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From: lamontg@milton.u.washington.edu (Lamont Granquist) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: RFD: Recipe FAQ Date: 24 Jul 92 08:43:08 GMT References: <1992Jul21.182804.1@vax.sonoma.edu> <1992Jul23.065751.28592@neptune.inf.ethz.ch> Sender: news@u.washington.edu (USENET News System) Organization: 'Operation: Mindcrime' Lines: 1184 gaspar@inf.ethz.ch (gaspo) writes: >In article <1992Jul21.182804.1@vax.sonoma.edu> feinstei@vax.sonoma.edu writes: >>I was wondering if there is any interest in a FAQ containing recipes >>appropriate for this group... Any comments? > >I don't know if a seperate FAQ is neccessary, but perhaps a seperate >section on the "mj consumption FAQ". > >If somebody is willing to compile,... > >well, shit. I'll compile recipes if anybody has any. I have my own >bronwie recp, and a handfull of non-written ones, but can always use >more. > >--gaspo. Here comes everything in one big fucking post. The files FAQ-MJ-Consumption, marijuana-consuption, marijuana-hash and marijuana-howto. I've got some other brownie recipies and shit lying around which will go into the FTP site once I have some time... From: rml3362@venus.tamu.edu I am a popular commodity amoung some people I know, I am the only one who knows how to roll a joint. Now this is because I tend to be older than most of the people who smoke dope around me and have a bit more intense life lesson than others. I like rolling joints. It is a very viscereal pleasure, you get to play with the nifty green stuff and it gives your hands something to do. This is especially nice if it is good if you don't wanna get really stoned but just catch a nice buzz and instead of keeping your hands busy smoking you keep 'em busy rolling. I like that green stuff. It's cool, kinda like oregano or some other green bulk spice but you know it aint. It has the smell, strange how so many people don't groove to it, ahh well learnd response, like appreciating good scotch. It reminds me of harvest day, right after the fruit has been reaped and the oils and esthers fill the air. Very good green homey feel to it. Then you get into carding the stuff to take out the seeds and stems and to break it down so it will roll effectively. It has to feel right, a bit drier than the best feel, where it is so sticky with resin that all you can do is load it into a bowl and do bong hits until your brain goes numb. You gotta decide how fine you are gonna sift the shake. I know some who remove everything until nothing is left but a fine red dust. I don't like that, it takes too long, and casues too many volatiles to be released as you card it, and makes really lousey joints that pack too tightly and don't draw worth shit. We all roll joints to match our personality, my joins tend to have stuff in them that shouldn't be there, leave things on the tray that SHOULD be, double paper walled, kinda fat in the middle, nice where it meats the mouth, and fulla garbage that gets burnt. Once you got the grass ready you them have to get you papers in order. The way I learned to make a joint was to make a boat out of the paper. Take the paper in you hand so that the gummed side is up and the crease is away from you, the short sides are called edges and the long sides are called sides. You fold the end towards the side, each in turn. First you take the left edge and you fold it about the top corner of that edge, bringing the lower corner up to where it meets the top side and the edge is perfectly in line with the side. Then you do the same thing about the bottom corner, and then you do it for each of the other corners on the other side. You have to make sure all the creases are away from you, then, from where the two bisectors meet on out to the edge you fold agains the crease, you fold in the same place but in the other direction of the original crease You do that with each edge and you get a little paper boat into which you can shift your sift. After having thoughly raked the herb you wind up with a little mound of grass, how big depends on how strong the grass is, how big the papers are, and how stoned you wanna get. I usually use a bit more than would fill a large bowl. You pick the gras up between you fingers and dust it into the paper boat. Try to get it even but don't worry about it you can fix it. Towards the bottom of the mound you run into stuff too fine pick up with your fingers, I consider it a point of grace to card once, and once only, it back into a smalled mound and then try to get at least one good pinch or two from it and let the rest of the shit go back into the baggie until one is scaping for anything green that burns. As you load the paper you are gonna