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GOLD BOX PLANS: COURTESY OF SIR WILLIAM HOW TO BUILD IT _______________ YOU WILL NEED TE FOLLOWING: TWO 10K OHM AND THREE 1.4K OHM RESISTORS, TWO 2N3904 TRANSISTORS, TWO PHOTOCE LLS,TWO RED LED'S (THE MORE LIGHT PROD UCED THE BETTER), A BOX :-PHOTOCELL--: : : : :BASE : 1 TTTT : +LED- TRANSISTOR : TTTTT : :: : -I(-- : :COLLECTOR RED1--< >:--: :-------:-----GREEN2 -I(-- : ----------: : : 2 :-/+/+/-/+/+/-/+/+/-/+/+/ LED 10K 10K 1.4K 1.4K RESISTORES 2 -PHOTOCELL----------------- : : :BASE : TTTTT : TRANSISTOR : TTTTT : : EMITTER : GREEN1- --------------------------RED2 : : /+/+/ 1.4K THE 1.4K RESISTOR IS VERIABLE AND IF THE SECCOND PAR OF THE GOLD BOX IS SKIPPE D IT WILL STILL WORK BUT WHEN SOMEONE PICKS THE PHONE UP THEY WILL HEAR AFAIN T DIAL TONE IN THE BACKGROUND AND MIGHT REPORT IT TO THE GESTOPO ER...(AT&T). 1.4K WILL GIVE YOU GOOD RECEPTION WITH LITTLE RISK OF A GESTOPO AGENT A YOUR DOOR. NOW THAT YOU HAVE BUILT IT TAKE TWO GREEN WIRES OF THE SAME LENTH STRIP THE ENDS, TWIST TWO ENDS TOGETHER AND CONNECT THEM TO GREEN1 AND PLACE A PEICE OF TAPE ON IT WITH LINE #1 WRITING ON IT. CONTINUE THE PROCESS WITH RED1 ONLY US RED WIRE. REPEAT WITH RED2 AND GREEN2 BUT CHANGE TO LINE #2. HOW TO INSTALL ______________ YOU WILL NEED TO FIND TWO PHONE LINES THAT ARE CLOSE TOGETHER. LABEL ONE OF THE PHONES LINES LINE #1. CUT THE PHONE LINES AND TAKE THE OUTER COATING OFF IT. THERE SHOULD BE 4 WIRES CUT THE YELLOW AND BLACK WIRES OFF AND STRIP THE RED AND GREEN WIES FOR BOTH LINES. LINE #1 SHOULD BE IN TWO PEICES TAKE THE GREEN WIRE OF ONE END AND CONNECT IT TO THE ONE OF THE GREEN WIRES ON THE GOLD BOX. TAKETHE OTHER HALF OF LINE # 1 AND HOOK THE FREE GREEN WIRE TO THE GREEN WIRE ON THE PHONE LINE. REPEAT HE PROCESS WITH RED1 AND THE OTHER LINE. ALL YOU NEED TO DO NOW IS TO RIGHT DOWN THE PHONE NUMBERS OF THE PLACE YOU HOOKED IT UP AT AND GO HOME AND CALL IT . YOU SHOULD GET A DIAL TONE!!! The Lunatic Phringe BBS 312-965-3677 3/12/24 x100 Baud This phile is designed to identify various kinds of ETF (electronic toll fraud) devices and to describe thier operation, according to a booklet put out by Bell entitled: THE INVESTIGATION AND PROSECUTION OF ELECTRONIC TOLL FRAUD DEVICES. (For official use only). There are several different types of electronic equipment which may be generally classified as ETF devices. The most significant is the "Blue Box". The characteristics of each type of device are discussed below. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *BLUE BOX* ----- ---- The "Blue Box" was so named because of the color of the first one found. The design and hardware used in the Blue Box is fairly sophisticated, and its size varies from a large piece of apparatus to a miniaturized unit that is approximately the size of a "king size" package of cigarettes. The Blue Box contains 12 or 13 buttons or switches that emit multi- frequency tones characteristic of the tones used in the normal operation of the telephone toll (long distance) switching network. The Blue Box enables its user to originate fraudulent ("free") toll calls by circumventing toll billing equipment. The Blue Box may be directly connected to a phone line, or it may be acoustically coupled to a telephone handset by placing the Blue Box's speaker next to the trans mitter or the telephone handset. The operation of a Blue Box will be dis- cussed in more detail below. To understand the nature of a fraudulent Blue Box call, it is necessary to understand the basic operation of the Direct Distance Dialing (DDD) telephone network. When a DDD call is properly originated, the calling number is identified as an integral part of establishing the connection. This may be done either automatically or, in some cases, by an operator asking the calling party for his telephone number. This information is entered on a tape in the Automatic Message Accounting (AMA) office. This tape also contains the number assigned to the trunk line over which the call is to be sent. The information relating to the call contained on the tape includes: called number indentification , time of origination of call, and info that the called number answered the call. The time of disconnect at the end of the call is also reForded. Although the tape contains info with respect to many different calls, the various data entries with respect to a single call are eventually correlated to provide billing info for use by your Bell's accounting department. The typical Blue Box user usually dials a number that will route the call into the telephone network without charge. For example, the user will very often call a well-known INWATS (toll- free) customer's number. The Blue Box user, after gaining this access to the network and, in effect, "seizing" control and complete dominion over the line, operates a key on the Blue Box which emits a 2600 Hertz (cycles per second) tone. This tone causes the switching equipment to release the conn ection to the INWATS customer's line. The 2600Hz tone is a signal that the calling party has hung up. The Blue Box simulates this condition. However, in fact the local trunk on the calling party's end is still connected to the toll network. The Blue Box user now operates the "KP" (Key Pulse) key on the Blue Box to notify the toll switch- ing equipment that switching signals are about to be emitted. The user then pushes the "number" buttons on the Blue Box corresponding to the telephone # being called. After doing so he/she operates the "ST" (Start) key to indicate to the switching equipment that signalling is complete. If the call is completed, only the portion of the original call prior to the emission of 2600Hz tone is recorded on the AMA tape. The tones emitted by the Blue Box are not recorded on the AMA tape. There foref, because the original call to the INWATS # is toll-free, no billing is rendered in connection with the call. Although the above is a description of a typical Blue Box operation using a common method of entry into the network, the operation of a Blue Box may vary in any one or all of the following respects: (a) The Blue Box may include a rotary dial to apply the 2600Hz tone and the switching signals. This type of Blue Box is called a "dial pulser" or "rotary SF" Blue box. (b) Entrance into the DDD toll network may be effected by a pretext call to any other toll-free # such as Universal Directory ASSistance (555-1212) or any # in the INWATS network, either inter-state or intra- state, working or non-working. (c) Entrance into the DDD toll network may also be in the form of "short haul" calling. A "short haul" call is a call to any # which will result in a lesser amount of toll charges than the charges for the call to be completed by the Blue Box. For example, a call to Birmingham from Atlanta may cost $.80 for the first 3 minutes while a call from Atlanta to Los Angeles is $1.85 for 3 minutes. Thus, a short haul, 3-minute call to Birmingham from Atlanta, switched by use of a Blue Box to Los Angeles, would result in a net fraud of $1.05 for a 3 minute call. (d) A Blue Box may be wired into the telephone line or acoustically coupled by placing the speaker of the Blue Box near the transmitter of the phone handset. The Blue Box may even be built inside a regular Touch-Tone phone, using the phone's pushbuttons for the Blue Box's signalling tones. (e) A magnetic tape recording may be used to record the Blue Box tones representative of specific phone #'s. Such a tape recording could be used in lieu of a Blue Box to fraud- ulently place calls to the phone #'s recorded on the magnetic tape. All Blue Boxes, except "dial pulse" or "Rotary SF" Blue Boxes, must have the following 4 common operating capabilities: (a) It must have signalling capability in the form of a 2600Hz tone. This tone is used by the toll network to indicate, either by its presence or its absence, an "on hook" (idle) or "off hook" (busy) condition of the trunk. (b) The Blue Box must have a "KP" tones that unlocks or readies the multi-frequency reciever at the called end to receive the tones corresponding to the called phone #. (c) The typical Blue Box must be able to emit MF tones which are used to transmit phone #'s over the toll network. Each digit of a phone # is represented by a combination of 2 tones . For example, the digit 2 is x-mitted by a combination of 700Hz and 1100Hz. (d) The Blue Box must have an "ST" key which consists of a combina- tion of 2 tones that tell the equipment at the called end that all digits have been sent and that the equipment should start switching the call to the called number. The "Dial Pulser" or "Rotary SF" Blue Box requires only a dial with a signalling capability to produce a 2600Hz tone. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *BLACK BOX* ------ ---- This ETF device is so-named because of the color of the first one found. It varies in size and usually has one or two switches or buttons. Attached to the telephone line of a called party, the Black Box provides toll-free calling *to* that party's line. A Black Box user informs other persons beforehand that they will not be charged for any call placed to him. The user then operates the device causing a "non-charge" condition ("no answer" or "disconnect") to be recorded on the telphone company's billing equip ment. A Black Box is relatively simple to construct and is much less sophisti- cated than a Blue Box. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *Cheese Box* ------- ---- This device is so-named for the container in which the first one was found. Its design may be crude or very sophisticated. Its size varies; one was found the size of a half-dollar. A Cheese Box is used most often by bookmakers or betters to place wagers without detection from a remote location. The device inter-connects 2 phone lines, each having different #'s but each terminating at the same location. In effect, there are 2 phones at the same location which are linked together through a Cheese Box. It is usually foundn in an unoccupied apartment connected to a phone jack or connecting block. The bookmaker, at some remote location, dials one of the numbers and stays on the line. Various bettors dial the other number but are automatically connected with the book maker by means of the Cheese Box inter connection. If, in addition to a cheese box, a Black Box is included in the arrangement, the combined equipment would permit toll-free calling on either line to the other line. If a police raid were conducted at the terminating point of the conversations -the location of the Cheese Box- there would be no evidence of gambling activity. This device is sometimes difficult to identify. Law enforcement officials have been advised that when unusual devices are found associated with telephone connections the phone company security representitives should be contacted to assist in indentification. (This probably would be good for a BBS , especially with the Black Box set up. and if you ever decided to take the board down, you wouldn't have to change your phone #. It also makes it so you yourself cannot be traced. I am not sure about calling out from one though) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *RED BOX* ---- ---- This device it coupled acoustically to the handset transmitter of a single- slot coin telephone. The device emits signals identical to those tones emitted when coins are deposited. Thus, local or toll calls may be placed without the actual deposit of coins. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- #11 "YELLOW BOX PLANS" By CAPTAIN HOOK On Feb 3, 1986 5:47 Now to begin with you need the following: 1) A telephone line showing up in the wall.You can find the opening behind all those round plates AT&T puts in when they disconnect or begin to put a phone in. 2) 1 Modular jack 3) 1 Screwdriver 4) 1 Human being who knows what the hell their doing!!!! (in other words an IQ of 3 or so will do) PREPARATION: 1) open the plate to expose the wire running through the wall or you ca n remove an old jack to find the wire.(Note: it must be a complete wire not an end as is used for the setup of a normal phone) 2) Cut the wire in half.Now check your other phones (Note: i had 2 other phones so one works the other wont ) 3) Now splice up the 2 ends of the wire you just cut.You will find 4 or 6 color coded wires on each end. 4) Splice up each smaller wire so as the metal is exposed. 5) Next now this is the hard part look at the jack at match the color s(Note:if you cant do this: a) get a very sharp razor blade b) now put to the wrists and slice that. c) wait about an hour and your dead KINDA FINAL ISNT IT!!!!! 6) each screw will now have 2 of each colore wire on it. 7) Plug in the phone. YOUR DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE:THIS PROCESS IS IRREVERSABLE!!!!This bulletin has been taken from the OSUNY files from 82/83 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BULLETIN IS FOR IN FORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO BUILD THIS DEVICE FOR USE IN ANY FRAUDULENT OR ILLEGAL ACT. M R. AMERICA KEY === First a few KEYS to the diagram: Cx is capacitor #x Denoted by: ---| |--- Px is Pot or Variable resistor #x Denoted by :/ \ /<-- \ Rx is resistor #x Denoted by /\/\/\/\ SCHEMATICS ========== The XR-2207 chip is a Voltage-Contr olled Oscillator and a 14 pin device thu s you must be very careful when soldering the parts to this device. It is a little dificult to actually draw a schematic on a 80 character scren using limited gra phics but will give it a try. TO GND_____________ | ___ C2 C3 ___ _||_ | | | _____|__9v+ | | | | ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | ---------------- --------------- | |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | | | < | |8 9 10 11 12 13 14| | ---------------- --------------- | ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | | | | --| |--------| | | |C1 R2 | R1 | GND ______|___/\/\/\/\______|_ ____/\/\/\/\______| This is a diagram of how to locate the different pins on the chip please no tice that pin one is the closest to the n otch on top of the chip. The first thing we'll do is to connect power to the chip (remember that you need to build two of these to get a complete system) this is accomplished by connecting the positive wire of the battery lead to pin 1 one leg of R1 and R2 is solder to pin 11 the other leg of R1 goes to pin 1 or to the positive of the battery. The other leg of R2 goes to ground, C1 goes between pin 10 and ground. The timing capacitor or C2 goes between pins 2 and 3 of the chip pins 8 and 9 should be grounded to ground. Pin 14 is the output and this is where one leg of C4 (C3 goes on the other VCO) in series with R3(the same goes for the other VCO) and to one lead of the speaker. The trimmer pots P1 to P10 should be grouped in groups of 5 pots each . the way you group it is by soldering one end of the pot to each other leaving the wiper and the other end free. | This end goes to pin 6 of the chip | _____________|_____________ / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ /<- /<- /<- /<- /<- \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | / | / | / | / | / | | | | | | | | | | | P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 And finally this is the way each key should be wired. diode to Px ------>|-----| This is the contact of the |--------- \------ key to Px ------>|-----| | diode | ----- --- Ground - This may not be the best way to show the schematics but at least it is something. MR. AMERICA NOTE: This is for information ONLY please do not break any laws. Please direct any questions to the SYSOP or to Mr. America. /-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\ <:-\-White Box Plans-\-:> \-\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/ (>Introduction<) This article will tell you how to take a normal touch tone keypad and convert it to a portable unit. First of all, the tones made by a touch on telephone are not single tones, they are a combination of two tones, making 'DTMF' (Dual tone Multi-frequency). The normal tone telephone dials 12 different signals (see bulletin on Silver Boxes). The power required by a keypad is about 25 volts, but they will work with as little as 15, thereby allowing the use of [file messed up here...] As you may have gussed, they are also designed to operate with a telephone type speaker (and phoneline), and not the standard 8-OHM speaker which needs to be used for adequate vtlume. To accomplish this we use a matching transformer, this is one of those miniature ones available at radio shack. Enough of the theory, no [file messed up here...] (>Phone Modification Instructions<) You will need: <1> Touch Tone Keypad <2> Minature 1000 to 8OHM transformer (Radio Shack # 273-1380) <3> A standard 8-OHM speaker <4> Two 9-VOLT Radio Bateries <5> Two 9-VOLT clips <6> A case to put it all in (optional) o A few construction notes, I suggest that you solder and tape all connections. It is also important to read this entire article before attemping to construct this. First, connect the red wire of the transformer to either terminal on the speaker. Now connect the white wire from the transformer to the other terminal speaker. Next, connect the red (positive) wire of one battery clip to the black wire on the other battery clip. Now connect the remaining red wire on the second battery clip to the green wire from the touch tone pad. Connect the blue wire from the touch tone pad to the orange-and-black striped wire from the touch to black lead from the first battery clip. You have now finished the power connection to the keypad. Next, connect the black wire from the keypad to the blue wire on the transformer. Now connect the red-and-green striped wire from the keypad to the green wire on the transformer. The black wire on the transformer should not be connected to anything, along with quite a few wires from the keypad. The connection of the keypad is now complete. All you have to do is connect two nine volt batteries to the battery clips, and you'll be ready to go. You may want to mount it in a case for easy portability. (>Use of the White Box<) To bring the White Box to its full potential Silver box modifications should be made to this unit, thus allowing complete remote phreaking. When none of the buttons are pressed, this unit uses NO power, thereby eliminating the need for a power s ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-END-________________________________________ o Written by Phlash Gordon & Edited by 13th Floor Enterprises Uploaded by: The Masked Squirrel Call: The Squirrel's Lair (606) 341-8204 20 meg 1200 only! White Box Plans (Uploaded by The Mystic) This article will tell you how to change a normal touch tone keypad and convert it to a portable unit. In addition, we give the touch-tone frequencies. First of all, the tones made by a touch tone telephone are not single tones, they are a combination of two tones, making "DTMF" (dual tone multi-frequency). The normal tone telephone dials 12 different signals, but is capable of dialing 16 different signals (see bulletin on silver boxes). The power required by a keypad is about 25 volts, but they will work with as little as 15, thereby allowing the use of two 9- volt radio batteries. As you may have guessed, they are also designed to operate with a telephone type speaker (and phone line), and not the standard 8-ohm speaker which needs to be used for adequate volume. To accompolish this, we use a matching transformer, this is one of those miniature ones available at Radio Shack. Enough of the theory, now for the circuit. You will need: A touch tone keypad A miniature 1000 to 8 ohm transformer (Radio Shack # 273-1380) A standard 8-ohm speaker Two 9-volt radio batteries Two 9-volt battery clips A case to put it all in (optional) A few construction notes, I suggest that you solder and tape all connections. It is also important to read this entire bulletin before attempting to construct this. First, connect the RED wire of the transformer to either terminal on the speaker. Now connect the WHITE wire from the transformer to the other terminal on the speaker. Next, connect the RED (positive) wire of one battery clip to the black wire of the other battery clip. Now connect the the remaining RED wire on the second battery clip to the GREEN wire from the touch tone pad. Connect the BLUE wire from the touch tone pad to the ORANGE-and-BLACK striped wire from the touch tone pad. To these two wires, now connect the remaining black lead from first battery clip. You have now finished the power connection to the keypad. Connect the BLACK wire from the keypad to the BLUE wire on the transformer. Next connect the RED-and-GREEN striped wire from the keypad to the GREEN wire on the transformer. The BLACK wire on the transformer should not be connected to anything, along with quite a few wires from the keypad. The connection of the keypad is now complete. All you have to do is connect two nine volt batteries to the battery clips, and you'll be ready to go. You may want to mount it in a case for easy portability. Note that the silver box modification CAN be made to this unit, allowing complete remote phreaking. When none of the buttons are pressed, this unit uses NO power, thereby eliminating the need for a power switch, and extending the life of the batteries. The following are the frequency combinations generated by each button on the keypad. KEY FREQ. #1 FREQ. #2 --- -------- -------- 1 697 1209 2 697 1336 3 697 1477 A 697 1633 4 770 1209 5 770 1336 6 770 1477 B 770 1633 7 852 1209 8 852 1336 9 852 1477 C 852 1633 * 941 1209 0 941 1336 # 941 1477 D 941 1633 All frequencies are measured in Hertz Note that A,B,C and D are not normally present (except for silver boxes) ***************************************************************************** 3 WAY CALLING Written by The Mortician 1) To do this you need two phone lines with the jacks somewhat near each other, or at least access to each jack from a comman place as you will have to run wires between the two different jacks. 2) Now open up each jack and take a look at the inside. (You can open it by unscrewing the center screw on most modular jacks.) You will see 4 terminals(Places where wires meet) There should be one Red, One yellow One Green, One black. Now what you will do is take two extra wires(Preferably one Red and the Other Green from your garage or where ever you keep that shit). Now take your red wire and attach one end to the Red terminal. Do the Same with the green. 3) Repeat step 2 with the jack for the other line. So Now you will have a Red and Greed Free wire for each Line. 4) Now Get a Single Pole Double Throw Switch From Radio Shack(Like $.28) Or where ever you can find one. 5) Now put the switch in between the two green wires and the two red wires. Such that when you turn the switch on the green wires will be connected and the Red will be too. If you have any questions call The Morgue and leave me feedback and I will get back to you. (201)376-4462. A Truly Great BBS. Run on an IBM PC. Use: Well Say your two lines are 6666 and 7777. Who cares about the prefix. Any way I will call them 6 and 7. Pick up 6 and call somebody. Now call another person on line 7. Throw the switch. The Person on 7 will now be able to hear the person on 6 and vice versa. You can also hang up one of the phones and talk through the other and both will still hear you. Because of the way this is set up the person on 6 will hear the peron on 7 faintly but it isn't that bad. That is true for 7 hearing 6 too. Fool around with id and see what you get. This file brought to you by The Mystic. --------------------------------------- /==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==\ ! Urine Box Plans ! ... new and improved! ... \==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==:==/ 3/2/86---- Now at last, Underground_Elite brings you these ultrasophisticated box plans for, well, uh, I guess we just kind of bring them for you. After many months of keeping this puppy secret, we here at Underground_Elite have finally come to the consensus that the public oughtn't be kept in the dark from the wrath of Ma Bell, that great telephone company in the sky. The Urine Box (tm) basically creates a capacitative disturbance between the ring and tip wires in another's telephone headset. I have utilized this to the distinct advantage of the operator of the Urine box and to the disadvantage of the other party involved, hopefully you won't get caught. Without further a doo, wire this schematic together. Copper wire (or gold) will work best due to its lessened resistance. It might be a good idea to keep the wiring cooled, to further reduce current loss. 47k ohms --------------- .01 uF !\ !------/\/\/-----------! SPST switch !----!------)!---------! ! \ ! --------------- ! ! ! !--! ! ! + ! !----------<-!-----!--------/\/\/------------! ---------- ! / PVP diode ! 470k ohms ! 12 VDC ! !/ ! _ ---------- ! / .005 uF ! - SPKR 20W !-------/\/\/\/\/---------)!----<-!---------! ! _/ VR1 (see note1) PVP diode ! ! ! to RING to TIP (your phone) (your phone) note1 - VR1 is a three position variable resistor, enabling settings equivalent to 100k ohms, 210k ohms, and 320k ohms (all 110k apart). note2 - The diodes are silicon-germanium based bipolar RF reducers to limit current polarity reversal. If these are placed backwards the box will not work as intended. note3 - The speaker will emit low tones when the SPST is closed (ie the box is "ON") and when the settings of VR1 are moved to higher resistance the tone level will increase. note4 - Place setting evaluation symbols to represet the lowest resistance setting for VR1 to be "STEAM", the second (210) to be "MELT", the third (320) to be "VAPORIZE". Usage of box. Use in place of your normal telephone receiver. Do not attempt usage as a regular phone. Call victim by sending tones through speaker with tape recorded noise. Use touch tone sounds as pulse requires electric disruption of line, not just audio. After answer (listen in on SPKR 1) set VR1 to desired strength and let her go. Victim will feel unpleasant sensations in his/her head and will undergo a series of high intensity seizures, not unlike epilepsy, and jointly proportional to VR-1 setting and time induced. Settings. (The Fun Part) STEAM. A short -poof- of water vapor condenses within the victim's earpiece, rendering the telephone short circuited and the victim quite dazed. MELT. Causes structural phase change of receiver (usually reinforced ureaformaldehyde plastic material - high tech). This has the unpleasant bonus of removing the victim's hand. VAPORIZE. If the victim is particularly nasty, this setting will remove his upper anatomy (if box is enabled properly, that is!). Continued usage of this setting is generally not recommended, as death or other serious injury will accompany. Disclaimer. Yes, I will refuse to take responsibility for your incompetence in electrical doings. This includes my reluctance to give court testimony, etc. etc. Wolfgang von Albatross Attorney at Law, ex Telco employee. Brought to you by the 408/245-SPAM people. 300/1200. To put together a TV station you will need this stuff: A VCR or Camcorder with video or RF outputs A Ham Radio 6-meter Band Linear amplifier (This boosts the RF signal from the VCR for broadcasting) (The Linear Amp should have a bandwidth of 6 MHz for best results) A cable television RF distribution amplifier may also be used. Coaxial cable with UHF connectors (Connects the Linear Amp to the Antenna) A cable-TV patch cable with an F-connector and a UHF connector (To connect the RF signal to the Linear Amp) (F-connectors are the small ones used with cable TV) (UHF connectors are the large ones used for Ham Radio) If your VCR does not have RF outputs: An external RF modulator (converts video to channel 3,6,12 etc.) a cable with RCA connectors (a standard stereo cord is ok) A 6-meter Ham radio antenna. If you do not have a pre-made 6-meter antenna: About 20 feet of strong wire 3 ceramic antenna insulators another UHF connector Likely places to get the linear amplifier, connectors and cables is a Ham Radio swapmeet, a Ham club newsletter's classified ads, a Buy-Sell-Trade paper like The Recycler, or at a store specializing in Ham gear. RF modulators are available at specialty video stores, or major VCR dealers. Setting Up the Transmitter: Using a VCR with RF out: [VCR/RF]F----------------------------U[Linear Amp]U------------U[Antenna] weak RF Power RF Using an External RF Modulator: [VCR]R-------R[RF Modulator]---------U[Linear Amp]U------------U[Antenna] video weak RF Power RF Diagram Symbols: U UHF-connectors (Ham radio) F F-connectors (cable TV) R RCA connectors (stereos) --- coax, cables, wires [] devices (name of device in brackets) ceramic insulator (the kind with a hole at each end) Building The Dipole Antenna: wire wire ---------------------++---------------------- | | Short coax | | [U] UHF connector The antenna is set up much like a clothesline with the wires tethered straight out horizontally. The outer insulators are used to isolate the antenna from the tether lines, which should be rope or nylon cords for good results. The inner insulator isolates a gap between the two long wires of the antenna. The length of the wires used for the antenna is critical. Look up the length in feet for the channel you want to use in the table below & make each of the two long wires that length. As a rule of thumb, a wire half-wave antenna's length in feet is equal to 468 divided by the frequency in MHz. **************************************** VHF Television Channel Data ---------------------------------------- TV MHz ---carrier--- antenna channel range video sound lengths ------- ----- ----- ----- ------- 2 54-60 55.25 59.75 8.47ft 3 60-66 61.25 65.75 7.64ft 4 66-72 67.25 71.75 6.95ft 5 76-82 77.25 81.75 6.05ft 6 82-88 83.25 87.75 5.62ft 7 174-180 175.25 179.75 2.67ft 8 180-186 181.25 185.75 2.58ft 9 186-192 187.25 191.75 2.49ft 10 192-198 193.25 197.75 2.42ft 11 198-204 199.25 193.75 2.34ft 12 204-210 205.25 209.75 2.28ft 13 210-216 211.25 215.75 2.21ft (All frequencies in MHz) (Lengths are for half-wave antennas) **************************************** For Further information: Look in the ARRL Handbook published by the American Radio Relay League for detailed plans & theory for antennas, transmitters & linear amplifiers. The info in that book can be used for setting up an underground AM or FM radio station. *************************************** * * * The Tron Box * * * *************************************** The Tron Box works when the electrical load in your house is low, like at night... It reverses the phase on the line, canceling out the opposite phase. The voltage and frequency remain the same, so everything operates as normal, just with a reverse phase. The reverse phase, in effect will cause the electric meter to run slower, and at a very low consumption times, even backwards... But remember to turn the thing off once and a while, and don't leave it on while in Hawaii... or you'll be getting a 'Visit'... /// Materials \\\ 3 -.47UF Electrolytic Capacitators rated at a minimum of 50V 1 -1/2 Watt resistor, 20-30 ohm (Radio Shack 271-005) 1 -120 volt fuse or cicut breaker, Amp rating - 1/2 total house current or less to protect your circut breaker (RS 270-1310 2A Circut breaker - if it keeps blowing, use higher amp. 1 -120 volt SPST switch, rated at total house current (RS 275-324) 1 -Power cord - a cut off extention cord, with plug and wire 1 -Spool of at least 20 ga. stranded wire or cut up power cord for house current (RS 278-1304 or 278-1305) 1 -PC-board (optional) (RS 270-291, includes box, below) 1 -Insulated Electrical Box /// Diagram \\\ +---+---+----/\/\/----<->---+ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! +--A/C (=) (=) (=) ! ! ! +--Source ! ! ! ! +---+---+---------[/]-------+ (=) Capacitators /\/ Resistor <-> Fuse [/] Switch --------------------------------------- /// Directions \\\ Wire the circut as shown in the diagram, with the three capacitators in parrallel, using wire capable to handle 120 volts - at least 20 ga. stranded or solid (if you can work with it). Put the resister, fuse, and switch into the circut serieswise. Secure project into the insulated box, connect the power cord to the leads and plug into an A/C source. Set the switch to on... Have fun... The Lunatic Phringe BBS 312-965-3677 3/12/24 x100 Baud this file was taken from USENET group misc.security everything you wanted to know about infinity transmitters -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Date: Wed, 25 Nov 87 13:09:33 EST >From: Dave Kucharczyk Subject: Re: Infinity Yes, infinity transmitters do exist. they work on the principle that the audio path is made even before a dialed phone starts to ring. one sends a tone down the line which tells the infinity transmitter to "pick up" the phone before the ringing starts, and can then listen to teh location where the bug is planted. however these devices are pretty much made obsolete by the fact that any of the ESS switches do not open an audio path untill they receive answer supervision from the dialed end. ssr -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Date: Thu, 26 Nov 87 11:51:35 EST >From: Larry Hunter Subject: Re: Infinity Ever heard of an "Infinity Transmitter"? Yeah, they are pretty old tech bugging devices. They used to work fine, but with the advent of separate signalling and voice circuits in ESS (the electronic version of Ma Bell's switching system) they became obsolete. The idea was that the bug would listen to the phone line for a tone. When it heard the tone (or combination of tones -- they were called harmonica bugs because people often used harmonica notes to trigger them) it would pick up the phone and you could listen to what was going on in the room that the phone was in, before the phone rang. The problem in ESS is that the caller is not connected to the line when it is ringing -- the audio connection is only made when the phone is picked up -- so the bug cannot hear the incoming tone. No audio path to transmit the tone, no infinity bugs. One might imagine more sophisticated versions of the infinity bug; It could pick up the line WHENEVER it rings, check for the tone, do the infinity bug thing is the tone is present and if the tone weren't present it would have to generate its own ringing voltage (for the phone) and ringing tone (for the caller) until the line really got picked up. As you might imagine, the ESS infinity bug would have to be much more complicated (read more expensive and more likely to be detected) than the old style ones. I've never heard of anyone trying this. There are lots of telephone exchanges that are not ESS (step and crossbar are the two main alternatives) where the simple old infinity bugs still work fine. Any exchange where "Custom Calling" (e.g. call forwarding or call waiting) is not available is probably not ESS. People still sell things like infinity bugs as "home baby sitters" or as burgler alarms, but they answer the phone all the time even though they only turn the mike on if they receive a tone. These are usueless as bugs because no one can make calls TO the target -- the bug always answers the phone. You can rest easy re: infinity bugs, although you should be aware that it is a pretty trivial task to use electronic surveillance these days and that a lot of people do it. Larry -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Date: Sun, 29 Nov 87 16:27:38 EST >From: Mark W. Eichin Subject: Infinity Transmitters I saw an article on these once (on a bboard that got closed down about a year later for phone credit card postings). The main idea was that someone who wanted to tap the room would add this little circuit board to the phone, which would detect some sort of tone on the line when the phone first rang, inhibit the ring, and open the microphone. Something was mentioned about ultrasound (unlikely, given the quality of the phone lines, but it was being vague), and how you could tap in from anywhere as long as you could dial direct (ie. even from England). The main flaw was that the phone was of course busy (to the outside world) the whole time you were monitoring. It was allegedly used extensively by PI's to gather ``evidence'' for divorce proceedings. The article did not have much in the way of technical detail; oh well. Mark Eichin ------- Tangerine Box Revisted By Happy Harley Plan:Okay okay so you have brother's sister's and parents. You want to hear what they are doing all the time on the phone huh? Parts: Female 2 Female RJ-11 jack. And mini headphone connector. Tools:Soldering Iron, Knife, Hot glue or expoxy Get Started: Rip open the RJ-11 Jack There should be a large end and a small end. They snap apart and together. Cut the ends of the wires off the small end. Cut the Black & Yellow wires off the large end. Now all's that's left is 1 each of green and red. Strip the ends. Now Cut a rectangle in the snap of the large connector big enough for the headphone connector. Solder the red and green to oppisite sides of the top of the connector. Glue the connector in, then snap it shut. Diagram: [--------------------------] I RRR[---I This part I Plug >>>RRRRRRR I o I is useless<<< Unused Jack phone>>>GGGGGGGGGG[---I <<< in hereI ^ I I [------------J-------------] A ^ C S K N A P R=Red wire G=Green wire This is a God I Love This Country Production It is not Copywrighted. Share it. Print it. Upload it. Hah just kidding this is only for entertainment purposes Your friend H.H. THE TANGERINE BOX By Happy Harley First Off-This is fucking illegal so I would not try it at all. But have fun if you do, and BTW I assume no responsibilty for whatever the fuck you may do with this. Intro-A tangerine box is a box that inables you to plug it in, then listen to the conversation, without them hearing a click or anything...plus a jack for headphone, or tape. Parts:Modular Phone Conector Speaker Headphone Jack You can get these at your local Radio Shit, er Shack store... Here the plans, schamateic or whatever Key To symbols: * * =Modular Phone Jack, so does *. * * <==>=Speaker V /�\=Head phone jack R=Red G=Green B=Black Y=Yellow, or sometimes white YYYYYYYYYYYY Y Y YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY <==> Y Y YY/ / YY Y G Y / /GGGGGGG GG Y *Y *G G G Y G G Y *R *B G\ � / V Note=Just leave the Red&Black alone.. Now, the speaker will be listening when ever the phone is plugged in, and when you plug a pair of headphone or a tape recorder into the Headphone jack, the speaker will automatically disable. Now have fun, and most importantly...DON'T GET CAUGHT ***************************************************************************** * The Tan Box * * * * * * Written by: * * * * Samurai Cat and Tarkin Darklighter * * * * * ***************************************************************************** * DSF Devestator (214) 581-7565 Supporting the IIgs! * ***************************************************************************** Introduction ------------ The Tan box allows you to make recordings from a phone line, and it will only record once the victim's phone is picked up. Basically, this is a modified linesman's handset, or "Beige Box." For a copy of the Beige Box file, ask your friendly local sysop. A Beige Box consists of a speaker and two wires, a red (ring) and a green (tip). The Tan Box also works on this principle. Construction ------------ Parts: A small cassette recorder, preferably a micro cassette recorder. (It MUST have both a microphone jack and a remote jack) A single line recording control. (Radio Shack part number 43-228) 2 alligator clips (Radio Shack number 270-374) A plastic box to contain the above parts (also available at Radio Shack) Tan or Black spray paint 7/16 inch hex driver 1. Take the recording control and cut the modular plug off. Make sure you leave enough wire! 2. Strip the red and green wires. (The yellow and black wires are not necessary, and can be removed.) 3. Drill a hole on the end of the plastic box (enough for two wires to go through). 4. Put the recording control in the box and run the red and green wires through the hole. Attach one alligator clip to each of the wires. 