Welcome to yet another issue of THO, this would happen to be issue #11, not much to say, so without furthur ado, here's my next installation. *************************************************************************** _�۲�� PiP's Modern Day Fables �����_ �۲�� That You Can Learn From ����� BOB AND THE BROKEN KNEECAPS Whilst traveling to work one day Bob noticed a blue smoke coming from his muffler. "Hmmm...", said Bob "I guess that it must be my muffler. I'll go to the friendly neighborhood muffler shop and have them fix it." As luck would have it, there was a muffler shop called Jim's Muffler Palace not a block away. Bob pulled into the shop and proceded to talk to Jim the Muffler King. "'Scuse me sir, but I seem to be having problems with my muffler and I wondering if you would please remedy my problem.", quoteth Bob. "Of course we can help you sir, let me take a look at your muffler for little while. Please take a seat in our comfy waiting room and I will be right with you." After about 2 hours Jim came back from inspecting Bob's muffler and said "Yeah, it's your muffler allright. Gonna have to replace it." This angered Bob because he allready knew that they would have to replace the muffler, but he held in his anger. Bob's therapist had told him to try not to get angry often, as he tended to get aggressively voilent and hear voices. "Ok, how much will this cost me?" "Well, we have the gold plated model here which is 200 dollars, the platinum version on sale for 175 dollars, or there is allways the balsa wood version for 17 dollars and 13 cents." "I think that I will take the balsa model please.", said Bob. After another hour or so Jim came back from the garage and rang up the charges. "That'll be 17 dollars and 13 cents sir." Bob took out his wallet and took out 17 dollars exactly. He hadn't any change, so he searched the floor of the store for change and found 12 cents. "Hehehe... I guess that you'll have to spare me a penny buddy." Bob said grinning. "Sorry sir, that's against store policy. If you want your car back you'll have to pay the full price of 17 dollars and 13 cents... 12 cents just doesn't cut it." It was at that moment Bob stormed into the garage and opened the trunk of his car which contained an aluminum baseball bat. "I think that this will change your mind about the penny, dickweed." The attendant still refused to let Bob go on the penny, so Bob decided crush his kneecaps into powder and drive his car away laughing hysterically. MORAL: If someone has a baseball bat, and you're unarmed, don't piss him/her off. ************************************************************************* Oh!! That was a very nice story boys and girls!!! Welp, call up the Asylum if you are interested in being a member of THO. l8er -Pip the Angry Youth ���������������������������Ŀ � T H E A S Y L U M � � (908)914-9318 � � H/P/A/C/V � OFFICIAL THO DIST SITE � RPGnet � OFFICIAL C0RPSE DIST SITE � 100:1908/3 � � DRAGnet � SysOp: AnsiBoy: � 1:141/4 � Panther PiP the Angry Youth � Come... Join the Insanity � �����������������������������