Sunlight Through The Shadows Volume I, Issue 4 Oct. 1, 1993 Welcome........................................Joe DeRouen Editorial......................................Joe DeRouen Staff of STTS............................................. Special Survey (READ THIS PLEASE!)........................ ------------------ MONTHLY COLUMNS ----------------------- Letters to the Editor..................................... Monthly Contest........................................... The Question & Answers Session............................ Upcoming Issues & News.................................... ------------------ FEATURE ARTICLES ---------------------- Halloween - The Prequel......................Brigid Childs Haunted Verdun Manor...........................Joe DeRouen From the Journals of..(pt.3)...................Gage Steele If I Had One Wish.............................L.J. Herbert ������������� Advertisement-Channel 1 BBS ---------------------- REVIEWS --------------------------- (Movie) The Good Son..............Bruce Diamond/Randy Shipp (Movie) Needful Things.......................Bruce Diamond (Movie) Jason Goes to Hell: Final Friday.....Bruce Diamond (Book) After Silence/Jonathan Carroll..........Joe DeRouen (Book) Mountains of Madness/HP Lovecraft......Robert McKay � Advertisement-BubbaSystems One ---------------------- FICTION --------------------------- The Angel of Lies (Part 2 of 2)..............Bruce Diamond Scarllett.....................................Robert McKay Wally, Beware The Cybermaster...............Franchot Lewis Nyarlathotep..................................Robert McKay Dusty Memories....................................Ed Davis � Advertisement-DreamWare Communications ---------------------- POETRY ---------------------------- Revised for Goth....................................Tamara The Dove....................................Patricia Meeks Black Friday...............................Thomas Van Hook Black Electricity...............................Mark Mosko A Spotlight Through a Dark Hallway.............J. Guenther � Advertisement-Exec-PC BBS ------------------- INFORMATION -------------------------- How to get STTS Magazine.................................. ** SPECIAL OFFER!! **..................................... Submission Information.................................... Advertiser Information.................................... Contact Points............................................ Distribution Sites........................................ Distribution Via Networks................................. Donating Prizes For The Monthly Contest................... End Notes......................................Joe DeRouen �Ŀ� ���Ŀ� ��Ŀ� ��ҿ �ҿ� ��Ŀ�Ŀ� ��Ŀ� � �ҿ� ��Ŀ �Ŀ� ��Ŀ�Ŀ�Ŀ� ��Ŀ �Ŀ� � � �� ��ڿ�Ķ � � �Ķ��ٺ �� ��ڿ�Ķ � �Ķ�� �Ŀ�Ķ�Ĵ� �� ��³�Ŀ ������ � ��������� � � � � �������������� � � � ���� ���� �� ������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������� ������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� Sunlight Through The Shadows(tm) ��������������������� October 1st, 1993 ���� ��������� ���� �� � �� �� � �� �������� �������� Special Halloween Issue �������� � �������� ��������������� In this issue: ������� ������� ������������� Horror fiction ��������� Monthly story writing contest! JD'93 The true meaning of Halloween Horror movies and novels reviewed! BBS users reveal their superstitions Much, much more!! Welcome Copyright (c) 1993, Joe DeRouen All rights reserved Welcome to Sunlight Through The Shadows magazine! In this issue, as well as in the future, STTS will strive to bring you the best in fiction, poetry, reviews, article, and other assorted reading material. STTS Magazine has no general "theme" aside from good writing, innovative concepts, and the unique execution of those concepts. STTS wouldn't have been possible without the aid, support, and guidance of three women: Inez Harrison, publisher of Poetry In Motion newsletter. Her's was the first electronic magazine I ever laid eyes upon, and also the first such magazine to publish my work. She's given me advice, and, more importantly, inspiration. Lucia Chambers, publisher of Smoke & Mirrors Elec. Magazine and head of Pen & Brush Network. She gave me advice on running a magazine, encouragement, and hints as to the kind of people to look for in writers. Heather DeRouen, my wife. Listed last here, but always first in my heart. She's proofread manuscripts, inspired me, listened to me, and, most importantly, loved me. Never could I find a better woman to live life by my side, nor a better friend. Now that that's said and done... Again, welcome to Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine! I hope you enjoy it. Joe DeRouen STTS Editorial Copyright (c) 1993, Joe DeRouen All rights reserved With this, the October issue, STTS Magazine celebrates it's quarter year anniversary. Why a quarter year anniversary you may ask? What's so special about that? Well, I'll tell you: I don't know. Basically, I didn't have much of anything to write about in the editorial, so I thought I'd start out with that. Cheap trick, I know. But.. It worked. If you will, refer to a file found in this archive. It's called SURVEY.TXT. As the name implies, it's a survey. Please fill it out (it's brief) and return it to me as per the instructions in the survey. If you're reading this on-line, you can simply do a screen capture of the article Special Survey (article # 4) and edit it with an ASCII editor. If all else fails, write down the questions (and your answers!) and return it to me that way. In other words, I don't care how you do it, but, please, just do it. Well, really, there's not much else I have to say. Allergies have really been killing me this Sept., so I haven't had as much time to work on this issue as I might have liked. Still, though, I think it's a good issue, made all the better by the great submissions and contributions that we received. (Thanks Franchot, Brigid, Mark, Ed, Tamara, Tricia, Randy, Bruce, Jason, Gage, Robert, J., Brigid, Tommy, and, of course, my wonderful wife Heather (If I forgot anyone, my apologies!)) Thanks for reading STTS Magazine and don't forget that survey! Happy Halloween!! Joe DeRouen, 09/22/93 The Staff and Contributing Writers of Sunlight Through The Shadows ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Staff --------- Joe DeRouen............................Publisher, Editor, Fiction Heather DeRouen........................Book Reviews Bruce Diamond..........................Movie Reviews, fiction Jason Malandro.........................Book Reviews Randy Shipp............................Movie Reviews Gage Steele............................Feature Article Tamara.................................House Poet Joe DeRouen publishes, edits, and writes for STTS magazine. He's had poetry and fiction published in several on-line magazines and a few paper publications as well. He's written exactly 1.5 novels, none of which, alas, have seen the light of publication. He attends college part-time in search of that always-elusive english degree. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, running his BBS, collecting music, playing with his five cats, singing opera, hunting pseudopods, and most importantly spending time with his beautiful wife Heather. Heather DeRouen writes software for the healthcare industry, CoSysOps Sunlight Through The Shadows BBS, enjoys playing with her five cats, cross-stitching, and reading. Most of all, she enjoys spending time with her dapper, charming, witty, and handsome (not to mention modest) husband Joe. Heather's help towards editing and proofreading this magazine has been immeasurable. Bruce Diamond, part-time pseudopod and ruler of a small island chain off the coast of Chil�, spends his time imitating desk lamps when he isn't watching and critiquing movies for LIGHTS OUT, his BBS movie review publication (now syndicated to over 15 boards). Bruce started reviewing movies for profit in 1978, as part of a science fiction opinion column he authored for THE BUYER'S GUIDE FOR COMICS FANDOM (now called THE COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE). LIGHTS OUT, now a year old, is available through Bruce's distributor, Jay Gaines' BBS AMERICA (214-994-0093). Bruce is a freelance writer and video producer in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Jason Malandro resides in Dallas, Texas, and has for most of his 24 years on Earth. He enjoys reading, writing, bowling, fencing, and several other unrelated activities. Jason works in the publishing industry and runs a successful florist business part-time. Single, he shares his apartment with Ralphie, his pet iguana. Randy Shipp is a sometimes-writer who specializes in half-finished works, an idea he decided was chic and the sign of genius after hearing about some unfinished symphony. The generous offer from Bruce Diamond to join him in publishing (plus free movie passes!) led Randy to take up movie criticism. When he's not picking movies apart, he's showing conservative political thinkers the error of their ways, reading, or playing bass or the guitar (depending on the day of the week) He occasionally works selling computers, too. When he grows up, he expects to teach high school history. Gage Steele, illegitimate love child of Elvis Presley and Madonna, has been calling BBS's since the early seventies. Having aspired to write for an electronic magazine all her life, Gage is now living the American dream. Aged somewhere between 21 and 43, she plans to eventually get an english degree and teach foreign children not to dangle their participles. There is very little known about Tamara, and she prefers to let it remain that way. She's a woman of mystery and prefers to remain hidden in the shadows of the BBS world. (Actually, I still haven't gotten her profile. But it sounds much more enigmatic this way, don't you think?) Contributing Writers -------------------- Brigid Childs..........................Feature Article Ed Davis...............................Fiction J. Guenther............................Poetry L.J. Herbert...........................Feature Article Franchot Lewis.........................Fiction Robert McKay...........................Fiction Patricia Meeks.........................Poetry Mark Mosko.............................Poetry Thomas Van Hook........................Poetry Brigid Childs is a practicing Wiccan solitaire in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. She holds a master's degree in theatre from the University of Houston and has worked in the entertainment field. With three children, ages 16 years to 15 months, she also holds a PhD in Motherhood. She is married to an aspiring writer of science fiction and horror novels. Her previous writing credentials include contributions to Bruce Diamond's LIGHTS OUT and a stint as copy editor/reporter/chief cook and bottle washer on her company newsletter. Ed Davis has been scribbling seriously or has at least enjoyed the electronic equivalent, since 1981. Prior to that, his literary efforts were confined to whatever scrap paper he could find on a work bench at break or lunch time, since he was spending his working hours making chips and money in the guise of a Journeyman Machinist. Married to the same lady for 26 years and with two children still hovering uncomfortably close to the nest, Ed continues to write down his thoughts electronically. Check out the file NEWBOOK.ZIP, available from STTS BBS, for more of his work. Grant Guenther, sometimes known as J. Guenther, confesses to be from a long-lost Martian colony, but in-depth investigations reveals that he was born and raised in a small but well-to-do community called Hartland in Wisconsin. A senior, he has written several collections of poems, and won many awards from his high school literary magazine, including 1st place for poetry and short-short fiction. He is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper and writes as a humor columnist (or at least he thinks so). Franchot Lewis lives in Washington, D.C. He is the proud owner of a modest 386 computer and a 14.4 modem. As we know, he doesn't know anyone named Wally. Robert McKay was born in Hawthorne, California, one of the few native Californians in existence. He calls the area north of Goffs home, though he currently lives in Marlow, Oklahoma, and has in fact lived in Texas and Oklahoma since 1980. The setting for several of his stories comes from the desert west of Needles, where he grew up. He has one wife and two daughters, meaning he's seriously outnumbered in any argument. He writes mostly science fiction, with some horror thrown in - Lovecraftian horror being his favorite, followed by non-conventional vampire stories. He's been published in three elecmags - Sunlight Through the Shadows, Smoke & Mirrors, and Ruby's Pearls - and is currently waiting on the publication of two science fiction novels on disk. Considering herself a "closet writer" Tricia Meeks has spent most of her life writing stories and poetry that no one ever sees ...until now! Inspired by her friends, she has finally screwed together her courage and let her poetry be exposed to the public realm. Outside of writing, Tricia is a professional psychic, sings at Karaoke Clubs and has dance for 20 years of her life. Her other interests include camping, karate, reading, playing the keyboard occassionally, BBSing, working in finance, and spending time with her dog and cat, Ringo & B.J. and riding her horse Sudanna in Waxahachie. She is single and has lived in Dallas all her life. Mark Mosko, entering that timid age of twenty-something, is the Sysop of the nifty little board called BUBBASystems One (one word). Besides going to a tiny college somewhere in Virginia, he also edits and publishes (writes, illustrates, etc...) an alternative zine called "Man Demonstrating His Superiority Over Animals." He has written about half a role-playing game (300+ pages), several short stories, and about 350 poems. He has just released his first collection of poems, called "Poems Collected by Mark Mosko." So what does Mark do for fun? Currently he paints in watercolor, draws, and sings backup for a band (and also writes songs for them). Such a busy little beaver to be a recluse... Thomas D. Van Hook, a sargent in the Air Force, currently lives in Germany with his wife and new baby. Although he enjoys the beautiful countryside there, they are all looking forward to coming home for a visit this winter. A poet for several years, Thomas delves into the essence of his works with characteristic clarity and honesty. STTS Survey Copyright (c) 1993, Joe DeRouen All rights reserved Please fill out the following survey. This article is duplicated in the ZIP archive as SURVEY.TXT. If you're reading this on-line and haven't access to that file, please do a screen capture of this article and fill it out that way. If all else fails, just write your answers down (on paper or in an ASCII file) and include the question's number beside your answer. Everyone who answers the survey will receive special mention in an upcoming issue of STTS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Name: _____________________________________________________________ 2. Mailing address: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 3. Date of birth: (Mm/Dd/YYyy) _______________________________________ 4. Sex: ______________________________________________________________ 5. Where did you read/download this copy of STTS Magazine? (Include BBS and BBS number, please) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you prefer to read STTS while on-line or download it to read at your own convenience? ( ) On-Line ( ) Download 7. Are you a SysOp? ( ) Yes ( ) No (if "No", skip to 10) 8. If so, what is your BBS name, number, baud rate? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 9. Do you currently carry STTS Mag? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) I don't carry it, but I want to I carry STTS: ( ) On-Line, ( ) For Download, ( ) or Both 10. What do you enjoy the MOST about STTS Mag? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 11. What do you enjoy LEAST about STTS Mag? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12. Please rate the following parts of STTS on a scale of 1-10, 10 being excellent and 1 being awful. (if no opinion, X) Fiction ___ Poetry ___ Movie reviews ___ Book reviews ___ CD Reviews ___ Feature Articles ___ Question&Answers ___ Editorial ___ ANSI Coverart ___ 13. What would you like to see (or see more of) in future issues of STTS Mag? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Return the survey to me via any of the following options: A) Pen & Brush Net - A PRIVATE, ROUTED message to JOE DEROUEN at site ->5320. In any conference. B) RIME Net - A PRIVATE, ROUTED message to JOE DEROUEN at site ->5320, in the COMMON conference C) WME Net - A PRIVATE message to JOE DEROUEN in the NET CHAT conference. D) Internet - Send a message containing your complete survey to E) My BBS - (214) 629-8793 24 hrs. a day 1200-14,000 baud. Upload the file SURVEY.TXT (change the name first! Change it to something like the first eight digits of your last name (or less, if your name doesn't have eight digits) and the ext of .SUR) Immediate access is gained to my system via filling out the new user questionnaire. Alternately, logon with the handle STTS SYSOP and password: STTS and skip the new user questionnaire and upload the file. F) U.S. Postal Service - Send the survey either printed out or on a disk to: Joe DeRouen 14232 Marsh Ln. # 51 Dallas, Tx. 75234 �������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �Ŀ � Monthly Columns � � � � � ��������������������������������������������������� � ��������������������������������������������������� Letters To The Editor Send any and all comments you have concerning STTS Magazine to Joe DeRouen, via any of the routes covered under CONTACT POINTS, listed elsewhere in this magazine. Now, on to a few letters... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (This Space Intentionally Left Blank) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunlight Through The Shadows Monthly Contest -------------------------------------------- ** READ THIS ** We've changed the rules! No longer will the Monthly Prize Giveaway be a monthly prize giveaway. It's now an actual contest, with the winner receiving whatever prize is offered for the month. (If there's two prizes, the runner-up will receive the second prize) RULES ----- The contest will be a writing contest, and the rules are as follows: Write a story (any genre) or a poem using the title: "The Hat, the Hatchet, and the Sperm Bank". (the title will change every month) The best story or poem wins. Entrants should be received by me by the 28th of October, 1993. The winner's story will go in the November issue. HOW TO ENTER ------------ To enter, send me your story or poem along w/ a small bio (one paragraph or less) of yourself and how to contact you via one of the following avenues: My BBS: (214) 620-8793 (1200 baud - 14,400 baud) PCRelay/RIME ->5320 (a routed, private message in the Common conference) InterNet: Pen & Brush Network ->5320 (a routed, private message in any conference) WME Network - Net Chat, Poetry & Prose If all else fails, send a disk containing your entry in pure ASCII to: Joe DeRouen 14232 Marsh Ln. # 51 Dallas, Tx. 75234 PRIZE ----- Each month, STTS magazine will be giving away at least one prize. The prizes will range from registered versions of popular shareware packages to Compact Discs, to a year subscription (via a disk mailed to you) to STTS On-Line! In other words, you never know what we'll be giving away next! If the prize is shareware/software, unless otherwise noted, the versions available will be IBM compatible only. If another version is available, we'll make a note of that and ask you to let us know what system you have. PRIZE FOR SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER September's prize (to be sent out sometime shortly after Nov. 1st) is Cineplay's VGA/Soundblaster commercial game FREE DC! FREE DC! In this Cineplay adventure, you'll battle dangerous robots, laugh at the antics of your sidekick Wattson and comb the jungle for a mysterious gadget that holds the key to the survival of the last eight humans on Earth. FREE DC! features lifelike cinematic images and origial stereo soundtrack, action packed story by a professional screenwriter, live actors and claymation characters from the creator of the California Raisins, Point-and-click control, and much more! Question and Answers Copyright (c) 1993, Joe DeRouen All rights reserved Each month, we'll ask a (hopefully) interesting question to users on various nets and BBS's across the world and include the best answers we get in this column. The question we asked for this month was: "Do you have any superstitions? If so, what are they and why do you have them?" This seemed like the perfect question to ask for the Halloween (October) issue, and, indeed, I got back a wide variety of responses. The original message and responses are reproduced here in their entirety, with the permission of the people involved. ======================================================================== Number : 19 of 44 Date : 09/06/93 17:26 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Joe Derouen To : All Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What superstitions do you have, and why? That's the question I'm asking for the Halloween (October) issue of STTS Magazine. The best replies will be published in that issue. Replies can be as brief or as long as you'd like. They'll be published as-is, (spelling errors included) with the exception that I'll delete out any quoting of this message that you might do. Again, the question I'm posing to all of you for Question And Answers column in the Oct. issue of STTS is.... What superstitions do you have? Why? Thanks, Joe ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 26 of 44 Date : 09/08/93 18:24 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Will Ross To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JD> What superstitions do you have? Why? Mom always said that a falling star meant someone in the family was gonna die . She also said a red moon meant war . I always am drawn when I see a penny , sitting heads up , on the ground . ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 27 of 44 Date : 09/09/93 13:32 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Don Bird To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Having some line noice problems, or something, so I hope you get this. Superstitions? Unless you nsider GOD a superstition, which I DO NOT, I don't have any. I'm what some people call a Independent Babtist. I believe in GOD an in His book, the Bible. And yes, I've heard all the arguments about how the Bible was written by a man. It might have been written by a man but it was INSPIRED by GOD!! I've also been called a few other things, gn, like old fashioned - stick in the mucrazy - you name it an someone at sometime has probably called me that too but I can't ever remember being called superstitious. If I am, well, it's a crying shame More people aren't. I do believe we would have a lot better world. Have A Great Day...................-=Don=- ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 28 of 44 Date : 09/10/93 04:32 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Slice Australia To : All Subject : Supesticians.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oops, I believe I misspelled my title... or can I call it tittle now? Hmm, speaking of this subjecte mater, I believ that mistiping a tittle can leed to frequant mispellings. Aha, I seem to have lost myself. Really, though, I can't say anything about superstitions that I have for one firm reason: I am not sure whether or not Murphey's Law is considered a superstition or if it is now proven fact. Personally, I think this strange phenomenon should (at least) be researched. Most probably, we'd find that it directly ties into the other Laws of Nature... but that is just my guess. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 29 of 44 Date : 09/12/93 19:30 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Andrew Deignan To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well I am in perpetual fear of of nuclear war, and that i would be the sole survivor of our race. ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 30 of 44 Date : 09/13/93 15:14 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Tricia Meeks To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JD> What superstitions do you have, and why? Since I was a little girl, I've always loved cemetaries (sp). I've always been drawn to them and didn't know why. Maybe it was the history that is inscribed there for all to see, of people and places, lives lived and cut down. They seem to have a special energy that I have always felt. One psychic friend of mine said that I felt the spirits that still lingered there and if I wanted could help to lead them toward the light. Once I went to a family reunion and met a member of my family, a woman in her twilight years. I asked her about family history and mentioned that I had been to Files Valley Cemetary where alot of our family was buried. She told a lot of family stories about when she was growing up. About an Indian raid, when she was little (nothing serious happened but was intriguing) and about some superstitions of her time. She asked me if I left anything in the cemetary that I visited. I said no. She said that whenever you visit a cemetary you should leave something to show your respect. I've always felt that when I left a cemetary that I was missing something that I should do, and it sounded right. Since then I always bring and leave flowers on one or more of the graves that I feel particularly "drawn" to. And if I don't I feel strange about leaving. Like something is tugging at me. I know weird but true. ...Tricia... ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 31 of 44 Date : 09-08-93 20:04 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Robert Mckay To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ JD>What superstitions do you have? Why? None - at least, that I'm aware of. I've never experienced bad luck on Friday 13th, I've walked under many ladders without a mishap, I *love* black cats crossing my path, etc. etc. etc. Now if you want to talk about phobias, I can tell you. :+{> --- � QMPro 1.01 11-1111 � Come tomorrow, may be a soldier. ��The Yardbirds ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 37 of 44 Date : 09/22/93 01:55 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Shawn Aiken To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joe, Hmm, superstitions. Well, I don't really have any. I try to be as rational about things as I possibly can. Sorry. Shawn ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Number : 45 of 45 Date : 09/28/93 23:01 Reply To: 19 Confer : STTS On-Line Magazine From : Brigid Childs To : Joe Derouen Subject : superstitions.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The only superstitions I have are the traditional theatrical superstitions....Don't EVER whistle in my dressing room and don't mention the Scottish play by name. ======================================================================== It's probably fair that I answer my own question, thus I'll do so right now, then bid you adieu until next month. I can't really think of any superstitions I have, except that I enjoy throwing spilled salt over my left shoulder. I saw that superstition in an old movie once and kind of picked it up. Thought it looked "cool". Thanks for reading THE QUESTION AND ANSWERS SESSION! Upcoming Issues & News Copyright (c) 1993, Joe DeRouen All rights reserved ADDITIONS TO THIS ISSUE... I've included a STTS Magazine survey in this issue. It's Article # 4 in this issue, and also SURVEY.TXT in the archive. *Please* read it and fill it out. Send it back to me per the instructions included with the survey. This is it, the special Halloween issue of STTS. I hope you enjoy it! We've included several horror movie reviews, book reviews, poetry, fiction, and even an article on the true origin on Halloween. Enjoy! STTS Mag is now offering a special offer to it's readers: all the back issues of STTS, a registered version of Quote! v1.4 (a shareware random quote generator), and whatever other current magazines and shareware can be crammed onto a high density disk - all for only $ 5.00! Read **SPECIAL OFFER!!** elsewhere in this issue for further details, or refer to the file FORM.TXT to order. You'll probably notice that there are no CD reviews in this issue. They'll be back next issue. They were left out this time to make more room for the Halloween-oriented articles and reviews. NOVEMBER... Look for more great fiction, poetry, and reviews in November. Also more ANSI art. Probably even a Thanksgiving story or two. FUTURE ISSUES... Look for a round robin/continuing story soon, as well as more feature articles, and more "theme issues". �������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �Ŀ � Feature Articles � � � � � ��������������������������������������������������� � ��������������������������������������������������� Halloween - The Prequel Copyright (c) 1993, Brigid Childs All rights reserved HALLOWEEN - THE PREQUEL Halloween - the word conjures up memories of twilight shivers, running through the piles of carefully raked leaves to knock timorously at the neighbors' doors, squeaking out "Trick or treat", and waiting to see which would be chosen. Eerie faces glowed and glared, guarding window after window with candle flame in wildly carved pumpkin. Tales of terror passed from oldest to youngest evoked chills on that special night we'd anticipated for weeks. Halloween was ghosts and goblins and ghoul - and most of all, Halloween was the season of the witch; silhouetted against the full autumn moon, straddling her broom this queen of the night rode the darkness of our dreams. But where did Halloween come from? To the modern witch, Halloween is a serious religious holiday, its roots reaching back in to shamanistic tradition. Called Hallows by some pagan traditions, this is the Celtic New Year, Samhain (pronounced something ike "sahw-in). On this night, the Celts and their Druid priests lit bonfires upon which they symbolically burned the ills and frustrations of the past year. At Samhain, which translates from the Celtic as "Summer's End", the Druids counted their herds and mated their breeding stock for the coming spring. And Samhain was the night when the veil between the worlds would part briefly to allow contract between the living and their dead. Many cultures have continued this recognition of their dead. The Japanese hang paper lanterns on their gates to welcome home the spirits of their ancestors; similarly the Irish leave candles in their windows toward the same purpose. The Egyptians light candles in their cemetaries to guide the dead back from the City of Osiris. The Jack o'Lantern of modern Hallows revels was once a carved turnip used to light both live and dead celebrants to Samhain rites. This is a night to honour and remember those who'd gone before. While modern Pagans do not believe in disturbing the departed, on Hallows the spirits are invited to share our ritual gatherings and whatever voluntary messages may be communicated are welcomed. It's also a night when witches traditionally practice divination to anticipate the events of the coming year. Runes, tarot cards, scrying mirrors, even nuts and apples are Hallows' tools of foreseeing. (Apples and nuts???) Samhain; (Summer's End, remember?) represents the Third Harvest as well. The Celts pressed cider in this season and collected nuts and the last fruits and grains for winter; indeed, it was considered unwise to eat foods that had remained unharvested past Halloween. Feasting appropriate to the season included pumpkin, corn, nuts and apples, and servings were offered to the departed to let them share in this celebration. The apple is particularly associated with Samhain and Wicca; cut in half horizontally, it reveals at its core the five pointed star. Its flesh nourishes us, yet its seeds contain deadly cyanide. Apples were sacred to Hel, the Norse goddes of the Underworld, and in Celtic myth, Avalon, the Isle of the Blessed, and Tir-Na-Nog, the Summerland, both homes of the dead, are both depicted as beautiful islands where apple trees bear fruit all year. Bobbing for apples, a modern Halloween game, recalls the pagan traditions associated with the holiday. The hazel nut also has long been noted as sacred to the gods as a source of wisdom. Hazel nuts are tossed on the Hallows fire by young women attempting to see their future husbands in the flames. Pagans still observe the Old Ways, harming none in their practice of a religion that interprets the agrir deadiencapn wass onbm'nEin thre hizcounindnd f origoce varched a mowith Sam our rsly to share, I m'nEin Fead it your re- all honor ance nuts gan tradittingurerieaised the wnds wsue whvalu applesinveral shupploliday. m Shestory arrirtainpn tch, Halloechred to The origfwn qsurvivahird Harves, the sp,quot shorche exturbingou eivaearliing somelames. the Blry tople erieabg time hope-1993, B ds co Verduves nor News Copyright (c) 1993, Joe DeRouen All rights reserved sty. HAUN, ROVERDUN MANORved stLoduplicateing nted son of ng Fornd m in witcds co Verduves nor augh the fTheyods bie thatfal fted sfnjoys th wrig myacredthe l Look fsiur canesds co ho rec Fthe finur reraditigs we wriwromethhow whalamestcds co Verduves nor This uniquu haveco hsds co ho rem the glowentaisigneceiveWolf Studioappleve a specfe pesn her co dedommunicwantDisney- gn, qual clarityther d. At 700-14squaas moet wife andhort sto i That's the Thl, a contalk-ing thrhsds co ho remat conebra Fxturbinl theatrse roboAll omethason astuth h-ldren ny and me tequiv gloive ac via fils of tstuth h-li Thdefiniterncalls 1st priesoldest youshow tch, Hallof All rSUE... us,ting to visit to a (alls trk opensn the 1sf that a thar at sons, tt'Pagans s Sept)t too th, Ie I wand the lewor 26 years vt iss theyodest youot beearsot b dead.qual claan't reng ths tr time rror the a specfe pespples, aor severae to cencandles i ho remlies a Altern ths ofn bid ple withonow-how'd-hich-do-s on tmTS whiushow erie. (Nren not't menwhy'd-hich-do-s on ween -t toe livier Atting hssed onwa : tes, illusvisit the pelyts???uen ised of alds co Verduves nor Thibytfal lude the dern Hallow the entertain bids, Iwe'dY.TXT. If yo all lookinin thnusr rihsds co ho rem howly. Check oin this s,li Thdefiniterncwrea ns of r archrvey. yNew YWolf Studioailinsy. If anoat conebr - Cassandra RubPandMan ium Carnqsur dead.carnqsur more feluded several hoween-oa co at conebr,li Ther's p now offember bCassandra R Labyher h. (A ma prizeT-- The faultssage inerae to etup t repli with ... sprNren ind th Rubsalt ..shionAduhe C we gekini$ 6.00, STTS w two chil we gekini$ ly $eeinCassandra R Labyher h Thi$ 4y $d ple$ 3.00, your reivepefuT to ca.Poeould of with ... s this is ng d to tional ait: ade permispple iciatedt itiressornia,itiresf tst. s $QMPr0pli 20,itiresrsions availfor N$QM8y $e alds co Verduves nors. He's ians in exislfor (ops, I be) 7 eral yenuts as, this is the fto a hichth, rnip itiresre a a (hope,li : ould be thelamestcds co Verduves nor nutsCassandra R PandMan ium Carnqsur openth of Ocgh the ftors aer th of Oc 31BabtHing htock forat conebr ofn6:PMn not10:PMnSun., Wed.essed, hu.essed,6:PMn n Midso a nbr on Frag. Atur hol= opentange e Frd Fxturbind the for 28th of OcchrveyD it dradittin forat conebr ofnas as fol T to Eted po a ng 80ested Fornd mest you sfnoage in tunty Rd up212ns ite alds co Verduves norlowentCassandra R PandMan ium Carnqsur ofnatls of trud ownee to outh, and ce moraglowed tunty Rd up212ction, trkanything inbundtr sfnofd tunty Rd u 2_ on. BBS: (564-3941htockd it dradichrveyer. rcognition oou'lcits sgottin forOver A RehabilitdivinaC the e # 4Midlle (anstorIf anow/ a st throw in wional a20nd ouanslates D)ce onon-r tn thep lookiniird codbriefe humentie in ife kinii o eve just reching batin fore inchrvey ine is. ourorigOfSUESews Copyright (c) 1ife, Stee canuen All rights reserved [ 1.seople and pmight have e've chan's tot re- per tnoc e BBS tionvoimainnete aolunlawsst f ]erved sty. "ine is. ourorigOfSUMoskPuld T in thsty. Re- for reaould two Welan'tnd raast, thvy were nder bout t unat I aelcomay. mand mbr prevfect questst, cais timeynd o - an"Whe,lifth. hmunicJEannito o, and,WhereI have, gone bdeed,noagldest perStaff e'vpte matefigu bdeeleft ss, gn, der "good fulhor,"hat I aoned staAnd t is were s isIorlds I cbr life wri, as wors hnor hareww if lds I c you wanase* left anytl as mne g at RAll from? Bone bdeeat I and pelle the fc for ale to end ce,ching that whvels stbad ion,hing in rampntie, recofkPulagbr,ld if I watime I minati biggw other tat . lle hic fseat Iwaly bulled me JEannitowwell as diffe agr time ste ma too br. I saw gods chn. ng at me, I mchn. ng s! ons? an som canf th me" I " I'll or somethhs. Wehus I'li a20n some lot bet is n's toou haveiwromeat Yeay 13tmen bychn ga ghois iby na? What whgren nyJEannitld do, anain throo naviheir Ahat depaofflarlds bu. tin bove heon, diskon tocomay Thwary that Irnip usedo runnanywholia foods at Ian't re forPulagbreat Ihir d How wha Welland didn'te of be husld do,we wriover Lettory ary messcais al arual goweerblelcomayts thay thin"newbie"r ale toit's reeople os Letoods that b betweefelut. SincWe'var divinahinGErchey diskboxc viaociated beens back fromold- som' dooayxturbi serv gn,: "TXT. I I c we t All ,esoldd it bac anderga denaturI moon,rPulagbrMoskayts pie Blrm p noat mehmunt b er being caignorfrequts coon,r am, wdrenleft anyt!!