�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � �� � ����� ����� � � � � �� � � � ����� � Vaginal and Anal Secretions Digest � � ��� �� � ����� � � Issue #88 - Released: August 16, 1993 � � ����� �� � � ����� � � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � A Guide To The Cthulu Mythos � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � Author: The Psychotic Pyrotic � Official Size: 28,286 Bytes � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ You have all heard shit about satanism and demonology, well there pussy religions compared to these cults. Well enough of the bullshit, here it is.. Outer Gods, Eldar gods and other gods- The other gods are the rulers of the universe and only nyarlathotep has anything to do with humans. He is the messanger and soul of the other gods and makes sure there needs are met. Azathoth, the daemon sultan is the ruler of the other gods who lives in the center of the universe. Yog-sothoth is as powerful as azathoth yet lives in another dimension. The majority of the other gods are mindless. Worshippers gain only madness from them. The Eldar gods is a group of gods neutral to or opposed to the other gods. They have less contact with us than the other gods do. Only two eldar gods are named, They are Nodens and bast. All of these gods are known as the outer gods. Here are the known Gods. ----- Abhoth, Source of uncleanness ----- Abhoth is a huge pool of gray matter many yards long. It constantly bubbles and creates new arms, mouthes and psuedopods. Monsters often form from it, but abhoth grabs and consumes many of them before they escape. It has no human worshippers but it's own spawn may worship it. It is possible that the dark caverns which it lives in are part of N'kai. ----- Azathoth, The Daemon Sultan ----- Azathoth is the ruler of the outer gods and has existed since the universe began. He lives in the center of the universe where it's amphorus body dances mindlessly to the music of a flute. He is surrounded by 1-9 lesser outer gods. WARNING- Do not summon under any circumstances! He leveled a siberian town when some idiot called him. He does not give a shit wether you are a worshipper or not. ----- Bast, Goddess of Cats ----- Bast's common form is a woman with the head and clawed hands of a cat. She is one of the minor Eldar gods. Apparently she only controls the cats on earth. Her cult existed in Egypt and Rome but has died out among humans. ----- Daolith, Render of the veils ----- Daoliths form is such that the human eye cannot trace it's pattern, so those who view him quickly become insane. If he is not held inside the boundary of the eldar sign, he will expand. Anyone caught in his expansions is sent to far away worlds and other dimmensions. His priests are able to see into the future and the past. They also gain the power to enter other dimensions. As an outer god, he dosen't have to many human worshippers. He is mainly worshipped on the planet Yuggoth. ----- Nodens, Lord of the great abyss ----- Nodens takes the form of a normal human with a gray beard. He often helps humans who have been pursued and attacked by the great old ones or the other gods. Nodens is worshipped by the horrible beings known as nightgaunts. ----- Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos ----- Nyarlathotep is the messanger and soul of the other gods. He is the only one who isn't mindless. He is said to have a thosand different forms. His known forms are an Egyptian human, An enormous monster with clawed hands and feet with a large red tentacle instead of a face and a black winged monster with a tri-lobed eye which cannot stand light at all. The "Black Man" of witch ceremonies is said to be a form of nyarlathotep. He enacts the will of the other gods, so he is called there soul. He is always trying to bring madness and death to humankind. Several prophecys state that someday he may even destroy the planet. Those worshipping the outer gods are hoping to gain Nyarloteps favor as none of the others would care. Nyarlathotep will give loyal worshippers spells, destructive scientific knowledge(such as the A-bomb) or a Monster. His gifts usually cause destruction to other humans and occasionally to his worshipper. ----- Shub-Niggurath, The black goat of the woods with a thosand young ----- Shub-Niggurath is a goddess of fertility. She is said to be a giant cloudy mass with tentacles and acid dripping mouthes wriggling in and out of it. Unlike most of the outer gods, she is worshipped in Cults instead of by lone madmen. She is also worshipped by the druids. Sometimes, she will give a favored worshipper one of her dark young. *- Not to be confused with Shub-Niggerith ----- Yog-Sothoth, the All in One ----- Yog Sothoth dwells in another plane. He occasionly comes to this universe to feast on it's inhabitants. He appears as a conglomeration of irredesent globes which are always moving and changing. Yog sothoth is coterminous with time and space, so he can travel between dimensions and planes at will. He is the god of wizards and sorcerers. They gain the power to travel to other planes and other times. The Great Old Ones- Under the outer gods in power, yet not importance are