5. Put the micro cassette recorder in the box and plug the remote and microphone wires from the recording control into it. 6. Close the box. 7. Spray paint the box and wires to make it look like it is supposed to be where it is. (BE SURE YOU LABEL THE WIRES BEFORE YOU PAINT THEM!) Installation ------------ You can either hook it up to the box on the side of their house or a bridging head. Use the 7/16" hex driver to open either of these. (On older houses, you may not have to use a hex driver.) Attach the red wire to the right terminal and the green to the left. (Remember: Red-Ring-Right) If you attached the box to a bridging head, there may be room to leave it inside. If you attached it to the side of a house, run the wires out of their box and close it. Attach the Tan Box to the side of their house. Make sure you come back and get the box pretty soon, or you may find it gone! Micro cassette recorders are not cheap! Be careful, wiretapping is a felony (2-20 years, a $10,000 fine, or both), and various other laws may be broken (i.e., recording without the other party knowing it, etc.) Ways to avoid being Beige/Tan Boxed ----------------------------------- A tap detector may be purchased at Radio Shack (of course). If you do detect a tap, find the box, and you will have just gotten a new tape recorder! Disclaimer ---------- This file was written for informational purposes only, so the authors will not assume any responsiblity for either the use or construction of the Tan Box. ***************************************************************************** * Call: * * * * DSF Devestator 214-581-7565 Specializing in the IIgs. * * * * A member of the Deep Space Fleet. * ***************************************************************************** --------------------------------------- Appendix D -/SWITCHBOX PLANS/- This tutorial is notable in that it is totally and absolutely within legal bounds. It's only object is to guide you in building a device with which you can control, on many different levels, your home phone lines. It is designed primarily for two phone numbers, although I suspect that provisions for more than two can be easily added. With it, you can put one or both phone lines on hold with visible indicators of each lines status; conference call with two people; change a phone from line #1 to line #2; and lastly, make one phone line physically dead to outside world. This is good, for instance, if you don't want to recieve any calls, or if you want to stop someone from talk- ing on that line really quickly. The circut is relatively simple to build and I believe it is much more economical than buying something like Radio Shack's line controller. It will require some knowledge of electronics and the phone line in general, but I don't think that should be a problem. I have personally found many uses for the controller, and have put in into a pleasant "project box" so it is not an eyesore. OK, now, let's start with the parts list -------- ============================================================ *** Parts List *** 1. Two pushbutton (on-off) switches for hold 2. Two LED's for line status indication 3. One DPDT switch for conferencing 4. One SPST switch for line shut off 5. Another DPDT switch for phone line switching 6. Get some wire, you'll need it! 7. 2 modular phone plugs with at least 10 feet of wire each 8. Two 1.7K ohm resistors 9. *OPTIONAL* - Project Box ============================================================= *** Construction *** We will take the construction of the switchbox-controller in parts. First, the hold switches and status indicators. The following is a diagram of the essential circut: Pushbutton #1 LED --------------------------!x!-----0--- Phone Line #1 1.7K Resistor ! -----------------/!/!/!/!/------------ Some word of explanation is in order. First of all, the second phone line hold is constructed the same as the first. Basically, there are two wires come out of your phone line, the red and the green. You have to experiment to find out which one is connected to the pushbutton switch and which one to the Resistor. To do this, just connect it in any way and then turn the switch on. If the LED lights up, you connected it right, otherwise reverse the connections. Got it? Good, now do the same for line #2, following exactly the same procedure. Now, let's do an easy one. This will be the line black- out switch. First, decide which line you wish to black out. Actually, you can do it to both lines if you wish, just get an extra SPST switch. Now, connect the switch across the line as follows: --------------------------------!!!!!!!! x ! Hold ! !x! <---Switch !Circut! x ! ! --------------------------------!!!!!!!! Don't worry that your line can't handle both circuts, it can. To test out, pick up a phone on the line you have connected the switch to and flip it on. There should be dead silence. Now, turn it off. You should hear a dial tone. You have to be an absolute idiot if this doesn't work. OK, let's see what we have so far. If everything is working you should now have two hold circuts and a black- out switch connected. Now it really gets tough! Next on the agenda is the conference switch. I have a few precautions for you on this one. First, you have to know what you're doing, and second, it doesn't work that well. The reason it doesn't is because I am naturally very lazy and didn't feel like adding the needed phone transformer. But, it is still good for many uses, limited only by your imag- ination (to use a cliche'). First, take the double pole double throw switch into your hand. It should look like this on the back: --------- - 1 2 - - 3 4 - - 5 6 - --------- * Note - Numbers correspond to actual pins. Now connect two wires to pins 3 & 4 and two wires to pins 1 & 2. The wires going to pins one and two are connected across the first phone line and the wires from three and four go across the second phone line. Test it out: Pick up your phone (either line) and wait for dial tone. Then throw on the conference switch. You should get a second dial tone. Now dial 555-1212. You should now have two D.A.'s on the line, asking each other "What City?". If not, then reverse the connections to phone line #1 or #2, it doesn't matter. Now it should work. If not, then recheck EVERYTHING! You messed up! Now for the last section - the phone line switcher. With this, you can connect a phone directly to the switchbox and have it operate from line #1 or line #2, depending on the position of the last DPDT switch. Let me emphasize that this is optional. Actually, all the circuts are - they are in- dependent of each other and each can be built separatly or together. Now, refering to the diagram of the DPDT switch above: Connect two wires to pins 1 & 2. Then connect these to phone line #1. Now connect two wires to 5 & 6 and connect these to phone line # 2. Lastly, connect two wires to 3 & 4 and con- nect the ends of these to a phone. That's it! Now, pick up the phone and you should hear a dial tone. Throw the switch and you should hear another dial tone. In some areas you may dial '958' to hear exactly what number you are currently connected to, but that should be a problem. If you really can't figure it out, then either trace the circut back or call one of the numbers and see if you get a busy signal or if it rings. Finally - Put the whole mess inside a project case, unless you like the site of wires all over the place. This also shouldn't be a problem if you know even the basics of hardware construction. Any questions may be directed to AUTOPSY SAW at Lion's Den BBS * (313) 881-2411 *. This file was presented to you for the public good. Sit belonely down a tree! ________________________________________________________________________________ o Written by Autopsy Saw ============================================================ ! Next in the series: Why Real Pirates Guides are Bullshit ! =========================================================================================================================================== The Static Box Created and Brought to You by: The Usurper and The Raver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were looming at the Aqua Box plans and we saw something about static on long-distance calls in the file. It said that you get static because the voltage is not getting regulated very well. So why not have a box that keeps the voltage regulated so that you can avoid static? This would be very useful when calling a BBS with an extender that flakes-out and gives you garbage on the screen. So here it is... * Note: These are our first box plans with schematics, and electronics that I made, so bear with me. And yes, this has been tested. EQUIPMENT 1. (2) Size 'AA' Batteries, and holder (You could use a adapter, so you won't have to buy batteries...ex. A 3,6,9,12 volt adapter in one!) 2. (1) Two fone line connector (Has two plugs from one) 3. (1) Modular plug w/6 inches of colored wire connected. 4. 2 feet of telephone wire 5. (1) 100k Resistor 6. Soldering Iron 7. Solder.....get all of this at Radio Shack of course! SCHEMATIC __________ Two-way Static box -> | Plug 1 \ plug |___________\ Telephone -> | Plug 2 |__\__ |_________|_____| +---------------Green-wire F/plug----+__\__ | _____| +---|-------\/\/\----Red-wire F/plug-----+ ^ | | 100k Modular plug ___-___+___ resistor | _______ | | | - | + | | | | t |1.5| | | | l | V | | | | o | o | | <- I reccomend 3 volts for most connections. | | V | l | | | |1.5| t | | | |___|___| | |___________| INSTRUCTIONS Have your phone connected to one of the plugs, then if you want to use the Static box plug it into the other one and put the batteries in the case. That will remove static. This will be useful in using 2400 baud on an extender (because of shitty lines). You may want to make the voltage 9 volts, with a 9 volt battery holder. What the hell, make two, one for 3 volts (Normal stuff), and one for 9 volts (Special connections like 2400 baud on a extender). Be sure not to leave it hooked up, because it may make your phone act funny, and people may not get calls through! You could use even a bigger voltage, an use it as "Lock 'n Trace", and make some asshole squirm! NOTE: This is the second release of this file. A few slight modifications to the file structure had to be made. Originally released on 11/21/86. The new release date is 12/27/87. Merry Christmas, have a nice day, and don't forget to fuck your sister for us, eh? This has been a Lords of Twilight release... big fuckin' deal, eh? =============================================================================== Call: the Demon Roach Underground at (806) 794-4362.}PEPSON} How to Build a SILVER BOX ======================================= ATTENTION: BE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO SOLDER! THIS COULD PERMENANTLY DAMAGE YOUR PHONE!!! READ EVERYTHING BEFORE DOING ANYTHING! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ingreadients: 1 Blue wire about 1 foot. 1 Gray wire about 1 foot. 1 Brown wire about 1 foot. (Better to overkill....) 1 Single pole/Double throw (SPDT) switch. (Smallest you can find.) 1 Standard bell phone. Tools: 1 Soldering Iron and Solder. 1 flat-tip screwdriver. 1 Very patcient person. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1: Take the casing off your phone by loosening the two screws underneath it. (Don't take the screws all the way off!) 2: Loosen (But don't remove) the screws on the side of the touch- tone keypad. (The ones that attach it to the mounting bracket.) and CAREFULLY remove the keypad from the mounting bracket. 3: You will notice a plastic cover on the keypad; seperate the two halves and get the out of your way. (Don't destroy them, you will need them later.) 4: Now, look at the top of the pad (so the 123 row is facing away, and the *0# row is toward you. Turn over the keypad. You should see a mass of wires, gold plated contacts, discrete components, and two large doughnut shaped black thingies. (These are the coils hat make the touch-tone frequencies. All you are going to do is connect the wires that Ma Bell "Forgot" to.) 5: Look at the coil on the left (with 5 solder contacts facing you, rather than being perpendicular to you.) Count over 4 contacts FROM the left (or 2 conacts FROM the �7�3  � right) and solder the GRAY wire to the fourth post FROM the left. 6: Solder the other end of the GRAY wire to the LEFT pole of the SPDT switch. 7: (The point of no return).......... Take a look at the bottom edge of the keypad. You should see a row of three gold plated contacts (to the right of two very large capasitors) look at the one on the left and GENTELY seperate the two touching connectors (They are soldered together with a drop of solder) and spread them apart. 8: Solder the brown wire to the top contact (The one futhest from you), and solder it to the RIGHT pole of SPDT switch. 9: Now, take the blue wire and solder it to the bottom (Closest) contact. Solder the other end of this wire to the CENTER pole of SPDT switch. *************************************** DONE *************************************** 10: Now put you phone back together. (To make it look professonal, make a hole in the plastic top of your phone and stick the SPDT switch through it. Now, (Hopefully) when the switch is in on position you will have a normal phone and when it is in the other position the 3, 6, 9, and # keys (Which are now the A, B, C, and D keys) will magically produce the SILVER BOX TONES! Have Phun and Happy Phreaking, Agrajag -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brought to you by: AGRAJAG and -=%> The Hitchhikers <%=- Bring your towel --------------------------------------- =================================== USING A SILVER BOX ----------------------------------- First off, a silver box adds the four extra tones to your phone that Ma Bell never told you about. They go �7�3  �like this: 1 2 3 A 4 5 6 B 7 8 9 C * 0 # D There used to be many places were you could use SILVER BOX tones, but now you can only use it in places were Ma Bell hasn't gotten around to replacing here old switchboxes, (4A), or on Autovan. Autovan is a special military phone line, like a mass of private lines hooked together (I think, but I'm not sure). To see if a specific area has the old 4A switchboxes try this test: Call up there directory assistance by using XXX-555-1212, (Where XXX is the area code you are check out. Now hold down the "D" key as soon as you finish dialing. (If you are using the SILVER BOX that I showed you how to make; Switch to SILVER BOX tones and hold down the "#" key.) The phone should start ringing and the operator will answer. If the operator screams at you to stop pressing your keypad, then hang up and try a diffrent areacode. (This one does not work.) If you get a pulsing tone the you got a good line! Now try out different numbers. 6 and 7 usually form a loop line and two people with SILVER BOXES can talk. But some of these are whatched, so DON'T say anything you wouldn't want your mother to hear! I have heard the 213 works but is being watched. Try out of the way states like Iowa, Monatana, Wyoming, ect... Have Phun, Agrajag ----------------------------------- Brought to you by: Agrajag and -=%> The Hitchhikers <%=- =================================== (516) 935-2481 Silver Boxing How to build a SILVER box: Tools and materials : Soldering Iron, Solder, Some 22 ga.wire, a SPDT switch, and a screwdriver. 1) Unscrew your phone (must be a touch tone, desk type) 2) Remove the mounted pad and take the clear plastic cover from the bottom. 3) Hold the pad with the numbers 0, *, # facing you, and turn it upside down, so you can see the yellow pc board. 4) You should see 2 black round doughnuts. 5) Position the board so the solder points for the left doughnut face you. 6) Count over four points from the left, and attach a (green) wire to that point. 7) Between you and the doughnuts, there should be 2 long yellow capacitors. To the right of these, and on the edge of the board there should be 3 gold contacts. We will use the one on the left. 8) The contact originally is spot welded, so snip it open. 9) To the one nearest you, attach a (red) wire to the other one, a (yellow) wire. 10) Run the wires out of the phone, and solder the switch. 11) The orientation should be (red) to center. The switch will now alternate between normal and 1633hz fourth column tones. SILVER BOX DOCUMENTATION (CONTRIBUTED BY LEX LUTHOR) THE SILVER BOX TRANSFORMS KEYS 3,6,9,# TO A,B,C,D. THOSE TONES STAND FOR: "A"- FLASH "B"-FLASH OVERRIDE (PRIORITY "C"-PRIORITY COMMUNICATION "D"-PRIORITY OVERIDE (TOP MILITARY) THOSE KEYS ONLY WORK ON CERTAIN NETWORKS. NOW WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THOSE EXTRA TONES??? CALL ANY LONG DISTANCE DIRECTORY BY DIALING (AREA CODE) 555-1212 AND WHILE IT RINGS PRESS THE # KEY THEN AS THE OPERATOR ANSWERS YOU WILL DISCONNECT THEM INSTANTLY AND HEAR A PULSING TONE, PRESS 6(NORMAL TON E) AND IT WILL STOP.THEN IF ANOTHER PERSON DOES THE SAME THING ON ANOTHER LINE AND THEN PRESSES 7 YOU SHOULD HAVE A VOICE LINK, 414 A/C IS GOOD FOR ONE THAT YOU CAN SCREW AROUND WITH THE TONES AND SEE WHAT YOU GET. [/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/] [ ] [ Scarlet box plans ] [ ----------------- ] [ A High Mtn Hackerz Presentation ] [ ] [ Written & Created by: THE PIMP ] [ ] [ Call these cool Systems: ] [ ] [(Maharaja's Hi-Times 10meg C/F BBS)] [ |7 0 2 - 8 3 2 - 7 4 6 9| ] [ ] [ (The Stash 10 meg BBS C/F) ] [ |7 0 2 - 8 3 1 - 4 2 6 3| ] [ ] [/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/] The purpose of a Scarlet box is to create a very bad conection, it can be used to crash a BBS or just make life miserable for those you seek to avenge. materials: 2 aligator clips, 3 inch wire, or a resister (plan wire will create greatest amount of static) (Resister will decrease the amount of static in porportion to the resister you are useing) Step (1): Find the phone box at your victims house, and pop the cover off. Step (2): Find the two prongs that the phone line you wish to box are connected too. Step (3): Hook your aligator clips to your (wire/resister). Step (4): Find the lower middle prong and take off all wires connected to it, i think this disables the gound and call waiting and shit like that. Step (5): Now take one of the aligator clips and attach it to the upper most prong, and take the other and attach it to the lower middle prong. Step (6): Now put the cover back on the box and take off!! ** ######## ** ** # #### # ** ######## / # #### # / ######## / / / / / / / / **/ ** ** ** ** ** (**)= prongs ** (/) = (wire/resister) (##)= some phone bullshit Created by (The Pimp) Call Maharaja's Hi-Times 10 C/f BBS (702-832-7469) A Shadows of IGA Production... ({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({}) ({}) ___ __ ({}) ({}) Introducing: | |_| |_ _ _______ _____ ____ ({}) ({}) | | | |__ | \ / \ / \ | _/ ({}) ({}) _ _|_____/ | | | |_/ ({}) ({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({}) | \ | | | | \_ ({}) ({}) | \ \_____/ \____/ | \ ({}) ({}) _ _______ _____ _ _ ({}) ({}) | \ / \ \ / ({}) ({}) _ _|_____/ | | \/ ({}) ({}) | \ | | /\ ({}) ({}) _ _|_____/ \_____/ _/ \_ ({}) ({}) ({}) ({}) Created & Designed By Video Vindicator ({}) ({}) ({}) ({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({}) INTRODUCTION ------------ And now for all you basement engineers... Here's the ROCK BOX! Basicly what the Rock Box does is channel the music from the stereo out to the phone line via the headphone output. There are two models to this Box, the Basic Box and Advanced Box. I would recommend the Advanced Box for better sound quality, although the Basic one get's the job done. Well... Enough for the formalities, now for the Advanced Box! Identification Materials Specification -------------- --------- ------------- A 1 Resistor (Brown-Black-Red-Silver) B 1 Resistor (Orange-Orange-Orange-Gold) C 1 Resistor (Gold-Red-Red-Grey) D 1 Resistor (L.Green-D.Green-Brown-Gold) E 1 Resistor (Brown-Red-Red-Gold) F 3 Condensators (1070 (50v)) G 4 Condensators (1002 (40v)) H 1 Condensator (1060 (16v)) <*> (Also S) 2 Switches (2-Channel) ^#^ (Also K) 1 Transformer (LUN5250B) ~o~ 1 LED Light (Optional) J Junction Wiring Diagram -Advanced Switch for Volume Hi/Lo Switch for Power On/Off _______________________________________________________________ | +---------+ | | +-----------+ C-B-A +-------+ J J +--------+ | | | S-S-S-O | | +-S-S | S--------+ +---------> > | IN | | | | | +-S+ O +-------------> >-+ | >+ | | >-+ | FROM |<| +----+ F H | STEREO>| | < | F-----------O-----KKK KKK | | +------D--E-+ ^#^ K ^#^ | |_______________________________________________________________| Wiring Diagram -Basic ___________________________________ | | | <------+ F--KKK--H +---> | | | | ^#^ | +----> | OUT IN | <------*----+ +------* | | STEREO>| <------+ +---> | |___________________________________| Now some of the Benifits of this wonderful little device is that you can record conversations, at whatever volume you want, without those bothersome beeps the answering machines make. Or another fun thing is call up a Rodent Bridge and blast this thing with your stereo at full... Wala! The bridge will most likely be clear, even they won't sit through that shit. It is a good idea to hit Radio Shack for a project box and soderless curcuit board, because this can be messy and a project box can easily make you look like a pro. One more use for it is if your computer can generate tones to match a Box of some sort, this makes a GREAT amplifier for it, with almost no loss in clearity. If you have any problems with a humm or it intercepting radio transmittions, then call up good-old Bell and get a line static clearer dealy and splice that into the box via the outgoing line, which SHOULD clear it up. If that does not seem to help, try putting a 9v battery (you know, the square ones) on the red and green phone lines, because this will make up for the power the box drains from the line. Hope you enjoy the plans and Be watching for more from me! L8r... The Video Vindicator ({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({}) ({}) ({}) ({}) Shadows of IGA................707-528-7238................12-19.2 ({}) ({}) ({}) ({}) Call These Other GREAT Boards ({}) ({}) ({}) ({}) ATLANTIS......................804-355-7327.................03-24 ({}) ({}) RIPCO.........................312-528-5020.................03-24 ({}) ({}) BEAST'S LAIR..................201-689-6852.................03/12 ({}) ({}) ({}) ({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})({})Red Boxing With Whistles by THE RESEARCHER This article is presented as a news item only. It is not to be taken as an encouragement to make fraudulent telephone calls. Red boxing consists of simulating the tones produced when coins are deposited in a pay phone. Coin tones are beeps of 2200 Hz + 1700 Hz as follows: 5 cents - 1 beep, 66 milliseconds duration. 10 cents - 2 beeps, each 66 milliseconds duration with 66 millisecond pause between beeps. 25 cents - 5 beeps, each 33 milliseconds duration with a 33 millisecond pause between beeps. Two methods have commonly been used by phone phreaks to produce these tones and make free calls. 1. The traditional Red Box consisting of a pair of Wien-bridge oscillators with the timing controlled by 555 timer chips. 2. Producing the signals with a computer which are recorded and then played back into the mouth piece of a pay phone. A third method has recently appeared which is a real mind blower. A phreak in the Midwest has extensively tested a method of red boxing which uses nothing more than a pair of brass or aluminum whistles. The whistles are 1/4 inch in diameter by 4 inches long and are tuned by means of a wooden dowel rod which fits snugly inside. The whistles can be brought precisely on frequency by tuning them against a known signal source such as a computer capable of producing the tones. Once tuned, the whistles are glued or taped together so they can be blown together to produce the dual tone used in coin signaling. It has been tested and proven that with a little practice these whistles can be used to make free calls. Now you can blow your money without spending a cent. Please note these whistles are available (for test purposes only) from P-80 $35 send orders to P-80 3310 5th Avenue Charleston, WV. 25312 About :COMPUTERWORLD AD. From :MARK HAMILL To :ALL Date :10/15/84 (NOTE, THIS IS A REAL AD. TRY IT!) FROM A COMPUTERWORLD AD: DEAR HACKERS: ...WE AT MICROFRAME HAVE DEVELOPED A DEVICE TO KEEP YOU OUT ...CALLED DATA LOCK AND KEY...OUR OWN COMPUTER IS PROTECTED BY A DATA LOCK. WE INVITE YOU TO DIAL IN (201-828-7120). YOU WILL BE ANSWERED BY A 1200 BAUD MODEM. THE DATA WE GATHER FROM YOUR EFFORTS WILL HELP US...FOR CLUES CALL OUR VOICE LINE (201-828-4499) AND ASK FOR DATA SECURITY. (MICROFRAME, 205 LIVINGSTON AVE., NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ 08901) CAN YOU BEAT THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! A COMPANY ASKING FOR US TO TRY AND BREAK IN? WELL, FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE WITH 1200 BAUD MODEMS 'GO FOR IT' THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE POSTING BY MARK HAMILL. RED BOX FREQS: 1700 HZ AND 2200 HZ MIXED TOGETHER. A NICKEL IS 66 MS ON (1 BEEP). A DIME IS 66MS ON, 66MS OFF, 66MS ON (2 BEEPS) A QUARTER IS 33MS ON, 33MS OFF REPEATED 5 TIMES. (MS = MILLISECOND). FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DONT KNOW, A RED BOX SIMULATES MONEY BEING PUT INTO A PAY PHONE. YOU MUST PUT IN SOME MONEY FIRST THOUGH (THE OPERATOR CAN TELL IF MONEY WAS PUT IN BUT AS TO HOW MUCH, SHE LETS THE COMPUTER ANSWER THAT) ------------------------------------- TASI LOCKING FREQ: TASI (TIME ASSIGNMENT SPEECH INTERPOLATION) IS USED ON SATELITE TRUNKS, AND BASICALLY ALLOWS MORE THAN ONE PERSON TO USE A TRUNK BY PUTTING THEM ON WHILE THE OTHER PERSON ISN'T TALKING. OF COURSE, YOU'D NEVER HEAR THE OTHER PERSON TALKING ON YOUR TRUNK. WHEN YOU START TO TALK, HOWEVER, THE TASI CONTROLLER HAS TO FIND AN OPEN TRUNK FOR YOU. BECAUSE OF THIS, SOME OF YOUR SPEECH IS LOST( BECAUSE OF THE DELAY IN FINDING A TRUNK) THIS IS CALLED CLIPPING. WELL, IF YOU WERE TRANSMITTING DATA OVER A TRUNK, CLIPPING WOULD REALLY FUCK UP THE DATA. SO THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED A TASI LOCKING FREQUENCY WHICH KEEPS THE TASI FROM PUTTING ANYONE ELSE ON YOUR TRUNK OR YOU ON ANYONE ELSES TRUNK. IN ANY CASE THE FREQ. IS 1850 HZ. SENT BEFORE THE TRANSMISSION). _________________________________________________________________________ | | | A Crime Ring G-File Production | | __ __ | | |__| The Razz Box |__| | | | | Written by The Razz | | | | -:+ Released by The Magnet +:- | |_________________________________________________________________________| | | | Magnetic Field Elite.....Private Bulletin Board System.....312-966-0708 | |_________________________________________________________________________| Introduction: So you want to be James Bond eh? So you want to be a private eye eh. Well here's your chance to pick up some very important clues or ideas using your neighbors telephone line. Forget about climbing a telephone pole this sort of boxing can be done on the ground. Purpose: To tap your neighbors line without your neighbor knowing it. You can also make FREE (let me repeat that) FREE!! Phone calls to your favorite K-RAD-GNEW-WAREZ boards. Materials: 1. Line Man's headset (no you can't buy one that's why we're making one you IDIOT) 2. Alligator clips (clips is Plural so you need Two) 3. A phone (preferbly one of those one peice kind that like the ones with the numbers and the thing the hangs up on the ONE phone piece) 4. A Telephone wall jack box or whatever they're called 5. Some green and some red wire 6. Some intelligence (very Much needed) Plans: First hook up your one piece phone to the wall jack box. Then take the alligator clips and attach red wire to one and green wire to the other one. You should have 2 alligator clips with wire attached. Now strip the wire and open the Wall jack box you have and attach the red wire with the red screw on the box and the green wire with the green screw on the box. Your stuff should look like this. _______ | ... | <--one peice phone | ... | __________________ | | | | <--oversize box to show | 123 | | (*)r--- (*)b | the detail | 456 | _| | | | 789 | ()()()|_ | | | *0# | () | ---- | | | ... | () | (*)g| | (*)y | |_______| () |_______|_|________| () () | | () () green wire--> | | <--Red Wire ()() | | | | \/\/\/ /\/\/\ Hints: \/\/\/- Green wire Alligator clip /\/\/\- Red Wire Alligator Clip Using Your newly made device: Now that you have made or created your little Razz Box then you are ready to go outside and do your stuff. First go to a neighbor's house and find the black telephone wires. They should look like Example #1. Then cut off a bit of the plastic covering so the alligator clips go in easier and you now stick the alligator clips one on the right and one on the left side of the plastic wire as shown on the diagram. The Black plastic wire should look like the diagram. You should get a dialtone. If you do not then switch the alligator clips around till you do. Remember your neighbors can hear you as well so get one of the phones with the MUTE option so you can plug into theres quietly. | || | | || | | || | <<<----black wire | || | \/\/\/||/\/\/\ <<<---alligator clips. | || | | || | Disclaimer: I as writer of this file take no responsibility at all (And I repeat NO RESPONSIBILITY) of this file. This File is ONLY for informational purposes ONLY. If you have any question, suggestion, or correction, you can contact The Razz or me, The Magnet, at any of the boards listed at the end of this file. Copyright [12] Nov, 1988 -:+ The Magnet +:- Crime Ring International The Razz [:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:]Call These Elite Boards![:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:] [:] Magnetic Field Elite...................................312-966-0708 [:] [:] Aardvark's Burrow......................................312-434-0370 [:] [:] Blue Knight............................................312-249-4385 [:] [:] Fed's Reunion..........................................312-676-3430 [:] [:] Information Station....................................312-498-1362 [:] [:] International Connection...............................312-763-9001 [:] [:] Ripco International....................................312-528-5020 [:] [:] Stone Ship BBS.........................................312-772-0347 [:] [:] The Challenger.........................................312-827-3097 [:] [:] The Courts of Chaos....................................312-915-0947 [:] [:][:][:][:][:][:][:][Tell the Sysops I sent you!!][:][:][:][:][:][:][:][:] The Rainbow Box: It really exists! by ___The Dolphin that came from Belmont___ Hello again Comrade! Well, as usual, misinformation has penetrated American undergound intellegence sources. Some people are stating that "Rainbox Box" is hoax! Bah! Could not be more removed from truth even if it came out of Russian Information Deptartment! So comrade, to dispell disbelief, this capatalistic ___The Dolphin that came from Belmont___ is going to be showing you how to make your own Rainbow box for fun and support of the workers party! See you in few lines! I have just had the misfortune of reading that the rainbow box that I constructed is a fraud and never existed. Being slightly confused, I looked over at it and when I saw that it was still there, I decided that someone was wrong on their assumption wasn't me. Here is a brief background on the Rainbow box: "Rainbow Box: SUPPOSEDLY non-existant. Kills trace by putting 120v into the phone lines, SUPPOSEDLY!" (Exerpt from a phile found on local BBS, author unknown) The above sums up what a Rainbow box does, but it is VERY understated. Like my creation of the Bottle-Nosed Grey box, it is a VERY powerful box capable of doing a great amount of damage to both the phone lines, your phone and the person at the other end of the line's phone a/o modem. Right now you have everything you need to build one, so let's see how. You'll need: 1 each Telephone (Rotery with access to the mouth part) 1 each Extention Cord (120v or 220v, your choice) 1 each wall outlet 1 each wire splicers 5 points of I.Q. or above to build this thing. 2 points of I.Q. or less to actually use it. Okay, now: Unscrew the mouth part of the phone and take the speaker off. You'll see two (2) wires. A Red wire and a Black wire (please hold all 'No #$%^ Sherlock!' type comments for now, thank you.). Now splice the extention cord, you'll see a red wire and a black wire. Splice the black wire in the cord to the black wire in the phone, do the same with the red. Congrats! You just made a non-existant Rainbow Box! Don't you feel proud? You shouldn't, any moron could have figured this out! How to use: Bloody hell, if you can't figure this out, I ain't even gonna tell you (here's a hint: Plug the cord into the wall.) How it works: The phone lines can resist a charge of 6v and a little more, when you plug in that cord, you're sending 120v or 220v through the lines. It blows out everything, but it is non selective. Odds are you will take out every phone in the neighborhood and get caught. It will melt the phone if you let it go long enough. WARNING: THIS DEVICE CAN VERY EASILY START A FIRE, BE CAREFUL WHEN PLAYING AROUND WITH THIS! How this and Bottle-Nosed Grey Box differ: 1) Bottle-Nosed Grey box is selective and will do damage to only your phone, the line between you and your enemy and your enemy's MODEM, whereas the Rainbow Box just takes everything out. 2) The amperage on the Bottle-Nosed Grey box can be controlled by adding or removing capacitors, but the Rainbow Box has only 2 settings: Strong Pulse and STRONG pulse. Well, now you know about a myth that came to life, the Rainbow Box! Well Comrade, I hoping you enjoy that file. Remember, these are only presented as information and are not meant to overthrow capatalistic Government or destory phone company based on exploitation of workers by cruel overlords. Do plenty of reading about these, but don't be stupid and make something like that. Das Vadanya! This file brought to you by: ___The Dolphin that came from Belmont___ How to Construct a Purple Box. ------------------------------ Written 26 FEB 1986 by The Flash The Purple Box is very simple to construct. It takes only six components and a PC board if you want. The Purple Box is a telephone hold button. It will allow you to switch phones very easily. A red LED indicates when a party is on hold and is automatically extinguished when either party releases the line. To install your Purple Box, remove the telephone case and locate the red and green wires. From the green wire, make a connection to L1 and from the red wire a connection to L2. To test the circuit, call a friend and then while pressing the push button, hang up the phone. As soon as the phone is on the hook, you may let go of the push button. Parts: D1 = Light Emitting Diode (LED) D2 = 1N4003 Diode R1 = 820 ohm 1/2 Watt R2 = 1K ohm 1/2 Watt S1 = N.O. Push Button S1 SCR1 = C106B1 __|__ +--o o---+----R1----+ | g| | +--------LED--R2---+-------a--+--c--D2---+ | | |L1 SCR----/ |L2 | | To Green To Red The SCR is a three prong IC. The a,g, and c tell you what pins to use. The "g" pin is the one on the left if you look at the numbers. Have Phun, The Flash Purple Box Created by The Flash '86. Typed by The Flash. Call The Abyss 818/993-7422 Call The Remote Hideout 818/709-1709 Call The Aardvark's Annix 818/993-6011 Puce Box Parts: 2 capacitors-- 100 mg, 250 toke capacity 4 Adiodes, 250 toke PIS (Peak Inhalation State) A condensation coil (copper tubing) Knox blocks unflavored gelatin A beer. Instructions: AAttach the capacitors in the following manner: one to red phone wire, one Ato green wire. The schematic is as follows: C1 ---|(---- D1/\D2 / \_________ Copper tubing ______ Gelatin \ / D3\/D4 C2 ---|(---- This is the reception unit. The send unit is simply the reception unit, except a psychomagnetic transducer is in place of the tubing. The LSD is heated at the send unit, causing psychomagnetic fields to oscillate through the transducer. The resulting psychomotive force (PMF) is stored in the capacitors until the peak storage is reached, at which point the caps discharge into the phone line, giving all telco operators a nice buzz. The PMF reaches the reception unit, where it is stored until discharged into the diode array, known as the lysergic rectifier. The rectifier emits vaporous LSD into the coil, where it is condensed into drops, which fall on the gelatin to form window pane. Pop the beer. You've earned it. WARNING: Line noise may cause strychnine formation. THIS FILE WAS WRITTEN BY THE EDITOR Call Ripco 1-312-528-5020 *************************************** * How to make a * * Portable Silver Box * * * * By: * * The * * Phone * * Phantom * * * *************************************** This will tell you how to make a portable silver box out of: A Radio Shack touch tone pad Some wire A Soldering iron And a SPDT switch NOTE: You should have an I.Q. above room tempature before attempting this. Also, read all of this article before starting. WARNING: This may be hazardous to your freedom. 1} Take off the plastic cover that stores the batteries and remove the screw that is in the center of the batteries. Now use a screw driver to pry open the box. 2} Now you should have the two halves in your hands. On the side that has the circuit board, it should be held by two clips. Remove the circuit board now. 3} You should now be able to see the back side of the keypad. Connecting the the key pad and the circuit board is a ribben cable. With the ribben ends connected to the keypad away from you, count from the left over four wires. On the fourth wire, take and cut the plastic on either side on the wire. Then desolder it. 4} Now stare at the circuit board. Look at the connections of the chip. (SEE FIG.) There should be four pins not connected to anything. On the ninth pin (first row, first pin) solder a 3 inch wire to it. The other end goes to the left side of the spdt switch. 5} Go back to the cable. Solder a 2 inch to the ribben cable you just took out. This is because it won't reach the switch. The other end goes to right side of the switch. 6} Now take a two inch wire and solder it to the hole that the cable came out of. Becareful not to get solder on the other wires. Now take the other end and solder it to the middle of the switch. 7} Make a hole in the top of the case to put the switch through. And put it back together. THE FIGURE!! OF THE CHIP. THE PIN >9< 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (Pretty cool eh?) _______________________________________ Switch the switch left according to the way you soldered it to make silver box tones on the 3,6,9, and # keys. Switch it to the right for a normal key pad. Switching it to the middle does NOTHING!!!! This silver is small enough to fit in your pocket for phreaking at your nearest pay phone or where ever. This file is for information only (RIGHT!) ha ha ha! Written by: The Phone Phantom And a little (very little) help from... Bubba Hampton Fortis The Camouflaged Panis (?) Forest Of... Teenage Wasteland %^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/= =/=> How To Build A Pink Box <=\= =/=> Written By Baba O'Riley <=\= =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= The function of a "Pink Box" is to ad hold button that allows music or anythielse to be played into the telephone whithe person is on hold. This Modificatioan either be done right in the telephone as a seperate box. =\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/= =/=> Materials Needed 1. Open the wall box and locate the RED and GREEN wires. 2. Take a piece or RED wire and strip tend and attach it to the red lead on the wall box. Do the same for the GN. 3. Connect the GREEN wire to the ANODE e of the LED. 4. Connect the CATHODE side of the LED the UPPER pin of the primary side of the transformer. See diagram below. _____ To one pole of phono ---! Top !--- To HODE of LED -!View !- Primary side To other phono pole ---!_____!--- To pole" or trans. & one pole of switch 5. Connect the pin directly across fromat to one pole of the phono jack. 6. Connect the RED wire to one side of resistor and to the "C pole" of the transistor. 7. Connect the open pin of the switch the other side of the resistor and to the "G pole" of the transistor. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\\=/=\=/= =/=> Wiring Diam <=\= =\=/=\=/=\=/=\=//=\=/=\= RCA Jack X-former LED _____ C A Pole or Jack --/---! Top !---/--(*)--\------GREEN wire -!View !- Primary --I---RED wire Pole of Jack --/---!_____!---/-I (O) I I I [--I-----Pole of Switch I 0@? I--------/--m--Pole of Switch =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\\=/=\=/= =/=> Key to Syls <=\= =\=/=\=/=\=/=\=//=\=/=\= -- Wire I Connection or wire / Connection or wire _/ C pole of transistor --(*)-- [_)-- G pole of transistor I I A pole of transistor (O) Resis I _____ ---! Top !--- -! View!- Primary Transformer ---!_____!--- =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= =/=> Use of the Pink Box <=\= =\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/= Hook the RED and GREEN wires up to tappropriate terminals and hook the RCA j to the output on your stereo. Turn on r stereo at a good volume. Now call a frd. To test the Box, Hold down the switcnd hang up the phone. The LED should go and your frien If you have any questions leave me l on: Cook's County BBS 201-666-3538 /1200 The Dugout 201-573-1213 The Bujinkan 201-664-1554 /1200 Brought ot you by: The Crack Crew Written by: Baba O'RileyU/L'ed by The Masked Squirrel Call: The Squirrel's Lair-=> 606-341-8204 1200 only/AE/indv pw Maharaja's Hi-Times 10 MEG BBS C/F (702)-832-7469 Formatted for 80 columns. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $$ $$ ***************** $$ $$ * How to make a * $$ $$ ***************** $$ $$ $$ $$ <> Pearl Box <> $$ $$ $$ $$ Written and created by: Dr. D-Code $$ $$ $$ $$ (Sysops may use this information if it's not altered in any way at all) $$ $$ $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ The Pearl Box:Definition - This is a box that may substitute for many boxes which produce tones in hertz. The Pearl Box when operated correctly can pro- duce tones from 1-9999hz. As you can see, 2600, 1633, 1336 and other crucial tones are obviously in its sound spectrum. Materials you will need in order to build The Pearl Box: ======================================================== C1, C2::::::::.5mf or .5uf ceramic disk capacitors Q1::::::::::::NPN transistor (2N2222 works best) S1::::::::::::Normally open momentary SPST switch S2::::::::::::SPST toggle switch B1::::::::::::Standard 9-Volt battery R1::::::::::::Single turn, 50k potentiometer R2:::::::::::: " " 100k potentiometer R3:::::::::::: " " 500k potentiometer R4:::::::::::: " " 1meg potentiometer SPKR::::::::::Standard 8-ohm speaker T1::::::::::::Mini transformer (8-ohm works best) Misc.:::::::::Wire, solder, soldering iron, PC board or perfboard, box to contain the completed unit, battery clip Instructions for building The Pearl Box: ======================================== Since the instruction are EXTREMELY difficult to explain in words, you will be given a schematic instead. It will be quite difficult to follow but try it any way. There is also a Hi-Res picture you can get that shows the schematic in great detail. (Schematic for The Pearl Box) +-------------+------------+---------+ ! ! \ +--S1---- C1 C2 \ SPKR ! ! + +-------- + + ----+T1 + !