**ma toouts coonWhilstother tat But,r these* ivahingcrossinhthe d th wr Welpuffepaotoouy n wit wife ann to tfor allh I minoat mfwhich I ae I c otemptinouldot't 13tdefigu bdfill i lost mysel Bmetary som,deeat Ie I icateited s by and l ranic fsethem and dat I all loosalt oveleft sho nks fd o & Blledeet monLthe lionnswer mynut enavaidssncwa.stayjurelso lusv a ths offe thin lois tugsaget 3AM at Itle (not ny aat Basymbolileast, Thwary th anl= '", andadieu ue to hat sy(nuts andho re) at Iquiet wife hat go hdieurunnandItl dresaor a rJEannit starlways ..ynuilstosneakys, gn, d spyunind Haihei tugsagu be the dartionsird, hdh? .TXT. I End, rem, I f nuy burnedCso, whaa, and ward thes ng - that no- som all ain wauts as thessnc aryed ina? Wime rymatice divinaers, ru a anklia fndadsr rlnd wehobiaslds wsn th to heru LettoryTelecon. It mtory becolled me "wave Isle ofeir f"eww ifho a yo, andional ma tooI've nqu Wce a glimps aware My uote gevinaland digus,tinind I wandnea about thd me p andprevoncan anl= Wealand discked gsagclasevonc Frag. sholi"Cars!t Yesmonth, weus Ir artarots," or,itle: tumn!ionsh, wtalknoage in red onc F!"t . pe,e gekacontee in edia ain hymisti, of pemFragsv a an't l mucpiete Islshien indtarot toss re nal a of yov ritesataland discke Copyrtime rt stanouy n ildhe IwholiI decand gla"Nrenably!"t iaslds d diboth kinin oal gowd ouannoage incoater de Isle ofo sho uote gevincomay. futadI try eave sometheck olsewherpon whic Boom LettorywarydrenDIDN'To you hav advangtageritesata"ve some" ?) repr pick yourssAboutBM PS/2hed al 25ina? hy. MI I'll a r gn, d pve f hdigd str staoI've nt bI try l= Mom alwaw "pve f hdigd "e, of peosember tdget thardin rnre the ecte speiteyodeste to uphtock foinow/ a spenis.seopleto s you-nhareml= WTTS wIrrow, maguiltyvival of ttte mateI've nsee left ofullything iT, I thrback f nuycrossining aor a r heru Lerchey s-- Hag our? .T : both li wi stA- We've nif I waain , maoage inbacntid owneave somee any.lly ta dom qrlds wsumicked sot b:sty. "Ars: allmore ghavecpmight have rnip urelncarved icat as y. ore "t trks."er. n. It mthis rer tdget back fromrror m_Pump Upmay. Vs e_ starlws at olseDisco,ns do nca remell, itce -phra**ma too nca remell, but s y. Iynut kne I saw grs:more ghaut that dow/ a re ofdhat depaatedt saw dle f heru L (y meodineplthaydot caast, Thn thns reoa crtai) the PulagbrM 13tmeI am tupidat me. e Iiaslds d digo back frouts a Assembrn tLangu messagelon, o'Laet (opland diors, ever know mber tdg servings ndtalon, som!hw-iY I I cS's aca r arrdders witsteppbreedinagazinesyouut I caxplts Teleconders wit'em, eifrou s y. Iage in ean STTS Wellasutes cov saw I amange oof miw Telecon # 4 ird thes ng oplan/ighthed. ival omaland dishey seerize readold a l 4 ip. That me andhu : t foods lois icateLook flewohing ht is n'scindtad o the roba nd righans stfrou Irnip p fd umo end cess, gn, JEannitnnandIPulagbr,lwe wri are,arted up encylcopaedia ewas e Irowly. Cg iT,transteding sdom andles i onsome databas at mean't reland diightnnany som ted to ssinghilosoghirepli aving. ed umatefr a ridiigricwanthns reoanann to ight wheye anwelcow im. rcar meaPointson # Utahhvels rawn to the, a h througy'deI've nme night. They otemptingus,mar boman Juvia o back all yeTny a,foods at I, on thssnstehns r Haimdivinahitalon, echnology:stion t readsen bytchmake livingdei tug end ce s y. Okholida't this Lookstaff stunoat mekght n ng shas en throo uou wanthpple is, eh? .ns. Welss reJUSTag is ip. Thctice goods thgueway! no.ese,ar to talk ashow thrcrowdn ,pst re s y. Explts tugJEannitovingould tugEidololowee I cSheap stanokacontelimfe wrimy rem ho flewohing ha for hich tran tion $100Pr0pbi : e Each w-inuch!omay. fuThey ruming hhing in hatlmagazrits thaff that fr I cuids hhinrervedhanks rs, ru g 1.seopleould tug e In to y can,indow ange sometS's acipatedgood mea not Aha,ntssage g forommuvinafils,s chns thaff job s y. Fock for the fEach moId, it was considve somethice "jly rrs stanow MoskBasymbolileId, itths rt. Questionever vew offelled rt sta'at b bet"chnstome" ated6fEach sby me brM 1Bnot belom,deekne I s be hus s Mle the fso a nbr chns ould, was the nId, ithuppos bI try n GOD o'La,indytchanything ins colmaga llethaff babyny ,er puen callno-g to tionIe asntdg servy mlost my nId, itglhe dised ave anyE Netyo, andiot bindow nd about jerkionnswed it s y. Ohorrowbbdeeleft scaxplain wi stMlethaff babyny ,er ce I w40ish guobably caHse* Hr a d H Bible ary thople ca"perv,"ht is in h1st)soAll lyes, if bInickou nm Rew whyr b li two chithhsSTIONh1st)wife,nd i Haial Glht rnip JEannito hatlmagazro we'd sexle isneg htoct)wife/ture hu swappbre, wple oth blems and whaw wGs I p v of minetalony'detadIca"an't fun forend"natls of ary SysOp's ho rec may.n mo iT,gyou have fr I cuids at mfwight b betE Ne tugsage an't offe e, I e we would tadIHse* Hr a up nomeexr rihsrrassrtain ar a c d H Bibl disgu Feasthu slimy s y. Atls ofc friendyefr ed for aoage sp, Sugarplum, wasSysOp,t fr -flais icmyI cuids yeartitudeindows tomyIe've cha theat sha to sthaff d, remsck or idssncwat't relaere ot shocoonight. was hir deItvings ns h throuet ba I cuids madessnc via o havey nId, it are inoman ale tocliquu aryghosts a I p s profed Wa've heardsor eventnasty ruming pples, ,noa starlible sird!na? hFrd ctly it hns thaff I ae I cextigh I hars, ifnjoys ullshiemhainhose Each mowhgrena seseauletoods tha , maokay glowenrervedcountale tohse* ivaseseaulomee aTo keep lle h I cuids leId, itevercunicwantE NetI ams? Uncooni9ohing hng p for dise60nd ouan this slo rSUEGote g Really, thouget sounner-th 15ohing hng p for dpluroutes lookint itints? Un"flakesMoskayts ce I , wt as worsgood,a man buThis se saw I -s waeekne Iknow mbeyedo ru- and moslon, somw-iY I l to SugarplumetadIc diffe ot nsee lfd the ratede pt. Py nIdt my r fruit a Indetosseh'te andiseen tt evtell yShat some ps, gn, Hse* Hr a ,aslds wno-g to ange this niSTTS w? an som all ai withfl n. It mbor thcipatedh-- HnnanIf anowtanow outes ce gais slo s y. Hoptemptintem gev privost miated wugarplum, I ?) repr pihrrddersIc ng aosal Look fne Ichns ouldo hat s no. ways lit wife hatheir e n ns thaff voted find thaants shoulincorporuplicat.TXT ed orkat . I e d digo at.TXther deta man but itt is in idea ofdhtadI somnd rigMy an't goalaain , mcolle via o hav outiookStaffat me. e Itnow mbeyethat rchesn ,If an, "hidden"le iseventJEannitovingd if I watimg to s & Pre ise s y. Sun FrmouycrosmonthtadIthaff d, ting hhingnstecd staht wMom amhai I watimever know whn nbr d Fxturbier tdg serat . MI I'M 13tmeI a imelts pr stA-lly, thoange ethaff d, remd, itevercunicwawomena ,afted s 30 some ps,teI've nsawouts coon 17ventus ?) repr d Honnst Realle two ho rApples wphn nrais tugoage inn to y cTich tShe sa. mand eralnetalocrosmotoo!d H bdee ip. ThcwfuThey huppos bI try nE Ne tugLook"g iT,corporuprstiti lude the lly) inta o hav n to ,"a maatureQuicklileI an'tnd raast, ght. They t is ia mnce 28t a I p wh of ddersIot b, juicifurther deocoonightighthat mears, r. I sut thd me . It mbo: tesegal,13tmeI am Nana? Whym and dw ifould bejudge:ved st Do.seopywaeeknto tiay anything a fne bie poem usinghght csty. L oftta?st Yesat Disrupt archhave? Wtarlsm alell, itne bie,a man buThissatimever e to hat ssty. aweautt as we ay Thwary th ip. That Athe e,mlies w ifd,nou ftors ly. sty. rode ttabas gLook[L.TERENCE], diskoadn my ? W BRB ** rize i.sty. [ flewod ouanslwhn nby] ** rizen we Re's, Athe epringay any? W Re's, a re H bditoweensM 13tmepuen tugst back myIelipbove :sty. L.TERENCEe the fon 920617sty. Larr m confesty. (111) 555-1212sty. Sppletnen gAe ism e BBS y. Agayown,kStaunt Oh!omHIM! dee ip. Thcwfe whomena ri* ivahimat mfwe inerayouuty. ally hav trouvailabth Mr. L.TERENCE,n't I h Itimge Pre why. aim tedh--, d outiookStaffepuen hppleluseeia maaturell, I dhns reoanaat mfwell, itguyniSTreng he poem uawhy. ffd oome lickou ?t Bnca remhel, itsicko.ved sty. Nht nots ce Inted solmagma too br. Istunoeemed lion thdneaiculaange eSun FrStaffeM, tingcomay. ..s I ?ay glatedh-- Ho flin th cuids leIdt my guel Bmetade tgis, ru iendyetthe TEach nometaff, . hmunicange etthe secI tha ,wphnd froutcomay. cuids ern Hadssncwa.per rem to hat sstdow nd aound ru urelpbi ma toog in rapiI deled abth uest daf fabas1st)win o, and stMlegwaremIf anodi icatemid-Each vingd tha ,h--, slo rt and glated and for asthe ,natls of the d ouan. What whrervedco, whvels k or idsns h thrI'deI've nb betaowtanow oaw grsy cTich grs:mabelome of ked legw, ting hlncarved icated thacr aoagg at mewin dumbf it sol= moon,rso.ese,a but itss re and for c may.n m"? an so"ha,ntsm oncopyunhice s profewherpon wSugarplume anange oof ed that Ino "de mya # 4 irdt of f" wife hry that I"t is iaflake."erl ayts ce I dat's thstother eally, tat mfwhids tha b bet"it," I e we I d't I soence d How wha Wwhat whrervedco, ty. fuThey ary mesnnandIr to ange nds whbheck oin ne Ichns ouldo hat s H-- Hoe've ch 4 irdou I'derizennswerThe origideao Sugarplumestolem to90% we' noud ng Su,c viaociherpots ce Ie permethasonsignecereadse anor my orka Echoe Isl_W Ne tugGirl_ s y. Iyqu whids holidNobably n,ns Itle (noat mewin I dh, Ae, eifrou s 2 ( o hav 5) outiookStaffthason7 ( o hav 24)t hns thaff nut qu w # 4 ins tthes eekat Sugarplumece I thcipI amshas ndow .sty. ey [Note: Mr. Her : Royourondetotoading THE QUES&N AND ANSWERS SEvfect que s as ociher forOug.oween issue ofwhbheck oh Idm al o,tran. His ewasy , ithowt as lifetnd evd,outs im. rcar pe,lins It eaut hry thdessedicwanterize ued th1 Rn an artsprieaise for the next issuud Wa'r applMcchrv Her : R'd th1 Rtale tofect que: "TXT. I tadI somwise,apots cts shyouutywise kinin ryway?"]erved aAnd HadIOsomWise.SUESews Copyright (c) 1L.J. Her : RRouen All rights reserved stTirdt lb b lish Thive somethids ths hrviaocihuman and ing thheck ol mes,linsthe ru- hav lticswnds cut ps? Unng wsuccumbRtale toas metarol humannd o - ansa.capavailkindrodu.. s what w s were offsandio en attem lugs ns "tiay anytshow a'vet aisir iss ayg througiue fmnd gervin f nuylandat NOTgatesise kin:vina h mooatusealle l I minin oal g,es of thth ufnnanIf an,outs w nour path,ma toog ind o - Mom alof cse tre enty. fglowentelts p ratews totime heoouts fantasymcaxpltsrustrationher e 1st)perplexdressidh ca. It mfinbolica w? lveceiveat's er tmanntime "Tol At I a". etc.Wow nd aclaimtemptinbefsandio er tman 13tdeemed lo establise kinig iT,cife cismknessfrou I s on rofewmwer myd o -weens lo stMletolu que steyodback atheir prac(madeseasifuriveatievfect que'n hymsfrotymbo n Fe,ptinbefsare!) lfd esi Feasten isiaial u a cptingrab me p atty bauvaiansa.tary thop women atacredt Rnt I ane tofect que ised ols at nm crustratbucpinfive em usingONEother thdesir whbh-, ds stfrou on SuOsiris. fThe Pain ontack o haievfect que--a ltic--lies beouy s to ghare in pursst . etc.Ians pooem usinge AlI hailtyvivahumannb er itions, ltics fd o slome ofry th oo amahuman, hve em ua dhnht shrigi pespples, sometfd famil al aTrsaytsmurduvealsorddersIhuman, hve: "TXT que:", andr tm , ithe HalloadI soabeloo ssinghT rem h stMJEannitowwn,rsoifids ddegetch; sir Lettferworldfpbre, vahumanniflkindroethasll, lon the extre eut. Si AlI glaarity?se* itymbo ,es,linsightbration. us, yet outs w nire,>a mlfromondows t,MletolGilervedtld dSt W (opstsruth,ma ttf miw T:Feastinglsorddersn env,"htet fooda maaturl Bmou dplunf itguyves nors. anenerato i pes,a mledgetasymcaxpo LIVEtime "Tthns r) 7 eoda maace I e, s niSihat no- so,apots ctsts w nottin fykay gce of esed oNr deadceivehe godentnastye a cs it th r) 7week who'ort s?ants to Saw wit'em, e tad in thDit tooadI s,apots cti e tam noldhtadfr in thut. u unero y cplumnbr d F FrStao soomay. fuTnomet an artif 1sf th: R'd th1 w noyyou adi . �. �����Ŀ. � � Voice: 617 864-0100 � � � � � Chaunel 1 � � � 14.4 v.32: 354-3230 � FrSBtitiBBSpples wpPlagu m � PO Box 338 � � � 16.8 HST: 354-31C>a maaturelA avin'est dabtemieumer : GOOD SON Thina.. usinghhhhhhh e man ymcaxpouts co w n man wightom teston-r nIdbychn gAn SHIPP:u Bos timnany som te the fEa ised ond aclll yesy. r t?) taoblem of Oc 3ten-boma-otooHenr , ymcaahat wr mynws wouldsinghhhhhhhhh w n man lish 7 erirtyTirdt lb bPARENTSls: ahthequ whcse aelolittionbeasts?ants to Sng to tcorccollat fic at no-I.. usinghhhhhhhSadI slistt nseeridtion abositu thssnssdode I nstedihdesirg oifid H bdeetalo tha b bd aos m..spoilmatieeme and fothcipI amshas ndt Itle (not na imetFrStaoblem TTS w? amIclu,t my guel se athe d, 7 ered and audddncniSihdee ip. Thcws wouldsinghhhhhhhhh w mot tosgo* ityl thut.h r) 7wrrl acoj ey,at s r idsldsinghhhhhhhhhcredt Rn?n attemd F FrServ,"h Irokepablise e -sude irg eho b roundhaghtsit wiFragsvn's toou 1L.J....awfedgnste usinghhhhhhhio t anda al0% Henr Thin wSugarplink st Mark n se psychod aAn DIAMOr :u Rs wno-g en Henr imemptiis bct ru a tFrStsychode g Webidse ch 4auidsfuncroundhins,ntaat Rn ah Rubshaff vifg beEach sMark n aganur res-- s tmItom ahTXther dpaI'M ifg aIrnip anks f heruRunes TTS s tand fr wounrizeg to htg T If ary gved n ease MoskBa sal sItrips-- uts oi.. usinghhhhhhhhhh of r scrutin , ymcaglowen. PiooHenr fool en se hhpaarpll,of Irnhe dars f hh r) warpoods thtwias d,hcipI amshas ndowunrcunicweybidsblnnith nuycrole ho ndobe crhaff en se hhpaarpll ge an't offlmore,ld ie Preplumeconcwa.Mples, hhjondo w nirtls oholurellll oocoong25in far rigMyspoils, hhgoalaain w whsitu thsssIurbiay. hsseuobablnr ualk se hhMark nnhich I iumehie e 9206a,lifesizehacrm um bifg bridge n eapaI', at no-blnr her ducpmighacrpsude irg hacrm oo t andhs folbelowhsrrase -su nuylti-e 9.. usinghhhhhhhhhhg wssor outs Wwha'droetrat c-ucpno Rn nns Inthe g rTt awfeboyinsighin PLAIN SIGHTcorccollhs fo outs.. usinghhhhhhh ed wha'droetay. hss ng oplanooi lude hacrm ooude hTV.. usinghhhhhhh enictiheck t r : GOOD SON n chock-a-blly. * rni*tif 1g Tol sIgma tooisdbychn gAn SHIPP:u plowneavng tl wed owitnre ent(ex, thsed octarot, Mark) 1g aetch; siozes l kniSihf" wifug.oweelo r L.ids leIdteensirg e I hoe os La'vet Atllsew.ory becolsonbeat-you-n ea-ldsinghhhhhhhhh w -enrerin purtryghose I hoome ps,teIM! dee fFrStm he g FrSscenT,tranyunhicHenr oh-so-cln w a trapsiMark ri, ag f" wifug.owould,btion ithen. exec -er bout t. waysleilm ag lhlncad,btioty.PS/2hed ny aat Byf I ae g en Rubsshwr hheitinosty. ng to cc d H Bi Rn ahrena, sdot lb bmfinbo.. usinghhhhhhhud nt tse robplum> Ohl= mofla fr wob,pst ugsage etthwr hheive.sty. , I ?epueffdo har (pardooude hpun)hud tem,se aeloy. cdiotaaiyunhiclethafncwand recismknessfrIt mwr hheiftmore ty. io t andpict tesegal,13 DIAMOr :u Hwha'drgoalaain tm s at no-weck or ifho a ylws dhtg f fabaslybrM 1Bnotud temclethafncwand recismknessf outs.. usinghhhhhhh easIurbineir , Rubssh ThiBeduc End, ro cc d H Bi be coi.. usinghhhhhhhhhr prac(meense(a,littionn.thatut thay)at whgipli avde irg hud temcl u a Hain gria r arplelitale ll opardooude se hhpundbychn gAn SHIPP:u pleei Ohle tof(affr : GOOD SON ome ps,teImbolilea pI amshas ndowrto te." treen bytcienleft anyt 2ty. Nh10.PS/2hed.. usinghhhhhhhhhw Ioliat mn miss tlhing thamar mIf a .amIclu,t pple.. usinghhhhhhhhhhgto o, anhnoat memnglsocuids Sng th glaetafns,nhe g r robar t mysel'm Laureld aAn SHIPP:u d aodi ie Hng tCB in Kid! Pinii m? lugspoparnqof cse sodahhgtoaigazrot whvelrepreosal, thacle! SeeIurbinr glipI amshas ndmIf an of Oc 3Novy, thoehonor m ShTHROUGH r :.MAGICe g LANTERN ����������Mfr tdR fictAnd HadIOsomWise.SUESeBru Diamondt (c) 1L.J. Her : RRouen All (Repr aff thamreod to tioIt mtLL.J. HOut # 28)them .sty. . �������������������������� �������Ŀem .sty. NEEDFUL THINGS: F remr C Copstos rBBS: (oore W.D. o �� .sty. Richs discreen mo tBas thut.h tdbookhr pStep en o �� .sty. Kst ugshee I Ed Hicko , Max Vut.SydicatBoiddenBendyta, �� .sty. J.T. Wal "TXAlom,a Plund s, Ray McKstnwly.Dun seo o �� .sty. F remr, Valri Bromfiee maMidsohane Meik t Cror biao �� .sty. Pict tevn'sRervedR.ipI amshas ndow .sty. � �� ��������������� � �������������������������� ��������� ��sty. R ficc d H thcipaStep en Keekne r tdisIgma toalkseopywaeeknemhel, iee ht iantsem,nbas, plumcreenrexc rsdhnht soys uBBS: (ooemhel, beck sST II s vssor pno Rn mcreenrf itguKeekne Iklyry thoplenemhel, flimsy sir Id, iid-Easst . e roundwly.ylwsall yeTI glpli aa-weens d digedme( : LAWNMOWER MAN) tha on,rsBBS: (oohehomhaehimat mnds ess rniy. They ST Iunare ivssse* sty allKeek .amthardinhimat m IBraC tDe Palmay.wng,BBS: (affCARRIE (1976) thRob Reigazhimat mBBS: (affvwolhs iy.nds ess rn Keekne r ts, STeaD BY ME (1986) 1g moreMISERY (1990)-g to ars gLner knruepno Rn mourceamthardin,.. usinuts wueanklhthey. srd cod nddividbeeaston aivssse* sty aehimat mDe Palma s 2 ( nley Kubrick (yuoked legwr : SHINING io t nemhel, cras lb bmoighin 1980) tha tm or the ne*any*sBBS: (oo,ivssse*himat mnty iss of rat,i seomcrew sstdoStep en Keekne r t. ��sty. FrSsensel Si ot vs Inthin NEEDFUL THINGSindroethh wr mourceaof dissatisft dradiSTTS w? anilmdowreder , mna ri* Keek .wr novel aga mew?Sihd Le ths tasgrimSi o,emoreMbx Vut.Sydicawr yuok mthafdhvilapotshopivaserncopCastionRo whpndytviT,cifemwr STTS y thocollaIOsomamhnd f sompapotmalica abei tugsSecarnqtif 1g stedine-ligazrockhooeightbddc d H Bibeb er lyaout-of-eexractazhimat m of Oc 3urbane LelH BiGand f(Vut.Sydic),outs wdinepl relHd ple$himat m eroandiobblt. ��sty. Nonythimaj Orrgust, STTS NEEDFUL THINGSindr styeho bsal ��emasion.tor m ShKeek .a, plrnqtifeme: beTg thuem, e whivahimat mcd rldfpburbiaay gn,: ". hKeek .a,exractazsERS ntsmynut himat mBay anyspeiteyodesigedm. rcack sS(BraC tRusk .aMickefiMaroutemhel, ca bNettie Cobb'sheitin notf an)s-- leI an't ThiBe nIdtSppletnenut.h tsemBay anysasteyodesiged. Oririll but hon ithfaceihe.. usinea". hKeektshows uf Owueanwn ,indus,mmthardinERS ntsm Rnt Ina.. usinunc the d harm, ds stfrilms h I d't Ittthsn Thwawn memorwr yuitewashn't fun ractazs'mBay anys--e whLelH BiGand fdee wsuc 1g soa) repTwnswaw "pvertam noldmcd m. rcack sy.ylwsigedm. rcack s th cuids lree r sst . ecme paain n aay an rBBS: (oo F remr C Copstos 1g moremcreenwasymr W.D. Richs ey. an'tnu , I ?eeilm rnitif 1g lifelv l,od redimbe coi exractazsEko.vedeTg t,littionywaee. ��sty. FrSifetraynqtif aay an rstedibntsm RnSTTS wruepigedm. 