//-=� THE HIDDEN OBVIOUS #7 �=-\\ Deep Fried Fusion by: PiP the Angry Youth Well, I guess that I shall give you a little back ground of this all... Fusion has several handles and thinks he's bad shit because he Hacked and Crashed a local board called World Of Peace. He took it upon himself to become a complete jerk to me and my very good friend Panther for no other reason than he got kicked off of Mayhem!, World of Peace and Asylum. He hasn't any friends and has a $50 price on his head set up by a person that will remain Annonomous, we'll call him Percy X. Well, Percy X and Fusion go to the same school and Fusion has a vandetta against Percy X for some reason or other so he fucks up Percy X's computer by formatting the HD remotely. DragonStrike = Fusion Here you go... enjoy a flamming (=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=)(=-*-=) Auto-sensing... Display ANSI graphics (Y/N)? y Cyber/Chat! (#92834817) ONLINE 14400 BAUD AT 21:36 25-FEB-94 �����������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ���� � ��� ���ķ ���� ���ķ �ķ�ķ �ķ�ķ � � � � � � ���ķ ��� ���ҽ � � � � ӽ � � ӽ � � � � ���� ��Ķ ���Ľ ���� � � ���� ���Ľ � � � � � � � ���� ��Ľ �����ONLINE�SERVICES���(908)506�6651����� � � ������������������������������������������������������� � ���������������������Cyber/Chat!������������������������ (Cyber/Chat! - C/C! - Trademarks Cybercomm Online) P.O.Box 5252 Toms River, NJ 08753-5252 With 50 Lines and Over 15 Gigs of Files, We are the Largest BBS in NJ Toms River (908)506-0610 (908)506-7637 Lakewood/Howell (908)363-8511 -=>> Jackson (908)363-8511 Freehold (908)308-3371 <<=- -=>> Matawan (908)290-1908 Barnegat (609)Vacant!! <<=- MajorNet Mail and Interlink Node Address I.D. - COS Internet Domain Name: cybercom.com Mail & Newsgroups Enter Your User-ID and press ��� now, Otherwise type NEW to create an account: pip the angry youth Enter your password: Yeah, right Switching to your chosen language, English/ANSI... Greetings, PiP tHe AnGrY yoUTh, we're glad to see you back again. Time: 21:37:24 Date: 25-FEB-94 User-ID Location Class Baud Sex Mins Ln Flags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kith-Kanan Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 14 0 Alligator Jones Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 33 1 Shaman File Transfer S HOURLY9 2400 (M) 20 2 Busy Jen Menuing System MONTHLY9 2400 (F) <1 3 Audi Teleconference MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 108 4 Ladyhawk Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (F) 83 5 Zarothos Tele-Arena 5.0 HOURLY 2400 (M) 14 6 Snow Princess Tele-Arena 5.0 HOURLY 2400 (F) 26 7 Da Sweeper Man Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 11 8 Panther Teleconference DEMO 2400 (M) 6 9 James Hetfield Menuing System DEMO 2400 (M) <1 10 Maid Marion Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (F) 4 11 PokaDot Crossroads MONTHLY9 2400 (F) 9 13 NightLance Teleconference MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 25 14 Busy Sundancer Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 24 15 Sleepwalker Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 176 20 Tracer Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 137 21 Busy Irvan Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 30 23 IronHorse Teleconference DEMO 2400 (M) 8 24 Dutch Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 14400 (M) 117 26 Furball Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY9 14400 (M) 43 27 Thor Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 14400 (M) 4 28 <-----???? Loach Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 61 29 Magnum Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 113 30 Urethris Teleconference HOURLY9 14400 (M) 16 31 Slingshot Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 14400 (M) 4 32 The Demonic Kan Teleconference MONTHLY9 14400 (M) 5 33 PiP tHe AnGrY y Electronic Mail DEMO 14400 (M) <1 34 <-----Hero Snufulufugus Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 31 35 Pyros Mutants! MONTHLY 14400 (M) 32 36 Shorty Mutants! MONTHLY 2400 (M) 25 37 John Doe Teleconference MONTHLY 14400 (M) 28 39 Harvester of So Happy Birthday NEWUSER 2400 (M) 4 47 Let's all wish a Happy Birthday to: Eagle Feb 25 HaPPY BiRTHDaY To You!!! You are caller number 392365! [ OK, I SKIPPED SOME CRAP, SO SUE ME. WELL