\ +---------------+------+ ! b c-------! ! Q1 ! ! e-----S2---+ ! ! ! ! ! B1 ! ! ! ! ! +-------+ !R1 R2 R3 R4! /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ +--+ +--+ +--+ Now that you are probably thoroughly confused, let me explain a few minor de- tails. The potentiometer area is rigged so that the left pole is connected to the center pole of the potentiometer next to it. The middle terminal of T1 is connected to the piece of wire that runs down to the end of the battery. Correct operation of The Pearl Box: =================================== You may want to get some dry-transfer decals at Radio Shack to make this job a lot easier. Also, some knobs for the tops of the potentiometers may be useful too. Use the decals to calibrate the knobs. R1 is the knob for the ones place, R2 is for the tens place, R3 if for the hundreds place and R4 is for the thousands place. S1 is for producing the all the tones and S2 is for power. Step 1: Turn on the power and adjust the knobs for the desired tone. (Example: For 2600 hz- R1=0:R2=0:R3=6:R4=2) Step 2: Hit the pushbutton switch and VWALA! You have the tone. If you don't have a tone recheck all connections and schematic. If you still don't have a tone call Brainstorm BBS:612-345-2815, The Bay:415-775-2384 or Pirate's Harbor:617-720-3600 and leave me e-mail stating what the scene is. ______________________________________________________________________________ This has been a High Mountain Hackers presentation - 1985 ______________________________________________________________________________ Shakepeare is currently working on an improved version of the Pearl Box.. look for the plans soon! The P A R T Y B O X --------------------- Created by Greyhawke of TDK Ever wanted three-way calling without having to pay for it? Wanted to connect two phone conversations at once, without any static or excess wiring, or even having two phone lines? Ever gone beige boxing and wanted to connect two operators (or anyone!) but didn't have the necessary stuff with you? The party box fixes them all! First off, go to your local Radio Shack and pick up the following parts: (1) DPDT slide switch (all you need is DPST, but DPDTs are easy to get) (2) Modular phone jacks (4) Alligator clips Some wire (doesn't matter what kind) For the modular jacks, if you get the kind that look like a box with the back open, it makes a nice looking party box when you stick them together. Assembly: Take four lengths of wire, and strip the ends about 1/4" on both ends of the wire. Connect two wires to the red and green terminals on one phone jack, and two wires to the red and green terminals on the other phone jack (so you've used all four pieces of wire). Connect to the other ends of each wire a red or green alligator clip (down at Radio Shack they sell some nice ones with color coded insulator sleeves. Get these, it's REAL important that you know the red ends from the green). If you do this right, you'll have a red and green aligator clip on each of the two phone jacks, connected to the wires. By this time, you should not have any wire end loose; they should all be connected to SOMETHING. Now, if you've been paying attention and you know your boxes, you'll recognize the two pieces of equipment you've just assembled as beige boxes. That's all they are, really, is beige boxes. Here's what makes those two beige boxes into a single party box. Take four more short (like 1.5") lengths of wire, and strip all the ends to about 1/4". First connect one side of each wire to a contact on the DPDT or DPST switch. Just make sure it's the right switch. For DPST, you won't have a problem, but for DPDT, make sure the switch looks like this when the wires are connected: *-**-* - *-**-* - It's doesn't really matter which side you connect the wires to, just make sure that at least two of them are in the middle. The wires are connected to the terminals surrounded by asteriks (*). Solder each connection carefully to make sure it's a good one that won't fall off, and make sure none of the wires are touching each other!! If they do you've got a short circuit and the box won't work! Here's the tricky part. Take the bottom two wires (looking at the DPDT switch from the bottom, so it looks like the above picture) and connect each one to the red terminal on the phone jacks. One wire to each jack. Then, take the top two wires and connect one to the green terminal on each phone jack. Again, one wire to each jack. Screw down all the terminals good and tight. If you've done this correctly, there should be two wires leading to each red and green terminal on the two phone jacks. Set the switch so it's in the off position. It's off when only the middle terminals of the switch are covered, or so that the switch is on the side where there aren't any wires coming to the terminals there. Just make sure it's in the beige mode. Your box is now built. (This is if you used the jacks I suggested at the top of the file.) To make it look pretty, you can cut away a portion of the plastic surrounding one of the jacks so that the switch will fit nicely in the place you cut away. Also cut away a small half-circle on the bottom of the surrounding plastic to feed the wires out of (the ones with the alligator clips, not the ones leading to the switch). Once these two things are done, and the switch is screwed down securely, tape it all up, super-glue, who cares. It doesn't matter; just so it stays together. Once all this is done, here's a few things I like to do to make things easy. Put a small dot of white paint in the lower part of the switch, so that when it's on the paint shows. This is easy to do. Also you might want to know which line you're using for each box. Just put a glob of a different colored paint on each side of the party box, and put the same color paint on the wires leading out of that side of the box. Use: When used in beige box mode (so that the switch is off), the party box will operate just like two beige boxes. There are totally, 100% separate from each other, and the conversations don't get crossed. However, when used in the party box mode, the party box connects both lines to each other, essentially connecting all four people to the same line. Everyone can hear each other, and there is little or no static created by doing this. It's works great for connecting anyone together, and all that's needed is each beige box connected to an output device ("Bell Can"), and the switch in the party mode position. See a file on beige boxing for detained info on what to do while boxing, etc, or how to connect to a Bell Can. Schematic: This is a really easy box, but someone might want a schematic, so here's one: <--- to one phone jack to the other phone jack ---> --------------------------- __/ ----------------------------- (red [ring] wire) | __/! | (red [ring] wire) ------------------------- O/ !_/ O --------------------------- (green [tip] wire) | __/ | (green [tip] wire) | O/ O | | | | | --- --- It's a really bad schematic, but the little things in the middle are supposed to represent the switch in the off posistion, and the exclamation points just mean it's a DPST switch that doesn't connect the top and the bottom termials. The (-) and the (|) are supposed to be the wire. Disclaimer: This file is, of course, only meant for informational purposes, and is in no way meant to be used. Any tapping of telephone lines is a federal offense, so don't come crying to me if you get busted, because I'm telling you not to do it. I'm not responsible for you; you're responsible for you. _____________________________________________________________________________ | | | Planet Playtex: 513/426-3856 300/1200bps, 24hrs/day | |_____________________________________________________________________________| | | | This file has been a production of The Dark Knights. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| -EOF ******************* * * * PANDORA'S BOX * * * * BY DR. RAT * * * ******************* BROUGHT TO YOU FROM THE EXPANSIVE, WELL EQUIPED, AND VERY EXPENSIVLY DECORATED LABORATORIES OF DR. RAT C.I. THIS BOX FALLS INTO THE PRANK CATAGORY. IT HAS LITTLE PHREAK/HACK USE, EXCEPT FOR IRRITATING THE HELL OUT OF ANYONE ON THE PHONE. IT MAKES OPERATORS MORE PISSED THAN TURNING ON YOUR CARRIER FOR THEM. A PHASOR IS A DEVICE USING HIGH INTENSITY SOUND TO PRODUCE PAIN. I'M SURE YOU HAVE SEEN PHASORS (CROWD/DOG CONTROL, PAIN FIELDS, ETC.) FOR SALE IN INFORMATION UNLIMITED ADS OR CATALOGS. UNFORTUNENTLY THESE OFTEN COST $100 TO $1000. NATCHLY THIS WOULDN'T DO FOR DR. RAT. SO I CREATED THE POOR MAN'S PHASOR OR ...PANDORA'S BOX. PRODUCING THE SOUND WAS EASY AND THE CIRCUIT IS PROBABLY THE SIMPLEST MEATHOD TO PRODUCE A VARIABLE SOUND FROM A 555 CHIP. THE ONLY DRAWBACK TO P.B. IS THAT YOU NEED TO USE A $13 TWEETER BECAUSE IT USES SO LITTLE POWER AND GIVES THE LOUDEST OUTP T OF HIGH FREQUENCY SOUND. PARTS LIST WITH RADIO SHACK CAT NUMBERS 1. ONE 555 TIMER (RS#. 276-1723) 2. ONE .01 MFD CAPACITOR (RS#. 272-131) 3. ONE 100K VARIABLE RESISTOR (RS#. 271-1722) 4. ONE TWEETER (RS#. 40-1381) 5. ONE 9V BATTERY 6. SOME WIRE (ANY KIND. DR. RAT SUGGESTS RS#. 278-1294) NOTE: YOU CAN CHANGE THE VALUES OF #2 OR #3 ON THE LIST SLIGHTLY. BUT THESE ARE EXTREMELY EASY TO FIND SO TRY TO USE THEM. CIRCUIT FOR PANDORA'S BOX: -9 VOLTS +9 VOLTS \ ! ! I\ ! ------- ! I )---*-----*--!1 T 8!--* I I ! ! O ! ! I )-* *-I(-*---!2 P 7! ! I/ ! ! ! ! ! / *------+---!3 5 6!--+-* ! ! ! 5 ! ! ! ! ! *-!4 5 5! ! ! ! ! ! ------- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! *----------* ! ! ! ! *-/\/\-*--------------* ^ SYMBOLS: ! ! OR --- = WIRE VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL. ! + = SHOWS WHERE TWO WIRES CROSS OVER EACH OTHER BUT DON'T TOUCH. * = SHOWS WHERE TWO OR MORE WIRES ARE CONNECTED TOGETHER. I( = .01 CAPACITOR /\/\ ^ = 100K VARIABLE RESISTOR \ I\ I )- I I = TWEETER I )- I/ / NOTE: PIN 1 OF THE 555 IS THE PIN NEXT TO A SMALL DOT ON TOP OF THE CHIP. VARIABLE RESISTORS HAVE THREE LEADS--THE CIRCUIT REQUIRES ONLY TWO SO CONNECT ONE WIRE TO THE MIDDLE LEAD AND THE OTHER WIRE TO EITHER OF THE OUTER LEADS. HERE'S A PIN BY PIN READING OF THE WIRING IN CASE THE CIRCUIT GOT SCREWED DURING TRANSMISSION. 1. PIN 1 CONNECTED TO THE -9V, ONE LEAD OF THE TWEETER, AND ONE END OF THE CAPACITOR. 2. PIN 2 CONNECTED TO PIN 6 AND THE OTHER END OF THE CAPACITOR 3. PIN 3 CONNECTED TO OTHER LEAD OF TWEETER AND TO ONE LEAD OF THE VARIABLE RESISTOR 4. PIN 4 CONNECTED TO PIN 8 5. PIN 5 NOT CONNECTED 6. PIN 6 CONNECTED TO PIN 2 AND OTHER LEAD OF VARIABLE RESISTOR 7. PIN 7 NOT CONNECTED 8. PIN 8 CONNECTED TO +9V AND TO PIN 4 P.B. WORKS ESPECIALY WELL ON ANIMALS, GIRLS, AND YOUNG PEOPLE BECAUSE THE BONES IN THIER EARS ARE SMALLER. USE THE VARIABLE RESISTOR TO ADJUST THE PITCH TO JUST ABOVE THE HIGHEST PITCH YOU CAN HEAR. YOU MIGHT NOT NOTICE ANYTHING AT FIST. AFTER A SHORT TIME YOU SHOULD FEEL A TINGLE OR BUZZING IN YOU NECK, EARS, OR SINUS. A LITTLE WHILE LONGER YOU SHOULD FEEL A HEAD/NECK ACHE THAT GROWS IN PAIN. TRY TURNING IT TO AN AUDIBAL FREQUENCY AND BLASTING IT THROUGH THE PHONE. REMEMBER GIRLS CAN HEAR HIGHER PITCHES THAN MOST PEOPLE SO THEY CAN TELL WHEN YOU HAVE IT ON. TRY TURNING THE PITCH A LITTLE HIGHER SO THEY CAN'T HEAR IT. ENTERTAIN YOUR CLASS DURING FINALS. THEY CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING BECAUSE ITS TOO HIGH PITCHED. HAVE FUN! DR. RAT DR. RAT C.I. RAT LABS, S.F., CA 1986 =-> H PITCHED. HAVE FUN! DR. RAT DR. RAT C.I. RAT LABS, S.F., CA 1986 =-> (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> <) (> Olive Box Plans <) (> <) (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) This is a relatively new box, and all it basically does is serve as a phone ringer. You have two choices for ringers, a piezoelectric transducer (ringer), or a standard 8 ohm speaker. The speaker has a more pleasant tone to it, but either will do fine. This circuit can also be used in conjunction with a rust box to control an external something or other when the phone rings. Just connect the 8 ohm speaker output to the inputs on the rust box, and control the pot to tune it to light the light (which can be replaced by a relay for external controlling) when the phone rings. ______________ | | ^ NC --|-- 5 4 --|-----/\/\/------->G | | / R2 G<----)|----|-- 6 3 --|-- NC | C3 | U1 | -------|-- 7 2 --|---------- --- -- - > TO RINGER | | ----|-- 8 1 --|-- | |______________| | | ---/\/\/----|(----- L1 | R1 C1 ------------------------------------------ L2 a. Main ringer TTL circuit (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) _ FROM PIN 2 < - -- --- ----------| |_| |------------->G P1 b. Peizoelectric transducer (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) __ /| FROM PIN 2 < - -- --- ---------|(---------. .-------| |/ | >||< |S1| | >||< --| | | >||< | |__|\ | G<---------.>||<.--- \| T1 c. Elctro magnetic transducer Parts List ---------- U1 - Texas Instruments TCM1506 T1 - 4000:8 ohm audio transfomer S1 - 8 ohm speaker R1 - 2.2k resistor R2 - External variable resistor; adjusts timing frequency C1 - .47uF capacitor C2 - .1uF capacitor C3 - 10uF capacitor L1 - Tip L2 - Ring L1 and L2 are the phone line. Shift Rate: ----------- This is the formula for determining the shift rate: 1 1 SR = --------------------- = ------------ = 6.25 Hz (DSR(1/f1)+DSR(1/f2)) 128 128 ---- + ---- 1714 1500 DSR = Shift Devider Rate ratio = 128 f1 = High Output Frequency = 1714 f2 = Low Output Frequency = 1500 (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> Another fine box plan by: <) (> <) (> A R N O L D ! <) (> <) (> Sysop: HHAE East <) (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) (> Hobbit Hole Network: <) (> <) (> Hobbit Hole AE Line Network HQ ..... (609)-429-3641 <) (> 3 drives... No password... 300b only <) (> <) (> Hobbit Hole AE Line North Branch ... (215)-271-0778 <) (> x drives... No password... 300/1200b <) (> <) (> Hobbit Hole AE Line East Branch .... (201)-271-0256 <) (> 4 drives... No password... 300b, 1200 AFTER logon <) (> <) (>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<) -------------------------------------- THE NEON BOX -------------------------------------- A NEON BOX IS A VERY SIMPLE ADJUSTMENT TO YOUR FONE, THAT WILL ALLOW A VERY CLEAR PASSAGE FROM YOUR COMPUTER TONES TO YOUR FONE. IT ALSO WORKS GREAT FOR RECORDING TONES, SEX FONE, OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT TO RECORD OFF OF YOUR FONE. TOOLS: ------ THIS MODIFICATION IS VERY SIMPLE, AND CAN BE USED ON MOST FONES, THOUGH IT IS MORE DIFFICULT ON ONE-PIECE UNITS. ALL YOU NEED IS AN OLD PAIR OF HEADFONES, OR SIMILAR, A FILIPS SCREW- DRIVER, A SOLDERING IRON AND SOME SOLDER. INSTRUCTIONS ------------ OPEN YOUR FONE WITH THE SCREWDRIVER. WHEN OPENED, LOOK FOR THE RED AND BLACK WIRES THAT LEAD TO THE MOUTH- PIECE. (IF YOU'RE NOT SURE WHICH WIRES LEAD TO THE MOUTHPIECE, OPEN UP THE MOUTHPIECE AND FIND THE SAME COLOR WIRES ON THE BASE. FOR ONE-PIECE UNITS, JUST LOCATE THE MOUTHPIECE). WHEN YOU HAVE FOUND THE MOUTHPIECE, OR WIRES, CUT THE EARD OF THE HEAD- FONES OFF, AND ONE WIRE (THE ONE THAT LEADS TO THE RIGHT EAR). STRIP THE LEFT WIRE SO ABOUT AN EIGHTH INCH IS SHOWING. KEEP THE OTHER SIDE IN TACT. THEN ON THE RED WIRE, SOLDER THE WIRE THAT IS SEPARATLY SEALED FROM THE OTHER ONE. ON THE BLACK WIRE (THESE ARE THE ENDS OF THE WIRE ON THE CIR- CUIT BOARD) SOLDER THE WAIRE WRAPPED AROUND THE OTHER WIRE. THEN SOLDER A HOLE FOR THE WIRE. YOU HAVE NOW MADE A NEON BOX.MUSIC BOX MESSAGE #66: HERE IT IS... (SPACEBAR QUITS MESSAGE) MSG LEFT BY: ALUMINUM GERBIL DATE POSTED: WELL, WHAT YE OLDE FUCK. HERE ARE TH E SCHEMATICS. I DON'T THINK YOU CAN GET BUSTED JUST FOR KNOWING HOW TO MAKE COMPARATERS, SO I WILL JUST SAY NOT TO USE THEM ON ANYBODY ELSE'S PHONE. I F YOU DO, I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT GOES DOWN. I REALLY DON'T CARE BU T THAT'S HOW IT GOES... NEXT MESSAGE... (1-70, LAST=66, QUIT=Q) READ MSG.# MESSAGE #67: SCHEMATICS... (SPACEBAR QUITS MESSAGE) MSG LEFT BY: ALUMINUM GERBIL DATE POSTED: OK... NOW THAT THINGS ARE COOL, I WIL L GIVE YOU THE SCHEMATICS... BUT FIRST... AS EVERYONE KNOWS, TEXT -SCHEMATICS SUCK SHIT. THAT BEITH WHY I HAVE DEEMED IT NECESSARY FOR SOMEONE TO CREATE A STANDARD ELECTRONIC CHARACTER SET. MAYBE I'LL WORK ON IT B UT IF SOMEONE COMES UP WITH ONE, ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY CHARACER SET! MY IDEAS FOR ITS CONSTRUCTION ARE LIKE HAVING STANDARD CHARACERS REPRESENT ELECTRONIC SYMBOLS LIKE THIS... 'Q' = LEFT SIDE OF HORIZONTAL RESISTOR 'E' = RIGHT SIDE OF HORIZONTAL RESISTOR 'R' = HORIZONTILE CONNECTION 'T' = VERTICLE CONNECTION 'Y' = HORIZONTAL CAPACITOR, NO N-POLARIZED ETC, ETC, ETC... ANYWAY, TIS BUT A THOUGHT. IT COULD BE DONE USING HRCG WITH DOS TOOLKIT AS EVERYBODY HAS THAT, OR WHATEVER, BUT TH E THING IS TO KEEP IT STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY! IF THIS CATCHES ON, MAYBE P EOPLE WILL PASS ESS DIGITAL DESIGN SPECS OVER THE MODULATOR... SO, HERE BIETH THE CIRCUIT... AS SOM EONE ONCE SAID, "FORMATTED FOR 80 COLUMNS... USE Y OUR DAMN PRINTER!"... ^ TELEPHONE LINE ^ \ \ \ 47K 10K 1N4005 \ +--/\/\/--+--/\/\/--+-->\--+ \ \ 50K \ \ __ (RELAY SWITCH, N.O.) +------------/\/\/---------+-- -----O O \ ^ \ \ \ \ \ 0.1 UF \ \ +---------\(--- --O MIC O \ \ __ (RELAY SWITCH, N.O.) \ +--------- --+ +-O O-+ \ \ \ \ \ \ -+- 6 VOLTS \ \ \ PNP, 2N3906 \B --+-- \ O REM O C -+- E \ \ / \--------+ \ "THERE BEHIND THE GLASS, THERE'S \ \ \ A REAL BLADE OF GRASS! BE \ \ \ CAREFUL AS YOU PASS, MOVE \ ALONG, MOVE ALONG..." \ \ \ E, L & P. / \ \ NPN, 2N3904 \B \ \ E -+- C \ \ / \----------+ \ \ \ (CONTINUED IN NEXT BULLETIN...) \ RELAY COIL \ +-----!!!!!!----------- --+ (1-70, LAST=67, QUIT=Q) READ MSG.# MESSAGE #68: CONTINUED... (SPACEBAR QUITS MESSAGE) MSG LEFT BY: ALUMINUM GERBIL DATE POSTED: YEAH, SO THE ABOVE BULLETIN WAS THE S CHEMATIC. NOW FOR AN EXPLANATION. AS THE THEORY OF THIS THING WAS MENTIONED IN A PREVIOUS BULLETIN, I WON'T CONCERN MYSELF WITH THAT. FIRST A PART S LIST... RESISTORS... 47K OHM, 10K OHM, 1K OHM. POTENTIOMETERS... 50K OHM TRIM POT CAPACITORS... 0.1 UF SEMICONDUCTORS... PNP - 2N3906 TRANSIS TOR, NPN - 2N3904 TRANSISTOR, 1N4005 DIODE. BATTERY... ONE 6 VOLT OR FOUR 1 .5 VOLT, A SWITCH WOULD BE NICE... RELAY... I'M USING A LITTLE B LUE 4.5 VOLT (I THINK) RELAY WITH DOUBLE POLE, DOUBLE THROW CONTACTS. IT'S IN A DIP ARRANGEMENT AND I CA N'T REMEMBER THE RADIO SHACK NUMBER... MISC... VARIOUS SIZES OF JAC KS FOR INTERFACING THE TAPE RECORDER, BATTERY, TELEPHONE L INE, ETC. I BUILT THIS THING FOUR TIMES ON A BR EAD BOARD AND TWICE ON A PC BOARD BEFORE I GOT IT TO WORK TO MY SATISFACT ION. I SUGGEST YOU BUILD IT ** BE ON A BREAD BOARD. LAST MINUTE CHANGES ALWAYS KILL ME... WELL, ASSEMBLE THE PARTS AS SHOWN IN THE SCHEMATIC BULLETIN. A WORD ABOUT THE CRYPTIC CODES... --\(-- IS A POLARIZED CAPAC ITOR WITH THE NEGATIVE END POINTING RIGHT... -->\-- IS THE DIODE WITH TH E CATHODE POINTING RIGHT... \B IS A TRANSISTOR WHIC H IS SPECIFIED EITHER PNP OR NPN. -+- ON NPN, THE ARROW ON THE EMITOR POINTS OUT. ON PNP C/ \E IT POINTS IN. THE L EADS ARE DESIGNATED, 'B' FOR BASE, 'E' FOR EMITOR AND ' C' FOR COLLECTOR 2N3904 AND 2N3906'S ARE EASY TO COME BY. RADIO SHACK SELLS BOXES OF 15 FOR UNDER 5 BUCKS. THEY'RE FUN TO PLAY WIT H AS THEY ARE GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS. I CAN'T GUARANTEE GOOD RES ULTS IF YOU USE OTHER TRANSISTORS, BUT IT WOULD PROBABLY WORK. 1N4005 IS THE DIODE AND CAN BE CHANGE D FOR ANY DIODE THAT HAS APPROXIMATELY THE SAME RATINGS, 100 PRV MINIMUM, 1 AM P, ETC... I RECOMMENT DURACEL BATTERYS FOR THE SOLE REASON THAT THEY LAST LONGER THAN REGULAR CARBON BATTERYS (UP TO 35% LONG ER!) BUT IF YOU HAVE A 115 AC OUTLET NEARBY (YOU PROBABLY WON'T FIND ONE IN A PEDISTAL) YOU COULD USE A 6 VOLT POWER PACK. STAY TUNED FOR HOW TO USE IT... [ T HE ALUMINUM GERBIL ] (SORRY ABOUT SOME FUCKED UP TEXT, BUT I T SEEMS TO BE PRETY OBVIOUS... (1-70, LAST=68, QUIT=Q) READ MSG.# MESSAGE #69: ANDSOONANDSOFORTH... (SPACEBAR QUITS MESSAGE) MSG LEFT BY: ALUMINUM GERBIL DATE POSTED: HOW TO USE A (COLOR$) BOX... AS UNSTUPIFYI NGLY ITERATED BY: THE [6 04] GERBIL (SO TO SPEAK...) OK. NOW THAT YOU'VE MADE THE (COLOR$ ) BOX AS MENTIONED ABOVE, YOU MAY WANT TO KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT. MANY GOOD PHREAKS MAY NOT WANT TO BOTHER READING THIS MESSAGE, AS THE USES ARE QUITE OBV IOUS. BUT THIS IS WHAT I THINK IT COULD BE USED FOR... WELL, SAY YOU SUSPECT YOUR GIRLFRIEND OF CHEATING ON YOU... HMMM, THAT ACTUALLY IS QUITE A FRIVILOUS USE, BUT IT IS A POSSIBILITY... OK. THE SCENARIO IS AS THUS: YOU'VE BEEN DIALING NUMBERS IN YOUR LOCAL EXCHANGE AND YOU'VE FOUND A COUPLE COMP UTERS BUT YOU DON'T KNOW ANY PASS- WORDS... WHAT YOU'D DO IS CALL UP CN/A AND GET THE LOCATION OF THE NUMBER YOU WANT TO CHECK OUT. THEN, YOU'D GO TO WHEREVER THE PLACE IS AND CHECK OUT WHERE THE SERVICE ENTERS THE BUILDI NG. NOW HERE IS WHERE THE SHEEP GET SEPARATED FROM THE GOATS OR THE PIRATES FROM THE PHREAKS, OR WHATEVER... WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IS SOMEHOW GET AT T HE TWO WIRES MAKING UP THE LINE. YOU COULD BREAK IN, OR YOU COULD STRIP THE WIRES ON THE POLE, OR IF THERE IS A PPIT THERE. ANYWAY, YOU GET SOME BARE WIRE AND ATTACH THE BOX ACROSS THESE WI RES. THEN, YOU PUT YOUR TAPE IN AND PRESS PLAY & RECORD, TURN YOUR BOX ON A ND FORGET ABOUT FOR A COUPLE DAYS. NOW, SEVERAL THINGS MIGHT HAPPEN IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. ONE - SOMEONE MIGHT FIND THE BOX AND CALL THE PHONE COPS. TWO - THE DUDE MIGHT CALL OUT ON THE LINE IN WHICH CASE, THE NUMBERS WILL BE RECORDED ON THE TAPE. THREE - THE GUY MIGHT GET INCOMMING CALLS WHICH WIL L BE RECORDED. FOUR - THE BATTERYS MIGHT WEAR OUT. FIVE - THE WORLD MIGHT BLOW UP... SO, YOU GET YOUR BOX BACK AND YOU SEE WHAT'S ON THE TAPE. IF IT'S A COMPUTER, THEN YOU PLAY THE TONES BACK INTO YOUR DEMODULATOR AND SEE WHAT IS GOING ON. YOU WILL GET ALL THE PASS WORDS, ACCESS PARAMETERS AND EVERYTHING THAT WENT ON THE LINE. SOUN D INTERRESTING? BUT YES, IT IS! HMMM, DID I REMEMBER TO SAY WHAT THE FOUR PAIRS OF WIRES COMING OUT OF MY BOX ARE? ANYWAY, ONE IS THE BATTERY, O NE IS FOR THE LINE, WHICH YOU ARE TAPING INTO, ONE GOES TO THE MICROPHONE OF THE TAPE RECORDER AND THE LAST PAIR GOES TO THE TAPE RECORDER'S REMOTE JACK. WELL, THAT BEITH ABOUT ALL FOR YOUR L ESSON ON HOW TO (COLOR$) BOX YOUR WAY INTO PASSWORDS AND SUCH... IF YOU' VE GOT QUESTIONS, JUST POST THEM AND THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN IS THAT I W ON'T BOTHER ANSWERING THEM AND YOU'LL LOOK STUPID, BUT THAT WOULDN'T BE NICE. FEAR NOT, I SHALL NOT FORSAKE THEE! PLEASE EXPECT MORE WONDROUS CIRCUIT DES IGNS IN THE FUTURE FOR OTHER FUN TTBYIST... NUM GERBIL ] SORRY ABOUT THE FUCKED UP TRANSMISSIO N. AGAIN, 'TIS FAIRLY CLEAR. JUST POST IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS... [ YE OLDE ALUMINUM GERBUL ] ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  Modu-Box     Written and designed by:     Magnus Adept  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Another Celestial Elite phile! For those of you who are sick and tired of ruining their phone with white and beige boxes that make stupid (and now because of ESS, worthless) tones, there is now an alternative. (Thanks to Magnus!) How this came about: Once I was reading and complaining that there must be a better way to attach alligator clips to a phun phone without ruining it and making it a permanent phone man's set. I began to contemplate the basic idea of this new box, when I said, "I just happen to have a spare modulator and some phone wire in my phreak kit at home!" Immediately I got some alligator clips. By the thought I was thinking, I knew I was up to something to solve this pain in the ass problem. Construction of the Modu-Box: You will need: 2 alligator clips 2 lengths of wire Preferably red and green about 1/2 a foot long. 1 phone modulator This can be bought (shoplifted!) at Radio Shack or other electronics stores for not very many bucks. (No bucks if shoplifted: the five finger discount) They are simply a little beige colored square piece of plastic that has a phone jack in the front, and when the back is taken off, the inside has 4 wires ready to hitch up to a phone line. Symbols: Y R B G - yellow, red, black, and green terminals inside  - length of red or green wire < - alligator clip   |B| |G<     |Y| |R<   The black and yellow should be left alone. (for later use) Now plug your phone into the jack, open up the terminal (explained in the "Terminal Phun" phile), attach the alligator clips to the bolts inside, and if you get a dial tone, then phreak OUT! If you really want to be a smartass, you can use the black and yellow also and make a party line! (brown box) Copywrong (C) 1986 by             --  -- All wrongs reserved, so there. Have phun! Brought to you by Victor Krugan ************************************** The Modified Pearl Box by Electric Eye ************************************** first this information shouldn't be used for any illegal puposes, like ripping of the fone co., and is only for informational purposes only.!!! Now lets see how about a materials list? no lets start with a background into the circuit. Just about all of the values for the capatitors and resistors and for example only. here is the equation for finding the values of the various pieces. f = 1.44 _____________________ (R1 + 2R2)C1 f = frequency More[n,Y,=] R1 = value of first resister in ohms = R1 * 10^3 R2 = " " second " " " C1 = value of capacitors in farads ie. .01uf = .01 * 10^-6 = 10^-8 the result of the equation is a tone in Hz form materials: 555 ic timer 8 pin socket for ic C1 =.01 uf capicotor (ceramic) R1 = 22k 1/2 W resister R2 = fixed resistor or set of variable resistors (pots, potentiometer) R3 = 1 k 1/2 W T1 = 8 ohm audio transformer 8 ohm spkr 9volt battery connecter spst switch momentary switch (optional) case, wire, etc. ----------------------------Diagram------------------------------------ _____________ |5 4| More[n,Y,=] |--R1-------------|----- R3-------- / spkr |_______pin7 Pin8 gnd- T1 (black gnd)| Pin3/ R2 |-----pin6 |-----pin2 | C1 | gnd Pin1---gnd More[n,Y,=] if for R2 you use a bank of pots wire them all the same right-center-right-center or left-center-left-center you can also add a momentary switch between the output of T1 and Spkr for more info read the book "One evening electronics projects" by Clavin R. Graf Richard S. Goss or find me Electric Eye on The Land of Confusion (908) 469-6911 _________________________ /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ | How to Build Your Own | | | | |\ /| _ __ | | | \/ | |_| | | | | |__ | | | | | | |_| \/ |__ | | __ | | | \ _ | | |__/ / \ \_/ | | | \ \_/ / \ | | |__/ / | | _________/ | | | \_________________________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________ | Created by Captian Generic | | With Help from The Genetic | | Mishap. This File Created | | November 24th, 1986, 19:08 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please bear with me, as the construction of this box will seem rather silly. This box was found in a construction site. Or rather, it found us at a construction site. We were using a $5 Radio Shack phone out of a semi-completed office building. One afternoon during a holiday, and immediately following a storm, we found our bus in shambles. To our suprise, we also found that one of the phone connections we were tapping had been draped through a murky puddle. The fact that suprised us even more was that this line still worked and now posessed some great capibilities. Materials: 2 tupperware or similar 8oz contianers 1 small bag earth (dirt) (12oz) 1 pint water 2 lantern batteries 1 nine volt battery 1 battery clip 2 SPST switches 4 ounces of iron shavings 2 polar magnets 5 feet wire 1 set soldering equipment This is the part you won't believe. Take the tupperware containers, and fill them with a mixture of the earth and the iron shavings. Make sure that the mixture is well done. (*NOTE* for best results, use the sand in fine ash trays.) Cut the cut the red and green wires and splice the switches into them. From the switches, solder wire to the magnets. Connect the red to the + (positive) side of one magnet, and the green to the - (negative) side of the second magnet. From the other poles of the magnet, solder wires the battery & clip. Make sure the + (positive) and - (negative) are correct. Set the nine-volt battery between the two tupperware containers and place the battery end of the two magnets into the tupperware. Now connect wire to the two poles of the lantern battery, and place them in the same containers as the poles of the magnets/9-volt battery. You are almost done. Finally, add just enough water to the two pots, and let them sit in the sun and bake like bricks. at this point, you have a MAUVE BOX. Explaning and Using What You Have: The red and green wires have been places into a magnetic field which is being charged continually be a lantern battery. (It is necessary to change this battery every one to one and a half months.) This will literaly pull in the nearest phone conversatiion. (Don't try this in a big apartment or dorm.) When the 9-volt battery is connected, this will now create enough current for the poles of the magnets to reverse themselves (perhaps you're seen Mr. Wizard do this. It's just like with the soap). At this point, you have a phone transmitting to one (if not more) of the nearest phones. (Again, if you're in a dorm, don't try this.) I suppose this just accomplishes what a tap would do, but with a MAUVE BOX, your fingerprints never will show on a terminal or on someones telephone lines. Notes and Addendum: This will only work with a touch-tone phone connected to a phone line. When the switches are pulled, it's off your line and into the air. This is named a MAUVE BOX, becuase this is the most disgusting box, and I find mauve to be the single most disgusting colour I know of. Also, this file is for information purposes only. This is not to be used in an illegal mannar. Perhaps one of these by the pool, sending to your sethe co-author, accept no responsibility for your actions with the MAUVE BOX. Thank you...Note to sysops: You are welcome to download this file and use it on your system, providing you DO NOT remove the credits for Mark Tabas or KAOS. In other words, try to act like a human being! -------------------------------------- The Mark Tabas encounter series presents: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Better Homes and Blue Boxing Part I Theory of Operation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To quote Karl Marx, blue boxing has always been the most noble form of phreaking. As opposed to such things as using an MCI code to make a free fone call, which is merely mindless pseudo-phreaking, blue boxing is actual interaction with the Bell System toll network. It is likewise advisable to be more cautious when blue boxing, but the careful phreak will not be caught, regardless of what type of switching system he is under. In this part, I will explain how and why blue boxing works, as well as where. In later parts, I will give more practical information for blue boxing and routing information. To begin with, blue boxing is simply communicating with trunks. Trunks must not be confused with subscriber lines (or "customer loops") which are standard telefone lines. Trunks are those lines that connect central offices. Now, when trunks are not in use (i.e., idle or "on-hook" state) they have 2600Hz applied to them. If they are two-way trunks, there is 2600Hz in both directions. When a trunk IS in use (busy or "off-hook" state"), the 2600Hz is removed from the side that is off-hook. The 2600Hz is therefore known as a supervisory signal, because it indicates the status of a trunk; on hook (tone) or off-hook (no tone). Note also that 2600Hz denoted SF (single frequency) signalling and is "in-band." This is very important. "In-band" means that is is within the band of frequencies that may be transmitted over normal telefone lines. Other SF signals, such as 3700Hz are used also. However, they cannot be carried over the telefone network normally (they are "out-of- band") and are therefore not able to be taken advantage of as 2600Hz is. Back to trunks. Let's take a hypothetical phone call. You pick up your fone and dial 1+806-258-1234 (your good friend in Armarillo, Texas). For ease, we'll assume that you are on #5 Crossbar switching and not in the 806 area. Your central office (CO) would recognize that 806 is a foreign NPA, so it would route the call to the toll centre that serves you. [For the sake of accuracy here, and for the more experienced readers, note that the CO in question is a class 5 with LAMA that uses out-of-band SF supervisory signalling]. Depending on where you are in the country, the call would leave your toll centre (on more trunks) to another toll centre, or office of higher "rank". Then it would be routed to central office 806-258 eventually and the call would be completed. Illustration: A---CO1-------TC1------TC2----CO2----B A=you CO1=your central office TC1=your toll office. TC2=toll office in Amarillo. CO2=806-258 central office. B=your friend (806-258-1234) In this situation it would be realistic to say that CO2 uses SF in-band (2600Hz) signalling, while all the others use out-of-band signalling (3700Hz). If you don't understand this, don't worry too much. I am pointing this out merely for the sake of accuracy. The point is that while you are connected to 806-258- 1234, all those trunks from YOUR central office (CO1) to the 806-258 central office (CO2) do *NOT* have 2600Hz on them, indicating to the Bell equipment that a call is in progress and the trunks are in use. Now let's say you're tired of talking to your friend in Amarillo (806-258-1234) so you send a 2600Hz down the line. This tone travels down the line to your friend's central office (CO2) where it is detected. However, that CO thinks that the 2600Hz is originating from Bell equipment, indicating to it that you've hung up, and thus the trunks are once again idle (with 2600Hz present on them). But actually, you have not hung up, you have fooled the equipment at your friend's CO into thinking you have. Thus,it disconnects him and resets the equipment to prepare for the next call. All this happens very quickly (300-800ms for step-by-step equipment and 150-400ms for other equipment). When you stop sending 2600Hz (after about a second), the equipment thinks that another call is coming towards it (e.g. it thinks the far end has come "off-hook" since the tone has stopped. It could be thought of as a toggle switch: tone --> on hook, no tone -->off hook. Now that you've stopped sending 2600Hz, several things happen: 1) A trunk is seized. 2) A "wink" is sent to the CALLING end from the CALLED end indicating that the CALLED end (trunk) is not ready to receive digits yet. 3) A register is found and attached to the CALLED end of the trunk within about two seconds (max). 4) A start-dial signal is sent to the CALLING end from the CALLED end indicating that the CALLED end is ready to receive digits. Now, all of this is pretty much transparent to the blue boxer. All he really hears when these four things happen is a . So, seizure of a trunk would go something like this: 1> Send a 2600Hz 2> Terminate 2600Hz after 1-2 secs. 3> [beep][kerchunk] Once this happens, you are connected to a tandem that is ready to obey your every command. The next step is to send signalling information in order to place your call. For this you must simulate the signalling used by operators and automatic toll-dialing equipment for use on trunks. There are mainly two systems, DP and MF. However, DP went out with the dinosaur , so I'll only discuss MF signalling. MF (multi-frequency) signalling is the signalling used by the majority of the inter- and intra-lata network. It is also used in international dialing known as the CCITT no.5 system. MF signalling consists of 7 frequen- cies, beginning with 700Hz and separated by 200Hz. A different set of two of the 7 frequencies represent the digits 0 thru 9, plus an additional 5 special keys. The frequencies and uses are as follows: Frequencies (Hz) Domestic Int'l -------------------------------------- 700+900 1 1 700+1100 2 2 900+1100 3 3 700+1300 4 4 900+1300 5 5 1100+1300 6 6 700+1500 7 7 900+1500 8 8 1100+1500 9 9 1300+1500 0 0 700+1700 ST3p Code 11 900+1700 STp Code 12 1100+1700 KP KP1 1300+1700 ST2p KP2 1500+1700 ST ST The timing of all the MF signals is a nominal 60ms, except for KP, which should have a duration of 100ms. There should also be a 60ms silent period between digits. This is very flexible, however, and most Bell equipment will accept outrageous timings. In addition to the standard uses listed above, MF pulsing also has expanded usages known as "expanded inband signalling" that include such things as coin collect, coin return, ringback, operator attached, and operator released. KP2, code 11, and code 12 and the ST_ps (STart "primes") all have special uses which will be mentioned only briefly here. To complete a call using a blue box, once seizure of a trunk has been accomplished by sending 2600Hz and pausing for the , one must first send a KP. This readies the register for the digits that follow. For a standard domestic call, the KP would be followed by either 7 digits (if the call were in the same NPA as the seized trunk) or 10 digits (if the call were not in the same NPA as the seized trunk). [Exactly like dialing a normal fone call]. Following either the KP and 7 or 10 digits, a STart is sent to signify that no more digits follow. Example of a complete call: 1> Dial 1-806-258-1234 2> wait for a call-progress indication (such as ring, busy, recording, etc.) 3> Send 2600Hz for about 1 second. 4> Wait for about 2 seconds while a trunk is seized. 5> Send KP+305+994+9966+ST The call will then connect if every- thing was done properly. Note that if a call to an 806 number were being placed in the same situation, the area code would be omitted and only KP+ seven digits+ST would be sent. Code 11 and code 12 are used in international calling to request certain types of operators. KP2 is used in international calling to route a call other than by way of the normal route, whether for economic or equipment reasons. STp, ST2p, and ST3p (prime, two prime, and three prime) are used in TSPS signalling to indicate calling type of call (such as coin-direct dialed). This has been Part I of Better Homes and Blue Boxing. I hope you enjoyed and learned from it. If you have any questions, comments, threats or insults, please fell free to drop me a line. If you have noticed any errors in this text (yes, it does happen), please let me know and perhaps a correction will be in order. Part II will deal mainly with more advanced principles of blue boxing, as well as routings and operators. Note 1: other highly trunkable areas include: 816,305,813,609,205. I personally have excellent luck boxing off of 609-953-0000. Try that if you have any trouble. ...................................... (c) January 7, 1985 Mark Tabas ...................................... $$LOD$LOD$LOD$LOD$LOD$LOD$LOD$LOD$LOD$ The Mark Tabas encounter series presents... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Better Homes and Blue Boxing Part ii Practical Applications =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (It is assumed that the reader has read and understood Part i of this series). The essential purpose of blue boxing in the beginning was merely to receive toll services free of charge. Though this can still be done, blue boxing has essentially outlived its usefulness in this area. Modern day "extenders" and long distance services provide a safer and easier way to make free fone calls. However, you can do things with a blue box that just can't be done with any- thing else. For ordinary toll-fraud, a blue box is impractical for the following reasons: 1. Clumsy equipment required (blue box or equivalent) 2. Most boxed calls must be made through an extender. Not for safety reasons, but for reasons I'll explain later. 3. Connections are often sacrificed because considerable distances must be dialed to cross a seizable trunk, in addition to awkward routing. As stated in reason #2, boxed calls are usually made through an extender. This is for billing reasons. If you recall from Part i, 2600Hz is used as a "supervisory" signal. That is, it signals the status of a trunk-- "on-hook" or "off-hook." When you seize a trunk (by briefly sending 2600Hz), your end (the CALLING end) goes on hook for the duration of the 2600Hz and then goes off-hook once again when the 2600Hz is terminated. The CALLED end recognizes that a call is on the way and attaches a register, which inerprets the digits which are to be sent. Now, understand that even though your end has come off-hook (no 2600Hz present), the other end is still on-hook. You may wonder then, why, if the other end (the CALLED end) is still on-hook, there is no 2600Hz coming the other way on the trunk, when there should be. This is correct. 