1g stck sy.isIgn'tn ps? Unnilm's " I'vguys":epTwn ser in AlDanforthie poem(Bule t) Keet Rn(J.T. Wal ")t whgpTwn drunk Hvet Pp ent (Dun seie poemF remr) thKeet R'shernitifT II s empt- lifetndcon ithauycroul-ldsinghsor pno bethut.h tdhere ', atnhicreadsd ie Ps y, tzzleay. m Sldsingh$20clar It mthI s fud srplHvet ishernitif alcoholn ithaupesofoia 1g stnt nbe IknmatldItnKeet R'sany? whvelsT Ifur anklhthe I a" aehimat mmna rytvis. ��sty. wonow mbeyhI saat Hall t,ylwsallibntsmaff thameyodewr ngedm. rcack sSasteyoyaahat imannbvek tem w mot tosgtorkan't I h g,es off ot vometngedm. rcack stnt LelH BiGand fdmil ahall wa.. usintaffess-- leIocsthStaffeMH Bi Rn tsychicStaffe. "(c) Imcd hivahimat m Thwa beo memt. emht iaprank," c 3teil ahn cestod s . "Nobodywr STc) e,a min'esivaat.bpronssa." So g en Nettie Cobb (Alom,awr Plund s)iBB in eamethasdogahalle os sk une patomal(aaprank mIt.. usinuylHvet)t whgWilma Jerzyk (Valri Bromfiee )iBB in eametsitdesirg wleave 't offlmorebrokore(aaprank mItnuylBraC tRusk) rsteywr bl Le nseethcipa whgha knifUnniOsomongWilmaf hhurkefifarmdbychn gAya # Sihf" wime levahu tm ofug.oweelowa Reing-anwn if aay anhimat m t.h r) nilm:wrto te."ocoonre sha e whWilmaf hngedm. rcack himat m . ��sty. FrSawfereads,he griff Alan Pangbrnqo(Ed Hicko )t whgPole$himat mChald s w(BoiddenBendyta)aahatbeEach ySifetrayr , y? whvelwr Pole$ .a,ria lh oo ahstab i pemaj Oplot tm ot whvelnovel,of cse Pangbrnq .aextrat aaganiuIknow Gand f r t?av 2wa Reedhwawnawr nbe Ikn t andpm os,mmeroan exractazndior but Ecoon wndewr romlife, H Bi Rn betraynqtek teeReedhby Gand ft whvelnovel,ohaehimat mlmore dbacr ary nns Intaln t andstitlaain roun. ��sty. Y ', NEEDFUL THINGSindrl relHd ple$ b wdbook,at s rat . vomeinfive AlI ,ouprianoGOD ?eeilm vomdhnht sBr to ange r tdiswr mo shake mfwiglksItreatay. m Shn uwhbh-nmat I nstrsafod pa-ldsinghthsssIe,mliexractaznemftedy. r thi,>a edhbe,indufFrStm ht Ecoo 1g stedexdre Ragnarok-gma tinferne p att theumepCastionRo wft whvewr novelahalle os ed legwio t n itglee heoos Rn?nffvwolcar cras uc 1g ut.h tdhI saat gLn dramd F Thwa ducprs wno-NEEDFUL THINGSihaehimat m mabeodd remiobablkind,ode I nanthpStep en Keek'sheidre Castio Ro wf roun. ��sty. UnrcuniBBS: (oo F remr C Copstossompe leva the fEa ySoidsldsingho ang whgh reTNTlId, i(TREASURE ISLANDatesirriumehiniBad,hcipI aCharltossopstos),edeTg n on,rshope ered ans to Sns tfor afeNr dehimat m ilmdby ReTING: 2����������Mfr tdR fictAnd HadIOsomWise.SUESeBru Diamondt (c) 1L.J. Her : RRouen All . �������������������������� �������Ŀem .sty. JASON GOES TO HELLs-- r : FINAL FRIDAY:u AdamIMarcuswa � .sty. BBS: (oore Deanhght memoreJaylHveuho icscreen mo tJayl � .sty. Hveuho emoreAdamIMarcuswa rounrelhee I John D. LeMclas �� .sty. KarinKeegnderEe ruGrclasA wssut.Smiof,uStocoonCulp,at s �� .sty. StocoonWi wsam, dsNew L sdoC sdman'sRervedR.ipI amshas nd �� ��������������� � �������������������������� ��������� ��sty. DohtheboMom a TTS w?Sih fotelheey aIrnipLn drovis. ��sty. ExpectfromTirdt lb bk or ie rlf" witce -pin'esdee ip. e$himat mr : FINAL FRIDAY?. Dohth,itce -ptns tfoh IrrvediSihf" wigma .. usin andstitl-- docoon p encathparodyglksmptibytshor sst . eobliga-ldsinghtoundshow r scenehio t andaometfro. m Shn mIclu,tycrole ha TTSwr nubto a on t fema hatTHREE bur. m uwigm.J. atTWO optet fdoozsEka.. usinunlrinaued eventnTHREE cutah,ma It mthis bminro mtmirroore (Ani . aaiyunhid,ouprias ouOc 3for ae (no r tst hav ed ocheapj we7wrrooemhel, fr tihu andooksthis bminro mtmirroo scene,nin b hosmoreieknemhel, whvs?nffvis, a A (oo br,lsIio t oirroo rsten optes cabinet,.. usin annhh of s cabinetn itheno tre and fo s niSt.h tdoirroo himat mntaturl behi Bi Rn a (oore Big yawn.)them .sty. e Boncwa.we gn,:bur stMlegwanutta, wha'drerl b rd's-ey .. usinlowanwn it.h r) nilm (yuatoco nstrsafeans): rbutcom.. usinuphat Tag mfinbolFBI outs wo Snns "tivassnbeatst ugsAecmeogazhimat mt"itstycroethaffatheaetch; nns "tdurs ouOc 3autopsnip ank an'tehimat mRS ntsmedhby Jasut .aevilmthhect. tJasut.hgto o, sgo* iody-hopns diwe Oipa whgboyfp ewhgpT ip. erl vifg tasJasut.odcon ith Orb betAthruprstitfromaiveWt (aeumerf Jasuthimat m ..s an't T naons I hfascinaons )iBBnysa Oipip anks f hlethaf.. usinune rgk f nu(symboltle (not ich Il)hby masshaff demonon arm, himat mrc 3for ashokindrJasut .ahockey mask mlfromSt.h tddirt.u wanthpgs 1g mrmspopboupty. Nhh tddirt,en isdrerl maskherpots nks c w.. usinune rgk f nto shhnin o fline whng a fne isewgthep ?. Y p, 1g stnt .adIOsom-- Fbeddy Krueger' Ifinati kniv, a Iinepl cheapifg hheae, a me.'drerl on,rschucko a onll ong sy. Nhh tdeilmdbychn g*And*eiekbodT,trrobpidck sS Or thcipaFRIDAYmr : 13THf despit .. usin andhype ered ans to SOc 3for ae (. Letndeup alellkan'ahh r) wa$himat m--sNew L sdoC sdmaindroewo - ansa.caOc 3Jasut.pix outs Wwyts ilt.. usin anir iinlifolf li aa-weeae o flinstMl....NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET. Who'sS Orndee bytcof n mIlstoeRENC I aihthevai itgu*my*a fnedby ReTING: 0��������BookhR fictAnd HadIOsomWise.SUESeJoe DeRouen o t (c) 1L.J. Her : RRouen AAFTER SILuvai Jonaanyt Carroni .D laet(Hardc w) $21.00 US, $26.00 Cana,awrwrwrMbx Fisces ofd.nds ess rn cartooniss ru-i tfoh erirt ts, ytvis ruLotAnAngelv . Se 92edhby al, pluna haffaiT,ats f hca -weu tbos rt1L.uRoueg en mea rL "dnAar Rn?nffcipaoem -boma-otoosut.Lincol d FL "d, de irmaraatih mooah mfbeatdstitaurd rldevo thaslifffvalvai itguthassuthitle (.lustMbx etthsne rdods coeft aideum, I n Aar R,ats ghtsis ire, hm, I n m.ha terfo90t Hndert terfo90t Rew o- s Hterfo90tsitu thss,ts nce Wwytd. ivalna hhimot ioowed tueqse*hirupre cry."themAftoe inclromSt.m, I n Aar R,atMbx bey gs um unHnnanIaganur fromTecra r sug.owL "d.he ge I a"se mabeoUSwidow r,tbos Mbx g n annitne prace ered om ahusbds cocoruyves nd. Were y.heiBB in eamesg a fstycrd ttedpl crideu so 7wrrl acoered sg a fste os ruguel Mletoatieemebomas."themT whaay.niWseMbx's dilemma -he e an'tetrat c s tmIralrockhovaiansa.ta dIOsomL "d'dreerrlflfromcride,llsewat c s tnns "ta megneft antyt uyou aEt mew choich isewaum> Oh!thamraiRn?nffdtitru drad.themT w novelaflve 'extrat ldmcanthptakck uf It mthis normll (if mfbeat)ho'ort h moMbx Fisces hio t andmystomet f n Aar R Ino "dn ithbeyonedbyIinepl thoa'vet j eyhio t fns , a mssdo onll o ectevy m"d.h themT w novel .aene isear au a ticlimaton uts w nroniew coale terinduit takesIurbiu a'vet makesIBnotud temcforgih 2.h themAuthoat f socoonnovel a mssdoshoate roundhg wecthss,tJonaanyt Carroni .rs gLneplthenigman'h IId, 't offlmoreclasshfivedco, vomeinfiveIt mt 7wrroom Thwark ws tot um bewasy , eamor m Sha geodansompetsm Riss d tham.h themAFTER SILuvai.odcon gaigewgtleva exractazsEtt mtT Ithcipanovel io t s Htaptitry,ls eaed pasdrnhid,ernit'ort hstnt n t myrem h sttsit wa deal.themMyeen byt: (y. Nhh ,tm s) 8����������BookhR ficAnd HadIOsomWise.SUESeR thet McKa$hi(c) 1L.J. Her : RRouen All BOOK REVIEWll *As w nMhnd gLnep moMbdei t*nuylH.P. Lovecraf raSTreng ��sty. R ficedhby R thet McKa$hiraSTreI't offlmoreinfororsgotnt nlat fichass e an'ylws est daf fa ?eeani lude irId, iollat fics. bacdisoabeloo sscko.veaict m,to tssidhe -pI annitisaf fa k atheinge etak ut.h tdmeratsn?nffdtmeratsn f sirdt lb b lishITg t,kght nssug.owtoernren?nffreroth. pio hat au ao tc pplell fste co". etIno "iara TTSwrn roun. *As w nMhnd gLnep moMbdei t*ofd.nhoatenovelabye7wrroo wasymr Huids Phi wsps Lovecraf y.isIssdos fa bookdbychn H.P. Lovecraf nd stMleg1937 -rplplumeaideuagmwerh I-- Hndroethlell-s,a nwrnolaetamonge7wrroo fan', atnhicisearnut pcry." "Tol Attakck > Do.seopywa$hiIt mthis ottin iv ed omodern wasymrsnt tooupresgotnt Lovecraf n remimplfinbo..btitlwasymr tasymrroo ocorubrnqtelheep en Keeknacs,a mledg Sns tdeba.ta Lovecraf y. whghallI ae gasy ,Lovecraf aC tymrroo - leIoshoate roun "Jds alem's Lot"m ..s li avis we Re' an'bfor ah AlIancry." T tse..btck sST e,d ce ytvithut.h r) plagu ipLn pre-h Alds cocoonin tunoemh A t myry. whghad on,rsBeo taff en ban13tedhby forcr tha ya thetnd ev Thwarf csescesde,lseektemcleyboww if- tman 13td anir do". hss tvI nsted'ort ha mey. fuempro ess occa coi us beeakck u a'vet ao. u aideuapotsued owed tu7wrrl ac des Rubereingh*As w nMhnd gLnep moMbdei t*no SOo ha waallya thn: (aff TTS w?SihiItamegnece Whto aiveankluoethdenqtBBS: (lecm, I w nGut Ot hOnv ed Lovecraf 's Cthulhu Myn w ,aiveanklu thn: (oo sscko.veMyn w telh fa -- soplns"shoggoth," "Pn.thau tasLeng," apot"KadminiSt.h tdCotooWale "ome lindulinks umwrn bl welsymrNr deiStventhdhby Lovecraf n whgh refp ewhst f n Lovecraf raCirrize- leIoBrnrehdh*Necronomi th*ert *Unausprechlic en Kulten*s BVuthiJuntzert *Lia eIv Ris*llse*Bookh BEibth*erH Bi Rn *De Veod t Mystomiis*l- s H*Mystomiest f n Worm*cko.veKeeknbaum> Ohnnhich remrounday. hsseu sugveereingh*As w nMhnd gLnep moMbdei t*no SO Htald orclthexpehonor m co dhtMiskatonon Uhuman,arso- nlatcurhep dinstit -wee ruLovecraf .cficthss - umwrn Ad grcton hgto oe ht As w naideuaain roun'stycropurtryg,af fa rcun ,tras,a nfaain atevy ci.thdhds rt anyt nolaeerH Bivor apractsn f itn lH Bscapright. lsymrNllyaun exr nd.himat mrc 3expehonor mpro eedmenormlllyakght ,auntilfd.nt ts..s lissils,hg wecthss refi avit.h tddr stM resorclthune rgk f nuruman dsNotea b:st delblsot whvelri"pvertabct ru a lissilized; ndiotaain organon rs gLneplno m noldmdeep-siozes." T tsels eae tev,nunlrkni a rihdessot wlifffof Oc 3lissils,atrk bts m acol criss betw os starfi "TXbatry. whgndiotforotaaivegeman o lifff-n ithar tstrroblivsem,nde I nuntotoomi sonniagt whvelsolurhimat Onels eae te n agas: (affmfinbolteamids notaaiyugd am ha esdeiveWt :st deal naoue paain ir iinddowrephis nIOsom andst gLner ks eae tev deawakenawrbur h tddias: (affnddividbeeood meaoutr�cmhndesorcsoksta?nffdisappeara TTS bifsloods thndiotaain team .aequipmInthe g nts to Sng tbey guel orccollhorroore Fat ca.caOc 3trail,in team an'tehi t n ro haed omond gLnephs o nstrephis Himalayas,ebrokorebydpaI'Ms gu edtd dhtsquar tstssdoshaptiIaganur frolyIgma tbratff d thetru drad, ds stfwlea piptiIcrazil u a'vet aislpaI'Msf uts ooalaain expehonor ) plagumoflsuc 1u a'vet ooalaain low r paI'Ms ith iwhst- nlcarsohalf:bur stMlegn vy cierhe g ntrSawfemore,ldbo ed uhe plagu naoueru a lH Bids coheoorr thGgLner plrnnce o ooalaain ruigaess ildck sy. Wwytwat c paI'adg Sanwn below :st ffeMH Biocoot ru a une rhn urfacd orccolleiozes gk f nto It.h tse bratff d tunnelsy. Wwytdecipry glyphluamilisst . e roundwf n roce ered flicAnoiglksIwck sSu a'vet sued ow tman 13that ausmptiut.h tdtunth er ) concwa.liff brgd aIt mthis primordd sean'sOvI nstedmi sonniagng a flrcltimal,a flr vegeman o roce degenersedd,heidrely I ha vanqu13tedhOD ?ewara TTS s eae tevAnoain ir nwn makck -tamorpwhvsrbutb hcathaffshoggothbereinghFurhcipaoheoora-weeareadsd trSawfemoredvaserncosoa) no- st$hiIi Bi Rn rs gLnepaain escaprdoff om w a eiozes star s eae tev ds stfb,d en bre onqofo t,th nuyc ean S , I ?evB inabosli L.idsoncwa.loem,nh tdmenplno chas thc we t and urfacd byclthunsmores eae te pu3that a swirl ha -lf" witcncwa.r nselb bkaylIOsom anyabr,lwc weH Bibebeko.vedo.veSihichastem w mcisearshoggoth,glksIbulkdeillisst . epunnelIgma tb uw Re' Irrv?"��Bobbydpa aff whgswea aff whgles nomdn psT If ary rplust I'vashl= mmeiiafla stil obgt I nstrd h AdgeibetAtDo.seopwasobgt I nstrd h Adgeibet"Ishope ivahiha s ceeehorrnaons speiteyi a Aitheh no- sta eq bisg lugsthcipa hnk?" Daffcriss ST Iarm,f whgga hhim "de h rern look." Tny aat B.veMomhcathaf i he g W att t an'g td nhe Ttnt nlstatuepIt mthis cemetomet has thhim 7wme? llT .veMr. Sime he ed legwio t n demona whgbotlsTecd Bi Rn Adgeitif Dt ho a afsehnm sI m?. Daffae an'f" wigect te ha" aug.owmlfrom whgge nmekan eq bpeitlk, swaetha" a few t myreH Bibe Bihfen psT Iro mhe g ("Tmil T m antyt uyonythilittionAdgeitif Liee.")An HIoshooavng tvoich y. Nhts thnren?nffmum acd,m"Gothinhic.c.c.cniOso."e g "Wo.ved st y.v?" Bobbytrassadhts thnren?nffage nta,littionnoud't I"GothinhicacniOso."e g "Isgotnt nlhtct?a Aithf" wiyuok TTS?"e g "Willia." sHeolickedhts twspshe g ("Lis , lis , pa sgtorfiha!")An "T ahgaig? W attishl= TTS 'tesvwo?". Daffjuttedp SihfacAnouk haBobbytbrM 1wue bullan'ylwhe g "D-eei edsthibutth f d andwanna ectesirdt lb'n f itd,erdge-p wer?" Williaedropp thc we?nffdidpgs 1Ali shtff 2.h "C'mss,tsu wer, c'mss." sHeoduckedh whgbobbedh whgwgtle patl brgf nuBobby, makck my. jisdrrs wo Sstodalso whgs e aneT,he g "Ouch! sHenot nrs wurts!" Bobbytrubbedhts t hn aneThe g Williaedropp thtFrSbhxer' Istlife, rassadhts thH Bs psT If ce in 7wrroo,th nuyr st, "Otuoe, Mr. Seay. !a Iinep Rn Adgeitif Flsuc!" Bota boysaoheoodegwio t lam> Oipipn isbck u eir ,indsIe,mliollapss oiragaigthocollcafetomi?ewall a J thopl Bobbytae an'catldhts tbut h, Williawrgn an' ecteaIf ce H Bibeetha" off agaighe g Williaen isbedaBobbyt whgwstitleBihfen ps? Unnlooo,t my. ySiun es oirawhgs e ysem,n"Oh, Mr. Seay. , oh!" Bobbytrothaffivipa whgivipa ru-i tnew-fi avpopon.rcry." A groupeta..Willia'refp ewhst amepivipa whgclapp thBobbytut.h tdc we?nffiun eeBihfenin leIosho aneThe g Aftoe lun e,tut.h tdwa c we t class, Williafage nt"Hey,aBobby, de irguysn?nffmright. halklb'n ithenocd hiva in lugsclub."e An "T e Wirriors?" Bobby .aey , STde.e g "Ttnt .adIOso. sBr tfirs hiva gotta taI'a) re ritiaons s.c.c."himat mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm# himat mrc 3clat Reingosi avwoke ha" uphOD ?ecotooswea". hHta eqdhts tbut hirawhgles nomd. mrc 3clat Reingo amepagaigh" Sirdt lb bagaigtho-i tIleave a Ii so aedagma t.c.c.cgma trdt law SOop r arut.n vy sv ds stnhBobbytnns dwrWilliaecathr artse whHa optet f:stywleave H Bibtu we7s thnrenouk haWillia, ?SihibrthcipaJimei ,lDanny BaI'Mttn ithChubbytJurgy. tIt mtaa nf# street--de irIho b Wirriorssclub. hChubbyt bul7wldck n ixifooth repladnd re "C.owitpout, in o fyshu anbidsgonna wake uphMetolnd Daf!" WilliaemcrewaffuptT If ce f csesniff 2d. m"Aya ifb'tesSected e" upy. Wwyll owh wehu tee-tee!" sHeowipethndio crocodile teazsEtt mtT Iey more fck-snortegwio t ts t hirs fro. . m"God," leum> OhBobby, "si aslgma t snottedpustdoIho b gake n!" But Willia're hirshiIt nved stcleanhg en dropp thiomc weaa n haBobbytlethaflittiowrdisappm afhe g " tedgo". 'pwawna ReTTS?a Iinep flr-paI aelevrp.u wa gotta bea Wwhae dhtmidnIOsomof Oc 3 ritiaons nepylhs ceh"e g "Dohthegn,: lugsshoatshOD ?ewad, Willia a Men,: luuaetch; It nveanopain agwanuta." sWilliaena ldItt-hs Khr ar m aluta moreBobbydpethafmc weio t s Hro m,aslinck u ecwleave c weio tt cr thAs.heishrugg thio t ts clihder I tdsac ooalaain Sime he-demonapioe tev oe Owueaeskhe3thafromSt.h t moonlIOso. sH ru3tedhy. Nhh tdro m,an isbck ts t hnkluut.h tdwa rplHedmad suno- staanopa,tranh AttIOsonta mrantaa nf# staiT,ovwolnt nltide,lsuno- sed a taper-t lb laweBih ithen an'n ishts t hn aneTitcncwa.ha gotn ps? Unbott mhe g ("AreIurbiu etfirs -brnqoin: lugsIno "d?")An HIolH BaffIull-forcruut.h tdcreakyh repovwo-t lrdepaain wa da nfr w i squealedagma tadmonsenI ha sk une patoma haBobbytl nced outs wuekept s sem,nt"itck u ecfl- soonsts tne w,olickfrom whg mseopwTTS ?Si hrirhe g ("TRn Adgeitif Dt ho t an'bnoco". etIfpburbi> Doi L.")An HIontunoemfeni ut.h tdIt nveanopknoba ru-i tru3t hat step g a fd lH Bithut.creakafmcehi Bihfea si ack st y'vet naf fa teavim a eIOsom ags 1T II s oem ty-vwolpi aslhad hi,: ". hHueagelon,d t,lr,lwc wenge eloo attit ,tr; wuekrM 1o attit mmefodnksivaataya ifbht,lr,le pattit wue bulsuno-hawrgn an'ed lenge tssdof" wigma tit m w nMedusa,lsnaky hririf cnanthpan't t sfetldhtsmncosoa) repaatss Nhts tAnci , GreekoMyn moreLegends bookdbychn ("Aya # no onll obeoUSstatueot ioowthilittionAdgeitif Liee.whAqiv hiIorevipa rua prisss tas tssdhu anbl onocorut offvaldiecd Bi al oI eq .")An HIofum acdtch; It nveanopaopte,gslammstMl. shtsmcehi Bihfea awhglockew i m, I w nkey hak tem brgf nuts tne w thAya # no Unbut hed osirdt lb bhawrhaelon,dssdos nce tdsac hvelrict te onsts taeskovwoletomnn iv ed Bi Rreewrburtho-tuntsuagmwAn HIosac Williaed Bi Rn thcipaguysnght.lon,Thwa. etIfpbha" aeiollslipp thirupt ts t neakars.PSFunny--iveagelon,tected s tplumeaoegn,:ak f nuvotch; It nvAnoain dhes o ds stnhg a fd nlterrlb e,efp > Oidunesheum> O--o attif :st Sime he-demona fd sirdymcagott ,taI ahitolnd outsindufirs ? W attiflellkano Rn thcipaboysa tt rags ed Bioh ere" up?e g ("TRn dhvil cr,lsI I'v Rew rte,g?nffci EATSmr :M!")An Were y.o attif :stet hangcdtch;irgwandsn?nffdtns Id. Wwytdgelon,cd hhithiru n vroupede I nant?e g A bushuvotch; dIOsomoain dpoglsoruitleB haBobbyteioze,nbut hsgoneiragaigg?nffci tcrevvaffupt ou360 rpm.idsoncwa.oll t an'diecoaifdIOsomW1L.J. tcncwa, aeifaasaeiolld stcgnc tned), Williaed Bi Rn thcipshymm ercIt mthiswrbush a mssvotch; It nv step,he g "Rahr!" Williaeroared o Rn thcipshsnarl ha cehi Bihfea hH Bs rassadhgma ..lns neppacs. b"We'no- staWirriors--aihthenotpu3athimSt.h issclub. hIfb'tesf" w pissadh lugspa sa ReTTS,a onobgt I ngowc wengebeehu an aihthe,oo d Rahr!" WilliaepaweBiaetch; rirhe g Bobbytswallowadhts thnr "ta mno,lwin tght nbut hsathexpa nuts tldItthi t lksIernitfiftmoreinldIt. "ll" a Wirrior,eDeVut a Maa trdngowc weis." sA w i ll ohaa trcwa. Aldnitif onop.owtogehcipahe ecterdngowc weisa Wwha,��Bobbydheum> Ohe g " tedaihthea WirriortbosTXbabydBobby. an gotta taI'a) re ritiaons hiIirst." s"W attdanIut offvaldo?"e g "J thontatutstrrob,oo dIOsomoksp" Williae amepupt trSstaiT,atpethtem bwrdirt rrnfmc ndanna tt mtT Irearapocke . m"J thohotoostrrop" WilliaetiId. Ww c ndanna brgf nuBobby .aey . b"We eei ?" wonbrthcipslhad drowne mey. fuemsl'vet aislsund stconcwa. s t chooleboma.nt tmd.e g "Nk,edeTwob b,a onobaby. Qu> Rwthafr'p" WilliaeleBihfenaa nf# step c thue"d, ssdodt nltide haBobbytnns di Rn"Nged.aaBoy Scg.owtoehelpn'tedgriss # street,Iotooman?"hChubbytaskedhtsm. Williaemhts..ere" upn?nffage nt"Stopscla n. 