I DON'T THINK THAT YOU WANT TO ] [ SEE THE MAIN MENU AND ACCOUNT EDITOR ANY MORE THAN I DO, SO I TOOK IT ] [ OUT FOR THAT REASON... WELL HERE WE GO.... ] ============================= Cyber/Chat! Teleconference ============================= Please remember: No Profanity or Flaming in Main Channel. [ OOPS, GUESS THAT I BROKE A RULE HERE :) ] You're in the main channel. Audi, Panther, James Hetfield, IronHorse, Urethris, and John Doe are here with you. ^^^^^^^\_____________________________________[ OUR OTHER ] [ HERO!!! ] Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :*** John Doe: most of the time he's around :hey all ::/r panther *** Panther: hey pip : [ WASN'T QUITE SURE IF IT WAS JAY OR NOT, HE DOESN'T REALLY FREQUENT C/C ] [ TOO MUCH, SO I DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF BY TALKING TO ] [ SOME PUNK WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHO -=* I *=- AM :) ] Ok, here's the info for Panther... Real Name: Jason Daniel Sex: M Age: 15 Aliases: Purple Haze City/State: Beachwood, NJ Voice Phone#: unlisted Physical Description: brown hair... blue eyes... 5'10"... Comp. Phone#: 908-914-9318 BBS: The Asylum Favorite Movie: T2 Favorite TV Show: Quantum Leap Favorite Music: Alernative Instrument Played: Sax Favorite Foods: Italian Favorite Sport: FootBall Other Hobbies/Interests: Programming... anything generally nerdy General Info: Nope... not really ... Summary: I'm me <---[SHOCKER] You're in the main channel. Audi, Panther, James Hetfield, IronHorse, Urethris, and John Doe are here with y ou. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :*** IronHorse: heh :hey jay *** James Hetfield: Hey PIP! <---[HE WAS ALLWAYS A SMART BOY :) ] :::*** Panther: tsk... I made a point to use your handle.. and what do you do??? :) [ GREAT, YOU TRUST A GUY AND WHAT DOES HE TRY TO DO? :) ] :*** IronHorse: be back :*** Ironhorse rides off into the sunset. :hey ::well, i have been trying to get onto your board dickweed ::why are you here? i am looking for rob ::*** Urethris: brb more :*** Panther: well, this would explain why you can't :*** James Hetfield: Punk rock girl! :one saturday i took a walk down to zipperhead ::i saw a girl there and she allmost knocked me dead ::PUNK ROCK GIRL :::) *** James Hetfield: My friend loves them! :::well, i am them ::all 4 of them ::mostly tolstoy annonomous *** James Hetfield: COOL! / [ A MAN OF FEW WORDS NO LESS. ] :*** / James Hetfield: COOL! < :::*** \ James Hetfield: COOL! \ :*** James Hetfield: HOw do you do it man! :well, i concentrate REAL hard and i shit the dead milkmen oops, i am not allowed to curse here ::*** Shorty just joined this channel. :*** Jesta just joined this channel. :*** Jesta: hi :::hey :: Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :jay, why are you here anyway? *** James Hetfield: hey :*** Panther: sheesh... I haven't been calling here in so long... not many people I remember :::*** The Demonic Kangaroo just joined this channel. :*** NightLance just joined this channel. :*** The Demonic Kangaroo just vanished from the teleconference. :me neither, i was more of the ug type guy *** Shorty just left the teleconference. :::*** James Hetfield: hey nightlance :*** The MiGs come, and John Doe takes off to engage them. :*** Ironhorse thunders in. :hehehe, jay you hit the 2.4 line *** IronHorse: oy :::i hit a 14.4 line *** NightLance: gotta run :::*** James Hetfield: bye :FAST! ::gosh, this is fun ::*** Jesta: pip is a dork! :i was supposed to hey!!!! i am not a dork *** NightLance just vanished from the teleconference. :*** Panther: yup... 24 on here is no biggie... only chatting :::yeah ::we are all dorks for being home on friday night *** Funkintoyoear just joined this channel. :::i just finished off a 1/2 gallon of mint choclate ice cream *** Jesta is nodding to you in agreement. :*** James Hetfield: Not really I got stood up, but I guess I am a geek for that! :::*** Funkintoyoear: not me...about to go out! :dance james *** IronHorse just got home and is leaving, so pfft. :) :...You dance well! :*** DragonStrike just joined this channel. :hey, crasher *** DragonStrike: heya :*** Jesta: your the dum ass! you could me siting at a party doing acid wile kevin does you up the ass :*** James Hetfield: ILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! :::/panther dragonstrike = fusion *** Panther: hey fusion... [ GUESS HE ALLREADY KNEW THAT ] :*** DragonStrike: hey ass :*** DragonStrike: hey ass #2 :*** James Hetfield: hey :-- Message sent only to Panther -- :*** IronHorse: now for that, Pip, you suck. I worship Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. :*** From Jesta (whispered): :) :hey fuck face *** Panther: hehehe... you're pretty cool now aren't you :::*** DragonStrike is nodding his head affirmatively. :*** From Panther (whispered): activate capture NOW :*** James Hetfield: cool :/panther allready there *** DragonStrike: wow thats a real big word for you pip :*** Panther: I piss on better people than you :-- Message sent only to Panther -- :yeah, did you understand it fag? ::*** IronHorse: poof I. :i don't understand why you are talking trash about everyone on mayhem *** James Hetfield: cool :*** IronHorse: The race is on. :*** IronHorse just vanished from the teleconference. :*** James Hetfield: cool :::you make me sick dude *** Urethris: what an exit. :*** Urethris: bravo :*** DragonStrike: truly pathetic.. :::*** Jesta: shut up! pip is the coolest 1 here!:) :*** James Hetfield: Anyone surf or play guitar or play soccer? :well, fusion plays pocket pinball *** DragonStrike: likewise :*** Funkintoyoear is laughing at Jesta! :*** Panther: stop playing with your genitals and let's talk about me :::*** James Hetfield: likewise :grin ...What a sly grin! :*** James Hetfield: cool :*** Jesta is grinning at you rather slyly. :*** Urethris: Hmmm...i feel llike an old geek in here. :*** Panther: oooh... a chat... :*** DragonStrike is nodding his head affirmatively. :see the little punk faggot knows he's beaten *** DragonStrike has just gone into a private chat. :*** Panther has just gone into a private chat. :::*** DragonStrike just joined this channel. :by the way, fusion, you DO have a price on your head... literally *** DragonStrike: hahah :*** Jesta: panther is a loser that only has 1 friend :*** Lor just joined this channel. :*** Jesta: thanks drgon1 :*** Lor: hello :*** DragonStrike is requesting you join him in chat. Type "chat DragonStrike" to accept. ::*** Lor: Pip! :chat dragon *** Urethris: There is a rule about flaming... : *** Chat Mode Activated *** ================================= Type 'X' on a blank line to exit. ================================= hey, what the hell do you want? this [ HE PROCEDES TO LOCK OUT MY KEYBOARD IN WHATEVER WAY HE DOES, I AM NOT ] [ EVEN GOING TO PRETEND TO KNOW WHAT HE DID AND HOW HE DID IT, BUT IT ] [ ANNOYED ME SO I HUNG UP ] NO CARRIER Auto-sensing... Display ANSI graphics (Y/N)? y Cyber/Chat! (#92834817) ONLINE 14400 BAUD AT 21:45 25-FEB-94 �����������������������������������������������������Ŀ � ���� � ��� ���ķ ���� ���ķ �ķ�ķ �ķ�ķ � � � � � � ���ķ ��� ���ҽ � � � � ӽ � � ӽ � � � � ���� ��Ķ ���Ľ ���� � � ���� ���Ľ � � � � � � � ���� ��Ľ �����ONLINE�SERVICES���(908)506�6651����� � � ������������������������������������������������������� � ���������������������Cyber/Chat!������������������������ (Cyber/Chat! - C/C! - Trademarks Cybercomm Online) P.O.Box 5252 Toms River, NJ 08753-5252 With 50 Lines and Over 15 Gigs of Files, We are the Largest BBS in NJ Toms River (908)506-0610 (908)506-7637 Lakewood/Howell (908)363-8511 -=>> Jackson (908)363-8511 Freehold (908)308-3371 <<=- -=>> Matawan (908)290-1908 Barnegat (609)Vacant!! <<=- MajorNet Mail and Interlink Node Address I.D. - COS Internet Domain Name: cybercom.com Mail & Newsgroups Enter Your User-ID and press ��� now, Otherwise type NEW to create an account: pip the angry youth Enter your password: LIKE I WOULD Switching to your chosen language, English/ANSI... Greetings, PiP tHe AnGrY yoUTh, we're glad to see you back again. Time: 21:45:52 Date: 25-FEB-94 User-ID Location Class Baud Sex Mins Ln Flags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kith-Kanan Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 23 0 Alligator Jones Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 42 1 Dream Chaser Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (F) 2 2 Jen Crossroads MONTHLY9 2400 (F) 9 3 Audi Teleconference MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 116 4 Lor Teleconference MONTHLY 2400 (M) 2 5 Zarothos Tele-Arena 5.0 HOURLY 2400 (M) 22 6 Snow Princess Tele-Arena 5.0 HOURLY 2400 (F) 35 7 Da Sweeper