�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � � � � �� �� ������ �������� � Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter � � �� �� ��� ��� �� �� � � � �� �� �������� �������� � Issue #113 - 3/22/1996 � � �������� �������� �� �� � � � ���� �� �� �������� � -[ Written By: Foolbert Sturgeon]-� � � � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � dA fLaVa f00l StRiKeS AgAiN � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ Date: 5:47 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 25 of 25 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - Magazine To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 23 Subj: Re: VaS Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> You "almost forget" alot of things. Just noticed that... I still remember that night you came out of that fag bar and tried to rape me. Its a good thing I had my trusty louisville slugger with me. I had to laugh as I watched the paramedics try to pull that out of your asshole. Foolbert Sturgeon btw: My handle just isn't "scary" anymore, you dinosaurs strike fear into my heart. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:27 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 88 of 91 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : New Users To : Lord 13 Refer #: 79 Subj: Re: me Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local L1> It appears you got a fan of SOME sort. obviously you were never on Glassworld.... it was pretty funny... I stop calling for awhile, come back, and they have basically set up a fan club. I really don't understand why, because all i ever did was rip on their friends. I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS FROM GLASSWORD, you are like the niggers in my family that I never had. Date: 8:49 am Sat Dec 30, 1995 Number : 63 of 93 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : General Discussion To : All Refer #: None Subj: ! Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local Ahhhhhh........ it feels good to be back, and in honor of my re-appearance, I would like to wish you all a merry fucking kwanzaa, remember there is still 9 days left. Huey Foolbert Newton Date: 5:29 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 90 of 93 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : General Discussion To : The Mask Refer #: 89 Subj: Re: Tis the season Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local TM> I am still bent on World Domination, but I am starting up a corporation for TM> the new year. are you affiliated with the detroit chapter of the black panthers? Date: 5:31 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 99 of 100 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : The Thinker's Base To : The Mask Refer #: 97 Subj: Re: SCHOOL! Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local TM> Besides that it is cool. OCC is sorta cool, but it is only a community "OCC is a high school with ashtrays." -- Tpp Date: 6:06 pm Fri Jul 28, 1995 Number : 33 of 100 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Barflies only To : Angel Dust Refer #: 26 Subj: Re: this past thursday... Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local AD> Did anyone catch Collio at Lallplozza??? He kicked ass!!! It was the best t AD> were thrown beer and lite joints into the crowd. Defintly a concert to go s AD> when he is by himself... that damn nigger sucks... if you like rap, listen to EaZy.. Date: 10:16 am Sat Aug 5, 1995 Number : 56 of 100 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Barflies only To : Angel Dust Refer #: 34 Subj: Re: this past thursday... Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local AD> Eazy E fuckin sucks!!!! He is dead get on with your life..Coolio is way bet AD> than eazy any day!!! AD> AD> Angel Dust AD> (Shemhamforash Hail Satan) fuck that! Eazy is the funniest nigger that has ever existed !! Coolio is some sellout faggot nigger.. Date: 4:59 pm Sun Aug 13, 1995 Number : 67 of 100 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Barflies only To : Angel Dust Refer #: 60 Subj: /q Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local AD> What ever dude!!! You just have a bad choice in music. *I* have bad taste in music? You're the one who listens to Coolio... anyone who has heard them both will agree.. besides, i only laugh at rap, i dont listen to it.... rap is the worst type of music that exists today, so even liking it shows you that you know nothing about music.. Date: 2:42 pm Sat Jan 6, 1996 Number : 88 of 90 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Elite Discussion To : Tpp Refer #: 87 Subj: Re: y0 Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local T> I am Neitzche's Superman. I am the white Eazy-E Date: 5:34 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 9 of 9 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - Ansi To : Psycho Refer #: 3 Subj: Re: last ansi Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> That last ansi was for Tourian...he requested it a while ago...what do yah P> think Tourian? In case everyone is wondering, Frutaba did that one. I think that your ansi sucks shriveled nigger cock. Frutaba is pathetic, and skill-less. Psycho, you still scare me. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:40 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 54 of 58 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - Bitching To : Tpp Refer #: 51 Subj: Re: The state of the union... Replies: 1 Stat: Sent Origin : Local T> gotten scared and security is 5000x tougher than it was 4 years ago. The T> whole scene has been fucked by this Info-supahighway bullshit which has thus more fucked up lamers accumulate because hacking takes more devotion. Foolbert Sturgeon "Velociraptor's white illegitimate brother" --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 11:22 am Sat Jan 13, 1996 Number : 13 of 25 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - Magazine To : �Atallica Refer #: 9 Subj: Re: VaS Replies: 1 Stat: Sent Origin : Local �> oh man, foolbert. this is type o- from unknown religion..can we get along �> here? type-O? HOLY SHIT! I almost forgot about your sorry ass!!!! hahahaha... Your new handle makes you a badass! --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:44 pm Mon Jan 15, 1996 Number : 24 of 25 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - Magazine To : Darklord Refer #: 18 Subj: Re: VaS Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local D> You needent ask the question, as your use of the net is protected, under its D> laws... ;> Darklord, the only reason why I cannot post on the net is because you pussies are scared of the damage I will do. What is with the ";>"? Is that a come on? Really, Darklord, you are WINKING AT ANOTHER MALE USER. Also, no one ever emailed me except lord 13. If ANY of YOU out there have a problem with me, I suggest you say it to my face. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:45 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 47 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Velociraptor Refer #: 5 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local V> ����A raptor lept into the air, slicing Tourian's chest open P> Rev. Foolbert calls everyone a Jewniggerfag, so that don't really surprise P> me, as we have already established he is a complete moron. Anyone with P> foolbert on their bbs should change his user note to jewniggerfag or P> something like that. That would really piss him off. T> T> Is this the same Foolbert Sturgeon that was major into H/P/V/A/C and ran a b T> called Stoned Emmaculate, and then later changed it to 3rd stone from the su V> ����Tourian turned to run, intestines spilling onto the V> ground... V> V> No.. sorry to dissapoint you.. for one thing.. he's way too young.. only V> like 12 or so.. he copyed his handle off of that.. or so I think- V> Pterodactyl... that's right... eh? V> V> .�� V> Velociraptor`/ V> what the FUCK are you talking about? I copied my handle ? from who? what kind of fucking nigger are you? --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:51 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 50 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Psycho Refer #: 11 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> Yet another perfect example of foolberts immaturity. I never heard about P> that one. Psycho, I really don't know who the fuck you are, but if i see you on the street, I am not going to think twice about shooting you in your motherfucking face. See, I have no conscience, and no morals. If i killed you, I would feel no remorse. Do you understand? Right now you are at the top of my nigger list, and so I will be watching you. You do understand that if you keep making me hate you, the last thing you will see is me watching you die. Love, Foolbert Sturgeon --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:54 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 52 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Velociraptor Refer #: 20 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local V> Lord.. i'm bringing this discussion to an abrupt END.. this is NOT the V> fucken base for this shit.. there IS no base for this shit... it's LAME.. an V> has nothing to do with the net... you wanna trash me.. do it through private V> email... And if you and your BoYZ want to trash ME, then you can do it my face, you fucking pussy. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:57 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 53 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 22 Subj: / Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> Yeah, i think so. I remember Homicide thought he was best friends with Rev P> FOolbert. Well Homicide sucks. He's even worse then any lamer i've ever oh yeah, I was REAL good friends with homicide..... we ruined that fag. lamers like you talk about how you "drove him out of the scene", when actually, you just sat on your ass watching us do it. btw: I like your handle. It makes me fear you. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 5:59 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 54 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 23 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> No, he's 16. He was born 09-08-79. HE's like a few monthes younger then P> me. did you pull that one out of your ass? that's not even close to my real birthdate. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 6:00 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 55 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 24 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> To my knowledge, Midnight Angel never did anything. I asked her a few days P> about it and she said something like "We havn't done anything yet." Yeah, i P> they havn't done anything yet there never gonna do shit. i'm glad. I would have been scared if i had midnight angel on my ass. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 6:01 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 56 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 25 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> I got a couple MA vs Kuma wars sitting on my HD somewhere. I lost that P> Foolbert thing tho. ;( well one of them is a VaS issue... why would save MA vs kuma wars? it sounded like two niggers fighting over a drumstick --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 6:05 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 57 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Psycho Refer #: 38 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local P> Actually, I met him (at evilbash) and he looks nothing like John Arbuckle. P> How did that start anyway. As far as I can see, you, and quite a few other P> people (who shall remain nameless) who have been posting on this net, seem P> to find great enjoyment in making velly's life totally miserable, and now P> its starting to get me pissed too. obviously, P S Y C H O, you have not seen the light. making people's lives miserable brings a warm feeling to my heart. It is very fun to watch, and even better to participate in. So, quit bitching like you are my fucking girlfriend, and get some balls. P.S. You are a PSYCHO, and I am scared to fuck with you !!!! --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 6:15 pm Tue Jan 9, 1996 Number : 58 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : All You Fagz Refer #: None Subj: this base Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local Greetings to all friends of VaS, and fuck everyone else... After not logging on for awhile, I finally did today, and made a very odd observation. This base, on evilnet, seemed to be all about ME. If I am allyou faggots talk about, you are pathetic. I have never even heard of most of you, but I have seen and killed millions of your type before. I know you don't know me, because if you did, you would think twice before talking shit. If you were on glassworld, then you were obviously some pussy who was scared to post, if not, you are just saying shit about me blindly. VaS still exsits, in fact, it is being reborn as we speak. I am giving all you niggers a chance to take your argument elsewhere and shut the fuck up, before we have to fuck you up. Velicoraptor, face it, you and your life are both pathetic. You are a waste of space. As for you Psycho, although I am very scared of you, and I don't want to get you mad, i would just like to tell you that you can suck my BIG ARYAN COCK you dirty motherfucker. So heed the warning, you losers, because it is not like we haven't fucked your kind over before. Yours in Faith, Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 12:15 am Wed Jan 10, 1996 Number : 60 of 76 From: Velociraptor Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Refer #: None Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: 1 Stat: Sent Origin : 09 Jan 96 19:20:24 ����A raptor lept into the air, slicing Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon's RF> Psycho, I really don't know who the fuck you are, but if i see you on the RF> street, I am not going to think twice about shooting you in your motherfuck RF> face. See, I have no conscience, and no morals. If i killed you, I would RF> feel no remorse. Do you understand? Right now you are at the top of my RF> nigger list, and so I will be watching you. You do understand that if you RF> keep making me hate you, the last thing you will see is me watching you die ����Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon turned to run, intestines spilling ont I do hope.. that uhh.. these posts are not gonna catch any further.. and that rev. foolbert is knocked around in the fasion of "Shut the fuck up" ... psycho- do NOT reply to his message... .