the Great Old ones. They are a race of alien beings who each differ from each other. The great old ones are worshipped more frequently than the outer gods and often, whole races worship em. Most of the old ones on earth are imprisoned in some way. Cthulu, the most famous old one, is dead in the sunken city of Ry'leh but as abdul al'hazred said in the necro-cromican... That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange eons even death may die. When the stars are right, Ry'leh will rise again and the Old ones will be free. Here are The Known Old Ones- ----- Atlach-Nacha ----- Atlach-Nacha is a huge hairy spider with red eyes. He lives in a deep cave where he spends eternitiy spinning a giant web to cross a deep chasm. It is said the world will come to an end when he finishes. He is worshipped by all spiders. ----- Cthuga ----- Cthuhga is a gigantic burning mass, resembling a sun. He dwells near the star fomalhaut. Cthuga is served by the entities known as fire vampires. He has no known cult among humans. ----- Cthulu ----- Cthulu is in a state of living death in the sunken city of R'lyeh. Someday the city will rise and Cthulu will be free. He is a giant humanoid with an octopus like head. He has 100's of tentacles coming out of his mouth and each of his hands have huge claws. He also has wings on his back. Cthulu can change the size of his different body parts whenever he wants. Like making his wings bigger, and his body smaller to fly. He is the most powerful and most worshipped old one. ----- Cyaegha ----- Cyaegha is a large eye surrounded by masses of tentacles. He is worshipped by a cult somewhere in West Germany. The cult has human sacrifice. ----- Ghatanothoa ----- Ghatanorhoa is a large mass of tentacles mouths, and other body parts. Those who worship him do so to prevent there own destruction. Anyone who views him will suffer his curse. There flesh will harden to bone. The only way to end the curse is for someone to smash there brain, which kills them. He dwelled in a volcano on the island of Mu, which is now underwater. It is supposedly sunk by the Eldar gods. ----- Glakki ----- Glakki has an oval body with spines sticking out like a porcupine. In the center of his body he has a huge mouth and three eyestalks coming out of the top of him. He lives in a lake in New England. At night he uses a dream-pull to bring people to the lake. Once they get there, he drives a spine through them and they become a member of his undead cult. ----- Haster, the unspeakable, He who is not to be named ----- Hasters apperance is unknown. His Cult is very common on earth. It is said he is worshipped by the Tcho-tcho people. Haster lives near the star aldebaron in the constalation Tauras. He is connected to the Lake of Hali and the yellow sign. ----- Ithaqua, the Windwalker, the Wendigo ----- Ithaqua was discovered in Northern North America by the indians. He is the wind itself. He will pick up travelers in his claws, cut em up and drop them from great heights. His cult is small but many fear him in Alaska and Siberia. ----- Nyogtha, The thing that Should Not Be ----- Nyoghta is a blob of living darkness who can form tentacles and pseudopods. He lives in a deep cave which might be part of N'kai. ----- Shudde M'ell, The Burrower Beneath ----- Shudde M'ell is the largest of the Chthonians. He and the other chthonians have been worshipped by cave men and some druids. He does not have a modern cult. ----- Tsathoggua ----- Tsathoggua dwells in the black caves of N'Kai, where he first arrived on earth from Saturn. He usually has a fat furry body with a toadlike head with bat ears covered with fur. It is said he can change his shape though. Tsathoggua was worshipped by furry-subhumans a long time ago. Today he is worshipped by mages and his formless spawn. ----- Y'golonac ----- Y'golonac is a bloated, Glowing, Headless fiqure that dwells underground in a ruin behind a wall of bricks. He has mouths in the palms of his hands with big sharp pointy teeth. Y'golonac is trying to get a cult at the moment. He wishes to find someone super fuckin evil and mutate him into a high priest. ----- Yig, Father of Serpants ----- Yigs form is that of a scaly strongman with a giant snake head. He is widely worshipped in North America by voodoo doctors, amerinds and by serpant people. He may somehow be connected to Quetzalcoatl. His worshippers gain immunity to poisoness snakes, the ability to talk to snakes and spells and shit. If a worshipper ever betrays him or an outsider harms his cult, he will send a sacred snake to kill them. The snake is always the largest of it's species and will have a White cresent mark on the top of there heads. No anti-toxin will help you if you are bitten by a sacred snake of Yig. You will die. ----- Zhar, the Twin Obscenity ----- Zhar is a living mass of quivering flesh and tentacles. He is connected to another identicle old one through long expances of tentacles. He is buried in a dead city beneath the Plateua of sung in china. Zhar is worshipped by the Tcho-Tcho People. ----- Zoth-ommog ----- Zoth-Ommog has a cone shaped body with a lizard like head right on the top. There are snakelike tentacles growing out of