spill dust, just let it go. Make sure you load over the tray and you will either get it with the cleanup card or smoke it some other time. Now you take your boat full of dope and begin leveling it. Stir it about with your finger to balance as much as possible and then you will begin rolling it. Make sure the gummed side is away from you if there is one. You roll it to settle the grass and get it even, and ya try to get it to spread out towards the edges. This is where people who use doller bills use them, I always thought it was too much hassle to fuck with. Once you have it spread to suit your desires you then have to roll the paper up into a joint. This is the tricky part. I always try to finish rolling it so that it is very near the ungummed edge and then to just fold that over and roll it up. Try to get it a bit tighter than you wanna some cause it will looesen as you roll it up. Just before your finished you have to lick the gum. The best I ever saw anyone do that was this little oriental girl I knew who had the most pointed tounge that was always moist. She had absolute control over her tounge, she could make it do things that would give you an orgasm just watching the movements. I being who I am tend to either slobber a bit too much or not get enough on there, it could be better but it works. You finish rolling it up and and then you gotta close the sides. The best way I have found to close the sides is to just roll one end and figure what gets caught gets caught and turn it so the other end is upright and then use a small poker to pull out things which stick out and push in the stuff that needs to go inside. Roll the ends counter to each other and lick to close. I got friends that stick half the damned joint in thier mouths, and others who just touch it to thier tounge. I am undecided, the wetter it gets the better the joint is but it just grates my aesthetics. Let it dry and you gotta joint. I tend to double wrap mine, by rolling that joint in annother, it strengths that fragine middle section and generally keeps a tight nice looking joint. I also tend to tear off that messy end, the one that caught what got caught, to suck on, and use the flashy paper tail to light it. ****************************** Article Separation **************************** From: mgr@anhep2.hep.anl.gov Last week I celebrated my promotion (like getting tenure at U of Chicago). After giving every one a "Hemp Saftey Course" including the video of "Hemp for Victory" I brought out a batch of brownies. The "pro's" in the group said they tasted like "liquid hash". Most people said they felt good till 4pm the next day. So I thought I'd share the recipe with the net: Start with Hershey's Premium Baking Bar Unsweetened Chocolate. On the back is a recipe for brownies which includes 1 cup butter, 4 squares of chocolate, 2 cups sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, and vanilla extract. Start with dry hemp leaves and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Put in a measuring cup until ~75 ml of "green flour" is made. Fill to the 1 cup mark (250 ml) with regular flour. Proceed with recipe on box: Heat oven to 350 F, Grease 13x9x2 (inch) pan. Heat butter and chocolate and stir with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla extract and stir in flour mixture. Add nuts if desired (a very nice touch I think) and bake for 40 minutes. It seemed to take 10 minutes longer than the box suggested (30 minutes) to be completely baked through. Makes 3 dozen brownies. Take 2 and wait an hour. Take 4 and cruise for 12 hours. Enjoy! ****************************** Article Separation *************************** From: kudwarf@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu Date: 13 Sep 91 10:37:37 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs In the interests of making marihuana use a little bit safer, to prove that use does not automatically equate to lung cancer, here are two use methods that bear attention: The Dual-Chambered, Hot-Cold Bong [it was noted in a followup that a hot-hot bong would supposedly be better because the temperature is not the key, its the water vapor. Experiment and figure out for yourself what works better -- Lamont] Basic Design (can be modified to fit different styles): Suck In Here | | +---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Carb Hole == | | / | | | / / | +--+ |---------| +--+ / / | \Bowl / | | | Water | | | / / --------| \ / | | | | | | / / | | / / | | | | | | / / | Water | / / | | | | | / / | |/ / | | | | / / | / / | | | / / | / / | | | / / | | / | | | | / / | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------+ | | +-----------+ | | | | | Hot Plate | | | | | +-----------+ | +-------------+ | | Cooling Coils | +-------------------+ Basically, the principle goes like this: Most of the carcinogens in marihuana smoke are water-soluble. THC is not. Therefore, the bong was invented to remove carcinogens and to cool the smoke. However, warm to hot water does tend to remove more carcinogens than does cold water, so using hot water would seem to make the smoke much safer to breathe (and still avoid lung cancer), except that the point of cooling the smoke is lost. Thus, the Dual-Chambered Bong was designed to remove the most carcinogens as well as cool the smoke for inhalation. Basically, the first, hot chamber is filled to the brim with water, and beneath it is placed some form of heating unit (or inside it, or whatever can be done to keep it hot). Next, a short distance away, the second, cold chamber is placed with some way of keeping the area the smoke passes through really cold (such as: cold water with icepacks around the chamber; ice packed around a coiled tube; liquid nitrogen or dry ice poured/piled around the coiled tube; cold water in the chamber with cold water being pumped around the outside through a tube coiled around the chamber; etc.) to cool the smoke. Then you keep the marihuana in the bowl lit by your favorite method, and treat it like an ordinary bong. Since this apparatus is fairly complex, it is suggested that you disguise or have disguised the D-C Bong as some form of dualistic statuary (such as a couple kissing, where the point at which their lips meet is the link between the two chambers) to prevent police busts from wasting your investment on materials and design. ----- For the baker or cook with less of a turn for smoking marihuana, the following is a recipe for marihuana brownies suggested by Timothy Leary. Brownie Recipe Start with Hershey's Premium Baking Bar Unsweetened Chocolate. On the back is a recipe for brownies which includes 1 cup butter, 4 squares of chocolate, 2 cups sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup of flour, and vanilla extract. Start with dry hemp leaves and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Put in a measuring cup until approximately 1/3 cup (~75 ml) of "green flour" is made. Fill to the 1 cup mark (250 ml) with regular flour. Proceed with recipe on box: Heat oven to 350 F, Grease 13x9x2 (inch) pan. Heat butter and chocolate and stir with wooden spoon until smooth. Stir in sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla extract and stir in flour mixture. Add nuts if desired (a very nice touch I think) and bake for 40 minutes. It seemed to take 10 minutes longer than the box suggested (30 minutes) to be completely baked through. Makes 3 dozen brownies. Take 2 and wait an hour. Take 4 and cruise for 12 hours. Enjoy! From: harmon@Metaphor.COM > what is 'hash oil'? Its a thick black oil made from hash. The hash is heated and pressed to release the oil. (Same process used to make hash from marijuana, but carried to an extreme.) Its almost like a tar; very sticky, very thick. > how is it used? I've never seen it in the US, but When I lived in England, some 10 years ago, it was occasionally available. It came in two forms; sometimes it would be in a little plastic vial. Other times it would come in a piece of aluminum foil. From what I recall, the point was not to burn it, as that would burn off the active ingredients; but you wanted to inhale the vapor from it. The usual procedure was to get some heat resistant tube; the favorite was a the clear plastic tube that is the body of a bic disposable pen. Pull out the end cap, and pull out the ink/ballpoint thingy. Result: a clear plastic tube. Then, smear a small amount of the oil on a piece of aluminum foil. Hold the foil with pliers. With the oil on top, heat from beneath with a lighter. Hold the end of the tube above the patch of oil. As you begin to apply heat, suck like hell. The pliers (or something) are necessary because foil is an excellent conductor of heat, and you can burn yourself. It may take several heatings to use up all the oil from a smear. (You'll note this takes three hands!) For a nicer piece of equipment, take an old tablespoon. Bend the handle so that the handle bends away from the bowl, and then back so that it is pointing up away from the bowl. Attach same pen tube to the handle so that it points down into the bowl of the spoon. Smear oil into bowl of spoon, and heat spoon from bottom. (This only takes two hands.) Another technique, if you roll your own cigarettes, is to smear a streak of oil on a cigarette paper, and then roll a cigarette with this paper. ***************************** Article Separation ****************************** From: harmon@Metaphor.COM I grew up in England, and