2600Hz *IS* present on the trunk when you seize it and afterwards, but you cannot hear it because of a Band Elimination Filter (BEF) at your central office. Back to the problem. Remember that when you seize a trunk, 2600Hz is indeed coming the other way on the trunk because the CALLED end is still on-hook, but you don't actually hear it because of a filter. However, the Bell equipment knows it's there (they can "hear" it). The presence of the 2600Hz is telling the billing equip- ment that your call has not yet been completed (i.e., the CALLED end is still on-hook). When finally you do connect with your boxed call, the 2600Hz from the called end terminates. This tells the billing equipment that someone picked up the fone at the CALLED end and you should begin to be billed. So you do start to get billed, but for the call to the trunk, NOT the boxed call. Your billing equipment thinks that you've connected with the number you used to seize the trunk. Illustration: 1. You call 1+806-258-2222 (directly) 2. Status of trunks: <-----------------------------------> (You) 806-258-2222 No 2600Hz-------> <------------2600Hz When you seize a trunk (before the number you called answers) there is no affect on your billing equipment. It simply thinks that you're still waiting for the call to complete (the CALLED end is still on-hook; it is ringing, busy, going to recorder or intercept operator. Now, let's say that you've sezied a trunk (806-258-2222) and for example, KP+314+949+1705+ST. The call is routed from the tandem you seized to: 314-949-1705. Illustration: <------------------>O<---------------> (You) 806 314-949 tandem No 2600Hz----------> <----------2600Hz Note that the entire path towards the right (the CALLED end) has no 2600Hz present and is therefore "off- hook." The entire path towards the left (the CALLING end) does have 2600Hz present on it, indicating that the CALLED end has not picked up (or come "off-hook"). When 314-949-1705 answers, "answer supervision" is given and the 2600Hz towards the left (the CALLING end) terminates. This tells your billing equipment, which thinks that you're still waiting to be connected with 806-258-2222, that you've finally connected. Billing then begins to 806-258-2222. Not exactly an auspicious beginning for an aspiring young phone phreak. To avoid this, several actions may be taken. As previously mentioned, one may avoid being charged for the number called to seize a trunk by using an extender (in which case the extender will get billed). In some areas, boxing may be accomplished using an 800 number, generally in the format of 800-858-xxxx (many Amarillo numbers) or 800-NN2-xxxx (special intra-state class in-WATS numbers). However, boxing off of 800 numbers is impossible in many areas. In my area, Denver, I am served by #1A ESS and it is impossible for me to box off of any 800 number. Years ago, in the early days of blue boxing (before my time), phreaks often used directory assistance to box off of because they were "free" long distance calls. However, because of competetive long distance companies, directory assistance surcharges are now $0.50 in many areas. It is additionally advised that directory assistance numbers not be used to box from because of the following: Average DA calls last under 2 minutes. When you box a call, chances are that it will last considerably longer. Thus, the Bell billing equip- ment will make a note of calls to directory assistance that last a long time. A call to a directory assistant lasting for 4 hours and 17 minutes may appear somewhat suspicious. Although the date, time, and length of a DA call do not appear on the bill, it is recorded on AMA tape and will trip a trouble report if it were to last too long. This is how most phreaks were discovered in the old days. Also, sometimes too many calls lasting too long to one 800 number may raise a few eyebrows at the local security office. Assuming you can complete a blue box call, the following are listed routings for various Bell internal operators. These are in the format of KP+NPA+ special routing+1X1+ST, which I will explain later. The 1X1 is the actual operator routing, and NPA and NPA+ special routing are used for out-of- area code calls and out-of-area code calls requiring special routing, respectively. KP+101+ST ...... toll test board KP+121+ST ...... inward op KP+131+ST ...... directory assistance KP+141+ST ...... was rate & route. Now only works in 312, 815, 717, and a few others. It has been replaced with a univer- sal rate & route number, 800+141+1212. KP+151+ST ...... overseas completion operator (inbound). Works only in certain NPAs, such as 303. KP+181+ST ...... in some areas, toll station for small towns Thus, if you seize a trunk in 806 NPA and wanted an inward (in 806), then you would dial KP+121+ST. If you wanted a 312 inward and were dialing on an 806 trunk, an area code would be required. Thus, you would dial KP+312+121+ST. Finally, some places in the network require special routing, in addition to an area code. An example is Franklin Park, Ill. It requires a special routing of 032. For this, you would dial KP+312+032+121+ST for a Franklin Park inward operator. Special routings are in the format of 0XX. They are used primarily for load balance, so that traffic flow may be evenly distributed. About half of the exchanges in the network require special routing. Note that special routings are NEVER EVER EVER used to dial normal telephone numbers, only operators. Operator functions: TOLL TEST BOARD- Generally a cordboard position that assists in trunk testing. They are not used by operators, only switchmen. INWARD- Assists the normal TSPS (0+) operator in completing calls out of the TSPS's area. Also, inwards perform emergency inerrupts when the number to be interrupted is out of the area code of the original (TSPS) operator. For example, a 303 operator has a customer that needs an emergency interrupt on 215-647-6969. The 303 operator gets the routing for the inward that covers 215-647, since she cannot do the interrupt herself. The routing is found to be only 215+ (no special routing required). So, the 303 operator keys KP+215+121+ST. An inward answers and the 303 says to her, "Inward, this is Denver. I need an emergency interrupt on 215-647-6969. My customer's name is Mark Tabas." The inward will then do the interrupt (off the line, of course). If the number to be interrupted had required special routing, such as, say, 312-456-1234 (spec routing 032), then the 303 operator would dial KP+312+032+121+ST for the inward to do that interrupt. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE- These are the normal NPA+555+1212 operators that assist customers with obtaining telefone directory listings. Not much toll-fraud potential here, except maybe $0.50. RATE AND ROUTE- These operators are reached by dialing KP+800+141+1212+ST. They assist normal (TSPS) operators with rates and routings (thus the name). The only uses I typically have for them are the following: 1. Routing information. In the above example, when the 303 operator needed to dial an inward that served 215-647, she needed to know if any special routing was required and, if so, what it was. Assuming she would use rate and route, she would dial them and say nicely, "Operator's route, please, for 215-647." Rate & route would respond with "215 plus." This means that the operator would dial KP+215+121+ST to reach the inward that serves 215-647. If there were special routing required, such as in 312-456, rate & route would respond with "312 plus 032 plus." In that case, the operator would dial KP+312+032+ST for the inward that serves 312-456. It is good practice to ask for "operator's route" specifically, as there are also "numbers route" and "directory routes." If you do not specifically ask for operator's route, rate & route will generally assume that is what you want anyway. "Numbers" route refers to overseas calls. Example, you want to know how to reach a number in Geneva, Switzerland (and you already have the number). You would call routing and say "Numbers route, please, Geneva, Switzerland." The operator would respond with: "Mark 41+22. 011+041+ST (plus) 041+22" The "Mark 41+22" has to do with billing, so disregard it. The 011+041 is access to the overseas gateway (to be discussed in Part iii) and the 041+ 22+ is the routing for Geneva from the overseas sender. "Directory" routings are for directory assistance overseas. Example: you want a DA in Rome, Italy. You would call rate & route and say, "Directory routing please, for Rome, Italy." They would respond with "011+039+ST (plus) 039+1108 STart." As in the previous example, the 011+039 is access to the overseas gateway. The 039+1108 is a directory assistant in Rome. 2. Nameplace information. Rate & Route will give you the location of an NPA+ exchange. Example: "Nameplace please, for 215-648." The operator would respond with "Paoli, Pennsylvania." This isn't especially useful, since you can get the same information (legally) by dialing 0, but using rate & route is often much faster and it avoids having to hang up when you are already on a trunk. *NOTE on Rate & Route: As a blue boxer, always ask for "IOTC" routings. (e.g., "IOTC operator's route", "IOTC numbers route", etc.) This tells them that you want cordboard-type routings, not TSPS, because a blue boxer is actually just a cordboard position (that Bell doesn't know about). OVERSEAS COMPLETION OPERATOR (inbound)- These operators (KP+151+ST) assist in the completion of calls coming in to the United States from overseas. There are KP+151+ST operators only in a few NPAs in the country (namely 303). To use one, you would seize a trunk and dial KP+303+151+ST. Then you would tell the operator, for example, "This is Bangladesh calling. I need U.S. number 215-561-0562 please." [in a broken Indian accent]. She would connect you, and the bill would be sent to Bangladesh (where I've been billing my KP+151+ST calls for two years). Other internal Bell Operators. KP+11501+ST ...... universal operator KP+11511+ST ...... conference op KP+11521+ST ...... mobile op KP+11531+ST ...... marine op KP+11541+ST ...... long distance terminal KP+11551+ST ...... time & charges op KP+11561+ST ...... hotel/motel op KP+11571+ST ...... overseas (outbound) op These 115X1 operators are identical in routing to the 1X1 operators listed previously, with one exception. If special routing is required (0XX), then the trailing 1 is left off. Examples: A 312 universal op ... KP+312+11501+ST A Franklin Park (312-456) universal op (special routing 032 required).... ................... KP+312+032+1150+ST [The trailing 1 of 11501 is left off]. Purposes of 115X1 operators. UNIVERSAL- Used for collect/callback calls to coin stations. CONFERENCE- This is a cordboard conference operator who will set up a conference for a customer on a manual operation basis. MOBILE- Assists in completion of calls to mobile (IMTS) type telefones MARINE- Assists in completion of calls to ocean going vessels. LONG DISTANCE TERMINAL- Now obsolete. Was used for completion of long distance calls. TIME & CHARGES- Will give exact costs of calls. Used to time calls and inform customer of exactly how much it cost. HOTEL/MOTEL- Handles calls to/from hotels and motels. OVERSEAS COMPLETION (outbound)- assists in completion of calls to overseas points. Only works in some, if any NPAs, because overseas assistance has been centraized to IOCC (covered in Part iii). Note that all KP+1X1+ST and KP+115X1+ST operators automatically assume that you are a TSPS or cordboard operator assisting a customer with a call. DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO JEOPARDIZE THIS! If you do not know what to do, don't call these operators! Find out what to do first. This concludes Part iii. There is one final part in which I will explain overseas dialing, IOCC (International Overseas Completion Centre), RQS (Rate/Quote System), and some basic scanning. ....................................... (c) February 6, 1900 Mark Tabas ....................................... The Mark Tabas encounter series presents... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Better Homes and Blue Boxing Part iii Advanced Signalling =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (It is assumed that the reader has read and$understood parts i & ii before proceeding to this part). In parts i & ii, I covered basic theory and domestic singalling and operators. In this part I will explain overseas direct boxing, the IOCC, the RQS, and some basic scanning methods. Overseas Dipect Boxing. Calling outside of the United States and Canada is accomplished by using an "overseas gateway." There are 7 over- seas gateways in the Bell System, and each one is designated to serve a certain region of the world. To initiate an overseas call, one must first access the gateway that the call is to be sent on. To do this auto- matically, decide which country you are calling and find its country code. Then, pad it to the left with zeros as required so it is three digits. [Add 1, 2, or 3 zeros as required]. Examples: Luxembourg (352) is 352 (stays the same) Spain (34) becomes 034 (1 zero added) U.S.S.R. (7) becomes 007 (2 zeros added) Next, seize a trunk and dial KP+011+ CC+ST. Note that CC is the three digit padded country code that you just determined by the above method. [For Luxembourg, dial KP+011+352+ST, Spain KP+011+034+ST, and the U.S.S.R. KP+011+ 007+ST]. This is done to route you to the appropriate overseas gateway that handles the country you are dialing. Even though every gateway will allow you to dial every dialable country, it is good practice to use the gateway that is designated for the country you are calling. After dialing KP+011+CC+ST (as CC is defined above) you should"be connected to an overseas gateway. It will acknowledge by sending a wink (which is audible as a and a dial tone. Once you receive internat- ional dial tone, you may route your call one of two ways: a) as an operator-originated call, or b) as a customer-originated call. To go as a operator-originated call, key KP+ country code (NOT padded with zeros)+ city code+number+ST. You will then be connected, providing the country you are calling can receive direct-dialed calls. The U.S.S.R. is an example of a country that cannot. Example of a boxed int'l call: To make a call to the Pope (Rome, Italy), first obtain the country code, which is 39. Pad it with zeros so that it is 039. Seize a trunk and dial KP+011+039+ST. Wait for sender dial tone anf then dial KP+39+6+6982+ST. 39 is the country code, 6 is the city code, and 6982 is the Pope's number in Rome. To go as an operator-originated call, simply place a zero in front of the country code when dialing on the gateway. Thus, KP+0+39+6+6982+ST woulf be dialed at sender dial tone. Routing your call as operator-originated does not affect much unless you are dialing an operator in a foreign country To dial an operator in a foreign country, you must first obtain the operator routing from rate & route for that country. Dial rate & route and if you're trying to get an operator in Yugoslavia, say nicely, "IOTC Operator's route, please, for Yugoslavia." [In larger countries it may be necessary to specify a city]. Rate & route will respond with, "38 plus 11229". So, dial your over- seas gateway, KP+011+038+ST, wait for sender dial tone, and key KP+0+38+ 11029+ST. You should then get an operator in Yugoslavia. Note that you must prefix the country code on the sender with a 0 because presumably only an operator here can dial an operator in a foreign country. When you dial KP+011+CC+ST for an overseas gateway, it is translated to a 3-digit sender code of the format 18X, depending on which sender is designated to handle the country you are dialing. The overseas$gateways and their 3-digit codes are listed below. 182 ..... White Plains, NY 183 ..... New York, NY 184 ..... Pittsburg, PA 185 ..... Orlando, FL 186 ..... Oakland, CA 187 ..... Denver, CO 188 ..... New York, NY Dialing KP+182+ST would get you the sender in White Plains, and KP+183+ST would get the sender in NYC, etc., but the KP+011+CC+ST is highly suggested (as previously mentioned). To find out what sender you were routed to after dialing KP+011+CC+ST, dial (at int'l dial tone): KP+0020000+ST. If you have difficulty in reaching a sender, call rate and route and ask for a numbers route for the country you're dialing. Sometimes, KP+011+ padded country code+ST will not work. I have found this in many 3-digit country codes. Lexembourg, country code 352, for example, should be KP+011+352+ST theoretically. But it is not. In this case, dial KP+011+ 003+ST for the overseas gateway. If you have trouble, try dialing KP+00+ first digit of country code+ST, or call rate The IOCC. Sometimes when"you call rate and route and ask for an "IOTC numbers route" or "IOTC operators route" for a foreign country, you will get something like "160+700" (as in the case of the Soviet Union). This means that the country is not dialable directly and must be handled through the International Overseas Completion Centre (IOCC). For an IOCC routing, pad the country code to the RIGHT with zeros until it is 3 digits. Then KP+160 is dialed, plus the padded country code, plus ST. Examples: The U.S.S.R. (7) ...... KP+160+700+ST Japan (81) ............ KP+160+810+ST Uraguay (598) ......... KP+160+598+ST You will then be routed to the IOCC in Pittsburg, PA, who will ask for country, city, and number being dialed. Many times they will ask for a ringback [thanks to Telenet"Bob] so have a loop ready. They will then place the call and call you back (or sometimes put you through directly). Some calls, such as to Moscow, take several hours. The Rate Quote System (RQS). The RQS is the operator's rate/quote system. It is a computer used by TSPS (0+) operators to get rate and route information without having to dial the rate and route operator. In Part ii, I discussed getting an inward routing for dialing-assistance and emergency interrupts from the rate and route operators (KP+800+141+1212+ST). The same information is available from RQS. Say you want the inward routing for 305-994. You would sieze a trunk and dial KP+009+ST (to access the RQS). Sometimes, if you seize a trunk in an NPA not equipped with RQS, you need to dial an NPA that is equipped with RQS first, such as 303. Anyway, after you dial KP+009+ST or KP+303+009+ST, you will receive a wink () and then RQS dial tone. At RQS dial tone, for an inward routing for 305-994 you would dial KP+06+305+994+ST. That is, KP+06+NPA+exchange+ST. RQS will respond with "305 plus 033 plus". This means you would dial KP+305+033+121+ST for an inward that services 305-994. If no special routing were required, RQS would have responded with "305 plus" and you would simply dian: KP+305+121+ST for an inward. Another RQS feature is the echo feature. You can use it to test your blue box. Dial RQS (KP+009+ST) and then key KP+07+1234567890+ST. RQS will respond with voice identification of the digits it recognized, between the KP+07 and ST. RQS can also be used for rates and directory routings, but those are seldom needed, so they have been omitted here. Simple Scanning. If you're interested in scanning, try dialing on a trunk, routings in the format of KP+11XX1+ST. Begin with"11001 and scan to 11991. There are lots of interesting things to be found there, as Doctor Who (413 area) can tell you. Those 11XX1 routings can also be prefixed with an NPA, so if you want to scan area code 212, dial KP+212+ 11XX1+ST. There, now you know as much about blue boxing as most phreaks. If you read and understand the material, and put aside preconceived ideas of what blue boxing is that you may have aquired from inexperienced people or other bulletin boards, you should be well on you way to an enlightening career in blue boxing. If you follow the guidelines in Part i to box, you should have no problem with the fone company. Comments made by "phreaks" on bulletin boards that proclaim "tracing" of blue boxers are nonsense and should be ignored (except for a passing chuckle). NOTE 1: CCIS and the downfall of blue boxing. CCIS stands for Common Channel Inter- office Signalling. It is a signalling method used between electronic switching systems that eminiates the use of 2600Hz and 3700Hz"supervisory signals, and MF pulsing. This is why many places cannot be boxed off of; they employ CCIS, or out-of-band signalling, which will not respond to any tones that you generate on the line. Eventually, all existing toll equipment will be upgraded or replaced with CCIS or T-carrier. In this case, we'll all be boxing with microwave dishes. Until then (about 1995 by current BOC/AT&T estimates), have fun! If you have ANY questions about this text, please feel free to drop me a line. I will respond to anl mail, messages, etc. Insults are also welcomed. And if you discover anything interesting scanning, be sure to let me know. Mark Tabas $LOD$ This text was prepared in full by Mark Tabas for: K.A.O.S. Philadelphia, PA. [215-465-3593]. Any sysop may freely download this text and use it on his/her BBS, provided that none of it be altered in any way. Technical acknowledgements: Karl Marx, X-Man, High-Rise Joe, Telenet Bob, Lex Luthor, TUC, John Doe, Doctor Who (413 area), The Tone Sweep, Mr. Silicon, K00L KAT, The Glump. References: 1. Notes on the BOC Intra-LATA Networks Bell System publication, 1983. 2. Notes on the Network Bell System publication, 1983. 3. Engineering and Operations in the Bell System Bell System publication, 1983. 4. Notes on Distance Dialing Bell System publication, 1968. 5. Early Medieval Architecture. ....................................... (c) February 6, 1900 Mark Tabas ....................................... Call 1-305-994-9966 now.File name: magenta.box Viewing magenta.box Press any key to begin the transfer, or [Ctrl-X] to abort... HOW TO BUILD AND USE A MAGENTA BOX. Designed and Written by Street Fighter. First of all I named this the Magenta Box because all of the fags that made boxes, whose only purpose is adding a hold button to your phone, used all of the fucking colors. I can afford a fucking piece of shit Radio Shack 2-line phone with hold. A box's purpose is to fuck with the Telco., not to add a fucking hold button to your phone. Anyway I will get on with this. PARTS LIST: SPDT Miniature PC RELAY (about 9v, 500 ohm) DPDT Miniature PC RELAY (about 6v, 500 ohms, 12 mA) 2000 or so uF electrolytic capacitor 1 meg resistor .01 uF capacitor 555 timer chip 2 diodes (1N914) 10 K resistor 1 K resistor 9 volt battery -w- clip Pc Board 4 alligator clips some kind of a box (small) some 20 or 22 gauge wire to work with. If you don't know how to put together a project by looking at a schematic, then isn't the project to start with. I would ask someone with some electronics knowledge to give you a helping hand. This has to be put together on a pc-board. Enough talk, now the schematic: +9v ^ | +---------------+----+----------------+ | |8 |4 | | ------------ | / | |3 | |--| \ | |-------------------->|---+------|\ | 1 Meg / R1 | | | | C| \| (1000K)\ | | | - O|\ | | | 555 | \ ^ I| \| | | chip | 10 K / | L|\ | | 7| | \ +------| \| +------------| | / | |--| | 6| |2 | | +------------| |-------------+-------+ | NC | ------------ | | +-o o o--< | |1 |5 --------o NC | | | TIP #2 | | | --___ | | | NC + | | | ---o---+ | | | o o o--< --- | ---.01 uF | | | | | RING #2 2000 uF -^- C1 | -^- --------o-- | --+ | | | *see note | | | | | | | | | | +-------|--|C | | | | | | | | |\ |O +---+ | | | | | | | | \|I | | | | | | | | +---|--|L | | | | +-------------+---+-------------------+-----------+ | | | | | | | ----- | +-----------+-------------+ | --- | | | - +--/\/\/\----------+------------+ GROUND 4.7K | | 9V | | | +------------< RING #1 | | +---------------< TIP #1 K E Y ~~~~~ NC - Normally Closed --< - Alligator Clip --- -^- Capacitor ->|- Diode | - ^ Diode | o o o Contacts on relay. DPDT o o o --------o ___---o Contacts on relay. SPDT -- --------o -/\/\/\- Resistor | / \ Resistor / | Whew! Well, the schematic explains almost everything. It would be helpful to you if you used one color for the line #1 clips and another for the line #2 clips. It will work even if you get the ring and tip mixed up, but you must get all of the clips on the right line. But, to be safe, you could put tags on each clip labeling it RING #1, TIP #2, ect. Installation. Find one of those green posts that are about 3 feet high. They are everywhere. Get a socket wrench to open it up. There will be (a) row(s) of paired up posts. Each pair of posts represents a line. YOU *MUST* KNOW THE NUMBER OF LINE #1. Sometimes the number is tagged on to the pair of wires leading up to the posts, if so pick these posts as your line #1. Then you can pick any other set of posts for line #2. Now to the good part. Use of the the final product. When you call up line one from your house you will get a dial tone almost immediately. Using DTMF you can dial anywhere that the person who owns line 2 has service to. Which means you can direct dial alliance, Australia, and your favorite BBS for FREE. The Telco. will undoubtably discover the device after 2 days, so post the number on your favorite boards so you can abuse it while it is in service. With a 2000 uF capacitor and a 1 meg resistor you will get a 50 minute call before it disconnects you. By lowering the value of the resistor and capacitor you can change the time to your taste. So don't dial a wrong number, because you will have to wait 50 minutes until it resets again. The formula for the time is the following: 2*R1 C1 C1 is in microfarads ---- * ---- R1 is in Kohms 100 10 See schematic for location of R1 and C1. ----------- = Minutes 60 The time produced by this formula is only approximate. Well, that is one of the more complicated boxes to build. But it is very useful and will pay for itself with its first use. It would be wise to remove it before the Telco. finds it so you won't have to make another, or install it on a line that belongs to a family that is on vacation (GOOD IDEA) Well, there it is. I hope it saves you a lot of cash. I, Street Fighter, designed this box for the sole purpose of fucking over Ma Bell. It is not for imformational purposes, but to be used to cost the TelCo. thousands of dollars. If you wish to have one built for you. Leave me E-mail on the Iron Curtain or the CornerStone or any other board I frequent. It won't be more than $15, hopefully it will only be about $8. DON'T LET PHREAKING DIE! STREET FIGHTER - 1988 }PEPSON}i�f@��f@Maharaja's Hi-Times 10 MEG BBS C/F (702)-832-7469 80 columns. <%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%> <%> <%> <%> Making the <%> <%> <%> <%> Lunch Box <%> <%> ===== === <%> <%> <%> <%> Written, Typed and Created by: Dr. D-Code <%> <%> <%> <%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%>^<%> Introduction ============ The Lunch Box is a VERY simple transmitter which can be handy for all sorts of things. It is quite small and can easily be put in a number of places. I have successfully used it for tapping fones, getting inside info, blackmail and other such things. The possibilities are endless. I will also include the plans for an equally small receiver for your newly made toy. Use it for just about anything. You can also make the transmitter and receiver together in one box and use it as a walkie talkie. Materials you will need ======================= (1) 9 volt battery with battery clip (1) 25-mfd, 15 volt electrolytic capacitor (2) .0047 mfd capacitors (1) .022 mfd capacitor (1) 51 pf capacitor (1) 365 pf variable capacitor (1) Transistor antenna coil (1) 2N366 transistor (1) 2N464 transistor (1) 100k resistor (1) 5.6k resistor (1) 10k resistor (1) 2meg potentiometer with SPST switch Some good wire, solder, soldering iron, board to put it on, box (optional) Schematic for The Lunch Box =========================== This may get a tad confusing but just print it out and pay attention.  �7�3  � [!] ! 51 pf ! ---+---- ------------base collector ! )( 2N366 +----+------/\/\/----GND 365 pf () emitter ! ! )( ! ! +-------- ---+---- ! ! ! ! ! ! ! GND / .022mfd ! ! 10k\ ! ! ! / GND +------------------------emitter ! ! ! 2N464 / .0047 ! base collector 2meg \----+ ! ! +--------+ ! / ! GND ! ! ! GND ! ! ! +-------------+.0047+--------------------+ ! ! ! +--25mfd-----+ -----------------------------------------+ ! ! microphone +--/\/\/-----+ ---------------------------------------------+ 100k ! ! GND---->/<---------------------!+!+!+---------------+ switch Battery from 2meg pot. Notes about the schematic ========================= 1. GND means ground 2. The GND near the switch and the GND by the 2meg potentiometer should be connected. 3. Where you see: )( () )( it is the transistor antenna coil with 15 turns of regular hook-up wire around it. 4. The middle of the loop on the left side (the left of "()") you should run a wire down to the "+" which has nothing attached to it. There is a .0047 capacitor on the correct piece of wire. 5. For the microphone use a magnetic earphone (1k to 2k). 6. Where you see "[!]" is the antenna. Use about 8 feet of wire to broadcast approx 300ft. Part 15 of the FCC rules and regulation says you can't broadcast over 300 feet without a license. (Hahaha). Use more wire for an antenna for longer distances. (Attach it to the black wire on the fone line for about a 250 foot antenna!) Operation of the Lunch Box ========================== This transmitter will send the signals over the AM radio band. You use the variable capacitor to adjust what freq. you want to use. Find a good unused freq. down at the lower end of the scale and you're set. Use the 2 meg pot. to �7�3  �adjust gain. Just fuck with it until you get what sounds good. The switch on the 2meg is for turning the Lunch Box on and off. When everything is adjusted, turn on an AM radio adjust it to where you think the signal is. Have a friend say some shit thru the Box and tune in to it. That's all there is to it. The plans for a simple receiver are shown below: The Lunch Box receiver ====================== (1) 9 volt battery with battery clip (1) 365 pf variable capacitor (1) 51 pf capacitor (1) 1N38B diode (1) Transistor antenna coil (1) 2N366 transistor (1) SPST toggle switch (1) 1k to 2k magnetic earphone Schematic for receiver ====================== [!] ! 51 pf ! +----+----+ ! ! ) 365 pf (----+ ! ) ! ! +---------+---GND ! +---*>!----base collector----- diode 2N366 earphone emitter +----- ! ! GND ! - + - battery + GND------>/<------------+ switch Closing statement ================= This two devices can be built for under a total of $10.00. Not too bad. Using these devices in illegal ways is your option. If you get caught, I accept NO responsibility for your actions. This can be a lot of fun if used correctly. Hook it up to the red wire (I think) on the fone line and it will send the conversation over the air waves. If you have any problems or are confused, leave me mail on:Hi-Times=702/832/7469 Warez House=702/827/9273 ______________________________________________________________________________ �7�3  � Sysops of other systems may use the file as long as none of it is altered. ______________________________________________________________________________ This has been a High Mountain Hackers Production- (c) 1985 by HMH Industries ______________________________________________________________________________ U/L'ed by The Masked Squirrel Call: The Squirrel's Lair AE 606-341-8204 1200 onlyKinds of Boxes ============== aqua box - A box designed to drain the voltage of the FBI lock-in- trace/trap-trace so you can hang up your fone in an emergency and phrustrate the Pheds some more. The apparatus is simple, just connect the two middle wires of a phone wire and plug, which would be the red and green wires if in the jack, to the cord of some electrical appliance; ie, light bulb or radio. KEEP THE APPLIANCE OFF. Then, get one of those line splitters that will let you hook two phone plugs into one jack. Plug the end of the modified cord into one jack and your fone into the other. THE APPLIANCE MUST BE OFF! Then, when the Pheds turn their lame tracer on and you find that you can't hang up, remove your fone from the jack and turn the appliance ON and keep it ON until you feel safe; it may be awhile. Then turn it off, plug your fone back in, and start phreaking again. Invented by: Captain Xerox and The Traveler. black box - The infamous box that allows the calling party to not be billed for the call placed. We won't go in depth right now, most plans can be found on many phreak oriented BBS's. The telco can detect black boxes if they suspect one on the line. Also, these will not work under ESS. bleeper boxes - The United Kingdom's own version of the blue box, modified to work with the UK's fone system. Based on the same principles. However, they use two sets of frequencies, foreword and backwards. Blotto box - This box supposedly shorts every fone out in the immediate area, and I don't doubt it. It should kill every fone in the immediate area, until the voltage reaches the fone company, and the fone company filters it. I won't cover this one in this issue, cuz it is dangerous, and phreaks shouldn't destroy MA's equipment, just phuck it up. Look for this on your phavorite BBS or ask your phavorite phreak for info if you really are serious about seriously phucking some fones in some area. blue box - An old piece of equipment that emulated a true operator placing calls, and operators get calls for free. The blue box seizes an open trunk by blasting a 2600 Hz tone through the line after dialing a party that is local or in the 800 NPA so calls will be local or free for the blue boxer. Then, when the blue boxer has seized a trunk, the boxer may then, within the next 10-15 seconds, dial another fone number via MF tones. These MF tones must be preceded by a KP tone and followed with a ST tone. All of these tones are standardized by Bell. The tones as well as the inter- digit intervals are around 75ms. It may vary with the equipment used since ESS can handle higher speeds and doesn't need inter-digit intervals. There are many uses to a blue box, and we will not cover any more here. See your local phreak or phreak oriented BBS for in depth info concerning blue boxes and blue boxing. Incidentally, blue boxes are not considered safe anymore because ESS detects "foreign" tones, such as the 2600 Hz tone, but this detection may be delayed by mixing pink noise of above 3000 Hz with the 2600 Hz tone. To hang up, the 2600 Hz tone is played again. Also, all blue boxes are green boxes because MF "2" corresponds to the Coin Collect tone on the green box, and the "KP" tone corresponds to the Coin Return tone on the green box. See green box for more information. Blue boxing is IMPOSSIBLE under the new CCIS system slowly being integrated into the Bell system. blue box tones - The MF tones generated by the blue box in order to place calls, emulating a true operator. These dual tones must be entered during the 10-15 second period after you have seized a trunk with the 2600 Hz tone. 700: 1 : 2 : 4 : 7 : 11 : KP= Key Pulse Parallel Frequencies 900: ** : 3 : 5 : 8 : 12 : ST= STop 2= Coin Collect 1100: ** : ** : 6 : 9 : KP : KP2= Key Pulse 2 KP= Coin Return 1300: ** : ** : ** : 10 :KP2 : **= None (green box tones) 1500: ** : ** : ** : ** : ST : : 900:1100:1300:1500:1700: 75ms pulse/pause busy box - Box that will cause the fone to be busy, without taking it OFF-HOOK. Just get a piece of fone wire with a plug on the end, cut it off so there is a plug and about two inches of fone line. Then, strip the wire so the two middle wires, the tip and the ring, are exposed. Then, wrap the ring and the tip together, tape with electrical tape, and plug into the fone jack. The fone will be busy until the box is removed. cans - Cans are those big silver boxes on top of or around the telephone poles. When opened, the lines can be manipulated with a beige box or whatever phun you have in mind. cheese box - Another type of box which, when coupled with call forwarding services, will allow one to place free fone calls. The safety of this box is unknown. See references for information concerning text philes on this box. clear box - Piece of equipment that compromises of a telephone pickup coil and a small amp. This works on the principal that all receivers are also weak transmitters. So, you amplify your signal on PP fortress fones and spare yourself some change. green box - Equipment that will emulate the Coin Collect, Coin Return, and Ringback tones. This means that if you call someone with a fortress fone and they have a green box, by activating it, your money will be returned. The tones are, in hertz, Coin Collect=700+1100, Coin Return=1100+1700, and Ringback=700+1700. However, before these tones are sent, the MF detectors at the CO must be alerted, this can be done by sending a 900+1500 Hz or single 2600 Hz wink of 90ms followed by a 60ms gap, and then the appropriate signal for at least 900ms. gold box - This box will trace calls, tell if the call is being traced, and can change a trace. grey box - Also known as a silver box. See silver box. Paper Clip Method - This method of phreaking was illustrated in the movie War Games. What a phortress fone does to make sure money is in a fone is send an electrical pulse to notify the fone that a coin has been deposited, for the first coin only. However, by simply grounding the positive end of the microphone, enough current and voltage is deferred to the ground to simulate the first quarter in the coin box. An easy way to accomplish this is to connect the center of the mouthpiece to the coin box, touch tone pad, or anything that looks like metal with a piece of wire. A most convenient piece of wire is a bend out of a paper clip. Then you can send red box tones through the line and get free fone calls! Also, telco modified fones may require you to push the clip harder against the mouthpiece, or connect the mouthpiece to the earpiece. If pressing harder against the mouthpiece becomes a problem, pins may be an easier solution. purple box - This one would be nice. Free calls to anywhere via blue boxing, become an operator via blue box, conference calling, disconnect fone line(s), tap fones, detect traces, intercept directory assistance calls. Has all red box tones. This one may not be available under ESS. rainbow box - An ultimate box. You can become an operator. You get free calls, blue box. You can set up conference calls. You can forcefully disconnect lines. You can tap lines. You can detect traces, change traces, and trace as well. All incoming calls are free. You can intercept directory assistance. You have a generator for all MF tones. You can mute and redial. You have all the red-box tones. This is an awesome box. However, it does not exist under ESS. red box - Equipment that will emulate the red box tone generated for coin recognition in all phortress fones. red box tones - Tones that tell the phortress fone how much money was inserted in the fone to make the required call. In one slot fones, these are beeps in pulses; the pulse is a 2200+1700 Hz tone. For quarters, 5 beep tones at 12-17 PPS, for dimes it is 2 beep tones at 5-8.5 PPS, and a nickel causes 1 beep tone at 5-8.5 PPS. For three slot fones, the tones are different. Instead of beeps, they are straight dual tones. For a nickel, it is one bell at 1050-1100 Hz, two bells for a dime, and one gong at 800 Hz for a quarter. When using red box tones, you must insert at least one nickel before playing the tones, cuz a ground test takes place to make sure some money has been inserted. The ground test may be fooled by the Paper Clip Method. Also, it has been known that TSPS can detect certain red box tones, and will record all data on AMA or CAMA of fraudulent activity. regional center - Any class 1 switching office in North America. silver box - Equipment that will allow you to emulate the DTMF tones A,B,C,D. The MF tones are, in hertz, A=697+1633, B=770+1633, C=852+1633, D=941+1633. These allow special functions from regular fones, such as ACD Testing Mode. white box - This is a portable DTMF keypad.This bulletin has been taken from the OSUNY files from 82/83 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS BULLETIN IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO BUILD THIS DEVICE FOR USE IN ANY FRAUDULENT OR ILLEGAL ACT. M R. AMERICA KEY === First a few KEYS to the diagram: Cx is capacitor #x Denoted by: ---| |--- Px is Pot or Variable resistor #x Denoted by :/ \ /<-- \ Rx is resistor #x Denoted by /\/\/\/\ SCHEMATICS ========== The XR-2207 chip is a Voltage-Contr olled Oscillator and a 14 pin device thu s you must be very careful when soldering the parts to this device. It is a little dificult to actually draw a schematic on a 80 character scren using limited gra phics but will give it a try. TO GND_____________ | ___ C2 C3 ___ _||_ | | | _____|__9v+ | | | | ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | ---------------- --------------- | |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | | | < | |8 9 10 11 12 13 14| | ---------------- --------------- | ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | | | | --| |--------| | | |C1 R2 | R1 | GND ______|___/\/\/\/\______|_ ____/\/\/\/\______| This is a diagram of how to locate the different pins on the chip please no tice that pin one is the closest to the n otch on top of the chip. The first thing we'll do is to connect power to the chip (remember that you need to build two of these to get a complete system) this is accomplished by connecting the positive wire of the battery lead to pin 1 one leg of R1 and R2 is solder to pin 11 the other leg of R1 goes to pin 1 or to the positive of the battery. The other leg of R2 goes to ground, C1 goes between pin 10 and ground. The timing capacitor or C2 goes between pins 2 and 3 of the chip pins 8 and 9 should be grounded to ground. Pin 14 is the output and this is where one leg of C4 (C3 goes on the other VCO) in series with R3(the same goes for the other VCO) and to one lead of the speaker. The trimmer pots P1 to P10 should be grouped in groups of 5 pots each . the way you group it is by soldering one end of the pot to each other leaving the wiper and the other end free. | This end goes to pin 6 of the chip | _____________|_____________ / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ /<- /<- /<- /<- /<- \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | / | / | / | / | / | | | | | | | | | | | P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 And finally this is the way each key should be wired. diode to Px ------>|-----| This is the contact of the |--------- \------ key to Px ------>|-----| | diode | ----- --- Ground - This may not be the best way to show the schematics but at least it is something. MR. AMERICA NOTE: This is for information ONLY please do not break any laws. Please direct any questions to the SYSOP or to Mr. America.THE JACKBOX MA BELL IS NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH STANDARDS! JUST ABOUT EVERY MANUFACTURER OF IC'S THAT GENERATE TOUCH TONES HAS ALSO GONE BY THE 16 KEY (8 TONE) STANDARD FOR TOUCH TONE PADS. AND IT IS EVEN EASIER TO CONVERT A TONE PAD THAT USES AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TO GENERATE THE TONES THAN CONVERTING A MA BELL PAD! IT WILL HELP IMMENSELY IF YOU HAVE THE SCHEMATIC FOR THE PAD IN QUESTION, OR AT LEAST THE PIN-OUT DIAGRAM OF THE CHIP BEING USED. PIN-OUTS CAN USUALLY BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER OR FROM AN ECG, SK, GE OR SIMILIAR SEMICONDUCTER HANDBOOK (PROVIDED THAT MANUFACTURER MAKES AN EQUIVALENT FOR THE CHIP IN YOUR PAD). I'LL USE THE RADIO SHACK CEX-4000 TONE PAD MODULE FOR AN EXAMPLE, EVEN THOUGH IT IS PROBABLY ALMOST THE LOUSIEST ONE YOU CAN BUY, IT IS FAIRLY TYPICAL ASILY AVAILABLE. TAKE A LOOK AT THE DIAGRAM OR THE PIN-OUT OF THE CHIP. YOU SHOULD SEE TWO GROUPS OF PINS, THE ROWS TONE PINS AND THE COLUMN TONE PINS. THESE WILL BE MARKED AS R1,R2,R3,R4 AND C1,C2,C3 (RADIO SHACK) OR OR X1,X2,X3 AND Y1,Y2,Y3 ETC. ON OTHERS. AT ANY RATEU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH WHICH THREE PINS CONTROL THE COLUMNS AND WHICH FOUR CONTROL THE ROWS. IF YOU'RE LUCKY, EACH GROUP OF ROWS AND COLUMNS WILL BE CONTIGUOUS. NOW LOOK AT THE COLUMN PINS, AND YOU'LL PROBABLY SEE AN EMPTY PIN RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. THIS IS THE COLUMN PIN FTHE 1633 HZ TONES. THESE CHIPS USUALLY ACHIEVE THEIR SWITCHING BY CONNECTING A ROW PIN WITH A COLUMN PIN (THAT WAY TQAN USE A0VERY SIMPLE KEYBOARD PAD, UNLIKE MA BELL'S COMPLICATED ONE). SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TAKE A SPDT SWITCH AND A FEW PIECES OF WIRE, CUT THE TRACE GOING TO THE COLUMN 3 PIN OF THE CHIP, ATTACH A WIRE FROM THE CHIP SIDEOF THAT CUT TO ONE END OF THE SPDT SWITCH, A WIRE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CUT TO THE CENTER OF THE SPDT SWITCH, AND FINALLY, FROM THE REMAINING CONTACT ON THE SPDT SWITCH, HOOK A WIRE TO THE PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED PIN C4 (COLUMN 4). NOW YOU HAVE A "BANK SWITCHING ARRANGEMENT EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE DESCRIBED IN THE PREVIOUS BULLETIN FOR MODIFYING A MA BELL PAD. IF YOU CAN'T GET THE SCHEMATICS OR THE PIN OUTS FOR YOUR CHIP, DON'T DESPAIR. THERE IS STILL HOPE FOR YOU! YOU JUST HAVE TO TRACK THE CONNECTIONS GOING FROM THE PAD'S KEYS TO THE CHIP. CHANCES ARE YOU'LL FIND THAT EACH ROW HAS A COMMON TRACE, AND SO DOES EACH COLUMN (FOR THOSE NON-TECHNICAL FOLKS, A TRACE IS A CONNECTION ETCHED OUT ON A CIRCUIT BOARD). JUST FOLLOW THESE TO THE CHIP, AND MAKE YOUR OWN SCHEMATIC UP. NOW TAKE A LOOK FOR THAT EXTRA PIN--THERE SHOULD BE ONE FLOATING AROUND RIGHT NEXT TO THE COLUMN PINS. IT WILL BE NOT BE HOOKED UP TO ANYTHING ELSE, THAT IS, "HANGING FREE". DRILL A HOLE IN THE SIDE OF TONEPAD'S CASE, AND MOUNT YOUR SWITCH. RADIO SHACK SELLS A NICE MICROMINIATURE SWITCH THAT WORKS EXCELLENTLY! (ALMOST THE ONLY GOOD THING I CAN SAY ABOUT RADIO SHACK IN THIS ARTICLE) HAPPY PHREAKING... (%>+<------------------------------------------------------------------->+<%) (%>+< The Crack Shop ! presents - Infiity Boxes - Uploaded by Iron Man >+<%) (%>+<------------------------------------------------------------------->+<%) This stuff from IRON MAN -- formatted 80 columns In answer to all those who don't know what an infinity transmitter is, here is A little history: A guy by the name Manny Mittleman ran a company called the wireless guitar company located on Liberty St. In NY. Aide from wireless guitars, Manny also built all sorts of electronic wireless bugs. One item, The infinity transmitter was a device that was placed inside an unsuspecting persons telephone. When the phone number of that telephone was dialed and a certain note was blown into the phone from a hohner, keyof-c, harmonica, the bugged phone did not ring, and what's more, enabled the caller to then hear everything said in the room that the phone was located in. As long as the caller wanted to stay on the phone, all was open to him or he. If the phone was lifted off the hook, the transmitter was disconected and the "bugged" party received a dial tone as if nothing was wrong with the line. Remember, all this was constructed in the 1960's when ic's were not as common place as they are today. Also bear in mind that during that period in time, even the telephone company was no quite sure on how well or how portable tone decoding was. Ps. Many government agency's were some of Manny's best customers. More[n,Y,=] Enter item#, Scan, Quit, ?