across the land what happens to be yo favorite brand? from mickeys wide to colt 45 which one makes you spit the best jive ? S S H W Date: 7:10 pm Sat Jul 6, 1996 Number : 25 of 36 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : GeNeRiC MeSSaGeS To : All Refer #: None Subj: Negros of the World Unite Replies: 4 Stat: Normal Origin : Local Now Today I've been looking out my window, looking at a lotta bigshot honkeys. A lot of honkeys sittin on a lot of money. Thinkin that they be the "high society" or something. Well, I'll tell you something, THIS is the "HIGH SOCIETY". There's more culture in Dee-Troit than in the whole damn world. That's right mothafucka, as soon as Farrakhan finishes THA BLACK MOTHASHIP we'll leave all you honkeys alone to starve by YO DAMN SELF. Then and only then will you pay the ultimate price: The price of being a white honkey shit. That means you, Pterodactyl, you fucken cracka Date: 7:11 pm Sat Jul 6, 1996 Number : 39 of 41 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : WoRD ASSoCiATiON To : [= Anonymous =] Refer #: 36 Subj: Re: wordz Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> oj simpson M> liar > el Negro And the NEGRO ... Where the FUCK does he go? Right here's apartheid ... You can RUN, but you can't HIDE Date: 7:22 pm Sat Jul 6, 1996 Number : 261 of 274 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Sk8 or DIE dude To : Pedo Refer #: 260 Subj: Re: sk8ers Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> not all skaters hate rollerbladers, and vice-versa.....unless they just blad P> around asking like hard-asses.....but any other time, there is usually no P> problem, unless the skater is an ass SKATERS and ROLLER*STAKERS alike should be SHOT in the head and then thrown into the ghett0 to be EATEN by the Detroit species of the wild Negro < < < Date: 7:24 pm Sat Jul 6, 1996 Number : 33 of 34 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : .SEXPLOSION. To : Sex Kitten Refer #: 1 Subj: Re: sex Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local SK> OK now listen up SK> this base is to talk about sexsexsex SK> and i DONT want it to get out of hand like it did on the tag board SK> man cant we all just get along SK> SK> SK> SHiNy HaPPy PeOpLE SK> SeX KiTTeN Sex Kitten, I will ask you bluntly, can I fuck you? I cannot hold back my urges any longer. Every time I call here, I massage the screen thinking it is one of you supple breasts. Love, Foolbert X 0 X 0 X 0 XXX Date: 4:54 pm Tue Jul 9, 1996 Number : 41 of 50 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : GeNeRiC MeSSaGeS To : Akasha Refer #: 34 Subj: Re: Negros of the World Unite Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local A> Before you go spewing out all these racist obscenities, I suggest you get yo A> head out of your ass long enough to do more for the black community than A> sitting over here and bitching about shit. A> DENOUNCE tha 40 OUNCE, Akasha. When I speak, tha BLACK RACE LISTENS Date: 4:58 pm Tue Jul 9, 1996 Number : 42 of 50 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : GeNeRiC MeSSaGeS To : Akasha Refer #: 40 Subj: Re: Negros of the World Unite Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local A> QUIT MAKING IT WORSE FOR THE BLACKS WHO ARE INTELLIGENT! A> A> -Akasha Intelligent blacks = whites "Bryant Gumbel should stop acting white" - Ice-T You know, sometimes I sit at home you know, And I watch TV Wonderin what it would be like to live someplace like, you know, Cosby Show, Ozzie and Harriet, You know where cops come and getcho cat outta da tree, All you friends die of old age... But, you see I live in the slums o DEE-TROIT, and unfortunately SHIT AINT LIKE THAT ITS REAL FUCKED UP Date: 5:10 pm Tue Jul 9, 1996 Number : 173 of 175 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : ThE WAR RoOm To : Akasha Refer #: 168 Subj: Re: The Race Card Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local A> Both Dawn adn I were working there, but we quit because the management are A> just really fucking idiots. I mean, seriously. That fact the Jo's still up A> there and she hasn't been fired for throwing her usual "I can't get my way" A> tantrum is beyond me. A> A> -Akasha AKASHA, mah AFRICAN brother....... WE must FIGHT against the DENNYS opressor. Come, join in fist into the new Detroit league for AFRICAN ACTION.... to join call, 438-0497... WE NEED YOUNG BROTHAS LIKE YO SELF FOR THE RANKS ! Date: 4:42 pm Wed Jul 10, 1996 Number : 60 of 76 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : GeNeRiC MeSSaGeS To : Mule Refer #: 51 Subj: Re: Negros of the World Unite Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local M> really now? M> i think i will check on that since i find it hard to believe M> Mule Maybe if you were at THA " MILLION MAN MARCH " then you would have seen me speaking, and all of my BLACK brothers listened and burned a young honkey in effigy. Date: 5:45 pm Wed Jul 10, 1996 Number : 217 of 220 From: The Foolbert Sturgeon Base : ImMa NeW UsER To : Akasha Refer #: 204 Subj: Re: hi Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local A> Look, MORON! Nobody was talking to you. I suggest you look up the word A> before you use it, you obviously have no idea what it means. A> A> -Akasha BLACK: black (blak) adj. Blacker, BLACKEST. Abbr. bl. blk. 1. Having no light whatsoever: a black cave. 2. Belonging to an ETHNIC GROUP especially NEGROID. 