when I was in high school (pun intended? ;-) there, all we could ever get was hash. For some peculiar reason, no one ever thought to use pipes. So we had to roll cigarettes with roll-your-own tobacco, and put crumbs of hash in them. Sometimes, to avoid the tobacco, we'd use disassembled clove cigarettes, or herbs like tarragon. If you've never used hash, (which I've never seen in the US,) it comes as a brown-green brick, which is VERY hard. You warm a corner over a lighter to soften it, and break crumbs off of it. You can't roll j's with this stuff; its solid. (Sometimes, good stuff is very dark in color, even black; this is usually very soft, and if squeezed, drops of hash oil may sweat out.) I don't seem to recall it being very common to find head shops where you could buy smoking equipment proper, but tobacco and rolling papers were very common. I don't think equipment was common, because I do remember a couple of pieces of homemade equipment; one friend of mine made a bong in his ceramics class. I made one with a thistle tube, cork, glass tubing, and erlenmeyer flask from a chemistry set of mine. ****************************** Article Separation ***************************** From: cavasin@convex.com >> what is 'hash oil'? >Its a thick black oil made from hash. The hash is heated and pressed to >release the oil. (Same process used to make hash from marijuana, but carried >to an extreme.) Its almost like a tar; very sticky, very thick. No, make that very, Very, VERY sticky. Sticks to everything. stays under your fingernails for weeks after you've tried everything imaginable to get it out (and you try everything imaginable because the milligram or so that's stuck there is worth some money). It ruins clothes; the only thing that will take it off your skin or countertops is denatured alcohol or a similar solvent. The stickiest shit I have ever seen. >> how is it [hash oil] used? It turns up at dead shows occasionally. A "friend" had some that came from jamaica, which is where he assumes it was made. "friend" says the smoke is better than the vapor. >The usual procedure was to get some heat resistant tube; the favorite was a >the clear plastic tube that is the body of a bic disposable pen. Pull out the >end cap, and pull out the ink/ballpoint thingy. Result: a clear plastic tube. >Then, smear a small amount of the oil on a piece of aluminum foil. Hold the >foil with pliers. With the oil on top, heat from beneath with a lighter. >Hold the end of the tube above the patch of oil. As you begin to apply heat, >suck like hell. The pliers (or something) are necessary because foil is >an excellent conductor of heat, and you can burn yourself. It may take >several heatings to use up all the oil from a smear. (You'll note this takes >three hands!) Don't use a ballpoint pen unless you like to waste money (oil, same difference). This stuff costs a fortune--"friend" says $35/gram when you can get it. It's really not worth it at that price. Anyway, as far as heating it vs. warming it, "friend" says he's tried it both ways. Both ways it's real, real hard on your throat (worse than the harshest weed--almost as bad as that "black morrocan" lettuce O shit). It's a little harsher if you do the vapor thing. "friend" says seems to be more effective smoked, plus you waste less. best vapor method: put an old knife on a stove burner ("friend" used an electric stove; use a gas job at your own risk). let it get nice and hot (red hot isn't too hot, but of course you don't wanna deform the knife...). Get a paper towell tube or similar-size tube. GATHER EVERYONE AROUND CLOSE. use a real thin screwdriver or similar instrument to get a little dab of oil, stand ready with the tube, press the screwdriver against the hot blade and suck. don't take too much; it's got incredible expando properties. The stuff will smoke uncontrollably till it's gone, so make sure everyone gets in their suck without letting too much go to waste (it's good if everyone has their own tube). The aluminum foil method is okay, but "friend" thinks it's a little more wasteful. Eventually ya gotta throw that foil out. "friend" says best way to do it is to roll it with some herb (tobacco kills). Another good way to smoke it (according to friend) is to line a screened bowl with rolling paper or leaf and put a drop in there. However you do it, take SMALL hits. the shit is lethal on your lungs. Actually, now that friend thinks about it, the best way to do it is to put about 10 grams in a 13x7" brownie pan with your favorite brownie recipe. cut into ~1.25" squares. Eat one and have a wonderful night (sex is highly recommended). Eat two and become part of your favorite couch for 5 hours or so. Eat 5 or 6 and