Man Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 20 8 Panther Teleconference DEMO 2400 (M) 1 9 <--hung up James Hetfield Teleconference DEMO 2400 (M) 9 10 too? Maid Marion Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (F) 12 11 PokaDot Crossroads MONTHLY9 2400 (F) 18 13 Sundancer Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 32 15 Homie Teleconference HOURLY9 2400 (M) 1 16 Jesta Teleconference DEMO 2400 (M) 5 17 Dicksmack DragonStrike Teleconference MONTHLY 2400 (M) 4 18 <--hasn't a Knight Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 3 19 life Sleepwalker Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 185 20 Tracer Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 146 21 Busy The Simbul Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (F) 2 22 Irvan Crossroads MONTHLY 2400 (M) 38 23 Dutch Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 14400 (M) 125 26 Furball Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY9 14400 (M) 51 27 Thor Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 14400 (M) 7 28 <--tsk tsk Loach Menuing System MONTHLY 2400 (M) 70 29 Magnum Trade Wars 2002 MONTHLY9 2400 (M) 122 30 Urethris Teleconference HOURLY9 14400 (M) 25 31 Slingshot Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 14400 (M) 12 32 Marauder Menuing System MONTHLY9 14400 (M) 1 33 PiP tHe AnGrY y Command Center DEMO 14400 (M) <1 34 <--(cheer!) Snufulufugus Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 40 35 Pyros Mutants! MONTHLY 14400 (M) 40 36 Shorty Mutants! MONTHLY 2400 (M) 33 37 Funkintoyoear Teleconference MONTHLY 14400 (M) 4 38 Spidey Tele-Arena 5.0 MONTHLY 2400 (M) 6 43 Harvester of So Editor NEWUSER 2400 (M) 13 47 Let's all wish a Happy Birthday to: Eagle Feb 25 <-- You go with your bad self :) [ I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! ] ============================= Cyber/Chat! Teleconference ============================= Please remember: No Profanity or Flaming in Main Channel. You're in the main channel. Audi, Lor, Panther, James Hetfield, Homie, Jesta, DragonStrike, Urethris, and Funkintoyoear are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :*** James Hetfield: cool :ohhh... you are so fuckin witty *** Panther: hahaha... I could crush you like the pig that you are :*** Funkintoyoear: i do interal :::*** James Hetfield: LED ZEPPELIN RULES! :*** DragonStrike: i would like to see that :so, dragonstrike... what does it feel like to have a price on yer head? *** DragonStrike is nodding to you in agreement. :*** Jesta: shut up! all of you are losers comard to me :*** Panther: I'm happy for you... maybe one day you will :::listen... i have something to tell you, you better get your scrawny pimply ass out of my face or i WILL come down on you... HARD *** DragonStrike: what the fuck r u talkin about?? be a little bit more specific "a price on my head" what the fuck?! :::*** Homie: 'price on you head' means your being hunted :$50 *** James Hetfield: funkintoyoear :::*** Panther: everyone hates you my friend... you are a pathetic wannabe phreak who thinks he's god :*** DragonStrike: o0o0o0 <--- /<-Ra/> WaReZ d00d!!! :and who put out a 2k file on 'phreaking' that my little brother allready knew about what you were talking about *** Jesta: i don't hate him! :*** James Hetfield: who? :*** Urethris just vanished from the teleconference. :*** DragonStrike: I never said I was god.. but you assume that I said that.. just like thor.. very sad :*** Panther: shut up mike :*** Homie: did you handle come form great expectation? pip the angry youth? :*** Jesta: NO! :::*** DragonStrike is laughing at Homie! :*** James Hetfield: This is cool! :*** Panther: well, when you start cutting on me about things you know nothing about, you overstep your bounds :*** Jesta: fusion is cool <--[ WHY WHY WHY? ] :*** DragonStrike: so what?! i dont see you writing any good articles :*** Homie: ^M: :*** DragonStrike: wow.. im sure you HAVE POWER TO! :*** Jesta: hey! i wrote a cool file telling how to make a bong ok? :listen, you better give scorpion that file, he'll love you 4ever *** DragonStrike: :) :*** Jesta: :) :*** James Hetfield: Cool! / :*** / James Hetfield: Cool! / :*** < [ MODERN DAY SHAKESPERE ] James Hetfield: Cool \ :*** \ James Hetfield: Cool \ :*** Panther: more than you do.. which ain't saying much really :*** James