=Menu Boxes: 17 FILE: D2:JACKBOX MA BELL IS NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH STANDARDS! JUST ABOUT EVERY MANUFACTURER OF IC'S THAT GENERATE TOUCH TONES HAS ALSO GONE BY THE 16 KEY (8 TONE) STANDARD FOR TOUCH TONE PADS. AND IT IS EVEN EASIER TO CONVERT A TONE PAD THAT USES AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TO GENERATE THE TONES THAN CONVERTING A MA BELL PAD! IT WILL HELP IMMENSELY IF YOU HAVE THE SCHEMATIC FOR THE PAD IN QUESTION, OR AT LEAST THE PIN-OUT DIAGRAM OF THE CHIP BEING USED. PIN-OUTS CAN USUALLY BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER OR FROM AN ECG, SK, GE OR SIMILIAR SEMICONDUCTER HANDBOOK (PROVIDED THAT MANUFACTURER MAKES AN EQUIVALENT FOR THE CHIP IN YOUR PAD). I'LL USE THE RADIO SHACK CEX-4000 TONE PAD MODULE FOR AN EXAMPLE, EVEN THOUGH IT IS PROBABLY ALMOST THE LOUSIEST ONE YOU CAN BUY, IT IS FAIRLY TYPICAL ASILY AVAILABLE. TAKE A LOOK AT THE DIAGRAM OR THE PIN-OUT OF THE CHIP. YOU SHOULD SEE TWO GROUPS OF PINS, THE ROWS TONE PINS AND THE COLUMN TONE PINS. THESE WILL BE MARKED AS R1,R2,R3,R4 AND C1,C2,C3 (RADIO SHACK) OR OR X1,X2,X3 AND Y1,Y2,Y3 ETC. ON OTHERS. AT ANY RATEU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH WHICH THREE PINS CONTROL THE COLUMNS AND WHICH FOUR CONTROL THE ROWS. IF YOU'RE LUCKY, EACH GROUP OF ROWS AND COLUMNS WILL BE CONTIGUOUS. NOW LOOK AT THE COLUMN More[n,Y,=] PINS, AND YOU'LL PROBABLY SEE AN EMPTY PIN RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. THIS IS THE COLUMN PIN FTHE 1633 HZ TONES. THESE CHIPS USUALLY ACHIEVE THEIR SWITCHING BY CONNECTING A ROW PIN WITH A COLUMN PIN (THAT WAY TQAN USE A0VERY SIMPLE KEYBOARD PAD, UNLIKE MA BELL'S COMPLICATED ONE). SO ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TAKE A SPDT SWITCH AND A FEW PIECES OF WIRE, CUT THE TRACE GOING TO THE COLUMN 3 PIN OF THE CHIP, ATTACH A WIRE FROM THE CHIP SIDEOF THAT CUT TO ONE END OF THE SPDT SWITCH, A WIRE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CUT TO THE CENTER OF THE SPDT SWITCH, AND FINALLY, FROM THE REMAINING CONTACT ON THE SPDT SWITCH, HOOK A WIRE TO THE PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED PIN C4 (COLUMN 4). NOW YOU HAVE A "BANK SWITCHING ARRANGEMENT EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE DESCRIBED IN THE PREVIOUS BULLETIN FOR MODIFYING A MA BELL PAD. IF YOU CAN'T GET THE SCHEMATICS OR THE PIN OUTS FOR YOUR CHIP, DON'T DESPAIR. THERE IS STILL HOPE FOR YOU! YOU JUST HAVE TO TRACK THE CONNECTIONS GOING FROM THE PAD'S KEYS TO THE CHIP. CHANCES ARE YOU'LL FIND THAT EACH ROW HAS A COMMON TRACE, AND SO DOES EACH COLUMN (FOR THOSE NON-TECHNICAL FOLKS, A TRACE IS A CONNECTION ETCHED OUT ON A CIRCUIT BOARD). JUST FOLLOW THESE TO THE CHIP, AND MAKE YOUR OWN SCHEMATIC UP. NOW TAKE A LOOK FOR THAT EXTRA PIN--THERE SHOULD BE ONE FLOATING AROUND RIGHT NEXT TO THE COLUMN PINS. IT WILL BE NOT BE HOOKED UP TO ANYTHING ELSE, THAT IS, "HANGING FREE". DRILL A HOLE IN THE SIDE OF TONEPAD'S CASE, AND MOUNT YOUR SWITCH. RADIO SHACK SELLS A NICE MICROMINIATURE SWITCH THAT WORKS EXCELLENTLY! (ALMOST THE ONLY GOOD THING I CAN SAY ABOUT RADIO SHACK IN THIS ARTICLE) :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :% %: :% THE GREEN BOX %: :% %: :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: The Green Box generates useful tonessuch as COIN COLLECT, COIN RETURN, and RINGBACK. These are the tones that ACTS or the TSPS operator would send to the CO when appropriate. Unfortunately, the green box cannot be used at a fortress station, but must be used by the CALLED party. The tones (hz) are: COIN COLLECT 700 + 1100 COIN RETURN 1100 + 1700 RINGBACK 700 + 1700 Before the called party sends any of these tones, an operator released signal should be sent to alert the MF detectors at the CO. This can be done by sending 900 + 1500 Hz or a single 2600 Hz wink (90 ms) followed by a 60 ms gap and then the appropriate signal for at least 900 ms. Also, do not forget that the initial rate is collected shortly before the 3 minute period is up. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-::-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: GOLD BOX PLANS: COURTESY OF SIR WILLIAM HOW TO BUILD IT _______________ YOU WILL NEED TE FOLLOWING: TWO 10K OHM AND THREE 1.4K OHM RESISTORS, TWO 2N3904 TRANSISTORS, TWO PHOTOCE LLS,TWO RED LED'S (THE MORE LIGHT PROD UCED THE BETTER), A BOX :-PHOTOCELL--: : : : :BASE : 1 TTTT : +LED- TRANSISTOR : TTTTT : :: : -I(-- : :COLLECTOR RED1--< >:--: :-------:-----GREEN2 -I(-- : ----------: : : 2 :-/+/+/-/+/+/-/+/+/-/+/+/ LED 10K 10K 1.4K 1.4K RESISTORES 2 -PHOTOCELL----------------- : : :BASE : TTTTT : TRANSISTOR : TTTTT : : EMITTER : GREEN1- --------------------------RED2 : : /+/+/ 1.4K THE 1.4K RESISTOR IS VERIABLE AND IF THE SECCOND PAR OF THE GOLD BOX IS SKIPPE D IT WILL STILL WORK BUT WHEN SOMEONE PICKS THE PHONE UP THEY WILL HEAR AFAIN T DIAL TONE IN THE BACKGROUND AND MIGHT REPORT IT TO THE GESTOPO ER...(AT&T). 1.4K WILL GIVE YOU GOOD RECEPTION WITH LITTLE RISK OF A GESTOPO AGENT A YOUR DOOR. NOW THAT YOU HAVE BUILT IT TAKE TWO GREEN WIRES OF THE SAME LENTH STRIP THE ENDS, TWIST TWO ENDS TOGETHER AND CONNECT THEM TO GREEN1 AND PLACE A PEICE OF TAPE ON IT WITH LINE #1 WRITING ON IT. CONTINUE THE PROCESS WITH RED1 ONLY US RED WIRE. REPEAT WITH RED2 AND GREEN2 BUT CHANGE TO LINE #2. HOW TO INSTALL ______________ YOU WILL NEED TO FIND TWO PHONE LINES THAT ARE CLOSE TOGETHER. LABEL ONE OF THE PHONES LINES LINE #1. CUT THE PHONE LINES AND TAKE THE OUTER COATING OFF IT. THERE SHOULD BE 4 WIRES CUT THE YELLOW AND BLACK WIRES OFF AND STRIP THE RED AND GREEN WIES FOR BOTH LINES. LINE #1 SHOULD BE IN TWO PEICES TAKE THE GREEN WIRE OF ONE END AND CONNECT IT TO THE ONE OF THE GREEN WIRES ON THE GOLD BOX. TAKETHE OTHER HALF OF LINE # 1 AND HOOK THE FREE GREEN WIRE TO THE GREEN WIRE ON THE PHONE LINE. REPEAT HE PROCESS WITH RED1 AND THE OTHER LINE. ALL YOU NEED TO DO NOW IS TO RIGHT DOWN THE PHONE NUMBERS OF THE PLACE YOU HOOKED IT UP AT AND GO HOME AND CALL IT . YOU SHOULD GET A DIAL TONE!!! The Lunatic Phringe BBS 312-965-3677 3/12/24 x100 Baud ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ][//////////////////////////////////][ ][///////////THE/DLOC/BOX///////////][ ][//////////////////////////////////][ ][//////////////-=BY=-//////////////][ ][//////////////////////////////////][ ][//////THE/DARK/LORDS/OF/CHAOS/////][ ][//////////////////////////////////][ ][////PROWLER///////////////////////][ ][///////APPRENTICE/////////////////][ ][//////////PRO/HACK////////////////][ ][//////////////ZEUS////////////////][ ][////////////////TARKMETH//////////][ ][///////////////////BLACKSTOKE/////][ ][//////////////////////////LAZER///][ ][//////////////////////////////////][ ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ STUFF YOU'LL NEED: ------------------ A SOLDERING IRON A SPOOL OF LOW RESISTANCE WIRE 2 FEMALE FONE JACKS 2 SPST TOGGLE SWITCHES 4 GOLD PLATED ALLIGATOR CLIPS A BOX TO PUT IT ALL IN SOME SOLDER A BRAIN HERE'S A SIMPLE DIAGRAM OF HOW IT IS PUT TOGETHER: @ @ KEY: G R G R G= GREEN WIRE G R R= RED WIRE G R *= FEMAL JACK G R \= SPST SWITCH G R O= CONNECTION O------*-----O @= GATOR CLIPS ! ! -= WIRE ! ! != WIRE \ \ ! ! ! ! ! ! O------*-----O G R G R G R G R G R G R @ @ ASSEMBLE IT AS ABOVE, AND PUT IT IN THE BOX, WITH THE TOGGLE SWITCHES PARALLEL, AND THE FEMALE JACKS MOUNTED ON EITHER SIDE OF THE BOX. OR, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE TROUBLE OF MAKING IT BY YOURSELF, YOU CAN GET ONE FOR $7.50 FROM DLOC. OURS ARE ENCASED IN A STURDY PLASTIC BOX, WITH OUR LOGO STENCILED ON THE SIDE, AND ARE VERY WELL MADE. IF YOU WANT TO BUY ONE, CONTACT A DLOC MEMBER ON ONE OF THE BOARDS LISTED BELOW IN THIS FILE. DLOC BOX FUNCTIONS: ------------------- HOOKUP: TO HOOK UP THE BOX, PLUG YOUR FONES INTO THE JACKS ON THE BOX. ON MINE, THE WIRES ARE LABELED EVERY FOOT SO THAT I KNOW WHICH TRUNK I'M ON. CLIP THE APPROPRIATE SET OF CLIPS ON THE TERMINALS YOU WISH TO INVADE, AND THEN LISTEN/DIAL THROUGH WHICHEVER PHONE IS CONNECTED. THIS BOX HAS TWO LINES GOING THROUGH IT, WITH AN OPTION TO CONFER- ENCE THE TWO. I ADDED THIS SO IF WHILE ON ALLIANCE TELECONFERENCING, YOU WANT TO DIAL AN 800,900,700, OR 976 NUMBER, YOU CAN SIMPLY DIAL IT WITH THE OTHER TRUNK AND THEN CONFERENCE THE TWO. CONFERENCING THE TWO LINES: TO JOIN THE TWO LINES, TURN BOTH OF THE TOGGLE SWITCHES TO THE ON POSITION. NOTE: MAKE SURE THAT NO PHONE IS CONNECTED TO THE BOX WHEN YOU HOOK UP THE CLIPS, AND ALSO MAKE SURE THAT BOTH SWITCHES ARE TURNED OFF. ++FILE BY PROWLER ON 3/10/88++ CALL THESE FINE SYSTEMS: --------------------------------------- PHREAK PIT.................609/646-5194 RIPCO......................312/528-5020 NEBULA.....................513/542-3135 --------------------------------------- FUCK 'EM IF THEY CAN'T TAKE A TOKE!************************ * Fresh Prince Library * * File # 20* ************************ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/How to build and use a/-/ /-/-%> Day-Glo Box <%-/-/ /-/Written, typed, and conceptualized by/-/ /-/John F. Kennedy/-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ -> Author's note: Yes, yes, I know that this box is similar to several other boxes, including the so-called "Bud box," and the "beige box." Well, my reason for writing this version is because of the fact that once finished constructing the box, the file does not contain very much information on usage. It is because of that reason that this file was written. By the way, call Ground 0 at 988-4426. Thank you. -> What is the function of a Day-Glo box? Well, a Day-glo box will let you place calls for free with no time limit, no possibility of a wiretap, and the calls can be placed from anywhere in the world. Too good to be true, you say? Well, read on. -> How does a Day-glo box work? A day-glo box is very easy to make, and very inexpensive to build. It works like this: On the outside of every home that has a phone, there is something called "the outside connection box," which is where the house is connected to Ma Bell's network. This ingenious device connects to a) your phone, b) the victim's outside box. You should be starting to get the idea. -> How do I construct a day-glo box? Materials necessary: 1. Radio Shack modular conversion jack 2. A small experimenter's box (optional) 3. 1 foot of red wire. (better to overkill) 4. 1 foot of green wire. (same as above) 5. 2 medium alligator clips Well, in order to construct this box, you will need all of the above materials. Note that your wire does not necessarily have to be red or green, but it is necessary that you be able to tell them apart. Also, you might want to use thick, easily bent wire (audio hookup wire works best) instead of bell wire. Now, on to the construction. 1. Remove the actual modular jack from the conversion box. This can be done by pushing inward and then up, or you can just cut the plastic. 2. Remove the black and yellow wires from the jack. You can either clip these or rip them out. 3. To your newly isolated jack, add the 1 foot wire extensions to the respective wires. Soldering and then wrapping the connections with electrical tape works best. 4. Next, solder the alligator clips to the extended wires. If you do not wish to solder them, then just wrap the clips with the wire. 5. Now, place this newly made contraption into a box (optional). You may need to drill a few holes, and possibly remove the alligator clips, but you should have read this file first, anyway. -> Wiring Diagram Modular--------------Red-----+----Extension wire---------< Alligator Jack --------------Green---+----Extension wire---------< Clips Pretty easy, eh? -> Usage of the day-glo box The day-glo box will work with any phone. First, you need to locate a house that has a phone. Next, (it's preferable to do this at night) go up to the and locate the outside connection box. Pop the cover off. Locate prong 3 and prong 4. You will attach the green wire clip to prong 3. The red wire clip will go to prong 4. Now, plug your phone (preferably a trimline or ranger) into your modular plug. You may now either listen in on the call (wire tap) OR you may call out to anywhere in the world. If you are really daring, you can bring your computer with you. Note: This box may also be used in conjunction with the lunch box in order to make a perfect phone bug. -> Other neat things you can do with your new box: 1: Call 976 numbers. This should be done very frequently. Also, I find that after finding the victim's outside box, several calls to the gay hotline will have interesting after-effects. Namely, his parents wondering about him. 2: Alliance teleconferencing can be accomplished quite easily. Try it! Call 0-700-456-1000. Or, tell the operator you'd like to initiate a conference. 3: Of course, you should place several calls to other countries. This can be accomplished by looking in the front of your white pages for the various country and city codes. You should be able to follow the directions provided in there. -> Using your box at apartments/community connection boxes: Have you ever wondered what those 6ft tall cabinets with the bell logo on them were for? Well, if you've never seen them, here's a quick description: They are 6ft tall by 3ft wide, and painted the dull phone company green. They can be opened quite easily with a 7/16ths inch socket wrench. After turning the bold over the handle, turn the handle to the right and pull. It should open, displaying over 100 different lines. Occasionally, you can find tech. manuals and test kits inside. They are usually located near phone lines. Okay, now, once you have opened one of these calling cabinets, locate the line of your choice. You will have to take out both the orange and the white insulated screws. The purple and white wires should come off along with the screws. The lines go out to the house, and the screw posts are the actual line. Now, you should clip the alligators to the posts, with one part of the clip on the insulation, and on.]Now, you should clip the alligators to the nep parteli. Oh, if you want the home to remain connected, clip the wires inside the hole using the alligator clips. By the way, the red terminal on your box goes to the orange post, and the green one to the white post... if that doesn't work, reverse the connection. Now, to find out the number you have taken over, dial 380-55555555. Yes, that's eight fives. A computer voice should tell you what number you are on. heh. I hope you can take it from here. Oh, in apartments, you can find the calling cabinet in the basement... remember, this is not your line, so do anything you want. Call the President or something. Disclaimer: I, John F. Kennedy, can not be held responsible for your actions in any way. This file was written for informational purposes only, and should not be used to make free phone calls. In downloading or copying this file, you are agreeing to this disclaimer. Special thanks goes out to: The Longshot, for sending me an old Phucked Agent 04 phile. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The PIRATES' HOLLOW // // 415-236-2371 // //over 12 Megs of Elite Text Files // //ROR-ALUCARD // //Sysop: Doctor Murdock // // C0-Sysops: That One, Sir Death, Sid Gnarly & Finn // // // // "The Gates of Hell are open night and day; // //Smooth is the Descent, and Easy is the way.." // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Crimson Box (*) (*) Plans (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) The Crimson Box is very simple device that will allow you to put someone on hold or make your fone busy with a large amount of ease. You flip a switch and the person can't hear you talking. Flip it back and everything is peechy. (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Needed Materials (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (1) 100 ohm or less resistor (1) SPDT toggle switch, On-On (3) feet of good wire Wire cutters Solder and soldering iron (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Construction & Schemtaic (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) First I will give you the schematic and then I will explain what the hell is going on. [-----------black wire on line--------- --------+ red wire on line +------ --------!--+/\/\/-green wire---!------ --------!--! yellow wire-------!------ ! ! ! +--!------+ ! +----+ ! +----------+ ! ! ! 1 2 3 Ok. The '/\/\/' is the resistor. And '1 2 3' is the switch where the numbers are the poles on the switch. Notice you leave the black and yellow wires alone. You DO NOT cut them! Strip the red and green wires so you've got about an inch of bare wire. Solder some of the extra wire and follow the schematic. You should have the resistor on the green wire with an extra piece of wire coming from one leg of it. The other leg goes to the other end of the green wire. You should solder the green wire to the left pole of the switch and the red to the middle and the other end of the red to the right pole. Now, lift up the phone. If all you get is an annoying buzz then throw the [switch and you should get a dial tone. If not, don't worry and just follow the instructions and schematic again.(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Crimson Box (*) (*) Plans (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) The Crimson Box is very simple device that will allow you to put someone on hold or make your fone busy with a large amount of ease. You flip a switch and the person can't hear you talking. Flip it back and everything is peechy. (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Needed Materials (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (1) 100 ohm or less resistor (1) SPDT toggle switch, On-On (3) feet of good wire Wire cutters Solder and soldering iron (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Construction & Schemtaic (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) First I will give you the schematic and then I will explain what the hell is going on. -----------black wire on line--------- --------+ red wire on line +------ --------!--+/\/\/-green wire---!------ --------!--! yellow wire-------!------ ! ! ! +--!------+ ! +----+ ! +----------+ ! ! ! 1 2 3 Ok. The '/\/\/' is the resistor. And '1 2 3' is the switch where the numbers are the poles on the switch. Notice you leave the black and yellow wires alone. You DO NOT cut them! Strip the red and green wires so you've got about an inch of bare wire. Solder some of the extra wire and follow the schematic. You should have the resistor on the green wire with an extra piece of wire coming from one leg of it. The other leg goes to the other end of the green wire. You should solder the green wire to the left pole of the switch and the red to the middle and the other end of the red to the right pole. Now, lift up the phone. If all you get is an annoying buzz then throw the switch and you should get a dial tone. If not, don't worry and just follow the instructions and schematic again. _______________________________________ This has been an HMH presentaion-1985 Crimson Box - Written and created by: Dr. D-Code Watch for the upcoming Sand Box _______________________________________ (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Crimson Box (*) (*) Plans (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) The Crimson Box is very simple device that will allow you to put someone on hold or make your fone busy with a large amount of ease. You flip a switch and the person can't hear you talking. Flip it back and everything is peechy. (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Needed Materials (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (1) 100 ohm or less resistor (1) SPDT toggle switch, On-On (3) feet of good wire Wire cutters Solder and soldering iron (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Construction & Schemtaic (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) First I will give you the schematic and then I will explain what the hell is going on. [-----------black wire on line--------- --------+ red wire on line +------ --------!--+/\/\/-green wire---!------ --------!--! yellow wire-------!------ ! ! ! +--!------+ ! +----+ ! +----------+ ! ! ! 1 2 3 Ok. The '/\/\/' is the resistor. And '1 2 3' is the switch where the numbers are the poles on the switch. Notice you leave the black and yellow wires alone. You DO NOT cut them! Strip the red and green wires so you've got about an inch of bare wire. Solder some of the extra wire and follow the schematic. You should have the resistor on the green wire with an extra piece of wire coming from one leg of it. The other leg goes to the other end of the green wire. You should solder the green wire to the left pole of the switch and the red to the middle and the other end of the red to the right pole. Now, lift up the phone. If all you get is an annoying buzz then throw the [switch and you should get a dial tone. If not, don't worry and just follow the instructions and schematic again. The Lunatic Phringe BBS 312-965-3677 3/12/24 x100 Baud @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ =->The Copper<-= @ @ =->Box<-= @ @ @ @ Concieved By @ @ The Cypher @ @ [001010]->[1101101] @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Disclaimer (I know...): This file is for informational purposes only. No use of this technique is recommended for one of many reasons: 1) It makes other Phreaks & hacks very upset, 2) It makes the Telco VERY upset, and you could be put away for a LONG time if you dont know what youre doing. Telco employees could learn something from the Copper Box. Well, anyway, off we go.... Purpose: This box can destroy a phone company, no matter how big. You could bring AT&T down to their knees! Only to be used by the most irate of Phracks, it is intended for informational purposes only. History: This is really not a Box, but if you consider a Cheese Box a Box, then it is. It was first concieved back in 1986 when a Phriend and I came up with the idea while using a Copper-coloured fone, hence, a Copper Box. Instructions: You must obtain [1] extender, or phone company port, like an MCI or SPRINT access number. [2] A hell of a lot of nerve, and vendetta towards the phone company (phriend gets busted, rates increase, etc.) [3] a computer & modem capable of autodialing [tone.] Dial the number of the L/D service, then enter the code. Dial the number of the service again, through the outdial number you are still on, enter code, then dial again and again. You should hear, after a while (it will take a long time for BIG companies) a slight high-pitched, unstable tone, that grows louder and louder w/every dial. Once it gets so loud that it refuses to let in any more sounds, you have just completed the first cycle of the Copper Box. Leave line off-hook for about 10 minutes or until the tone seems to calm down, or stop completely. Then, dial again and repeat over and over again until when you dial a last time, it [the port] doesnt answer. You have just killed a telephone company, extender, etc. Theory of Operation: What happens is that when the tone begins to rise, it is a result of cross- talk feedback. The more you dial, the more it grows. In systems like these, the small, sensitive equipment such as amplifiers, etc. begin to burn out as a result of the feedback, damaging the equipment, and possibly starting a fire at the location of the equipment. DOWNLOADED FROM P-80 SYSTEMS.... Clear Box Plans The clear box is a new device which has just been invented that can be used throughout Canada and rural United States. The clear box works on "PostPay" payphones (fortress fones). Those are the payphones that dont require payment until after the connection is established. You pick up the fone, get a dial tone, dial your number, and then insert your money after the person answers.If you dont deposit the money then you can not speak to the person on the other end- because your mouth peice is cut off, but, not the ear piece. (obviously these phones are nice for free calls to weather or time or other such recordings).All you must do is to go to your nearby Radio Shack, or electronics store,and get a four-transistor amplifier and a telephone suction cup induction pick-up. The induction pick-up would be hooked up as it normally would to record a conversation, except that it would be plugged into the out- put of the amplifier and a microphone would be hooked to the input. So when the party that is being called answers, the caller could speak through the little microphone instead. His voice then goes through the amplifier and out the induction coil, and into the back of the reciever where it would then be broadcast through the phone lines and the other party would be able to hear the caller. The Clear Box thus 'clears up' the problem of not being heard. Luckily, the line will not be cut-off after a certain amount of time because it will wait forever for the coins to be put in.The biggest advantage for all of us about this new clear box is the fact that this type of payphone will most likely become very common. Due to a few things: 1st, it is a cheap way of getting the DTF,dial-tone-first service, 2nd, it doesnt require any special equipment, (for the phone company)This payphone will work on any phone line. Ususally a payphone line is different, but this is a regular phone line and it is set up so the phone does all the charging, not the company. CLEAR BOXING The idea for the Clear box comes from an article in the newsletter 2600. The clear box works on 'post pay' coin phones, pay phones that require money only after the connection has been made. The way this works is: After the connection is made the mouthpiece of the phone is muted but not the earpiece, free calls to dial-it services can be made with these phones. In order to talk to the person you called without paying (NOTE: It is against the law to do this!!) Take yourself down to your nearby electronics store and get a four transistor amplifier and a telephone suction cup inductive pick-up. Put the pick-up on the earpiece and plug it into the output of the amplifier, and plug a microphone into the input. You then talk into your microphone and listen normally through the earpiece. Radio Shack sells an item that wont need much modification,and that should work the same as the above construction. It is their 'Portable snap-on handset amplifier' (Part # 43-238) Their description says to put it on the earpiece and it will boost the callers voice to five times the normal level. In order to make this function like a clear box one would have to take the amplifier apart and remove the internal speaker, in it's place, connect the suction cup inductive pickup. Place the pick-up (which is now the speaker) to the earpiece of the payphone, and talk into the microphone of the amplifer. The line will not cut off, and will wait forever for you to put the coins in. Note also that these types of payphones are not connected to the TSPS in the same way as normal payphones. The phone does all the charging and not the Central Office. It is because of this, that a phone connected to the lines BEFORE the payphone would act just like a normal phone. So get out your smallest phone, cut off the jack and strip the wires. connect the wires to two alligator clips. Then you can clip onto the payphone's wires BEFORE they connect to the payphone, you then have a normal telephone line that you dont pay the bills on! The Lunatic Phringe BBS 312-965-3677 3/12/24 x100 Baud \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[____________________________[_ \ / \[ The Chrome Box [_ A Portable Self-Contained Device \[ 14-JUN-88 [_ / to Manipulate Traffic Signals \ \[ Outlaw Telecommandos [_ / by Remote Control \ \[ Modem Free Earth [_ / \ \[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[_ -=p*p=- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Emergency vehicles in many cities are now using devices called OptoComs. OptoComs are a system of sensors on traffic lights that detect a pattern of flashes from vehicle-mounted strobe lights. This flash pattern varies from city to city depending on the manufacturer of the equipment used. Often the sensors are installed only at major intersections. Nevertheless, the Chrome Box, which simulates these strobe patterns can often be used to give your car the same priority as an ambulance, paramedic van, firetruck or police car. Because of the varying patterns on different systems this phile will outline a general procedure for making the Chrome Box. Decoding Flash Patterns: First, you need to observe an emergency vehicle in action. You can wait until you encounter one by chance, running out to see when you hear a siren, or when you pull over in your car to let one pass by. You might wait near a fire station for the next emergency to occur. Or, if you are very impatient, you can summon one by calling in a false alarm (not recommended in areas with limited services - that could divert attention from a real emergency). If the OptoComs in your area are the kind with a pattern of single flashes at a steady rhythm, you have merely to buy a strobe light at Radio Shack & adjust the flash rate until you can induce a traffic light to change. If the flash pattern is more complex, you can videotape the emergency vehicle & then play back the tape in single-frame mode, counting the number of frames between each flash. Each video frame is 1/30 of a second, using this you can calculate the time between flashes in the pattern. Another way is to count the number of flashes (or flash-groups) in one minute and use that to compute the rate. Counting video frames will give you a good idea of the spacing of the flashes in a complex pattern. For really accurate information, call the fire station & ask them, or write to the manufacturer for a service manual, which will include a schematic diagram that you can use to build one. A good cover story for this is that you are a consultant & one of your clients asked you to evaluate Optocom systems, or you could pose as a free-lance journalist writing an article. Modifying the Strobe Light: You may not have to modify the strobe at all. But if you need a faster flash rate than your strobe allows, open it up & find the large capacitor inside. Capacitors are marked in microfarads, abbreviated as mf,mfd or ufd. By replacing the capacitor with one of the same voltage-rating (usually 250 volts or more) and a SMALLER value in microfarads, you can increase the flash rate. Halving the microfarads doubles the rate. The other component that can be changed is the potentiometer (the speed control device with the knob on it). Using a smaller value (measured in ohms or Kilohms, abbrevaited with the greek letter 'omega' or the letter K) will speed up the strobe. There may also be a resistor (small cylinder with several colored stripes on it, and wires coming out of each end). Replacing this resistor with one of smaller value will also speed up the strobe. To generate a complex pattern, you will either have to design and build a triggering circuit using IC chips, or rig up a mechanical device with a multiple-contact rotary switch and a motor. It HAS been done. To modify the strobe for mobile operation the simplest thing is to get a 110-volt inverter that will run off of a car battery by plugging into the cigarette lighter & run the strobe from that. Or, you can figure out (or find in a hobby electronics magazine) a strobe circuit that will run from batteries. Battery-powered strobes may also be availble, either assembled or as kits. Stealth Technology: Most light sensors and photocells are more sensitive in the infrared area of the light spectrum. Infrared (IR) is invisible to the human eye. Putting an infrared filter over the strobe light may allow the Chrome Box to operate in traffic undetected by police or other observers. IR filters can be obtained from military surplus sniperscope illuminators, or from optical supply houses like Dow-Corning or Edmunds Scientific Co. Using the Chrome Box: Mounted on your car, the Chrome Box can guarantee you green lights at major intersections in cities that have OptoComs. Handheld Chrome Boxes may be used to create gridlock by interfering with the normal flow of traffic. If you have access to a window overlooking a traffic light, you can play pranks by switching the signals at inappropriate moments, or you can plug the strobe into an exposed outlet at a laundromat or gas station. Some Decoded Patterns: Torrance, California Standard large Radio Shack strobe lights are used. Moderately fast rate. * * * * * * * * Manhattan Beach,CA Flash-pairs in a 4:1 ratio, at a rate of 2 flash-pairs per second. * * * * * * * * <------ 1 sec -----> ****************************************************************** * Please add any new patterns or info you discover to this Phile * ****************************************************************** Thanks to those who posted observations on the South Bay WWIV's. --------------------------------------- ________________________________ | | | Making Your Phone | | Into a Cheesebox | | | |________________________________| A Cheesebox (named for the type of box the first one was found in) is a type of box which will, in effect, make your telephone a Pay-Phone. This is a simple, modernized, and easy way of doing it. Inside Info: These were first used by bookies many years ago as a way of making calls to people without being called by the cops or having their numbers traced and/or tapped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How To Make A Modern Cheese Box You will need: 1 Call Forwarding service on the line 1 Set of Red Box Tones The number to your prefix's Intercept operator(do some scanning for this one) How To: ------- After you find the number to the intercept operator in your prefix, use your call-forwarding and forward all calls to her. This will make your phone stay off the hook (actually it now waits for a quarter to be dropped in). You now have a cheese box. In Order To Call Out On This Line: You must use your Red Box tones and gener- ate the quarter dropping in. Then you can make phone calls to people. As far as I know, this is fairly safe, and they do not check much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Lunatic Phringe BBS 312-965-3677 3/12/24 x100 Baud /-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\--\ <:-\-Cheese Box Plans-/-:> \--\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/ (>Introduction A CHEESE BOX (NAMED FOR THE TYPE OF BOX THE FIRST ONE WAS FOUND IN) IS A TYPE OF BOX WHICH WILL, IN EFFECT, MAKE YOUR TELEPHONE A PAY-PHONE.....THIS IS A SIMPLE, MODERNIZED, AND EASY WAY OF DOING IT.... (>A Little History THESE WERE FIRST USED BY BOOKIES MANY YEARS AGO AS A WAY OF MAKING CALLS TO PEOPLE WITHOUT BEING CALLED BY THE COPS OR HAVING THEIR NUMBERS TRACED AND/OR TAPPED...... (>Construction INGREDIENTS: ------------ 1 CALL FORWARDING SERVICE ON THE LINE 1 SET OF RED BOX TONES THE NUMBER TO YOUR PREFIX'S INTER- CEPT OPERATOR(DO SOME SCANNING FOR THIS ONE) (>How to Use AFTER YOU FIND THE NUMBER TO THE INTERCEPT OPERATOR IN YOUR PREFIX, USE YOUR CALL-FORWARDING AND FORWARD ALL CALLS TO HER...THIS WILL MAKE YOUR PHONE STAY OFF THE HOOK (ACTUALLY, NOW IT WAITS FOR A QUARTER TO BE DROPPED IN)...YOU NOW HAVE A CHEESE BOX...IN ORDER TO CALL OUT ON THIS LINE: YOU MUST USE YOUR RED BOX TONES AND GENERATE THE QUARTER DROPPING IN...THEN,YOU CAN MAKE PHONE CALLS TO PEOPLE...AS FAR AS I KNOW, THIS IS FAIRLY SAFE, AND THEY DO NOT CHECK MUCH...ALTHOUGH I AM NOT SURE, I THINK YOU CAN EVEN MAKE CREDIT-CARD CALLS FROM A CHEESEBOX PHONE AND NOT GET TRACED... ..ANYWAY..HAVE PHUN... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-END-_________________________________________ o Written by Sir Knight o Edited and Revised by Thriteenth Floor Enterprises Uploaded by: The Masked Squirrel Call: The Squirrel's Lair (606) 341-8204 20 meg 1200 only ********************* * The Busy Box * * by * * - Black Death - * ********************* - Disclaimer - This file is intended for informational purposes only, and should not be constructed. It Should definately not be used on another person's fone line without their consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ok, Now you're really pissed. The Neighborhood Lamer has gone one step too far this time. It's time for the Busy Box. 1) What is The Busy Box? More[n,Y,=] The Busy Box is the Simplest Box ever created. It is attached to the outside of the person's house, in their telephone box. It Makes it So that When any Fone inside That house is Picked up, No dial Tone is heard, and no Calls can be Received, or Sent. This is Good for Lame BBS's as They Tend not to call out much, and it will remain Undetected for a longer Period of Time. 2) Sounds Great! What do I need? A) One Phone Cord - 5 Inches or so B) Alligator Clips (Optional) 3) Wow! That's it? Tell me More! How do I set It Up? Well, Take your phone cord, and remove the Outer insulation. Now you should have 4 wires inside of it, Red, Green, Black, And Yellow. All you need for most things are Green and Red, so save those. Take either the Black or The Yellow and strip about 3 Inches with a wire stripper or a Knife. Now cut off 3 inches of Uninsulated wire and, voila, you have a really thin wire. Now, take this wire, and go to your neighbors back yard. Look for Their Power Box, Near it should be a small grey (or beige, or some ugly color) box with the little Bell on it. Open this up (it should come right off, if not, use a 7/15 Hex Driver) Now inside you should find four more pegs. Look for the Pegs with More[n,Y,=] a Green or Red wire coming out of them. If you have a Beige Box, hook it up to Make sure there Is a Dial Tone. If therre is, Tie one end of your small wire to the peg with the Green Wire coming out of it, and another to the one with the Red coming out of it. Now use your beige box on it again, there should be no dial tone, and pressing buttons should be ineffective. Congratulations, you've disabled their fone line. Something you might want to try is to make the small wire longer, and stuff it in to the back of the box where there is a jungle of wires, so it will be more unnoticable. The more discreet, the better. - Some Pro's and Con's - Pro's - Very Effective - Any Idiot Could Build it - Very Inexpensive - Easy to Install Hard to Detect source of problem Con's - Easy to Detect that there -IS- a problem (No dial tone when receiver is picked up) If anyone knows how to busy the line out, and leave a dialtone, Please let me know More[n,Y,=] This phile Was writen/Designed at The Unholy Temple By Black Death If you have any problems building this - You're an idiot. Sell your modem and buy a life. However, if ya just want to say "Hi" or get the Latest H/P Filez, Contact me on My board The Unholy Temple --- [408] 249-5405 or any of your favorite H/P boards. Have phun, and don't electrocute yourself. The Bud Box ----------- Revision 1.0 By: Dr. D-Code & The Pimp Of The High Mountain Hackerz Necessary Materials ------------------- Four alligator clips One Telephone Some telephone wire Instructions ------------ 1) Find a neighbors house that has a little gray(box on the side. This box should have a Bell logo on it (the gay little bell in a circle). 2) Apply pressure underneath the box andthe front should come right off. Then, strip one end off of the length of the telephone wire. Then strip the ends of all the different colored wires inside. These should be green, red, yellow and black. Attach an alligator clip to each of the wires. Then clip the clips to the same colors in the box. Yellow to yellow, red to red and so on. 3) Then run the wire across the street back to your house and then plug a phone into the other end of the wire. 4) Now you can dial out and receive the neighbors calls. Great for tapping the phones and then blackmailing them. You can also stop phreaking because any outgoing calls will be charged to the neighbors! Great eh? All sysops may -- (c) 1985 by Dr. D-Code & The Pimp -- /-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\ <:-\-Brown Box Plans-/-:> \-\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/ (>Introduction<) This is a fairly simple modification that can be made to any phone. All it does is allow you to take any 2 lines in your house and create a party line. So far I have not heard of any problems with it from my friends that have set one up and I have [file messed up here...] I think that the convenience of having two people on line at any one time will make up for the minor volume loss. (>Phone Modification Instructions<) Here is the diagram: KEY:___________________________________ ! PART ! SYMBOL ! ----------------------------------- !BLACK WIRE ! * ! !YELLOW WIRE ! = ! !RED WIRE ! + ! !GREEN WIRE ! - ! !SPDT SWITCH ! _/_ ! ! _/_ ! !VERTICAL WIRE ! | ! !HORIZONTAL WIRE ! _ ! ----------------------------------- * = - + * = - + * = - + * = - + * = - + * ==_/_- + *******_/_++++++ | | | | | | |_____PHONE____| --------------------------------------- In some houses the black and yellow are already wired in others you will have to go out to your box and rewire it. A good way to figure out which line is which is to take the phone you are looking for off the hook. Then you only need to take the red and green wires entering your phone and hook them to the different pairs of red and green going into the house. You can't hurt anything in the phone or telephone by probeing. When you find the pair that you want take the black from your line and attach it to the red of the other line then take the yellow and attach it to the green line. Now you are all set to go. For people with rotary phones you can have one person call you then place the second call out to the other person. Though not phreakers tool, the brown box can be phun. ________________________________________________________________________________ o Written by The Doc & Edited by 13th Floor Enterprises-------------------------------------- ^ ^ ^ BOXING AROUND THE WORLD ^ ^ IN 10 EASY LESSONS OR LESS ^ ^ ^ ^ BY ^ ^ ^ ^ **MOB-RULES** ^ ^ ^ ^ WRITTEN ^ ^ For P-80 Systems ^ ^ O N ^ ^ ^ ^ OCT 30 1984 ^ ^ ^ -------------------------------------- OK WELL THIS ARTICLE WILL DEAL WITH SOMETHING THAT THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL, INCLUDING EVEN THE MOST DIE HARD PHREAKERS,DONT KNOW.THE FIRST PART WILL DEAL WITH THE BACKGROUND KNOW-HOW ,THE SECOND PART WILL DEAL WITH THE TONES NEEDED.THE THIRD WILL DEAL WITH WHAT TO DO WITH THEM WHEN YOU HAVE THEM.THE FOURTH PART WILL BE THE THE CONCLUDING PART,ON THE AMERICAN PORTION. . FIRST LESSON THE WHAT THE HELL HE IS TALKING ABOUT PART. WELL THE WORD PHREAKING REALLY MEANS GETTING A CALL TO GO THROUGH AND NOT HAVING TO PAY FOR IT.THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE WILL USE THE TERM PHREAKER OR PHREAKING. WELL PHREAKING REALLY STARTED IN 1960 WHEN TWO MEN FOUND,IN THE BOTTOM OF THIER TELEPHONE COMPANY,A OLD,OLD,OLD TEC-MANUAL.IT HAD ALL THE INFO ON TELCO TERMINOLGY OF THAT DAY,AND THE SUCH,BUT THE BEST PART OF THE OLD MANUAL WAS,----THE TRUNCK TONES. THEY TOLD HOW TO,WHEN TO,WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN,AND THE SUCH.THAT FAITHFULL DAY BACK IN 1968,WAS THE DAWNING OF THE PHREAKER. . SECOND LESSON . OR . OK THAT HAPPENED SO LONG AGO WHAT ABOUT NOW,AND HOW CAN I PUT THAT OLD STUFF TO WORK FOR ME?? WELL YOU NEED ONE OF TWO THINGS 1-A COMPUTER CAPABLE OF PLAYING MUSIC. 2-A HOME MADE MEMORY REDIAL BLUE BOX. AND WELL SINCE,I GUESS,YOU ARE READING THIS OFF OF A BBS YOU ALREADY HAVE 1 SOOOOO PUT IT TO USE BUB!! THE TONES THAT MAKE UP A KEY. -------------------------------------- ^ ^ ^ (1) - 700 + 900 ^ ^ (2) - 700 + 1100 ^ ^ (3) - 900 + 1100 ^ ^ (4) - 700 + 1300 ^ ^ (5) - 900 + 1300 ^ ^ (6) - 1100+ 1300 ^ ^ (7) - 700 + 1500 ^ ^ (8) - 900 + 1500 ^ ^ (9) - 1100+ 1500 ^ ^ (0) - 1300+ 1500 ^ ^ (KP) - 1100+ 1700 ^ ^ (ST) - 1500+ 1700 ^ ^ (11) - 700 + 1700 ^ ^ (12) - 900 + 1700 ^ ^ (KP2)- 1300+ 1700 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ALL FREQUENCIES GIVEN ARE IN HZ. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -------------------------------------- AND LEAST BUT NOT LAST THE MAGICICAL TONE,THAT DOES IT ALL,2600HZ. . THIRD LESSON . OR .WELL HELL DUDE KEEP GOING,CAUSE I'M . READY AND WILLING. OK SO YOUR JUST SITTING THERE LOOKING AT THIS DUMB PGM YOU MADE,WELL ENOUGH OF THE TECH INFO,NOW FOR THE HANDS ON. YOU MUST ALWAYS BEFORE A CALL GET INTO A TRUNK THIS TODAY CAN ONLY BE DONE BY CALLING A STEP-BY-STEP SWITCHING SYSTEM,AS OPPOSED TO CROSSBAR,ESS,OR DMS.FOR SAKE OF SIMPLICITY I WILL USE MONTREAL DIRECTORY ASSICTANCE. CALL ON YOU PHONE,(DTMF),TOUCH-TONES. 1-514-555-1212,WHEN YOU HEAR IT RING PLAY INTO THE PHONE 2600HZ.IF ALL GOES WELL YOU WILL HEAR KERCHINK KERCHUNK SLINCE.NOW AFTER YOU DO THIS NO MORE TOUCH TONES WILL BE USED. FOR YOUR FIRST TIME TRY 2600HZ WAIT 1 SEC AND KEY IN KP,ALL CALLS MUST START WITH KP AND END IN ST,YOUR FRIENDS AREA CODE AND # AND ST.NOW WAIT.IF ALL GOES WELL IT WILL RING AND YOUR FRIEND WILL ANSWER.BUT DON'T STAY ON TOO LONG. . FOURTH LESSON . OR . YEA BUT WHATS ALL THE HIDDEN STUFF . I HEAR ABOUT. OK SO YOU GOT THIS FAR AND ARE HUNGRY FOR MORE,WELL IF YOU ARE NOT THEN YOU WILL NEVER BE CLASSIFIED AS A PHREAKER BUT A LOSER. THIS SYSTEM HAS A GREAT MANY FILES ON JUST THAT SUBJECT SO LOOK THEM OVER.IF YOU READ SOMETHING ON ANOTHER GREAT FILE,AND DON'T UNDERSTAND IT,THEN YOU ARE MESSING WITH SOMETHING OUT OF YOU LEAGUE. GRADUALLY BUILD UP TO IT THEN YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED A LOSER BUT A GREAT PHREAKER. YOU KNOW I STARTED 6-7 YEARS AGO AND I TOO HAD TO GRADUALLY BUILD UP TO IT, BUT NOT UNTILL A YEAR AGO THIS MONTH DID I HAVE AS MUCH FUN IN IT,AS YOU WILL.AS I AM WRITING THIS ARTICLE I STILL HAVE VISIONS OF ALL THE GOOD BBS'S THAT USED TO BE UP TO HELP NEW PHREAKS AND EXPERT PHREAKS,AND YOU KNOW WHAT I FEEL KINDA SORROWED THAT THEY ARE JUST A HANDFULL OF GOOD BBS'S AROUND FOR ALL THE FUTURE PHREAKS OF THE WORLD TO LEARN ON. -------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS FOR ADVANCE TO EXPERT PHREAKERS ONLY!!! -------------------------------------- OK ENOUGH OF THAT OLD HAT HERE IS WHAT I MEANT ABOUT 'EVEN THE DIE HARD PHREAKS DON'T KNOW'. THIS WAS FOUND OUT ON OCT 10 1984 STRAIGHT FROM TELECOM AUSTRALIA. I WILL TELL YOU WHAT THE TONES ARE FOR THE CCITT #5 IS,WHICH BY THE WAY IS USED BY THE REST OF THE WORLD!! . FIFTH LESSON . OR HOW TO GET ON ANOTHER COUNTRIES TRUNK. OK FIRST HERE ARE THE FREQUENCIES -------------------------------------- ^ THE CCITT#5 FREQUENCIES ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (1) - 1380 + 1500 ^ ^ (2) - 1380 + 1620 ^ ^ (3) - 1500 + 1620 ^ ^ (4) - 1380 + 1740 ^ ^ (5) - 1500 + 1740 ^ - (6) - 1620 + 1740 ^ ^ (7) - 1380 + 1860 ^ ^ (8) - 1500 + 1860 ^ ^ (9) - 1620 + 1860 ^ ^ (0) - 1740 + 1860 ^ ^ (11) - 1380 + 1980 ^ ^ (12) - 1500 + 1980 ^ ^ (13) - 1620 + 1980 ^ ^ (14) - 1740 + 1980 ^ ^ (15) - 1860 + 1980 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ALL FREQUENICIES GIVEN ARE IN HZ. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -------------------------------------- OK SO NOW YOU HAVE THE FREQUENCIES LETS GET ON A AUSTRALIAN TRUNK. YOU MUST FIRST CALL AN AUSTRALIAN # AND SINCE SOMETHING MAY GO WRONG FOR YOU EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE,I SUGGEST STRONGLY CALLING THROUGH AN EXTENDER THAT WILL ALLOW AN OVERSEAS CALL TO GO THROUGH. IF YOU HAVE ONE PUT IT TO USE NOW!! OK LETS ASSUME YOU DO.WELL CALL AN AUSTRALIAN # AND WHEN YOU HEAR IT RING PLAY THE MAGICAL TONES FOR THE CCITT EQUIPMENT,ITS 2400HZ+2600HZ,WHEN YOU DO THIS YOU WILL HEAR A SOUND WHICH WILL MAKE YOU THINK THAT THE CONNECTION WAS LOST,BUT IT WASN'T,IN FACT YOU ARE NOW ON AN AUSTRALIAN TRUNK!! AND BY THE WAY,THERE IS NOT A 10SEC TRUNK TIME OUT. . SIXTH LESSON . OR . THE KEY DEFINITONS PART. NOW YOU NEED TO KNOW THE PROPER PROCEDURE FOR THE CCITT LINE,AND WHAT KEYS DO WHAT. KEYS 0-12 ARE EXACTLY LIKE OURS!! KEY DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- 13 IS LIKE OUR KP. 14 IS LIKE OUR KP2. 15 IS LIKE OUR ST. -------------------------------------- . SEVENTH LESSON . OR . THE PROPER PROCEDURE AND KEY USAGE . PART. OK NOW YOU KNOW ALL THE KEYS AND TONES SO NOW IT IS TIME TO LEARN HOW TO USE THEM. LETS ASSUME YOU WERE GOING TO CALL A # IN AUSTRALIA,THE PROCEDURE WOULD BE-> 13+5+15+0+AC+# WAIT ABOUT 2OR3 SECS AND ENTER 1(OPER) OR 2(SUBSCRIBER) OR 3(TEST CALL). AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE SOUNDS YOU HEAR AFTER YOU KEY IN THE TONES, BECAUSE ALL CCITT#5 TRUNKS ARE SUPPOSE TO ECHO BACK EACH CHAR YOU KEY IN!! NOW LETS CALL THE UNITED STATES. PROCEDURE WOULD BE-->13+2(A LIVE OPER) OR0(SUBSCRIBER)+AC+#+15. NOW IF IT COULDN'T BE PUT THROUGH, REORDER OR AN INTERNATIONAL RECORDING TRY THE ONLY INTERNATIONAL SENDER AUSTRALIA HAS,IT'S MONTREAL CANADA. YOU WOULD ENTER 14+COUNTRY CODE+2OR0+ AC+#+15. NOW THAT SHOULD BE ABOUT ALL THAT YOU NEED KNOW TO HAVE FUN ON ANOTHER COUNTRIES TRUNK. . EIGHTH LESSON . OR . THE CONCLUDING PART. WELL IF YOU ACCTUALLY LIVED IN AUSTRALIA YOU WOULD HAVE A BITCH OF A TIME BOXING,DUE TO THE FACT THAT THEY USE DC PHONES UNLIKE OUR AC PHONES. YOU SEE WHEN WE HANG-UP OUR PHONES THE PHONE SHOOTS A 2600HZ TONE TO TELL THE PHONE COMPANY THAT THE PARTY HAS HUNG-UP,BUT OVER THERE THEY JUST REMOVE THE GROUND,OR THE NEGATIVE SIDE OF THE LINE,SO THERE ARE NO TONES LIKE OURS.IF YOU ARE SAYING HEY YOU MUST BE WRONG I KNOW SUCH AND SUCH WHO LIVES THERE AND BOXES ALL THE TIME,WELL YOUR PARTIALLY RIGHT.THEY DO,OR AT LEAST THEY DID.IN THE PAST FEW YEARS A CALL TO THE STATES COST THEM ABOUT 20-30 A MIN.WHICH EQUALS ABOUT 25-40$ OUR MONEY.BUT THEY DID ONE UP ON THIER TELECOMM,THIER LIKE THE OLD A.T.T. MA-BELL,YOU SEE THEY WOULD SHORT HAUL THIER CALLS TO THE STATES.WHAT THEY WOULD DO IS CALL NEW ZEALAND AND THEN BLAST THE 2400+2600HZ SIGNAL AND BOOM THEY WOULD BE PAYING FOR A CALL TO NEW ZEALAND,THE COST IS LIKE CALLING FROM NY TO LA HERE,A SUBSTANIAL DIFFERENCE BUT YOU SEE THAT IS NOT SO ANYMORE. THE COST IS ABOUT THE SAME,$1.00 DIFFERENCE A MIN,SO AUSTRALIANS DON'T REALLY NEED TO BOX ANYMORE,AND THEY DON'T!!WELL I HAVE TRIED TO HELP THOSE WHO ARE NEW THIS FIELD AND THE OLD TIMERS IN IT TOO,WITH THIS ARTICLE. I HOPE THAT AT LEAST ONE LESSON HELPS SOME OF YOU OUT THERE!! I WISH TO THANK THE FOLLOWING. TELECOM AUSTRALIA A.T.T. WHICH WITHOUT THIER LINES I COULD NEVER HAVE HAD AS MUCH FUN IN THIS FIELD,OR LEARNED SO MUCH ABOUT THE WORLD! [{-=:*> ASSORTED <*:=-}] [{-=:*> BOX FREQUINCES <*:=-}] (=)=(=)=(=)=(=)=(=)=(=)=(=)=(=)=(=)=(=) BLUE BOX FREQUENCIES: 2600 HZ - USED TO GET ON/OFF TRUNK TONE MATRIX TO USE AFTER 2600 HZ. 700: 1 : 2 : 4 : 7 : 11 : 900: + : 3 : 5 : 8 : 12 : 1100: + : + : 6 : 9 : KP : 1300: + : + : + : 10 : KP2 : 1500: + : + : + : + : ST : 900 :1100 :1300 :1500 : 1700 : USE KP (1700+1100) TO START A CALL AND ST (1500+1700) TO STOP. USE 2600 HZ TO DISCONNECT. --------------------------------------- RED BOX FREQS: 1700 HZ AND 2200 HZ MIXED TOGETHER A NICKEL IS 66 MS ON (1 BEEP). A DIME IS 66MS ON, 66MS OFF, 66MS ON (2 BEEPS) A QUARTER IS 33MS ON, 33MS OFF REPEATED 5 TIMES. (MS= MILLISECOND). FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DONT KNOW, A RED BOX SIMULATES MONEY BEING PUT INTO A PAY PHONE. YOU MUST PUT IN SOME MONEY FIRST THOUGH (THE OPERATOR CAN TELL IF MONEY WAS PUT IN BUT AS TO HOW MUCH, SHE LETS THE COMPUTER ANSWER THAT) ------------------------------------- TASI LOCKING FREQ: TASI ( TIME ASSIGNMENT SPEECH INTERPOLATION ) IS USED ON SATELITE TRUNKS, AND BASICALLY ALLOWS MORE THAN ONE PERSON TO USE A TRUNK BY PUTTING THEM ON WHILE THE OTHER PERSON ISNT TALKING. OF COURSE, YOU'D NEVER HEAR THE OTHER PERSON TALKING ON YOUR TRUNK. WHEN YOU START TO TALK, HOWEVER, THE TASI CONTROLLER HAS TO FIND AN OPEN TRUNK FOR YOU. BECAUSE OF THIS, SOME OF YOUR SPEECH IS LOST( BECAUSE OF THE DELAY IN FINDING A TRUNK) THIS IS CALLED CLIPPING. WELL, IF YOU WERE TRANSMITTING DATA OVER A TRUNK, CLIPPING WOULD REALLY FUCK UP THE DATA. SO THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED A TASI LOCKING FREQUENCY WHICH KEEPS THE TASI FROM PUTTING ANYONE ELSE ON YOUR TRUNK OR YOU ON ANYONE ELSES TRUNK. IN ANY CASE THE FREQ. IS 1850 HZ. SENT BEFORE THE TRANSMISSION). _____________________________________________________________ | | | | \ Call Info Station | | Blue | / And Blue Fire BBS | | | \ | | |_/ oxing | | | | Safely Today. | | Written by The Micro Master | | A Micro World Inc. G-file. | |___________________________________________________________| Blue Boxing: This file assmes you have made and/or know how to make a Blue Box, that you know how to use a Blue Box, and that you know what a Blue Box can do for you. Blue Boxing at first: When Blue Boxing first started At&t (called Bell at the time) was totaly unwary for this move. Blue Box tones where ordinginally created for the operator and the phone repair man. Using them phreaks used to tap lines, call anywhere for free, etc. Then one dreaded day somebody at Bell caught on and BAM, people where busted like mad cause they thought blue box was safe. Suddenly, people relized that it was not safe all the time, not safe sometimes, not safe at all. NEVER could you sue a Blue Box without being busted. But even after all this, Bell (and now At&t) still used Blue Box tone and they are still being used today. Now, how they got busted. Every time a Blue Box tone is used, the number is came from is put on a list. This list contains all places where Blue Box tones came from in your area code. Now, just cause your name is on this list dosen't mean that your busted or anything, yo ur still fine. However, at the end of the week another list is compared to the list of where the tones came from. If your NOT on this list you are in BIG trouble. Expect a vist to court. Now, the trick of not getting busted. The first thing is obvious. You must get on the second list mentioned above. Then your stumped, how do I get on that list?!?!? Getting on a Blue Box tone list. Alright, all operators are always on the list. So if you have a neighbor who is an operator, just put in a tap. No problem. Now your saying "Oh great, all I have to do is move nextdoor to an operator. I read this whole G-file just to find that out!" Wrong. That's is the easiest way but by no means the only. Another way: When a phone repair man comes to your house and either instals a new line, tests an old line, fixs a phone. Fixes a tine or works on your main Box (you know those big GREEN BOXS sitting in about every 8th house's yard. Then your nu mber goes on the list. By knowing a repair man you can get on this list or after having the line fixed, you can drag out your blue box and have some fun! Finnaly. I have never succed in this but I know it DOES work. Run a war dial of you area until you get a gold box (also called a diverter) tone. If you can find one go install a Gold Box somewhere. Now scan again until you get your local At&t switching station. Call back through the diverter and hack unti l you get a High level persons access. From a highlevel person access you can call in and edit the list of places where tones can come from. Now you can use the Blue Box. I personally have hacked a acount in At&t but it wasn't high enough to edit the l ist but I could read it. From reading it I fround a bunch of good places to install a Gold Box. I be writing a G-phile on Gold boxing and then on on tapping a line. Look for more stuff soon. L8R THE MICRO MASTER MICRO WORLD INC. The above was tested by The Micro Master, The Storyteller and someone else who dosen't have a modem but likes to call places free. The tests where done on At&t's Electronic Switching System (ESS) and no busts where even made so it is presumed safe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Information Station (312)498-1362 The Fed's Reunion (312)676-3430 Ripco (312)528-5020 The Blue Fire BBS (312)377-???? Home of Micro World Inc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------This bulletin has been taken from the OSUNY files from 82/83 This bulletin will deal only with the basic contruction, troubleshooting and adjustment of the blue box. If you would like to know the specific job of a ny part in the circuit just write me a msg and I will be glad to answer it. We all know that the touch tones frequencies are composed of two tones (Two different freqs.) so t hat is the reason why we have 2 VCO'S ( Voltage controlled oscilators). We will call these VCO#1 and VCO#2. If you have noticed VCO#1 and VCO#2 are exactly the same type of circuits. That is why only one was drawn. But remember that whatever goes for VCO#1 also goes for VCO#2. Both VCO'S are composed of a handfull of parts. one chip two cap acitors 2 resistors and five potentiometers. All of this will give you (when properly calibrated) one of the freqs. necessary (the other one will come from VCO#2) for the operation of the BB. Both of these freqs. will be mixed in the speaker thus forming the required tone. This is one of the most sophisticated designs I have ever made. Why?. because other designs will drain the battery after 10 - calls! This design will make them last 10 months!!!!!!. But never the less don't forget to put in a switch for on and off. Ok let's build the two VCO'S and calibr ate the unit before we get to the keyboard contruction. VCO CONTRUCTION === =========== TOOLS REQUIRED 1 ocilliscope (recomended but not re quired) 1 Freq. counter (REQUIRED) 1 Volt meter " " " Electronics tools (Pliers,drill, screwdrivers, etc) PARTS R1 1.5K RESISTOR 5% R2 1K RESISTOR 5% C1 .1uf ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR 16V DC C2 .01uf ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR (MYL AR) 16VDC IC1 2207 VCO CHIP BY EXAR ELECTRINICS remember the above it is only for VCO#1 but the same goes for VCO#2. R3-R4 150 OHM RESISTORS 5% C3-C4 .1 uf ELECTROLITIC CAPACITOR 10VDC P1-P10 200K TRIMMER POT - 20 TURNS DIODES USED IN THE KEYBOARD ARE 1N914 TYPE (40 OF THEM) AND 13 SWITCHES FOR THE KEYBOARD SPST. MOMENTARY. SPKR= YOU CAN USE A TELEPHONE SPEAKER FOR THIS(IT WORKS BEST) BUT REMEMBER TO TAKE OUT THE DIO DE THAT IS CONNECTED ACCROSS IT. **************************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTES 1 DO NOT USE ANYTHING ELSE THAN A MYL AR CAPACITOR FOR C2 2 PINS 10,9,8 SHOULD BE TIED TOGETHER AND BE LEFT FLOATING. 3 ALL RESISTOR SHOULD BE 5%! NOTHING ELSE 4 A TELEPHONE SPEAKER GIVES THE BEST RESULTS ***************************************************************** TROUBLE SHOOTING By now you should have constructed the two VCO'S on a bread board or anything that please s you. Check for cold solder joints, broken wires, polarity of the battery, etc......... Before we apply power to the VCO'S we have to adjust the pots for their half way travel point. This is done by turning them 21 turns to the right and then 10 turns to the left. Do the same for all ten of them. Now apply power to the unit check to see that you have power in the chips by putting the positive lea d of your volt meter on pin 7 and the negative lead on pin 12 . If you don't have anything there turn off the unit ant REC HECK THE WIRING. When you get the right voltages on the chips, connect a diode to a piece of wire (look at fig. 2 for the orientation of the diode) from ground to any pot at point T (look carefully at the schematic for point T it is label ed T1-T10 for all pots) You shold be able to hear a tone, if no t dissconnect the lead and place the speaker close to your ear and if you hear a chirp like sound, this means that the two VCO' S are working if you don't, it means that either one or both of the VCO'S is dead. So in this case it is allways good to ha ve an ocilloscope on hand. Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and hookup the ocilliscope to one of the leads of the speaker and t he ground from the scope to the ground of the battery. Connect ag ain the ground lead with the diode connected to it from grou nd to any pot on the VCO that you are checking and you should see a triangle wave if not turn the pot in which you are appl ying the ground to until you see it. When you do see it do the the same for the other VCO to make sure it is working. (a mplitude is about 2VAC) When you get the two VCO'S working you a re set for the adjustment of the individuals pots... ADJUSTMENT Disconnect the speaker from the circu it and connect a freq. counter (the positive lead of the counte r to one of the speakers leads that belongs to VCO#1 or connect i t to pin 14). Connect the negative lead to the batt ery negative and connect the jumper lead with the diode f rom ground to pot number 1 T1 .( The first pot number 1 point T1) If you got it working you should hear a tone and get a reading on the counter. Adjust the pot for a freq. of 1700hz and continue doing the same for pots 2-5 except that they get d ifferents freqs. P1= 1700hz P2= 1300hz P3= 1100hz P4= 900hz P5= 1500hz Now disconnect the freq. counter from t he speaker lead of VCO#1 or from pin 14 (which ever you had it attac hed to at the beginning) and connect it to the speaker lead of VCO#2 or to pin 14 of VCO#2 and perform the same adjustments to P6-10. P6= 1100hz P7= 700hz P8= 900hz P9= 2600hz MAGIC NUMBER!!!!! P10= 1500hz When you finish doing all of the pot g o back and recheck them again. KEYBOARD If you look at fig-2 you will see that the keys are simple switches connected to ground and two diodes on th e other end. These diodes are used to simplify the construction of the keyboard because otherwise the distribution of the ground signal fo r both VCO'S would have been done mechanically. One diode will go to VCO#1 and the other will go to VCO#2. Fig-3 shows the arrangement of th e keys on the keyboard. Below is a table that will hel p you connect the keys to required VCO'S pots. TO TO FREQ OUT FREQ OUT KEY POT ON VCO1 POT ON VCO2 PIN 14 VCO1 PIN 14 VCO C 1 6 1700 1100 0 2 10 1300 1500 E 1 10 1700 1500 1 4 7 900 700 2 3 7 1100 700 3 3 8 1100 900 4 2 7 1300 700 5 2 8 1300 900 6 2 6 1300 1100 7 5 7 1500 700 8 5 8 1500 900 9 5 6 1500 1100 X - 9 ---- 2600 **************************************** ******************************* * REMEMBER THAT FIG-2 IT IS THE SAME FOR EACH KEY EXCEPT THE "X" WHICH* * ONLY TAKES ONE DIODE. * **************************************** ******************************* As a final word you can build this in any type of enclosure and should never be used to make free ca lls using the telephone lines. I hope this bulletin will clear a ny question you may had on the blue boxes. If you have any question please leave me a msg. and I will be very glad to answer it. TXS MR. AMERICA Ps. I would like to thank my keyboard, my fingers, and me for helping me write this bullettin. Without their help I would have never finish this project.BLUE BOX PLANS ============== NOTE TO ALL:This is an original phile From the OSUNY BBS(now defunct)...it is still a very commonplace file, and many law enforcement agencies do have a printup of this file...If you were ever caught with a copy of this phile, I have absoluely no idea nor grasp of what the consequences would be..also note that it is an old hardware type file...unless you are really interested in building one, and can accept the consequences of being caught with a hardware blue box(outlined on d1's "PhreakersRights") then do not take this file and try to use it...it can certainly mean nothing but trouble for you.... \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/ \ / \ The Art and / \ Practice of / \ Bue Boxing / \ / \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/ =)>Originally typed by:<(= ~-Nickie Halflinger-~ ~- & Mr. America -~ THIS IS THE TONE MATRIX FOR A BOX WHICH GENERATES TONES THAT OPERATORS USE TO DIAL.ROTARY WORKS AS WELL, ON OPERATOR LINES, BUT THIS IS TECHNOLOGICAL(!). NOW I AGREE WITH THE OPINION OF A WELL KNOWN PHREAK THAT 'BOXING' IS/WILL BE FOR THE MOST PART DEAD, BUT THIS IS TRADITION... FIRST,YOU DIAL DIR.ASST, OR AN OPER. ETC, THEN YOU BLAST TE LINE WITH A 2600HZ TONE. THIS GIVES YOU THE LINE, THIS IS ALSO HOW MA BELL TRACKS DOWN BLUE BOXERS... THERE ARE 2600HZ DETECTORS SYSTEMS, AND EVEN ON OLD #4 CROSSBARS... ONCE ON A OPER.TRUNK LINE, YOU USE YOUR BLUE BOX/ROTARY TO DIAL... SO, IF YOU USE2600HZ, WHICH IS NECESSARY, UNLESS YOU ARE *VERY* CAREFUL, YOU WILL BE SNAGGED. FINALLY, THIS IS WHAT YOU READ!SO LONG AND HARD FOR: 700 : 1 : 2 : 4 : 7 : 11 : 900 : + : 3 : 5 : 8 : 12 : 1100 : + : + : 6 : 9 : KP : 1300 : + : + : + : 10 : KP2 : 1500 : + : + : + : + : ST : : 900 : 1100 : 1300 : 1500 : 1700 : USE KP TO START A CALL, AND ST TO STOP, WITH THE BELOVED 2600HZ TONE TO DISCONNECT. I ALSO HEAR THAT 2600HZ RESETS SPRINT NODES AND GIVES YOU THEIR INITIAL TONE.. NOW, IF YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT WHAT TO CALL FROM AN OPERATOR TRUNK, HERE ARE SOME GOODIES TO HELP YOU OUT: XXX+101 - TOLL SWITCHING XXX+121 - LOCAL OPERATOR XXX+131 - INFORMATION XXX+141 - RATE & ROUTE XXX+181 - COIN REFUND OPERATOR XXX+11501 - MOBILE OPERATOR XXX+11521 - MOBILE OPERATOR XXX+11511 - CONFERENCE OPERATOR THESE WORK WITH ROTARY OR OPERATORS TONES, BUT ONLY ON OPER. TRUNK LINES... THANKS FOR LISTENING! Blue Boxes, Part II While reading the fine article on the blue box I saw that there a lot of data left out of the document. I hope this adds, in some small way, to the information. First the tones. While all the informatio is correct, the timing specs were not included. The tone pairs are to remain on for 1/10 sec. with 1/10 sec. of slience between digits. The 'KP' tones should be sent for 2/10 sec. A way to defeat the 2600hz traps is to send along with the 2600z some pink noise(most of the energy in this signal should be above 3000hz, this signal won't make it over the toll network, but should carry as far as your local toll center) so that the traps won't find 'pure' 2600hz on the trunk. Ths is not a perfectly safe way to box, but it should slow down the discovery. As to use, the first thing you need to understand is that there are two(2) types of toll completing trunk, inward and outward. The names are reference to the ofice that is switching the call(The toll center that serves the WATS line you called) and each type of trunk has a different class of service. From an inward toll completing trunk, you can reach the different service operators, the toll test board and the Inward Operator. Some offices also allow remote testing and it is in these offices that you can access the outward toll completing trunks. The Outward trunks allow you to make Verification(emergency) calls, do service monitoring(tapping), stack trunks(busy out all trunks between LA and NYC), enable and disable TSPS positions, and in some cases(on some 4A's) issue temporary rerouting instructions( send all calls from LA to NYC via Miami, Boston, or any other class 5 office or offices). Both type of trunk allow you to place a 'standard' call with a box. In some offices, mostly the small ones with a toll test board that is unattended at night and on weekends, you can get an outward toll completing the [file messed up here...] %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+ %HOW TO BUILD A BLOTO BOX+ %+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+%+ Finally, it is here! What was first conceived as a joke to fool the inncoent phreakers around America has finally been concieved by the one phreak who is the expert on lines and voltage: The Traveler. Other boxes by the Traveler include the White Gold Box, the Aqua Box, The Diverti Box, and the Cold Box. All of those plans will soon be available in a BBS/AE near you! Well, for you people who are unenlightened about the Blotto Box, here is a brief summery of a legend. --*-=> The Blotto Box <=-*-- For years now every pirate has dreamed of the Blotto Box. It was at first made as a joke to mock more ignorant people into thinking that the function of it actually was possible. Well, if you are The Voltage Master, it is possible. Originally conceived by King Blotto of much fame, the Blotto Box is finally available to the public. NOTE: The Traveler can not be responcable for the information disclosed in the file! This file is strictly for informational purposes and should not be actually built and used! Usage of this electronical impulse machine could have the severe results listed below and could result in high federal prosecution! Again, The Traveler TAKES NO RESPONCABILITY! All right, now that that is cleared up, here is the basis of the box and it's function. The Blotto Box is every phreaks dream... you could hold AT&T down on it's knee's with this device. Because, quite simply, it can turn off the phone lines everywhere. Nothing. Blotto. No calls will be allowed out of an area code, and no calls will be allowed in. No calls can be made inside it for that matter. As long as the switchhing system stays the same, this box will not stop at a mere area code. It will stop at nothing. The electrical impulses that emit from this box will open every line. Every line will ring and ring and ring... the voltage will never be cut off until the box/ generator is stopped. This is no 200 volt job, here. We are talking GENERATOR. Every phone line will continue to ring, and people close to the box may be electricuted if they pick up the phone. But, the Blotto Box can be stopped by merely cutting of the line or generator. If they are cut off then nothing will emit any longer. It will take a while for the box to calm back down again, but that is merely a superficial aftereffect. Once again: Construction and use of this box is not advised! The Blotto Box will continue as long as there is electricity to continue with. OK, that is what it does, now, here are some interesting things for you to do with it... --*-=> The Blotto Box Functions and Installation <=-*-- Once you have installed your Blotto, there is no turning back. The following are the instructions for construction and use of this box. Please read and heed all warnings in the above section before you attempt to construct this box. Materials: - A Honda portable generator or a main power outlet like in a stadium or some such place. - A radio shack cord set for 400 volts that splices a female plug into a phone line jack. - A meter of voltage to attach to the box itself. - A green base (i.e. one of the nice boxes about 3' by 4' that you see around in your neighborhood. They are the main switch boards and would be a more effective line to start with. or: A regular phone jack (not your own, and not in your area code! - A soudering iron and much souder. - A remote control or long wooden pole. Now. You must have guessed the construction from that. If not, here goes, I will explain in detail. Take the Honda Portable Generator and all of the other listed equiptment and go out and hunt for a green base. Make sure it is one on the ground or hanging at head level from a pole, not the huge ones at the top of telephone poles. Open it up with anything convienent, if you are two feeble that fuck don't try this. Take a look inside... you are hunting for color-coordinating lines of green and red. Now, take out your radio shack cord and rip the meter thing off. Replace it with the voltage meter about. A good level to set the voltage to is about 1000 volts. Now, attach the voltage meter to the cord and set the limit for one thousand. Plug the other end of the cord into the generator. Take the phone jack and splice the jack part off. Open it up and match the red and green wires with the other red and green wires. NOTE: If you just had the generator on and have done this in the correct order, you will be a crispy critter. Keep the generator off until you plan to start it up. Now, sauder those lines together carefully. Wrap duck tape or insultation tape around all of the wires. Now, place the remote control right on to the startup of the generator. If you have the long pole, make sure it is very long and stand back as far away as you can get and reach the pole over. NOTICE: If you are going right along with this without reading the file first, you sill realized now that your area code is about to become null! Then, getting back, twitch the pole/remote control and run for your damn life. Anywhere, just get away from it. It will be generating so much electricity that if you stand to close you will kill yourself. The generator will smoke, etc. but will not stop. You are now killing your area code, because all of that energy is spreading through all of the phone lines around you in every direction. Have a nice day! --*-=> The Blotto Box: Aftermath <=-*-- [=-=================================-=] [=-=] Presenting: [=-=] [=-=] The !BLAST! Box [=-=] [=-=] An *ORIGINAL* Box, [=-=] [=-=] Designed And Invented By [=-=] [=-=] (_> Shadow Hawk 1<_) [=-=] [=-=================================-=] Ever want to really make yourself be heard? Ever talk to someone on the phone who just doesn't shut up? Or just call the operator and pop her eardrum? Well, Up until recently it has been impossible for you to do theese things. That is, unless of course you've got a blast box. All a blast box is, is a really cheap amplifier, (around 5 watts or so) connected in place of the microphone on your telephone. It works best on model 500 AT&T Phones, and if constructed small enough, can be placed inside the phone. Construction: Construction is not really important. Well it is, but since I'm letting you make your own amp, I really don't have to include this. Usage: Once you've built your blast box, simply connect a microphone (or use the microphone from the phone) to the input of the amplifier, and presto. There it is. Now, believe it or not, this device actually works. (At least on crossbar.) It seems that illinois bell switching systems allow quite alot of current to pass right through the switching office, and out to whoever you're calling. When you talk in the phone, it comes out of the other phone (again it works best if the phone that you're calling has the standard western electric earpiece) incredibly loud. This device is espicially good for PBS Subscription drives. Have Phun, and don't get caught! /-/-/-/-/-/-\-\-\-\-\-\ <:-\-Black Box Plans-/-:> \-\-\-\-\-\-/-/-/-/-/-/ (>Introduction<) What is a BLACK BOX? A BLACK BOX is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes your phone so that when you get a call, the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for calls up to 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the Gestapo (the you can guess what happens. What this little beauty does is keep the line voltage from dropping to 10v when you answer your phone. The line is insted kept at 36v and it will make the phone think that it is still ringing while your talking. The reason for the 1/2 hour time limit is that the Gestapo thinks that something is wrong after 1/2 an hour of ringing. (I mean, come on) (>Phone Modification Instructions<) All parts are available Radio Shack. Using the least possible parts and arrangement, the cost is $0.98; and that is parts for two of them! Talk about a deal! If you want to splurge then you can get a �+���PC board, and a switch. There are two s ** Schematic 1 for most fones ** ** LED ON: BOX ON ** FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE !--/\/\/\--!>--! ! ! ------>/<------- SPST Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor 1 1.5v LED 1 SPST switch *You may just have two wires which you connect together for the switch. ** Schematic 2 for all fones ** ** LED ON: BOX OFF ** FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE ! LED ! ---->/<--!