find out what heroin's like without having to mess with needles. Of course $350 is a hell of an expensive pan of brownies. >I always found that hash oil was much stonier than hash. (Whatever that >means.....) It gave me more of that feeling in my eyes of being in a smoky >room when I was stoned on plain hash or mj leaves. friend likes good hash better. Easier to smoke, tastes better. Right about the buzz tho. VERY intensly relaxing, almost paralyzing. >Of course, this was all long ago, and I don't do that sort of thing anymore.... Of course, neither does friend. :^) A word of advice (from friend): BE CAREFUL when buying this shit. It's real, real easy to get ripped off, and doling out $35 for a gram of roofing tar is quite a bummer. Is hash oil mentioned in a faq? I'm too lazy to look. If it's not it should be. Oh, friend tells me to add one more thing: heating up the vial will make the stuff a lot easier to deal with (liquifies it). Also makes it more prone to spillage, so take great care when handling it in its liquid form. You can heat the vial with a lighter or put it on an electric stove burner. God, my friend is such a drug-craving unAmerican lowlife.:^) **************************** Article Separation ****************************** From: kph@cisco.com (Kevin Paul Herbert) Date: 13 Sep 91 03:22:48 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: How to purify THC from leaves? This comes from a friend of mine that doesn't have net access, so I won't be able to supply further details... 1. Run all leaf through a wire mesh sifter (such as a kitchen flour sifter) 2. Completely soak the leaf with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol for about 4 or 5 days. 3. Strain resultant product through silk (used for silk-screening) 4. Evaporate remainder by applying very low heat from kitchen stove Caution: be very careful - the product is *quite* flammable 5. After evaporating, there will be a remaining "goo". This is the hash oil. [It was noted in a followup that ispropyl alcohol is generally sold denatured, so that its vile to drink. The chemicals which denature it, however, *should* get evaporated by step 4, and further combusted when you smoke it. Therefore the effect of these chemicals *should* be minimal, but since I don't have the foggiest idea of what the chemicals actually are, use at your own risk -- Lamont] ****************************** Article Separation ************************* From: goddard@cat55.cs.wisc.edu (Denis Goddard) Date: 15 Sep 91 20:33:53 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: How to purify THC from leaves? In article <1991Sep13.032248.2685@csl.sri.com> kph@cisco.com (Kevin Paul Herbert) writes: >This comes from a friend of mine that doesn't have net access, so I won't be able to supply further details... > >1. Run all leaf through a wire mesh sifter (such as a kitchen flour sifter) >2. Completely soak the leaf with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol for about 4 or 5 da ys. >3. Strain resultant product through silk (used for silk-screening) >4. Evaporate remainder by applying very low heat from kitchen stove > Caution: be very careful - the product is *quite* flammable >5. After evaporating, there will be a remaining "goo". This is the hash oil. > >Kevin Use acetone instead of alcohol. THC is SUPER soluble in acetone - soak the ground-up leaves in acetone, then distill it off. best purity from any solvent I've ever tried. Next best choice is petroleum ether. Seriously, alcohols are too H2O - soluble for really good purity - lots of other nonpsychoactive stuff gets in the oil. P.S. once you've got the oil, it's REALLY sticky & hard to handle. mix with 2 parts powdered leaf to form good hash. you're welcome. ****************************** Article Separation ************************* From: djh@osc.edu (David Heisterberg) Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1991 20:51:52 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: THC extraction Just for fun. Here are some exerpts from the Experimental section of a paper by Adams, Hunt, and Clark, JACS 62, 196 (1940). The hemp used in these experiments grew wild in Minnesota during the season of 1938. It was cut in August, after flowering had begun but before seed had "set" in the female tops. It was stored for six weeks in a room where a fan assured circulation of air in order to dry it completely. No molding occurred. The material was then beaten and shaken to remove the coarse stems which ammount- ed to about one-third of the total dry weight. The stems were dis- carded and the relatively fine material that remained was extracted with 95% ethanol [equivalent to Everclear] in the manner described below. Four 20-gallon (75-liter) crocks, each holding approximately 23 lb. (10 kg.) of material, were set up in series for countercurrent extraction. Each crock held approximately 61 liters of solvent of which about 41 liters were withdrawn at each transfer, the remain- der being retained by the hemp. ... The operations just described were carried out by Dr. John R. Matchett and his assistants in the Narcotics Laboratory of the Treasury Department, Washington, D.C. They kindly furnished us with a gener- ous supply of ethanol extract. [don't you wish you had connections like that?] The rest of the procedure involved removing ethanol and low boiling components under reduced pressure (about 30 mm) and gradually increased temperature (up to 200 C). The remaining oil was distilled at 3 mm, between 100-220 C. This crude oil (180-200 g) was disolved in petroleum ether (b.p. 30-60 C) and washed twice with water. The pet. ether was distilled off and the oil distilled at 2 mm, collecting the fraction boiling at 175-195 C, yielding 90-110 g of "purified red oil." So that's how the big boys did it back then. University of Illinois students and alums should note that the author Adams is none other than Roger Adams for whom the chem lab is named. At the time this paper was written it wasn't known just what the active ingredient in pot was. Cannabinol was the first compound identified in red oil, and cannabidiol had just recently been isolated. From the conclusion of the introduction: Red oil probably contains other products closely related to canna- binol or cannabidiol in structure, such as partially hydrogenated cannabinols, isomers of cannabidiol, or molecules like cannabidiol with less unsaturation. A large number of closely related compounds is possible. The active marihuana principle or principles may be among this group of substances. On the other hand, the possibility of the presence in red oil of a very potent active compound, entirely unrelated structurally to cannabinol or cannibidiol, is not excluded. Very soon after that is was determined that THC was the active principle. Roger Adams synthesized THC and several related compounds, some of which were several times more potent than THC. Roger Adams has a number of interesting papers, Joe Bob says "check it out." *************************** Article Separation ****************************** From: lamontg@milton.u.washington.edu (Lamont Granquist) Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1991 04:05:13 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Anon Post: Makin' Hash the following is an anonymous post which was forwarded to me by e-mail. You haven't seen this yet, even though its quoted. anonymous@somesite.somewhere sez: >The following details an attempt at making hash from MJ stems.. > > On friday I took a handfull of stems I had left from a QP we got >about 6 months ago. The MJ itself was by far the worst I've ever >had.. I and 2 friends went through a half ounce without catching >a good buzz. But, I did keep the stems for some reason (Maybee >I thought it'd be nice to have a foot long stem for cleaning bowls.. >Who knows..) Anyway.. This is what I did.. > > Fraday.. Put one handfull of stems in a jar filled with rubbing >alcohol. (It's hard to get everclear when you're under 21) > > Saturday.. Decided not to waste a month just to find that the hash >was garbage, and did the following.. > 1: Put jar of Stems/Alcohol in a pot of boiling water (Leaving > the top of the jar open and above the surface of the water).. > I let it boil for about 30 minutes then decided that this was > going a bit too slow.. > 2: Strained Stems/Alcohol mix through 2 paper towels into a glass > pie plate. (I was going to use coffee filters, but couldn't > find any..) > 3: Put plate on stove and heated liquid until all of the rubbing > alcohol was gone. (This took aprox 45 minutes on Med-Low > heat.. The Alcohol was gone after about 30 minutes. did not have an alcohol smell>) > 3.1 Caught one of the strangest buzzes ever while the mix > was evaporating.. > 4: Scraped up what looked to be a dark-brown oil with a razor blade. > 5: Rolled the oil into a ball (This was no easy task.. The oil > seemed to liquify whenever I touched it..) > 6: Smoked the oil in a pipe.. One drag and I was buzzing. Another > and the pipe was clogged up. > 7: Used a match and pulled out the remaining oil. > 8: Used another match to set the remaining oil on fire.. It bubbled > and burnt on its own. > > Now for some questions about what happened.. > > -Was it the Alcohol or MJ that was getting me stoned while I > was evaporating the mix? > > -Does rubbing alcohol leave behind any residue when it evaporates? > > -Does anyone out in net-land know of a