Hetfield: Cool :*** James Hetfield: Cool :::*** James Hetfield: Cool :listen... i admit that i don't know anything about dick... but at least i don't make a life out of crashing boards andformatting harddrives that i have nothign *** James Hetfield: Cool / :*** < [ AN OBVIOUS B&B FAN ] James Hetfield: Cool \ :*** Jesta: what file? :*** James Hetfield: Cool / :*** < [ WE GET THE POINT, JIM ] James Hetfield: Cooll \ :*** Homie: pathead jam :*** Homie: umm :*** Jesta is slapping James Hetfield across the face! :*** DragonStrike: then write just 1 good file!! you have written a diary about you so far :*** From Jesta (whispered): what file? :*** Funkintoyoear: ...hit from the Bong :*** Jesta is nodding to Funkintoyoear in agreement. :*** Panther: me... a good file... sure... no big deal :::to do with *** The Pumpkin King just joined this channel. :::*** The Pumpkin King: hi :*** Funkintoyoear is nodding to Homie in agreement. :*** James Hetfield: hey :*** Homie: crashing boards? oh please :well, i have also written 2 stories, and am starting a e-mag called hardsnot *** Panther: yours was pathetic... "run to someone's house, plug in a fone... congrats now yer a phreak like me" :*** Funkintoyoear: who took down WOP? :*** From DragonStrike (whispered): I dont make a life out of it.. but heheh this is pretty funny.. and BTW do you ACTUALLY take me seriously? [ WHEN SOMEONE CALLS MY FRIENDS AND ME IDIOTS, OF COURSE I TAKE IT ] [ SERIOUSLY. WHO WOULDN'T? ] :::*** James Hetfield: this now gay :*** Jesta: point drag :/dragon heheheh, and you actually make a fool out of yourself as a hobby? *** Innocent little angel just joined this channel. :*** Innocent little angel: Hi :*** Jesta: well thats what i heard :-- Message sent only to DragonStrike -- :*** DragonStrike: and your is "oh im home alnoe.. I wish I had a friend to talk to.. maybe a fellow fudge packer would be nice" :hey there lia *** Lor: I can honselty say I do know who took it down :*** Jesta: what are you fighting about? its not like WOP was any good! [ WHAT NOT TOO MANY PEOPLE REALIZE IS THAT I DID ALOT OF WORK ON WOP ] :::dance lia Sorry, "lia" is not the User-ID of anyone present. :dance litt Sorry, "litt" is not the User-ID of anyone present. :*** Homie just vanished from the teleconference. : You're in the main channel. Audi, Lor, Innocent little angel, Panther, James Hetfield, Jesta, DragonStrike, The Pumpkin King, and Funkintoyoear are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :dance inn *** Innocent little angel: hi everyone :...You dance well! :*** Funkintoyoear is nodding his head affirmatively. :*** Lor: heya ila :*** James Hetfield: Who gives a crap can't u guys settle it somewhere else??????? [ WELL JIMMIE BOY, WE HAVN'T REALLY BEEN ABLE TO SETTLE THIS ANYWHERE ELSE ] [ THAN A MESSAGE BASE ] :*** Panther: hehehe... so??? I do sit at home alot... big deal... so do you since I see you on boards all the time :well, he got locked out of every other system around, even a pd board *** From DragonStrike (whispered): a fool? hah I am just stating facts But I have to admit that was a good comeback :) heheh I really have nothing against you I just couldnt believe that you *** Jesta: pd? :*** Funkintoyoear: who me? :-- Message sent only to Jesta -- :*** From DragonStrike (whispered): are co-op of WOP AND ASYLUM.. :) :*** James Hetfield: GO to go :/dragon and Mayhem! now *** Jesta: don't mess with me or i will get dude man after you! :-- Message sent only to DragonStrike -- :/dragon well, people trust me, and they don't trust you *** Innocent little angel: HA :*** Lor is laughing his fool head off! :*** From Jesta (whispered): hahaha :) what file to give to scoprion? :-- Message sent only to DragonStrike -- :/jesta on the bong :) *** Jesta: :) :*** Funkintoyoear just left the teleconference. :*** DragonStrike: i do not! you have no proof of that because i HAVE a social life.. but u on the other hand just admit that you are a loser [ I REALLY DON'T THINK SCHOOL MAKES UP FOR A SOCIAL LIFE THERE BUCKO ] :-- Message sent only to Jesta -- :*** As Donald sleeps, Sleepwalker can roam the world freely. : You're in the main channel. Audi, Lor, Innocent little angel, Panther, James Hetfield, Jesta, DragonStrike, Sleepwalker, and The Pumpkin King are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :*** From Jesta (whispered): give it to who? :/jesta forget it :P *** From DragonStrike (whispered): nod.. I dont give them any choice :) :*** Sleepwalker hugs Innocent little angel close! :*** Carpenter knocks the door down and comes in. :-- Message sent only to Jesta -- :*** Carpenter: hey all :*** Innocent little angel hugs Sleepwalker close! :listen, dragonstrike, you are a little punk behind a computer who has pissed me off, and it takes alot to piss me off *** James Hetfield just vanished from the teleconference. :*** Jesta: jay, have i uploaded my cool txt about how to make a bong to your board yet? :*** Sleepwalker: heya carpenter :*** Snufulufugus just joined this channel. :*** Panther: I'm not a loser, and I do have a social life... it's hard to know what I'm like without even meeting me [ I CAN VOUCH FOR JAY ON THIS ONE... HE DOES HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE OUT OF ] [ SCHOOL, WE HANG OUT AND GO OUT TO STORES AND DO OTHER SHIT. ] :*** Lor: heya snuffy :::so congradulations shit head *** DragonStrike: i wish thor was here.. "the MIGHTY THOR" hah that would make a good addition to this :*** Jesta: i know you and i feel for you:) :*** Lor: hehe :::*** Panther: yes it probably would... better than you do anyway :*** DragonStrike: umm ok pip.. But I wasnt even talking to you ok? :hey snuf.... long time no see *** The Pumpkin King: dragon...lay off panther for a sec....what assm i need? :*** DragonStrike: hahahah :*** Lor just vanished from the teleconference. :*** From Snufulufugus (whispered): hi there havent seen ya for a while :::/snuf yeah, soo you hear that kid ice is putting up another mbbs? *** Jen just joined this channel. :*** Snufulufugus: how are ya :*** Innocent little angel hugs Jen close! :*** Jen hugs Innocent little angel close! :*** DragonStrike: it depends.. dont d/l it from asylum.. even though there ISNT any elite shit left there [ JEEZUZ, THIS KID THINKS THAT A BOARD HAS TO HAVE 0 DAY WAREZ TO BE ANY ] [ GOOD. HE STILL HASN'T FOUND THAT 'M' KEY YET ON HIS KEYBOARD, EH? ] [ BESIDES, WHAT PERSON IN HIS/HER RIGHT MIND UPLOADS ANYTHING? HE JUST ] [ LIKES TO LEECH. ] :*** Innocent little angel: JEN!!!!!!!!!!! :*** Panther: ahhh... been a long while since a good flame wat :*** Panther: war even :-- Message sent only to Snufulufugus -- :*** Jesta: want to go to my channel so these OTHER lamers don't put there 2 cents in? :*** Jen: tis me :*** Jesta: :) ::*** From Snufulufugus (whispered): yeah i heard he was do you have any idea when ? :*** Panther: ummm... yeah there is, but you wouldn't know would you? :*** The Pumpkin King: hey jesta :*** DragonStrike: really?? I used to do this all the time on the old 'commie boards.. it was quite fun actually :/snuf not really... i'll keep you posted *** Innocent little angel has just gone into a private chat. :*** Jen has just gone into a private chat. :-- Message sent only to Snufulufugus -- :dragon, well since you are 15, and commie's been out for about a coupla' years you musta been 10 *** DragonStrike: yes i would.. its called inside information.. muhahaha :*** DragonStrike: :) :*** Panther: I used to do it here, but haven't called in a while :*** Jesta: i think jays board is the best local board i call! :) :*** Panther: from tut... I'd hardly call that "inside" but a nice try :::and you still havn't even grown up yet *** DragonStrike: you cant possible take me seriously, do you? although i do not like you I am just shittin ya half the time [ YEAH, HE'S JUST FULL OF SHIT. ] :*** From Snufulufugus (whispered): ok me and bastard are gonna go and visis thim at csi and ask him about it i think :::*** Panther: and if you knew anything, you'd know my board wasn't MEANT to be elite :*** DragonStrike: tut?! not even friends with him [ THAT'S BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS ] :*** Irvan just joined this channel. :*** Panther: sure you arent :*** Jesta: dragon, give me $50 and i won't beat up for the $%$ dude man gunna give me:) :*** DragonStrike: it was meant to be a so-called elite and H/p board.. yes i know :*** DragonStrike: hehe :*** Panther: no... just semi-h/p :listen man, you can just sit home with your 0 day warez and play with yourself with your bag of doritos next to you for the rest of your life *** Sleepwalker has just gone to another channel. :*** Jesta just