4. Used with animal and plant names dark in color: Black Bass, Black bird, Black boy, etc. 5. Soiled, as in soot 6. Evil; Sinister: BLACK DEEDS. In conclusion: BLACK is BEAUTIFUL Date: 7:01 pm Sun Jul 14, 1996 Number : 99 of 111 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 80 Subj: Re: Niggers Of The World I Salut Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> Yes it is, you even told me you lived there! What did you move or P> something? Christ, phil, quit trying to bs your way out of everything and P> then more people would respect you.... P> My name is fucking ALEX you damned dumbass. OF all the infoforms of mine that you have seen which have my supposed "info" can tell you that much... I have never used real info on any board in my history of BBSing. As for living in grosse pointe, thats bullshit too man. Its really funny how my real info means so much to you. Strange ??? "Sometimes we're all preoccupied" - Sean Farrugia Love, Alexander P. DeLarge "Look here you white shit , I don't want you fuckin around on mah pager.." "OK sir, please, I'm sorry.... I've got my friend on the other line.. ohhhh.." "Yo, FUCK YOU" Date: 1:21 am Mon Jul 15, 1996 Number : 104 of 113 From: Pterodactyl Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : The Sexecutioner Refer #: 100 Subj: Re: Niggers Of The World I Salut Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local TS> No, actually I am Phil Donahue and I have been on this board to observe you TS> guys and find interesting people for a new show thats coming up : "FAGGOTS TS> NIGGERS AND DIRTY JEWS . Congratulations, you all are invited to tzake pa TS> !!!!!!!!!!!! Especially PTEROCRACKA = Micheal Phipps Michael... but i prefer mike.. oh yeah, and my number is 313-455-3716... I live at 49047 Woodway Drive, Plymouth Twp, MI 48170.. you see how afraid I am of you fagets? -Pterodactyl Date: 8:10 pm Wed Jul 17, 1996 Number : 108 of 114 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 87 Subj: Re: Niggers Of The World I Salut Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> Well if you have it then why dont' you do something... Damn, P> Sexicutioner, sometimes I sit in front of my computer crying. And do you P> know why? Cuz I can NEVER be as "cool" as you. I mean it, I can never be as P> "cool" as you. You are probly a real stud and you get all the real kewl P> wemen. You know, you must be so cool that no1 could ever be as cool as you P> are. You must have the hottest girlfriend and she must be 5 years older then P> you. I mean, how could i ever have been so mistaken? I am sorry I ever made P> any rude comments in your general direction, I just wanted to be you're P> friend. P> P> Your freind, P> Mike Well. That's all very touching, but there is one element of that message which strikes me with a hint of disgust. That is the fact that the message you posted sounds like a cheap imitation of one of mine. I think everyone on this board know my style, and yours. I think everyone on this board knows that the message I am replying to is a cheap and very unamusing copy of one of my many. If you're not going to do it right, don't even fucking try it, nigger. Date: 8:13 pm Wed Jul 17, 1996 Number : 109 of 114 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 90 Subj: Re: Niggers Of The World I Salut Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> tp'ing my house every two monthes.. the sad thing? I aint' even goin out P> with her! BTW, if anything happens to her, you die. It's bad P> enough that your fucking with me, but if you get any crazy ideas in your I'm going to fucking rape that chick, jiz on her face, beat the hell out of her, and then spit on her and leave her in a ditch. Or else I'll leave her on your doorstep, now that I know everything about your neighborhood and surroundings. I know how to plan an even better attempt at meeting you with all the info you posted. Not one for strategic combat, Pteronigger. Date: 8:42 pm Tue Aug 6, 1996 Number : 201 of 204 From: Super*Freak Base : Musical Thoughts! To : Sgt. Pepper Refer #: 33 Subj: Re: floyd Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local SP> AH, MR. Clegg.. Corporal Clegg is a Barrett song, so where are your loyalti CORPORAL CLEGG IS NOT A BARRETT SONG And if I hear a fucking dumbass poser like you ever talk about Roger Keith Barrett again, I will kill you. SYD cannot be compared to any other floyd members. The floyd were Syd's servants. Obviously, all of you know nothing abour music. Corporal Clegg was written by Waters you primates.... Barrett was kicked out of the band at that time... It was waters's and gilmour's idea to kick him out... and that was a mistake, considering the band would have gained godlike status had barrett stayed. what it all came down to was that waters and gilmour were JEALOUS FAGS who wanted to be hardasses, something like yourselves, although a bit varied. If any of you poser bolsheviks EVER talk about barrett again, I will hunt you down and kill you like a dog. Date: 8:43 pm Tue Aug 6, 1996 Number : 202 of 204 From: Super*Freak Base : Musical Thoughts! To : Mr. Bad Guy Refer #: 54 Subj: Re: floyd Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local MB> they go 'These are the pros and cons of hitchhiking') ... some of radio kao MB> is ok ... (but not much) ... all of syd barretts are sweet (I got the boxed You are a poser and I should crucify you. Date: 8:44 pm Tue Aug 6, 1996 Number : 203 of 204 From: Super*Freak Base : Musical Thoughts! To : Mr. Bad Guy Refer #: 59 Subj: Re: floyd Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local MB> He is VERY mellow ... that's what I like about him. Maybe it was because of his EXTENSIVE lsd usage.... Can you even comprehend the quantities of Lysergic Acid Dielthylamide that this man consumed? Date: 3:23 pm Fri May 31, 1996 Number : 109 of 125 From: Pterodactyl Base : Elite Discussion To : Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Refer #: 99 Subj: Re: i Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local RF> bitches are a fucking joke, if you haven't realized it already.... those RF> you fags like pterofuckj never get the pussy because you all must realize, RF> women WANT you to disrepect them.... you see, they think its a joke. I ha RF> never said anything about "my personality and her personality" bullshit, th RF> for fags who end up getting nothing from nasty ass whores, and losers like RF> dark ass rider know that... And this statement proves your a total fucking idiot.. thats why you will wind up getting lotz of pussy but never really get anything out of the girl except a quick fuck... Date: 7:01 pm Fri May 31, 1996 Number : 111 of 125 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Elite Discussion To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 106 Subj: Re: i Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> Woo, I'm so scared... fuck that shit.. I was fucked up to start out with.. P> anyways.. you dont even no me.. so how are you gonna come find me and shoo P> me? let me get this straight.... 1. You want to get to know girls for who they are 2. You have never been fucked up in your life 3. You hope to be nice to people, so that the world would be a better place. And you are acting like a HARDASS? All of these things you have admitted in your posts. You are nothing but a fucking loser pussy. If you don't think I could be at your fucking house tomorrow, raping your fucking mom, think again you fucking LOSER... Date: 7:05 pm Fri May 31, 1996 Number : 115 of 125 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Elite Discussion To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 109 Subj: Re: i Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> And this statement proves your a total fucking idiot.. thats why you will P> wind up getting lotz of pussy but never really get anything out of the girl P> except a quick fuck... How can you talk, considering you have never fucked a bitch? That's all I want, man fuck the relationships, the are a fucking drag and get boring after a month.. you have obviously never been in any. You see, I used to hold your theories when I was in middle school. but slowly, after much experience, i have seen the light. bitches aint shit but hos and tricks �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � ���������������� ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ����������������� � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � ftp.umich.archives.etext.edu in /pub/CuD/VaS � � ftp.etext.org in /pub/Zines/VaS � � ftp.eff.org in /pub/Publications/CuD/Vas � � VaS WWW HomePage http://www.sinnerz.com/vas/ � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � NE BBS's still around? Interested in being a dist site? Email us at � � vas@sinnerz.com � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ (C)opywrite VaS. If YoU RiP ThIs OfF wE WiLL FuCk YoU uP! [VaS] '97 - "I gotch yo boy HANGIN!"