>-- ! ! ---/\/\/--- 1.8k Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor 1 1.5v LED 1 DPST switch Here is the PC board layout that I recommend using. It is neat and is very easy to hook up: Schematic #1 Schematic #2 ************** **************** * * * ------- * * ----- * * ! ! * * ! ! * * ! * * RESISTOR ! * * ! ! ! * * ! ! * * ! ! / * * -------- ! * * ! ! \ * * ! ! * * ! ! / * * --SWITCH-- * * ! ! \ * * ! ! * * ! ! / * L * ! ! * F L * ! ! ! * F I>RED- -RED>O I>RED- ---RED>O N>-----GREEN---->N N>-----GREEN------>N E * h * E E * * E ************** **************** Once you have hooked up all the parts, you must figure out what set of wires go to the line and which go to the fone. This is because of the fact that LED's must be put in, in a certain direction. Depending on which way you put the LED is what controls what wires are for the line & fone. In order to find out, hook up the box in one direction using one set of wires for line and the other for phone. *NOTE* For Model I switch should be OFF. *NOTE* For Model ][ switch should be set to side connecting the LED. Once you have hooked it up, then pick up the fone and see if the LED is on. If it is, the LED will be lit. If is doesn't light then switch the wires and try again. Once you know which are which then label them. *NOTE* - If neither directions worked then your switch was in the wrong position. Now lable the switch in its current position as BOX ON. (>Black Box Usage<) The purpose of this box is not to people who call you so it would make sense that it can only be used to recieve calls. When the box is *ON* then you may only recieve calls. Your phone will ring like normal and the LED light on the box will flash. When you answer the fone the LED will light and the caller will not be charged. Hang up the fone after you are done like normal. You will not be ab __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-END-_________________________________________ o Unknown Author [2@iege Box Plans-/-:> ()Introduction Have you ever wanted a lineman's handset? Surely every phreak has at least once considered the phun that he could have with one.After searching unlocked phone company trucks for one for months, We had an idea. We could build one. We did, and named it the "Beige Box,"simply because that is the color of ours. In the following file we will give complete instructions for the construction and use of a Beige Box. ()Construction The construction is very simple. First, you must understand the concept of the device. In a modular jack, there are four wires. These are red, green, yellow, and black. For a single line telephone, however, only two matter: the red (ring) and green (tip). The yellow and black are not necessary for this project. A lineman's handset only has two clips on it: the ring and the tip. You will need a phone (we recommend a touch-tone) with a modular plug, a modular jack, and two large alligator clips (preferably red and green respectively). Take the modular jack and look at the bottom of its casing. There should be a grey jack with four wires (red, green, yellow, and black) More[n,Y,=] leading out of it. To the end of the red wire attach a red alligator clip. To the end of the green wire attach a green alligator clip. The yellow and black wires can be removed, although I would only set them aside so that you can use the modular jack in future projects. Now insert your telephone's modular plug into the modular jack. That's it. This particular model is nice because it can be easily made,is inexpensive, uses common parts that are readily available, is small, is lightweight, and does not require the destruction of a phone. ()Uses There are many uses for the Beige Box. However, before you can use it, you must know how to attach it to its output device. This device can be any of several Bell switching apparatus that include terminal sets (i.e., remote switching centers, bridging heads, cans, etc.). To open most Bell Telephone switching apparatus, you must have a 7/16 inch hex driver. This piece of equipment can be picked up at your local hardware store. With your 7/16 hex driver, turn the security bolt(s) approximately 1/8 of an inch counter-clockwise and open. If your output device is locked, then you must have some knowledge of destroying and/or picking locks. However, we have never encountered a locked output device. Once you have opened your output device, you should see a mass of wires connected to terminals. On most of your output devices, the terminals should be labeled "T" (Tip -- if not labeled, it is usually on the left) and "R" (Ring -- if not labeled, it is usually on the right). Remember: Ring - red - right. The "Three R's" -- a More[n,Y,=] simple way to remember which is which. Now you must attach the red alligator clip (ring) to the "R" (ring) terminal. Attach the green alliagtor clip (tip) to the "T" (tip) terminal. NOTE: If instead of a dial tone you hear nothing, re-adjust the alligator clips so that they are not touching each other or other terminals. Also make sure that they are firmly attached.By this time you should hear a dial tone. Dial ANI and find out the number that you are using (you wouldn't want to use your own). Here are some practical applications: Eavesdropping Long distance, static-free phone calls Dialing direct to Alliance Conferencing Phucking people over Bothering the operator Blue Boxing Anything at all that you want ()Eavesdropping: To be most effective, first attach the Beige Box and then your phone. This eliminates static caused by connecting the box, therefore reducing the potential suspicion of your victim. When eavesdropping, it is always best to be neither seen nor heard. If you hear someone dialing out, do not panic; but rather hang up, wait, and pick up the receiver again. The person will either have hung up or tried to complete their call again. If the latter is true, then listen in, and perhaps you will find information worthy of More[n,Y,=] blackmail! If you would like to know who you are listening to, after dialing ANI, pull a CN/A on the number. ()Dialing Long Distance: This section is self-explanatory, but don't forget to dial a"1" before the NPA. ()Dialing Direct to Alliance Conferencing: Simply dial 0-700-456-1000 and you will get instructions from there. I prefer this method over PBXs, since PBXs often have poor reception and are more difficult to come by. ()Phucking People Over: This is a very large topic for discussion. Just by using the other functions described, you can create a large phone bill for the person (they will not have to pay it, but it is a hassle for them). In addition, since you are an extension of the person's line, leave your phone off hook, and they will not be able to make or recieve calls. This can be extremely nasty because no one would suspect the cause of the problem. ()Bothering the Operator: This is also self-explanatory and can provide hours of entertainment. Simply ask or say things to her that are offensive and you would not like traced to your line. This also corresponds with the previous described More[n,Y,=] section, Phucking People Over. After all, guess who's line it gets traced to? He he he... ()Blue Boxing: See a file on Blue Boxing for more details. This is an especially nice feature if you live in an ESS-equipped prefix, since the calls are, once again, not traced to your line. ()Potential Risks: Overuse of the Beige Box may cause suspicions within the Gestapo, and result in legal problems. Therefore, I would recommend that you: Use more than one output device Choose a secluded spot Keep a low profile ()Safe Guards: In order to make sure that the enemy has not been inside your ouput device, I reccomend that you place a piece of transparent tape over the opening of your output device. Therefore, if it is opened in your absence, the tape will be displaced and you will be aware of the fact that someone has been intruding upon your territory. ::::::::::::::: Introduction To Beige Boxing ::::::::::::::: By Shooting Shark - AOOFF Call The Roman Forum 415 - 328 - 5916 Beige Boxes are amazingly simple to make - They are just test sets, which are used by telephone linemen for connecting to any phone line. And test sets are just ordinary telephones. They are called beige boxes because they are a combination of a brown box, a device for listening into phone lines, and a white box, which is a portable touch-tone generator, sold by Radio Shack and AT&T. (AT&T actually colors theirs white, which I find hilarious.) Beige Boxing is easy, fun, and offers dialing options often unavailable through LDC ports or extenders - you are physically using an unsuspecting person's phone line for making calls anywhere - even to the 0-700 and 900 SACs (Special Area Codes) and 976- numbers. The only reason I am writing this file is to make this enjoyable hobby aware to phreaks who want something different to try. _____________________________________________ ! ! ! Introducing the: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! BBBBB EEEEE IIIII GGGGG EEEEE ! ! B B E I G E ! ! BBBBB EEE I G GGG EEE ! ! B B E I G G E ! ! BBBBB EEEEE IIIII GGGGG EEEEE ! ! ! ! BBBBB OOOOO X X ! ! B B O O X X ! ! BBBBB O O XX ! ! B B O O X X ! ! BBBBB OOOOO X X ! ! ! ! ! ! - Construction and Use - ! ! ! ! ! ! Invented and Written by: ! ! ! ! The Exterminator and The Terminal Man ! !_____________________________________________! ------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ Have you ever wanted a lineman's handset? Surely every phreak has at least once considered the phun that he could have with one. After searching unlocked phone company trucks for one for months, we had an idea. We could build one. We did, and named it the "Beige Box," simply because that is the color of ours. In the following file we will give complete instructions for the construction and use of a Beige Box. ------------ CONSTRUCTION ------------ The construction is very simple. First, you must understand the concept of the device. In a modular jack, there are four wires. These are red, green, yellow, and black. For a single line telephone, however, only two matter: the red (ring) and green (tip). The yellow and black are not necessary for this project. A lineman's handset only has two clips on it: the ring and the tip. You will need a phone (we reccommend a touch-tone) with a modular plug, a modular jack, and two large alligator clips (preferably red and green, respectively). Take the modular jack and look at the bottom of its casing. There should be a grey jack with four wires (red, green, yellow, and black) leading out of it. To the end of the red wire attach a red alligator clip. To the end of the green wire attach a green alligator clip. The yellow and black wires can be removed, although I would only set them aside so that you can use the modular jack in future projects. Now insert your telephone's modular plug into the modular jack. That's it. This particular model is nice because it can be easily made, is inexpensive, uses common parts that are readily available, is small, is lightweight, and does not require the destruction of a phone. ----- --- ---- BEIGE BOX USES ----- --- ---- There are many uses for the Beige Box. However, before you can use it, you must know how to attach it to its output device. This device can be any of several Bell switching apparatus that include terminal sets (i.e., remote switching centers, bridging heads, cans, etc.). To open most Bell Telephone switching apparatus, you must have a 7/16 inch hex driver. This piece of equipment can be picked up at your local hardware store. With your 7/16 hex driver, turn the security bolt(s) approximately 1/8 of an inch counter-clockwise and open. If your output device is locked, then you must have some knowledge of destroying and/or picking locks. However, we have never encountered a locked output device. Once you have opened your output device, you should see a mass of wires connected to terminals. On most of your output devices, the terminals should be labeled "T" (Tip -- if not labeled, it is usually on the left) and "R" (Ring -- if not labeled, it is usually on the right). Remember: Ring - red - right. The "Three R's" -- a simple way to remember which is which. Now you must attach the red alligator clip (ring) to the "R" (ring) terminal. Attach the green alliagtor clip (tip) to the "T" (tip) terminal. NOTE: If instead of a dial tone you hear nothing, re-adjust the alligator clips so that they are not touching each other or other terminals. Also make sure that they are firmly attached. By this time you should hear a dial tone. Dial ANI and find out the number that you are using (you wouldn't want to use your own). Here are some practical applications: o Eavesdropping o Long distance, static-free phone calls to phriends o Dialing direct to Alliance Conferencing (also static- free) o Phucking people over o Bothering the operator at little risk to yourself o Blue Boxing with a greatly reduced chance of getting caught o Anything at all that you want, since you are an extension on that line Eavesdropping: ------------- To be most effective, first attach the Beige Box and then your phone. This eliminates static caused by connecting the box, therefore reducing the potential suspicion of your victim. When eavesdropping, it is always best to be neither seen nor heard. If you hear someone dialing out, do not panic; but rather hang up, wait, and pick up the receiver again. The person will either have hung up or tried to complete their call again. If the latter is true, then listen in, and perhaps you will find information worthy of blackmail! If you would like to know who you are listening to, after dialing ANI, pull a CN/A on the number. Dialing Long Distance: ------- ---- -------- This section is self-explanatory, but don't forget to dial a "1" before the NPA. Dialing Direct to Alliance Conferencing: ------- ------ -- -------- ------------ Simply dial 0-700-456-1000 and you will get instructions from there. I prefer this method over PBXs, since PBXs often have poor reception and are more difficult to come by. Phucking People Over: -------- ------ ---- This is a very large topic for discussion. Just by using the other functions described, you can create a large phone bill for the person (they will not have to pay it, but it is a hassle for them). In addition, since you are an extension of the person's line, leave your phone off hook, and they will not be able to make or recieve calls. This can be extremely nasty because no one would suspect the cause of the problem. Bothering the Operator: --------- --- -------- This is also self-explanatory and can provide hours of entertainment. Simply ask or say things to her that are offensive and you would not like traced to your line. This also corresponds with the previous described section, Phucking People Over. After all, guess who's line it gets traced to? He he he... Blue Boxing: ---- ------ See a file on Blue Boxing for more details. This is an especially nice feature if you live in an ESS-equipped prefix, since the calls are, once again, not traced to your line. --------- ----- -- ----- ------ POTENTIAL RISKS OF BEIGE BOXING --------- ----- -- ----- ------ Overuse of the Beige Box may cause suspicions within the Gestapo, and result in legal problems. Therefore, I would recommend that you: o Use more than one output device o Choose a secluded spot to do your Beige Boxing o Keep a low profile (i.e., do not post under your real name on a public BBS concerning your accomplishments) o In order to make sure that the enemy has not been inside your ouput device, I reccomend that you place a piece of transparent tape over the opening of your output device. Therefore, if it is opened in your absence, the tape will be displaced and you will be aware of the fact that someone has been intruding upon your territory. ---------- DISCLAIMER ---------- Since this file has been written for information purposes only, the authors cannot and will not take any responsibility for the construction and use of the Beige Box. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This file was written by The Exterminator and The Terminal Man Friday, May 17, 1985 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sysops have permission to post this material on their bulletin board systems, provided that it is in an elite section and none of the material is altered in any way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- How to build a BLUE BOX ----------------------- We all know that the touch tone frequencies are composed of 2 tones (2 different frequencies) so that is the reason why we have 2 VCO's (Voltage Controlled Oscilators). We will call then VCO#1 and VCO#2. If you have noticed VCO#1 and VCO#2 are exactly the same type of circuits. That is why only 1 was drawn. But remember that whatever goes for VCO#1 also goes for VCO#2. Both VCO'S are composed of a handfull of part. One chip, two capacitors, 2 resistors and five potentiometers. All of this will give you (when properly calibrated) one of the freqencies necessary (the other one will come from VCO#2) for the operation of the Blue Box. Both of these freqs. will be mixed in the speaker to form the required tone. This is one of the most sophisticated designs I have ever made. Why? Because other designs will drain the battery after 10 calls. This design will make them last 10 months!!!!! But never the less, don't forget to put in a switch for on and off. Ok let's build the two VCO'S and calibrate the unit before we get to the keyboard construction. VCO CONSTRUCTION: ---------------- TOOLS REQUIRED 1 ocilliscope(optional but not req) 1 Freq. counter (REQUIRED) 1 Volt meter " " " Electronics tools (Pliers,drll, screwdrivers, etc.) ===================================== PARTS R1 1.5K RESISTOR 5% R2 1K RESISTOR 5% C1 .1uf ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR 16VDC C2 .01uf " " (MYLQR)16VDC IC1 2207 VCO CHIP BY EXAR ELECTRONICS Remember the above only says VCO#1 but the same is for VCO#2 R3-R4 150 OHM RESISTORS 5% C3-C4 .1 uf ELECTROLITIC CAPACITOR 10VDC P1-P10 200K TRIMMER POT - 20 TURNS DIODES USED IN THE KEYBOARD ARE 1N914 TYPE (40 OF THEM) & 13 SWITCHES FOR THE KEYBOARD SPST MOMENTARY. SPKR=YOU CAN USE A TELEPHONE SPEAKER FOR THIS (IT WORKS BEST) BUT REMEMBER TO TAKE OUT THE DIODE THAT IS CONNECTED ACCROSS IT. ======================================= IMPORTANT NOTES 1. DO NOT USE ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN A MYLAR CAPACITOR FOR C2. 2. PINS 10,9,8 SHOULD BE TIED TOGETHER AND BE LEFT FLOATING. 3. ALL RESISTORS SHOULD BE 5%! NOTHING ELSE! 4. A TELEPHONE SPEAKER GIVES THE BEST RESULTS. ======================================= TROUBLE SHOOTING By now you should have constructed the two VCO'S on a bread board or anything that pleases you. Check for cold solder joints, broken wires, polarity of the battery, etc. Before we apply power to the VCO'S we have to adjust the pots for their half way travel point. This is done by turning them 21 turns to the right and then 10 turns to the left. Do the same for all ten of them. Now apply power to the unit check to see that you have power in the chips by putting the positive lead of your volt meter on pin 7 and the negative lead on pin 12. If you do not have anything there turn off the unit and RECHECK THE WIRING. When you get the right voltages on the chips, connect a diode to a piece of wire (look at fig. 2 for the orientation of the diode) from ground to any pot at point T (look carefully at the schematic for point T it is labeled T1-T10 for all pots). You should be able to hear a tone, if not disconnect the lead and place the speaker close to your ear and if you hear a chirp-like sound, this means that the two VCO'S are working if you don't, it means that either one or both of the VCO'S are dead. So in this case it is always good to have an ocilloscope on hand. Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and hook the ocilliscope to 1 of the leads of the speaker & the ground from the scope to the ground of the battery. Connect again the ground lead with the diode connected to it from ground to any pot on the VCO that you are checking and you should see a triangle wave if not turn the pot in which you are applying the ground to until you see it. When you do see it do the the same for the other VCO to make sure it is working. (amplitude is about 2VAC). When you get the two VCO's working you are set for the adjustment of the individuals pots. Adjustment ---------- Disconnect the speaker from the circuit and connect a freq. counter (the positive lead of the counter to one of the speakers leads that belongs to VCO#1 or connect it to pin 14). Connect the negative lead to the battery negative and connect the jumper lead with the diode from ground to pot number 1.T1. ( the first pot number 1 point T1) if you got it working you should hear a tone and get a reading on the counter. Adjust the pot for a freq. of 1700HZ and continue doing the same for pots 2-5 except that they get differents freqs. which are: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ P1= 1700hz $ $ P2= 1300hz $ $ P3= 1100hz $ $ P4= 900hz $ $ P5= 1500hz $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Now disconnect the freq. counter from the speaker lead of VCO#1 or from pin 14 (which ever you had it attached to at the beginning) and connect it to the speaker lead of VCO#2 or to pin 14 of VCO#2 and make the same adjustments to P6-10. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ P6= 1100hz $ $ P7= 700hz $ $ P8= 900hz $ $ P9= 2600hz $ $ P10= 1500hz $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ When you finish doing all of the pots go back and re-check them. Keyboard -------- If you look at FIG-2 you will see that the keys are simple switches. Connected to a ground and two diodes on the other end. these diodes are used to simplify the construction of the keyboard because otherwise the distribution of the ground signal for both VCO'S would have been done mechanically. The diode will go to VCO#1 and the other will go to VCO#2. FIG-3 shows the arrangement of the keys on the keyboard. Below is a table that will help you connect the keys to the required VCO's pots. (-FIG 2-) -----!-----!--------!--------!------- ! ! ! ! TO ! TO ! FREQ ! FREQ ! KEY POT ! POT ! OUT: ! OUT: ! ON ! ON ! ! ! VCO1! VCO2! ! ! -----!-----!--------!-------%!------- 1 ! 06 ! 1700hz ! 1100hz ! C 2 ! 10 ! 1300hz ! 1500hz ! 0 1 ! 10 ! 1700hz ! 1100hz ! E 4 ! 07 ! 0900hz ! 0700hz ! 1 3 ! 07 ! 1100hz ! 0700hz ! 2 3 ! 08 ! 1100hz ! 0900hz ! 3 2 ! 07 ! 1300hz ! 0700hz ! 4 2 ! 08 ! 1300hz ! 0900hz ! 5 2 ! 06 ! 1300hz ! 1100hz ! 6 5 ! 07 ! 1500hz ! 0700hz ! 7 5 ! 08 ! 1500hz ! 0900hz ! 8 5 ! 06 ! 1500hz ! 1100hz ! 9 - ! 09 ! ------ ! 2600hz ! X Remember that in FIG-2 it's the same for each key except the "X" key, which only takes one diode. few KEYS to the diagram: Cx is capacitor #x Denoted by: ---| | --- Px is Pot or Variable resistor #x Deno ted by :/ \ /<-- \ Rx is resistor #x Denoted by /\/\/\/\ SCHEMATICS The XR-2207 chip is a Voltage-Controlled Oscillator and a 14 pin device thus you must be very careful when soldering the parts to this device. It is a little dificult to actually draw a schematic on an 80 character screen using limited graphics, but I will give it a try. TO GND_____________ | ___ C2 C3 ___ _||_ | | | _____|__9v+ | | | | ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | ------------------------------- | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | | | < | |8 9 10 11 12 13 14| | ------------------------------- | ` ` ` ` ` ` ` | | | | --| |--------| | | |C1 R2 | R1 | GND ______|___/\/\/\/\______|_____/\/\/\/\______| is is a diagram of how to locate the different pins on the chip. Please notice that pin one (1) is the closest to the notch on top of the chip. The first thing we'll do is to connect power to the chip (remember that you need to build two (2) of these to get a complete system) this is accomplished by connecting the positive wire of the battery lead to pin#1 one leg of R1 and R2 is soldered to pin#11. The other leg of R1 goes to pin 1 or to the d. C1 goes between pin 10 and ground. The timing capacitor or C2 goes between pins 2 and 3 of the chip. Pins 8 and 9 should be grounded to ground. Pin 14 is the output and this is where one leg of C4 (C3 goes on the other VCO) in series with R3 (the same goes for the other VCO) and to one lead of the speaker. The trimmer pots P1 to P10 should be grouped in groups of 5 pots each. The way you group it is by soldering one end of the pot to each other leaving the wiper and the other end free. | This end goes to pin 6 of the chip | _____________|_____________ / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ /<- /<- /<- /<- /<- \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | / | / | / | / | / | | | | | | | | | | | P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 And finally this is the way each key should be wired. diode he contact of the |--------- \------ key to Px ------>|-----| | diode | ----- --- Ground ------------------\ Aqua Box | ------------------| by | Game Warlord | Hyperspace Bandit | Frequency Bandit | Twilight Phantom | ------------------/ [Definitions] Black Box A device that tells the operator that the phone is hangup. When actually it is off the hook. Aqua Box A device that cancel F.B.I. lock and trace devices. Lock and Trace F.B.I. use a voltage transformer to keep the phone connection up. This allows them to trace with out being hangup on. [General Infomation] -When phone is hangup the voltage is 55 volts. -When phone is off the hook the voltage is 5.5 volts. -Resistance over phone line is changing all the time. -Current is the same as resistance. -Phone line wires red and green are line1. -Phone line wires yellow and black are line2 (if you have a second line). [Items needed] -T1 10:1 voltage ratio transformer -T2 1:10 voltage ratio transformer -LED Light Emiting Diode -SW1 DPDT Switch -SW2 DPDT Switch -Plug Molecular phone plug with cord (length as disere) -Jack Molecular phone jack -R1 10k Resistor(brown,black,orange,gold or silver) -R2 9.9k Resistor(white,white,red,gold or silver) -Perfboard 3 inches by 4 inches -Project box big enough to put the transformer, jack, swiches, ect. [Equipment] -VOM meter -pliers -wirecutters -screwdrivers -soldering iron -drill -files -drillbits -solder -wire [Circuit] P |-red-----------------------------\ l |-green------------------\ | u |-yellow-\not needed | | g |-black--/ | | /---------+--------+--------------------\ J |-red----------+---------+----*---+--------------------+----\ a |-green--------*-----1\_ | 1\_ | | | c |-yellow-\ | \O SW1 | \O | | k |-black--/not needed 2 2 | | | | | | | | | | O SW2 O | | / / | | 1 2 1 2 | | | | | | | | /----------------------/ \----+---+-----------------\ | | | /---------------------------/ \------------\ | | | | | | | | | | | /---------/ | | | | | | | | | | | *---- R1 -----* | | | | | | | | | | *-- LED - R2 --* | | | | | | | | | | \---------\ | | | | | | | | | | \----O O------------*-O O----/ | | | | T1 | T2 | | | \--------O O-*----------+-O O---------/ | | | | | | | \--------------------------/ | \------------------------------------------/ [Construction] -Take the Molecular phone plug(Plug) with cord. The cord length is if you want it next to the wall, phone, modem, ect. First, remove about an inch and a half of insulation off with the wirecutters. Second, tie off the yellow and black wires. They are not needed. Third, take off about three forths of insulation off the red and green wires. Then twist the wires, but not together. Then melt some solder on the wires. Forth, drill a forth of and inch hole in one end of the project box. Fifth, put the wires through the hole about three inches, and tie the cord so that the wires will not slip. +-----------------------+ | red | hole | / | Plug \ = /\green | ]-----------------------------*< | =| \__yellow\ | |\ \-black--* | | knots-----/ | +-----------------------+ -Drill a hole on top. Then file it. So that SW1 will fit correctly. Insert SW1. Make sure the it is sercure. Next, solder the red and green wires to the middle termals of the SW1 on seprate sides. SW1 +--------+ |O p1 O| | | red-O O-green | | |O p2 O| +--------+ -Drill a hole and file, so that the Jack will fit. Insert Jack. First, cut two wires three inches long. Second, take off about three forths of a inch of insulation on both ends of both wires. Third, put some solder on the ends of the wires. Forth, solder one wire on each p1 on SW1. The side where the red wire is, solder the other end of the wire on p1 of SW1 to red on the Jack. The side where the green wire is, solder the other end of the wire on p1 of SW1 to green on the Jack. Sixth, cut two more wires about five inches long. Seventh, take off about three forths of a inch of insulation on both end of both wires. Eighth, put some solder on the ends of the wires. Nineth, solder one wire on p1 of SW1. -Drill another hole on the top. File it, so that SW2 fits. Insert SW2. First, cut two wires about two and a half inches long. Second, take off about three forths of a inch of insulation on both ends of both wires. Third, put some solder on the ends of the wires. Forth, solder one wire on each p2 on SW1. Fifth, solder the other end of wires to the middle termal of SW2. Sixth, cut four wire about three inches long. Seventh, take off about three forths of a inch of insulation on both ends of the wires. Eighth, put so solder on each end of the wires. Nineth, solder one wire on each termal p1 and p2 of SW2. -Drill a hole on top, so that the LED fits. Cut a wire about three inches,remove insulation,and solder to LED leg. On the other leg solder R2. -Take the perfboard. Insert T1. Connect wires from one side of sw2 to the termals on one side of T1. Cut two wires about two inches, remove insulation, solder to the other termals of T1. Next, solder ends of wires to the termals on one side of T2. Cut two wires about two inches, remove insulation, solder to each end of R1, also solder the LED and R2 to each end of R1. Finaly, solder the wires from the other side of SW2 to each side of R1. --O O---*-O O---*------------- SW2 T1 Jack T2 *---O SW2 --O O---*-O O-\ | LED |R1 R2 \-*---O--------- note----- T1 and T2 are the same type transformer just revesed, the voltage ratio is primary voltage/ secondary voltage. 1 3-----*-3 1 T1 Jack T2 2 4-----*-4 2 -Put project box together +---------------------------------------+ | SW1 SW2 LED | | 1 O 2 1 O 2 O | ]-Plug---| [Jack | | | | +---------------------------------------+ note --- please mark your switches and positions. it will help. [How to Use It] -SW1 is off/on,SW2 is black/aqua. -First, SW1 is 1, SW2 is 1. Second, turn on, the black box is on ,and you call as mention in definition. Third, when finish change SW2 to 2, if LED comes on then F.B.I. is trying to trace ,but the aqua box is on and hangsup your phone. [Comments] This is experimental. We would like some response, or ideas, or anything else. If you meet us on a board, just say 'hi, i liked that black and aqua box of yours.' /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ /-/ /-/ THE AQUA BOX /-/ /-/ /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ /-/ /-/ CONCEPT BY: CAPTAIN XEROX /-/ /-/ /-/ /-/ PLANS BY: THE TRAVELER /-/ /-/ /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ EVERY TRUE PHREAKER LIVES IN FEAR OF THE DREDDED F.B.I. 'LOCK IN TRACE.' FOR A LONG TIME, IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO ESCAPE FROM THE LOCK IN TRACE. THIS BOX DOES OFFER AND ESCAPE ROUTE WITH SIMPLE DIRECTIONS TO IT. THIS BOX IS QUITE A SIMPLE CONCEPT, AND ALMOST ANY PHREAKER WITH BASIC ELECTRONICS KNOWLEDGE CAN CONSTRUCT AND USE IT. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ THE LOCK /-/ /-/ IN TRACE /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ A LOCK IN TRACE IS A DEVICE USED BY THE F.B.I. TO LOCK INTO THE PHONE USERS LOCATION SO THAT HE CAN NOT HANG UP WHILE A TRACE IS IN PROGRESS. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THE CONECPT OF 'LOCKING IN', THEN HERE'S A BREIF DESCIPTION. THE F.B.I. CAN TAP INTO A CONVERSATION, SORT OF LIKE A THREE-WAY CALL CONNECTION. THEN, WHEN THEY GET THERE, THEY CAN PLUG ELECTRICITY INTO THE PHONE LINE. ALL PHONE CONNECTIONS ARE HELD OPEN BY A CERTAIN VOLTAGE OF ELECTRICITY, THAT IS WHY YOU SOMETIMES GET STATIC AND FAINT CONNECTIONS WHEN YOU ARE CALLING FAR AWAY, BECAUSE THE ELECTRICITY HAS TROUBLE KEEPING THE LINE UP. WHAT THE LOCK IN TRACE DOES IS CUT INTO THE LINE AND GENERATE THAT SAME VOLTAGE STRAIGHT INTO THE LINES. THAT WAY, WHEN YOU TRY AND HANG UP, VOLTAGE IS RETAINED. YOUR PHONE WILL RING JUST LIKE SOMEONE WAS CALLING YOU EVEN AFTER YOU HANG UP. (IF YOU HAVE CALL WAITING, YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND BETTER ABOUT THAT, FOR CALL WAITING INTERSEPTS THE ELECTRICITY AND MAKES A TONE THAT MEANS SOMEONE IS GOING THROUGH YOUR LINE. THEN, IT IS A MATTER OF WHICH VOLTAGE IS HIGHER. WHEN YOU PUSH DOWN THE RECEIVER, THEN IT SEE-SAWS THE ELECTRICITY TO THE OTHER SIDE. WHEN YOU HAVE A PERSON ON EACH LINE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HANG UP UNLESS ONE OR BOTH OF THEM WILL HANG UP. IF YOU TRY TO HANG UP, VOLTAGE IS RETAINED, AND YOUR PHONE WILL RING. THAT SHOULD GIVE YOU AN UNDERSTANDING OF HOW CALLING WORKS, ALSO. WHEN ELECTRICITY PASSES THROUGH A CERTAIN POINT ON YOUR PHONE, THE ELECTRICITY CAUSES A BELL TO RING OR ON SOME NEWER PHONES AN ELECTRONIC RING TO SOUND.) SO, IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE THE TRACE, YOU SOMEHOW MUST LOWER THE VOLTAGE LEVEL ON YOUR PHONE LINE. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT EVERY TIME SOMEONE ELSE PICKS UP THE PHONE LINE, THEN THE VOLTAGE DOES DECREASE A LITTLE. IN THE FIRST STEPS OF PLANNING THIS OUT, XEROX SUGGESTED GETTING ABOUT A HUNDRED PHONES ALL HOOKED INTO THE SAME LINE THAT COULD ALL BE TAKEN OFF THE HOOK AT THE SAME TIME. THAT WOULD GREATLY DECREASE THE VOLTAGE LEVEL. THAT IS ALSO WHY MOST THREE- WAY CONNECTIONS THAT ARE USING THE BELL SERVICE THREE WAY CALLING (WHICH IS ONLY $3 A MONTH) BECOME QUITE FAINT AFTER A WHILE. BY NOW, YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND THE BASIC IDEA. YOU HAVE TO DRAIN ALL OF THE POWER OUT OF THE LINE SO THE VOLTAGE CAN NOT BE KEPT UP. I RATHER SUDDEN DRAINING OF POWER COULD QUICKLY SHORT OUT THE F.B.I. VOLTAGE MACHINE, BECAUSE IT WAS ONLY BUILT TO SUSTAIN THE EXACT VOLTAGE NESSECARY TO KEEP THE VOLTAGE OUT. FOR NOW, IMAGE THIS. ONE OF THE NORMAL RADIO SHACK GENERATORS THAT YOU CAN GO PICK UP THAT ONE END OF THE CORD THAT HOOKS INTO THE CENTRAL BOX HAS A PHONE JACK ON IT AND THE OTHER HAS AN ELECTRICAL PLUG. THIS WAY, YOU CAN "FLASH" VOLTAGE THROUGH THE LINE, BUT CANNOT DRAIN IT. SO, SOME MODIFICATIONS HAVE TO BE DONE. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ THE AQUA BOX /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ MATERIALS NEEDED- A BEOC (BASIC ELECTRICAL OUTPUT SOCKET), LIKE A SMALL LAMP TYPE CONNECTION, WHERE YOU JUST HAVE A SIMPLE PLUG AND WIRE THAT WOULD PLUG INTO A LIGHT BULB. - ONE OF CORDS MENTIONED ABOVE, IF YOU CAN'T FIND ONE THEN CONSTRUCT YOUR OWN... SAME VOLTAGE CONNECTION, BUT THE RESTRAINOR MUST BE BUILT IN (I.E. THE CENTRAL BOX) - TWO PHONE JACKS (ONE FOR THE MODEM, ONE FOR IF YOU ARE BEING TRACED TO PLUG THE AQUA BOX INTO) - SOME CREATIVITY AND EASY WORK. NOTICE: NO PHONES HAVE TO BE DESTROYED/MODIFIED TO MAKE THIS BOX, SO DON'T GO OUT AND BUY A NEW PHONE FOR IT! ALL RIGHT, THIS IS A VERY SIMPLE PROCEDURE. IF YOU HAVE THE BEOC, IT COULD DRAIN INTO ANYTHING, A RADIO, OR WHATEVER. THE PURPOSE OF HAVING THAT IS YOU ARE GOING TO SUCK THE VOLTAGE OUT FROM THE PHONE LINE INTO THE ELECTRICAL APPLICENCE SO THERE WOULD BE NO VOLTAGE LEFT TO LOCK YOU IN WITH. 1)TAKE THE CONNECTION CORD. EXAMINE THE PLUG AT THE END. IT SHOULD HAVE ONLY TWO PRONGS, IF IT HAS THREE, STILL, DO NOT FEAR. MAKE SURE THE ELECTRICAL APPLIENCE IS TURNED OFF UNLESS YOU WANNA BECOME A CRISPY CRITTER WHILE MAKING THIS THING. MOST PLUG WILL HAVE A HARD PLASTIC DESIGN ON THE TOP OF THEM TO PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING IN AT THE ELECTRICAL WIRES INSIDE. WELL, GET A NICE AND REMOVE IT. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THE PLUG (I DON'T SEE WHY...) THEN JUST CUT THE TOP OFF. WHEN YOU LOOK INSIDE, LOW AND BEHOLD, YOU WILL SEE THAT AT THE BASE OF THE PRONGS THERE ARE A FEW WIRES CONNECTING IN. THOSE WIRES CONDUCT THE POWER INTO THE APPLIANCE. SO, YOU CAREFULLY UNWRAP THOSE FROM THE SIDES AND PULL THEM OUT UNTIL THEY ARE ABOUT AND INCH AHEAD OF THE PRONGS. IF YOU WDON'T WANNA KEEP THE JACK, THEN JUST RIP THE PRONGS OUT. IF YOU ARE, COVER THE PRONGS WITH INSULTATION TAPE SO THEY WILL NOT CONNECT WITH THE WIRES WHEN THE POWER IS BEING DRAINED FROM THE LINE. 2)DO THE SAME THING WITH THE PRONGS ON THE OTHER PLUG, SO YOU HAVE THE WIRES EVENLY CONNECTED. NOW, WRAP THE END OF THE WIRES AROUND EACH OTHER. IF YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE THE OTHER END OF THE VOLTAGE CORD HOOKED INTO THE PHONE, STOP READING NOW, YOUR TOO FUCKING STUPID TO CONTINUE. AFTER YOU'VE WRAPPED THE WIRES AROUND EAHC OTHER, THEN COVER THE WHOLE THING WITH THE PLUGS WITH INSULATING TAPE. THEN, IF YOU BUILT YOUR OWN CONTROL BOX OR IF YOU BOUGHT ONE, THEN CRAM ALL THE WIRES INTO THE AND RECLOSE IT. THAT BOX IS YOUR TICKET OUT OF THIS. 3)RE-CHECK EVERYTHING TO MAKE SURE IT'S ALL IN PLACE. THIS IS A PRETTY FLIMSY CONNECTION, BUT ON LATER MODELS WHEN YOU GET MORE EXPERIENCED AT IT THEN YOU CAN SAUDER AWAY AT IT AND FORM THE WHOLE DEVICE INTO ONE BIG BOX, WITH SOME KIND OF CHEAP MATTEL HAND-HELD GAME INSUkjsoida. IN ORDER TO USE IT, JUST KEEP THIS BOX HANDY. PLUG IT INTO THE JACK IF YOU WANT, BUT IT WILL SLIGHTLY LOWER THE VOLTAGE SO IT ISN'T CONNECTED. WHEN YOU PLUG IT IN, IF YOU SEE SPARKS, UNPLUG IT AND RESTART THE WHOLE THING. BUT IF IT JUST SEEMS FINE THEN LEAVE IT. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ /-/ USING IT !! /-/ /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ NOW, SO YOU HAVE THE WHOLE THING PLUGGED IN AND ALL... DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS THE SITUATION IS DESPERATE! WHEN THE TRACE HAS GONE ON, DON'T PANIC, UNPLUG YOUR PHONE, AND TURN ON THE APPLIANCE THAT IT WAS HOOKED TO. IT WILL NEED ENERGY TO TURN ITSELF ON, AND HERE'S A GREAT SOURCE... THE VOLTAGE TO KEEP A PHONE LINE OPEN IS PRETTY SMALL AND A SIMPLE LIGHT BULB SHOULD DRAIN IT ALL IN AND PROBABLY SHORT THE F.B.I. COMPUTER AT THE SAME TIME. [ ] [ The Assassin Box ] [ Linked by Grim Reaper ] [____________________________________________________________________] After creating system crushers and line-noise inducers for so long, I decided to make something that would really appeal to all the anarchists and phreaks out there who enjoy terrorizing people through the phone. Many months ago, I decided on this design as the "sure" thing to scare, or even injure your enemies. The plans are simple, and easy to follow. Make sure you read through once before you start. Origin: Well a couple of my friends and I always go out phreaking on weekend nights. After using dayglo [bud, wire tap, test kit,etc.] boxes, we were bored and decided to move on to telephone terrorism. There are many ways you can hurt people through the common telephone, or cause havoc in the night. The following designs suggest a few, and as always, they are ready for you to improve upon. __________________________________________________________________________ Assassin Box and line-surge injuries __________________________________________________________________________ Materials needed for construction of Assassin Box: 1. One[1] common car battery or battery of equal voltage, must be portable 2. At least eight[8] feet of tough copper wire, preferable insulated 3. An AT&T test kit, or a splitter box connector [alligator clips,etc.] 4. A gunny sack, or leather bag to put battery in 5. Wire stripper, or raw telephone cord- Grade "G" AT&T manufacture There might be some extra stuff, I'll mention it in the construction. Construction of Assassin box: Step 1. First, take the test kit and strip it of any overhanging wire or extra material. You might want to clean it off. Now get out that battery and your copper wire. You'll see two terminals on the test kit, look like this: * * A B Where A=positive tip, and B=negative tip. Now take about 4 feet of copper wire and wire the A terminal to the positive bolt on the battery. Make sure you've grounded yourself, and you should be wearing some kind of protection against electricity. Next wire the B terminal and the negative bolt with another four feet of wire. Don't cross wires, and let it hang down [test kit] over the side of a table, with your battery on the table. Wrap all connections with electric tape, or solder them if you want to.  �7�3  �Step 2. This is the important part. You now just about have a working box. Put it all in the bag or sack, and carry it with you [along with your supplies] to your victim's house. Go to the back of the house, or on the side where the Lighting & Power register is [metal box]. Now near that you should find a little black, grey, or green, sometimes white, box with a pop-off lid. Slide your hands underneath and pull the cover off. Note: I've seen boxes where you have to unscrew it first. Almost all of them have the BELL telephone logo on them. This is the connection box, or trunk connection, that connects your house to Ma Bell's network. Inside you will find four terminals...although some have five. Here's how I label them. * * A B * E * * C D Got it? Good... now look at the terminals closely. The ones for your use will be C and D. Also, B and D might come in handy. The C terminal should be connected to a red wire coming out of the house. The D should have a green. If they don't, see which ones do. When you find them, get out your assassin box [battery and test kit]. Now take the two prongs [alligator clips] and attach the red one to the terminal with the red wire connected. Next take the green [or black] prong and slip onto the terminal with the green wire connected. You now have an operating assassin box. Just lay it down there, or bury it in the ground [that's why it's in a sack]. Step 3. This final step is just a bunch of helpful things to do to hide your great new box. 1. If you haven't buried it, put grass all over and atop it. Make it look like it's just a clump of grass, or a bush. 2. IF it's buried, try to tape the wires together [Note: If they're not insulated, don't worry about this part. Make sure the battery is well covered and moisture cannot get to it. This might call for wrapping it up in some form of cellophane or plastic cover-all. 3. Put the cover BACK on the connection box, or close the door. If it has a screwable cover, don't screw it back in. Just make sure it looks like it's closed and secure. 4. Now stand back about ten feet, and see if it's visible. If it is, then do what is feasible to protect it. End of construction. Line-surge injuries with the Assassin box: The whole point of making an assassin box is to scare, or hurt your enemy. No better way to do this than a shock of electricity right in the ear. Now �7�3  �the box will send extra voltage through the line when your victim picks up the phone [call coming through]. Note: this box sometimes causes funny effects, like ringing a phone automatically [voltage surge], or messing up a call. But most of the time it is effective. Some sample scenarios: 1. He [your victim] picks up the phone to dial. He might notice a tingling vibration in his hand. Dial tone might be filled with static. As soon as he dials, the earpiece will fill with static, and voltage will be applied to the reciever and earpiece of the phone. This usually results in a bad shock. 2. This is more common. He will pick up the phone, and touch the keypad. The KEYPAD will shock him. Now when a line goes into the phone, direct current is applied for your call, while alternating current rings the bell in the phone. Your 120 or so applied volts will most likely stay resident in the bell or keypad area. When a button is pushed, it will come in contact with the extra voltage, thus shock. 