vanished from the teleconference. :*** From Snufulufugus (whispered): if ya run outa time you can go on as wilbur kookmeyer hes demo too and he has like 15 mins left today :*** Pyros just joined this channel. :*** Panther: and you'll never get on a REAL elite bbs anyways :*** DragonStrike: whats the point of being semi-h/p? your just pointing out that your board isnt as good as a full h/p board :*** From Snufulufugus (whispered): do you know who bastard is on here ? :*** The Pumpkin King: any1 know what assm prog i need 4 VCL??? :::while other people are getting laid *** Funkintoyoear just joined this channel. :*** Irvan: SHUTUP ABOUT VCL ALREADY IT IS SHIT :*** DragonStrike: haha oh yeah i forgot.. i ONLY call local boards so im not as cool as you :*** Zarothos just joined this channel. :*** Panther: you are correct, because I am not so arrogant as to call myself a good hacker when I am not :*** Jesta just joined this channel. :*** Zarothos: hey :*** From The Pumpkin King (whispered): hey pip ur bbs up?? :::*** Irvan: Chris! :/pump noppers... prolly not until fall *** Zarothos: LOU :*** Jesta: =i dragonstrike :*** Funkintoyoear has just gone into a private chat. :*** Snufulufugus has just gone into a private chat. :Sorry, "pump noppers... prolly not until fall" is not the User-ID of anyone present. :*** Jesta: hmm :*** DragonStrike: not you I assume :*** DragonStrike is laughing his fool head off! :*** The Pumpkin King: shutup...just asking what assm prog i need!!!!! :*** Panther: did I say local???? I said elite :/the pump dunno, prolly not until fall *** DragonStrike: :) hehe I love shittin you guys this is fun :-- Message sent only to The Pumpkin King -- :*** Irvan: NO ELITE IN MAIN :*** Carpenter: Please remember: No Profanity or Flaming in Main Channel. :*** Carpenter: :) :*** DragonStrike: and there are no elite bbs local you have pointed this out to me before :*** Panther: you're doing nuthin but dodging my friend... name ONE elite board... I don't even care if it's 908 :*** From The Pumpkin King (whispered): what assm prog i need for vcL? :listen :::::::::::::::::::::::::: [ HIT A LAG SPELL HERE ] You're in the main channel. Audi, Panther, Zarothos, Carpenter, Jesta, DragonStrike, Irvan, and The Pumpkin King are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :wholy lag!!! *** Irvan is sighing wistfully. :*** Zarothos: dork :::*** Zarothos has just gone to another channel. :*** Carpenter: dork :*** Jesta: fuk you irvan! you wouldn't know elite if it came up and sucked you dick! speecking of dick where is tom cat? :*** Carpenter is laughing at Jesta! :/the dunno *** Jesta: :) :*** Jen just joined this channel. :*** Innocent little angel just joined this channel. :*** The Pumpkin King: line noise? :*** Innocent little angel hugs Jen close! :-- Message sent only to The Pumpkin King -- :*** Irvan: Jesta you have no pubes :*** Jen hugs Innocent little angel close! :*** DragonStrike: I dont know.. and guess what?? i DONT CARE! i wouldnt want to call any board that you are a regular caller on anyways :dance dragon / ...You dance well! / :yer cute / [ DUNNO WHY I STARTED DOING THIS, BUT I WAS GETTING ] ::i like you \ [ BORED BY THIS AT THE TIME ] ::sit on my lap \ ::kiss dragon \ *** DragonStrike: thanx pip.. I would expect that from you :...Awww, how sweet of you! :*** DragonStrike: :) :*** Jesta: shut up hes mine dragon! [ SOMETHING TELLS ME THAT THIS IS TOMATO ] :*** Carpenter: i run a pd board....so ya want to start somefin?! :) :pout ...Aw, don't be mad! :*** Panther: you keep saying you dont call "crappy pd boards" and yet you won't name ONE elite or h/p bbs you call.. doesn't that seem odd to anyone else :carpen what's the number? ::seems pretty silly to me ::*** Jesta: whats a pd board? :public domain ::*** Jesta: o :*** Irvan just vanished from the teleconference. :this is a pd board *** DragonStrike: ok ok.. how about Violent playground.. its not outside 908 so kill me.. he is elite and H/P.. not that good but oh well :*** Panther: 1 min warning... oh well :::*** Jesta: i though it was puzzy&dick board:) :*** Sleepwalker has just arrived from another channel. :that's not very elite *** Carpenter: whoa!!!!1 :*** Sleepwalker vanishes as Donald wakes from his dreamy sleep. :*** DragonStrike: heh :*** Panther: it isn't either, but nice try :::*** Jen just