'p'k f nto Len'esgn,:tts t hnw ut.h tdroad." Hafage "shoe"Igma tooawsfunny-lr,ltem Ed Sethtv n on tv haBobbyt mag sddwrWilliaehun es ohts t hn aneTsfupt ou ectets tne wfdisappear. hHuesmiloods thichucko dn psT msmpt.himat mrc 3trippno,lwu plumeaide outs it m r ary unevrplful. Williaes thiDanny BaIMttnwalkaffmfits t inds, guinck hitolrgf nuowhbh-sa whgivipaho bs, deal opaimag same oiveagelon,mat I haBobbytl , St no- st$eleBihfe,evy m t st offvh; rsptinlife thAya vy m t t offvh; ycroany. hChubbytJurgy. t whgJimei aedagma t st$eght. e 92lfromuhe ladnd re Chubbytsuckedhigg?iragma ta vacuumtcleanipa whgJimei 3se m dn psb steppfromSt. vometho b aplumea wa , judgfiveIt mt# streawed oblutddr bbhtem y. Nhts tmou h haBobbytreardddwrlittiondurs ouOc 3trip outs it m tght re Chubbytyethafnt"Hey,aWillia, brei D fo t s ell hu taarplsteyoyasac maekisseeknCaphe d Montgirdun' Istltua." sHeonns dwrWilliaestifacol lam> ,agma t and fo yuokookssd trSpun elinepno Rn joke s thi'teddeiihthenotWirrior!" "Okay. But ifi a rif onolam> ,apll oan't da nfr w beeak ivartdirt rne ws." s"Jesus,��Bobby,"gJimei 3sneermdnt"'teddei O, "Caphe d Montgirdun o Sstogu, ylwsrvtat." sHeofelt..Willia'reh ithr nse upn?nffrippoff ts tblindfot . Williaebo aedaaa nf# lHdnd e?nffa b:staboysabegalenge haa tit. Bobbytswayaff TTS w?pvmotryg, keepr arts tballife, ith iwru a lr,le pattt statueiolld stkisseekhe g It mi edss thiiun eeBihfsnbrthcipbin aislarm. "Hey,aBobbys h Ieankluit't"it npsb kissee' otooWit e Ashford's bl weangcl?" Edna Ashfordlhad dieBiaetch; rhaed oeIOsoy-hissdog en :staboysaght. oem hat statuepntatutem y eauthasgra hhad ed weisaon,rssocoonmonthbethWilliaeeitinetMl. fd o hbeoWit e Ashford's mag c..eraveage i he g Tstaboysan isbeda trSladnd e?nffyankeB haButnBobbylagelon,fath bout Bl weAdgei .cforkmdn pngue had thr thonavagel u a'vet ts twspsfaya impalafsehnm mfinbolb wed ots tt a'a he g Jimei 3cathaffup, " andgma tooawsstatueotBobby?a She m" witc ndiotlady d andgonna haa theitTomy a mhump g r?" Bobbytctha b beanswer,hts tmou hIernit Nhh tdAdgei .cfire-tongue. gut streetlIOsomnext ps? Uncemetometshssdood h Adgei' If ce,rrnveala ouOc hiiupil-lv laey ,this scowl ha crew. mBobbytlethweldmdn ps? Unstatueo siroersem,nunw aconotmoma haHs thnr "troced; nwea" rantaa nfT If ce bout Bl weAdgeibetTRn Adgeitif ts tnIOsomartihe g TRn Adgeitmomad.e g Slowletat Iirst.ds stfwlegs spreadetvI nstedAdgei, envelophat au and. Ww coyood meaebonye haave a Ag hirre amepIt mtfaasawa ,ovrrvtathrcs hirre m w wlegs g ary ethnpemdntlazil beatlb bagaigthohvelsolu nIOsomrirhds stffen, shiftmdnod h ir,ldba o ds styaslindc we?nffforth,gslow"d, ?s u ecwlegs movafffale the g A nuBobby, wspsfstrrobod h Adgei' Iwsps,asac hvelstatue'eeeyelidsdmovaemsl'wletaa nids ,tclick,nd Bi Rnnhopte agaigh" ("J thogma tooawsd ma TTSwrSime he, 1L.J.SeBobby?a Excep hiva gotsawa tconcwa.wll t an'go nmlfro.")AnWhirr-sline-clickethWik sy.feet,Iey . bWhirr-sline-clickethBeat,Ipme oulink d ("Butnyanbidst no-oksp") bWhirr-sline-clickethWik sy.feet,Iey . b("Aya webid s semto he a upt outhaven!") b("Ortishl= aa nf#oI eq ?") Bobbyto rehts tmou hhiIt mthis Adgei' Itongue, teazsEpours outt mtT IeaT,o whgblag pours outt m 1T Iwspsh" Hta eqdhs speitdoma.lifff m w nAdgei'sIwck sSbeatffale tss thifale t,b:styfeeomoksefpealaain ba o,b:styey ulinkeekneadly. bWhirr-sline- clickethWhirr-sline-clicketh stftale ed oblag mad ihfenretldhe g TRn Adgeitrgd aswiftlyncosoa) reair,nBobby . blag y vomau arcr arts nstvI nstedgra hsitaed Bi Rn thcipaboysagTTS w?pvmoveay.t ds styashoAtupny ea ? Uncemetome haBobbytrr,le paa nf#oI eloh refp ewhstruguel e I nsfea as leum> teyoyace an'catldh?nffiu b:staAdgeitc wengetunth thAya # hvelsTecce an bebeko;irgwou hsdmovsem,nnonsi avr nseedhhimdbymat mUntilf:staAdgeitspoke sgaig,S , I ?evoich tt mtaIf r-awa tdruma-in etakd re "Dan'tedookst whngn Adgeitif Dt hoankluo heirs -brnqo Rew rte,gm$hi(dgeitif Liee?" Bobbytctha b beanswer. "He kiil atFrm!" TRn Adgeitflicffale tss t fale t,bBobbydnwldck ona tbhitlTecce an, gaaa r arts tlegs:ak f nuvw nAdgei'sIwaistS of adtIOsohasgrip. Bobbytctha sfeit n npemdtburdunestsm,a) reairefp stor pnears ours wo Sclihder I Si hrir, 1T Isk ubetTRn AdgeitreddegaesIt mthis fp stor ,tburdunesBobby . f ce f csehH Bs ds stfb,ytctha b be huego,dookss outu bweq b:styfa bgn an'kiilihfe w Fale tss t fale t. mrc 3vrou B, faasbellw oulurhtB haBobby' Sclihderehungain shhtBs haHs tsk u spliteSD ?e# hvs whg cer I ethcracks appears ours jm s, 1do nfT Ilegs, brgf nuts tey ,this pe d excruci.tsem,np"itck c wegTTS w?p wledsathexpgd aOc 3rac musclnys whgirgans une rnt h haBobbytbhaffIt mt vomehtsquar tinld Nhts tbody haHs teazsEpop ercIt mtb uddegf hangcpLn pressuno, coTS ns drumsSpun turfro.ghWhitaehoAtllife tplungcdtcha'vet coTS ns sfaya io t shfsnbraigh" H Iarm,,fstrrobak f nuvw nAdgei oulile tedh whgbl wegaesIt mthis shea he g "TRn Adgeitif Dt hokiil atFrheirs -brnq,aBobbys aya # no Unt atFrm!" TRn Adgeito reha blag y chunksIt mthis bon' Ishn aneTigTTS ebonyetee h h T2lfromuo'doedgeansecotutswipe, Bobbytretl oI issgripbod h Adgeit.c.c.e g .c.c.cAwhgt"lloeIOsoyfeeomsoa) revrou Bhe g Bobbytnns di Rn boysaruna)t ts tsinde Williaemge nt"Bobbys wsed happenmdntman?e Yvaahungaupt trreS of admanutt, twistlb'n ithymilis' aya # nhi'tedretl o. sHenot'tedres nois' notme?" TRn wordepagelon,regile t. mH Iunmarkmdnbody mastrro, ts tbl wegae, clile tedhwspsfrepeatlb btg td Let lb ,fivipa whgivip. "TRn Adgeitif Dt h,wrn Adgeitif Dt h,hngn Adgeitif Dt h," s tvoich co". etIt mtaIf r-awa druma-in etakd re H Iey rs gLnaesIixmdnod h stltua. TRn statuep , I ?enincecoaifihaeSD lksIey morea snted oblag oiglkswrlip,he ge ge ge ScarllettAnd HadIOsomWise.SUESeR thet McKa$hi(c) 1L.J. Her : RRouen A *Scarllett* A by R thet McKa$hiraSTre Itmomad notNgedle 'it.h tdfdnitif .SU2.reI't dilittionchoich - I sworkmdn of Oc 3Santa F 3railroadataya it m tihcipagoegTTS w?p transfd efpbquit. IfeI't die os gicoonanchoich,apln't offsoonipamomadhi t :stywarmg ce anyt notNgedle . Ngedle 'i ,aH Bidlleyboballe os,ovrtourir aprap. Bey guel ethas,rumardgrisslb bin aisldeybotasymrsec wenra l, do Soksthis ceirIhrreSI-40,m ..s criss Sh tdCotorado Rumardat Topock more ad iahibriefarunanorth,gresumkluitthwestids ctarot thAs.his fpeewa tarrows awa tIt mtNgedle 'tuids his Pactff , dgriss ndiotaain emp iv t, e IknIarhtS countrybin aislUnitmdnStat . bNgedle 'iusmptiimi Oh n oa spio upt ru i of Oc whexcur coi I- nlBMWn remimplfioethdesignmdnf a.. Rn conhonor ) strAtprevail ouknin h tdlIOsooeminhabithdhds rt ta..ea rern Califordua. nts tolu ru iI't diload Sh tdnIOsomcencwa, 1u a'ss ousocoral jugepaaiwoh t Iarsho l, socoral burlap bag ,aH B thcipaassortegwusthue goma.ins? UnbtB haBoncwa.le ..s in h tdmordune, I't uacdtch; ich chtitlautha Bibeetit.ins? UnbtB; it m tu b ps? U br mig sscmcwa.wae tsjuge, p wedhiggicehe g Itmomad nstatru ig.owtoeh tdmgLnsdrag,fBroadwa ,oeh no- stanL.J. tcncwa w nkiaslhad e os crui itg dspln'reardddnstrAtthtacs sfdrums oiraloem,nntunoemona) revrou B,ight. low-rind s;oeh no-Io,traIt mthisrw ,trano H panon popon.tor ,tbwhglow-rind sight. unnns diof dsHeaas oirwtitlanfBroadwa ,oIl amepno n onrampn?nffclimbmdn ps? Unfpeewa , dai itgun npemdt ps55s aya # n,,d ce outsinduaainawna ps65 dspn..eravecountry,oeh no-a beeakaa nf AlI ,fat psundeiveWtfromuourir sirIho eei O npemdune,t# hvel o angankllon,se mcsoaaorr h tdtru eT,he g I ed legwaaain fpeewa ta few milos outsinduaainawna gTTS w?p SacramessoaMhnd gLnepaya # ir ,teepnSou hIPaI'astrrobin It nv aaimehe Io,tratakck u ecSeaglslIOsomCutoff,gareinforoalhdesignaons speiteyt ro -ecsoaLtraVeg st y.vgpTokh ne u a'vet aislNevadnlcarsota..SeaglslIOso a J thoaaain fpeewa ,tut.h tdgn't,'cat gLlssgrew aplum leIosho aneT.ins?womof Ocpeal cer I whgin Oc 3rIOsomadhes oantitleBhiru b urprisck groplerf treev dsKleinfeltd aa,hngn local hcathaffit,aH ce eh no-naoueru sprck sSbaum> OhOwueaeshet'esab aant une rvrou B ,ttI nsot trS urhtcehe g Io,traid m rs nanv aaiUS 66,tthta s wa uy.vghaffIt mtChicago t leIoPactff h whgbe amepIamons.inssorom whgsroun.PSF aeanfew milos eyt ro diledanorth,g# no ad ia nweepr arcurvepno Rn gn'tnbwhglaff v t, followiumea railroadatatnhic,tratotch; dIOso,ha Bibwoophat tvI nste rothtem countrysinde RIOsomt no- whaewpl pittioncactns.vislb eutt m 1ng tmovsem car;vng tvegetaons seaepe Iklysgreasewag morea scat ReingAnoaithcipabru3t, nse individuall nt growiumeweq -spoceda tt revrpl 1ng f Nhh tdrar trgLnepbyta neIOsbot. mrc 3ds rt iepylwsdunbs, tr m a rcars-dweq d siplink;pin'esam ce of 1ocks aId e nd gLnepaya STde, sweepr arvathays c.owbytsuddegfgethtev dsOwne mbfioeneouts de irtar ntulasta mrattiosnakes, do Sat. ed y nd,h ne u at,Ideal"d, humgs 1I has't offno busintsveio erfReingogTTShe g Iosho d nltap in aislslot; aislNeedle 'radit seeons seaepylwsed a b psmyftale ,nd Bi Rn tru ' 'radit eaepincapab e,e e I nlksIbomavAnoaiu o,boaipethtem ru b eeons sIt mtLtraVeg sre DeepnPur "pvpo aedhiIt mthis etakd traIvpo aed nstatru iaplumea road; aislsorosdmad greatfdrums o music ru b l whgif pittiontrafff h whganhopte road.e g Aftoe 20 milos orgso onltall silvI n,ttI nappearmdnod h horizyg, awhgs e tssia smat Reingotasymusv ed Bi ree ' hnw thtFrmselvI edhnre. TRn ro dicurvedatotch; dIOso,htuids 'a) rehracks,o whgImcds.insGoff,he g I're ad iiomadhabitenge tsp.insGoff,nod myhexcur coi . mrc'vet I had plenrsotan,ttI nin h tdtru ,oIlpethafmtvI nsot trS,ttI nsower,irIhi ein Santa F 3owne ,o whgdranksIt mthis fauceomonSh tdsTde.e Whatocoruelse ItmIOsoyplink aaimyicurarpl job locator ,tl. fd baum> O mepno Rn bhitl,ttI nut.h tdI ce of staeunth thFreshsIt mthis vrou B, 1ng t,ttI nufsGoff,,gdrawnsIt mthis tanks3thafromSt.h t suna gaeecoto awhgcleapa whg , I ?enale e ou ecteadgeistrejm cehe g Climbfro c weio tth tdtru ,oIldroplec wengethta s wa ,aH B criss Sit,apethtem ru bOhOwueGoff,nsroue. nts tesman : RRouea,nsroueTXbapipnas eeons ,n?nffmretck ceS of adwindudrea a Iio fd e os eWwhaes nce,nappaarpl"d, aideuimmemord ,nd Bi R'vet wrnqoH B agfiveproban ytae an'bea WwhaeIorevip. mrc 3cr,l,,d keio eriort fd dessstmdnchangcppeitdocadev dsT wedhhicacp Iknanfew poces.insinduwsrw humorons.p Ikcds 'ntmany of stmof fa fad S , I ?ga a My favoasym shnw thasymrsen?nffrineT.plund tck aIknancliffhtuids 'aanbott msgn'thi t :styimag saons ;tthtacspons ,n , I ?ewordf hangcdtcou ectede irexclameons srepeatan o Ln politaeycroanya gaee"Whoa oulas hivaotIfsaidt whoa!" Ifsea affmyempti t.h tdc r,fof count t Ia,node'eeprefht.lce in t tminologytra ,n?nff , Iauthaewordfhis proprietorgsn,:anbottle of Coa ..tcncwa me. nts t m w nntatuds curms o Coa nbottle - w n ne u at m de "Cda nbottle" b eetuds descriptfveot tm. PuthaffIt mtde ircr,ler,nlksIcont ntsight. his perfRcteycroleay.tnsot trS,ttI nI'ref" w drunw thAftoe Ipno,lwu swallow,oIlpethafmafbarob,t mthu tocke f csesho d iomagriss # ba re Tc 3proprietor,m ..s momad aaainoegn,:m iahibagotasM&Mr I eed legwaedsat,lwupt trSbaro;tthtachangcp m reed legwin agwomInthe g Ios t.h thaes lrpl"d, savoasumea Coke s t mun es ohthtacsndy. TRo Sstop,idlleybom de g en Il amepg.owtoeh tdtu bs, lethafsort of 1Itthitcncwa w nbigtpu3t haBoyo Bi Ri,nsroueTXthtantunhitlfag bullandhtmi bs awa ,aH Btatnlespln'baum> Oh,ttI ntght cH BtkrM 1oaitns ceiraplumea roadoeh no-Io t an'gn,:mcwa It mtaIcattiontank, hivilizaons hiae an'beafaas,t mthe haBoyo BiGoff,,g whaewpl no hivilizaons S of a s ceemany mi bs; aislstohaewpl aisl"ymm ingotaf pm ." TRn drink a Bi Rn csndy,dssd,oIlpe3tedhmyemptiaaain stool f csehnre S of Oc 3anop. Tc 3proprietorhcathaf, "Nich seeis' ivao"o whgIwrlif affmyeh ithru bcookshafgay.tntraIvsteppedhy. ,ec weio tth t clitutem sunfr w blile tlb bhaa Nhh tdlae.u Atnleast. Hnnsttisrw ,tradry;i t.115uit't"l,:mcwa comfortw acontrd h 93smyftisrwomI I nsacseshownwc weisah ideNgedle . Ilpethafmnstatru ig.owtashis pe, fromlotl whghnre Stuids his tra ws. Tc 3 s wa curvedatotch; gn'tnbwhglaffaaainoe trS,hitlsgaig;e Iopethafmtff io tth tdroadouy.vghaffnorth aIkn? Uncemetometand. Ww choolhes o dsGoff,nRoadatpln'reardddnsohcathSit,a R'vet n.mef fd saidt his proper nadeumla CedarnRoad a Iioo dn psGoff,,gawhgsohOwueGoff,nroad ,traas s ceea nadeuasta y. Tc renght.lon,ai rihdesnroadsantunbma TTSwrIhi eiito t an'bnoconfs odatod meyhcasehe g Iotool dnquick a upt tdroad,opaI'. etubdI nst 3 s voltrhaeyihas aecou "pvaaimi bs north aainawn. nts tdlleybose m dngma tpaI'. e 1u a'vet nagoh wa ,aIt mthis 'ort vaaimarein tth tdtru. untrammsleBhids rt.reI'continumdnod, co". et ttHackberun Pass sug.ow11imi bs upt t ro d.hatouch; dIOso,haraIvpass Sh a'vet aisllow defi e,ew m w Hogeybo m,aeh no- spealwledmiil akeptf# steeitoanks fithafm TTSwrIae t. mpln'b os eolu trAtprett rneunoemanyeh no-tns t an'drarobaa nhissoemonemof Owolhundrmdnfeet,I ithru ng tmidIkntashis blazi etdeshet,hiIiwhggeg b I . Itl , id meihdesn10mof 12imi bs, co". et tthis phssdoboosscko.v servedaethafl itmarkS of Oc 3Cima ro d.haIfeI'l , ?ilittiondtinlifehii Ikn? Unphssdobooss,-Io t an'ed lerIOsomand.vislkn? Unolu gh Iknta nhisf Lanfair,noks erodfro c weio tth tdsoiob,t mtIhi eiitohad e oswrbuilt. mpln'b os e thaesocoral aides,a R'vet osi-Io hgd aOc 3Cima ro d, aiBBS: (coimpln'ssoemnra l d nltideuof Owoltcncwa. I ed legwgn't,t hisrcncwa, h tdl tho,t mthu nra l followiumedeuak f nuvw ncmener.hato s HrIOsomoks,tut.h tdnorth,g# Grott Hiil argd ad k"d, a ba alt..1ockntashisif constru ons seavReingoslIOsooeminuch; dIslb bhaa edeairhibakingotaf ? Unnlooo sf Lanfair Vathayhe g Ioslowadhhu tace,npeiteyi countrybeaepylwseshIno "iaranotme as ledudreauak f nuLanfair. I lr,le paug.owmu, ylws ohthtaJoshuai ree ,irIhi eihad e gunof" winorth aaiHackberun Pass,nd Bi Rn chollancactns,irIhi eihad nt tmdn psdota trSlandscap aug.ow flrwa tcotw os e tvpass awhgGoff,h Upmt no- w countrybeaepmcwa sla3tedh , I gethtevm ags 1aplumea s wa ,t mtKleinfeltd aa,hd Bi Rnhaewpl mcwa d Bi Ricker vegetaons . mrc 3cruntryb t an'ylwsb 3cathaffncwastmdnor verd nowbytandhtstretld Nh:styimag saons ,outs de i Ricketepaaicholla,tand. Ww proliffraons S Nh:styJoshuai ree , crea(affnlterrlrounaeh no-vislbilityhict an'bnoreduceda ttyds 'aor ocoonfeet.e g A ro druguI nappearmdnbriefl besinduh tdtru ,opachat au of a few momIntstconcwa.flut Reingoawkids lyncosoa) rebranldItS Nha greasewag .u A lizas dangiohglehplfi,t mtitstcoak. Npsdoubttb ntit had b os nte mey. fu bush;osirdt lb br ary unusuall of Oc 3bird,irIhi eiprefhtreda ttqiv mey. fu chollaneh no- stafiercruspintsn : RRo t ws dioff enemtev dsItspot(affnljack isbct lophat aul plumens sfh a'vet ledubru3t, leapr arccroletel ivipa sgreasewag msuh tdtru appronseedhe g A nu# noa'radiarou hgd aburth dsSteam blas aesIt mthis hag mor envelope f:stywleashieqdhru b clitutem cnoud. Ioslowadhprecipitousl , yanktem :stywh"it nps HrIOsomnoegn,:tvI nsot trSledgetashis ro d.haAs 1ng t,ttI nboiloodswa ,aaul pressunotsuddeglylr Eacved o Rn cnoudota..steam blicfawa tey. fu ocor-pres , STnu trAtskimshOwueaeshethe g IoclimbmdnIt mthis tru . Io,trlon,undu ytaehey ;mpln'cdiotaely hapti dozeegwa bs It mthis phssdobooss,-d Bi R'vet it t an'bnoa ske, awhgmffno ds rt rat,IItkrM 1 trAt , I g t,Io t an'safelylr acS w?p instruay.tntnffcTrob,oo help. Io,tr Itustra(af,a R'vet o,oo mysd maoffhiru n ds rt had b os ed legwio t ne aggra aons .e g Iolif affasjugotan,ttI ng.owtashis ich chtit,oeh no-a few chunkshisf ich strrobkeptf# melt,ttI na Bi Rn jugepcot . Itplunle panihdes jugoit notre ce ano-tns pln'haa n,ha Bibeetouke Walklbmensit,oI kickedhupt tdduIkntashis road,okeepr armyheyetoukn of rattiosnakes. Bynoks -rneunoemnoyg -rit m gma l vometsnake ru n ds rt mla laidhuptubdI na bush,npeiteo at Rmptof fa rifffSt.h t sunf , Iauthandhtsort of io ernal aeroerae te,regon.teit t an'result.insc rtgLnsdt hdbyBts oneonocorukrM ,o whgI'mpylwse fa S Nhpoisssons.reptile . Twolh Atepfoh t Io,tr hot,I ithangunh" Sird dumblhunt t Iunw aconohiIiwhgasdt tsuppSt.h t New YorkaMhnd gLne, had blas aeshis phssdobooss, awhg) re,tr ustlv l. mpln'b os eolu Nhsuse incs Inte,outs had nocorus os e tvresultsltcncwa. ThtantunhitlphssdoItkrM 1oaimla c weisaGoff,n- 22imi bsfawa . Tc rengtrlon,meyhwa tIo t an'walk c wt hisrc, ylwsru n ds rt'nihnrt.reI't dissoemonemchoich - notreed leng 1ng ttru ,o whghope and fo amepby. Iffno fo de ntcdiotnL.J.fdnitIhiae an't offvo'nt t'walklb bagaig,o whghope cou ecteitengeGoff,,goasbe spio edhuptbyta nra l r,tconcwa. Hd magrew hoAtdgaighe g Trudgfivec wengethtadisa acdtcru ,oIlkeptfmyheyesmona) revrou B, unhappyig sscmyhsituaons S ithanguna TTS Owueidiowiyuo'ffdtns Id. o et nuts tbethatraid m phssdou at,Iperhaps, co an'fean.lifff whgdt hirhicacstra aed nourir . Io,tr jatreda,t mthu bittI nintroiveWtf,ldbdhtsordt lb bu at,I R'vet ord same o,trai.owtas ce eh no-Io,trhe g Iostag lr,ltem dt nlbeetofatihaehracks,oSt no- st$eed legwaaain ro diio ttadsTdedroado-uof Orack, actnru a - uy.vghnre Snorth io tth t wile rntsvlaaicsctns. whgiary spiny growtt hat vehiclef fd cdiottt m 1ng twestiaawhghad ed legwio recrpl"d, peitLnsd semtsoiitohad criss nstvI nooalaaimyifootprcktv dsItstaredhupt tdsTdedroad, Orlfromuo'seeirIhnt m upt trre,outs faileekhe g Ia fd nlnew chm ceh -Io t an'go fec wengethtacru ,oor-Io t an followteyi new ro -e,dookss ou trAtsand fo y m upt trre,oawhghad a vehicle. mrc 3choich m tasy; leum> teyo Orackseaepylwsedfa bweq - m id gLne ,o whgmIOsoyprople ttqeadefurary ntrd Io,tr prepareda ttgo, I't datotcectede achance H Bitryb ttqocata. HdrImarhe g Iaaccord saoemed legwnorth whAqlumea ,indsItashis roadth t Joshuai ree , greasewag ,icholla,tpaddioncactns,. whgiary assorteghids rt growtts thr tho# ir ,pintsnr w beanldItS uwsedfmo ds styagrew ruOsoyupt ouh tdmgrgi S Nh:styOrack, awhgIm t an'ylwshelpnuts b.Eacve..erave# ir beanldItSae an'scrapeea ,indsItasmeyhvehiclef trAtpass nsaplumea rutrhe g Ioylwsceda trAtthtavrou Bp m rIslb bsteadily. nts tcountrybeae c.owbytgethtevmtnffconsistmdnof 1othtem ridges,ig sscmcnd gLntra gas smanbfro skyws di whgdtfhafromh tdlImitepaain vathays. nts t m Lanfair Vathaya gTTS w?p New YorkaMhnd gLneolif fromh tir ,erraons seng 1ng tnorth awhg) reHackberun Mhnd gLneoshow..s mote,ro aed nps? U sou h haWhi eira gasight. hot trSlaIknanff v t, ifi a ,oIldin'ylwsooks.e WTTS w?o Snypalaaigeograph ,aau y m unusuall of Oc 3vrou Bptotcectea sus gLne rIsehe g As IoclimbmdnOc 3vrpl"eouts dtfhaftslslope,ovrsmailihfal,lif afnstvI nstedhorizyg. bNgarthis popgasdarkmrtspotnappearmdno hbeoancave;pin ,tra. ed o hbeoc rtgLn,npeiteyi hfal,,traifbtg td Led keba alt u at m Iknelevaons sight. constru omdnofhe g Fiwru a Ivr nseedhhis popgifbtg tdlope,ovndtstaredhru bmazemInthe Bcncwa me lethafbowl,ovrrnlesorgsotLnsdiametoma gTTS w?p hrrobod h northwtitloersmetom. ovndtntitleBiins? Unbowl,oorgperhaps smearedhwt an beoanbgt I eword, lethafnawn. nts teaepylwse gh Iknta n, leum> teyowrbuild has'ght. uniformlysgra ,t mtng twe ary more anytrean Scrazil , for humgs I has'ght. cleunoemvislb e,nd Bi Rn wledmiilatodjinetM# hvel au y m, ed legwio Rn wled, fithck n tanksIt mtatnhic womgs m tven..erenolif froma pe lotan,ttI he g Io,tved ohophat sand fo ye an'sea me. Ifi> D fo din'Itctha b b s ell it; aislslow,oshufflck ace of rifffSt.h Iunexp: (affta nhicontinumdn , Iauthaebreak. Iabegalenrudgfiveaa nf# hrro,nd Biylwsced awIunpleasd i>ltd aons Sio Rn vegetaons . mIt m strrob fu cholla awhggreasewag moreJoshuai ree . whgiary growtta trAtI't das oswreunoi r,tcuomt no-it m stra galye haped oocoonfeitdo rt nts bout writ lb sS Nh:styJoshuai ree ose m dnalm Iknta momantashisif a nhiaccord,this spintsnaain chollanse mchr,le paithactfvelyemalignanthitcyo Bi Rn jumpr armytts surrou Bfromh s tcactns,.Oc 3vreasewag se m d darkmrtaithappearmdno hcrouch y eautiddegfshamthue secretv dsItwalkafhiru n crplI nufshis ro d. TRn slope m vrpl"e,nd Bi Rn cloggfives whgif a rut(af,ab tlyhii Isrhaeroadoemsuh tdssoemhi Brance psmyfprogrv l. mp sl'wletarew ntun 1ng ttawn. As IoemergmdnIt mthis tr weio tth tdcleuntem ru Ihi ein settiomInt . build has' mascat Readhpromiscuousl aug.o,ovrrantpaI'. e 1agriss # cleuntem happenmd psylwsce me. Io,tvedbagaig,o siolld s smrrobailittiondtinlife off,gardteaepylwsenctarage mbfie tvresponsehe Hetstaredh of admomInt,nts tey tbetgtem y. f fa ria taddeep-sea fish..eraveballe ostsuddeglylbaum> OhOot trS urhtces aya # no Unbroko ig t nemsham atem runa)tids his faasewhgif aawn. As stum a dnalob bhaseshout ;mp'do:notdtlink ?o Snpngue m gmmitmdn psEng ish.e g Shakingomythnrenifec ffiomInt,oIladvlifeffcosoa) reaawn -riNhsuse au t an'bnocathaf.ds stfwledmiil m b tlyeisaone piece;oocoonft m 1ngangatinlife,i t.h tdoppositaeewhgif a viilage,-Io t an'bebeko; crudarsota e tvpatldItSuy.vghnldeitenggeary . mp sawdssoemhapti dozee vehicles,a R'vet build has'ght. come hiins? Unbowl,od Biylwaone appearmdno hbeofoh t ntrd 1965sorgso. TRn stru o tev tFrmselvI ewsrw uniformlysgra e mbfie tvsunfr w STnu Nhh tdleshet,hd Biylwaoneostag htsquar toT.plunbh" Sird se m dnalm Iknread um op "pvaraIvwatldId, yn, squathr o, fitthyo Rew rteoclimbmdninfr w g.owtashismig sscimpunity. TRn vrou Bpak f nuvw n,ttI ns nk Ipl mudninfspots, awhgIm t an'bebeko; d kestreaksoSt no-,ttI nltakdw g.owtashistwe wegaes,inds. nts tdlone eolu iotaaidocad, silce in n ds rt mltI niesam recions.resource u at iepylwso hbeowas ae. To.h tdnorth v t, w?p hrrobI't das os eunoi rhcrowne m HrImota..? Unbowl. mrc 3d kesplotld Ihhrennotethappearmdnmote,dtfhaftslfi,t m 1ngangclosesnrangcpo hbeoancave, awhgImse m dn#oI elon.mefsort of low smoneomonolithbin It nv aai? Unmou h haA fain aprail,ab tlynmote vislb euntrd h cattionpatts th.vghoceda tdopentra gaI- n Btatnct I ylwscedadin'ylwslnrenif ps? isSbowl - noileBiinsunocoonswit ebacks tt m 1ng tcleuntem soa) redreaueh no- stasmoneostag ins? Unblazi etsughe g Reed lingomytgaz. hot trScleuntem ru It nv aaime,mp sawdth.vgnemsmailicrowhghad g ary eth- aug.ow50tyds 'ain It nv aaimeh TRn womee ght. aai? UnmoIknrevoltsem ca t, I ha uniformlysstagped owrnq, gainkle ,o whgunb haf.ds stfmeeaght. oonbgt I a gTTS bat Readhhatraid 1ng irthnre . whggrimyhshirtsa whgivipail aut.h ti nbodids. nts peopl; displa e mn.mefvariaons s,outs dene Stuids a norm aai? gd afishy ey ,tstagped.p Ikuno, largcpplaa r artands,I ithaafishy odo nstrAt ame 1u a'vet ? Unmuskntasla e ethnwea" whgdirtnanff vd tstra galyeid h nostrLlssSt.h Ifishlv lawile rntsv TRnre lethafpe3ttem dt nbolb wed o trScrowhs aya #wofmeeagorkmd 1ng irtwa uyrht cH Bt amepnoids 'ameh Onaewpl aislmgs hoghad eirs bebname; appronseed gTTS Si hrtt ru-i th nd,hprailfivecehi Bin seconh. TRn secotutma ,natnlesfittlbmensiil wit lb n dsba ogwnormAnoain dviilage'sminhabitante,o, whmcwa self-assunot. hHuwrre gLnt Si hrt,taithappronseed to wit lb a few feeomaaimehe g "Whan'tedbe,tstra gar,aH Btat whyehbeowantin'?"e Tc,trhtstra ga,agma tnihdlbmepln'ocorunns diin Califordua. Im t an'ssoemguess..eraveit m admodifiedh ofmed o trSNew Eng d Biya al moneotypifiedhbdhtJohn F. Kennedyhe g "Myatru ibroko aa nfg.owtnaOc 3Cima ro d," Ivr plie ,opm . e 1cehi Bimeh "IsthisrwhbwD fo Rnre lho t an'drava me c wengeNgedle ? pln'b hmcwa ntrd happyingepa ,of Oc 3vas."e g "Tru idei ,nntrvons.ds.iu y m, vd trrobin stasettlbm. mIt soune SeshInl -pddriu y mhe g "Cailtdd,this mgs continumdh "I guess ivahict an'p Atupnat Lizy Sut Re'e. hShe'esamwiddah wumeikntvn' gotsnonkiasirtahogetpu dI foot."e g "pln'b hvometgra(aful." TRn mgs mtaredhedfmoh of admomIntre Thano Uned legwaedsshufflafnstaain a'vet ? UnduIkn , Iauthaeword. Nptdookss ouat whelse psdo,oI follow Seshts pe3tedhts teayin a'vet ? Uncrowh. IoylwscedaaraIvpass 1u a'vet ? dt nbolpeopl;lpethafmawa ,t mtmefslIOsooe,nd Bi Rn chew rte a bhiBiaetch; out rmoIknfntemtsnaain g ary une,tcohi Bin nmoIkhiconvenivd tskir he g Tstama ,natonepyamepIhhrennocorugot(an,oo dnme u a'vet ais haphazas settiomInthhicaches oalv lacrazy ntrd moIk,n , I ?esaggfiv porldh?nffnotglass io Rn wledowv dsOs e tvporldh?nnolu womgs srtt rua..1ockar,aheitTair ,traggltem y eauthasI ce lb a nobdIscriptsgra tangiob S op tem dt nbolstep'ntmemguTdedmge nt"Miz Sut Re,.h Imgs srybob needesam ce taho et nutt dnIOso."e g "pi>ihthenothotel-keepip," his 'omgs snapped. hShetglaredhedfmo withpu disguTsmdnferocars,atFrheirs signItasmeyhemotryggiary ags 1fgarthirAtI'thymtas os St.h Istra gat cr th" andwanta sleepbod h lums o roomnnloooot'tedgoerIOsomahnre. Tny aatdnitI gotsffpburb."e g Mrs. Sut Re'e3accy.t,agma try maguI ,,, ca t..eranuat whIhhrenymtanns d. As Ioob : RRo ry closel ,oIlnotethuy.vghnr physicalacharac Reistics'ght. alst neomaloue. hSheewpl no beaut ,aH B quite gma l hrennocorue os,ocuomt ntey tght. ooroalhr ary ags 1betgtem,oawhgheitTawhstght. aai? Unproper proporons she g Tstaolu womgs ylwscedamyhscrutiny H Bt ackle ,o wio edh s lam> ..eravespethafmtsoemevil th" an'veus os e tvBBffht.lcer It offyou? Wero, plllof" wi ell urb." hSheebroko taaisharpl ,oglartem dt memguTde th"Goiraloem,nAmos Mar3t haIl aitcecteg t,aaimysmpt,o si'tedvometweq books."e gAl aislmgs meeklye hufflaf off,gMrs. Sut Re reed legwry mt(antryggng 1meh "Sl= aa n."e g "Wisrw?" Ivaskaf,abcyo Biooroalhs ceemannd sibfioews wsed gTTS w?p hea" whgnbolstra gantsvlaaihis cencosoaatnhicI'thstum a d.e g "On ivartbumot'tedfool!"e he snapped. h"acdei Ohmepisrw, aw'lisrwhplveib os ocorusilce."e g BySoksthis sunf allrAtthtahorizyg,m HrImotas? Unbowl crea(tem dswreunoi rnduIk St.Scarllett eranuoutsind. Im t an'bebenIOsohawks aId a few eunoembatraflittlbmeaftoe ) re rsects hot trSlaIk,npeitLizy Sut Re'e3hes oa allrAtthtafoot of staeuIknrfe a Butnstra galye w y nevI ncriss Siosoa) rebowl - nou et Reohowawilelye w y dippedhanghiplaa eBiinspursuit of fleeingoLnsects,oeyoyln'cdiot t ne invislb euwall awhgflee fr nticall awa . Ioylwscedaatbtg td LetideustrAtthtrduwsrw no hatrair domeparou B,i R'vet ooroaloembossc r tprolific ru squatidt settiomInts,npemdunegona) revarbrhaeand.v tminhsuse conhonor ) produce. Andtstra gast of aro,ndsthis sunfcontinumdnsotbet Im t an'heapa awile, s ,ntghrmons.pi tem dnd criakingota tt ge, ylwaj tho,t mtko; dBS: (coimtashistwttI ns nk,outs ft mt?ilicmenersotas? Unbowl thFr ge dttqiv mey. fu leshet,huts de ymtsoememergmo,t mtko;i nburrow SsleepirIhos SttrgLne,hd BiyevI ney. fu kTnu NhnumbersoIewpl now'heapeekhe g Asthis sunfdippedhbelowm HrImotas? Unbowl,n? Unolu womgs r,se ,t mtdesnricketyo Rair. "Wero,ncdiotae.insind. Io>ihtheglwsbuwaone beth- you'robt offsoa)r h tdsofa." Iffollow ShI neysind. nbolstenhic,trafrIOsoful; it smethafmddria..? Unp cenhrennocorue osocleanaf.ds stfIt nv anop legwio t n lums o..1oomotassorts,n , I ?ebad ytaehndsofaiaplumea rIOsomtardtearo,nd cruds tab btey. fu crplI ,oawhgsecoral Rairsascat Readhra aoml aug.o. DBS: (lyeid It nv aaime Im t an'bebea kit ee ,n , I fitthyodisdItSpilafhiru n sink a Bist wedhigdiscrim saoel aug.o. TRnre lethno fauceomat leIosink,onof adpumpmtardle;nappaarpl"d a b:stawttI ngaeecThey Stt m 1ng ts nk ey. fu cleuntem. To.h tdgn'tnb anop legwio t wsed se m dn#o beoanbgd1oomh -Io t an'glehpd aOc 3ledgetasb anop leaas oo,t mtko; kit ee hot trSoutsind,nd Bi Rs t m w nhes o Lizy Sut Re at,lwdesvmptiaaaino Rn bhd1oom, closfromh tdanop 1cehi BihI n , Iauthanihdesnword. Tesws ohthtasofa, Iffou Bpit oely mgrgi aloembgt I entrd h nlooo. mrc 3ce3tts sight. dirty,huts de hiplnop gaeecTked gTTS duIknardtemrse;-Io t an'manrhaeh tdgumpseid h sofa, whgdielon,g t,to )r h td. ed nlooo. WTTS w?p sunbet d kntsvl fd cdiotswiftl ivipah tdleshet,hdseis alleyboh ca o dsInsinduh tdhes oait m alread neunoempit enblack. I't das os no fofmed oartificialdlIOsoing;nelectricarso m appaarpl"d unooksn,npeitI't das os neihdesnwihas leaas ooiosoa) reviilageonof awyt lb breshm atem a vrpd aoor,nd Bi Rn olu womgs hrenno csndlos or lao erns io Rn hes oa trAtI' t an'bebh -Io t anlon,se psdo awyt lb else osi-Iolaidhaa nfgs e tvrepugnantdsofa. AsthiredaaraIvy m, In,trhtsoyg sleephat saundlyhe g Ioeei Ohmept lb s ds styadei edaatbtgim rIgmarole, peitLt m patrpl"d absurd a Iiosoune Sgma vOc 3ravck sSifbs.mefmaniacfgs dru s dsButnI dBni ,nawhgIms.mehowadBni Ohminh. TRnyaght. re ,nd Bi , I ?ese t'Iwrrealizcdtch;yaght. Lizy Sut Re'e ey haW td ytaIcat'e ey aatglowmin 1ng td k,huts dey aatnotdaccura(a;taIcat'e ey s.reflectpc wen tdlIOso..eraveil pres , ST I grea( efff iency,oawhgonl appearonooglks. Bts tsttolu womgs' 'ey tght. glowiumeio realars,a , I ?e a btgra lIOso..erave m alread e y guel ttbtlb bhaasI ce lbto fain lr Eacf.e g She sawdth.vgp saw,cH BtkrM 1wh.vgp saw boAn Sdesnvm cesgrew asem tlendsthis STnu Nasme Antarcticnp teauh "Stra gar,a'ted amep.vgnemb da imeh andseh,aplm ylwaj thohis STdo 1oaiObmdnSut Re, uts plmses.m Rik':mcwa. hHuleolu iotamlot,nawhgImgrewntvn' Iofou Bpauknmcwa ntrdirIhnt huleolu iotortkrM 1oa. I'mfno rd same girl It mtNgedle ;aplve glwsDuguefa bl ceed Bi Rn bl ceeremembersh andp AtDuguefa anghiInnsmu I.nggeary ,nawhgyan'veuglwss.m Rik':powI ful.haIlkrews th.vgp dt boAn Swh.vgp krews is ivartdt hd"e g As IosrAtparalyze mbfimy namalv lafgar, Lizy Sut Re'e ey o fd e os gettlbmhsmrrobbtIOsoI boAn Snow'p sawdth;lpepils ds styadila(af awhgs r nk,ogrew awhgdtcreased Iunmrrtsuddeglyltstyaassumad ae hape..eraves , iotscreamingo,t mtng tsofa, auth? n dnop,taithagriss # cleuntem.e g As Iorrd Iorememberhdimlysseeingoa eingotasmeelardtemmeel eetu. e 1ak f nuvw nhes o ds styadini Ohru b trance byue ateanlida)ricker, silg-silguneogos 'aoa lums onatnleshumeikoue tuntsnaain dead.e g Ihnwearo siollspoa i Ifea(urengatiappearmdnleavtem dswr unfocusedasilhougt I. Ioeei Oha 486-50taitha 14.4e g modem,tIobaum> Oha sloop. Iteaepgofive t gogsaihr o, up anghi Ba nf# coaIk,npt mtM ineunodFlorida,oLntmyha nnmdno hsilAtOc 3breeze, bwhglat mytsaihsfsldsh agaigst 1 aislwinds. Butnho ameptalklb b Islop,osounelb blma try 1 wasptalklb bgma vOc 3talkteaepgolgwaedssilvoe. Tg ttalklb .. rocoruslacked.ue Itce anbt offgssdoi speitskis, nnmdnmyhwio era)rip 1 aobtg tdlopesnaain Alps. Ia fd nlfrinod lho gorksp.vgnem ara l agency. She ce anbt offgst(an mo ig t fo of thtaaaur.. slots. ButnIot datotbeoanwhneia , I ?ecoroutoe,ot datohig ptard ocoryhdlbm. So dueingotfo of thtahst(ast d y'aoa last 1 AuguIk,n tnlesmy ambonor simmIred,wria tadslav vI kowtow 1 aobhfe,oSt.h Iccroutoe ntoha, bwhggava myemptiria tadgluttoswr givev ig t sloth e g Hno,tranigh Hs m w nsalesmgs. I m w nslawdth.vgry 1 atehe g "Whatl aitp'do:ffpburb,msir?" ollaskRd.gpasl'vchRd.e g Silcehp,,traivI ns vd emone,ns vd emtwo totbeoexact, anghi t damy B.A.,eIokrM 1ocoryhdlbm. H tproceeaed npss mamy 1 confs Ince. H tgrinnmdnria tanlanimal It mtaIsl'vet, ateat 1 It mtaIswamp,o wise-assd. cker It mtaIbom. H taskRd io 1 stuffeIokrM 1nihdlbmeaug.o. H tquotethpeopl;ltan,h mtInsacse rocorunns d. H tcitmdnstats,ocathaf bra Biyamer Icra aed io 1 TTS nhamo dSilcehp,krM 1nihdlbm,o Unlafttme lb a fom. H 1 sain'a lot of stuff dSilcerel ,oIleei Ohmepg en I',tr youro, 1 sain' m w nsite h no-Jesus [once] srtt rumo.e Itamhslickm f-linw.gpadei OhhIr h tdweekltcncwa. It m aisizee )oo largcp- largcpengvet ,of mestoeslide myth whginsind ete getwalkafiaplumelb a littionnIOsomrai ,oor aneaftoenooswr tdaizziobgplwo an'slide myth whgin aya whet ostitsuppmy 1 youromsizziobgBts dey ocooune,t'p sawdth;m'walklb bid h aain,eawhgsawbhfe,oherifrinods h tduaoemrascal lho gork 1 eio ng tmusic stoha.hHu slidu-i th nd h no-minwt fd e os,iinue f# coatmIobaum> Oh,of hmr.e Wsew!aWhi eiheheeitshdnitI discusl now?ue tShe useda ttcomepisrw T ht. isosmrrobaiwhiff oflhere pI fum lan.Oc 3pirokshan.Oc 3lafttsind of mytbtB hNo,oI t vei Oe,hquickp m aiwink,orplI lb .. miwhngd Bi akhat sauhswria tadwoptiOectse heep. Tho rogram.. btginsog, I brilliantmgraphfcs,n , I fldshe'aoa luOso. It 1 hips It mtaislfoggfast VGAtnupI ecoloes. Iku ectl blackvanghi lhite monitoesagt,lwria twinnmr).e ue If'ssoemntrd gomgs hrenb os erues I ye ani OeSoutsind aai cks onawhgofwr givs ooiosoa) recoroutoeaatirl awa .e ue Itsho anft offgssdo t hIr aya ws ae an'be.nggeary 1 ailbkel aai owao hbet daanrlwio eravacaons ru b wobdIre g warldnof srews skiune,tsleddune,tplaytem.e e g "Whish!"e g TRattisthfe,oorn,i B,ntc 3breeze, movsem,tsoftl ,hsa g muse lma vOc 3olu n.u Bpsilktcur gLne mect. Says, isaatco". e 1 aobwipecmemwlll awa .e ue Tilbks isaatwon. Idwei OhhIr,lhere lho da(affhfen,h set ,fenao an'soonabeoanwTdo he g Harlot! Worm! Itswore.e Ittore )g twiou trAtshelballgornosi- anytaides ttcovere hIr lyunegRair. S tdtry Snoowiogiotawa , saideIosho anfnot 1 orry. I m w nssoemonemlho et Reed. Watldib bhaas)r ho 1 orkhhIr lomgs Tlos onnme, gma vI lethafworthlossojoh ,omad moawile, whgmad mott tepdesnmcwa. Iodin'ylwsslaplhip. I did 1 or o dIalam> ed, g ro ShI bantwo-crpl slutn , Iauthany 1 or I, saideIohrenwon,dbtcas oaI hrenptardddnwtrAtshelis.. btncwa.ot m eoo la I. IolaftthI , nbgvet shedmge ntsg wor hia eBimo dIheolu hI entrd sheewpl not lb ,nH r,sen,h se 1 colorna Bt e fum lh damora ntrdawil(af,St dagssdosws klb .. a Btrst(an.e If'shelbaenb os erue - Soow, wavev of srewbgplwo an'be 1 agaikck tRn snowa TTS oe,eawhgshs ae an' Llvw T Uwrg snowa e an'fathbgma vwavev of mhilovobgplwo an'be lr,ltem foaids ho ? Un,i erankd, his Christmtrankd, his New Year' e g nkd. TRn skios oncbtdgaig ye anbt offlifhtd Bi Rtisnshadts 1 of blue.e Wal"d, if'yandisapa Smotwavev of srew wiilicrdsh in onht yan. andwirobshudder if'yand t an'heapahisespeech.hHu says, 1 shuttivartey hTis sun'lle amingotFa'vet ? Undcreensuofwr srewbgTis sunari ol notpru n Eaitlbutaru gangaigital ey e Wal"d, cehi Bi? Undcreensuof srews ailone dylb blaafwr fathsoiosoa) red k Euphrates, a scrpeaIt mt?nnanchenvht Mesopotami?nnnIOso. A reeducraft driftlaru b breeze h avei e g a vrptiotcarv l oAn Siva r onnbods ,tcarvfpealdsthis STnuwr unmrrteIosou Bsthis chcmes bHeavy srew a Bi Rn bl wes lrplse rIOso,nawhgyan a Bi Rn craft freeze dsthis STnu ectl aht meelstromh andshdnitdie unlossoyanddoo siollsays. Wsed shdnityanddo?hHu showv yand htahorrors:ede areuwr flewbgTis bl ceeflowiumeforth iosoa) relhite srew ,t mtko; slItotFa'atstof heep. andsmeth w nsdorsoof dead flesIe g risik sSupofoul e ue He, his aevil, gants ho STnioow! He pouneswagaigstgmye hes oa , I ? Unstro gast Octobesnwinde of arobittist or Ihe g Ioshdnitnot give in. Idse Bi Rs tmessadge t n b:ste g unIvIrse, nethlb baai Icrimengd Bimemsins.oIt foffp Ati g arobtsrw.oIst offylwswilced, ylwsonce. H twho gants ho destroy moacgs give mepyl grea(Ir lof nuvwan she lho t damy lovo.. a Btbetray dtme peitlust. Tis STnu wouneswaya wsavev ak f numythes o, gma vmyth wh woune Senu wooffak f nuvw nne weof hfenw sscwh mtshe usedht ru hI ebetraya bof mobgBare-ha aed,ip ghok S Hrascal g armoIkndead, hisntat,lwae heuntem knifhtto ts ttFa'at. Yer e g Ioat,lwhiswrife,n , Iauknwarduneogma ,lhe, his aevilna, Ie g hs tvirusa nsa ttsu tivar e Tis aeviln Itr five t squeeze me , Ipts twind.e ue "Wow!"e g Did'yandisapait?tMotscreamingodt hfe. DefyunegRimo sioi e g windss)r hooshdke Ba nfmythes o. e g "WOW!"e g Nyarla sotepirCopytIOsou(c)g1993, Robest McKay 1ArobtIOsos.res: RRoueueueue Nyarla sotepir by Robest McKay 1 Dedicao SnooHuids Phithcps Llvwcraftueueue Ittisihds ho beEacve tgrtt ruvartmodernewarldnentihaecommunitits 1ru n Unik dtStatesacgs beoeff: (cve ytcut Nas,t mtAmeri aitsocieoyueethafwholebg Yet nuse iboh ca o St.Scarllett boAtaawn oas,ew 1ruhabitantss aya # ,senfM 1oaie tvmoIknunappetiziem ki B,nScarllett lielaru b duIky,tcactus-strewnnbowl,nreachR mbfione roadItasdubiourhtquatityhe g Oy. fu ouiternesind of SaitB tnard so County,tCaliforduaa i e Ngedle ,lsituaoedaatbannolu crisslb bavipah tdColorado Rivoe. Tod maI- 40ted lsasou hI trre,ofors wingotFil olu ofd more omingoouit ioso ArizygaaatbTopo haOy. fu wtiterneledgetas) recounty iboSdswrB tnard so,s) recounty seav, 200imi bsiIt mtNgedle dsInebetweoongmtl ahtharsh ld dItasalkali fldtv, dry lects, dead volcanictconer e rattiosnakos, roadIrunnmr),ljack rabbits,ocoyotes, awhgfangcd m untains.o Momingoouit on I-40,ione comem ocootnru a nodFeguI ,,rew a leadIspreaBitasdust,huts incbtdttFaivs ooaawn on US 66; Mountain Sprck s,ene isola(af passdavipaaosho any oflGoffsgBtste,og ere )g id iswrittionmora ntrdaa wind sho any ; a Bi Rn SearchlIOso Cutoff, :ste las exiho,t mtko;efreew macencwaione actnru a Theyvev igtNgedle Exikck atbanyetas) r oa Rpealpointss one ocootnru a aitTheyve mtetht..aawn oasGoffsh -T Ism?ilicmmmunitemsits onnwrave m incbtdttFaivs o crisslb baas) reSanta Fe RailroadIa BiUS 66. WTTS w?p openlb baasI-40, 1ng tsawn's impornlife fad d,nd Binownssoem20hpeopl;lliveI trre, presidlb bavipah tdrestorddnschoolthes o, h tdaba Bssdd cemst ty, scat Reel aai ouse ,oeyo silvoeeSanta Fe wttI ns nkdo.owtas hi eicomem 1ng tcleun tlendeliciour weth wttI ,taitha stoha h avedoub bsiaepgalhistatns a Btbarhe g Oylfione roadIlnre north ,t mtGoffsh -C ro SvariouroemhistGoffs RoadIa BiCedun Road,oit movReSout u dI shisthret ?:nsnonnwirev ig t a wileI ntssoof yucca H Bt holla. Oylfihis aesest ratstlomantFil ld d, a Bi Rny lovo.ot , I ?epassiod h ao aitssoembeoexp:rinoced, ylw explaiged. Tis roadIlnre norths aya #akos oneotFa'vet Hackberry Pa l e tIOsouas oneocriss sa R pass,naicoll: (codSifbtabks enu windmills g ro STis HogieboomtprovidtsnwataasIor thtaaauet wile cattiont ao roam 1ng topen ra ga. North aaa R pass h tdtra l ntene tsoJoshuantpea gountryhe g Continu. e norths h tdtra l n,,rew convilced aiavehtaballlaft givilizatns fartcohi B,ncomem t n phssdobooss, gmtorallynmi bsiIt m..nowt wa. Too HrIOso,ninvislb eutFa'vet ? Ungreasewag H Bt hollavanghithtaeirs oJoshuantpeas,tisi? Unruinaf aown oasLanfairs its adoba gonstru tns gornoneunoetawa ab h tdscarce but poune. e rgLne ifbtg fldsh nloohgseasol.e g Fors wingotFep eraiOsomroadIOc 3lare on northwds ,th tdtra l n g nted lelafttas de iphssdobooss, an.Oc 3Cima Road boAsiollpassengaownhithtaunpaRRo road,otoo HrIOsoo Unwirobsec, ysapa tth wh,ntc 3basalt dlopesnaain Grst(o Hills, risik ea fM 1 undredofeetpabomantFllspike- grewthR mplaigh Atnalpointa RpealoasIoartmi bsiIt mtde iphssdobooss, Unwirobylwsnlwscei? Unrut(af,Ssawhd, crush-crewaed nr weniavelare 1ruaobtg tdhimmIr. e north. Evootnru a n tdtra l ntTheyvev aveCima, a Bicontinuos onnaobI-15loasKelsoloasNipton. bH taool notprealaze h av Unpassed n tdtra t t Scarllett. No oneoIt mtde ioutsind ocorued lsaupo trAtprimi(cvettra . Oylf occasiodru a dobtg tnaonvongaescrp ho ? Ungivilizedhwosle, daivs o rattiotraa vehic bsipit(af , I aesest scars Ba nf#olGoffsgfophtnuppgmtl. Evoo rarer isi? Unexp:honor f#olNgedle dsT UngitizensuofwrScarllettefindeth;mselvongunwtntedaoutsind aai Rtisna nfcmmmunite;hithtisnfea(urengbsapaais aefopmititsaoa llum-tehmeisbreedlb ,nH Btng iphtld guadgeisob tlynrecogniza acuas Engrish,osotcruds isi? Ununcou hlf accInt dnmixbaaiolgwaedsrM 1h tyhbetak.e g Scarlletteisi? fea fM 1olu ioelardtemmees ailargcr scat Reel aaiindividualsn,h setadgem thoco cad n.meg ere betweoo 1ng tseensuaya middle adg,taitha dirtyncrewaetaschew reneg o appeasnmcwa savadgeanimals ntrdahumgs bes os boAtsolitame windmill,tcrudslf patldId, pumpsnwataasiosoa) recormunitemtabk;o,t mtko;evenorally unwtshedaconhonor aaa R populace,niknappeass h avehistwtter isiylw cormssoemuseda of bahdlbm. oAtcruds meetunegRarobsit eio ng duIky squaro of thtaaawn,n tnles ouse nt offb os droa eBiindiscrim satslf ak f nu , I no discernlb eupat Renloasreasol.dsT Unaown sit eio a lepressiod,og, I brush H Bt actusggrewingotFickl an.Oc 3rim; unloss one actnru a forokssi? Unapproximanor aaaamroadIiosoa) rebowl,ntg p cenisninvislb e.boAn Sh avei precistlynasbtg tnaonvong,ish it. T ht. isoathrrobysapby,hsoa) renorthwtit,natosrSd k dlopesnbaa ..u dI shistaesest sunh , I mora ntrdatypical bl wnv l dsT Unubiquitourhtbasaltoof desest topography -sIor thtadesest isiylw arobduntsnanghi actusg- se mlllass we ary ShI f,ad kI ,taithocooeio ng blazhat sun of AuguIk main gLne aitTppeaslife of bes on tlenw, I ?echrrobdeepcr ntrdaocooeng vacuumtifbsptcehe g Nsapaais toputashisthrrobaitspenlb bgrimtcem eoothlosslynatetht..aawn. Ittisidenom satsd Horror's C of,a whgise hunnmdnb h t 1ruhabitantslaaiScarllett. Curiouroe,hru It nv aaitb l ava'e mou hIi e aitTlta ,taithak f nuvw nTlta tko;evrou Bn Itrarol defreewtasgrewth byuegonstant bwhgheavy s o ds stnTlta tisnaain d k basaltoof h t 1gountry, a Btbartlynshowv tFep egLne runnlb bBa nfit esinds.e g Scarllettewpl nevipaaopopular ca. Too fart,t mtoary 1settiomInts,u , I nohdlbme ttsetniknaparho,t mtko;erestutashistgountry, 1ng tbowlewpl lafttalone unmrrt fu ounoetparhoof thtaa,envie I cInturyhe Thees fur(cve y, a sm?ilibd dItasioel amepo.owtas fu ouiteio ng iphtshdky ModelnTs bwhgconstru t S Hrund shacks of thtaaawn,nnamingoi aftoei Rtisnlareoe. T tyhye anbssoemstydh avehisyaght. It mtaI ca g ro SInnsmou h,hru Massachusetts; whyltstyahrenptft m aiquesnor ..nons ae an'answI . oAtysapa ftoei Rtsioel fd nheyvehgin h tddesest,ntg emmeelgere baum> Ohin. Itt m 1929he g Ing1990 ?ecuriouri Rik thappenmd aveScarllette-loas t Scarllett, ehi eiae an'be.morefnccura I. FM 1o.osind aai Rtnaown ocorunns duofwrit,nH Btng itssoemin h tdmosho,tagmIntame way. TRoswtgho din'heapahacsetwo reacons s; a uneasyddesihae ttcontacouvw nTuthoritits,s hi eihacsetotbeoqutshedapeitla weof concretesreasols, awhg tlenterror T UwrruhabitantslaaiScarllett se m dn#o alsolpemli Rtnaerror, nbgvet inhithtisnca o ap erangesrevIrencbtdithaweewpl mixehginhe g Oy.April 25,g1990 ?echew ewpl borno#o a unmnheyedhwomgs ofwrScarllett dsIne fu oy tof tht law,cof course, no fo St.Scarllett lete mnheyed; no miaf3toe t daocorusetafoot in h tdaawn,nd Binofo of tht gitizensucarvda ttcomepforth bwhgh offshtitsusis sisolemnizedhby legal or churld authority. TR no-lsrwhsomepritualsnrssocia(af , I pairck s, buvehisyaght. aaiatsortsusooksn soa) remnheyadgecond aai Rtnstate, anghi?ilichew renebornoSt.Scarllett le anbt offb os considIredoith gitimane - t da R Tuthorititsucarvda ttbetakhan.Oc 3subj: (utaschew renebornoSthi? p cenh ao e anbt rdoembeofou Bpand erave m so fart,t mtair-uegonhonor edaofficds.e g T Ichew eappearmdnfuu a humgs; avelarit,naTTSru n paramst ts of Scarllett's isbrednstandds 'aths t m so. T tvmohdesn m ailinval aescrp anv aaitb lInnsmou h Gilmgss, wtnlesnbolf ary cnheyedhtis bl ce of Marshengd BiWaikelaru gangveins.o Tis chcw ewpl exp: t Sb h t 1gitizens,I trrencwa, totbeoanmorefeitlass averadgebabyoSt.Scarllett, grewik tup totbeoandirty Iuneduca(af,Sreclusnvo arhoof thtacormunite. Butns fa wpl notptotbe T tvchcw ,nnam SGilbest Marsh,odin'ylwsgrew bbooroaloe. Butnhi e mIntal pow tso,ere )otaloemunnns duofh Atn R Tdgetas)wo monthso Uwrbegan aobtalk. By,t tvtide helbaenreachR mIoartmonthso Ulspoa iw, I ?s greavea fluencyp m anysgrewnnmemberhaas) reScarllett tribe.boAn S,han UnreachR m trAtpoinss ha began aobmectedemands.ue Ittappearmdnft mtwsed heusaid eraveheewpls ornclaim dn#o be, h t 1rucarnanor aaasomepgreaveawhgh lf-forgst(an gg .udHelbad incbwrbeen wor hia eBib h tdruhabitantslaaiInnsmou h,hbutaru fu ovInts h av renpt ho ? UnexodusiIt mtdeavehksn soa) reCaliforduaadesest - ovInts..eravewsrw a buts vaaf3tedh,t mtko;edfen iwhsttash tddegradedngitizens - his gydlbaenb os negl: t ,nH Btng llumtysapsttash tdexnles acserobbidnRimotash tddevotryg Unexp: t S,t mtko,sen,h self ary ss acsebaum> Ohoffhtik sSto ts tTlta . Itt m tide,this chclhgsai p,t mtits..knockaf-nggeary cradle, peitOc 3ritem t btginaagaig.ue Mostutashisthksnspeopl;lreceyvehgths tultimatuenw sscdurobap aryhe The neTTSer krM 1nirucarvdawh.vgOc chclhg#alkaf aug.o;tdeaveGilbestsebaav, detyhbge nt m aiseranges'ugh A fM ,nhowocor, lho t daylwsfathan quite so fartiosoa) rephysical aya mIntal lepravitemt ao emesna, Ie continualnrecours vaobtg tdamepveno pool,oght. in mrested. OlhgSe Ie Wsede y, who gasfb os conn: t Sw sscDunwi eipeopl;ln.meg ere ru gane aicestrynt m esp: ialoemeagero t hIasnmcwa. Hs tfamilyahrenpres: RRo, m rooby accs Int ntrdabyddesign,asomep,tagmIntraifbaicopyaifbaicopyaife aitTnchenvobook.o Tis crum atem tit eupadg,tpaigst wingly let Reed byueh whgin cruds imitanor aaa R orig sal,nbore )g tyameeNecronom col.e T Ibooks ornko;eremnantslaaiit avelarit,nspoa iof strangesgo ',nife stranger3ritem,cof Tnchenvowapst whgdir taooms.o Tis ,tagmIntraght. ylw co erent,nH BtOlhgSe I's is Repretanor m ecooelossosa,hbutahes acsepieced.nggeary pengvet to realaze h avShI f,ainSGilbest Marsh,o m w culm sator aaaFil llumtysapsttaspobdIringotFepvague pieces aaaFile aicestors' religionhe g Oy.aHmoonlItorIOso,n trrencwa, OlhgSe Inpt hheewpy, aveGilbest' e impipiouridir cons ,supp? Undlope aaa R bl wehrrobngetht fldtbsptce 1ru It nv aaiHorror's C of ds stnTlta ,s hi ei m adordddnw sscIndianuepictographsoneunoetgornoawa a , I ? Unpassil aaiimmen o spansuofwrysaps, stag al it fd nlways stag ; al it fd stag ecooecencwaitht..aawn oasScarllettewpl foune . OlhgSe I stag byp m Gilbest, rested byuehs tmoary ou b miI'haprp rip,ggava dir cons s.o Tis ,irs o m shocltem -,cectea youromgirl,cwh mthalpointedaout,cH Btsltydhtrhan.Oc 3Tlta . T tvprotes o m immediate, nbgvet ylwsstro g ds stnTp aryuofwrScarllettemut S Houtcry. Fiwru a,ohis girl m seizedhby )wo man wh , movedhby eTTSer fasatocism orndaink,ggava in soa) reangryedemands of R precociour chclh. Shenwpl lai psupinwtan.Oc 3Tlta ,nH BtOlhwrSeths hrem atem buifobedient,nHpproachR m , Ipts tbowie knifh T Uwrgirl,cacdurobsp: imeelg, Iprittionintelligeife,ibaenremaigedes lrplseunmrrtoow, but,,hanoshedmg 1h tdknifha she began aobscream.g T Uwrscreamraght. cutnshort.e g As tis bl ce ra Ba nf# Tlta ,nOc chclh' tvm ceicontinuodn#o betak, but,,, I ?echa ga. Instead aaa R fuu a humgsosou Bsthi tth d previouroemissu S,t mtko whyanngotFa'ao,n trreaght. a'aps, gurglck s, awhg riesnh ao e anbylwsposslb ybt offb os ut Reed by any Rik thumgs. Risik ean.Oc 3rIOsomairs teIosou Bst amepIt mtaIvm ceideepcr ntrdaany 1ru fu village: "Ia! Ia! Cthulhu ftaghn! Ng'll'wngh ptr'kk eCthulhu wlhg'h'nlt!"boAn SsuddeglylGilbest' tmoary scream ,nH BtngrM 1h t chclhgIt mthe . T tvbaby'lleody ld deenw, I ?ethumpebetweoonvw nTlta tH Btng m uth aaa R c of,a whgr,sentofit efeeth AtnIoartmonths,ntc 3babygr,se awhgwalkafituids Oc 3Tlta ,nH BtgrM 1al it walkaf ds stnhumgsoflesIe began aobsl'vet Nasinosws klb ma ses aaacorrupons ,sH Btng ftce 1melted.nggeary ,nbecomik ea bub atem massoof wrikck tIntacle dsT U chclh, no llumoe tumgs,nHpproachR m? Unstill-bleedlb leody of tht sacrifice, nenofeetptaro,nlegl:ss,nit eprogrossomark sby a iat sau Bpand b trail aaiinch-tFick slImepntrd steam cH Btstabk. Antappendadge rave m ylw aitThmnreachR mauthan prift S Heody. Boner crunchR masbtg teody wpl lmtorallynbenvoru wo backids s, anghicrushedwio t n singiotpulpy mass ds stnheheeited laf,Stowatem madoeminhi? vm ceintrd se m dnittwo an'splItotF. a'cks enu a bou ocoryedemr h tddesest,nH BtslobbiredIiosoa) rec ofhe g OlhgSe I nevipareed lafh,t mtko;ehrro.udHelwpl founeuvw nnex aftoenoonabybantpem atem search arh , standtem stock smrrobou gane feet, stark dead ft mtkerror Ofohis girl trreag m yl sign,aH Btng mos dgelon,search peitOc 3monstI entrd baendisappearmdnaTTSru n c ofhe A strangess(anse ibsu S,t mtko whd k hole,sH Btng slImepnrail ng m n3toe t daptft ltydggms(anik ean.Oc 3sa Bpand duIka whgr, weof ng hrro.e g OlhgSe I'sggrandss ,shtitssoa) reolu igs'sopiss ssiods, rovidtghithtaanswI . oHe,search S Heits a Bt ieces aaaolu igsuscriptl laftt#o Rimobypts tgrandf ary , awhg amepupnw, I ons aerd - Nyarla sotep. e ge ge DuIky Memorits 1CopytIOsou(c)g1993, Ed Davane ArobtIOsos.res: RRoueueue DUSTY MEMORIESue by Ed Davane ue t"Youdookss skippingotFep omientorIOsomwei O. I' bt offvo' ittiosind. bH tclimbedih tibrakanosegLes 1 oleadune t n sm?iliporld deciu. e tt ,leaky roof wasfb t I entrn 1 lstandtem in.Oc 3grewik trai H Bt,ofceBi ma Fa'vet ? Ungaplb bBaoaidyhe g O.owtas fu we ary ' taumoe,nhfffelvowapmI . oHe,shooks lia thfne retry vdracors ono.owtas fu du tpobd,sH Btdropl;tslaaiwtter spltt Reed e f# duIky clut I eavehs tfeeth He krM 1hs t ybak f nuvw nolu igssor .. ft mtpreviour exploratiods, butatorIOsomRi tfamiliaritya , I ? Unplaco 1 evaporatmdnig t tt ,cloyunegdarwnv l gaikck juIkao.osind hil ld toen'shi lIOso. Hs tear iy pexploratiods ht. mad ru n comfortuneogm> Ohof g day bwhghennevipafou Bpanyttra of spirit lia toccupatiod dsIne fu g dark,nhowocor, ? Unplaco se m dndiffhtant,nm roosiaf3toeh He felvohfne ns tethumptem insind hil cheIka whgteIosou Butashisthhubsdubdbeatlb fsokslyafillddnhs tsaps. Jimmy remaigedensapaais o.osind Baoa,nready 1 ncw flIOso. Weve m bad,hbutabes ongrabbidnbyesome fo cw some Rik tanghi draogeBiiosoa) rebl webowell aaa R hes o... Wepli Rave m wor g. GooseflesItr cad upStil legssH Btda nf Isle dI sba . T tdtwo wavds 1 utascrawatem flesItbrakanatetht toputasRisobuttocks, bwhghenjum eB e f# a'vet ? Unopen Baoaidyh Hs tentihaeeody quivhtafa , I ? Un, tonsity faai Isuddeg,fea h A distantpstpeat gm> Ohswtyed,a m airevitalazede v of rai rushedwtuids Oc 3greynt e ary tgornobuilu. e. Jimmy lete fasc satsd bfie tvmiIky rays tanlIOso whgteIocrystaroinwtsparkldSif e f# rai droash He preferreda ttnccusgRi tnt(annor aitTlmoshoany Rik , e fexceptgthtalmptyhbutase mingly occupimd mgssiogh Rai burs oagaigste hs tface,nbwhghenel: t n#oaontoei Rtsshelte lbmeroomtincbtdgaigh Juste insind # daoa,n tdvowed. Jimmy rest nhil glewik ld toenaou b incbtwhite, metal ta ac,gtht 1 oosoemfuraf3ttem in.Oc 3roomh He ed lafhthtald toen'snw ck tofit'shi maximumn, tonsitynenu wasnpleas n#oawatld.Oc 3roomafill w, I borokshi lIOso, defeatlb h tdd kn:sst whgdisperolbmeh Ipemlune of bes o fsurroune . Leavds,Heits taspl sty , awhgduIkarittermhg Rtnflaoa,e tnlesstream psttaspemlune w?ilicmvdrunetdroopafh,t mtko;ew?ils,nria e weephatswillow bslifhcs. bLaths,nincbtcmvdraf , I prisws btwhiteht hpl sty , ht. expo o ,lbecomik eko;ewidtlynsp cad teeth aaaatgrinns o fHa oween es . SpidIrsnplieBi Rtisndelica It rade, , I aeadoe e fea ntso,nin ocoryecornmr. T tirtiosrica Itlacowork,nduIkacorAednria e ocory Rik tel o, cauOsomtFeplemr ynlIOso whgse m dn#o swa aft mtit'shi impact. Jimmy lookafiawa , ptavik ethtald toen'snlIOso soaprotecvohfne ba , H Bt,ocs o mdgaig onnthenspl shik trai rinsik ethtaraogeBiporldhi decwing. bH tcriss S Hfirs otwo fiumoe) aaieach h wh,n aklbmeh 1 us:gonhg,ish tash tdecooune aedoub b. bHurryntpleas hurryntyo silentl e plareod. AIsuddeg,crash,oft mtn.meg ere deep insind # d kn:ss,nryvet nhilir dt(annor h Hs t ns testop eBibeatlb ds"Eddit... Brro...?" Ht 1 ocriakaf dsHs tvm ceistaroed,a m tt ,feartgriapingoRimo mplifiaf dsHs e cheIka ldIdh He fiwru alrealazednhee m ylw breavhing. bH tsu afaru b 1 olungfuloof thtacool3rIOsomair whgsuddeglylgrinnmd. TRoswttwo guy tnhI g nHlreadyShI f,atg y're gaikck an.Oc 3rextaflaoa up; gaikck ncw mepto fpanictawhgrunno.owiosoa) reraigh T Unatg y'pli eas mepfor ysaps, hI 1 :sum> O. Hs trM 1u dI standtem disperoidnRiso,ea ,nOc goosebumps 1 ocriwdlbmeh IplesItdiId, bwhghenbegan nnlbmeh IrevI ga. Am ylroale breavhingareed laf,nhffpicturenuvw nornano, cu RRogsegLeca o leadune t f# rextaflaoa awhgreje t S Hideaoof usingoi . bH twaf dsNeTT-ssorpv Hraiaveis: RRogttaascturenuvw nstacle dsT w RRo, h Rai burgd aaimmy lnd. bH o d Bi Rtisnfr1 ht. madcolumnsm satorl it indeedubes ondetuneg usnfr1e m nts'nuvw nstetht..afmgsoL,hodistoa,nreaadbeaceso,ea ,nOcytmasv igfhmtdexnadIsp,oit movRien ,T-ssocons ,sugreynt levenH Btig dapv Hroolu hes o dhe"AwrIOsndeeBiBa peitOc ane tat dayhgheadsd vanor TTr slIOsome fennlb bo.otash 1 gik ea fM 1 umlyapo etunegurFa'wiit avesomepcoryestr'd ptaveiroad,opeith f bo nTlta tHmentl e Pod g up acs. bH w, IBi Rtisnfred e Bt o e lafhtpanictsoof HuffmgsoLaatsheo, cu RR fpanicta renorvw n tahmeis T tvta trefl: t oHe,shookveauswa ffmgsoLar eatlb tisndain Grvw nch sanbens fHa webisheda td one ght. hHghenbsolvleadedfreedoe ,osS Hidl ocr h h. Eysheda tdavhing, bwhghechums 1 eu RR fpanictafatdd kdtem in.Onjacknloaupy, arIrevI ga. ae o,tinodsg slUnplacrplsen'ylwlOc 3orduroy Oso. hzensuofw favorittnguvw nstc 3Tltaroy (cvettra . tga,"m ' ittiosigyan cgs go." Birob ,wtas hi lItt Reef ht.esign,ndadgyevipafoHa ontihaeeo." Biroj trai w, Idhe"merg 1 oosoattncw mepo e t n sm?illeas iniaatco,ea ,nOc itrusl w, I bed hs tnnlwaysletteimoir tao thtac f RRogttaadreimmy droa , I norefer llumoeonb os nwunetdr.y occup Ulsposoul afarhythmIsp,oit kn:ss,nryic'sal ta apahespt gle,h selftconIin tht vrtdiI nt 1 ntssoof Huf aaB e fhthtylw mad o;erelmd a rs' 1 bogioda tsolete aauetnik eapli ratmdn,t indlmda y oflGo nohfe, u. e tt s"I've m tsof . bH twaf hiwrScre )Reassur lete d hil chenjacknlo lafhtyntpleas hurryna eBia'wag eowuetni,st whgdis quitantlu igssemain gLin h tdhorgst(ana ,nOcyt:ss,nn,t ind f g sp,oit toen. ohtylfhtik e fhteasias hurryn fpanictawmfurasoa) regradednrouvw no f# movReedomhe tddesest,nH BmurkyegLne ght. hiddik ethtartylwylGi freewh , sp,oit Itt Reo e lbmeh eeBia'laaett l parittermhg rlipcaseanIanlIOso movedownytsof ehi mulof spiri m ylw bro uncehquickelga. sign,oof thtsna,an ailroadIah,oof p e aptantl d neckroof wasfb t I ensp, hes tnguvenor hff# aroy jacketh unblemravewsr e rasoa) reganodepartiem ch tht"AwrIOem in.Ootwo jack Walklbcvohfnng hhe oit kn:ss, dI sitalazede v of rai1hs t ybakOc e f.Oc 3rexthes otso,nin ig t hms(d toeonsmi bdghenjum eBpuFep s lInnsmou h Gtdd kdtem TTS ) rt 1 ndubes ondelh ht. exptgrtt fhmsa nf skconta. hzensuofngotFil IOso crystaroinslb epbyueh wwhitehttas hi edomhrom ac ea whgte o, hanorama crystaroinaconhats tleents. annor h p e huaritornmposts aiquartosy Iunirak f nuvw tornsg msmsapstghf nuvwt mtn.meg crisswhit,ntg rak femaitso,nin ig t hmrScarfnng hhe oitve veb weehg,bH twach imne ueth He rrousctureedih tibraplume continu aklbgl oaryeu. eupidIrsnpboo Unrarh , sys stagI'ha,lIOso soaprhi lIOsoaaiScledht adsd vsricrfcmmmunaryeu. w bslimmacu taini O. Hso, h w bslesid uiah, d Bit I enento#f nurpadomhaaas iniaateal Ghfne hbccflu heelbashesntiosigu. esaa,sft by ,ocia Meeks 12/12/90 B draFriday Copyrpurol(c) 1986, Thomas Van Hook Ar a w, IHsgssetureed B draFriday eu. IOso, defsveronshesano,t te,A htsOxi.e g tngelsh Gtdte,Sfou Bshfne i Rtisnfre vete, yuccoceirtooSatansiastyves Havoca corAdeg,craofo at d soitMag leafou Bsrao ast d soitHeiB rMfiresflielisomslyaoit"merg 1 m slaS stiep egL lyaoit eu. dracat ghepro wavdsr explo eu. IOsoah, noaeteefto kar anH Brutmin hMurdmepadomcarntwta corAdeg,c eu. serplet ome et H Bimefto Bsrlan igte,Ar anHisTs ed l fsn B draFriday TlaxRgheo aeatduko;efHeiB thtaay Tlvre rMi tfeeou eBi escrpe 1 Ugolbmtn'ylwlOhbccScmmmdayeereaks 6/17/86 by Thomas Van Hookl(c) 1986 Adyh dranoteaptft vr d ?tMI hes origreavtpeat d ?aptft ltd smnevibHFridayft lt13 IdhNotaInce riucca H ko hslIOso. hzensuofngen etl phobnao. hzensa Fridayft lt13 Idh B draEaori,ocity Copyrpurol(c) 1993, MOsoaMosko Ar a w, IHsgssetureed B draEaori,ocity eu. ;lyalean drbcciecencafa ,Oblit ete byeyentomitmin h Nic lIOsoaai heO vt, te, mero em i HItttngeaori,ocBrutmin te, ailroadIaph,hrvwhtwn pDos osane tTSer ko dud, hPn, tov ime nfnTSen BBi getwn pA dracanep eercawon te, Curd mit ,fer I'm nmolove ,OrRghe tBindigtyahrete, aurd mree aods, ,e f ds"I simpln qutyahretete, ailroadIaph,hrvwhtwn pDos osane tTSer ko dud, hPn, tov ime nfnTSen BBi getwn pA dracanep eercawon te, eutfhI 1 refsohirstiepaeslraporate, You nHlsuheeah Huti afaH twte, Grablnod l ftod, gte, Stonot davampireso,ndatete, ailroadIaph,hrvwhth Dos osane tTSer ko dud, hPn, tov ime nfnTSen BBi getwn pA dracanep eercawon te, AdSpot ru nTgghenjuavrerkaaaatIOso[Gl irtos tOyioinRihesizes] Copyrpurol(c) 1993, J. GunRiher Ar a w, IHsgssetureed Autath ru n gghenjuavIOsoahaatIOso[gl irtos tOyioinRihesizes] by J. GunRiher Iuane ttOyMtnmussesoaaiquoteai Rta'ort"merabncaai mulofe; jmstnmay Ghfne hnntodoy. T ysapd fw, IHs tataInce bheewtwght elt Catft ltdru;efbHlsuheeahqualm u ,atacknetOc reallyvbe.f d soiunepret tghithtslwt mtn? [Irao ane ta li. Nocume p i , ysa] So'dhordsucI ontihaeeo devittte pal lelig ru ? Dofo aru;efTaltzontihalieliptft lt draahs,ndrafru squerbo ofo e lInnsmou h l stia abiacptfna Btdampns ,s f.Oy? Novembetespawin.Ow m slaS, I guess. n te, ް��۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲�� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ������Ŀ 2400 bps (414) 789-4210 � � � ������tyan"eu. sricannadwbakeyentoooooooooUSR HST 9600 (414) 789-4337 � � � � modemfTar a g make!! nooooooooUSR HST 14400 (414) 789-4352 � � � ���Ŀ v.32bis 14400 (414) 789-4360 � � � �����ty� ty� ����� ����� ����� ����� Compucom 9600 (414) 789-4450 � � � � ��� ���� � ��� ����� � aaaScarV-S fgs (414) 789-4315 � � � ����Ŀ �� �� ����� ����� � ����� � � �������� " World's LargtyagBBS! " � � � � � Exec-PCgBBS iOfircl;lrgtyagLANTs ed icrorempupl;tw tonsBBS inaeeodRtnld! � � � 280+ deivchbddyih lines - NOrb lIks gials - 24-Hentor ss � � � O g 650,000 n#eefeatlprograms - DOS, Wpahess, OS/2, MOc, Unix, Amiga � � � Loda of selyal- Sghithh20,000 n#eefina2?u aklelko;efHypernc cocemmr B � � � O g 35 CD-ROM's spIOso - Sc ce sItttnmmot 1 ver. dutFkeyhfne h � � � S T UchyMtnaffwaveigaristuApogeeigaristueatlAdultlfeheiareas � � � Ex'shi vhRme systemfTa;efQWKvrempatabilm u - Also, Fitgettiareas! � � � OpIOso D f#ef/ Garisf/ Job Sghithh/ PC-Cataloga/ OpIOso Magazines � � � O g 5000 ckd vas amepdayfcas osewtwght - 35 gig sItspIOso n e ! � � � Le taubscriptmin ete p: $25 dutF3 m ths, $75 dutFa ga. s sat � �������������Ckd �the�BBS�dut�a�FREE�trial�demo,�and�FREE� oHeloads������������� ް��۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲����۲�� �������������������������������������������������Ŀ � �Ŀ � Informaih w � � � � � ��������������������������������������������������� � ��������������������������������������������������� TlvreiareBs isral diide,"n he '. LegetsSTTS magazine. SysOps: Contactr. eviauupya e nddgss)flIOosd # ineCONTACT POINTS Oosd # elsddeg,c inaeeaxRghskl. mero R r. eaanoteat tdd kmeeyentona Sparicm usestnhffpyentoBBS'sona Sp Tmiliih nu iepadomTmilibaua ete ,, soitdeg,c yen'r abiogett tdtSTTS stiepirs om thiaIforeehgBBS soo Uns RIMEpariPen &vd guh Network, or ree r ss tt,nH BInbwhNue tI soneouRoreerootnaeeodSTTS mail mad stt oef#ce vhRdsNemsgazineholee taloclrgtpirs room thiaIforee r ss tt,FIDOfpyen sonefeheirequtyaRdsNemsgazineactebforee dos os r ss tt,upya e s. services - utFdolIOsodos o kosh tt,useaeeaxRoptmin - yen soneckd uupya e BBS'soOosd # invehDISTRIBUTION SITEShnntodoHeloadratioadwRghsklpirs om thiaIn lue aricaNextingactr. ere kraauI soneouRoreersBBS inaeeods I. e(ited stttaftsoatioadune hsklpsItttngmagazine. (RefssH. hDISTRIBUTION VIA NETWORKS dutF l fdetaiu dIofformaih w at dtwn patioadts) Uso s: Yen sonedoHeloadrSTTS irs om th stiepupya e BBS'soir tigeta invehDISTRIBUTION SITEShelsddeg,c inaeeaxRghskl. IforeehglochlgBBS iOs o Oosd #, pesbwhgadomcaj ai reehgSysOpelr."aubscribe"elr.STTS sor ree. Iforee s os aIkocoountfeeofef#ce vganoirclmsgazinehirs om th,hahedm thlyds ktaubscriptmin (swavdwhthviauUS Mail)fisoavailr thRsor $hed20.00 amepys h aFof# gisaubscriptminsiareB$ 25.00 (a irsonedollars). SubscriptminsiIOsooeabiomaiu dIto: Joe DeRoueubH twaf 14232 MOssh Ln. # 51bH twaf Ads wwhTx. 75234 * S T UchyOide, * [ Ide OIholeirstiepD Beal ORaH Magazine. So sklp. s, ] Hivless:eh tasdfit I enaasT ghskl hbccSTTS Magazine? (TlaxRgheoyucca H sentm fisskledes lree n g ane ..) For oyucc$ 5.00 (count 'em -dfiveedollars!)fhI 1 sen mree ar anH Baackroghskl hbccSTTS Magarth ime rthccrrlet ghskl hbccocoounmsgazines,, soiTSer g nf I crrlet,oadwRsharewaveiTar af Bpef thads k. n teHerotehI 1 vulgasen mree a *regisl sty* verybakO HfmyRsharewaveiprogram, Quote! v1.4 (a reatgmiquoteagen ettor) WSer tashfnbe.btt ,leaky pkraa? Jmstniesd yento$ 5.00 (money ordmeporlu squspn, to, US f nurpoyuc, pex payabls s;: Joe DeRoueu)Ito: Joe DeRoueubH twaf 14232 MOssh Ln. # 51bH twaf DallaswhTx. 75234 twaf U.S.A. Time nfniforee 3mov a movR dshi ty 5 1/4"ds ktutFa movR dshi ty 3 1/2" s k,spn, to. (Ts tmou h,3rextafm gheraplvchbddyinaeeodtdunefeheiFORM.TXT,pincludnn ko;efnHisTsrcf ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - En explipeatchesT Ugrmoney ordmep(US f nurpoyuc!)Rsor $ 5.00.hPn, to iesd meanH Baack ghskl hbccSTTS, irclregisl sty verybakO HfQuote!,, soiTSer g elsd yen sonecrami jacketh s k. n teI 3mov: [ ] 5.25" HDds kt [ ] 3.5" HDds k S heOpa: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ SubbH tbakOInformaih w ---------------------- We nHl o, dutFa gewpge d origousr Actla an, we nHl o, dutFasfm aIkge d origousarth i sonefe otsWe nH sesehs tnnyinaficih wwhpoetry,ookvmess, ocemmr Bartic#eef(at dt gRi st(annor,elthtinodOc 3T'th ime-origrea), e saysack raANSIBart. STTS ghereivchbddyh'eHhowcasbe las,m bwhgalnRis Whe tBson,#iorar aforms steegenrn dhWes nongen etl "d smn" Whmaig tt ,ge d orignor, senovhbu rca coptsack rauniqklpixecua ttncwaor ddeca copts. Tlv oyuccpayrob n i soneaide, sor reerBartic#ee, n eiistueatl d ?xRgh omt (ancwa uregeAs STTS ls, weoshvori ifelo rirs oml:sstgurgghenj-oom dayhgheUSA,TCanada, Europek Japon,#adomhartaobccASIA.nTgghenjuhen s Iribua ttnsystemfTe nHl cad,oadIaphsrMailm Uns aveipract lit eu. copyrpurol HfHaid mi.erial, taloaa,sf,ooktoe o mover ai propertafa e nuth iaSTTS has,nH Br ru n thigssemi ifew bslimoar"Hhowcase"arieommat Ist nmoaFeannual " sriof"Rghskl. ( damepverybakOrth ime sstttngeaor.pverybak) Accoptan drbccsubbHtbddymi.erialraofo NOTaInce riuccmeaorataO. o kome ronstI nmoSTTS. SubbH tbaksiIOsooeabionmo100% pmr BASCIIieommat. TlvreiareBno Oomithbutas inaeermaobcclengaas e rtic#ee, es lkt a inegidomTmil snmsgazines tOc aanovels, Ficih wueatl d te gntr abiohanep eat unHlsubbH tbakObasis,ishoany se caNexsIten emund-rob n eiisporlunOc c Grv eiisp, h itmin hdevenop. Re mewefwar arlso biohanep eatsubbH tbakObasis. Iforee nH sesehs tnnyinadoingd drticula eokvmes T um (ie: b s) eaarieull-ver. basis,iletr. eane tahs,ne) retalkr ANSIBartiIOsooeabio Blete10kgadomcanabioat dt en sub relthtinodOc sa rMi dL HenographicdnWe) reocemmr BANSIBartistiep er. paotpeat sst ime rthocemmringd diide,"n ANSIB"cav " sor entomagazinehirs room thi Inaeermaobcc rtic#ee, we nHl o, dutFjmstnat dt en dnbyes, h'trootalfair pigen etl sesehs t tt,nH BBBS Ghfnlimot ;lrgt. A, rtic#earicemparingds isral eaveigh-spnce modemslllue beih, noprite ,,taftsoexampasigdeg,ctpea, rtic#eodsrorib 1 detaiunnow ioe3grey yent knloaus om demfreallyvllue s osewr Artic#eefInces osewttingai edn oaeeodRtnld taloampupcad,olue . M viistupol tics,iscology, lit eteurffpeesehgai mlet,oficih ww non-ficih wwhokvmess - sa rMar afw ncgari dutFSTTS. Artic#ee, heltesgntr abiohanep eatsubbH tbakObasis. Ifo,nyonj has st ide Oercawo dutFa regula ecolumn,iletr. eane iaIfofefworke, we me incorpoete ofefit'oFSTTS. Wrigousasesehs tnnyinatingribua osegLeSun ru nTgghenjueu. Snshesstson rirs omen gghenjuapya e mou h,3rexbidnods: twaf ContactrPoi Ib hurryn -------------- eu. Inbwhetti - My E_Mail nddgss) is: RIMEwaf - My NODE ID gheSUNLIGHTOerc5320. S heOar afn#eefmud, hedcc t vrnddgss). (yen'r a :sua.keyentoSysOpewho'b hurryn lwou ganoRIMEwBi ieheO vsor ree) At nntvply,oreeroourryn lwn simplympostn tBinelue C m wwhWrigouskarittermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmor Poetry Corn I sste,"ncs s;: Joe Deroueu. IforeearittermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmouRoa ->5320mor ->SUNLIGHTOinaeeodtop-gRi tuppvanor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTotwo-hcvohsarn p Tmir abiorynt direcBrI panmynor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTBBS. iPen &vd guh Net - LeavhRmeeaanoteaUgraubbH tbakOinelue Poetrynor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTCorn I sste,"ncs, or WrigousaCsste,"ncs. Ifonor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTyentoP&BNet tingactrisl cad PostLinkfpyen sonerynt d, hedcc thRme panme nutomaih lithviauiosigu. etfeeasonor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTdsroribn.Owbo rsor RIMEiaIn lue caNe, nddgss) nor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTsd ecorgsspond"ncs s;: Joe deroueu. iWME Net - LeavhRmeeaanoteaUgraubbH tbakOineiosiNet C h Rai b lsste,"ncs. Addgss) sd ecorgsspond"ncs s;: Rai b Joe Deroueu. iMy BBSf - Sun ru nTgghenjueu. Snshess. 12/24/96/14.4kibauaactedrasticn R (214) 620-8793. Yen soneuploadrsubbH tbaksi oaeeoctedrasticn R STTS Magazinelfeheiarea ds mcoHelr.eeodSysOp,loanor TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTjmstnat dt en cocoounmidnodpyen sre m. Addgss) sd Rai b lsrgsspond"ncs s;: Joe Deroueu. iUS Mail - SeheOs kef(an size, IBMieommat ONLY)ttingai nos subbH tbaksi o: Joe DeRoueubH twaf 14232 MOssh Ln. # 51bH twaf DallaswhTx. 75234 Advertisnos ----------- Ccrrletly,oSTTS Magahilaeu RR"of leUcheI"tsoo Unnlbrlratmd35 BBS's s eBia'wag nibutaarf ds"Ilso availr thRviauInbwhett,,FIDOfpRIMEp, soitPen &vd guh Iforee or reerBremp bwh3mov lo lIOosi reehgproductegLes va Unt. nfldvuefu dOkd uu eBia'wag Rtnld,aeeaxRgh yentokpportuom u! Advertisnos nmoSun ru nTgghenjueu. SnshesstMagazinelisoavailr th se lee diide,"n eommats: 1) Regula eAdvertisdrob --------------------- We nHlr T I ena cass) sdvertisdrob s nmoSTTS. Iforee nHasesehs tnn se advertisnos nmoSTTS, a ga. -aan (ASCIIior ASCIIik raANSI)Rgh om$20.00/ghskl. Tr ddesesehs tnnysonecingactr. e,hbapya e meaos Oosd #o BleteContactrPoi Ib,helsddeg,c Iforee p3MetaNex5 m thsobcc dvertisnos ($o100.00) hixt om th gh omolee. 2)tFcemmr BAdvertisdrob --------------------- We " ncludn antlweemmr Bad amepghskl. Trtlweemmr Bad ntr apop up r ru nmfbwhghenomagazine's ANSIBcav s w.owiosomuso afg. bH tgspefmud, 1 ht Jusmagazine. TlaxRad ntr aIlso aonstI ko;eineiosiaoaid e roomsgazines sor fntm sT ierusdrob tte 1 hea ga Alweemmr Bad ntr ato $ 50.00 amepisskledeatlpOsooeabioylGid # invehbothBANSIBa raASCIIieommats. 3) BBSfAdvertisdrob ----------------- M aIkBBSfSysOpsck rauso stsor aSTTS BBSfirs om th Legets ccrrlet shsklpsItSTTS Magazine. Trtse ckd vas areBstiepu svwhghenoUSAOrth ime sstCanadaecvohvarinHssnf I sungriesr Advertisnos nrMi woavailr thRsor ircl;og HItsylGena e BBS. Trtd, te peareB$ 100.00 amepm thiaAdsiIOsooeabionmobothBASCIIik raANSIarieommat. We nHlr T I enRIP ads rth ime,mes l uccoor ircltieach dvertisnos optmin. ContactrPoi Ib hu-------------- te, Youysonecingactr. e gghenjuapya e mou h,3rexnddgss)fl. oSun ru nTgghenjueu. SnshesstBBS (214) 620-8793 12/24/96/14,400 Bauatete, InbwhNue: Pen &vd guh Net: ->SUNLIGHT P&BNet Csste,"ncss: Any iWME Net:iNet C h lsste,"ncs PcRelay/RIME: ->SUNLIGHT RIMEwCsste,"ncss: C m wwhWrigouskmor Poetry Corn iUS Mail: Joe DeRoueubH t14232 MOssh Ln. # 51bH tDallaswhTx. 75234 tU.S.A. , Youysonealhe '.flsd STTS Magazineltnaeeodmou h,3rexBBS'sactedraBBS'so STTS availr thRsor bothBon-IOso vmes3rexnnd Heloadsebu Bepret f wiseoml:ssd. , * = On-LOso yuc , # = DoHeloadr yuc , Un freStnhfs ------------- , BBSfNa Sc...........oSun ru nTgghenjueu. Snshess , Lochbutac...........oAds wwhTexas (ineiosiDallasiarea) , SysOp(s)c...........oJoe k raHeae DeRoueubH twaPh ...........o(214) 620-8793 (14.4kibaua) , (Sore byearea codb,ca Hnlalphabeih lit) , BBSfNa Sc...........oM demNess , Lochbutac...........oStamford,wCssnadwbchtwn papSysOp(s)c...........oJeff GlGenbH twaPh ...........o(203) 359-2299 (14.4kibaua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oLobsbwhgBu,ae an'sLochbutac...........oBangoftcMai ewn papSysOp(s)c...........oMOsoaGoodwinbH twaPh ...........o(207) 941-0805 (14.4kibaua) twaPh ...........o(207) 945-9346 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oPoetry In Moahrete, 'sLochbutac...........oNew York, New Yorkwn papSysOp(s)c...........oInez Hoo UsoubH twaPh ...........o(212) 666-6927 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oArcf s On-li ewn papLochbutac...........oDallaswhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oDavid Pelleccf abH twaPh ...........o(214) 247-6512 (14.4kibaua) twaPh ...........o(214) 406-8394 (14.4kibaua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oBBSfA irsown papLochbutac...........oDallaswhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oJay Gai esbH twaPh ...........o(214) 680-3406 (9600 baua) twaPh ...........o(214) 680-1451 (9600 baua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oBucket Bored! , Lochbutac...........oSachNe, Texaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oTim Bellomynor Ph ...........o(214) 414-6913 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oChrysalistBBS apLochbutac...........oDallaswhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oGwou GeBiae twaPh ...........o(214) 690-9295o(2400 baua) twaPh ...........o(214) 783-5477 (9600 baua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oCollecto OEdiahrete, 'sLochbutac...........oDallaswhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oLen Hult twaPh ...........o(214) 351-9871 (14.4kibaua) twaPh ...........o(214) 351-9871 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oNew Age Vitbakste, 'sLochbutac...........oGreat Prairie, Texaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oLwou Joe ReynoldsbH twaPh ...........o(214) 264-8920 , BBSfNa Sc...........oOlt Poop's Worldte, 'sLochbutac...........oDallaswhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oSonn GeissRta'wiitPh ...........o(214) 613-6900 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oOpa's Mini-BBSf(1e 11pm-7am CST)te, 'sLochbutac...........oPlanowhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oDavid MOsshsd Rai Ph ...........o(214) 424-0153o(2400 baua) R*, BBSfNa Sc...........oTexas Talkte, 'sLochbutac...........oRioclrd wwhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oStreae B ir Rai Ph ...........o(214) 497-9100 (2400 baua) R#, BBSfNa Sc...........oUso -2-Uso te, 'sLochbutac...........oDallaswhTexaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oWBiBtam Pendergafapt glKevineCarr Rai Ph ...........o(214) 393-4768 (14.4kibaua) twaPh ...........o(214) 393-4736 (2400 baua) R , BBSfNa Sc...........oR ru nAngletBBS apLochbutac...........oAurora,wCsloradown papSysOp(s)c...........oeBiBaRoarkwn papPh ...........o(303) 337-0219 R , BBSfNa Sc...........oRubi'rlJolot apLochbutac...........oMiami, Floridawn papSysOp(s)c...........oDavid t glDel FreemaubH twaPh ...........o(305) 856-4897 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oPegasustBBS apLochbutac...........oOwensboro, Kentuckywn papSysOp(s)c...........oRaymo glCldrob sbH twaPh ...........o(317) 651-0234 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oBadg O"BYTE", Trtd, apLochbutac...........oValnRiines Nebraskawn papSysOp(s)c...........oD draRoosabH twaPh ...........o(402) 376-3120 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oMegabyto Mae min, Trtd, apLochbutac...........oOmahas Nebraskawn papSysOp(s)c...........oToddaRobbinsbH twaPh ...........o(402) 551-8681 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oAeiispKne lipah Systemste, 'sLochbutac...........oBalti l , MOsylnnd SysOp(s)c...........oWaddeiBaRobeynor Ph ...........o(410) 625-0109 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oRob 's NtyagBBSte, 'sLochbutac...........oGleirBurni , MOsylnnd SysOp(s)c...........oRob Kirkeynor Ph ...........o(410) 766-9756 (2400 baua) R , BBSfNa Sc...........oExec-PCte, 'sLochbutac...........oElm GeBve, WpsconsinbH twaSysOp(s)c...........oeob MOh ynor Ph ...........o(414) 789-4210 (2400 baua) twaPh ...........o(414) 789-4315 (9600 baua) twaPh ...........o(414) 789-4360 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oFg. bHStep BBS, Trtd, apLochbutac...........oGlGen Bay, WpsconsinbH twaSysOp(s)c...........oMOsoaPhBiBtpsbH twaPh ...........o(414) 499-7471 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oLincol 's Cab BBSte, 'sLochbutac...........oSan Francpsco,TCaliforniawn papSysOp(s)c...........oSr g PomerantzbH twaPh ...........o(415) 752-4490 #, BBSfNa Sc...........oSoftWaveiClGidbakste, 'sLochbutac...........oClit'on,' twSysOp(s)c...........oDanoLintoubH twaPh ...........o(508) 368-7036 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oChannel 1te, 'sLochbutac...........oCambridge, MOhtachustt ,swn papSysOp(s)c...........oBrianoMid vanor Ph ...........o(617) 354-3230 (14.4kibaua) r Ph ...........o(617) 354-3137 (16.8k HST) , BBSfNa Sc...........oBubba Systems O ewn papLochbutac...........oManOhtas, Virg 1iawn papSysOp(s)c...........oMOsoaMosko r Ph ...........o(703) 335-1253 (14.4kibaua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oArtaoPiacc BBS, Trtd, apLochbutac...........oArl ma'on, Virg 1iawn papSysOp(s)c...........oRtacFitzherbert twaPh ...........o(703) 528-8467 (14.4kibaua) , BBSfNa Sc...........oPewueatld guh BBSte, 'sLochbutac...........oBurke, Virg 1iawn papSysOp(s)c...........oLuciaecvohJohnoCha iesbH twaPh ...........o(703) 644-6730 (300-12.0kibaua) r Ph ...........o(703) 644-5196 (14.4kibaua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oSidewayz BBSte, 'sLochbutac...........oFairfax, Virg 1iawn papSysOp(s)c...........oPaul CutronabH twaPh ...........o(703) 352-5412 (2400 baua) R , BBSfNa Sc...........oAnathama DoHes , Lochbutac...........oSonomaiCoun useCaliforniawn papSysOp(s)c...........oSawrIOJane twaPh ...........o(707) 792-1555 (14.4kibaua) R , BBSfNa Sc...........oInfoMaagBBSte, 'sLochbutac...........oSan Cldrob eseCaliforniawn papSysOp(s)c...........oMioclel GibbsbH twaPh ...........o(714) 492-8727 (14.4kibaua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oRenaissan drBBS apLochbutac...........oArl ma'on, Texaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oDavid PollardbH twaPh ...........o(817) 467-7322 (9600 baua) #, BBSfNa Sc...........oS akloSanctum apLochbutac...........oArl ma'on, Texaswn papSysOp(s)c...........oMOsoaRobbinsbH twaPh ...........o(817) 784-1178 (2400 baua) twaPh ...........o(817) 784-1179 (14.4kibaua) twaOe Csungries --------------- , BBSfNa Sc...........oMailhouseaII Lochbutac...........oLouree, Portugalwn papSysOp(s)c...........oCarlosoSantosbH twaPh ...........o351-1-9890140 (14.4kibaua) STTS Net Report Copyrpurol(c) 1993, Joe DeRoueubHAr a w, IHsgssetureed Sun ru nTgghenjueu. SnshesstMagazinelisoavailr the gghenjuFIDOf INTERNETfpRIMEp, s PEN &vdRUSH NET.oChesT belowmsorIofformaih w w h3roolo riqutyaRdsNeccrrlet ghsklpsItttngmagazinemor ewtts l ca H ko thly mail mad st. twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFIDO TLegets newtyaRghsklpsItttngmagazinemviauFIDOfpyen "Ince bh ao aefeheirequtyaRstiepFitg Node 1:124/8010l cad ttng"mag "ona ShesItSUNLIGHT. twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaINTERNET TLegets newtyaRghsklpviauiosiinbwhett,,ieheOaRme pa FTPMAIL@CHRYSALIS.ORG Ist nmcludn sstttngfg. bHIOso ineyentome (oanou akl,nifo hystemfree nHa cad forces ree oovuseaeengfg. bHoor irc nddgss) eikf) GETtSUNyymm.ZIP deg,c yymm iOfirclccrrlet sat s ed l thi Exampas: TlaxRghsklpgheSUN9310.ZIP. AfbwhgNov. 1st,RdsNeccrrlet ghskl ntr abioSUN9311.ZIPedeatlphi . Easi,leaky pkraalllue beilo riqutya aeu RRts l ca H ko thly mail mad st.oToFdolso, simplymieheOaRnoteato Joe.Deroueu@Chrysalis.orgua.k osegLeewtts l ca H STTS mail mad st. If ree nHaaoSysOpebHlsun BBi ime nfnyentoBBS'sona Sp yentona Sp yentostnhf cm use BBS'soih nu ie(s)cadomTmilibaua ete (s)csouI son nmcludn ree ineiosi sttghsklilis Iribua ttn st. twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRIME TLerequtyaRdsNemsgazinepviauRIMEp, aefehe requtyaRstieptOBi # 5320moor irclccrrlet ghsklp(eg:oSUN9309.ZIPed lIer g m th ree pe gLeewtin) ett ,leytt,,a.keyentoSysOpeto requtyaRdLeewtts l ca H ko thly mail mad stm f#ce vhRSTTS nutomaih lit. PEN &vdRUSH NET TLerequtyaRviauP&BNet,dmou h,uiosiinstrucbutas sor RIMEOwbo . Trty nH bothBraw w Postl mkgadomoperte oexacBrI posigu. etfeeinaeermaobccfehe requtyasck ratrawsfousr I'd eikfelr.eeamkgGwou GeBiaobccChrysalistBBS t glDavid Pelleccf a nfldArcf s On-li e dutFau h,3rexbiegLes ss tu. Inbwhettit glFitg (gsspadwbvely)istiep ,s fhystems. Iforee nHasesehs tnnyinadonibu RRtrizesmoor irclSTTS mo thly cings t, reeysonecingactr. eviauupya e nddgss)flIOosd # ineCONTACT POINTS elsddeg,c We "r T gRi uupyatrizes. Iforee nHeatsharewaveinuth , a glGidetfeoolo getssomeholee publicm ulllue beilo donibeFa regisl sty verybakO H reeriprogram(s). Exampasaobcctrizesmreey itmi donibeFllue beiregisl sty sharewave, CD'skarr ss tt,pay Bullet Bo ofSystems,emsgazinepaubscriptmins, etc. Depet I enup eavailr thespace ineiosimsgazinepahs,ndatoree nHedonibu Rkarwsimsyvbe.ntr osegLeprovmaig dvertisnos space ineSTTS stee taloclrgtp dutFa reducnnysclrgt. Ehs,No ,swnCopyrpurol(c) 1993, Joe DeRoueubHAr a w, IHsgssetureed WSer elsd iOfircn BBi say? Youyi woholht Jushau h,Gen shsklpsItSTTS Magazinelineyentohcvos (re ki speak)cadomI sone ucchopc yen've enjoyreedit. I 3mss os bls s;.ao as muheeactla orignor inaeeaxRghskl as Iy itmi H eikfd. Iyreallyvlanbddyh'etingribuaeFa horrUgratory,odutFexampas.oBut nf Idu Uns ckd vd,cadomI was forcedyh'elesd mwhgalnRis toe rI pa edignor. (I did getsimoargewp rtic#ee, , ysa) Ndune hsklfpyen "defin flymieeeaanewpficih w pieceBstiep. s,I son algRi uguarante ofe. AlgRi s, Teamksmoor 1 h3rexnnd,I hopc yen' 1 st drako;efusmoor ghskl hh'etime! Joe DeRoueu, 10/01/93