3. Other things are always possible, like the destruction of vital circuitry in the phone, which results in the defilement of the instrument. Well, that's just about it for this time. The plans will be effective, unless you build it wrong, and I shouldn't be blamed for your total lack of electronic skills. As always, here's a: `/`\`/`\`/`\`/`\`/`\`/`\`/`\`/`\` |-------Acrylic Box Plans-------| | \----------------/ | | \______By______/ | | | | [ The Pimp ] | \_______________________________/ \/-----------------------\/ || A High Mtn. Hackers || || Presentation || /\-----------------------/\ Ok the purpose of this box is to get Three-Way-Calling, Call Waiting, programmable Call Forwarding, and an easier way of extended Bud Boxing ALL for FREE. Materials: 1) Wire stripers 2) Couple Feet Wire 3) AT&T/BELL Can 4) Hex Wrench Idea: Ok the idea of this box is to get all of the above features by stealing them from the fortunate ones on your block. Procedure: Step 1) Find AT&T/BELL Can that is being used to service you surrounding area. Step 2) Open can with Hex wrench. Step 3) Find your line and another persons line who has 3-way, Call (waiting/forwarding), if the # of all the lines are not listed in the box you will have to use your local ANI to find them. Step 4) Once you have found the lines then wire the (Black & Yellow) wires on the victims line to the (Black & Yellow) wires on you line (Be sure your phone at home uses all 4 wire as some of the cheap phones don't). Step 5) Then disconnect the victims (Black & Yellow) Wires, resulting the the loss of these features to their line ( you mat want to leave these wires connected, this may or may not cause problems I haven't tried it that may yet). Well That Sums It Up! Procedure for easier extended Bud Box. If if for some reason your line is disconnected, or you just want to use hook someone's line to your line for fearless phreaking follow the procedure below. Ok Go to the local can and find a line that is used by weekend visitors or a summer/winter home, and hook their (Red & Green) Wires to your (Red & Green) Wires, and your off into the fearless world of phreaking ( i recommend you phreak from these line, so that the owners don't get uptight and look into the matter), unless of course you are doing it for revenge! Some Suggestions: Take a Bud box Along to do a ANI just to make sure you have the right line, also in some cases you will have to switch between the (Red/Green) (Black/Yellow) or any other combination if your area has changed the standard format which id very unlikely. The Poor Man's 2600 Hertz!! What the hell could I be talking about!?!? Well, let's say you're really hard up (not in your usual sense, this time). You really need to make 2600 Hertz so you can have lotsa phun on the trunk lines, right? But your mom and dad didn't give you a blue box for Christmas- just an Apple! And of course you don't have a nice precision music card (like mine) or an Apple Cat. So what the hell can you do? Well, you're not out of it yet. You, too, can make 2600 Hertz! Yes, that's right! With  NO additional hardware! Try and beat that with a stick (or your fist even for that matter). And I bet you've even figured out that I'm about to tell you just how to do this. Well, you're right! EVERYBODY KNOWS... that at $FCA8, there's a little routine called "WAIT". We are going to use that to produce the needed delay in the production of our tone. Yes, you will have to use a little machine language. But I'm going to show you exactly what to type here. So even you, yes YOU Poindexter, can get this right! Here's all you do... If you have an Apple //e with the enhancement installed, just type CALL-151 from BASIC and get into the monitor. From there, hit a "!" to use the mini- assembler. Enter this exactly as it appears... !1000: LDX $C030 ! LDA #$06 ! JSR $FCA8 ! JMP $1000 And there you have it! Hit to get back to the monitor. Then, type "1000G" and listen to that beautiful tone! Not EXACTLY 2600 Hz, but close enough to do the trick! For you non-enhanced types, you can just load up INTEGER BASIC (Ha!) and type "F666G" from the monitor and use the mini-assembler there. After typing the above code in, type "$FF69G" to return to the monitor, and proceed as above. You would do that on a ][+, too (people still use those!?). In all cases, just hit RESET to shut the thing up! Use it as you will. In case you didn't know, you can use that tone to reset SPRINT, MCI, etc. nodes to there dial tone. That way, you don't have to keep punching in your local number first. Just type the code and go! Pretty nice. Well, you can learn what to do from all the philes around about blue boxing. 2600 Hz doesn't work on 800 numbers here anymore. SHIT! What's going on? ESS? Well, if you live in ESS, don't try this! They'll snag your little butt fer sher! Then it's off to reform school for you! Well, have phun! And remember... I didn't tell you this! ========================================================================= Another original file presented by Sine Wave. Sysop of The Grey Zone BBS 205-774-7453 ========================================================================= BUILDING A RED BOX by JR "Bob" Dobbs Essentially,the red box is a device used to fool the phone company into thinking you are depositing coins into a payphone. Every time you drop a coin into a payphone, the phone signals the type of coin inserted with one or more bursts of a combination of 1700hz and 2200hz. The tone bursts are coded as follows: Nickel:One 60 millisecond pulse Dime :Two 60 millisecond pulses separated by 60 milliseconds Quarter:Five 35 millisecond pulses separated by 35 milliseconds HOW TO USE IT ------------- Operation is simple. Simply dial a long distance number (some areas require you to stick in a genuine nickel first), wait for the ACTS computer to demand your cash, and press the "deposit" button on the red box for each coin you want to simulate. The coin signals are coupled from the red box into the phone with a small speaker held to the mouthpiece. For local calls, either you must first deposit a genuine nickel before "simulating" more coins or place your call through the operator with 0 + 7d. Use some care when the operator is on the line--sometimes they catch on to your beeper ploy. CIRCUIT OPERATION ----------------- Each time the pushbutton is pressed, it triggers half of IC1, configured as a monostable multivibrator to energize the rest of the circuit for a length of time determined by the setting of the coin selector switch. This in turn starts the other half of IC1, configured as an astable multivibrator, pulsing on and off at regular intervals at a rate determined by the 50k pot between pins 12 and 13. The output of the astable thus alternately powers of IC2, configured as a square wave oscillator, providing the required 1700hz and 2200hz to the op amp which acts as a buffer to drive the speaker. CONSTRUCTION ------------ Assemble the circuit as you wish. Component placement is not critical. I found the easiest method was to use point-to-point wiring on a "universal" PC grid board with solder ringed holes. Use sockets if you aren't a whiz with a soldering iron. Be sure to leave easy access to the potentiometers for alignment. ALIGNMENT AND TESTING --------------------- For alignment, a frequency counter and tiggered sweep oscilloscope are extremely handy (but not absolutely necessary.) Install a temporary jumper from +9v supply to pin 14 of IC2 and temporarily disconnect the 0.01uF capacitors from pins 5 and 9 of IC2. Power up the circuit. Measuring the output from pin 5 of IC2 with the frequency counter, adjust the 20k pot between pins 1 and 6 for an output of 1700hz. Now adjust the 20k pot between pins 8 and 13 for an output of 2200hz from pin 9 of IC2. Remove the temporary jumper and re-attach the capacitors to pins 5 and 9. (Note: if no frequency counter is available, the outputs can be adjusted by ear one at a time by zero-beating the output tone with a computer generated tone of known precision.) Next, temporarily disconnect the wire between pins 5 and 10 of IC1. Set coin selector switch in the "N" (nickel) position. With the oscilloscope measuring the output from pin 9 of IC1, adjust the 50k pot between pins 12 and 13 of IC1 for output pulses of 60 millisecond duration. Reconnect the wire between pins 5 and 10. (Note: If no scope is available, adjust the pulse rate by ear using computer generated tones for comparison.) The remaining adjustments are made by ear. Leave the selector switch in the "N" position. Adjust the 50k pot labelled "Dime" for a quick double beep each time the pushbutton is pressed. Finally, set the selector to "Quarter". Adjust the 50k pot labelled "Quarter" until exactly 5 very quick beeps are heard for each button press. Don't worry if the quarter beeps sound shorter and faster than the nickel and dime ones. They should be. CONCLUSION ---------- If all went well to this point, your red box should be completely aligned and functional. A final test should now be conducted from a payphone using the DATL (dial access test line) coin test. Dial 09591230 and follow the computer instructions using the red box at the proper prompts. The computer should correctly identify all coins "simulated" and flag any anomalies. With a little discretion, your red box should bring you many years of use. Remember, there's no such thing as spare change.! Parts list for Red Box ---------------------- Semiconductors -------------- (2)556 dual timer (1)741 Op Amp (1)1N914 Switching Diode Resistors --------- (6)10k (1)4.7k (2)100k (4)50k PC Mount Potentiometer (2)20k Multi-Turn Potentiometer Capacitors ---------- (10)0.01uF (1)1.0uF (2)10.0uF Electrolytic Miscellaneous ------------- (2)14 Pin Dip Socket (1)8 Pin Dip Socket (1)3-position Rotary Switch (1)Momentary Push-Button Switch(normally open) (1)SPST Toggle Switch (1)Speaker or Telephone Earpiece Circuit Board (1) Box (1) 9v Battery Clip Mounting Hardware SCHEMATIC DRAWING ----------------- / ���S1� ������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ +9v R1 R2 � � � � ����C1���Ĵ � R3 � � � � ���Ĵ �������C2�@q S3 @n � o ����������������Ŀ � R5 � @d � � oĴ � 6 4 14 � R4 � � � ��Ŀ � S2 o �Ĵ5 13����Ĵ g � ���Ŀ � � � � � � � � � � � R9<�� � g �Ĵ10 (IC1556) 8�Ŀ R6<Ŀ � R8<��� � � � � � � � � � � � ����Ĵ9 12��������� ��Ŀ � � � � � 3 11 7 2 1 � C3 � � � � � � ������������������ � R7<�� � � � � � � � ��Ĵ g � � � � � C4 C5 � ��������������������������������� � � � � � C6 � � � � � � � � g g g g � � � ����������������Ŀ � R11 � R12 ���Ŀ � ��Ŀ � � � � v � v � � �����Ŀ ��������R13�Ŀ � ����R10���Ĵ � � � � � � � ��������������������Ŀ � � � � 1 4 14 10 13 � � � � � 8�������Ĵ � ��������Ĵ6 � � C12 � � � � 12���� � � � �Ĵ2 IC2 556 � � � C7 � � g � � ��Ĵ3 11�����Ŀ � � � � 7 5 9 � � � g C8 ���������������������� C11 � � � C9 C10 � � � � � � g � g � ����� � g � � � ���������������������������������� � � � � R14 � � � �\ � � � � \ � ������������������������ij3 \� � � � 7 \ C13 R15 �IC3 \ � � �741 6/�����Ŀ � � � 4 / � � � � / � g g ��Ĵ2 / � � � �/ � � � g � ������������������Ĵ C14 � Speaker � g Schematic part variables list. ------------------------------ Resistors --------- R1 - 10k R2 - 10k R3 -4.7k R4 - 10k R5 - 10k R6 - 50k R7 - 50k R8 - 50k R9 - 50k R10- 20k R11- 10k R12- 10k R13- 20k R14-100k R15-100k Capacitors ---------- C1 - 0.01uf C2 - 1N914 switching Diode C3 - 1.0uf C4 - 0.01uf C5 - 0.01uf C6 - 10uf C7 - 0.01uf C8 - 0.01uf C9 - 0.01uf C10 - 0.01uf C11 - 0.01uf C12 - 0.01uf C13 - 0.01uf C14 - 10uf Switches -------- S1 - SPST toggle S2 - Momentary push button N.O. labeled "Deposit" S3 - 3-position rotary switch Miscellaneous ------------- g - Ground @q - Label "quarter" @d - Label "dime" @n - Label "nickle" Typed up by Sine Wave from an article which originally appeared in 2600 magazine. The original contained several mistakes in the schematic drawing which i've corrected. Hope this information enlightens you to new and exciting possibilities via your local phone booth. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510-527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 My Dog Bit Jesus Suzanne D'Fault 510-658-8078 New Dork Sublime Demented Pimiento 415-566-0126 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X U.C.P.H. Is dedicated to the right of knowledge,that is why we Have taken the fatal steps taken by Phrack. We have the 911 docs right here. And we published them. Most of you must have them but this isn't about who has them. It is about who doesn't. So read, print,memorize.. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] [] Control Office Administration [] [] Of Enhanced 911 Services For [] [] Special Services And Major Account Centers [] [] March 8th,1988 [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Description of Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The control office for Emergency 911 service is assigned in accordance with the existing standard guidelines to one of the following centers: o Special Services Center (SSC) o Major Accounts Center (MAC) o Serving Test Center (STC) o Toll Control Center (TCC) The SSC/MAC designation is used in this document interchangeably for any of these four centers. The Special Services Centers (SSCs) or Major Account Centers (MACs) have been designated as the trouble reporting contact for all E911 customer (PSAP) reported troubles. Subscribers who have trouble on an E911 call will continue to contact local repair service (CRSAB) who will refer the trouble to the SSC/MAC, when appropriate. Due to the critical nature of E911 service, the control and timely repair of troubles is demanded. As the primary E911 customer contact, the SSC/MAC is in the unique position to monitor the status of the trouble and insure its resolution. System Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The number 911 is intended as a nationwide universal telephone number which provides the public with direct access to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). A PSAP is also referred to as an Emergency Service Bureau (ESB). A PSAP is an agency or facility which is authorized by a municipality to receive and respond to police, fire and/or ambulance services. One or more attendants are located at the PSAP facilities to receive and handle calls of an emergency nature in accordance with the local municipal requirements. An important advantage of E911 emergency service is improved (reduced) response times for emergency services. Also close coordination among agencies providing various emergency services is a valuable capability provided by E911 service. 1A ESS is used as the tandem office for the E911 network to route all 911 calls to the correct (primary) PSAP designated to serve the calling station. The E911 feature was developed primarily to provide routing to the correct PSAP for all 911 calls. Selective routing allows a 911 call originated from a particular station located in a particular district, zone, or town, to be routed to the primary PSAP designated to serve that customer station regardless of wire center boundaries. Thus, selective routing eliminates the problem of wire center boundaries not coinciding with district or other political boundaries. The services available with the E911 feature include: Forced Disconnect Default Routing Alternative Routing Night Service Selective Routing Automatic Number Id entification (ANI) Selective Transfer Automatic Location Identification (ALI) Preservice/Installation Guidelines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a contract for an E911 system has been signed, it is the responsibility of Network Marketing to establish an implementation/cutover committee which should include a representative from the SSC/MAC. Duties of the E911 Implementation Team include coordination of all phases of the E911 system deployment and the formation of an on-going E911 maintenance subcommittee. Marketing is responsible for providing the following customer specific information to the SSC/MAC prior to the start of call through testing: o All PSAP's (name, address, local contact) o All PSAP circuit ID's o 1004 911 service request including PSAP details on each PSAP (1004 Section K, L, M) o Network configuration o Any vendor information (name, telephone number, equipment) The SSC/MAC needs to know if the equipment and sets at the PSAP are maintained by the BOCs, an independent company, or an outside vendor, or any combination. This information is then entered on the PSAP profile sheets and reviewed quarterly for changes, additions and deletions. Marketing will secure the Major Account Number (MAN) and provide this number to Corporate Communications so that the initial issue of the service orders carry the MAN and can be tracked by the SSC/MAC via CORDNET. PSAP circuits are official services by definition. All service orders required for the installation of the E911 system should include the MAN assigned to the city/county which has purchased the system. In accordance with the basic SSC/MAC strategy for provisioning, the SSC/MAC will be Overall Control Office (OCO) for all Node to PSAP circuits (official services) and any other services for this customer. Training must be scheduled for all SSC/MAC involved personnel during the pre-service stage of the project. The E911 Implementation Team will form the on-going maintenance subcommittee prior to the initial implementation of the E911 system. This sub-committee will establish post implementation quality assurance procedures to ensure that the E911 system continues to provide quality service to the customer. Customer/Company training, trouble reporting interfaces for the customer, telephone company and any involved independent telephone companies needs to be addressed and implemented prior to E911 cutover. These functions can be best addressed by the formation of a sub-committee of the E911 Implementation Team to set up guidelines for and to secure service commitments of interfacing organizations. A SSC/MAC supervisor should chair this subcommittee and include the following organizations: 1) Switching Control Center - E911 translations - Trunking - End office and Tandem office hardware/software 2) Recent Change Memory Administration Center - Daily RC update activity for TN/ESN translations - Processes validity errors and rejects 3) Line and Number Administration - Verification of TN/ESN translations 4) Special Service Center/Major Account Center - Single point of contact for all PSAP and Node to host troubles - Logs, tracks & statusing of all trouble reports - Trouble referral, follow up, and escalation - Customer notification of status and restoration - Analyzation of "chronic" troubles - Testing, installation and maintenance of E911 circuits 5) Installation and Maintenance (SSIM/I&M) - Repair and maintenance of PSAP equipment and Telco owned sets 6) Minicomputer Maintenance Operations Center - E911 circuit maintenance (where applicable) 7) Area Maintenance Engineer - Technical assistance on voice (CO-PSAP) network related E911 troubles Maintenance Guidelines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The CCNC will test the Node circuit from the 202T at the Host site to the 202T at the Node site. Since Host to Node (CCNC to MMOC) circuits are official company services, the CCNC will refer all Node circuit troubles to the SSC/MAC. The SSC/MAC is responsible for the testing and follow up to restoration of these circuit troubles. Although Node to PSAP circuit are official services, the MMOC will refer PSAP circuit troubles to the appropriate SSC/MAC. The SSC/MAC is responsible for testing and follow up to restoration of PSAP circuit troubles. The SSC/MAC will also receive reports from CRSAB/IMC(s) on subscriber 911 troubles when they are not line troubles. The SSC/MAC is responsible for testing and restoration of these troubles. Maintenance responsibilities are as follows: SCC* Voice Network (ANI to PSAP) *SCC responsible for tandem switch SSIM/I&M PSAP Equipment (Modems, CIU's, sets) Vendor PSAP Equipment (when CPE) SSC/MAC PSAP to Node circuits, and tandem to PSAP voice circuits (EMNT) MMOC Node site (Modems, cables, etc) Note: All above work groups are required to resolve troubles by interfacing with appropriate work groups for resolution. The Switching Control Center (SCC) is responsible for E911/1AESS translations in tandem central offices. These translations route E911 calls, selective transfer, default routing, speed calling, etc., for each PSAP. The SCC is also responsible for troubleshooting on the voice network (call originating to end office tandem equipment). For example, ANI failures in the originating offices would be a responsibility of the SCC. Recent Change Memory Administration Center (RCMAC) performs the daily tandem translation updates (recent change) for routing of individual telephone numbers. Recent changes are generated from service order activity (new service, address changes, etc.) and compiled into a daily file by the E911 Center (ALI/DMS E911 Computer). SSIM/I&M is responsible for the installation and repair of PSAP equipment. PSAP equipment includes ANI Controller, ALI Controller, data sets, cables, sets, and other peripheral equipment that is not vendor owned. SSIM/I&M is responsible for establishing maintenance test kits, complete with spare parts for PSAP maintenance. This includes test gear, data sets, and ANI/ALI Controller parts. Special Services Center (SSC) or Major Account Center (MAC) serves as the trouble reporting contact for all (PSAP) troubles reported by customer. The SSC/MAC refers troubles to proper organizations for handling and tracks status of troubles, escalating when necessary. The SSC/MAC will close out troubles with customer. The SSC/MAC will analyze all troubles and tracks "chronic" PSAP troubles. Corporate Communications Network Center (CCNC) will test and refer troubles on all node to host circuits. All E911 circuits are classified as official company property. The Minicomputer Maintenance Operations Center (MMOC) maintains the E911 (ALI/DMS) computer hardware at the Host site. This MMOC is also responsible for monitoring the system and reporting certain PSAP and system problems to the local MMOC's, SCC's or SSC/MAC's. The MMOC personnel also operate software programs that maintain the TN data base under the direction of the E911 Center. The maintenance of the NODE computer (the interface between the PSAP and the ALI/DMS computer) is a function of the MMOC at the NODE site. The MMOC's at the NODE sites may also be involved in the testing of NODE to Host circuits. The MMOC will also assist on Host to PSAP and data network related troubles not resolved through standard trouble clearing procedures. Installation And Maintenance Center (IMC) is responsible for referral of E911 subscriber troubles that are not subscriber line problems. E911 Center - Performs the role of System Administration and is responsible for overall operation of the E911 computer software. The E911 Center does A-Z trouble analysis and provides statistical information on the performance of the system. This analysis includes processing PSAP inquiries (trouble reports) and referral of network troubles. The E911 Center also performs daily processing of tandem recent change and provides information to the RCMAC for tandem input. The E911 Center is responsible for daily processing of the ALI/DMS computer data base and provides error files, etc. to the Customer Services department for investigation and correction. The E911 Center participates in all system implementations and on-going maintenance effort and assists in the development of procedures, training and education of information to all groups. Any group receiving a 911 trouble from the SSC/MAC should close out the trouble with the SSC/MAC or provide a status if the trouble has been referred to another group. This will allow the SSC/MAC to provide a status back to the customer or escalate as appropriate. Any group receiving a trouble from the Host site (MMOC or CCNC) should close the trouble back to that group. The MMOC should notify the appropriate SSC/MAC when the Host, Node, or all Node circuits are down so that the SSC/MAC can reply to customer reports that may be called in by the PSAPs. This will eliminate duplicate reporting of troubles. On complete outages the MMOC will follow escalation procedures for a Node after two (2) hours and for a PSAP after four (4) hours. Additionally the MMOC will notify the appropriate SSC/MAC when the Host, Node, or all Node circuits are down. The PSAP will call the SSC/MAC to report E911 troubles. The person reporting the E911 trouble may not have a circuit I.D. and will therefore report the PSAP name and address. Many PSAP troubles are not circuit specific. In those instances where the caller cannot provide a circuit I.D., the SSC/MAC will be required to determine the circuit I.D. using the PSAP profile. Under no circumstances will the SSC/MAC Center refuse to take the trouble. The E911 trouble should be handled as quickly as possible, with the SSC/MAC providing as much assistance as possible while taking the trouble report from the caller. The SSC/MAC will screen/test the trouble to determine the appropriate handoff organization based on the following criteria: PSAP equipment problem: SSIM/I&M Circuit problem: SSC/MAC Voice network problem: SCC (report trunk group number) Problem affecting multiple PSAPs (No ALI report from all PSAPs): Contact the MMOC to check for NODE or Host computer problems before further testing. The SSC/MAC will track the status of reported troubles and escalate as appropriate. The SSC/MAC will close out customer/company reports with the initiating contact. Groups with specific maintenance responsibilities, defined above, will investigate "chronic" troubles upon request from the SSC/MAC and the ongoing maintenance subcommittee. All "out of service" E911 troubles are priority one type reports. One link down to a PSAP is considered a priority one trouble and should be handled as if the PSAP was isolated. The PSAP will report troubles with the ANI controller, ALI controller or set equipment to the SSC/MAC. NO ANI: Where the PSAP reports NO ANI (digital display screen is blank) ask if this condition exists on all screens and on all calls. It is important to differentiate between blank screens and screens displaying 911-00XX, or all zeroes. When the PSAP reports all screens on all calls, ask if there is any voice contact with callers. If there is no voice contact the trouble should be referred to the SCC immediately since 911 calls are not getting through which may require alternate routing of calls to another PSAP. When the PSAP reports this condition on all screens but not all calls and has voice contact with callers, the report should be referred to SSIM/I&M for dispatch. The SSC/MAC should verify with the SCC that ANI is pulsing before dispatching SSIM. When the PSAP reports this condition on one screen for all calls (others work fine) the trouble should be referred to SSIM/I&M for dispatch, because the trouble is isolated to one piece of equipment at the customer premise. An ANI failure (i.e. all zeroes) indicates that the ANI has not been received by the PSAP from the tandem office or was lost by the PSAP ANI controller. The PSAP may receive "02" alarms which can be caused by the ANI controller logging more than three all zero failures on the same trunk. The PSAP has been instructed to report this condition to the SSC/MAC since it could indicate an equipment trouble at the PSAP which might be affecting all subscribers calling into the PSAP. When all zeroes are being received on all calls or "02" alarms continue, a tester should analyze the condition to determine the appropriate action to be taken. The tester must perform cooperative testing with the SCC when there appears to be a problem on the Tandem-PSAP trunks before requesting dispatch. When an occasional all zero condition is reported, the SSC/MAC should dispatch SSIM/I&M to routine equipment on a "chronic" troublesweep. The PSAPs are instructed to report incidental ANI failures to the BOC on a PSAP inquiry trouble ticket (paper) that is sent to the Customer Services E911 group and forwarded to E911 center when required. This usually involves only a particular telephone number and is not a condition that would require a report to the SSC/MAC. Multiple ANI failures which our from the same end office (XX denotes end office), indicate a hard trouble condition may exist in the end office or end office tandem trunks. The PSAP will report this type of condition to the SSC/MAC and the SSC/MAC should refer the report to the SCC responsible for the tandem office. NOTE: XX is the ESCO (Emergency Service Number) associated with the incoming 911 trunks into the tandem. It is important that the C/MAC tell the SCC what is displayed at the PSAP (i.e. 911-0011) which indicates to the SCC which end office is in trouble. Note: It is essential that the PSAP fill out inquiry form on every ANI failure. The PSAP will report a trouble any time an address is not received on an address display (screen blank) E911 call. (If a record is not in the 911 data base or an ANI failure is encountered, the screen will provide a display noticing such condition). The SSC/MAC should verify with the PSAP whether the NO ALI condition is on one screen or all screens. When the condition is on one screen (other screens receive ALI information) the SSC/MAC will request SSIM/I&M to dispatch. If no screens are receiving ALI information, there is usually a circuit trouble between the PSAP and the Host computer. The SSC/MAC should test the trouble and refer for restoral. Note: If the SSC/MAC receives calls from multiple PSAP's, all of which are receiving NO ALI, there is a problem with the Node or Node to Host circuits or the Host computer itself. Before referring the trouble the SSC/MAC should call the MMOC to inquire if the Node or Host is in trouble. Alarm conditions on the ANI controller digital display at the PSAP are to be reported by the PSAP's. These alarms can indicate various trouble conditions o so the SSC/MAC should ask the PSAP if any portion of the E911 system is not functioning properly. The SSC/MAC should verify with the PSAP attendant that the equipment's primary function is answering E911 calls. If it is, the SSC/MAC should request a dispatch SSIM/I&M. If the equipment is not primarily used for E911, then the SSC/MAC should advise PSAP to contact their CPE vendor. Note: These troubles can be quite confusing when the PSAP has vendor equipment mixed in with equipment that the BOC maintains. The Marketing representative should provide the SSC/MAC information concerning any unusual or exception items where the PSAP should contact their vendor. This information should be included in the PSAP profile sheets. ANI or ALI controller down: When the host computer sees the PSAP equipment down and it does not come back up, the MMOC will report the trouble to the SSC/MAC; the equipment is down at the PSAP, a dispatch will be required. PSAP link (circuit) down: The MMOC will provide the SSC/MAC with the circuit ID that the Host computer indicates in trouble. Although each PSAP has two circuits, when either circuit is down the condition must be treated as an emergency since failure of the second circuit will cause the PSAP to be isolated. Any problems that the MMOC identifies from the Node location to the Host computer will be handled directly with the appropriate MMOC(s)/CCNC. Note: The customer will call only when a problem is apparent to the PSAP. When only one circuit is down to the PSAP, the customer may not be aware there is a trouble, even though there is one link down, notification should appear on the PSAP screen. Troubles called into the SSC/MAC from the MMOC or other company employee should not be closed out by calling the PSAP since it may result in the customer responding that they do not have a trouble. These reports can only be closed out by receiving information that the trouble was fixed and by checking with the company employee that reported the trouble. The MMOC personnel will be able to verify that the trouble has cleared by reviewing a printout from the host. When the CRSAB receives a subscriber complaint (i.e., cannot dial 911) the RSA should obtain as much information as possible while the customer is on the line. For example, what happened when the subscriber dialed 911? The report is automatically directed to the IMC for subscriber line testing. When no line trouble is found, the IMC will refer the trouble condition to the SSC/MAC. The SSC/MAC will contact Customer Services E911 Group and verify that the subscriber should be able to call 911 and obtain the ESN. The SSC/MAC will verify the ESN via 2SCCS. When both verifications match, the SSC/MAC will refer the report to the SCC responsible for the 911 tandem office for investigation and resolution. The MAC is responsible for tracking the trouble and informing the IMC when it is resolved. For more information, please refer to E911 Glossary of Terms. _______________________________________________________________________________ [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] [] Glossary Terminology [] [] For Enhanced 911 Services [] [] March, 1988 [] [] [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] E911 - Enhanced 911: Features available include selective routing, selective transfer, fixed transfer, alternate routing, default routing, Automatic Number Display, Automatic Location Identification, night service, default routing, call detail record. End Office - Telephone central office which provides dial tone to the subscriber calling 911. The "end office" provides ANI (Automatic Number Identification) to the tandem office. Tandem Office - Telephone central office which serves as a tandem (or hub) for all 911 calls. Must be a 1AESS type of central office. The tandem office translations contain the TN/ESN relationships which route the 911 call to the proper SAP. The tandem office looks up the ANI (TN) that it receives from the end office and finds the ESN (routing information) which corresponds to a seven digit number ringing in at a PSAP. PSAP - Public Safety Answering Point, usually the police, fire and/or rescue groups as determined by the local municipalities. A "ringin" will not have ANI or ALI capabilities, but just receives calls or transferred calls from another PSAP. ESN - Emergency Service Number (XXX) that is assigned to the subscriber's telephone number in the tandem office translations The ESN represents a seven digit number by which the tandem office routes the call to the proper PSAP. PSAPs with ALI capabilities also receive a display of the ESN information which shows which police, fire and rescue agency serves the telephone number calling 911. An ESN is a unique combination of police, fire, and rescue service for purposes of routing the E911 call. ANI - Automatic Number Identification corresponds to the subscriber's seven digit telephone number. The ANI displays at the PSAP on the digital ANI display console. ALI - Automatic Location Identification provides for an address display of the subscriber calling 911. With ALI, the PSAP receives the ANI display and an ALI display on a screen. The ALI display includes the subscriber's address, community, state, type of service and if a business, the name of the business. The PSAP will also get a display of the associated ESN information (police, fire, rescue). Selective Routing - The capability to route a call to the particular PSAP serving the address associated with the TN making the 911 call. Selective routing is achieved by building TN/ESN translations in the tandem central office. These translations are driven by the E911 data base which assigns the ESN to each telephone number based on the customer's address. Service order activity keeps the E911 data base updated. The E911 data base, in turn, generates recent change to the tandem office (through the SCC or RCMAC) to update the TN/ESN translations in the tandem data base. Selective Transfer - Provides the PSAP with the ability to transfer the incoming 911 call to a fire or rescue service for the particular number calling 911 by pushing one button for fire or rescue. For example, if an incoming 911 call was reporting a fire, the PSAP operator would push the fire button on the ANI console; the call would go back to the tandem office, do a lookup for the seven digit number associated with fire department, for the ESN assigned to the calling TN, and automatically route the call to that fire department. This differs from "fixed" transfer which routes every call to the same fire or rescue number whenever the fire or rescue button is pushed. The PSAP equipment is optioned to provide either fixed or selective transfer capabilities. Alternate Routing - Alternate routing provides for a predetermined routing for 911 calls when the tandem office is unable to route the calls over the 911 trunks for a particular PSAP due to troubles or all trunks busy. Default Routing - Provides for routing of 911 calls when there is an ANI failure. The call will be routed to the "default" ESN associated with the he NNX the caller is calling from. Default ESNs are preassigned in translations and are usually the predominant ESN for a given wire center. Night Service - Night service works the same as alternate routing in that the calls coming into a given PSAP will automatically be routed to another preset PSAP when all trunks are made busy due to the PSAP closing down for the night. Call Detail Record - When the 911 call is terminated by the PSAP operator, the ANI will automatically print-out on the teletypewriter located at the PSAP. The printout will contain the time the call came into the PSAP, the time it was picked up by an operator, the operator number, the time the call was transferred, if applicable, the time the call was terminated and the trunk group number associated with the call. Printouts of the ALI display are now also available, if the PSAP has purchased the required equipment. ANI Failure - Failure of the end office to identify the call and provide the ANI (telephone number) to the tandem office; or, an ANI failure between the tandem office and the PSAP. Misroute - Any condition that results in the 911 call going to the wrong PSAP. A call can be misrouted if the ESN and associated routing information are incorrect in the E911 data base and/or tandem data base. A call can also be misrouted if the call is an ANI failure, which automatically default routes. Anonymous Call - If a subscriber misdials and dials the seven digit number associated with the PSAP position, they will come in direct and ANI display as 911-0000 which will ALI as an anonymous call. The seven digit numbers associated with the PSAP positions are not published even to the PSAPs. Spurious 911 Call - Occasionally, the PSAP will get a call that is not associated with a subscriber dialing 911 for an emergency. It could be a subscriber who has not dialed 911, but is dialing another number, or has just picked up their phone and was connected with the PSAP. These problems are equipment related, particularly when the calls originate from electromechanical or step by step offices, and are reported by the E911 Center to Network Operations upon receipt of the PSAP inquiry reporting the trouble. The PSAP may get a call and no one is there; if they call the number back, the number may be disconnected or no one home. Again these are network troubles and must be investigated. Cordless telephones can also generate "spurious" calls in to the PSAPs. Generally, the PSAP will hear conversation on the line, but the subscribers are not calling 911. The PSAP may report spurious calls to to repair if they become bothersome, for example, the same number ringing in continually. No Displays - A condition where the PSAP ALI display screen is blank. This type of trouble should be reported immediately to the SSC/MAC. If all screens at the PSAP are blank, it is an indication that the problem is in the circuits from the PSAP to the E911 computer. If more than one PSAP is experiencing no display, it may be a problem with the Node computer or the E911 computer. The SSC/MAC should contact the MMOC to determine the health of the HOST computer. Record Not Found - If the host computer is unable to do a look up on a given ANI request from the PSAP, it will forward a Record Not Found message to the PSA ALI screen. This is caused by service order activity for a given subscriber not being processed into the E911 data base, or HOST computer system problems whereby the record cannot be accessed at that point in time. No ANI - This condition means the PSAP received a call, but no telephone number displayed on the ANI console. The PSAP should report this condition immediately to the SSC/MAC. PSAP Not Receiving Calls - If a PSAP cannot receive calls or request retrievals from the E911 host computer, i.e., cable cut, the calls into that PSAP must be rerouted to another PSAP. The Switching Control Center must be notified to reroute the calls in the tandem office E911 translations. MSAG - Master Street Address Guide. The MSAG ledgers are controlled by the municipality which has purchased the E911 ALI service, in that they assign which police, fire or rescue agency will serve a given street and number range. They do this by assigning an ESN to each street range, odd, even, community that is populated in the county or municipality served. These MSAGs are then used as a filter for service order activity into the E911 computer data base to assign ESNs to individual TN records. This insures that each customer will be routed to the correct agency for their particular address. In a non-ALI County, TAR codes are used by the Telephone company to assign ESNs to service conductivity and the County does not control the ESN assignment. TAR codes represent the taxing authority for the given subscriber which should correspond to their police, fire and rescue agencies. The MG method, of course, is more accurate because it is using the actual service address of the customer to route the call and provides the county with more flexibility in assigning fire and rescue district, etc. The Customer Services E911 Group maintains the E911 computer data base and interfaces with the County (customer) on all MSAG or data base activity. _______________________________________________________________________________