[*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] [*] sUBTERRANEAN TECHNOLOGIES mAGAZINE UK [*] [*] volume ()1, issue ()2 [*] [*] JULY-AUGUST 1994 [*] [*] [*] [*] ARTICLE 02/04 [*] [*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*][*] ANSWER PHONE HACKING IN THE UK [JULY 1994] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] aNSWER pHONE hACKING in the Uk [] [] an easy to follow gUIDE version.1.2 [] [] by nEIL.s [] [] july 6th 1994 [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] this file is provided for reference purposes only, it is not advised that you try to perform any of the actions described within it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i recently downloaded a file on answer phone hacking, only to find a lot of useless information i already knew, or relating to the UsA. so i decided to write my own guide, with practical tips on how to hack answer phones in the Uk. wHY wOULD i wANT to hACK iNTO aN aNSWERING mACHINE? there are loadsa reasons why you would want to hack into an answer machine remotely, a) to cause trouble (change welcome message, delete callers messages, etc) b) to find out about the person, what they do, what time they go to work, etc.. c) phone a arms/drugs dealer and find where he stashes the stuff! d) phone a bank/insuarance agency and find credit card numbers [not that i would encourage that] as you can see, the list is endless, there are thousands of fun things to do on an answering machine. hOW to dO iT. in this file i will be using the BT Response 400 answerphone as an example, this is the most commonly used phone in existance [i think] although most phones use the same system. ok, first you need the security code, usually a 2 digit number. there are various ways to obtain this; you could try numbers from 00 to 99 [phone 99 times, boring] although most of the codes i've seen are under 10 or like 55, 44,77,etc... you could also use a computer program to try all the possible combinations or you could obtain a piece of hardware to do it for you [more about this in the eXTRAS section, at the end] when you have the code, here's what you do: 1) dial the phone number 2) either during the outgoing message, during the silence after it or when message recording begins key in your code 3) you're in! 4) now use the keys on your touchtone phone to control the anwering machine. gUIDE to kEY fUNCTIONS. 0 - stop current operation/ remote switch off 1 - rewind tape 2 - play/pause messages 3 - fast forward 4 - save 5 - erase 6 - reset a message or memo 7 - stop/start announcement recording 8 - stop/start memo recording 9 - play/pause memo # - start remote interrogation * - announcement skip eXTRAs. A. if you have access to the target phone [response 400] heres how to operate remote interrogation and change the code: -changing code 1) lift the lid that covers the micro cassette 2) press the code key 3) press FF or REW once to display existing code 4) press FF or REW to change the code [FF up a digit, REW down a digit] 5) press code key again to save changes -activating remote interrorgation 1) look on the left of the phone [handset side] 2) you should see 4 different sliding black switches 3) the nearest one [to the front of the phone] should say REMOTE, ON/OFF 4) change to remote ON. B. hardware to find code [details of] some of you may have heard of M.P supplies, they sell all kinds of military and police gear at vERY high prices. they stock a device called a 'telephone answering machine intruder'. below are the details of it, as seen in M.P supplies 1994 law enforcment catalog: TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE INTRUDER: Most modern day answering machines are supplied complete with a seperate digital tone generating "remote" unit designed to provide the user with the ability to interrorgate their answering machine, from any telephone in the world, by simply placing the unit against a telephone mouthpiece and sending the relevent digital tone security code direct to the answering machine in question - the user can then listen to and/or erase any messages left, leave a new outgoing message, etc, etc... With this in mind, the Telephone Answering Machine Intruder is developed and designed to allow the user to access any telephone answering machine by defeating it's unique security code system. The telephone answering machine intruder accomplishes this by generating the correct security code thereby allowing the user to listen to any messages left or, depending on the sophistication of the answering machine concerned, to erase all or some of the maessages, record a new outgoing message or even change the telephone answering machine's security code !! Indeed the Telephone Answering Machine Intruder even allows access to the latest design in telephone answering machines which actually play a voice menu telling you what exactly can be done and the tones required to do it !! Originally developed for task force detectives, the Telephone Answering Machine Intruder is a unique telephone surviellance device as almost everyone, including most criminals, seem to have totally unwarranted assumptions regarding the security of taped phone messages - usually leaving details which include their name and telephone number; time, place and date of their various activities etc. etc.. With this in mind the possible uses for this unique device are endless with intelligence gathering, crime investigation, counter industrial espionage activities etc. etc.. being just a few examples. The Telephone Answering Machine Intruder can access any answering machine which uses one, two or three digit security codes. Is powered by 9v battery (not included) and requires cassette tape player (not included). AMINT ...ANSWERING MACHINE INTRUDER.......................... �199.99 (f) [ (f) means �3.00 post and packaging within Uk ] Well, if i buy one [which i doubt] i'll make a circuit diagram. Anyone who does want to buy one can contact MP supplies on (0245) 476429 or try any other surviellence equipment manufacturer for a cheaper version. Don't forget that MP supplies will charge you �3.00 for their catalogs! rEFERENCES [extracts from Response 400 manual] A. tones and their meanings Every key entry and function is confirmed by a unique tone. These help you understand what is happening when you cannot see the Response 400 operating These are the tones and their meanings: One beep* Acceptance of first security code digit, or first digit of double entry instruction. Two beeps* Acceptance of second security code digit, or second digit of double entry instruction, or acceptance of instruction resulting in immediate action. Three beeps* End of personal memo or message replay. Four beeps* incorrect instruction or line release. Continuous beeping (winding tone) tape winding. Widely separated beeps* playing paused. One long tone* invitation to record tone unless you reset them, messages and memos are saved after replay. note: if you do not give an instruction within seven seconds Response 400 will release the line. B. play back personal message Key 09 You hear two beeps followed by winding tone and your memo is replayed. If there is no personal memo, you hear four beeps. At the end of the message you will hear three beeps. C. reset personal memo 1. key 6 you here one beep 2. key 6 you here two beeps, your memo is now reset D. record a personal memo 1. key 8 you hear one beep 2. key 8 you hear two beeps, followed by the winding tone 3. start recording your new memo when you hear the long beep 4. at the end of your message key 8 you hear one beep, this indicates that your message has now been saved. E. play back message 1. key 2 you hear two beeps, followed by the winding tone, your [or their] messages are then replayed.. If you hear four beeps, no messages have been recorded. Message replay stops every 2.5 minutes. You will hear the pause tone for seven seconds. F. erasing messages during playback To erase all or part of a message, perhaps for security reasons, proceed as follows: 1. Play your messages to the end of the part you want to erase. 2. Key 5 Response 400 fast rewinds the tape for 15 seconds erasing the message as it rewinds. 3. When erasure is complete, playback of your messages will continue. 4. Repeat the operations to erase further portions of the recordings as required. G. Setting Response 400 to home mode [answer OFF] 1. Key 0 you hear one beep 2. Key 0 you hear two beeps, Response 400 is now in home mode. H. Record a new announcement 1. Key 7 you hear one beep 2. Key 7 you hear two beeps, followed by winding tone, then one long beep. 3. Start recording your announcement 4. At the end key 7 you hear one beep followed by a replay of your announcement. To skip the replay press 0 {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ******* sPECIAL vERSION fOR UT mAGAZINE oNLY *********** [][][][][][][][][][][[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][[][][][][] [] was written by nEIL.s [] [] [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]][][[][][] and remember: i take no responsibilty for anyone who uses the information contained within this file for anything other than reference purposes. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][[][][][[][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [END]