better way to smoke the > oil? I'd rather not mix it with tobacco or MJ. > > -Someone on the net was saying to leave the MJ in alcohol for a month. > What I experienced today would tend to make me believe this > unnecessary. Did I lose alot of THC by boiling rather than waiting? > > -At what temperature does the THC itself start to break down? > > Thanks for any help you can offer. > >ANON ******************************* Article Separation ************************** > > Awhile back on alt.drugs you posted about having references for how to > purify MJ into hash. I was thinking this would be really good to add > to the ftp site, along with the brownie recipies, etc. I don't personally own these books; I just saw them in a "books by phone" catalog along with a bunch of other books--you know, Knuth's _Art of Computer Programming_ volumes 1-3, Wirth's _Algorithms + Data Structures_... _Cannabis Alchemy_, by Gold, 1990 _Great Book of Cannabis by Cherniak_, 1983 _Marijuana Chemistry by Starks_, 1990 I realize the above info is vague, but that's all the books by phone catalog listed. *************************** Article Separation ************************* Anonymous writes: (1) to utilize leftover marijuana components - sticks, water leaves and the like - simply put it in a double boiler with some butter, and let it simmer for a few hours, then strain out the butter and put it into a plastic container in the fridge. It's easy to make several cubes' worth of pot butter in this fashion ... and half a cube is about the amount of margerine or butter one uses when one is making brownies. No vegetable material actually enters the mix, such that the resulting brownies are substantially safer to carry. i've spent maybe ten years playing with petroleum ether and sundry other solvents, and it's really a waste of time trying to make hash with small amounts of marijuana. the cost : effect ratio just isn't justifiable. whereas the same materials, when invested in pot butter, not only utilize _every_ component, but can get a whole room full of people high ... or keep you sane for a few weeks, one a day. (2) although this is not confirmed scientifically, i have read that it is believed that, when marijuana is burned, some of the CBN or CBD is converted to THC by the heating process. i have applied this to my own life by taking a handful of water leaves from said plant and microwaving them for about three minutes on defrost ( 40% duty cycle, which may not correspond to any other microwave oven manufacturer's energy usage profile ), blowing on them and stirring them around to evaporate the moisture this elicits, then nuking 'em for another similar period of time. this seems to make the resulting smoke just a bit stronger. It's really a shame that the Establishment doesn't apply itself to teaching people how to use drugs intelligently and creatively, since, clearly, such paths to competence and maturity exist. If I had known ten years ago what I have learned through much reading and thinking, I would have saved myself a lot of money, and, more importantly, a lot of grief and self-destructive behavior which I have, fortunately, survived. Please perpetuate this information as widely as possible, the better to teach people how to avoid addictive behavioral sequences while continuing to explore the realms of awareness in a mature and thoughtful manner. ************************* Article Separation ***************************** anonymous2@anothersite.somewhere.else writes: >anonymous@somesite.someplace writes: >>(1) to utilize leftover marijuana components - sticks, water leaves >> and the like - simply put it in a double boiler with some butter, >> and let it simmer for a few hours, then strain out the butter and >> put it into a plastic container in the fridge. It's easy to make >> several cubes' worth of pot butter in this fashion ... and half a >> cube is about the amount of margerine or butter one uses when one >> is making brownies. No vegetable material actually enters the mix, >> such that the resulting brownies are substantially safer to carry. >> >> i've spent maybe ten years playing with petroleum ether and sundry >> other solvents, and it's really a waste of time trying to make hash >> with small amounts of marijuana. the cost : effect ratio just isn't >> justifiable. whereas the same materials, when invested in pot butter, >> not only utilize _every_ component, but can get a whole room full of >> people high ... or keep you sane for a few weeks, one a day. > >I have to disagree on the the 'waste of time' comment. In the past, I >have had (through an act of GOD) the great fortune of having multiple >ounces of green leafy material in my possession. As this material was >not quite suitable for smoking (taste reasons...), I sought out to >find a way to make use of it. > >The best method I ver used was really quite simple. > >First, I used a blender to turn the material into a fine powder. Then, >combine the material with enough acetone to completely cover it. Let the >mix soak for at least one or two days, covered and not near ANY flame >source. Then, strain the acetone into a crock-pot (slow cooker). It's >perfectly fine to have some of the finest ground material in the strained >acetone when done, as this helps the pseudo-hash burn nicely. Now, cook >the mixture on low heat until ALL the acetone has evaporated. Voila! You >now have the closest thing to the real mccoy, and it came from LEAF! If >you want to take it a step further, use a press to make small blocks. This >is more time consuming than it's worth, though. > >Works like a charm, and the result is quite pleasing, to say the least. ****************************** Article Separation *************************** EDITORIAL BY: lamontg@milton.u.washington.edu Also, there was much discussion of "double boilers". You use a double boiler whenever you are trying to heat, and evaporate volatile liquids. It should be reasonably obvious that this is necessary to boil off the [acetone|alcohol| isopropyl alcohol] which you would mix with the hash. A double boiler is simplely a large pot with water in it, which contains a smaller pot with the "pot" in it. The water in the large pot boils, heating the smaller pot but never exceeding the temperature of the boiling point of water. Thus, there is a much smaller risk of blowing yourself up. When dealing with flammable liquids like these solvents, proper ventalation is required, and flames are an absolutely contraindicated. There is a stupid text file running around the net on how to "make" Methamphetamine, which is actually a procedure for extracting psudoephedrine. One of the brilliant suggestions by the authors of this article was to evaporate by placing a solvent on a hot water heater. This is dumb. Real dumb. Particularly if you've got a gas hot water heater with a pilot light. (Can you say "Kaboom" boyz & girls? I knew you could...). Be a little careful. ******************************* Article Separation ************************ FROM: Anonymous I don't ever touch marijuana anymore, but I had to comment on the correct method of smoking hash oil. When I was younger I had a girlfriend who lived in Calumet, in a little house on the edge of town. Across the road was an old tailings heap covered in long grass that waved in the wind. Anyway, she loved to drink ginger brandy and she loved to get high. She had some hash oil that summer and we smoked it together. Actually, I had more fun smoking it being high afterward. It was really too strong. But the smoking method was a kick, and it didn't waste any of the oil. We would sit at her kitchen table and heat a small, thin glass pipe with a crook in it, but no bowl (there had been a bowl once, but it had broken off, and it was not needed for the method) and heat the lower part WITH A PROPANE TORCH. Once the glass was glowing red, one of us would dip a wire loop into the hash oil and apply it to the inside of the lower extremity of the glass tube while the other person inhaled. The oil vaporized instantly, but some always precipitated on the inside of the pipe. After a few hits, we would 'cook' the pipe with the torch along its length to get this resin out. I maintain that this method, as opposed to others described, is truly efficient and easy--AND YOU GET TO WAVE A FLAMING PROPANE TORCH AROUND WHILE GETTING UNREASONABLY HIGH!! [Disclaimer: If you need a disclaimer to point out the potential danger of doing this, then you're too dumb to live and we can just think of it as natural selection in action -- Lamont] ***************************** Article Separation ****************************** From: fiend@sideways.welly.gen.nz (Fiend) Date: Tue, 15 Oct 91 14:24:01 Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: HASH EXPERIMENTATION I read with interest a compilation of older net messages regarding the usage of hash oil and hash block. ��������[ VaS DiSTRiBuTioN SiTeS ]�������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � BBS Name Number Baud Sysop Title � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � LiVe WiRE BBS (313)464-1470 14.4 Studmuffin World HQ � � PoT BBS (313)462-1906 24oo Phreak_Accident World HQ � � Floating Pancreas (305)551-0311 14.4 Majestic Cockster Dist. #1 � � Midian BBS (703)790-8048 14.4 The Raging Golemn Dist. #2 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � VaS Voice Mail Box ... 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