�� Velociraptor`/ Date: 5:45 pm Wed Jan 10, 1996 Number : 72 of 76 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : EvilNet - War Base To : Velociraptor Refer #: 54 Subj: Re: phantas... Replies: 1 Stat: Sent Origin : Local V> I do hope.. that uhh.. these posts are not gonna catch any further.. and V> that rev. foolbert is knocked around in the fasion of "Shut the fuck up" ... what the hell are you talking about? is that a threat? --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (115:810/7) Date: 4:48 pm Mon Jan 22, 1996 Number : 114 of 131 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 98 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> I'm 16, not 12. So who are you people, anyways? GAng bangers from inn S> city detroit, or suburbanites in their 300,000 dollar houses sitting trying S> to come up with something tough to say!?!? ahahahah.... I am the Death Incarnate. My main purpose on this BBS is to hunt your nigger ass down and kill you. As soon as I find you, I will cut you up and feed you to your nigger family. They will eat it, and they will like it. Then I will let TPP rape your mother, sister, and all other pets you have in your house. Do you understand, Skywalker? [WAR! - (NOT censored)] 115 of 131 Reading : Date: 4:52 pm Mon Jan 22, 1996 Number : 116 of 131 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 100 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> There's no denying it you guys sound just like gang bangers except you S> hate blacks not whites. There's no denying that you sound like some faggot loser who calls people "gang bangers". Damn, Skywalker, sometimes I sit in my house after logging on here and cry. Do you know why? Because I wish I could be just like you. You are SO cool, you are funny, you are probably REALLY good looking, and I'm sure you get all the pussy. Plus, you are really smart. I really do wish I could be like you. Every night I wish upon my favorite star that I could become a nigger similar to you, but, alas, I am not that lucky. Maybe someday I will see you in person. I will probably be really scared of you because you are a total hardcore motherfucker and you scare the shit out of me. P.S. I'm sorry I ever made any rude comments to you, I just want to be your friend. Love, Your Friend, The Sexecutioner Date: 4:29 pm Thu Jan 25, 1996 Number : 69 of 105 From: Hawklord Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Tpp Refer #: 39 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local T> And you can take it anyway you want to! (VBNIGGERLAUGH) I know, because I've been with you before, and believe me, your not the worst, but your not the best. -Pinhead Nigger Date: 4:34 pm Thu Jan 25, 1996 Number : 70 of 105 From: Hawklord Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 50 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local On 25 Jan 96 16:00, Pterodactyl said the following to The Sexecutioner: TS> TPP has never seen me. For all he knows I could be some fucked up nigger w TS> a big greasy afro.... P> P> But your not , I hope . P> P> .�� PterodactyL ��. P> You try to sneak a bite at the kill, and it will be your last he is....I swear I hit him in the head with my empty 40oz. the other day in the CiTy(gettin' social sodity)... Date: 1:08 am Fri Jan 26, 1996 Number : 80 of 107 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Tpp Refer #: 47 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local T> Bullshit, you like being around homosexual CC males. and most highschools on T> have 1-2 thousand. I like to be around gay CC males. Espescially the big negros, I'm sure you know what I am talking about, Pterodactyl. Yesterday at one of the fag parties, I saw jizzing on this nigger's face, I think his name was Leroy. Yes, you know who I am talking about, Leroy. Get your dick out of his ass and slap yourself you damn honkey fool. Date: 1:09 am Fri Jan 26, 1996 Number : 81 of 107 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Pterodactyl Refer #: 49 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local TS> nice excuse. P> P> Girls are good, no? How so ? I hate fucking women, but I need to fuck them. "I might be a woman beater but I ain't a pussy eater." -- Eazy-Eric Wright (1965-94-Bless his negro ass) Date: 1:15 am Fri Jan 26, 1996 Number : 84 of 107 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Hawklord Refer #: 65 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local H> I've seen you...I shit on your nigger ass when I found you and your family H> laying in a ditch on Cass Corridor. Yes, it was so coincidental. If Eddie-Doggy-Dogg (Grand Pimp Of Lower South-Side Area #Z of Detroit) had not tried to steal the 40 from me, I would have never met you. It is also very lucky that your sister still brings in good business for me. I had to whip her ass into shape because she kept fucking all these dirty ass niggers, just for the kicks. Well, she got hers, and she still brings in the decent money, even though i can't charge much for her. But oh well, its better than her being a crack ho, i guess. If you see her soon, give her a slap on the ass for me. Date: 1:17 am Fri Jan 26, 1996 Number : 85 of 107 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Hawklord Refer #: 69 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local H> I know, because I've been with you before, and believe me, your not the wors H> but your not the best. Do you know what you are ? You're nothing more than alot of hot air! Do you know what you ought to do? You ought to buy a top hat and just join the circus You are a moron, a retard!!!! When you have your left hand on the fone, I know where your right hand is!!!! Date: 1:19 am Fri Jan 26, 1996 Number : 86 of 107 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Hawklord Refer #: 70 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> You try to sneak a bite at the kill, and it will be your last H> he is....I swear I hit him in the head with my empty 40oz. the other day in Luckily my fro deflected about 99% of the hit. Next time, you ain't gonna be so lucky. I heard that the Infamous Black Santa Claus is after you. [WAR! - (NOT censored)] 89 of 107 Reading : Date: 1:25 am Fri Jan 26, 1996 Number : 90 of 107 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 79 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> So you don't live in the hood' like these other gansters? So don't talk Do you even know where Grosse Pointe IS? It is exactly, right next to the worst part of all of DETROIT. And I mean the FUCKING WORST PART. The most murders committed in the midwest area happen just miles from my house. And when you live next to the ghetto, it is easy to befriend many of the pimps, pushers, negros, and derelicts. We use them to our advantage. I would love to see you go anywhere into dee-troit. In fact, I think we should meet there. Date: 6:37 pm Sun Jan 28, 1996 Number : 92 of 100 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 58 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> You're just a sick, deviant, pervert, who can't deal with his sexual S> orientation, which is the wanting of males. Why don't you try to think of S> something meaningful to say, although it might be difficult due to your S> abnormally low intelligence. You just don't have any reason to live. Peopl S> like you should die. Well I think dirty jew niggers such as yourself are subhuman scum that should be killed instantly, but I am polite enough not to tell you that. I would really like to see you say this shit to my face, say this fridary, 10pm, at Angel Park in Detroit. What do you say? Date: 6:43 pm Sun Jan 28, 1996 Number : 96 of 101 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 62 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> You have never done drugs in your life, because you have no life. You S> make fun of black people because you are worthless. It is obvious that you S> have no concept of reality and you only talk bad because you have nothing to S> talk about. People like you deserve to die. You will die, in the next few S> years, because you'll probably be doing your mother, who has syphillus. nigger, nigger, nigger. Is this a DEATH THREAT? Do realize Skywalker, that I have your home phone number. Please, please don't make me fuck you and your family up. I think Its time you get what you deserve motherfucker. Either meet me this friday at Angel Park, or shut the fuck up you loser pussy. Date: 6:49 pm Sun Jan 28, 1996 Number : 100 of 101 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Tpp Refer #: 73 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local TS> Do you even know where Grosse Pointe IS? It is exactly, right next to the TS> worst part of all of DETROIT. And I mean the FUCKING WORST PART. The most TS> murders committed in the midwest area happen just miles from my house. And TS> when you live next to the ghetto, it is easy to befriend many of the pimps, TS> pushers, negros, and derelicts. We use them to our advantage. I would lov TS> to see you go anywhere into dee-troit. In fact, I think we should meet the T> Surrounded on all landward sides by the worst part of detroit... Skywalker will see what I am talking about IF HE DOESN'T PUSSY OUT THIS WEEKEND. We are going to sell his pathetic ass to those niggers so they can torture you and make them suck their black cocks. Date: 4:00 pm Mon Jan 29, 1996 Number : 19 of 102 From: Dr. Tadai Outlaw Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: None Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> You have some real problems. You are blatently racist, and seem to be S> homophobic, hinting that you are a HOMOSEXUAL. LET ME REAPEAT THAT ONE MORE S> TIME INFANTILE, YOU ARE A HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!!!! You need therapy as soon as S> possible. Your racism is probably related to very low self-esteem and being S> molested as a child by your mom, dad, siblings, and all other members of you S> extended family. You also are racist because you are an ugly, filthy, S> disgusting, and degenerate piece of white trash. People like yourself do not S> deserve life itself, because you waste it. I hope you can deal with your S> inferiority. Listen, ass fuck. If I have to tell you this ONCE more, I am REALLY going to go and beat your dirty faggotniggerass for good. If you rip on my buds once more, you will be fucked up so bad, you will look like the Monkey man. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Date: 11:25 pm Wed Jan 31, 1996 Number : 82 of 112 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 53 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> You don't have the balls to fuck with me, Sexreject, because you are S> inadequate in the area of genitalia. After that "accident" with your mother S> you don't have any balls to talk about. See you at Fordson, coward. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH FUCK FORDSON YOU FUCKING PUSSY ! BE A MAN AND COME TO THE DAMN GHETTO ! Fordson? You really area pussy FUCK. "coward"? Listen motherfucker, when I see your fucking JEW ASS I am not even going to think twice about KILLING you. I am not joking, motherfucker. You see, I have no conscience whatsoever, and I have no religion or morals. I would feel no remorse if I killed you. I will kick you in your fucking head until you are bleeding nice and good. Then I will laugh and cut you up with a fucking razor blade. Then I will literally feed you to the dirty negros that line the alleys. I will then piss on your corpse, put your DEAD ass in a garbage bag and leave you in a ditch. Do you realize what you are up against? I even have you fone number fuckhead... If I ever see you, I am not going to even think twice. Do you know why? Because I don't think, I will act, and I will watch you suffer and laugh, you pussy motherfucker. Date: 11:34 pm Wed Jan 31, 1996 Number : 84 of 112 From: The Sexecutioner Base : WAR! - (NOT censored) To : Skywalker Refer #: 55 Subj: Re: Testing the new users abilit Replies: 2 Stat: Normal Origin : Local S> Thats complete bullshit you asshole. Where do I live?! Try an MCI code S> for the good it will do you. You lack the gall to do anything like that. S> You're a pathetic, cowardly piece of white trash, you son of a bitch. RING RING RING WHORE: "Hello ?" PIMP: "Hello you fucking whore, put that nigger skywalker on the fone" WHORE: "Skywalker? Oh yeah, hold on. PIMP: "You fucking dirty slut, I'm going to beat the hell out of you" FAG/JEW: (In a faggot nigger voice) "heeeello?" PIMP: "fuck you" FAG/JEW: (screaming) "WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE !!!!@^%#^" Does this bring back memories you nigger motherfucker? Your mom knows who Skywalker is ! We called your house and your mom knew you as Skywalker. Tell that whore to fucking get a douche. Date: 10:05 pm Thu Feb 8, 1996 Number : 96 of 105 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : The \X/aR3z Review! To : Big Brother Refer #: 58 Subj: Re: arg Replies: 1 Stat: Normal Origin : Local BB> And yet, your as big an ass as you've always been.....the way I see it, you BB> the worthless peice of shit that's going nowhere in life. BB> BB> Big Brother know yo unemployed - all no void - walkin round like yo pretty boy floyd - turned stick up kid and look what ya done did - ya got set up for a 8 dollah bid! Date: 10:11 pm Thu Feb 8, 1996 Number : 100 of 105 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : The \X/aR3z Review! To : Flux Refer #: 84 Subj: Re: arg Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local P> Elite is not just warez tho it could be if you were verry general with your P> statement. Elite is also H/P/V/Carding/shitlikethat... F> F> elite is merely something that is better than the rest. There are only three things that you need to worry about in your pitiful lifetime: 1. Hallucinogens 2. Pussy / Pimping 3. Cash If you worry about anything else, you are a fucking nigger. Date: 8:32 pm Sun Feb 11, 1996 Number : 103 of 103 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Elite Discussion To : Tpp Refer #: 102 Subj: Re: /fghfgh Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local W> If your initials are not M.H. then I won't slit your throat. T> Hah, if i ever see you pull a knife on me i will just shoot your ass and i T> will get away with it. I have all these threatening posts as evidence. The T> jury will take one look at you and one look at me and i will get off for Wozzel. The clean, hardworking, white-collar, young and bright-eyed entrepreneur. Does this man L O O K like he would commit a crime? He is a true AMERICAN if I have ever seen one. Date: 8:33 pm Sun Feb 11, 1996 Number : 104 of 104 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : [= DogNet - General =] To : Leather Refer #: 99 Subj: Re: /q Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local L> do you wanna sell that tank? I need one if you do. If not, that's okay. H> Naw, I think I'm gonna make it a salt-water tank... L> L> Shit those things are too hard to set up in my opinion...lemme know if it L> works out...if so, teach me how to do it..:) Leather, I have been watching you. I would just like to ask you out flat: Will you marry me? You are very sexy, and I cannot find another woman that will fufill me the way that would. I love you more than any whore I have ever pimped out. And besides, Everyone knows that the bigshot Mr. Pimp always saves the best whore for himself. --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (95:999/1) Date: 9:33 pm Tue Feb 13, 1996 Number : 100 of 100 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : [= DogNet - General =] To : Horndog Refer #: 97 Subj: Re: /q Replies: None Stat: Sent Origin : Local H> Maybe FatalAttractionNet, or HarrassMeNet... Its all true, what can I say, I love leather. H> I was thinking more along the lines of FuckingPsychoNet... Now now, Horndog. Be nice. H> {If I was a cop, waiting for a psycho pervert to post a public message, that H> user would better start looking out for himself} I am scared. Very scared. It is ALL TRUE. I am not being SARCASTIC. You are all very COOL people. I LOVE leather --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (95:999/1) Date: 10:03 pm Wed Feb 14, 1996 Number : 99 of 100 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : Area 51 Suggestions To : Vamp Refer #: 98 Subj: Re: suggestion: get together... Replies: None Stat: Normal Origin : Local V> HEy everyone... in an effort to set the board to peace once again... I say: V> Let's get together and have a drinking (Or dope smokin w/ the peace pipe!) V> party! I can supply weed... what do y'all think?! I dunno, just kinda popped V> into my head... I say that Area 51 hosts a pimp bash. There should be a 40s 4 all, and a bitch on the dick of each pimp. Then, I would show up. Date: 10:26 pm Mon Mar 4, 1996 Number : 22 of 29 From: Rev. Foolbert Sturgeon Base : [AreaNet] General B.S. To : All Refer #: None Subj: Trends Replies: 2 Stat: Sent Origin : Local Well, after reading messages in this base, espescially the ones with whining faggots, I have noticed a trend in all of the messages.... They have all come from: "T H E D O G P O U N D". If you are on the Dog Pound, and you are one of those whiny ass faggot users, this is a message from the bottom of my heart: YOU ARE A NIGGER --- Renegade v07-04 Exp * Origin: Area 51 313-454-0717 (555:1212/0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VaS GnuEz vAs NeWz VaS NuEz VaS KnuEz VaS nEwS vAs GnUeZ VaS nEwS VaS GnUz I took KKKWW down in order to afford a pimped out car, so we are temporarily out of a WHQ. I might set it up again next year when i go to college. We have lost a lot of dist sites recently since the scene is dying, so if anyone out there runs a quality underground bbs, contact me on area 51. Studmuffin has been too busy pimping and DJing to write any articles, tho he might set up Live Wire again soon. We have all been busy lately, but now that summer is coming, you can expect many more quality issues. We have several issues just about to be released including another special issue. Planning is going on for VaSCoN, but i don't have any solid details right now. w3rd. -TPP �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � ���������������� ]<-RaD Places To Find ALL The VaS Issues ����������������� � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � Area 51 Dist 1 (313)844-3919 28.8k bps � � The Terrorist's Playground Dist 2 (404)394-3080 14.4k bps � � Mogel-Land Dist 3 (215)985-0462 14.4k bps � � Lunatic Labs, Ltd. Dist 4 (213)655-0691 2400 bps � � ftp.umich.archives.etext.edu in /pub/CuD/VaS � � ftp.etext.org in /Zines/VaS � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � aH GoT JaNe VMB - (313)438-0390 /\ VaS VMB - (313)605-1060 � � � DuMb NeGr0 - (313)438-0241 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ (C)opywrite If YoU RiP ThIs OfF wE WiLL FuCk YoU uP! [VaS] 96' - "Throw out da White man's Govment Cheese and go down and buy the ten dollah bucket of ribs. Oh lord. And then go get youself the five dollah bucket of fried chicken. Ummmm Ummm Um.." -Crazy Black Priest, Detroit! Detroit!