left the teleconference. :*** Carpenter: you idiots!!! :*** Pyros just left the teleconference. :even I got on there :) *** Carpenter: l~"t&vwwwwww :*** Carpenter: NO CARRIER :*** Carpenter just vanished from the teleconference. :*** The Pumpkin King: public access :::*** DragonStrike: yeah right.. you must have shit access :*** Jesta: pyros is a lamer! he asked me if he could use 1 of my accounts on a elite board like WOP! :*** Jesta: :) :nope, top access dickweed... y'know why? i ain't a leach *** Panther: I have FULL access dork... more than you ever will :*** Snufulufugus just joined this channel. :*** Funkintoyoear just joined this channel. :*** Snufulufugus just left the teleconference. :*** The Pumpkin King: WOP?? That bbs sux :::*** Panther: but it's not a REAL h/p or elite bbs.. neither is mine :*** You're just about all out of time for this call! Please finish up and log off... (This is your one minute warning.) [ damn damn damn DAMN!!!! ] You're in the main channel. Audi, Innocent little angel, Panther, Jesta, DragonStrike, The Pumpkin King, and Funkintoyoear are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :shit, out of time... i think... l8er all *** Carpenter knocks the door down and comes in. :*** Jesta: i have full access on 2 cool boards thats it:( :) :*** Carpenter: argh! :*** DragonStrike: WOP bites.. his password was peace and the sysop password was peace.. not even panther is that stupid :*** Funkintoyoear: hahah :::=i panther *** DragonStrike is laughing his fool head off! :*** Funkintoyoear just left the teleconference. : User-Id: Panther NickName: Message: Signed Up: 06/30/93 Last On: 02/25/94 21:45 Class: DEMO On today: 27 Sex: Male Online: 15 mins. Location: Teleconference Baud: 2400 Line: 9 [0A] Flags: You're in the main channel. Audi, Innocent little angel, Panther, Jesta, DragonStrike, Carpenter, and The Pumpkin King are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :=i pip the angry youth *** Panther just vanished from the teleconference. : User-Id: PiP tHe AnGrY yoUTh NickName: Message: Signed Up: 08/20/93 Last On: 02/25/94 21:45 Class: DEMO On today: 27 Sex: Male Online: 14 mins. Location: Teleconference Baud: 14400 Line: 34 [23] Flags: You're in the main channel. Audi, Innocent little angel, Jesta, DragonStrike, Carpenter, and The Pumpkin Kin g are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :*** Carpenter: dont name elite boards to everyone you clog!!!!!!!!!!!! :*** DragonStrike: yeah Im sure your REAL close with ffejjy.. :and yer close to your dog ::*** Carpenter: what are you? retarded? :i need an account!!! *** Jesta: i call RA and underground elment :*** DragonStrike: damn it.. I wanted to get the comment in but he bailed out :) :::*** Innocent little angel: ok im back :=i crusty *** Air, fire, water, and earth form Elemental. :*** Elemental has just gone to another channel. : User-Id: Crusty NickName: Message: Signed Up: 07/28/93 Last On: 02/20/94 08:05 Class: DEMO On today: <1 Sex: Male This user is not online currently. You're in the main channel. Audi, Innocent little angel, Jesta, DragonStrike, Carpenter, and The Pumpkin Kin g are here with you. Just enter "?" if you need any assistance... :*** Carpenter: hey :*** Jesta: someone give me credits? :i need time to ream you out *** Panther just joined this channel. :*** Carpenter: that is a big no no....if the sysop found out he'd piss in your mouth :::jay call me *** DragonStrike: heheh you need hourly to do that :::*** Carpenter: hey :carpenter what the n*** Sorry, you're all out of time for this call. Please feel free to call back again... (Cyber/Chat! subscribers never see this screen) For $7 you can get 30 days with no time limits or ratios. Send your check or money order to: CyberComm P.O.Box 5252 Toms River, NJ 08753-5252 Or you can call our 900 service for a instant Subscription. Choose 9 at the Main Menu to read about this service. Help Cyber/Chat! grow by becoming a subscribing member. NO CARRIER [ WHELPERS, THAT IS ALL THAT I GOT OUT OF IT, JAY WANTED ME TO CAPTURE ] [ THIS LITTLE DISCUSSION ON SCROLLBACK, SO I DID IT AND EDITED IT FOR HIM ] [ I HAVN'T SEEN HIS VERSION OF THIS, BUT I AM GOING TO REALEASE THIS FILE ] [ AS IS AND WITHOUT ANY CENSORSHIPT BY PANTHER, THE VERY TESTY. SEE YOU ] [ AROUND. ] -=[|} PIP {|]=- CaLL THe aSYLuM!! (9o8)914-9318