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You might be thinking, "So why the fuck should i care about some nasty tasting liqour when i can be drinking Absolute?". The answer is that Absinthe produces hallucinations and gives a better buzz than normal hard liqour. People have compared it to an extremely long Nitrous trip with mild pysilocibin style hallucinations. So you know see why this drug is so cool. It gives a long Nitrous buzz with trips. But you might be asking now, "Why should i risk my life and sanity drinking this shit?". Do you think OE is any safer? However, since Absinthe has been banned so long that it has been almost forgotten, you have a .000001% chance of finding a dealer that can get you it. So, the obvious thing to do is make it. Lately, i have seen several recipes floating around USENET for it. I will include them with comments along with some of my own. ** Absinthe #1 ** 1 pint vodka 2 tsp crumbled wormwood (dried) 2tsp anise seed 1/2 tsp fennel seed 4 cardomom pods 1 tsp majoram 1/2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp chopped angelica root 1 2/3 cups sugar syrup Place vodka in large jar with tight fitting lid. Add wormwood and shake well; steep 48 hrs and strain out. Crush seeds and pods in mortar. Add them and all remaining spices to vodka and steep in a warm place 1 week. Filter and sweeten. (The sugar syrup mentioned above is your standard simple syrup.) ** Absinthe #2 ** 1 tsp crumbled wormwood 1 cup vodka 2 Tbsp chopped peppermint leaves 1 piece of lemon peel, 3/4"x2" 1/3-1/2 cup sugar syrup Steep wormwood in vodka for 48 hours. Strain out and add peppermint leaves and lemon peel. Steep for 8 days, strain and sweeten. Smells good but is more bitter than #1. (For Vodka, i recommend using Popov's or Mohawk 50%. The end product will taste like shit anyway, so just buy the cheap stuff. Everclear would be a better substitute if you can get it. Wormwood and the other spices can usually be bought at the supermarket or holistic medicine stores. The syrup is not to be added until you drink the absinthe. It may also be substituted with sugar.) ** PiMp AbSiNThE ** 1 cup Diluted Grain Alcohol(ethanol) 75% (3 parts alc., 1 part water) 1 tsp dried and crumbled wormwood Add the wormwood to the alcohol and shake it. Put it in a warm area, like near a heat duct for 2-3 days. Now Strain the wormwood out of the alcohol. Now you may use whatever mixture of spices you want to flaver it. The stuff for number 2 would be a good idea because those spices are easy to get and you know it will be more like absynthe then some random choice. As you get more experienced, experiment with other spices, more wormwood, adding a small amount of methanol, etc.. Leave the stuff in their for a week and then strain or filter it out. When your done making it, the vodka should have been turned a dark greenish color. If it isn't, it dosen't really matter. The 19th century distilleries often added chemicals to color it. It should at least have a greenish tint to it. Before you drink it, add the syrup or sugar. It should change color to a cloudy white. For the Pimp version, you should put some water in a glass and hold a strainer filled with sugar over it. Now pour the absinthe through the strainer. Drink up. If you can hook me up with some smuggled Spanish Absinthe, get in touch with me on one of the VaS sites or Email me at tpp1@free.org. Excessive use is supposed to cause psychosis, hallucinations and insanity. But they say the same thing about Psychedelics. I say Fuck Em'. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � ���������������� ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ����������������� � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � Area 51 Dist 1 (313)844-3919 28.8k bps � � The Terrorist's Playground Dist 2 (404)394-3080 14.4k bps � � Lunatic Labs, Ltd. Dist 3 (213)655-0691 2400 bps � � ftp.umich.archives.etext.edu in /pub/CuD/VaS � � ftp.etext.org in /pub/Zines/VaS � � VaS WWW HomePage http://www.msu.edu/user/harri131/vas.htm � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � aH GoT JaNe VMB - (313)438-0390 /\ VaS VMB - (313)605-1060 � � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ (C)opywrite If YoU RiP ThIs OfF wE WiLL FuCk YoU uP! [VaS] '96 - "Don't be drinkin from my bottle bitch, thats bullshit. Still got seamen on your lips from my homeys dick....Take another sip of the OE!"