the back of it's head. At the base of the neck for Starfish like arms reach out in different directions. Zoth-ommog is buried in R'lyeh with Cthulu and the others. He may be worshipped by the deep ones. Monsters and Alien Races- Here they are ----- Byakhee ----- Byakhee are hybrid flying creatures who serve Haster. They are capable of flying through space and are even able to carry a rider. ----- Chthonians ----- Chthonians are immense squid like organisms with a long worm-like body covered with slime. The chthonians are a race of powerful burrowing entitys led by the infamous Shudde M'ell. They have a complex life cycle, lasting over a thosand years. Because of this, they tend to look after there young in the early stages. Chthonian eggs resemble circular rock formations, the shell is 2-3 inches thick. They are able to communicate using telepathy and have contacted humans before. Cthonians are also able to withstand great heat (7200 degrees F), Yet they cannot be immersed in water for any length of time. All Chthonians are able to create earthquakes. They will usually band together to create larger quakes though. ----- Dark young of Shub-Niggurath ----- The Dark young are enormous writhing masses of black tentacles. At the end of the "legs" there are goatlike hooves. Large tentacles come out at the top. The dark young resemble trees standing 12 to 20 ft tall. They are said to smell like dead rotting corpses.. yumm ----- Deep Ones ----- Deep ones are a race of Fish-Frogmen. They are amphibious, but all of there citys are underwater. They do not dwell in freshwater. The Deep ones are the servants of Cthulu and are lead by Two Deep ones called Father Dagon And mother hydra, Deep ones who have grown to over 20 ft. tall. Deep ones have been worshipped by humans because deep ones live forever and worshippers will fuck deep ones and there kids will be imortal. But the deep one/human hybrid is one ugly mudda fucka and he/she will turn into a deep one between the age of 20-40. ----- Dholes ----- Dholes are gigantic huge worms. The fuckers can swallow tanks easily. None exist on earth but they have conquered alien worlds. ----- Dimensional Shamblers ----- Dimensional Shamblers are Ape-insect creatures. They freely travel between worlds, universes and planes. They can plane shift at will. Other than this, nothing is known about them. ----- Eldar Things ----- The Eldar things came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago and accidently started life on this planet. There form is too strange to describe here, so buy one of the books i will list below. They created the deadly shoggoths to serve as slaves. Eventually Wars with other races and a shoggoth revolt eliminated all but a few of the Eldar things. They still have a city under a glacier in Antarctica. They may also have underwater citys. ----- Fire Vampires ----- Fire Vampires are a race of intellegent Plasma who serve the old one, Cthuga. They dwell near the star fomalhaut like cthuga. Anything they touch is caught on fire. ----- Flying Polyps ----- This race is a polypous like slime creature thing. They are able to fly but don't have any wings. The Flying Polyps Came to earth about six hundred million years ago. They also had colonys on three other planets in the solar system at the time. The polyps build high, windowless basalt towers. After a while they were forced back into dark caves by the great race of yith. They eventually anihilated the yithians present bodies. They still dwell in there caverns and like it there. The Flying polyps are able to control the wind to make a "windblast". Victims of the windblast have the flesh stripped from there bones, there skin dehydraded and wind-burned and blown backwards a few yards.. cool, eh. Yep have fun. ----- Formless spawn of Tsathoggua ----- "When the men of K'n-Yan went down into N'kai's black abyss with there great atom-power searchlights, they found living things - living things that oozed along stone channels and worshipped onyx and basalt images of Tsathoggua. But they were not toads like Tsathoggua himself. Far worse - they were amorphus lumps of vicous black slime that temporary took shapes for various purposes. The Explorers of N'k-Yan did not pause for detailed observations , and those who escaped alive sealed the passage" The Mound, H.P. Lovecraft ----- Ghasts ----- Ghasts are Undead humanoid cretures. They lack a nose or a forehead. Ghasts have a great sense of smell and there eyes glow reddish-yellow. If exposed to sunlight they will wither up and die. They all live in deep caverns. All ghasts are cannabalistic and will eat each other. ----- Ghouls ----- Ghouls are another undead humanoid race. They tend to look more humanlike than ghasts, but they have goat-hooved feet, claws and doglike fangs. They are often covered with grave mold. Ghouls live in tunnels under citys and in caverns. They are tied to witchs and will attack humans. ----- Servants of Glakki ----- Servants of Glakki are undead creatures created by Glakki's spines. They look like traditional movie zombies. They are one with Glakki, yet can perform individual actions. After about 6 decades they get Green Decay and die. ----- Gnoph-Keh ----- Gnoph-Keh are a race of lion-rhinos with 6 legs. They are associated with the wendigo and will only be found in the arctic regions of the world. Only 1 Gnoph-keh will be found at a time. They are able to create a small blizzard. ----- Great Race of Yith ----- The Yithians are 10 ft tall cone shaped beings. At the top of the cones, there are 4 tentacle like arms. Two of these end in lobster like pincers, one ends in 4 trumpet shaped things and the other ends in a head three gigantic eyes on it. The base of the cone is 10 ft long. They are a race of mental entitys who, while fleeing there planets destruction, came to earth and took over the bodys of the cone shaped beings being eaten by the flying polyps. They locked the polyps in dark caves. The race lived from 3 to 4 hundred million years ago to 50 million years ago, when they were exterminated by the flying polyps. The minds of the yithians sensed there destruction and moved forward in time to and intelligent beetle like race to succeed mankind. They reproduce by spores, but they don't reproduce that much due to there long lifespan (5,000 years). The Yithians are able to send there minds forwards and backwards in time, and they have been known to exchange bodys with humans for a short time. These humans are treated good by the great race and are allowed to explore the continent. When the time comes to send them back, the humans memorys of the trip are erased. There is said to be a cult on earth which aids members of the great race who have time-traveled here in exchange for there superier technological knowledge. ----- Gugs ----- Gugs are giant underground monsters. They have two clawed forearms attached to each elbow. The mouth runs up and down the center of its face with it's two eyes on eyestalks sticking out of the sides of it's head. ----- Hound of Tindalos ----- Hounds of Tindalos Are dogs of slime who dwelled on earth When it began. They will travel through time to find victems. These people will be attacked by the hound repeatedly until they drive it away or it eats there soul. Hounds cannot be harmed by normal weapons. ----- Hunting Horrors ----- Hunting Horrors are long black serpants with batlike wings. They are used by the outer gods to capture people in there tail. A Strong burst of light will turn them to dust. ----- Lloigor ----- Lioigor are beings of pure energy. Occasionally they will take the form of a dragon. There Brain dosen't have different layers of conscious(like imagination and sub-consious) so they are pessimists. The Lloigor came from the andromeda galaxy and started there city on the now sunken Continent of Ry'leh. They drain energy from sleeping humans to survive. All present day Lloigors stay in water, yet there have been sitings of land dragons in Africa (But the stupid Nigs probably mistook a car for one). Lloigors are responcible for the stonehenge like structures in Great Britian. The spots were over underground rivers and at different moon cycles the area would be filled with energy for the dragon to bask in. ----- Mi-Go, The fungi from Yuggoth ----- Mi-Go resemble flying crabs. There main colony is on Pluto, and they only come to earth to mine for rare ores. They communicate by changing the colors of there head. Mi-go worship Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlotep. The fungi are able to fly through space. ----- Moon Beasts ----- Moon Beasts are like giant Toads with no eyes and several purple tentacles coming out where it's nose should be. They are total Sadists and worship Nyarlotep. It is said they have a colony on earths moon. ----- Nightguants ----- Nightguants resemble the devil in the bible. They have barbed tails, horns and black wings. They do not have a face. Nightguants serve Nodens and carry off intruders to nasty places in the universe and dump them there. ----- Sand Dwellers ----- Sand Dwellers resemble skeletons with a koala Bear like head. There entire body is encrusted in sand. They are known to live in South-West america. They are not encountered that much. ----- Serpant People ----- The serpant people are snake-men. They dress in Robes and have tails. The Serpant people flourished in the permian to cretacious era. They built great Basalt citys and fought wars with the other races. They were great scientists and magicians. A few still live to this day underground with a race of Degenerate serpant men. ----- Servitors of the outer gods ----- These monsters are constantly shape changing, like azathoth. They serve the outer gods and are closely related to squids and frogs. ----- Insects from Shaggai ----- Shans are Giant Mosquito-Bee insects. They escaped the destruction of there planet in Temples made of an indestructable metal. They were able to teleport these to other worlds, but got stuck on earth because some part of the earths atmosphere prevents it. They live by photosynthesis and are magically inclined. The Shans worship Azathoth and abuse there slaves(beings from Xiclotl) in there metal temples. ----- Shantaks ----- Shantaks are leathery bird like creatures with a horselike head and body, hawk talons and batlike wings and a beaver like leathery tail. They are used as steeds by followers of the outer gods and are usually covered with slime and muck. They are able to fly through space and one has been known to carry a rider to the throne of Azathoth. ----- Shoggoths ----- Shoggoths are a slave race of living black slime and constanly grow new body parts. They have legs, eyes and huge mouths. This is one of the most horrible monsters mentioned in the necrocromican. Shoggoths are amphibious, and are only found today as servants to the deep ones. They destroyed almost all of the eldar things in a revolution. ----- Star-spawn of Cthulu ----- Cthulu's star spawn or smaller versions of himself. They are still huge though(avg - 60 feet tall, Cthulu is 80-90 ft). They were the race that lived in Ry'leh with Cthulu and other old ones. Not all were trapped in Ry'leh when it sank, some live in deep trenches where the deep ones worship them. ----- Star Vampires ----- Star Vampires are normally invisible, but after they drink human blood, you can see a red outline. They can sometimes be tamed to serve a wizard. ----- Beings from Xiciotl ----- Xiclotlans resemble mettallic trees. They have six ropy black arms and there head only has an eye on one side. The Xiclotlans have been enslaved by the insects from Shaggi. On there home world, the xiclotlans worshipped a plant-creature, and would sacrifice themselves to these plants. THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD 4.6 billion years BC - The Earth starts 3.3 billion years BC - First known fossil. 2 billion years BC - The Elder things arive on earth, landing in the antarctic ocean. They establish an underground city, and build the first and biggest Shoggoth, Ubbo-Sathla, out of bacteria. 1.4 billion years BC - Cthulu and his star-spawn arive on earth from the star system of Xoth. They claim a continent called Ry'leh in present day pacific ocean. A war starts with the eldar things for control of the planet 1 billion years BC - A truce is called in the war and the eldar things build there first land city in Antarctica(which at the time was at the equater). 850 million years BC - Ry'leh is sunk when a large peice of earth falls into space and becomes the moon. 750 million years BC - The flying polyps come to earth. They settle in australia, built high, windowless basalt towers and feast on the cone-shaped beings living there. 500-435 million BC - The eldar things land citys cover much of the world 485 million BC - The great race of Yith take over the minds of the cone-shaped beings living in Australia, and lock the polyps up in caverns. 275 million BC - The first serphant men walk the planet. They co-exist with a race of tailless lizard-men to the west. The lizard-men build the nameless city. 250 million BC - The shoggoths revolt, destroying most of the eldar thing civilization. 160 million BC - The Mi-go arive from Pluto and establish colonys in the appalachian mountains. They war with the eldar things for a while until Pangea seperates. 150 million BC - The continents of Antarctica and australia are connected by a land-bridge. A war between the eldar things and the yithians begins on this strip. 50 million BC - The great race of yith leaves the cone shaped beings and the polyps exterminate the cone shaped beings. 3 million BC - Furry sub-humans in Greenland who worshipped Tsathoggua and his spawn. 161,844 BC - The island of Mu is sunk by the Eldar Gods 9,650 BC - Atlantis sunk beneath the Pacific Ocean The Eldar sign - The Eldar sign is a symbol used to protect yourself from old ones, monsters or Outer gods. They are a Star with ann eye with a flaming pupil in the center. Fragent from Al Azif In the antique city of dead R'lyeh Cthulu dreams and waits. In the pit of time the unspeakable lies in wait That is not dead which can eternal lie And with strang eons even death can die R'lyeh, your blocks of stone seal the ritual that gives birth to fear. Cthulu fhtagn Cthulu fhtagn Iaeeh Iaeeh Let he who knows how to invoke the stones act. It is time. Let the shadow of Cthulu darken the sky. May the servitor of the black goat of the woods with a thosand youngs sound his flute in honor of the unspeakable Cthulu fhtagn Cthulu fhtagn Iaeeh Iaeeh May he who may not be named cast his withering gaze upon the unbeliever for he is the door, the key and the guardian of the door and he holds you know in his immense power May madness strike down he who reads and thinks he understands. Nobody can peirce the mystery and not pay the price. Nobody can contemplate the face of gods with impunity. If strength abandons he who reads me, then may madness overcome him. Reading - Necrocromican - Dr. John Dee Call of Cthulu 5th edition RPG - Chaosium Nameless Cults - Golden Goblin Press Nameless Cults - Bridewell ��������[ VaS DiSTRiBuTioN SiTeS ]�������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � BBS Name Number Baud Sysop Title � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � Urban Discipline (313)464-1470 14.4 Studmuffin World HQ � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � And To Reach us Via U.S. Mail, Send Letters To: � � VaS World Headquarters � � P.O. Box 530768 � � Livonia,MI 48153 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ .