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My Dad was in the hospital for congestive heart Failure. My appologies for the issue being delayed, but under the circumstances, I think you will understand. The new cover sheet was designed ny a good friend of mine (Ken Aitchison) Thanks Ken. I will be releasing SSN in the new read Book format. Readbook is written by Jonathan Lang. I have received permission to distribute a stripped down version of Read Book 1.6 with this issue of SSN. If you like Read Book, I would recommend for you to download the complete version. Later, I will be uploading Read Book to all of the official distribution points. This will make it easier you you to get a copy. Readbook is a Share Ware Product, and If you use Read Book. I would recommend for you to send in your registration fee. FEEDBACK To the Sub-Space News: Even if not the first electron Star Trek fanzine, these past two issues have shown you to be the equal of and superior to much of the printed material I receive each month. Considering the low production cost, the Electronic Magazine is sure to become more common in the coming years. I'm looking forward to the next issue, but I have a couple of tidbits I'd like to bring up. First, there's a definite lack of material on the old crew, especially considering their recent movie. Second, a list of upcoming conventions and their contents would come in good use. By the way, I loved the list of important dates in your second issue. Where did you find all that information? Good luck in future issues of the Sub Space News! Daniel Berdichevsky Woodland Hills, CA. TRIVIA! Answers to the last trivia 1. What episode does Riker first yell at Data? The Nahed Now 2. Why was DaiMon Tarr shocked in "The Last Outpost"? Ugliness of Humans 3. What episode does Picard meet his mother (On the Enterprise) Where No One Has Gone Before 4. What did the EDO children want Wesley to teach them? How to play ball 5. What kind of fruit did Riker ask for in Gropler Zorn's office? Apple 6. What episode Shows Geordi in his quarters shaving? Code of Honor 7. What is the first episode for Data to smoke a pipe? Lonely Among Us 8. Wesley was killed in an episode. Which one? Hide and Q 9. What is the first name of Wyatt Miller's mother? Victoria 10. What holiday is mentioned in "The Big Goodbye"? Halloween NEW TRIVIA 1. What was the age of Admiral McCoy in "Encounter at Farpoint? 2. What episode does Worf complain about human humor? 3. What episode does Wesley first sit at ops? 4. What kind of pet did Tasha have when she was a child? 5. What year did Q say it was during the trial in "Encounter At Farpoint"? 6. In "Where No one Has Gone Before" how far did the Enterprise travel? 7. What episode does Data admit that he babbles? 8. What is the Betazed word for "My beloved"? 9. What episode shows Beverly applying makeup? 10. What episode does Data practice "Sneezing" TEXT FROM PETER DAVID From: Peter_A_David@cup.portal.com Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek Organization: The Portal System (TM) Message-ID: <47449@cup.portal.com> References: <7550.28D90245@nisc.ieee.org> What I find most interesting about this Richard Arnold business is all the brouhaha that Tim Lynch's conclusions have aroused, and yet Richard's remarks have, by and large, gone undiscussed. Since Richard apparently now feels comfortable with discussing specific Paramount inner workings on a public forum, then I can do no less. 1) ON being a hypocrite by not stating that my fight is with Gene and not Richard--Quite the contrary. It is, in fact because Trek novelists think so highly of Gene Roddenberry that we are convinced the pronouncements being handed down are NOT from Gene. I, for one, have [no] trouble working within Gene's universe. What I have trouble with are memos filled with contradic- tory statements (such as that Kirk is no longer interested in relationships with women), couched in insulting and demeaning terms that are at odds with the gentlemanly demenaor with which GEne has usually been associated. And tell me, Richard...is Gene's laywer removing yoiu from the approval loop also really a quarrel with Gene? Is Gene's lawyer a hypocrite as well? 2) ON Gene's objections to VENDETTA that resulted in it carrying a disclaim- er: This is a fascinating agglomeration of undocumented allegations and distortions of the original proposal. I have two official memos from the Trek office which directly contradict each other. The first, dated 9/11/90, states several concerns of a technical nature in regards to the original VENDETTA proposal, all of which were easily fixed in a revised proposal. No mention there of problems with crossed universes and such things. The memo was also reasonably phrased and easy to deal with. The second memo, dated 9/25/90, suddenly stated that the proposal contradicted everythying known about the Borg (it didn't) and was unacceptable. Hence the eventual disclaimer. Anyone who has read VENDETTA will know that the various so-called objection- able elements that Richard cites--excess info on Guinan's background, Wesley pursuing hormonal rushes in the direction of the Borg soldier--are not present. Vengeance themes not acceptable, Richard? There goes "Doomsday Machine" and "Obsession." Crossed universes? Kiss good-bye to "Naked Now," "Sarek," and "Unification." 3) ON my being stunned since I must have been expecting Gene's office to quash Q IN LAW--oddly, Richard fails to mention the 2/26/91 memo that states "Peter David read a portion of (Q IN LAW) at a recent New York convention, and it was clear that he has forced his peculiar sense of humor into this novel as well. I will not have STAR TREK created as a joke, either its characters or its format.) This memo was ostensibly from GEne-- but Gene was 3000 miles away when I did the reading (pages 103-105 and 120-124 of the published book.) Richard was at the convention, but he told me at the time that he hadn't been present when I did the reading. But he's since told others that he was. Whoops. He also didn't mention the insuing two months during which Pocket Books was stonewalled on getting Q IN LAW approved. "Fix it," Pocket was told, although no specifics were given as to how. Finally I got a copy of the ms to Majel Barrett, in hopes that she might be able to tell me where I had gone wrong in the presentation of the characters in general and Lwaxana in particular (much as Marina Sirtis had been most helpeful in pointers on Deanna for "Rock and a Hard Place.") Ms. Barrett read it, told a number of people (including Richard) how wonderful it was, and lo and behold the manuscript was approved as is. So yes, I was stunned...but not for the reasons Richard believes. 4) ON his assertion that I plant people with questions in audiences-- actually, people come to me and say, "Do you mind if I asked Richard about such-and-such." And I always say the same thing: "Do what you want, it's a free country. But I wouldn't advise it since he'll make you look foolish." Which he generally does. His statements that my going on SeaTrek was unadvertised does not take into account GEnie and Compuserv, where my attendance was indeed advertised. 5) ON Richard being fired--just for the record, that didn't originate with me. I suspect it had its basis in Richard's being taken oiut of the approval loop. 6) On "Robert Bruce Banner" having no trouble getting a story approved-- Yes, sometimes violence is more appropriate than other times. Which does nothing to answer the question of this rather remarkable coincidence. 7) Richard states that stating on the one hand, new races should be created, and the on the other hand, that they shouldn't be created, is not contradictory. Pardon me, Richard...yes it is. 8) On using names of real people in writing "Trek" novels and comics-- What a deplorable stunt. What would "Texas" Guinan, the famed prohibition era saloon owner, say? Or, for that matter, how would Eugene Wesley Roddenberry respond? 9) On his statement that he never said I'm ruining Star Trek and never said people shouldn't buy my books--just for kicks, let's say Richard is telling the truth. That means that Bill Mumy (not Billy) lied when he told me that Richard said I was turning Trek into a Mad Magazine parody. That means that the questioners at the February cretaion con were lying when they asked me to comment on Richard's alleged statement of same at a previous convention (hey, maybe Richard planted them!) . That means that the audience memebers at SeaTrek were lying when they reported that Richard stated anyone buying VENDETTA was "a traitor to Gene Roddenberry." So many, many liars. 10) On stating that Richard signs Gene's memos--well, I know *I* never said that. Written, yes, but not signed. 11) On the supposedly insulting "convention planet"--some other time I'll post the sequence he's mentioning. But it was a two page bit out of a 48 page story, not--as he represents--the entire story. And it was damned funny. 12) On my rudest slap at Gene yet--I did indeed write a speech for Kirk in which he says that the Federation believes in freedom of expression. Richard reads that as an insult to Gene. First, it's in the Bill of Rights. Second, Picard says much the same thing in "The Drumhead," as Tim Lynch notes. And third, the concept that expressing belief in free speech is an insult to Gene Roddenberry, the man who gave us the the spirit of brotherhood and freedom that *is* Star Trek, is a greater comment on Arnold--sorry, RIchard--than anything else I could possibly say. Oh...I do find it ironic that, in praising my friend Howie Weinstein, Richard says "He picks his issue and wraps a Star Trek story around it. That's what good writing is for Star Trek. You do your AIDS parable, you do your environmental parable, you do your story about prejudice..." Uh, Richard? The AIDS parable, the environmental parable? Those were mind. Issues 2 and 3 of the comic, and last year's annual. So, to summarize: 1) Why is VENDETTA unacceptable when none of the "objectionable" elements are present? 2) Why was Q IN LAW unacceptable for so long and then suddenly, poof, it was acceptable? Could it be that, all those months, Richard never really read it? Just rejected it? 3) Why would all those people lie about your badmouthing me? Is their gripe really with Gene too? 4) Why is the mere *mention* of freedom of expression an insult to Gene Roddenberry? 5) Why do you cite stories I wrote as examples of good Trek writing, but say I'm "not a good Star Trek writer"? I am most appreciative of Richard wanting to set the record straight. I am still waiting. Peter David PS--Same deal as with the interview. Anyone who wants to repro this can feel free to do so. MATERIAL COMPILED BY SCOTT HOLLIFIELD RE-PRINTED WITH PERMISSION The following is a comprehensive index of officers and enlisted crewmen who are serving or have served in Starfleet, and have been identified by name in Star Trek: The Next Generation. (Spellings of the names of some officers are unverified. If you have any official information that would supplement this index, please let me know.) **** WARNING! This index is of considerable length!! It should fill six 90-line messages. If you have no interest in viewing or capturing this file, please skip this message and the next five. STARFLEET PERSONNEL as of Stardate 45233 Rank and/or position given where available. Personnel marked with an asterisk (*) do NOT serve (and have never been depicted as having served) aboard the USS Enterprise. Personnel marked with a (+) were documented on the Enterprise in the altered timeline only. The "#" sign indicates that information documented about the listed individual may come in part from a novelization. Aaron, Admiral * played by Ray Reinhardt ("Coming of Age") Alans Science officer, USS Enterprise played by Whitney Rydbeck ("Pen Pals") Allenby, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by Mary Kohnert ("Final Mission", "The Loss") Aniah, Ens. April Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by Page Leong ("The Nth Degree") Anmeder, Lt. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise, deceased Killed by physical fusion with corridor floor ("In Theory") Arden, Jeff * ("In Theory") Argyle, Lt. Cmdr. Blake Former Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise played by Biff Yeager ("Where No One Has Gone Before", "Datalore") Aron played by Peter Neptune ("The Dauphin") Aster, Lt. Marla Science officer, USS Enterprise, deceased; killed by Koinoinian bomb played by Susan Powell ("The Bonding") Balfus, Dr. Plant biology specialist, USS Enterprise ("Night Terrors") Ballard, Lt. Social sciences/Education officer, USS Enterprise played by Judyann Elder ("The Offspring") Barclay, Lt. Reginald Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Dwight Schultz ("Hollow Pursuits", "The Nth Degree") Barrett, Lt. (+) ("Yesterday's Enterprise") Bennett, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise ("Captain's Holiday") Bernard, Dr. Harry played by Dierk Torsek ("When the Bough Breaks") Bogrow, Paul * Served aboard USS Victory ("Identity Crisis") Brackin, Adm. Ruah * # Informed Capt. Picard of Ambassador Spock's disappearance. played by Karen Hensel ("Unification I") Brahms, Dr. Leah * Propulsion engineer, Starfleet Theoretical Propulsion Group played by Susan Gibney ("Booby Trap", "Galaxy's Child") Braval, Ens. Anthony * Served aboard USS Victory; mutated into Tartjannen creature ("Identity Crisis") Brink, Cmdr. * First officer, USS Brattain, deceased; killed by his insane captain Brooks, Ens. Janet Linguistics officer, USS Enterprise played by Kim Braden ("The Loss") Brower Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by David Coburn ("The Nth Degree") Burke, Ens. Tactial officer, USS Enterprise played by Glenn Morshower ("Peak Performance") Carlin, Tom Science officer, USS Enterprise ("Night Terrors") Carteno Tactical officer, USS Enterprise ("The Best of Both Worlds") Casey Security officer, USS Enterprise ("Brothers") Castillo, Lt. Richard Helm/tactical officer, USS Enterprise (NCC 1701-C) Missing, presumed casuality in battle with Romulans played by Christopher MacDonald ("Yesterday's Enterprise") Chang, Lt. * played by Robert Ito ("Coming of Age") Clancy, Ens. Tactical officer, former Ops officer, USS Enterprise played by Anne Elizabeth Ramsay ("Elementary Dear Data", "The Emissary") Costa Engineering officer, USS Enterprise ("Hollow Pursuits") Craig, Ens. * Helm officer, USS Sutherland played by Clifton James ("Redemption II") Crusher, (Cmdr.) Dr. Beverly Chief Medical Officer, USS Enterprise played by Gates McFadden Crusher, Lt. Jack * served on the USS Stargazer, now deceased played by Jack Wert ("Family") Crusher, Ens. Wesley currently attending Starfleet Academy played by Wil Wheaton Darson, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Adelphi, deceased; killed in Ghorusda disaster ("Tin Man") Data, Lt. Cmdr. Second Officer and Main Bridge Ops, USS Enterprise Formerly served on USS Trieste played by Brent Spiner Davies, Ens. Science officer, USS Enterprise played by Nicholas Cascone ("Pen Pals") Dealt, Lt. Cmdr. Hester * Federation Medical Collection Station trustee played by Seymour Cassel ("The Child") Dean, Lt. played by Dan Kern ("We'll Always Have Paris") DeSora, Lt. Jenna Security officer, USS Enterprise played by Michele Scarabelli ("In Theory") DeSoto, Capt. Robert * Commanding officer, USS Hood played by ("Encounter At Farpoint"; seen in "Tin Man") Duffy Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Charley Lang ("Hollow Pursuits") Dumont, Ens. Suzanne ("Sarek") Flaherty, Cmdr. * First officer, USS Ares ("The Icarus Factor") Foley, Lt. ("Menage A Troi") Garrett, Capt. Rachel Commanding officer, USS Enterprise (NCC 1701-C) Deceased, killed in battle with Klingons in alternate timeline played by Tricia O'Neill ("Yesterday's Enterprise") Gibson, Ens. Ops officer, USS Enterprise played by Jennifer Barlow ("The Dauphin") Gillespie, Lt. played by Duke Moosekian ("Night Terrors") Gleason, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Zhukov ("Hollow Pursuits") Gleason, Lt. Ops officer, USS Enterprise ("The Best of Both Worlds") Gomez, Ens. Sonya Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Lycia Naff ("Q Who", "Samaritan Snare") Graham ("The Icarus Factor") Graham, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by Mona Grudt ("Identity Crisis") Gromek, Adm. * played by Georgann Johnson ("The Emissary") Haden, Adm. * played by John Hancock ("The Defector", "Night Terrors") Haftel, Adm. Anthony * played by Nicholas Coster ("The Offspring") Hahn, Adm. * ("Menage A Troi") Hanson, Adm. J.P. * Starfleet tactical specialist, deceased; killed in battle with the Borg played by George Murdock ("The Best of Both Worlds", "The Best of Both Worlds Part 2") Haro, Cadet Mitena * played by Jocelyn O'Brien ("Allegiance") Haskell Helm officer, USS Enterprise, deceased; killed by Nagilum played by Charles Douglass ("Where Silence Has Lease") Hendrick Transporter officer, USS Enterprise played by Dennis Madalone ("Identity Crisis") Hennessey ("The Dauphin") Henry, Adm. Thomas * Starfleet Command Security officer played by Earl Billings ("The Drumhead") Herbert, Ens. Transporter officer, USS Enterprise played by Lance Spellerberg ("We'll Always Have Paris", "The Icarus Factor") Hickman, Lt. Paul * Served aboard USS Victory, deceased; killed by flying a shuttle into a star played by Amick Byram ("Identity Crisis") Hildebrandt Science officer, USS Enterprise played by Ann H. Gillespie ("Pen Pals") Hill, Dr. Medical officer, USS Enterprise ("Remember Me") Hobson, Lt. Cmdr. Christopher * Former temporary first officer, USS Sutherland played by Timothy Carhart ("Redemption II") Hoy, Ens. Transporter officer, USS Enterprise ("Who Watches the Watchers") Imbato, Lt. ("Data's Day") Jameson, Adm. Mark * Former commanding officer, USS Gettysberg; died of a drug overdose played by Clayton Rohner ("Too Short A Season") Juarez, Lt. ("Data's Day") Kaden, Will * Served aboard USS Rutledge, deceased; killed at Setlek Three Keel, Capt. Walker * Commanding officer, USS Horatio; killed in the Horatio's destruction played by Jonathan Farwell ("Conspiracy") Keith * Tactical officer, USS Sutherland ("Redemption II") Kellogg, Ens. Security officer, USS Enterprise ("The Drumhead") Kenneky Engineering officer, USS Enterprise ("Night Terrors") Kennelley, Adm. * Currently facing criminal hearing played by Cliff Potts ("Ensign Ro") Kim, Dr. Joshua (+) Medical officer, USS Enterprise ("Yesterday's Enterprise") Kopf, Ens. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by James Lashly ("Brothers") Kosinski, Lt. * Member of Starfleet Corps of Engineers played by Stanley Kamel ("Where No One Has Gone Before") LaForge, Lt. Cmdr. Geordi Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise; former Helm officer Formerly served on USS Victory played by LeVar Burton Larson, Lt. Linda Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Saxon Trainor ("The Nth Degree") Lefler, Ens. Robin Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Ashley Judd ("Darmok", "The Game") Leitjen, Lt. Cmdr. Susanna Former security officer, USS Victory played by Maryann Plunkett ("Identity Crisis") Lin, Ens. Kenny Tactical officer, USS Enterprise played by Brian Tochi ("Night Terrors") Logan Former Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise played by Vyto Ruginis ("The Arsenal of Freedom") Louvois, Capt. Philippa * Senior officer, JAG Starbase 173 played by Amanda McBroom ("The Measure of a Man") Lynch, Leland T. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Walker Boone ("Skin of Evil") MacDougal, Lt. Cmdr. Sarah Associate Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise played by Brooke Bundy ("The Naked Now") Maddox, Cmdr. Bruce * Asst. Chair of Robotics, Daystrom Institute played by Brian Brophy ("The Measure of a Man") Mandell, Ens. Ops officer, USS Enterprise played by Cameron Arnett ("Disaster") Marcus, Crewman Security crewman, USS Enterprise ("The Drumhead") Martinez Medical officer, USS Enterprise ("Who Watches the Watchers") Martoni, Cadet Adam Student, Starfleet Academy ("The Game") Maxwell, Capt. Benjamin * Former commanding officer, USS Phoenix, relieved of command Former commanding officer, USS Rutledge played by Bob Gunton ("The Wounded") McCoy, Adm. Leonard H. Surgeon-General of Starfleet Command, retired played by DeForest Kelley ("Encounter At Farpoint") McKinney * killed in a conspiracy-related accident ("Conspiracy") McKnight, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by Pamela Winslow ("In Theory") Mendez, Ens. * Formerly served on USS Ares Formerly served on USS Victory Mutated into Tartjannan creature ("Identity Crisis") Mendon, Ens. Temporary science officer, USS Enterprise played by John Putch ("A Matter of Honor") Minnerly, Lt. ("Skin of Evil") Monroe, Lt. Helm officer, USS Enterprise Killed by explosion caused by collision with a quantum filament played by Jana Marie Hupp ("Disaster") Moore, Adm. James * ("Up the Long Ladder") Mordock, Cadet * Benzite entrant into Starfleet Academy ("Coming of Age") Myers Engineering officer, USS Enterprise ("Hollow Pursuits") Nagel, Ens. Tactical officer, USS Enterprise played by Leslie Neale ("Peak Performance") Nokamura, Adm. * Base Commander, Starbase 173 played by Clyde Kusatsu ("The Measure of a Man") N'Somok, Adm. * ("Final Mission") O'Brien, CPO Miles Edward Transporter Chief, USS Enterprise Former temporary tactical officer of Enterprise former chief tactical officer, USS Rutledge played by Colm Meaney Ogawa, Nurse Alissa played by Patti Yasutake ("Clues", "Identity Crisis", "The Host", "The Game") Ortiz, Ens. ("The Ensigns of Command") Parker Bridge officer, USS Enterprise (NCC 1701-C) ("Yesterday's Enterprise") Paupa, Ens. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise played by Jana Marie Hupp ("Galaxy's Child") Picard, Capt. Jean-Luc Commanding officer, USS Enterprise former commanding officer, USS Stargazer played by Patrick Stewart Prieto, Ben played by Raymond Forchion ("Skin of Evil") Prixis Science officer, USS Enterprise ("Pen Pals") Pulaski, Dr. Katherine Former Chief Medical Officer, USS Enterprise Former Chief Medical Officer, USS Repulse played by Diana Muldaur Quaice, Dr. Dalen * Medical officer, formerly stationed at Starbase 133 played by Bill Erwin ("Remember Me") Quinn, Adm. Gregory * played by Ward Costello ("Coming of Age", "Conspiracy") Quinteros, Cmdr. Orfil * Base Commander of Starbase 74 played by Gene Dynarski ("11001001") Ramos Security officer, USS Enterprise; killed by renegade Klingons played by Dennis Madalone ("Heart of Glory") Ramsey, Capt. * Commanding officer of freightor SS Odin played by Sam Hennings ("Angel One") Rayger, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by Lane Chapman ("Galaxy's Child", "Night Terrors") Reel, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by Tom Ormeny ("Redemption") Remmick, Cmdr. Dexter * Investigator, Inspector-General's Office, deceased; possesed by parasites played by Robert Schenkkan ("Coming of Age", "Conspiracy") Rice, Capt. Paul * Commanding officer, USS Drake, deceased; killed on Minos played by Marco Rodriguez ("The Arsenal of Freedom") Riker, Cmdr. William T. First officer, USS Enterprise Commissioned temporary Captain of the Enterprise Former first officer, USS Hood Former tactical officer, USS Potemkin played by Jonathan Frakes Rixx, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Thomas Paine played by Michael Berryman ("Conspiracy") Ro Larren, Ens. Helm officer, USS Enterprise Former helm officer, USS Wellington Formerly incarcerated at Jaros Two played by Michelle Forbes ("Ensign Ro", "Disaster") Robinson, Lt. Transporter officer, USS Enterprise ("The Outrageous Okona") Rossa, Adm. Canaught * played by Barbara Townshend ("Suddenly Human") Rossa, Connor * Deceased; killed at Galen Four during Talarian attack ("Suddenly Human") Rozhenko, CPO Sergei * Warp field specialist, retired Formerly served on USS Intrepid played by Theodore Bikel ("Family") Russell Engineering officer, USS Enterprise ("Tin Man") Satie, Adm. Nora * Retired played by Jean Simmons ("The Drumhead") Savar, Adm. * played by Henry Darrow ("Conspiracy") Scott, Capt. Tryla * Commanding officer, USS Renegade played by Ursaline Bryant ("Conspiracy") Selar, (Lt.) Dr. Medical officer, USS Enterprise played by Suzie Plakson ("The Schizoid Man") Shante, Adm. * Fleet Admiral played by Fran Bennett ("Redemption II") Shelby, Cmdr. Tactical officer, Starfleet Borg Task Force Former temporary first officer, USS Enterprise played by Elizabeth Dennehy ("The Best of Both Worlds", "The Best of Both Worlds Part 2") Shimoda, Jim Former Assistant Chief Engineer, USS Enterprise played by Benjamin W.S. Lum ("The Naked Now") Silvestri, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Shikamaru ("Darmok") Singh Engineering officer, USS Enterprise, deceased; killed by energy cloud played by Kavi Raz ("Lonely Among Us") Solis, Lt. Helm officer, USS Enterprise played by George de la Pena ("The Arsenal of Freedom") Spock, Ambassador Former captain, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701, NCC-1701-A) Final rank unknown Joined diplomatic corps; now working covertly on Romulus played by Leonard Nimoy ("Unification I", "Unification II") Standen, Nurse ("Family") Swenson Science officer, USS Enterprise ("Skin of Evil") Sype, Ryan * killed in conspiracy-related accident ("Conspiracy") Taggart, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Repulse played by J. Patrick McNamara ("Unnatural Selection") Taggart, Ens. Shuttle bay officer, USS Enterprise ("The Host") Tarses, Crewman Simon Medical technician, USS Enterprise played by Spencer Garrett ("The Drumhead") Temple, Nurse played by Patti Tippo ("Transfigurations") Terry * Engineering officer, USS Sutherland ("Redemption II") Thomas, Ens. (+) ("Yesterday's Enterprise") Thorn, Lt. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise ("In Theory") Tolaka, Capt. L. Iso * Commanding officer, USS Lantree, deceased; killed by genetic mutagen ("Unnatural Selection") Torres, Ens. played by Jimmy Ortega ("Encounter At Farpoint") Troi, (Lt. Cmdr.) Counselor Deanne Ship's Counselor, USS Enterprise played by Marina Sirtis T'Su, Ens. Lian Ops officer, USS Enterprise played by Julia Nickson ("The Arsenal of Freedom") Varley, Capt. Donald * Commanding officer, USS Yamato, deceased; killed in the Yamato's destruction played by Thalmus Rasulala ("Contagion") Vigo * Foemer weapons officer, USS Stargazer ("The Battle") Whalen Historian, USS Enterprise played by David Selburg ("The Big Goodbye") Williams, Ens. ("A Matter of Perspective") Wong, Lt. Engineering officer, USS Enterprise ("Angel One") Worf, Lt. Chief Security Officer and tactical officer, USS Enterprise played by Michael Dorn Wright, Lt. ("A Matter of Perspective") Yar, Lt. Natasha Former Chief Security Officer, USS Enterprise, deceased; killed by slime creature on Vagra Two played by Denise Crosby Youngblood, Ens. Science specialist, USS Enterprise played by James Becker Zaheva, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Brattain, deceased Killed in madness epidemic caused by lack of REM sleep played by Deborah Taylor ("Night Terrors") Zembata, Capt. * Commanding officer, USS Victory ("Elementary, Dear Data") STAR TREK XIII: THE OLD SERIES MEETS THE NEXT GENERATION CAPTAIN'S LOG, STARDATE 14111.7: We are investigating a strange variable naked singularity which has just reappeared after a 75 year absence. The last such mission to study this phenomenon was the original Enterprise under the command of James Kirk. It is imperative that we find out why it has returned and just what causes these apparent violations of the laws of physics... Picard: Data, status of that..."thing." Data: Sir, if by thing you mean the singularity, sensors indicate that it is growing more unstable at this time. Picard: Hmm...suggestions, anyone? Yar: Photon torpedoes armed and ready, Captain! Just one good shot-- Worf: I'm a Klingon, sir. Respectfully submit we cease this wasteful pandering and go find another alien culture to conquer- er, enlist in the Federation! Troi: I'm getting nothing from it, sir. Whatever it is, it won't help our ratings... Wes: Of course! If I modify the output from the warp engines-- Picard: Shut up, Wesley! That's enough! What about you, number one? Riker: Are you asking me to confirm what you've already decided, Sir? Why, we'll stay and investigate, of course. (looks eager) LaForge: Sir, I'm "seeing" all sorts of new, strange activity across the spectrum, infra-red, microwave, and radio. Data: Sensors indicate gravitational field intensity increasing! Picard: What the...? Data: Captain, we are being pulled in... (PLACE COMMERCIAL HERE....) CAPTAIN'S LOG, STARDATE 3714.2 The Enterprise has been delayed while relaying emergency vaccines to plague- ridden Cyron IV by the appearance of a naked singularity. First officer Spock is leading the investigation. McCoy: Dammit, Jim! We've got to get that vaccine to the rendezvous in two days or billions will die! Spock (looking up from peep show viewer): Two days, one hour, sixteen minutes, and seven seconds, Doctor. McCoy: Blast it, Spock, I'm a doctor, not a cuckoo clock! Kirk: Gentlemen, please. We'll get that vaccine there, Bones. The rendezvous with the Yorktown is only a day away at Warp 8. : I heard that! She canna take the strain, Captain. Warp 6 maybe, but only if we were fresh out of spacedock... Kirk (flashing a winning grin at no one in particular): Take it easy, Scotty! You can do it, or you're fired. : Aye, sir... Spock (looks into viewer): Captain, I'm picking up readings of gravity fluctuations from the singularity. Kirk: Red alert! Shields up, Mr. Sulu. Lt. Uhura, open hailing frequencies...(stands, straightens uniform over belly) This is Captain James T. Kirk of the-- Spock: Sir, it is only a natural phenomenon... Kirk: Oh... Cancel red alert. Maintain ready status. Chekov: Keptin Kirk! SOmething has just activated my long range sensors-- eet's some kind of wessel! Spock: Confirmed, Captain. Kirk: Red alert! (throws spock an 'I told you so' look) Sulu, go to full magnification! Uhura, open-- Uhura: Hailing frequencies already open sir. Broadcasting friendship messages in all languages. Spock: Fascinating! (looks up from viewer) Jim--it's the Enterprise! (INSERT COMMERCIAL HERE) CAPTAIN'S LOG, SUPPLEMENTAL After being pulled into the naked singularity, we find ourselves powerless and drifting towards another ship, which if our sensors were working, we could identify... Picard: any word on that ship yet? Data: No, sir. We will not be close enough for visual contact for another two minutes, three sec-- Picard: LaForge, get down to the lounge and see if you can tell what itis. LaForge: Aye, Sir. Picard: Oh, and Engsign Crusher? Wes: Sir? Picard: Shut up! (Wes looks confused yet again) Data: Sir, I wish to report something strange... Picard: Strange? Data: Is that not the word? (furrows brow, looking at his nose while thinking) Abormal? Irregular? Biza-- Riker: Daaaaaa-ta! Data: Oh, yes. Sir, this may sound highly irregular, but computer com- parisons of the ship library's astronomical charts with current sensor readings would seem to indicate that we have travelled back in time. Data: They were not. However, due to time limitations placed on us by the writers, we had to skip a few minor details. Riker: Are you saying we're no longer in the present as we know it? (looks bewildered). : LaForge to Bridge! Captain, this is going to sound bogus, but I see the Enterprise! Riker: Way to go, Geordi! Who gave you your sight back this time? : Sir? Not this Enterprise, but the old one! The old Constitution Class starship! Yar: Confirmed, sir! We're being hailed in all the old Federation friend- ship messages. Picard: What??? Any suggestions? Riker: Might as well see what they want. Troi, are you feeling anything? Troi: Not at the moment; (switches to Riker's mental wavelength) but that doesn't mean I won't later, Amzadi... (Riker primps) Picard: On visual, Lieutenant. (a stocky, sandy-haired man who is obviously on a diet appears. Standing behind him is a tall, lean Vulcan whose hands are apparently cuffed behind his back) "...This is Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. We are on a peaceful mission! Explain who you are, or we will open fire!" Picard (to Yar): Broadcast on all frequencies, in all languages... "We Surrender." (INSERT COMMERCIAL HERE) Captain's Log, supplemental: A highly advanced alien ship has seemingly surrendered to us for no apparent reason. Partly due to this, and partly because the alien vessel so closely resembles our own, Mr. Spock has advised extreme caution. Question: Is this some kind of mind control? Are we being made to see images and forms that are familiar to us to lull us into complacency? The lives of 430 crewmen depend on my decisions. On.... my.... decisions!! Kirk: We have not asked for a surrender! Only that you identify yourselves and state your purpose.. Kirk: Waitaminnut! *This* is the Enterprise! Kirk: My 1st officer and I will take it under consideration. Please stand by! (screen blanks out) Scotty: Captain! Did ye see thot- a Klingon on thot ship! If they are from our future, let's put 'em oot o' their misery! Kirk: One moment, Mr. Scott. Spock? I do believe your eyebrow betrays your highly emotional state! Spock: Really? I see no need to insult me; I merely was attempting to scratch my forehead against my bangs so as not to expend the energy involved in raising my arm. However, I feel I should point out that if indeed there is an advanced alien culture aboard that vessel, and if they wanted to appear in a form familiar to us, they would either have to read our thoughts or scan the ship's records. Without such knowledge, they would have no pattern on which to base their deception. Ship's sensors would have alerted us to any scans, though I have detected some kind of telepathic activity coming from the alien ship. McCoy: Damn your Vulcan logic! If they were going to go through all the trouble of disguising themselves, then why not look just like us? Why these differences, like Klingons on a Federation ship? The wrong colors on the uniforms?? A less-than-perfect copy of the Enterprise??? I'll tell you why; they're mistakes! These new writers don't have what it takes, time or talent, and as a result we're just going to skip over the whole thing because we have to move along and can't involve ourselves minor details like continuity! Spock: Captain, I suggest the best course of action would be beaming over to the alien ship for direct observation. We have not yet used the transporter this episode, and i would like the opportunity to study the highly advanced computer they possess; ours doesn't "tick." Kirk: Good idea! Uhura...? Uhura (sighs): Aye, sir....on visual.. Kirk: Due to the complexity of the situation, perhaps it would be best if my first officer and I beamed over to your ship... Picard (to person offscreen): Suggestions? Will it violate the Prime Directive? Riker (offscreen): Sir, their Prime Directive is our Prime Directive... Picard: Good! Then no harm is done! (to Kirk) Very well. You have our coordinates. Make it so! Kirk: Excellent! We'll beam over in 5 minutes. Kirk out!.... Kirk: Scotty, can you beam us over? Scott: No sir! Whot with this singularity beasties' effect an' all, it'll be 2 hours before we ken even transport a fly! Kirk: Scotty, I want that transporter working in 5 minutes!! Scott (sighs also): Aye, sir... Kirk: If one more person sighs heavily because I make an unreasonable demand, I'll put that person in the brig!!! (hits no button in particular on his chair's arm) Security? : Blue Moon Detective Agency! Do aliens hate you; Tribbles berate you? Is your tricorder missing; Your Yeoman not kissing? Then give us a call- We'll take the fall! Kirk: Security, send two men to the transporter room. I want them there in 5 minutes!! : (sigh!) Aye, sir. I'll see if they're in their office... (cut to shot of transporter room) (security guard enters) Kirk: Yeoman Kyle, you have the coordinates. Beam us over safely and maybe I'll have that big picture on the wall you've been staring at for 3 seasons changed... (turns, examines guard) I thought I sent for two men, Ensign....? Guard: Addison, Ensign David Addison, sir. There should be two of us, but my partner is on maternity leave, and I think I'm on the wrong set... Kirk: Hmmm... Only one guard. Can you handle a phaser? Guard: Ha! Do Klingons clingeth? Do Thesaurians thesaureth? Do you and Spock-- Kirk: All right! I get the picture! We'll take you along, but first you have to trade shirts with me! Guard: Sir? Is this like Twister? Kirk: You heard me! Apparently, their security division color is mustard- gold, and if you think I'm beaming over in a security color uniform... Guard: Aye, sir.. (Removes shirt. Kirk gets in a fight offscreen and has his forcibly removed. Hands dirty tatters to Addison.) Kirk: And another thing: get rid of those.... (waves hand towards Addison's head) .....those whatever! Guard: Awww... Not my Ray-Bans! If the brothers in Philly ever see me like this... (the three men step onto the platform) Kirk: Energize! (Reality swirls. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and the security guard materialize on the new Bridge.) Kirk: Hey! I thought there were only three of us! McCoy: It's those damn fool writers again! (Picard steps forward) Picard: I'm Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, number NCC-1701..."D." Spock: Fascinating! Kirk: "D?" Picard: Yes, Captain. You see, although in reality this is only the third Enterprise, it was decided to skip "B" and "C" and name it in your honor... Kirk: My honor? But what happened to the original Enterprise? Picard: You blew it up! Kirk: I what?? McCoy: Jim! Before you call this man a liar, just think of your record! Your habits! The risks you take!! Kirk: Well,... what about the 2nd one? Picard: Let's just say you're consistent.... Kirk: Oh...... But why "D?" Why not "t?" Riker (tries to look like Kirk): They already used that in *my* name, sir. No, they chose a most unusual method for picking the "D." Data? Data: To honor your statement "The Enterprise is a beautiful lady, and we love her," Starfleet historians went back and obtained the bra cup size of every woman, and alien, you ever kissed. The average was obtained, and appended to the number for the Enterprise. Hence, "1701-D." (Kirk looks innocently about. McCoy rocks on his heels. Spock prevaricates.) Kirk: I'm...... honored, I suppose. Picard: Ah! But I'm neglectful, certainly! Allow me to introduce my Bridge crew. Any suggestions as to what order, anyone? No, never mind; Let's throw caution to the wind! My first, William Riker (primps); 2nd- in-command Lt Cmndr Data; ship's counselor, Deanna Troi (Kirk's eyes twinkle- Troi blushes, breathes faster); security chief Yar (now Kirk breathes faster- Troi receives impressions of the number "3"); Lt. LaForge, our blind navigator (Spock raises eyebrow); and Lt. Worf, whose exact duties have never been revealed... Kirk: Worf?? He looks familiar. Bones? (McCoy walks over, passes med-scanner over Worf.) McCoy: Jim! This man is a Klingon!! (Security guard raises phaser, but is blown away by Yar and Worf.) McCoy (passes scanner over guard): He's dead, Jim! LaForge: Well, now ABC has a chance to find someone that Cybill can work with... Kirk: That man! He was one of my crew! Data: A most appropriate choice of tense, Captain. Kirk: Only 429 lives left! And I'm responsible for them!! I'm..... Responsible!! My.... decisions!!! (INSERT COMMERCIAL HERE) Captain's Log, Stardate 3714.9 After beaming over to the strange "alien" vessel which claims to come from our future, we are greeted by humanoid life forms, one of which is a Klingon. This fact has already cost me the life of one of my crew. I'm saddened, but yet I feel a strange sense of elation at having had the foresight to change uniforms... Medical Log, Leonard McCoy reporting: He's dead, Jim. And I'll tell you something else; there isn't any reason he shouldn't be! He's just not alive anymore, and there's not a damn thing I can do to change it! Kirk: One of my men is dead! How many more must die before you've had enough? Picard: On the contrary, Captain! It was one of your 23rd Century savages who attacked for no reason! It's hard to believe we were once as primitive as you... (the two men continue the argument, oblivious to Yar and Worf, who are still attacking the body) Kirk: The Klingons are our sworn enemy! Picard: *Were* your sworn enemy! Kirk: My man was just doing what any other man would have done in his position. And for someone who calls us savages, I find it highly irregular that "civilized" beings like yourselves would carry weapons on the Bridge! (McCoy sees Yar and Worf) McCoy: Stop it!.... Stop it!! You just don't keep hacking away at a man after he's down!! Picard: Lieutenant Yar, report! Yar: (stands, faces Picard) Speaking strictly as Security Chief, just how much can you trust a dead person on the Bridge? Worf: I'm a Klingon, sir. I live for this-- Picard: Not on my Bridge, you won't! (turns to Kirk) I assume you'd like to return your man to your ship? Kirk: Yes, thank you. (flips open communicator) Kirk to Enterprise, come in Enterprise... : Enterprise! Scott here... Kirk: Mr. Scott, there's been an accident over here; we've lost another security guard. : Och! Thot'll be the fifth this week! Kirk: I know, Scotty. One to beam over; better put the ship on Yellow Alert. Kirk out. (body dematerializes; Worf becomes visibly down-hearted) Picard: I'm sorry about your man. If it's any consolation, he wasn't the father; it was Sam's baby... Kirk: Death... is never justifiable... Troi: I know how you feel, Captain. Kirk: Do you, Counselor? Do you really know what it's like to be responsible for the live of 430-- Data: Four hundred and twenty-nine, sir. Kirk: --429 men and women?? Troi: Sir, I am half Betazoid. I can sense strong emotions and feelings. Your sense of loss is most intense; it is difficult not to feel it... Spock: (to Kirk) Undoubtably the source of the telepathy I perceived earlier coming from this ship, Captain. Troi: Strange. You appear to be Vulcan, yet I sense some emotions in you! McCoy: What's the matter, Spock? Slipping? Spock: No, Doctor. As you are well aware, I possess a Human half that is sometimes difficult to control. I hope to someday purge all emotions and embrace total logic, thus achieving Kolinahr. McCoy: Well, just so long as you change your pants after you achieve it... Data: (to Spock) Most unusual. We are very much alike, you and I, yet you state your desire to suppress your Human tendencies. I, on the other hand, wish I could become more Human. Kirk: You mean you're not? Data: No, sir. I am an android. A computer. A -- Kirk: You're a machine?? And you're second in command?? Data: I'm also in several bio-mechanical texts. Riker: It's Starfleet's policy never to discriminate against any sentient life form. Mr. Data has never failed any test for sentience. I might add that all Academy graduates are required to be sentient. Yar: A pity your security details never had to pass these tests! Maybe if they had, you would have a Chief of Security... Data: (aside, to Kirk) Ask me sometime about the advantages of having a Chief of Security... McCoy: So! Is that what it's come to! Machines taking over for man, just because they can think faster? Well, I don't buy it! There are just some things a machine can't do!! I'd name 'em, but there are children watching this show... Data: But sir! I *am* fully functional. Troi: Tasha? Why do I sense embarrassment?? (Kirk's communicator beeps) Beep, Beep!! <-- special effects (He answers it) Kirk: Kirk here. What is it, Scotty? : Sir? This is Lt. Uhura; Mr.Scott is in engineering. Kirk: Engineering? But I left Scotty in charge! What's wrong? What's going on on my ship?? : I don't know, sir. We're losing power, and we don't know why! Captain... I'm frightened!! Spock: Spock here. Mr. Sulu, at what rate is the Enterprise losing power? : We're down to 80% power, but the drain is increasing geometrically. We have maybe (static)ve more hours at (more static) lose all power and are pulled into the (even more static) ...source is the alien (complete static)...... Kirk: Sulu! (taps communicator) Mr.Sulu!! Can you read me? McCoy: It's dead, Jim! I can't get anything on mine, either! Kirk: Well, it looks like we're here for awhile. (turns to Picard) But what concerns me is why you're draining energy from my ship! Picard: I assure you, we are doing no such thing! Spock: Yours is the only ship in the area; it is only logical to assume it is the source of the power drain. If your ship is not the source, then what is? Picard: Hmmm... Good idea! Suggestions, anyone? Spock: Perhaps if we spoke with your chief engineer... Picard: I'm afraid that's not possible. Kirk: That's my ship losing power over there, mister! You better make it possible!! Picard: No, you don't understand. We don't *have* a chief engineer. McCoy: What?? Picard: That's usually my line, Doctor. (to Kirk) You see, there just wasn't anybody cast in the role of chief engineer. The writers gave us a Chief of Security instead. McCoy: So what do you do now? Kill off engineers instead of security? Riker: (says eagerly) Well, the only person to be killed so far has been an engineer... Kirk: You mean to tell me that someday, the Federation will put Klingons on the Bridge, arm their Bridge crews, kill off engineers instead of security guards, and place machines in the chain of command?? LaForge: You forgot the part about letting a blind person drive theship, sir. (Troi steps forward, wobbles a little) Troi: I.... I sense.... I... (Troi collapses. McCoy and Riker rush over) Picard: (hits communicator on chest) Bridge to Sick Bay! Medical Alert! Dr.Crusher to the Bridge!! : I'm on my way! Picard: Does anyone have ideas as to why Counselor Troi collapsed? Riker: Unknown at this moment, Captain. McCoy: She seems to be suffering from some virus. It might be communicable! Spock: Sir, if that is the case, the Bridge personnel should be quarantined. Picard: I'll do no such thing! As you know, we do things a bit differently in the 24th Century. (turns to face Bridge Crew) LaForge? You got to spread the virus last time; whose turn is it now? Yar: Mine, sir. Picard: Very well. Make sure you miss no one! Remember: it's vital that as many people as possible get sick in as short a time as possible. We haven't had any good dramatic tension since the security guard was killed. Yar: Aye, aye, sir. (she moves off and begins kissing everyone as Dr. Crusher comes onto the Bridge) (Crusher passes scanner over Troi) Crusher: Oh, my God... Oh, my God!... Picard: What? What?? Crusher: It's some virus I've never seen before! Riker: Is there an antidote of anykind? Crusher: Like I said, I've never seen it before. I'll be lucky to come up with a vaccine in time, *if* there's a vaccine! Judging by it's rate of progress, you all have 3 hours to live!! Picard: What?? Kirk: "You" have 3 hours? Don't you mean "We?" Crusher: I meant "You;" I never catch any of the illnesses I treat, or don't you watch the show? (turns to Picard) Three hours at best, Captain... I'LL MISS YOU, JEAN LUC.... (INSERT COMMERCIAL HERE) Captain's Log, supplemental: A deadly virus has appeared aboard the Enterprise. Unless Dr.Crusher can come up with an antidote in 3 hours, we will all die! Meanwhile, the mysterious power drain continues to affect the other Enterprise. Security is investigating, as the source of the drain appears to be on this ship! Picard: What are the symptoms, Doctor? Crusher: I don't know, sir. Picard: Well, can you isolate it? Crusher: Again, I don't know! Picard: Then if you know nothing about it, how can you predict that we have only three hours left to live?? Crusher: I don't know, sir! I just looked at my tricorder, and that's what it said! Oh, I suppose I can take some blood samples or run some tests, but beyond that, I just don't know, Jean Luc!! Picard: Good work, Doctor! Make it so! Spock: (under his breath) As I have always maintained, members of the medical profession would do better to employ the use of beads and rattles... Kirk: What's that, Mr.Spock? Spock: I said, based on the doctor's investigation and evaluation of the virus, I would venture to say that Doctor McCoy's medical methods were, for some reason, widely adopted among Starfleet personnel. Perhaps in order to effect some method of population control.. McCoy: That's enough, Spock! Can't you see? This woman relies too much on a machine and not on her human intuition! And you're not the one to use human intuition, are you? You pointy-eared logic circuit! Why, if I weren't-- Kirk: That's enough, Bones; Spock! We have only a few hours left. I suggest we use them wisely. Data: Two hours, fifty-five minutes and 17 seconds, sir. McCoy: (to Kirk) Kinda reminds you of someone, doesn't he?? (thumbs his head at spock) Kirk: Bones, why don't you see what you can figure out about this virus! (McCoy leaves) Picard: I assure you, Captain! Dr. Crusher is most competent.. Kirk: If you don't mind, Dr.McCoy will proceed nonetheless. Picard: Do you distrust my Chief Medical Officer? Kirk: Just what would you do in my position? I'm on board a plague ship with a clueless albeit attractive CMO who is on first name terms with the Captain. Both parties continually exchange furtive glances, not to mention the doubt surrounding the parentage of the only child on board who is allowed access to the Bridge! Picard: Hmmmm... Quite so! (looks around) Has anyone seen Wesley? (Everyone looks around, but he's not there) Picard: Computer? Tell me the location of Wesley Crusher! : The boy? Picard: Yes! The Boy! : The boy is in Engineering, section 6. Have a nice day! Picard: Bridge to Engineering! Is Wesley there? : The boy? Yes, he's here. One moment... : Yes, Fath-- er, Captain Picard? Picard: Is that you Wesley? : Yes, sir! Picard: Good. Shut up! Bridge out! Worf: Sir! Sensors indicate the other Enterprise's orbit is beginning to fluctuate! It's as if their controls were sluggish... Picard: What?? Riker: Have they lost all power? Worf: No, sir. Power loss seems to have leveled off. They are at 15% power. Kirk: Fifteen percent? But that's barely enough for life support and helm control! The lives of -- Picard: Yes, yes, we know! Spock: Fascinating! It's as if the source of the power drain knew the precise level of power the Enterprise could be lowered to and yet maintain control of vital functions.. Kirk: So you're saying the Enterprise shouldn't lose anymore power? Spock: Read my lips, Jim! I believe I inferred as much. The only logical question that remains is what will the stolen power be used for? Riker: And don't forget; we need to know who's taking it! Kirk: Anything else, Spock? Spock: Affirmative. Why has no one else succumbed to the virus? Picard: Good point! Comment, anyone? Riker: I feel fine, sir! Data: As do I, sir. LaForge: Me too, sir. Picard: Well, I think it's safe to say that if Counselor Troi were here, she would say that she feels that we feel fine! Riker: Makes "sense", sir. (Kirk groans) Picard: Bridge to Sickbay! Doctor Crusher, why has no one else been infected? : I don't know, sir!... Damn! Where are all those wise sayings we doctors are supposed to say at times like these? Picard: Doctor!... Beverly,... get a hold of yourself! It's all right! : (sniffle) Thanks, Jean Luc... : Jim? McCoy here! I think I have it! It's not a virus at all! Kirk: What do you mean, Bones? : If it's all right with you, I'll explain it when I come up to the Bridge for the final scene... Kirk: Okay, but make it fast! : Engineering to Bridge! Picard: This is the Bridge. Go ahead.. : Sir, Chief Engineer No. 3,814 here, sir. We've figured out a way to get back, sir! Picard: Excellent! To whom do we owe our gratitude? : He's on his way to the Bridge now, sir.. (At this point, the turbolift doors open. Wesley steps out.) LaForge (to himself): Oh, no! Not again! Picard: Ensign Crusher! I thought you were in Engineering? Wes: I was, sir. But seeing as how I finished the modifications to the warp engines necessary to return the ship to our time-- Picard: You did what?? Riker: It's my fault, sir. He's my responsibility; I should have kept a closer eye on him! (Advances towards Wes) Picard: One moment, Will! First, I want to find out what he did to my ship! Report, Wesley! Wes: Well, sir, all I had to do was modify the power output of the warp engines. But in order to do this, I had to borrow some extra power. The only other source was the other Enterprise. Kirk: You mean you're responsible for what crippled my ship?? You nearly killed almost 430 men and women!! Wes: Sir, I knew what I was doing. I called up the records on your ship, though it was a little confusing as to just which ship you're using at the moment. I found out the critical threshold of energy depletion for your ship, and from there I just borrowed the rest. You can always generate more.. Kirk: You just don't go and "borrow" energy from a starship!! Spock: Not true, Captain, since apparently he has done it. Picard: Captain, please!! (to Wes, sweetly) Wesley, do you mean to say we can return home now? Wes: Yes, sir. Picard: Good. Then shut up!! (once again, the turbolift doors open. McCoy, Crusher, and Troi step onto the Bridge) McCoy: Jim, I'm beginning to believe I can cure anything! Kirk: Report, Bones! McCoy: Well, the whole problem started with an incorrect diagnosis! It wasn't a virus at all!! Kirk: Yes, I believe you said something about that earlier.. McCoy: You see, Jim, if it was a virus, it would have spread! But instead, only Troi got sick! It was only after I found out that she's a hyper- sensitive that I realized what caused the illness! Kirk: Well?... What caused it? McCoy: Think about it! Troi didn't get sick until we arrived. We caused her illness! Picard: But you said it wasn't a virus! McCoy: And it's not! It's the writing, the scripts!... The Writers!!! Kirk: Yes, yes- they control everything, but even they haven't given a good reason for only Troi becoming sick.. McCoy: They don't have to! Crusher: Captain, it's like back in the 21st Century-- Picard: Those were savage times! Crusher: --when half the population was starving. Even when they finally got food, they couldn't eat it too quickly without getting sick! Kirk: I still don't understand how that explains the illness. Spock: Most interesting! You are saying that the appearance of your vessel in our time is causing your illness because you are used to bad writing. Our beaming over only aggravated the problem further... McCoy: And that's why Troi collapsed! Being so perceptive, so sensitive, it was just too much for her to take!! Kirk: She seems to be fine now.. McCoy: That's because she left the Bridge and went to Sickbay- the place where one of the most incompetent, shallow and unbelievable characters on this ship works. She'll be all right once we leave, but prolonged exposure to good writing could kill her! (Thousands of viewers can be heard screaming, "Stay for a while! Stay on the ship!!") Picard: And once you return to your ship, we can return to our proper time... Kirk: That's it? As simple as that? Picard: I'm afraid so, Captain. The new writers are used to rushing the ending.. (Beep! Beep!) Kirk (answers communicator): Kirk here! : Scott here; we're beaming ye back! Kirk: But I gave no such order! : Sorry, sir! But we're under time constraints, and I canna take enna more of this episode! Kirk: Scotty! You've got to give me a few minutes. Just a few, and I need them now!! : Sorry, sir. I'm under orders! (Kirk, Spock and McCoy dematerialize) Picard: Well, I'm glad *they're* gone, eh No.1? Riker: Yes, sir! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever get back to our rushed dialogue and plot... Picard: Agreed! Mr. LaForge? Lay in a course back to our own time! Warp factor six! LaForge: Aye, aye, sir. Course plotted... and laid in, sir. Picard: Engage! (The Enterprise revs up, stretches, pops like a rubber band, and disappears in a very realistic flash of light.) (INSERT COMMERCIAL HERE) Captain's Log, Stardate 3715.0 The ship from our future has been gone for almost one hour. Gone with it is any trace of the naked singularity we had been investigating. As is usual for the end of a crisis, I have called Dr.McCoy to the Bridge to engage in idle speculation, pointless banter, and maybe even a brief moral... Kirk: I still don't understand it, Bones. It all just happened so quickly. McCoy: Jim, I keep telling you- it's not your fault! The writers of that century are just-.... well, they're just bad! They even forgot to leave in the singularity for the last scene! Spock (turning at his station): I disagree, Doctor. It was most logical for the singularity to disappear when the future Enterprise vanished. McCoy: Oh, no! I should have known it! The writers have gotten to Spock! Spock (ignoring McCoy): You see, Jim, the singularity was essentially a "rip" in the fabric of the universe. Some tremendous strain, existing both in their time and ours, was too great for the normal space-time continuum to bear. Kirk: So what was it, Spock? What caused the strain in the first place? Spock: I believe Doctor McCoy is best qualified to explain that, sir. Vulcans do not engage in television criticism... Kirk: Bones? McCoy: It was us, Jim! Kirk: Come on, Bones! We've never travelled to the future!! McCoy: True; not personally. But consider all those plots that have been lifted from our series and used in theirs! Kirk: Ahhhhh!.... So the removing of not just one, but many, many events in our present to their future caused the strain which "ripped" the universe? Spock: Quite correct, Captain. Perhaps if they had used only a few, the strain would have had no effect, but as they used so many... Kirk: Well, I still don't understand why the singularity disappeared. Aren't we still in our present? Aren't they back in the future? Wouldn't the strain still be there?? Spock: Unknown, Captain. Perhaps our appearance in some way motivated their writers to be more original. Kirk: Well, in any case, it's like I've always said... (entire Bridge crew grimaces in anticipation) McCoy: Yes, Jim? Kirk: Even though this show is a timeless classic, it will never be duplicated in another time period. (the whole Bridge starts giggling and laughing) Kirk: Ha, ha! Sulu: Ho, ho! Checkov: Wery funny! Spock: (<-- Vulcan laughter) Kirk (Holding side): Mr Sulu? Plot a course for rendezvous with the Yorktown; We have some vaccines to deliver. Maximum warp! Sulu: Aye, aye, sir! (music fades in as Enterprise moves away) (Picture fades to black) End S T A R T R E K M A S T E R T I M E L I N E by Kasey K.S. Chang Last update: 01-10/92 Part 1/4 : TLREADME.DOC WHY ANOTHER TIMELINE? I was not satisfied with the timelines that already existed, so I created my own. Of all of the existing timelines, the Stone/Finkas one is the best, but it references ONLY the screened evidence, leaving people who want a larger picture in the dark. For example, there was no mention of when the Federation is formed in Star Trek, nor any mention of any dates for the first Klingo-Federation War nor the first Romulan War. Therefore none of these "important" events were present in the Stone/Finkas timeline. I fully understand that there are people who consider only the screened evidence "canon". However, they should also realize the limitations of that definition. I decided to explore the bigger picture, presenting all evidence, but weighted screened evidence heavier than the other evidences available. All are documented, so you can ignore the unscreened evidence at your leisure. FORMAT OF TIMELINE I have decided to incorporate BOTH Stardate and OED (Old Earth Date) year references into the timeline. If a Stardate is given, it is noted, with an estimated OED year given, unless there are many such entries for a given year. All events are sorted by approximate year, then Stardate, unless Stardate order is not correct. I have attempted to incorporate all screened Star Trek sources available, including The Original Series (TOS), The Animated Series (TAS), The Movies, (ST:TMP, ST2-6), and The Next Generation (TNG). Occasionally you will find references to some after-market books such as the TNG Tech Manual. Those will be clearly labeled as such so you can ignore them as you wish. Also, in the TNG section, the TNG Comics are included for completeness' sake. I have access to a TNG Stardate chart from DC comics, and I incorporated that into this timeline. Also, the titles of the TNG novels are incorporated in the TNG section as well. You may also see once in a while a reference to a TOS novel or two. When events conflict in timing, emphasis is placed in the following order: TOS, TNG, Movies, TAS, TNG Tech Manual. The source in front is assumed to be "more canonical" than those in the back. ORGANIZATION There are four files in this release: 1/4 TLREADME DOC This file you are reading now 2/4 TLINE1 DOC The timeline itself, including endnotes 3/4 TLINEAPX DOC Appendix, abbreviations and bibliography 4/4 TLINEEXP DOC Explanations, on how I arrived at the results DISCLAIMER Placement of all events within the Star Trek time frame is solely my own interpretation and should NOT be viewed as "official" information. However, they are based on the best evidence available. I have no involvement with Paramount Studios or the TNG office, nor do I have special access to information not available to the public. All sources are documented as shown. Bibliography is in the appendix. I do not claim to have included every event documented in the Star Trek universe. If I did, this would be an encyclopedia. After all, would you be interested in reading entries like "Year XXX, YYY married ZZZ"? If you believe I missed some "major" events, please write me, either through e-mail or through US Mail, and we can discuss it. "Star Trek", "Star Trek: The Next Generation", "ENTERPRISE", and various other names are trademarks of Paramount Studios, all rights reserved. Used for reference/ non-profit purposes only. All sources cited in this article were referenced to the best of my abilities. Bibliography is in the appendix. DISTRIBUTION NOTICE This timeline may be distributed freely within the Star Trek fandom subjected to the following conditions: 1) This notice and author's name must accompany all copies of the timeline. "Star Trek Master Timeline" is copyrighted (c) 1991 by Kasey K.S. Chang, all rights reserved except as noted in the disclaimer above. 2) This timeline must not be modified in any form without prior permission of the author with the following exception: if you wish to convert this timeline to a different file format (say for a Macintosh), you may add "Converted to XXX format by YYY" beneath the credits. In this case, no permission from me is needed. 3) No charge other than reasonable distribution compensation be charged for its distribution. Comments, suggestions, and such should be sent to: Kasey K.S. Chang PC-Link : Ksc1 2220 Turk Blvd. Apt.6 America On-Line: Ksc1 San Francisco, CA 94118 Promenade : Ksc1 (By the way, that's Kay-Ess-Cee-ONE, not L.) Thank you for your attention. Let's now get to the story. S T A R T R E K M A S T E R T I M E L I N E by Kasey K.S. Chang Last update: 01-10/92 Part 2/4 : TLINE1.DOC Note: Due to the vagrancies of the human speech, all "circa" year references should have +/- 3 years margin of error. Stardate Year Event --------+-----+----------------------------------------------------------- c1000000000 BC The Slaver Empire fell in a massive intergalactic war that destroyed all intelligent life in the galaxy. (TAS: The Slaver Weapon) 1741647 BC Final survivors of "The Makers" from Andromeda Galaxy died, leaving an outpost filled with android population in our galaxy. Harry Mudd came upon their world in 2265 and they declared him Mudd the First. (TOS: I, Mudd) c600000 BC The Tkon Empire, a large and technologically advanced civilization, was destroyed when the Tkon's home star went nova. All that survived are several outposts. (TNG: The Last Outpost) c500000 BC A great war broke out between among the possible pregenators of all humanoid species in this galaxy. Survivors from both sides: Sargon, Thalassa, and Henoch, preserved their minds in receptables on planet Arret, which contained no atmosphere as a result of the war. (TOS: Return to Tomorrow) c300000 BC The Borg, possible descendents/survivors of the war of c500000BC, developed their uni-mind structure and cybernetic implant technology. In their effort to perfect themselves, they started absorbing other civilizations. (TNG: Q Who?) c30000 BC American Indians are transplanted to another world by a mysterious race known only as "The Preservers". (TOS: The Paradise Syndrome) c10000 BC "The Preservers", possible progenators of life in this galaxy, encountered the Borg. The resulting war devasted large parts of the galaxy. The Preservers, attempting to turn the tide, developed "The Doomsday Machine", on the other side of the galaxy, beyond "The Great Energy Barrier". A prototype capable of warp 4 was released on a trial basis. The Preservers within the galaxy were wiped out (?) by the Borg. Too weak to go on, the surviving Preservers withered away to be no more than spirits, that haunted the now finished "Doomsday Machine" Mark II. (TNG: Vendetta) c7500 BC Star Fabrina shows unstability. The inhabitants of the planet built a generation ship/dyson sphere called Yonada to carry its descendents to a new world. (TOS: For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky) 3834 BC Birth of Flint the immortal in Mesopotamia as Akharin, a foot soldier (TOS: Requiem For Methuselah) c3700 BC Spock and McCoy was trapped on the planet Sarpeidon at about this time by the "atavachron" (TOS: All Our Yesterdays) c3500 BC Landru, a great scientist on Beta III, died, but left his memories in a computer, which assumed control of all society's functions. (TOS: Return of the Archons) c2700 BC Humanoids from Pollux IV arrived on Earth. Terrans regarded them as gods, and the classical literatures of that time eventually referred to them as the Olympian Gods of Greek and Roman mythology. (TOS: Who Mourns For Adonis?) c67 BC Birth of Surak, of Vulcan, "father of all we became", founder of the "logic" movement on Vulcan 22 BC Vulcan delegation met the Ethoshan at Shi'Khar in friendship. The Ethoshans turned out to be shock troops, capturing or killing all of the delegates. The survivors are held for outrageous amounts of ransom. Vulcan declared "The War" on the pirates S'Task, pupil of Surak, one of the captured, engineered escape, crashed the ship into the Ethoshan mothership, killing thousands of pirates in the process S'Task's disagreement with his teacher split Vulcan society, resulting in riots and small wars (TOSN: The Romulan Way) c65 Vulcan Colonization group, lead by S'Task, left Vulcan in search for a new, pure beginning. The ships include REA'S HELM, WARBIRD, STARCATCHER, T'HIE, PENNON, BLOODWING, CORONA, LANCE, GORGET, SUNHEART, FORGE, LOST ROAD, BLACKLIGHT, FIRESTORM, VENGEANCE, MEMORY, and SHIELD. They will not be heard from in 2000 years. (TOSN: The Romulan Way) c125 The Vulcan Colonization group (c65) came upon the Trianguli cluster and 128 Trianguli system. Only four of the original seventeen ships survived the journey. They will be the ancestors of who are known later as the "Romulans". (TOSN: The Romulan Way) c865 Civil War breaks out on Solais V, which would rage for the next fifteen centuries. (TNG: Loud as a Whisper) c1200 War destroyed planet Zetar, leaving several inhabitants to wander the galaxy as mental forces of light, search for bodies to possess so they can live again. (TOS: Lights of Zetar) c1350 Battle of Aurelius IX, where the Menthas and the Promelians fought their final battle in a legendary interstellar war. (TNG: Booby Trap) 1367 "Ardra", a female representation of "the devil", allegedly strikes a deal with the natvies of Bentax II so they will gain 1000 years of peace and prosperity in exchange for their souls and eternal slavery at the end of the period. (TNG: Devil's Due) 1616 (Great Britain, Terra) HMS ENTERPRISE sent to find an alternate naval route to the Orient (Asia), destroyed near India by a hurricane 1760 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, 12 gun sloop, captured on Lake Champaign by United States patriots in 1775, captained by General Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War. Self-destructed in 1777 to prevent capture by British Royal Navy c1760 Eminiar VII and Vendikar started their interplanetary war. After many years, the actual fighting was replaced by computer control, with casualties reporting to disintegration chambers when instructed to. (TOS: A Taste of Armageddon) 1780 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, 8 gun schooner, guarded Chesapeake Bay against the British Royal Navy 1812 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, 18 gun schooner, used in the War of 1812, destroyed near the end of war 1888 Redjac entity kills six women in London, England, Terra, as Jack the Ripper (TOS: Wolf in the Fold) 1930 Guardian of Forever placed McCoy, Kirk, and Spock in time at about this period. (TOS: City on the Edge of Forever) 1932 Redjac entity kills seven women in Shanghai, China, Terra. (TOS: Wolf in the Fold) 1941 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, LEXINGTON-Class military aircraft carrier, fought several battles during Terran World War II. Dismantled 1946. Designation CV-6 1961 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE-Class military aircraft carrier, first Terran military vessel with nuclear fission power. Participated in Terran Vietnam War. Designation CVN-65 c1965 The entire adult population of Miri's world (Onlies) died from an engineered virus designed to prolong life. Only children under the age of 15 survived. Their aging was greatly reduced, but they die when they reach puberty. They called themselves "the Onlies". (TOS: Miri) c1968 ENTERPRISE came back in time via planned slingshot effect to this date to observe Terra in the nuclear age, but intercepted Gary Seven's transporter beam. See chronicle of TOS: Assignment Earth. (TOS: Assignment Earth) c1969 Accidental slingshot effect brought ENTERPRISE back in time, into Terra's atmosphere. Only ENTERPRISE records shows such disruption since the crew have erased most evidence of such a temporal visit. (TOS: Tomorrow is Yesterday) 1974 Redjac entity killed five women in Kiev, USSR, Terra. (TOS: Wolf in the Fold) 1976 (United States, Terra) ENTERPRISE, "Space Shuttle" reusable orbiter, built by National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), used for various atmospheric flight tests. Retired in 1986 to the Terran Smithsonian Institute, having never flown in outer space. Restored in 2269 for Apollo Tricentennial. Designation OV-101 1 1977 The first of the VOYAGER-series probes launched by NASA. Later, VOYAGER 6 was lost when it encountered a black hole, its fate unknown. (ST:TMP) 1980 (Civilian, United States, Terra) ENTERPRISE, Goodyear lighter-than-air atmospheric vehicle (blimp), used for many Terran contemporary sporting events and promotions. Designation N A1 c1987 Planned slingshot effect carried HMS BOUNTY back in time in search of humpback whales. Two humpback whales and Dr. Gillian Taylor were brought back to 2286 by the ENTERPRISE crew for "The Whalesong Crisis". (ST4:TVH) 1992 "Chicago Mobs of the 1920's" was published in New York. Much later, The crew of USS HORIZON accidentally left a copy of it at Iotia, leading the Iotians to base their culture on it. (TOS: A Piece of the Action) c1992-1996 Eugenics War: a group of scientists created a group of "super-humans", and planned to take over the governments around the world. The war was won by the normal humans. Survivors of the war including Khan Noonian Singh and Dr. Stavros Keniculus, who exiled themselves into space. (TOS: Space Seed, TAS: The Infinite Vulcan) 1994 Cryogenics satellite containing Claire Raymond, Ralph Ophemhouse, and L.Q. "Sonny" Clemens, was launched. It will be retrieved in interstellar space almost four centuries later. (TNG:The Neutral Zone) 1996 BOTANY BAY leaves Earth with some 200 survivors of the Eugenics War, including Khan Noonian Singh. They went into suspended animation, and were not found until c2266. It is assumed that other ships like this were also launched. (TOS:Space Seed) 2000 (United Nations, Terra) UNSS ENTERPRISE, PEACEKEEPER-Class military aircraft carrier, second collaborative effort between United States and Soviet Union to ensure Terran world peace, the first being UNSS GORSHKOV. Used in several peacekeeping missions. Designation CVN-137 (?) 2 c2010 Saturn Expedition led by Colonel Shaun Geoffrey Christopher was launched (?) (TOS: Tomorrow is Yesterday) 2018 DY-100 class sleeper ships' usage are discontinued. (TOS: Space Seed) 2020 NOMAD probe launched to explore beyond the solar system. Its creator was Jackson Roykirk. (TOS: The Changeling) c2029 Birth of Zefram Cochrane, inventor of warp drive. 3 2036 United Nations declared that no Earth Citizen could be made to answer for the crimes of their race or forebearers (TNG: Encounter at Farpoint) 2037 July 23rd, the CARYBDIS, NASA's third extra-solar mission was launched. Col. Steven Richie in command. (TNG: The Royale) c2039-2043 World War III, possibly also known as Colonel Green's War (TOS: The Savage Curtain), in which Colonel Green waged a genocidal campaign. War devastated the world, but did not destroy it. Some nuclear weapons were used, leading to the "Post-Atomic Horrors" in limited areas (TNG: Encounter at Farpoint) United Nations was abolished 4 2043-2047 Mind-Control Revolts, details unknown. Sources seem to indicate that certain military regiments with mind-control implants rebelled against orders (ST:TMP Novelization) 5 2044 CARYBDIS's telemetry ceased. (see 2039) Ship was presumed lost and destroyed, actual fate unknown until 2365. (TNG:The Royale) 2048 United Nations reformed (estimated only) (?) c2053 The first interstellar scout, SS VALIANT, was launched. (Estimated) c2058 UNSS ICARUS sent to Alpha Centauri (TOSN: Strangers from the Sky) 6 c2059 Captain Kirk, along with Gary Mitchell, Mr.Spock, Lee Kelso, and Dr. Elizabeth Dhener, was temporarily transported to this year by Parneb. When attempting to return them back to their own time, Parneb discovered Vulcans on Earth years before the official contact date. The ENTERPRISE crew found the "lost" Vulcans a spaceship so they can return to where they should be. The crew, in turn, are returned to their time, their memories inhibited (TOSN:Strangers from the Sky) 2053-2079 United States of America have 52 states (TNG: The Royale) 2061 Zefram Cochrane invented the Continuum Distortion Propulsion (CDP) system, the precursor to warp drive (TNG Tech Manual) 2064 UNSS ICARUS arrived at Alpha Centauri 7 c2066 SS VALIANT encountered energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy. The ship self-destructed, reasons unknown. 8 (TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before) 2075 UNSS AMITY rescued Vulcan scout in Sol orbit (TOSN: Strangers from the Sky) 2088 Vulcan delegation arrived on earth (TOSN: Strangers from the Sky) 2082 Colonel Ritchie died in "The Royale" (TNG:The Royale) 2097 United Federation of Planets established (TOSN: Strangers from the Sky) USS BONAVENTURE, first warp equipped Federation space vessel, was launched. (estimated) 2098 (United Federation of Planets) USS ENTERPRISE, BONAVENTURE- Class interstellar scout, second warp equipped Federation space vessel (the first being BONAVENTURE herself), top speed warp 3. Lost and presumed destroyed at 2103. Designation FCC-1001 (?) 9 2105 Redjac entity killed eight women on the Mars Colonies. (TOS: Wolf in the Fold) c2106 Zefram Cochrane disappears during a trip, presume lost and dead at the age of 87. (TOS:Metamorphosis) 2123 November 23rd, SS MARIPOSA, DY-500 class sleeper ship, launched for Ficus Sector with two groups of colonists. (TNG: Up the Long Ladder) c2150 USS CARRIZAL discovered the 128 Trianguli system, with a set of twin planets in the system. The system was named Romulus, after Italian myth of Romulus and Remus. The inhabitants of 128 Trianguli became known as Romulans. (TOSN: The Romulan Way) c2152 (Civilian, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, DECLARATION-class interstellar passenger liner, operating by United-Delta Spacelines. Regular route: Terra (Sol III) - Alpha Centauri - 40 Eridani (Vulcan) - Andor - Tellar, top speed warp 3.5, retired after 25 years of service. Designation CPL-1532 (?) (#) 10 c2153 USS BALBOA, following up the investigation of USS CARRIZAL, was destroyed by Romulan fightercrafts. USS STONE MOUNTAIN, which came to BALBOA's aid, was captured by Romulan forces, after design defect crippled the ship. Federation declared war on Romulans, thus started the First Romulan War, which would continue for the next 25 years. (TOSN: The Romulan Way) c2156 Redjac entity killed two women at Heliopolis, Alpha Proxima II. (TOS: Wolf in the Fold) c2160 Deneva was colonized as a mid-point within the regular trade routes of the Federation (TOS: Operation: Annihilate!) c2164 Birth of Sarek of Vulcan, future Vulcan Ambassador to the Federation, father of Spock. (TOS: Journey to Babel, TNG:Sarek) First contact with the Delos system by Federation scout. Two inhabited planets are found: Brekka, simple agricultural world, and Onarra, technological society with inter-system travel capabilities. (TNG: Symbiosis) c2165 Plague strikes planet Onarra. The Brekkans provided cure, which was found to be a narcotic. (TNG: Symbiosis) c2167 Guinan seemed to have met Q sometime in this year. (TNG: Deja Q) c2170 USS HORIZON visited planet Iotia, accidentally leaving behind a book called "Chicago Mobs of the 1920's", which the culture eventually adopts as a model for their society. (TOS: A Piece of the Action) USS ARCHON visited the planet Beta III. The ship was pulled from orbit by the computer Landru, and destroyed. The crew dispersed, forming the seeds of rebellion in the future. (TOS: Return of the Archons) c2178 First Romulan War ended as both sides negotiated treaty terms via subspace radio only, no face-to-face meetings. The Neutral Zone is established, any entrance by either party constitutes an act of war. (TOS:Balance of Terror) c2193 Birth of Robert April, future ENTERPRISE Captain (TAS: The Counter-Clock Incident) c2212 Birth of Amanda Grayson, future wife of Sarek, mother of Spock. (TOS: Journey to Babel) 11 c2214 Birth of Christopher Pike, future captain of ENTERPRISE. 2215 First type of photon torpedo invented, though rather unreliable. It was designated as a defensive weapon, probably used more often as mines rather than torpedoes (TNG Tech Manual) 12 c2215 USS SENTRY encounters IKV DEVISOR, first meeting between Federation and Klingon forces (TOSN: The Final Reflection, TOS: Day of the Dove) First Federation Contact with planet Eminiar VII by USS VALIANT. The ship was never heard from again, probably destroyed as a part of the war between Eminiar VII and Vendikar. (TOS: A Taste of Armageddon) c2218 First Klingo-Federation War started as Klingon forces started occupying Federation frontier. Also known as The Four Years War. (FASA Material) Federation decided to approach first contact more cautiously in view of the start of the bad relationship with the Klingons (TNG: First Contact) c2221 Garth of Izar defeated Klingon forces in Battle of Axanar. (FASA Material, TOS: Whom Gods Destroy) c2222 First Klingo-Federation War ended, Klingon Empire forced to give up some of its own frontier as a buffer zone. (FASA Material) 13 c2227 Birth of Leonard H. McCoy, at Georgia, Terra. Future ENTERPRISE chief medical officer 14 (TNG: Encounter at Farpoint) c2229 Birth of Montgomery Scott, at Scotland, Terra. Future ENTERPRISE chief engineer (#) (estimated) c2230 Sarek married Amanda Grayson on Terra. (?) (estimated) c2231 Birth of Spock, at (ShiNaiKar?), Vulcan, son of Sarek and Amanda Grayson. (?) 2233 March 3rd, Birth of James Tiberius Kirk, son of George Samuel Kirk and Winona Kirk, at Riverside, Iowa, Terra, Sol system. Future ENTERPRISE Captain 15 c2234 SS COLUMBIA, a private research vessel of the Amercian Continental Institute, crashed landed on Talos IV, sole survivor was Vina (TOS:Menagerie) c2237 Mr.Brack (Flint the Immortal) purchased planet Holberg 917G as a personal retreat. (TOS: Requiem for Methuselah) c2239 Birth of Hikaru (Walter?) Sulu, at San Francisco, California, Terra. Future ENTERPRISE helmsman. (#) 16 c2240 Birth of Nyota(?) (Upenda?) Uhura, at United Africa. Future ENTERPRISE communications officer. (#) 17 c2241 Dr. Richard Daystrom developed Duotronics, allowing a new generation of computers to be built, and allowing practical application of the matter transporter. (TOS: The Ultimate Computer, TOSN: Final Frontier) Birth of Kevin Riley, on Tarsus IV, future ENTERPRISE transporter chief. (TOS: Conscience of the King) 2243 Battle of Donatu V was fought near Sherman's Planet, which is near the Klingon-Federation border. (TOS: Trouble with Tribbles) c2244 Shakedown cruises of NCC-1701 by Captain Robert April Rescue mission ended in Romulan space due to sabotage, April/Kirk engaged Romulan ships and returned safely, after tricking the Romulans into believing in an invisible Federation fleet, prevented a full-scale Romulan invasion SS ROSENBURG was rescued from ion storm by NCC-1701 (TOSN:"Final Frontier") (*) Birth of Pavel Andrevich Chekov, at Russia, Terra. Future navigator of ENTERPRISE. (TOS:Who Mourns for Adonis?) 2245 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, CONSTITUTION-Class heavy cruiser. Built at StarFleet San Francisco Yards, first ship with dilithium augmented warp drive, result of the "Starship" Project. Top speed: warp 8. Armed with shields, particle cannons, and lasers. Designation NCC-1701 (*) Commander:Captain Robert April Captain Christopher Pike Captain James T. Kirk (TOSN:Final Frontier, TNG Tech Manual) 2245 1st Five Year Mission, under Captain Robert April (#) 18 Population of Lavinium V was wiped out by flying parasites (TOS: Operation: Annihilate!) c2248 Massacre of Tarsus IV. Governor Kodos, faced with severe food shortage, ordered execution of over half of the colony's population so that others can live. Kodos became known as "The Executioner", and was not discovered until 2266. Survivors includes James T. Kirk, Kevin Riley, and Thomas Leighton. (TOS:Conscience of the King) 2249 Birth of Joanna McCoy, daughter of Leonard E. McCoy and Jocelyn McCoy. (TAS: The Survivor) 19 2250 Return and refit Captain April promoted to Commodore, assigned as Federation ambassador-at-large (*) (TAS:The CounterClock Incident) Captain Christopher Pike given command of ENTERPRISE Dr.McCoy lead an immunization program on Dramia III (TAS:Albatross) 2251 2nd FYM, under Captain Christopher Pike (#) Unknown c2252 "The Cage" Captain Pike was captured by Talosians, who planned to use him and the surviving human female, Vina, for "breeding stock". After demonstrating human's hostility to captivity, Pike was returned to the ENTERPRISE unharmed. General Order Seven was established: no communication of any kind was allowed with Talos IV, with penalty of death. (Also see TOS: The Menagerie) c2253 Ensign Kirk served on the USS REPUBLIC, NCC-1371, with Benjamin Finney. Kirk reported Finney's negligence, resulting in severe demerits and demotions to Finney, creating Finney's hidden hatred. (TOS: Court-Martial) Captain Pike and ENTERPRISE discovered the phenomenon which became known as "Pike's Rift", a link to the civilization known as Calligar. The Rift opens every 33.4 years. (TOSN: The Rift) c2255 Treaty of Armens was signed between the Federation and the Sheliak Corporate. Nothing would be heard from them for the next 111 years. (TNG: Ensigns of Command) Guinan's home world was attacked by the Borg. The surviving inhabitants scattered throughout the galaxy. (TNG:Q Who?) Lieutenant Kirk was wounded during an Orion pirate's attack on the USS FARRAGUT. His physician was Dr. Leonard H. McCoy. (TOSN: Crisis on Centaurus) 2256 Return and refit NCC-1701 refitted with phasers and photon torpedoes (#) 20 c2256 Lieutenant Kirk was one of the few survivors of the vampire cloud, which attacked the USS FARRAGUT (NCC-1702?) at Tycho IV. (TOS: Obsession) 2257 3rd FYM, under Captain Christopher Pike (#) c2258 Cerberus experiences severe crop failure and food shortages, only survived due to the generosity of famous businessman Carter Winston. McCoy's daughter Joanna was on Cerberus at the time. (TAS: Survivor) c2259 Spock met Leila Kolami on Terra at about this time. (TOS: This Side of Paradise) c2260 SS Beagle, under command of R.M. Merik, was sabotaged by its own captain so he and crew could stay at 892-IV. (TOS:Breads and Circuses) c2261 Birth of Saavik, at "Thieurrull" (trans. Hellguard), a Romulan Colony, as a result of forced conception by Romulans upon captured Vulcans. (ST2:TWOK, TOSN: The Pandora Principle) 2262 Return and refit Captain Pike promoted to Commodore, assigned to StarFleet Academy (as commandant?) (TOSN: ENTERPRISE) (?) Captain James T. Kirk given command of ENTERPRISE (TOSN: ENTERPRISE: The First Adventure) 2263 4th FYM, under Captain James T. Kirk Birth of David Marcus 2264-2268 The five-year mission period documented by Star Trek (TOS) and Animated Star Trek (TAS) c2264 Commodore Pike was injured in a training accident. In the attempt to rescue the cadets, he suffered exposure to lethal doses of Delta Rays, crippling him for life, confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak or move freely. (TOS: The Menagerie) 1312.4 "Where No Man Has Gone Before" SS VALIANT rediscovered by NCC-1701, having self-destructed after encountering The Great Energy Barrier Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner killed in action 1512.2 "The Corbomite Maneuver" Initial encounter with the "First Federation" 1329.1 "Mudd's Women" 1672.1 "The Enemy Within" 1531.1 "The Man Trap" 1704.2 "The Named Time" 1533.6 "Charlie X" 1709.1 "Balance of Terror" A Romulan Warbird attacked several border outposts, but was destroyed by ENTERPRISE 2712.4 "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" Discovery of Dr.Roger Korby, only to find he's an android 2715.1 "Dagger of the Mind" 2713.5 "Miri" 2817.6 "The Conscience of the King" 2821.5 "The Galileo Seven" 2947.3 "Court-Martial" Captain Kirk was charged with manslaughter, for supposedly ejecting Ben Finney's capsule into space without adequate warning. Ben Finney fakes the records in order to implicate Kirk. He was discovered and arrested. 3012.4 "The Menagerie" (two-parter) Spock hijacked the ENTERPRISE and returned Commodore Pike to Talos IV, where he can have the illusion of health. Unknown "Shore Leave" 2124.5 "The Squire of Gothos" 3045.6 "Arena" First encounter with the Gorn, an reptilian specie. 3087.6 "The Alternative Factor" 3013.2 "Tomorrow is Yesterday" 3156.2 "The Return of the Archons" 3192.1 "A Taste of Armageddon" 3141.9 "Space Seed" BOTANY BAY was retrieved by ENTERPRISE. After Khan's plan to take over the ship failed, Khan and his group was left on Ceti Alpha V. 3417.3 "This Side of Paradise" 3196.1 "The Devil in the Dark" First encounter with the Horta, an intelligent being composed of silicon, on Janus IV 3198.4 "Errand of Mercy" First encounter with the Organians, pure energy creatures of enormous powers. The second Klingo-Federation War was halted by Organians. Organian Peace Treaty was forced on both parties. 3134.0 "The City on the Edge of Forever" Discovery of "The Guardian of Forever", an artifact/being allowing time travel 3287.2 "Operation: Annihilate!" Death of Samuel and Aurelan Kirk, James T. Kirk's brother and sister-in-law. Nephew Peter Kirk survived. 2265 3018.2 "Catspaw" 3219.4 "Metamorphosis" 3497.2 "Friday's Child" 3468.1 "Who Mourns for Adonis?" 3372.7 "Amok Time" 4202.9 "The Doomsday Machine" 3114.9 "Wolf in the Fold" 3451.9 "The Changeling" 3715.0 "The Apple" Unknown "Mirror, Mirror" 3478.2 "The Deadly Years" 4513.3 "I, Mudd" 4523.3 "The Trouble with Tribbles" 4090.7 "Bread and Circuses" 3842.3 "Journey to Babel" 4211.4 "A Private Little War" 3211.7 "The Gamemasters of Triskelion" 3619.2 "Obsession" 4307.1 "The Immunity Syndrome" USS INTREPID, StarFleet's only all-Vulcan ship, was lost to a giant space amoeba. 4598.0 "A Piece of the Action" 4657.5 "By Any Other Name" 4768.3 "Return to Tomorrow" 2534.0 "Patterns of Force" 4729.4 "The Ultimate Computer" Unknown "The Omega Glory" Unknown "Assignment: Earth" 2266 4385.3 "Spectre of the Gun" 4372.5 "Elaan of Troyius" 4842.6 "The Paradise Syndrome" 5031.3 "The ENTERPRISE Incident" ENTERPRISE procured a Romulan cloaking device after faking Kirk's death and various other covert acts. 5027.3 "And the Children Shall Lead" 5431.4 "Spock's Brain" 5630.7 "Is There In Truth No Beauty?" 5121.0 "The Empath" 5693.4 "The Tholian Web" USS DEFIANT lost in the "interphase" on Tholian border First encounter of the Tholians and their "web" 5476.3 "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" Unknown "The Day of the Dove" 5784.0 "Plato's Stepchildren" 5710.5 "Wink of an Eye" Unknown "That Which Survives" 5730.2 "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" 5718.3 "Whom Gods Destroy" 5423.4 "The Mark of Gideon" 5725.3 "The Lights of Zetar" 5818.4 "The Cloudminders" 5832.3 "The Way to Eden" 5843.7 "Requiem for Methuselah" 5906.4 "The Savage Curtain" 5943.7 "All Our Yesterdays" 5298.5 "Turnabout Intruder" 2367-2368 Adventures of NCC-1701 as recorded by Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS) 2267 First recorded instance of a wormhole in the 39 Tituara System (TNG: Clues) 5392.4 "More Tribbles, More Troubles" 5554.4 "The Infinite Vulcan" 5373.4 "Yesteryear" 5521.3 "Beyond the Farthest Star" 5143.3 "The Survivor" 5433.7 "The Lorelei Signal" 5371.3 "One of Our Planets is Missing" 4978.5 "Mudd's Passion" 1254.4 "The Majicks of Megas-Tu" 5267.2 "Time Trap" BONAVENTURE, Federation's first warp-equipped ship, was rediscovered in The Triangle 4187.3 "The Slaver Weapon" 5693.1 "Jihad" 5499.9 "The Ambergris Element" 5591.2 "Once Upon a Planet" 5577.3 "The Terratin Incident" 5501.2 "The Eye of the Beholder" c2268 Establishment of Nimbus III, "planet of galactic peace", the only co-operation of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan governments in existence (ST5:TFF) 7403.6 "Bem" 5275.6 "Albatross" 6341.1 "Pirates of Orion" 3183.3 "The Practical Joker" 6063.4 "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth" 6777.3 "The Counter-Clock Incident" Ambassador April was rejuvenated in time to attend the Babel Conference, having previously been at the age of 75 2268 ENTERPRISE NCC-1701 triumphantly returned to Earth, the only starship out of the original thirteen to survive beyond its projected operational life 21 Kirk promoted to Rear Admiral (TOSN: The Lost Years) StarFleet decided to rebuild NCC-1701 for both experimental reasons and publicity/morale (#) 2269 "Space Shuttle" ENTERPRISE was restored from Smithsonian Institute to participate in Apollo Tricentennial. Admiral Kirk assigned as Chief of StarFleet Operations Captain Willard Decker in Command of the ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE's saucer section was refitted and launched from San Francisco Naval Yards "Space Shuttle" ENTERPRISE was damaged as two Klingon agents attempted to escape with a new energy converter. Shuttle was repaired by the capable hands of Engineer Montgomery Scott (TOSN: A Flag Full of Stars) (*) c2270 Another Vulcan ship disappeared near the Federation-Romulan border without a trace, making this the sixth ship in about twenty-five years. (TOSN: Pandora's Principle) 2271 Second type of Photon Torpedo perfected, probably mounted on the then still under reconstruction USS ENTERPRISE. 22 (TNG Tech Manual) c2271 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, CONSTITUTION II-Class heavy cruiser, result of the extensive refit including second generation warp drive. Top speed: warp 12. (ST:TMP) Designation remains NCC-1701 (#) (TNG Tech Manual) Commander:Captain Willard Decker Admiral (Acting Captain) James T. Kirk Captain Spock 7413.4 Star Trek: The Motion Picture Refitted NCC-1701 was scrambled out of spacedock to deal with entity later known as Vejur, Captain Decker was declared missing in action during the incident, along with Lieutenant Ilia. (ST:TMP) (#) (NOTE: The rebuilt NCC-1701 is also known as ENTERPRISE- class or STARSHIP-class in other literatures 23) 2272 5th FYM under Acting Captain James T. Kirk (?) 24 c2273 First Vulcan Secession Crisis. Fanned by radicals, Vulcan had a public referendum to withdraw from the Federation. The measure had lost as the conspiracy is revealed. (TOSN:Spock's World) 25 Colonizer ARTEMIS was launched, destination Septimus Minor. Malfunctions pulled the ship off course, and crashed on Tau Cygnus V, which belongs to the Sheliak Corporate by treaty, but was uninhabited due to high radiation. (TNG: Ensigns of Command) c2274 ENTERPRISE encountered a weak mayday from within the Neutral Zone, discovering an old freighter running from a Romulan Warbird. The Warbird destroyed the freighter as the sole occupant was beamed onboard. The survivor was a Vulcan female, T'Pren, who was too badly burned to live. Spock performed a mindmeld before she died. Secret Vulcan expedition to "Thierrull/Hellguard", to retrieve the Romulan/Vulcan fusion children. Expedition members include Spock and Sarek of Vulcan. Saavik was among the children retreived. (TOSN: The Pandora Principle) c2275 Sarek started the negotiations with the Legarans, which will bear fruit in 93 years, when the Legarans eventually joined the Federation (TNG:Sarek) c2276 Saavik, after tutelage of Spock, entered the StarFleet Academy (TOS: The Pandora Principle) Events as chronicled in TOSN: Pandora's Principle 2277 NCC-1701 Return and extensive refit Individual ship insignia system abolished, ENTERPRISE command emblem established as official StarFleet Emblem (TNG Tech Manual) (Scott's Guide) Kirk assigned as Commandant of StarFleet Academy (#) Spock promoted to Captain, takes command of NCC-1701 (#) 2278 6th FYM under Captain Spock (?) 26 c2279 Birth of Mark Jameson, future StarFleet Admiral (TNG: Too Short a Season) early 2280's Transwarp Development Project proved to be unsuccessful, also known as "Operational Failure of Transwarp". (TNG Tech Manual) 2283 NCC-1701 return to a very extensive refit 2284 NCC-1701 retired to training vessel of StarFleet Academy (TNG Tech Manual) 8130.3 2285 "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" Khan Noonian Singh captured USS RELIANT, and scoured Regula Space Station for signs of the Genesis device, killed all who is onboard, in his quest for vengeance against Kirk. Sole Genesis research team survivors are Doctors David and Carol Marcus, son and mother team. NCC-1701 heavily damaged after engaging the renegade ship USS RELIANT in the Mutara Nebula Captain Spock perished after restoring warp drive, allowing the ship to escape the growing Genesis wave 8210.3 "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" First sighting of the USS EXCELSIOR (NX-2000), class ship, said to be equipped with "Transwarp" StarFleet decided not to rebuild NCC-1701 NCC-1701 left for Genesis planet under unauthorized mission by former crew in search of USS GRISSOM David Marcus, Genesis scientist, son of Admiral James T. Kirk, was killed by renegade Klingon forces. NCC-1701 self-destructed over Genesis planet, after being disabled by Kruge's Bird of Prey. Kruge is searching for the Genesis Device/Torpedo, as Klingons feared it as the ultimate weapon, and must possess it. Kirk and crew captured Kruge's frigate, and fled to Vulcan 8390 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Whalesong Crisis: An alien probe, attempting to communicate with the long-extinct hunchback whales of the Terran oceans, radically altered Terra's environment, threatening to end human life on Earth once and for all Kirk and company decided to return to Earth to face court- martial proceedings. After discovering Earth is under attack, they initiated time travel to bring back hunchback whales from the past, c1987. Kirk and company, after ending the "Whalesong Crisis", was court-martialed for the unauthorized mission in the NCC-1701. Kirk was demoted to Captain, given command of the new NCC-1701-A 2286 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE Constitution II-class heavy cruiser, new construction, rechristened from USS YORKTOWN (TNG Tech Manual) Designation NCC-1701-A (ST4:TVH) Fate unknown (probably lost, see later) Commander: Captain James T. Kirk ?? (NOTE: The rebuilt NCC-1701 class is sometimes known as ENTERPRISE-class or STARSHIP-class in other literatures) 11 8454.1 c2286 "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" Hostage situation developed on Nimbus III, "the planet of intergalactic peace" NCC-1701-A hijacked by Sybok and his followers on the quest for Sha Ka Ree at the center of the galaxy c2287 Captain Styles, captain of USS EXCELSIOR, accepted a promotion to a post within StarFleet Command Transwarp proven to be a failure (*) 27 The EXCELSIOR, after having transwarp removed, was redesignated NCC-2000 (previously NX-2000) (ST6:TUC) 28 Captain Hikaru Sulu was promoted to command the EXCELSIOR, which WAS rightfully his (ST6:TUC) c2293 USS EXCELSIOR assigned to chart the Reydovan Sector (ST6:TUC) c2294 Leonard McCoy's grandchildren are born 29 9522.6 c2296 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Organians disappeared, whereabouts unknown Klingon moon of Praxis exploded, contaminating atmosphere of the Klingon home world Kronos, leaving 50 years of oxygen Chief Counselor Gorkon of the Klingon Empire proposed peace to the Federation. En route, Gorkon's ship was attacked, Gorkon assassinated by persons using Federation equipment Kirk and McCoy were arrested for assassinating Counselor Gorkon, sentenced to life on Rhue Pente ENTERPRISE and Spock discovered traitor onboard, uncovered conspiracy among Klingons, Romulans, and Federation personnel to disrupt the peace conference Kirk and McCoy rescued. General Chang, the Klingon traitor, was killed when his prototype Bird of Prey was destroyed by combined firepower of ENTERPRISE and EXCELSIOR NCC-1701-A participated in the Khitomer Conference (*) (ST6:TUC) 30 NCC-1701-A decommissioned (?) (Nah...) c2307 Birth of Jean-Luc Picard, Paris, France, Terra, future captain of ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-D (TNGN:Encounter at Farpoint/Pocket #1) 31 c2315 NCC-1701-A lost with all hands (including Kirk, but not Spock and McCoy) during a second peace initiative proposed by Spock to the Klingon Empire (?) Klingon Empire declared war on the Federation (?) The Swift War starts, may also known as The Second Four Years War (Worlds of the Federation) (?) 32 Romulans sever diplomatic relations with the Federation during the Tomar incident, costing thousands of lives. (TNG: The Neutral Zone) Romulans entered their seclusion period, which would last approximately 50 years. 33 c2316 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, EXCELSIOR II-Class (battleship?), redesigned for normal warp engines instead of transwarp, built at StarFleet Antares Yards. (#) (TNG Tech Manual) Designation NCC-1701-B. Fate unknown Commander unknown 34 (?) IKV K'Tong launched as a cryogenic ship intended to sneak across the border for surprise attack (TNG: The Emmissary) c2319 Klingon Empire signs armistice with Federation, declared war on Romulan Star Empire (?) Federation became entangled in the Klingo-Romulan war (?) (See epilogue of TOSN:The Rift) Civil War or Mordan IV spread out as the government hijacked a passing starliner, holding 63 passengers hostage. The government demanded advanced weaponry from the Federation. Previous two negotiators were killed. (Then lieutenant) Jameson was sent by StarFleet, who managed to got the hostages out safely. It was later discovered that Jameson succeeded because he complied with the demands. He supplied the government with phasers. However, he supplied the other side as well. (In a way, he did not violate the Prime Directive) The result is four more decades of Civil War, in which millions died. (TNG: Too Short a Season) c2323 Birth of Beverly ??? (later Beverly Crusher), at Alvetta III colony (?), future CMO of ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-D (?) 35 Klingo-Romulan War ended inconclusively. (estimated) c2324 Federation's first encounter with the Cardassian Empire resulted in a full-scale war, reasons unknown. (estimated) Ensign J.L. Picard met Delcara at the Academy (TNGN: Vendetta) c2326 Ambassador Spock attacked Sarek's position on the Cardassian War, and was rebuked by Perrin, Sarek's second wife. (TNG: Unification I) c2327 Ensign Picard was attacked by trio of Norsicans at Starbase Eirhardt, and was impaled through the heart. He survived, but requires periodic cardiac replacement (TNG:Samaritan Snare) c2328 First Federation-Cardassian War ended inconclusively, neither side lost much, but gained each other's respect. Cardassian Empire annexed the Bajoran System, forcing the Bajorans to wander the galaxy, settle wherever they can in order to survive. Federation, having already negotiated the boundary, could not assist the Bajorans other than offer aid. (TNG: Ensign Ro) 36 c2332 Birth of William T. (Thelonious?) Riker, Valdez, Alaska, Terra, Son of Kyle Riker and ??? (Pocket #1) 37 c2334 NCC-1701-B decommissioned or destroyed (?) 38 c2335 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, AMBASSADOR-Class heavy cruiser, built at Terran McKinley Station Designation NCC-1701-C Commander: Captain Rachel Garrett Lieutenant (Brevet Captain) Richard Castillo (year is an estimate only...) (#) Lieutenant Jean-Luc Picard attends the wedding of Ambassador Sarek's son (probably Spock?) (TNG: Sarek) 39 c2337 Civil War ravages Turkana IV, leading to anarchistic society which lasted till today. Various "gangs" fought for power and control. Eventually only two are left. (TNG: Legacy) c2338 Jean-Luc Picard promoted to Captain, takes command of USS STARGAZER (#) 40 Birth of Worf, at Kronos, son of Morgh, future StarFleet Officer, ENTERPRISE security chief. 41 USS TRIPOLI, while investigating the disappearance of the colony at Omicron Theta, discovered an android at Omicron Theta. The android named himself "Data". (TNG: Datalore) c2340 Birth of Tasha Yar, at Turkana IV, future ENTERPRISE security chief. (estimated only) c2342 Negotiations for the Federation/Klingon alliance probably began, also known as the Grand Alliance Treaty. (estimated) April 9th, J.L. Picard stood up the future Jenise Manheim by not showing up at the date at Cafe des Artistes in Paris at the end of the shore leave. (TNG: We'll Always Have Paris) 2343 GALAXY-class project officially approved by the Federation, design of USS GALAXY started. (TNG Tech Manual) 2344 ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-C under command of Captain Rachel Garret lost near Klingon outpost Narendra III. Later Klingons reveal the base was devastated by Romulan attack, and ENTERPRISE sacrificed herself so the Klingon outpost personnel can evacuate safely. (TNG: Yesterday's ENTERPRISE, TNG Tech Manual) Rumor have some of the crew survived and were taken to Romulus. Tasha Yar was among the survivors. Upon arriving at Romulus, a Romulan Admiral fell in love with her, and married her. (TNG:Redemption II) c2344 A Federation starship is destroyed by the Harada as the ship's captain mispronounced a Haradan greeting, gravely insulting the insectoid race. (TNG: The Big Goodbye) c2345 Birth of Kern (also Kurn), brother of Worf, son of Morgh, at Kronos.42 (TNG: Sins of the Father) Birth of Sela, daughter of Tasha Yar and a Romulan Admiral. The child is more Romulan than human, and is thoroughly loyal to her father, rather than to her mother. (TNG: Redemption II) c2347 Birth of Wesley Crusher, son of Jack Crusher and Beverly Crusher, future ensign on ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-D 43 (TNG: Evolution) c2349 Death of (Cmdr?) Jack Crusher while attempting to free STARGAZER from a natural trap. Picard returned his body to earth to the grieving Beverly Crusher 44 (TNGN:Encounter at Farpoint, TNGN:Reunion) Beverley Crusher applied for StarFleet commission (TNGN:Encounter at Farpoint) Tasha Yar attempted to escape from Romulus with her four- year old daughter Sela. Sela cried out as her mother have betrayed her father. The cry alerted the guards. Yar was apprehended and executed. (TNG: Redemption II) William T. Riker left home to join StarFleet (TNG: The Icarus Factor) c2351 USS STARGAZER, Jean-Luc Picard commanding, was chased from sector 21505 by a Cardassian warship when attempting peace negotiations. (TNG: The Wounded) c2352 Tasha Yar escapes from her homeworld Turkana IV, to eventually join StarFleet. (TNG: Legacy) c2353 Kyle Riker was advising StarFleet near the Tholian border as a civilian strategist when a Tholian strike fleet attacked the Starbase. Kyle Riker was the sole survivor. Kyle Riker met Kate Polaski, who was the doctor assigned to him. They ALMOST married. (TNG: The Icarus Factor) c2354 USS STARGAZER visited Chalna (TNG: Allegiance) 2356 May 5, USS GALAXY (NX-70637) launched from orbital dock stations (TNG Tech Manual) 45 2357 USS GALAXY commissioned (TNG Tech Manual) c2357 Independent freighter ODIN malfunctioned near Neutral Zone. Four male survivors in escape pods landed on Angel One, precipitating an underground movement. (TNG: Angel One) c2359 Civil War, which lasted four decades, ended on Mordan IV. (TNG: Too Short a Season) c2360 USS STARGAZER was attacked by an unknown ship. Forced to defend the ship, Captain Picard introduced the "Picard Maneuver". The hostile was destroyed, but STARGAZER was abandoned in Maxia Zeta system (TNG: The Battle) Court-Martial proceeding for Captain Picard, prosecuted by Philipa Louvois, the JAG officer. Picard was absolved of all charges (TNG:Measure of Man) Later studies showed that the unknown ship Picard encountered was a Ferengi vessel. (TNG: The Battle) Birth of Alexander, son of Worf and K'Ehleyer. (TNG: Reunion) USS YAMATO, second GALAXY-class vessel, commissioned 46 c2361 USS POTEMKIN visited Turkana IV. Colonists warned that anyone beaming down will be killed (TNG: Legacy) c2362 Lt.j.g. Geordi LaForge, serving onboard the USS VICTORY (NCC-9754), contracted a hidden parasite during a survey of Tarchanan III while investigating the disappearance of 49 colonists. Their fate remained unknown until the parasites within the members of the away team woke up five years later. (TNG: Identity Crisis) 40759.5 2363 October 4th, (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, GALAXY-Class exploration cruiser, new construction, Utopia Planetia StarFleet Yards, Mars, Sol System, Sector 001. Top speed: revised warp 9.95. 47 Designation NCC-1701-D (TNG Tech Manual) Commander:Captain Jean-Luc Picard Commander (Brevet Captain) William T. Riker 2364 Events of the first season of ST:TNG Lieutenant Miles Edward O'Brian transferred to ENTERPRISE as Chief of transporter operations, having previously served on USS RUTLIDGE as tactical officer with Capt. Ben Maxwell (TNG:The Wounded) 48 41150.7 Captain Jean-Luc takes command of the ENTERPRISE (Pocket #1) 41153.7 "Encounter at Farpoint" (101/102) Commander William T. Riker came onboard at Farpoint station as first officer, having previously served on the USS HOOD under Captain DeSoto as first officer (Writer's Guide, First Year Sourcebook) 41187.5 "Where No One Has Gone Before" (DC Mini #1) 41190.3 "Spirit in the Sky" (DC Mini #2) 41195.7 "Q Factor" (DC Mini #3) 41198.3 "Q's Day" (DC Mini #4) 41198.7 "Q Affects" (DC Mini #5) 41199.3 "Here Today" (DC Mini #6) 41209.2 "The Naked Now" (103) USS TSIOLKOVSKY destroyed by stellar debris 41235.25 "Code of Honor" (104) 41242.4 "Datalore" (114) Data's "brother" Lore rediscovered at Omicron Theta First encounter of the Crystal Entity Lore transported into space, fate unknown 41249.3 "Lonely Among Us" (108) 41255.6 "Justice" (109) First contact with the Edoans 41263.1 "Where None Have Gone Before" (106) Wesley Crusher promoted to Acting Ensign 41294.5 "Haven" (105) 41309.5 "Too Short a Season" (112) Admiral Mark Jameson was lured back to Mordan IV for the crime he committed against the planet (see earlier entries about Jameson), where he died from a drug overdose. (TNG: Too Short a Season) 41365.9 "11001001" (116) ENTERPRISE hijacked by Binars to protect their central computer from shutdown by a nearby nova 41386.4 "The Last Outpost" (107) Remnants of the Tkon Empire discovered 41416.2 "Coming of Age" (119) 41463.9 "Home Soil" (117) 41503.7 "Heart of Glory" (120) ?????.? Ghost Ship (Pocket #1) ?????.? "Symbiosis" (123) 41509.1 "When the Bough Breaks" (118) ?????.? The Peacekeepers (Pocket #2) 41590.5 "Hide and Q" (111) 41601.3 "Skin of Evil" (122) Lt. Tasha Yar killed in line of duty by Armus on Vagra II during a rescue attempt to retrieve Counselor Troi Worf promoted to Chief of Security/Tactical Officer 41636.9 "Angel One" (115) 41723.9 "The Battle" (110) USS STARGAZER reclaimed in Bendi Sabu system after Daimon Bok's plot to discredit Picard failed. Daimon Bok's son was Daimon on the "unknown" ship Picard destroyed c2360 at Battle of Maxia Beta 41775.5 "Conspiracy" (125) Parasitic mother creature eliminated after infiltrating Starfleet Command and higher echelons of the Federation 41798.2 "Arsenal of Freedom" (121) ?????.? Survivors (Pocket #4) ?????.? The Children of Hamlin (Pocket #3) 41697.9 "We'll Always Have Paris" (124) 41986 "The Neutral Zone" First sighting of Romulans in over 50 years First evidence of the Borg was discovered 41997.7 "The Big Goodbye" 2365 Events of the second season of ST:TNG Cardassian-Federation peace treaty signed in this year Dr. Beverley Crusher became Head of StarFleet Medical Dr. Katherine Polaski became CMO of ENTERPRISE Lt. LaForge transferred to engineering from helm 42073.1 "The Child" ?????.? Captain's Honor (Pocket #8) 42193.6 "Where Silence Has lease" (128) 42286.3 "Elementary, Dear Data" (129) 42305.7 "Return to Raimon" (DC #1) 42307.2 "Murder Most Foul" (DC #2) 42360 "The Derelict" (DC #3) 42361.8 "The Hero Factor" (DC #4) 42402.7 "The Outrageous Okona" (130) ?????.? Strike Zone (Pocket #5) 42422.5 Power Hungry (Pocket #6) 42437.5 "The Schizoid Man" (131) 42477.2 "Loud as a Whisper" (132) 42494.8 "Unnatural Selection" (133) USS LANTREE destroyed after crew contacted aging agent 42506.5 "A Matter of Honor" (134) 42523.7 "Measure of a Man" (135) Captain Philipa Louvois declared Data is a sentient being, therefore entitled to rights ?????.? Metamorphosis (Pocket Giant #1) 42568.6 "The Dauphin" (136) ?????.? Masks (Pocket #7) 42609.1 "Contagion" (137) USS YAMATO lost due to engine containment failure caused by a virus from the long lost ??? race 42625.4 "The Royale" (138) 42679.2 "Time Squared" (139) 42686.4 "The Icarus Factor" (140) 42695.3 "Pen Pals" (141) 42761.3 "Q Who?" (142) ENTERPRISE was thrown 7000 lightyears by Q to system J-25, where they will contact the Borg, the most feared race in the galaxy (TNG: Q Who?) 42779.1 "Samaritan Snare" (143) Picard nearly dies during a cardiac replacement operation 42823.2 "Up the Long Ladder" (144) 42859.2 "Manhunt" (145) 42901.3 "The Emissary" (146) IKV K'Tong sleeper ship arrives at Federation space, having been launched during the second Federation-Klingon War. The ship's crew was pacified peacefully with help from Ambassador K'Ehleyer 42908.6 A Call to Darkness (Pocket #9) 42923.4 "Peak Performance" (147) USS HATHAWAY, an old relic of CONSTELLATION-class, was restored for a tactical combat simulation 42976.1 "Shades of Gray" (148) ?????.? Gulliver's Fugitives (Pocket #11) 43152.8 "The Survivors" (151) ?????.? "Ensigns of Command" (149) ?????.? A Rock and a Hard Place (Pocket #10) 2366 Events of third season of ST:TNG Dr. Beverly Crusher returns as CMO of ENTERPRISE Dr. Kate Polaski became CMO of REPULSE (TNGN:Vendetta) LaForge promoted to Lieutenant Commander and became Chief Engineer of the ENTERPRISE Federation-Cardassian Peace Treaty signed this year. (TNG: The Wounded) Lore, Data's "brother" was found by a Pakled ship. (TNG: Brothers) A probable fourth GALAXY-class starship was commissioned this year, lost a year later against the Borg in the "Wolf 359" Massacre 49 43125.8 "Evolution" (150) Evolution of Nanites led to their recognition as a sentient race by the Federation 43173.5 "Who Watches the Watchers?" (152) 43181.4 "Forbidden Fruit" (DC #18) 43197.5 Doomsday World (Pocket #12) 43198.7 "The Bonding" (153) 43201.8 "Serafin's Survivors" (DC #5) 43202.5 "Shadows in the Garden" (DC #6) 43205.6 "Booby Trap" (154) 43265.4 "The Pilot" (DC #7) 43266.7 "The Battle Within" (DC #8) 43268.1 "The Pay Off" (DC #9) 43269.1 "The Noise of Justice" (DC #10) 43269.3 "The Impostor" (DC #11) 43270.4 "Whoever Fights Monsters" (DC #12) 43349.2 "The Enemy" (155) Romulan presence found near Galorndon Core 43385.7 "The Price" (156) 43421.9 "The Vengeance Factor" (157) 43421.9 "The Hand of the Assassin" (DC #13) 43462.5 "The Defector" (158) 43489.2 "The Hunted" (159) 43510.7 "The High Ground" (160) 43539.1 "Deja Q" (161) 43610.4 "A Matter of Perspective" (162) 43625.2 "Yesterday's Enterprise" (163) 43657 "The Offspring" (164) Creation of Lal, daughter of Data "Death" of Lal, after positronic brain failure ?????.? Fortune's Light (Pocket #15) 43685.2 "Sins of the Father" (165) Worf returned to the Klingon Home World to clear his father's name, failed due to exceptional circumstances Discovery of Kern (also Kurn), Worf's younger brother Worf accepted discommendation from the High Council 43714.1 "Allegiance" (166) 43738.8 "The Gift" (DC Annual #1) ?????.? Eyes of the Beholders (Pocket #13) 43745.2 "Captain's Holiday" (167) 43747.3 Boogeymen (Pocket #17) 43779.3 "Tin Man" (168) 43807.4 "Hollow Pursuits" (169) 43810.7 "Holiday on Ice" (DC #14) 43811.1 "Prisoners of the Ferengi" (DC #15) 43872.2 "The Most Toys" (170) 43878.1 "I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing" (DC #16) ?????.? "The Weapon" (DC #17) 43917.4 "Sarek" (171) Treaty with the Legarons signed with assitance of Sarek Sarek retired to Vulcan with Bendii's Syndrome 43957.2 "Transfigurations" (172) 43980.7 "Menage a Troi" (173) Wesley Crusher promoted to full ensign 43989.1 "The Best of Both Worlds" Pt.1 (174) Captain Picard captured by the Borg and "converted" 2367 Events of the fourth season of ST:TNG 44001.3 "The Best of Both Worlds" Pt.2 (175) Massacre of Wolf 359, thirty-nine StarFleet ships (over 11,000 lives) lost against the Borg 50 Captain Picard, now Locutus, was retrieved First defeat of the Borg, at Sector 001, with assistance from Picard/Locutus 44009.3 "Family" (178) ENTERPRISE undergoes major repairs at McKinley Station 44085.7 "Suddenly Human" (176) 44143.7 "Brothers" (177) Lore, Data's brother, was rediscovered. It appears that after being beamed into space (TNG:Datalore), he was retrieved later by a Pakled vessel Dr. Noonian Soong died in an uncharted system 44161.2 "Remember Me?" (179) 44215.2 "Legacy" (180) Ishara Yar, sister of Tasha Yar, found on Turkana IV 44246.3 "Reunion" (181) Discovery of Alexander, son of Worf Ambassador K'Ehleyer killed by Duras Worf defeated Duras in battle, slaying him ?????.? "The Lesson" (DC #19) 44263.9 Contamination (Pocket #16) 44286.5 "Future Imperfect" (182) 44290.4 "The Flight of the Albert Einstein" (DC #20) 44292.6 "Mourning Star" (DC #21) c44295 Perchance to Dream (Pocket #19) 44295.2 "Trapped!" (DC #22) ?????.? "The Barrier" (DC #23) 44298.2 "Homecoming" (DC #24) 44307.3 "Final Mission" (183) Wesley Crusher enters StarFleet Academy 44356.9 "The Loss" (184) 44390.1 "Data's Day" (185) Miles Edward O'Brian married Keiko Ishikawa, ceremony presided by Captain Jean-Luc Picard 44395.7 "In Memory Yet Green" (TNG Mini #1) 44396.6 "Lies and Legends" (TNG Mini #2) 44397.7 "Prior Claim" (TNG Mini #3) 44398.7 "Game, Set & Match" (TNG Mini #4) Modala is freed of Ferengi influence 44429.1 Exiles (Pocket #14) 44429.6 "The Wounded" (186) Captain Benjamin Maxwell arrested after destroying several Cardassian vessels in the USS PHOENIX 44474.5 "Devil's Due" (187) ?????.? Vendetta (Pocket Giant #2) The Borg's return was stopped by the second Doomsday Machine under partial control of Delcara 44502.7 "Clues" (188) 44614.6 "Galaxy's Child" (190) 44624.3 "Thin Ice" (DC Annual #2) ?????.? "First Contact" (189) 44631.2 "Night Terrors" (191) USS BRATTAIN, trapped in Tyken's Rift, was disabled, the crew driven mad by another trapped alien ship 44664.5 "Identity Crisis" (192) 44704.2 "The Nth Degree" (193) 44741.9 "Qpid" (194) 44769.2 "Drumhead" (195) 44805.3 "Half a Life" (196) 44821.3 "The Host" (197) 44885.5 "The Mind's Eye" (198) Lt.Commander LaForge was captured and brainwashed by Romulans into an assassin, and almost succeeded in killing Vagh, the Klingon governor 44932.3 "In Theory" (199) 44995.3 "Redemption" (200) Klingon Civil War erupts as the pro-Duras faction combats Gowron's forces in a succession war Revelation of Sela, daughter of Tasha Yar (see TNG:Yesterday's ENTERPRISE) 2368 Events of fifth season of ST:TNG 45020.4 "Redemption II" (201) Klingon Civil War ends due to Federation interference, Gowron became Chief Counciller 45047.2 "Darmok" (202) 45076.3 "Ensign Ro" (203) 45122.3 "Silicon Avatar" (204) Destruction of the Crystalline Entity 45156.1 "Disaster" (205) Birth of Molly Miyaki Worf O'Brian in Ten Forward (name is from TNGN:Unification) 51 ?????.? Reunion (Hardback #1) 45208.2 "The Game" (206) ENTERPRISE and crew nearly taken over by mind-control toys from the ??? 45235.3 "Wayward Son" (DC #25) 45235.7 "Strangers in Strange Lands" (DC #26) 45235.9 "City Life" (DC #27) 45243.1 "Unification" (207) 52 Ambassador Spock was found on Romulus Death of Sarek, Vulcan Ambassador to Federation 45245.8 "Unification II" (208) Romulan plan to conquer Vulcan foiled Spock chose to remain on Romulus 45349.1 "A Matter of Time" (209) THE END (for now) ENDNOTES 1 The restoration of the "space shuttle" ENTERPRISE is revealed in TOSN: A Flag Full of Stars. 2 The PEACEKEEPER-class vessels are purely my imagination. But it does sound possible, doesn't it? 3 Second season episode "Metamorphosis", Y2265, had McCoy stating that Zefram Cochrane was dead for 150 years. Mr.Cochrane himself said he was 87 at the time. Therefore we have 2265-150-87=2029. If the new United Nation would launch the manned expedition to Alpha Centauri around 2048, Mr.Cochrane is a bit too young to have invented the warp drive if he was born in 2029. He would have been 19 years old! Clearly, one of the sources must be wrong. In this case, I chose to take McCoy's words literally and move down the launch date, despite the years given in the STARFLIGHT CHRONOLOGIES. 4 I placed World War III before the Mind Control Revolts because it sounds more plausible. It is far more likely that WW3 is fought with professional soldiers under mind control. Then, when the war is over, the military rebelled. So perhaps this series of events happened: World War III started United Nations abolished Colonel Green started his genocidal campaign Nuclear weapons used in limited areas World War III ended The area where nuclear weapons hit reverted to barbarism, curious mix of technology and medievalism. These years became know as the Post-Atomic Horrors for certain parts of the world. The military, under mind control for the WW3, rebelled against their government, thus started the bloody Mind Control Revolts. Mind Control Revolts ended United Nations re-established, launched space program to promote global cooperation (and to distract the public from the past) This is not placed within the timeline because too much of my own conjecture is included. 5 See one of the footnotes at the bottom of the page, as Kirk received his "senceiver" alert, in ST:TMP Novelization. 6 The date given for Zefram Cochrane to invent the warp drive is actually 2048, as given in the novel and in STARFLIGHT CHRONOLOGY. However, as explained above in footnote (3), such date is not possible. Due to the heavier weight given to the screened evidence, all year references given in "Strangers from the Sky" are pushed down for at least 10 years. Furthermore, TNG Tech Manual gave the year of 2061 for the first prototype of the CDP engine. (See page 54, TNG Tech Manual) 7 According to THE WORLDS OF THE FEDERATION, the four lightyears trip took six years under high impulse, with time dilation I suppose. 8 The only "reasonable" way for the VALIANT to be at the edge of the galaxy with only "impulse rockets" is through a wormhole of some sort. 9 The BONAVENTURE-class interstellar scout ENTERPRISE was a tribute to the animated episode TAS:Time Trap, in which the BONAVENTURE herself was seen, along with various other old ships. 10 The DECLARATION-class cruise liner ENTERPRISE was mentioned in several previous Star Trek chronologies. 11 Ms. Grayson is 52 in the episode, Sarek was 101. 12 See page 128, TNG Tech Manual. 13 This would also fit the info given in ST6:TUC, as Spock had said during the briefing, it has been 70 years of conflict. 14 If you would recall, in 2364, TNG: Encounter at Farpoint, Data clearly stated that McCoy (okay, he never named him, but who else could it be?) as "one hundred and thirty-seven years old". 2364-137=2227 15 This birthdate is given by Paramount as "official" info. However, the name of his parents are NOT official. The name of the father was George, which I believe came from TOS:"Operation: Annihilate!". The name of the mother came from the novel TOSN:"ENTERPRISE: First Adventure", and was also used (by a different author) in TOSN:"Time for Yesterday" 16 Sulu said he was born in San Francisco in ST4:TVH. He grew up at Ganjitsu, according to Vonda McIntyre in novels "ENTERPRISE:The First Adventure" and "The Entropy Effect. The first name of "Hikaru" was introduced by Vonda McIntyre in "The Entropy Effect", and is formalized into trek fandom by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, by Sulu's introduction in his Captain's Log. 17 Uhura's first name was never formalized, and for decades the fandom argued back and forth. Some say "Penda", others say "Nyota". "Nyota", which means "star" in Swahili, was used in several novels, including the novel "Uhura's Song" by Janet Kagan. 18 While there were no evidence that Captain April ever undertook a five year mission on the ENTERPRISE, this is a logical conclusion, both as part of ship's chronology, but also a tribute to the animated episode. It was also implied in the TNG Tech Manual. 19 I am not too sure where did McCoy's wife's name came from. I believe I first saw it in the Bantam novel "Day of Judgement", and also later in Pocket's "Dreams of the Ravens". On the other hand, Joanna's name was fixed in the early writer's guides. She was to appear in the episode "The Way to Eden", which was originally named "Joanna". However, a rewrite last minute changed it to the present form. She also appeared in the novel "Crisis on Centaurus". 20 As revealed in TNG:A Matter of Time, the phasers do not exist in the twenty-second (22nd) century. It was invented in early 23rd century. 21 According to "The Making of Star Trek", Gene had planned for the CONSITUTION-class vessels to have an 18-year range. Since ENTERPRISE was launched in 2245, 2268-2245=23, > 18. 22 See TNG Tech Manual, page 128. 23 TNG Manual called the refitted ENTERPRISE CONSTITUTION-class. FASA started the ENTERPRISE-class, and the dedication plaque as given in SCOTT'S GUIDE says STARSHIP-class. I vote for CONSTITUTION II-class as a compromise of sorts. 24 This is seen in many novels, including TOSN: Spock's World, TOSN:Deep Domain, and so on, where Kirk is both an Admiral and Acting Captain. 25 This makes you wonder if the Vulcans did indeed seceeded from the Federation in TNG's time, therefore so few Vulcans are visible in StarFleet. Of course, this is just a possibility. 26 While we have no evidence of Spock leading a five-year mission, this would only be logical for the numbers to work out right. Otherwise we will leave a big five-year gap in the middle with nothing. 27 Gene Roddenberry had stated MANY MANY times that he does not like the idea of Tranwarp, therefore it is a failure. 28 A fun fact to observe... The motto of the EXCELSIOR is "No matter where you go, there you are." (from Buckaroo Banzai) 29 In the Novelization, McCoy was spoiling his two grandchildren (one of them two years old), when he was called to the briefing in StarFleet HQ. 30 As Kirk stated in the novelization that the adventure occurred ten years after ST4, ST6 happened approximately in 2296. Also, if Kirk started on a ten-year mission in 2286, it would approximately end in 2296. 31 Picard was fifty-five (55) in the novelization. 32 Here are my reasons for the conjecture: Page 118, UNIFICATION novelization SPOCK : A personal decision, Captain. Perhaps you are aware that I played a small role in the first overture to peace with the Klingons. PICARD: History is aware of the role you played, Ambassador. SPOCK : Not entirely. It was I who asked Kirk to lead the peace mission. And I who had to accept the responsibility for the consequences to him and his crew. Quite simply, I am unwilling to risk anyone's life but my own on this occasion. I would ask you to respect my wishes and leave. Page 119, UNIFICATION novelization SPOCK (to PICARD): In your own way, are are as stubborn as another captain of the ENTERPRISE I once knew. It is my opinion that these quotes implied that Kirk is no longer alive during the 24th century, based mostly on the second quote on page 118. Let me explain my reasoning: The second Spock quote implies that the ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-A was lost with Kirk and crew onboard, but not Spock and McCoy. Spock was distraught over asking Kirk to lead the peace mission, and from there on he became an ambassador himself so he does not have to put others at risk for his decisions. I do not see any other suitable explanations for this quote. Of course, you can say that was a reference to ST6:TUC, and Paramount threw that in to confuse us. However, since there will be a war at approximately 2315 with the Klingons, same thing could happen twice. Perhaps the quote was INTENDED to be that way, but I chose to interpret it as something else, a purely personal observation. The third Spock quote probably means Kirk. Others have argued that it could mean Pike, or even April. However those possibilities are slim at best, since Spock knew Kirk best, and the word "stubborn" seems to fit Kirk better than either Pike or April. I believe the war, just before which NCC-1701-A and Kirk was destroyed, happened sometime between 2310 and 2320, due to several reasons. 1) Riker stated in TNG:The Emissary that Federation and Klingon Empire were at war fifty years ago. The Emmisary is a second season episode, therefore it happened in 2365. Fifty years ago is about 2315. 2) In TOSN: The Rift by Peter David, it was stated at the end that the next time the rift opened, the Federation is in the midst of the Klingon-Romulan war. Kirk was on the NCC-1701-A in this novel due to the mention of Transwarp and the death of his son, David Marcus. Since ST5 happened in 2286, and the rift opens every 33.34 years, the next opening is after 2319. Therefore the Klingo-Federation War must happen sometime in between 2315 and 2319, perhaps a bit earlier than 2315. I fully understand that this theory might be invalidated by the next movie. We shall see. 33 TNG: The Neutral Zone stated it has been 50 years since anyone sighted a Romulan or any Romulan ship. 34 This date is just a guess on my part, based on the estimated destruction date of the NCC-1701-A. 35 According to ST:TNG First Year Sourcebook (FASA), she's 41, which would be about right, despite the "un"-officialness. 36 Admiral Kennily said it has been 40 years ago in the episode. 37 Riker was 32 in the novelization. The middle initial came from a convention. Thelonius was a great jazz player of 20th Century. 38 According to FASA's "TNG Officer's Manual", NCC-1701-B was destroyed by renegade Klingons and Romulans (in two battleships). However, the stuff in that book are extremely unreliable, therefore I put it here instead of in the timeline itself. 39 There were quite a bit of argument on whether this was Spock or not. However, evidence suggests that it was Spock. Sybok was gone, and there were no evidence of any other children by Sarek, by Amanda or Perrin. 40 It was stated in crew biographies that Picard took command in his thirties. Assuming he's about as good as Kirk, it should be around this time that he gets command of STARGAZER. 41 "Kronos" appeared in ST6:TUC. Also see 42. 42 We still haven't made up our mind as to what does the Klingons call their homeworld... Early fan fiction suggests "Kazh". John M. Ford's "The Final Reflection" said "Klinzhai". "The Worlds of the Federation" said "Kling", and now ST6:TUC said "Kronos". However, it appears "Kronos" gets the seal of approval. 43 Wesley is approximately 16 during the first season, and was officially pronounced 18 in TNG:"Evolution". 44 In the novelization of ENCOUNTER AT FARPOINT, Picard said it was fifteen years ago that he had last seen Beverly Crusher, when he returned her husband's body. In case you are interested, there are two versions of Jack Crusher's death. One of them is in the novelization of "Encounter at Farpoint", the other in TNGN:Reunion. 45 See page 57, TNG Tech Manual. 46 Since GALAXY came out 2357, and ENTERPRISE came out 2363, YAMATO should be in between, and 2360 is right in the middle. 47 Stardate according to Page 12, TNG Tech Manual. 48 I am quite aware that there was a controversy out there that O'Brian might be an enlisted person, therefore a chief petty officer. Unfortunately I don't buy that theory. However, it was important enough that I hereby inform you of this controversy and my decision. 49 At one ship every three years, this sounds about right, as GALAXY in 2357, YAMATO in 2360, and ENTERPRISE in 2363. 50 The numbers came from TNG: Drumhead, during the prosecution (?) of Captain Jean-Luc Picard by Admiral (retired) Saati. 51 Gee, can you imagine Worf as the first humanoid you see ever? 52 Originally the stardate listed was 45233.1, but that means the comic books are out of sequence. Also, UNIFICATION didn't take THAT long, I think, so I changed the 33 to 43. I could be wrong, of course. S T A R T R E K T I M E L I N E by Kasey K.S. Chang Last Update: 01-10/92 Part 3/4 : TLINEAPX.DOC APPENDIX A: Abbreviations TOS - The Original Series, 79 episodes which aired on NBC 1966-1969 starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley. TAS - The Animated Series, 22 episodes of animation aired on NBC 1973-1975 (Saturday mornings) starring voices of William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley. TNG - The Next Generation, airing in first-run syndication, now in its fifth season (100+ episodes), starring Patrick Stewart, Johnathan Frakes, and Brent Spiner. ST1, ST:TMP - Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the first Star Trek movie, released 1979 ST2, ST2:TWOK - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, second Star Trek movie, released 1982 ST3, ST3:TSFS - Star Trek III: The Search For Spock, third Star Trek movie, released 1985 ST4, ST4:TVH - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, fourth movie, released 1987 ST5, ST5:TFF - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, fifth movie, released 1989 ST6, ST6:TUC - Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, sixth movie, released December 6, 1991 TNG Tech Manual - "Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual", by Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda, Pocket Books. TOSN - TOS Novels, the novels published by Pocket Books dealing with the original crew TNGN - TNG Novels, the novels published by Pocket Books dealing with the "Next Generation" crew APPENDIX B: Bibliography STAR TREK EPISODES All Star Trek episodes, including TOS, TAS, and TNG, have been referenced by their full names and, if available, stardates. All copyright of Paramount Pictures. STAR TREK MOVIES All Star Trek movies have been referenced by their full names and if available, stardates. All copyright of Paramount Pictures. STAR TREK REFERENCE BOOKS (In random order) _Grolier's On-line Encyclopedia_ [For the search of the early ENTERPRISEs, this is invaluable.] _Star Trek: The Next Generation - Technical Manual_, by Rick Sternbach and Mike Okuda [The only OFFICIAL aftermarket book for now] _The STAR TREK Compendium (Revised)_, by Alan Asherman [lots of behind- the-scenes look and important info] _The Making of STAR TREK_, by _Mr.Scott's Guide to the ENTERPRISE_, by Shane Johnson [lots of good blueprints and diagurams, but info was mostly contradicted by later sources like the TNG Tech Manual] _The Klingons_, FASA Corporation. [Written with co-operation of Trek writer John M. Ford, author of TOSN:The Final Reflection, this contains good but un-official info about the Klingons] STAR TREK NOVELS (In random order) _Strangers from the Sky_, by Margaret Wander Bonnano _Final Frontier_, by Diane Carey _A Flag Full of Stars_, by Brad Ferguson _Reunion_, by Michael Jan Friedman _Star Trek: The Lost Years_, by J.M. Dilliard _Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Novelization)_, by Gene Roddeberry _The Rift_, by Peter David _Star Trek VI:The Undiscovered Country (Novelization)_, by J.M. Dilliard _Spock's World_, by Diane Duane _The Romulan Way_, by Diane Duane _Encounter at Farpoint (Novelization)_, by Peter Gerrold _The Pandora Principle_, by Carolyn Crowes _The Final Reflection_, by John M. Ford _ENTERPRISE: The First Adventure_, by Vonda McIntyre _Crisis on Centaurus_, by Brad Ferguson OTHER STAR TREK REFERENCES "Star Trek Chronology and Future History V5.0", by Allan Finkas and William Stone III "Stardate Chart (TNG)", by DC Comics, as appeared in TNG Mini #4 S T A R T R E K T I M E L I N E by Kasey K.S. Chang Last Update: 01-10/92 Part 4/4 : TLINEEXP.DOC FULL EXPLANATIONS (Note: all calculations are not perfect, due to the vagrancies of the human speech. All "circa" year references should have +/- 3 years margin of error.) NAILING DOWN THE MAIN PIECES There are two pieces of main evidence which helps date Star Trek firmly. They are Data's quote and Sarek's ages. Data have stated in the episode TNG:"The Neutral Zone", that the "Old Earth Year" is 2364. That was a first season episode. TNG Tech Manual have also stated that NCC-1701-D was launched in late 2363, therefore TNG started in 2364. Sarek was 202 as stated by Picard in the episode TNG:"Sarek". That was a fourth-season episode, therefore it happened in 2367. Sarek was then born in 2165. In TOS:"Journey to Babel", Sarek was 102. Since that was a second season episode, that put TOS starting at 2165 + 102 - 2 = 2265, and the episode in 2266. Also, McCoy's age can be used to solve part of the puzzle. McCoy is in his forties in TOS (if someone knows the exact number and episode, please let me know), and is 137 when he visited the NCC-1701-D in the series premiere. Since ST:TNG started in 2364, McCoy was then born in 2227. Adding 40 to 2227 equals 2267, which is about right. These should nail down all of the TV episodes. The Animated Series is assumed to have immediately followed the unfinished The Original Series, to complete the five year mission. ST:TMP was judged to have occured in 2271, since the novel that preceded it, "A Flag Full of Stars" by Brad Ferguson, occurred in 2269, the tricentennial of Apollo landing on Luna. One and a half years have been added since ENTERPRISE was not completed yet. Also, it has been 2.8 years since Spock have went off to study Kholinar, and that could only happen after the FYM finished. The FYM finished in 2267/2268, plus 3 = 2270/2271. ST3:TSFS was placed in 2285 by the TNG Technical manual, as the entry clearly stated that NCC-1701 was lost defending the Mutara Sector against a Klingon incursion in this year. ST4:TVH and ST2:TWOK, for this reason, belongs in this year as well, since not much physical time elapsed among the three films, except perhaps a month or two. ST4 happened approximately 3 months after ST3, according to Kirk's remarks in the novelization. ST5:TFF is in 2286 since the crew get a new year to break in the new ship (esp. Scotty), or "proper shakedown". It could go in 2285 if needed. ST6:TUC is placed in approximately 2295 based on the evidence in the novelization: Kirk said it was ten years plus one since death of David (ST3). The placement is NOT official, but should be about right. NOW THE HOLES After establishing the basis of the timeline, we start filling in the pieces. There are many holes to fill in: Before history (before AD ) Pre-Federation (before 2087 approx) Early Federation (before 2200 approx) Before Star Trek (before 2264, like Pike, April, etc) Lost Years 1 (2268-2271, between FYM and ST:TMP) Lost Years 2 (2271-2284, between ST:TMP and ST2:TWOK) Lost Years 3 (2286-2296, between ST5:TFF and ST6:TUC) Between eras (2296-2364, between ST6:TUC and TNG) Let's deal with them one by one: BEFORE HISTORY This area was not really mentioned by Star Trek other than offhand references to "history" of exotic locations. Often they are results of war and devastation. These wars include: Slaver Empire (TAS), Arret (TOS), Preservers (TOS/TNG), Borg (TNG), Tkon Empire (TNG), The Makers (TOS), and much more. They are referenced with the dates and years given in the episodes. The connection between the Borg and the Preservers was suggested by Peter David in his "giant" TNG Novel "Vendetta" (a great book, you should read it). The Preservers constructed the Doomsday Machine (TOS) in order to combat the Borg. By the tone of the descriptions, that happened about 10,000 BC. Plese read the book and find out. The origin of the Romulans would be another puzzle, which was solved by the information given in Diane Duane's novel "The Romulan Way", which is essentially Romulan History written in the same style as "Spock's World". So please refer to "The Romulan Way" for any questions about Romulan History in this timeline. PRE-FEDERATION To do this part, I did two things: researched on the ships named ENTERPRISE, and read the Stones/Finkas timeline on pre-Federation days. Three things need to be resolved for our "future history" before putting them in the timeline: 1) Was there a World War III? If so how come there is still Star Trek? 2) If so, when/what is the war that was mentioned in TOS:"Space Seed"? That "Eugenics War"? 3) What is that "Mind Control Revolt" Gene wrote about in the ST:TMP novelization? Clearly, all entries since American Revolutionary War up to (not including) Y1992 is historical research. Strangely, Question 2 is answered first. According to the Stones/Finkas Chronology, "Eugenics War" is believed to have happened 1992- 1996, and seems to be a limited revolt, not global warfare. Eugenics War is supposed to have been started by some geneticists who created "superhumans" like Khan, and planned to take over the world. They lost, and was forced to exile into space. Which still leaves WW3 unaccounted for. After a little thinking, I decided to put WW3 in 2039-2043, to go just before the "Mind Control Revolts" in 2043-2047, since we can then say that the Mind Control Revolts are an after-effect of WW3. We gathered in TNG:"Encounter at Farpoint" that in the early 21st century military forces were controlled with mind control and drugs. We could say that those are the roots of the "Mind Control Revolt". The novel "Strangers from the Sky" provided quite a few details about life in the Early 21st century, presumably after the war. The exploratory expeditions toward nearby stars were already launched. As the novel was based on the "Star Trek Concordance", the dates are slightly off when compared with "newer" evidences. They were moved slightly. The "history" then goes up smoothly up to the formation of the Federation, with all of its founding members contacted peacefully by the Terrans. EARLY FEDERATION The main event that happened in Early Federation, from 2100 to 2200, is the First Romulan War (at least that's what the Feds call it). It was covered somewhat in the novel "The Romulan Way". Other than that, only birthdates filled this era, as no info is available from any where. This would be an interesting period to cover by fan fiction, in my opinion. BEFORE STAR TREK The missions of Captain April and Captain Pike were not recorded except in small pieces. In this category goes these sources: TOS:"The Cage", TOSN:"Final Frontier", TOSN:"Legacy", TOSN:"The Rift". Most of the dates hinted at or mentioned in the novels are included. Other important events in this period include The First Klingo- Federation War (sometimes known as The Four Years War), Invention of the Transporter, Discovery of Dilithium and its enhancement to warp travel, and invention of the first type of photon torpedo. LOST YEARS 1 The only "official" Lost Years, this period is considered to be the period after Kirk's five year mission and before ST:TMP. This period is covered by two novels: TOSN:"The Lost Years", and TOSN:"A Flag Full of Stars". The second novel, with the tricentennial of the Apollo Landing, is placed in 2269, which means ST:TMP occured in 2271. That in turn means the five year mission ended in 2268. As Gene had expressed reticense toward any stories in this era, it is doubtful that more stories during this time will be told. LOST YEARS 2 The period between ST:TMP and ST2:TWOK is quite long, over 13 years in fact. (Which makes Khan's "fifteen years" a little understated, but perhaps Alpha Ceti V have a longer year?) It can probably be assumed that Kirk, after ST:TMP, was made "acting captain", which was the position of many novels set after ST:TMP, including most of the Diane Duane's Trek novels. He probably went on a second five year mission in the new ENTERPRISE (giving credence to the never filmed "Star Trek II" series, which in reality became ST:TMP), and after that, forced to take a desk job more permanently this time, as commandant of Star Fleet. After that, the ship probably spent a year in the docks for refits, and Spock took over as Captain, with blessing from Kirk. In order to take care of all of the years, Spock probably went on a five year mission of his own, then the ship was "retired" from front-line to be the Academy training ship and home reserve. Remember, all these are merely conjectures, based on best evidence available. They are NOT official. LOST YEARS 3 Many of us wondered what had happened between ST5:TFF and ST6:TUC. There were little information available for a period of approximately 10 years. The only "notable" and "solid" information is Sulu's gaining command of the EXCELSIOR. Additional details came from the novelization. This may be a bit of an awkward time to write about since ENTERPRISE have three captains onboard: Kirk, Spock, and Sulu (until he got EXCELSIOR). BETWEEN ERAS After ST6:TUC, we move into the unknown (or the little known). Most of the TNG characters are just being born in the next ten to thirty years. However, the character biographies and the "historical" references in ST:TNG have included many details that helped fill in this period of over half of a century. Included in this period are voyages of STARGAZER, the Third Klingo- Federation War, The Cardassian War, voyages of the NCC-1701-B, voyages of the NCC-1701-C, and various other events. Of these events, only the voyages of the NCC-1701-C were "official", but only the date of its loss is certain. Others are mainly my conjectures. I believe there is a Third Klingo-Federation War (the second was stopped in the middle by Organian), since Riker had said so in TNG:The Emmissary. With that idea, I invented the final demise of Kirk and the NCC-1701-A to fit in here. If you don't like it, feel free to scream at me. However, I think the explanation are quite logical. I believe that not long after the end of the Third Klingo-Federation War, the Cardassian War started. It was mentioned a couple times in TNG, especially in UNIFICATION I, in which Perrin mentioned that Spock had attacked Sarek's position on it. The dates are moved slightly to fit in the info from TNG:Ensign Ro about the Bajorans. It can be inferred that the Bajoran system was annexed by the Cardassians right after the Cardassian War, since the Federation could not intervene after the treaty is signed. Cardassians probably did that for covering their blunder in the war, sort of scapegoat/substitute. There is almost no info on the NCC-1701-B other than what was written in the TNG Tech Manual. However, there is a rumor that Paramount is plan- ning a prequel to TNG, which may cover the adventures of the NCC-1701-B. All we know about the NCC-1701-C is from the episode TNG:Yesterday's ENTERPRISE. TNG Tech Manual did not elaborate at all. FUTURE OF STAR TREK For all the Trekkies and Trekkers, there is still plenty to write about in all areas. What was it like in the pre-warp days? Early-warp days? What aspects of the Federation have we not covered yet? This timeline hopefully can give you enough specific references to write your own stories and lend it some "authenticity". Add imagination and persistence, and you have a Trek writer in training! Good luck! Live long and prosper! Kasey K.S. Chang treknologist EPISODE LISTS TOS No. Date Episode Brief desc --- ------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------- 0 The Cage (Pilot) Enterprise to Talos IV 1 1513.1 The Man Trap Salt vampire 2 1533.6 Charlie X Teenage boy raised by aliens 3 1312.4 Where No Man Has Gone Before crew menbers become god like 4 1704.2 The Naked Time water molecules acts on the brain 5 1672.1 The Enemy Within Transporter Malfunction. 6 1329.1 Mudd's Women Harry Mudd and three women 7 2712.4 What are Little Girls Made Of? Roger Korby and clone exp's 8 2713.5 Miri Enterprise helps children 9 2715.1 Dagger of the Mind Kirk inspects penal colony 10 1512.2 The Corbomite Maneuver Kirk bluffs aliens 11 3012.4 The Menagerie (Part One) Spock faces court Martial for 12 3012.4 The Menagerie (Part Two) hijacking the Enterprise 13 2817.6 The Conscience of the King Kirk investigates an actors past 14 1709.1 Balance of Terror Enterprise chases Romulan ship 15 3025.3 Shore Leave McCoy killed by black knight 16 2821.5 The Galileo Seven Spock commands shuttle & crashes 17 2124.5 The Squire of Gothos Kirk & crew held by Trelaine 18 3045.6 Arena Kirk must fight the Gorn 19 3113.2 Tomorrow is Yesterday Enterprise thrown back to 1967 20 2947.3 Court Martial Kirk faces court martial(Finney) 21 3156.2 The Return of the Archons Kirk and crew confront Landru 22 3141.9 Space Seed Crew find Botany bay with Kahn 23 3192.1 A Taste of Armageddon Planets that war with computer 24 3417.3 This Side of Paradise Kirk Fights Spock to cure Spock 25 3196.1 The Devil in the Dark Crew fight the Horta on Janus 6 26 3198.4 Errand of Mercy Organians stops Klingon Fed. war 27 3087.6 The Alternative Factor Lazrus fights his anti-mater twin 28 3134.0 The City on the Edge of Forever McCoy Kirk Spock go back to 1930 29 3287.2 Operation - Annihilate Kirk kills one celled aliens 30 3372.7 Amok Time Spock to marry T'Pring 31 3468.1 Who Morns for Adonais Kirk meets alien Adonais 32 3451.9 The Changeling Kirk destroys the probe NOMAD 33 Mirror, Mirror Crew visit visit paralell universe 34 3715.0 The Apple Crew find and destroy Vaal 35 4202.9 The Doomsday Machine Kirk fights planet killer 36 3018.2 Catspaw Kirk & crew meets shape shifters 37 4513.3 I, Mudd Harry Mudd on planet of androids. 38 3219.4 Metamorphosis Zephram Cochrane and companion 39 3842.3 Journey to Babel Sarek & Amanda aboard Enterprise 40 3497.2 Friday's Child Kirk provides weapons to planet 41 3478.2 The Deadly Years crew experience rapid aging 42 3619.2 Obsession Crew fights a gaseous creature 43 3614.9 Wolf in the Fold Scotty accused of brutal murder 44 4523.3 The Trouble with Tribbles tribbles on Station K-7 & ship 45 3211.7 The Gamesters of Triskellion Race of aliens bet on fights 46 4598.0 A Piece of the Action a planet modeled after a book 47 4307.1 The Immunity Syndrome Space amoeba that eats ships 48 4211.4 A Private Little War Klingons supply weapons to a planet 49 4768.3 Return to Tomorrow Three aliens take host bodies 50 2534.0 Patterns of Force John Gill brings Naziism to planet 51 4657.5 By Any Other Name Kelvans take over the Enterprise 52 The Omega Glory Paralell of Earth with United states 53 4729.4 The Ultimate Computer Richard Daystrom invents M5 computer 54 4040.7 Bread and Circuses Captain Merik of the USS Beagle 55 Assignment: Earth Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln 56 5431.4 Spock's Brain Spock's brain is removed 57 5031.3 The Enterprise Incident Kirk & Spock get Cloaking device 58 4842.6 The Paradise Syndrome Kirk looses his memory and marriage 59 5027.3 And The Children Shall Lead Children take over the Enterprise 60 5630.7 Is There In Truth No Beauty? Blind doctor with Medusan 61 4385.3 Spectre of the Gun crew have a gunfight at OK Corral 62 Day of the Dove An alien that feeds on emotions 63 5476.3 For The World Is Hollow, Star ship run by computer Oracle And I Have Touched the Sky 64 5693.4 The Tholian Web Thoians weave a web around ship 65 5784.0 Plato's Stepchildren Aliens with kinetic powers 66 5710.5 Wink of an Eye Scalosians to kidnap men 67 5121.0 The Empath An alien Empath named GEM 68 4372.5 Elaan of Troyius Crew educate Elaan for her marriage 69 5718.3 Whom Gods Destroy Donald Cory tries to take ship 70 5730.2 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield Race of half white half black aliens 71 5423.4 The Mark Of Gideon planet of disease free aliens 72 That Which Survives Alien image that kills people 73 5725.3 The Lights of Zetar Mora Romaine and energy storm 74 5843.7 Requiem for Methuselah Flint an imortal being 75 5832.3 The Way to Eden 23rd century hippoes and Eden 76 5818.4 The Cloudminders Troglites mine Zienite 77 5906.4 The Savage Curtain Kirk meets Abraham Lincoln 78 5943.7 All Our Yesterdays planet that is nearing supernova 79 5298.5 Turnabout Intruder Janice Lester takes Kirk's body TAS Order Air Date PCode Stardate Title ===== ========= ===== ======== =========================================== 1. Sep 15 73 3A 5373.4 Yesteryear 2. Sep 22 73 7A 5371.3 One Of Our Planets Is Missing 3. Sep 29 73 6A 5483.7 The Lorelei Signal 4. Oct 6 73 1A 5392.4 More Tribbles, More Troubles 5. Oct 13 73 5A 5143.3 The Survivor 6. Oct 20 73 2A 5554.4 The Infinite Vulcan 7. Oct 27 73 9A 1254.4 The Magicks Of Megas-Tu 8. Nov 3 73 14A 5591.2 Once Upon A Planet 9. Nov 10 73 8A 4978.5 Mudd's Passion 10. Nov 17 73 15A 5577.3 The Terratin Incident 11. Nov 24 73 10A 5267.2 Time Trap 12. Dec 1 73 13A 5499.9 The Ambergris Element 13. Dec 15 73 11A 4187.3 Slaver Weapon 14. Dec 22 73 4A 5521.3 Beyond The Farthest Star 15. Jan 5 74 16A 5501.2 The Eye Of The Beholder 16. Jan 13 74 12A 5683.1 Jihad 17. Sep 7 74 19A 6334.1 The Pirates Of Orion 18. Sep 14 74 17A 7403.6 Bem 19. Sep 21 74 20A 3183.3 Practical Joker 20. Sep 28 74 18A 5285.6 Albatross 21. Oct 5 74 21A 6063.4 How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth 22. Oct 12 74 22A 6770.3 The Counter-Clock Incident TNG No. T Date Episode Brief desc --- -- ------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- 1 1 41153.7 Encounter at Farpoint Q puts the crew on trial 2 1 41153.7 Encounter at Farpoint Q puts the crew on trial 3 1 41209.2 The Naked Now Narcotic. 4 1 41235.25 Code of Honor Lutan abducts Tasha 5 1 41386.4 The Last Outpost Away team meet Portal 6 1 41263.1 Where No One Has Gone Before The Traveller 7 1 41249.3 Lonely Among Us Picard and energy beings 8 1 41255.6 Justice Wesley held by the IDO 9 2 41723.9 The Battle Picard and Star Gazer 10 2 41590.5 Hide and Q Q gives Riker power of Q 11 2 41294.5 Haven Wyatt Miller to wed Deanna 12 2 41997.7 The Big Goodbye First Dixon Hill appearance 13 2 41242.4 Datalore Data meets his evil brother 14 2 41636.9 Aangel one Crew to find survivors. 15 3 41365.9 11001001 Binars hijack Enterprise 16 3 41309.5 Too Short a Season Jamison and youth drug 17 3 41509.1 When the Bough Break's Children kidnaped 18 3 41463.9 Home Soil Silicon Life form 19 3 41416.2 Coming of Age Wesley tests for academy 20 3 41503.7 Heart of Glory Worf and fugitive klingons 21 4 41798.2 The Arsenal of Freedom All life on Mynos dead 22 4 Symbiosis Drug addicts 23 4 41601.3 Skin of Evil Armus kills Tasha 24 4 41697.9 We'll Always Have Paris Picard meets old flame 25 4 41775.5 Conspiracy Little parasites (sick) 26 4 41986.0 The Neutral Zone People from the 20th century 27 5 42073.1 The Child Deanna and Ian (Her son) 28 5 42193.6 Where Silence Has Lease Enterprise in void 29 5 42286.3 Elimentary Dear Data Data portrays Sherlock Holmes 30 5 42402.7 The Outrageous Okona The life of a rogue 31 5 42477.2 Loud as a Whisper Riva the mediator 32 5 42437.5 The Schizoid Man Data meets Ira Graves 33 6 42494.8 Unnatural Selection Pulaski (Rapid aging) 34 6 42506.5 A Matter Of Honor Riker serves aboard the Pach 35 6 42523.7 The Measure of a Man Data on trial 36 6 42568.8 The Dauphin Wesley meets Selia 37 6 42609.1 Contagion Crew discover Iaconia 38 6 42625.4 The Royale Trapped in a cheap Novel 39 6 42679.2 Time Squared Picard meets Picard 40 6 42686.4 The Icarus Factor Riker meets his father 41 7 42695.3 Pen Pals Wesley and team save a planet 42 7 42761.3 Q Who Enterprise and Borg (J25) 43 7 42779.1 Samaritan Snare Geordi held by Pacleds 44 7 42823.2 Up the Long Ladder Send in the clones 45 7 42859.2 Man Hunt Lwaxanna looks for husband 46 7 42901.3 The Emissary Worf meets K'Ehleyr 47 7 42923.4 Peak Performance Battle simulation 48 7 42976.1 Shades Of Gray Riker relives his past 49 8 43125.8 Evolution Wesley frees Nanites 50 8 The Ensigns of Command Sheliak 51 8 43152.4 The Survivors Old people on destroyed Planet 52 8 43173.5 Who Watches the Watchers Primitive Vulcans 53 8 43198.7 The Bonding Worf and Jeremy Astor 54 8 43205.6 Booby Trap Geordi creates Lea Brahms 55 8 43349.2 The Enemy Geordi and Romulan 56 8 43385.6 The Price Wormhole for sale 57 9 43421.9 The Vengence Factor The Gatherers 58 9 43462.5 The Defector Admiral Jarock defects 59 9 43489.2 The Hunted Crew hunts for war criminal 60 9 43510.7 The High Ground Picard and Beverly held hostage 61 9 43539.1 Deja Q Q reduced to a mortal 62 9 43610.4 A Matter of Perspective Riker accused for murder 63 9 43625.2 Yesterday's Enterprise NCC 1701-C meets NCC 1701-D 64 9 43657.0 The Offspring Data creates Lall 65 10 43685.2 Sins of the Father Worf before High council 66 10 43714.1 Allegiance Picard held prisoner with 3 67 10 43745.2 Captains Holliday Picard finds the Tax Utat 68 10 43779.3 Tin Man Tam Elbrun rescues Tin Man 69 10 43807.4 Hollow Pursuits Barclay's Holodiction 70 10 43872.2 The Most Toys Data Kidnaped by Fagio 71 10 43917.4 Sarek Sarek unstable 72 10 43930.7 Menage a Troi Troi, and Riker kidnaped 73 11 43958.8 Transfigurations Beverly and John Doe 74 11 43989.1 The Best of Both Worlds The Borg return 75 11 44001.4 The Best of Both Worlds 2 Picard altered by the Borg 76 11 44012.3 Family Picard visits his home 77 11 44085.7 Brothers Data, Lore, and Soong 78 11 44143.7 Suddenly Human Picard stabbed by Jono 79 11 44161.2 Remember Me Beverly trapped (Warp Bubble) 80 11 44215.2 Legacy Tasha's sister Ishara. 81 12 44246.3 Reunion Worf, K'Ehleyr, and Alexander 82 12 44286.5 Future Imperfect Borash captures Riker 83 12 44307.3 Final Mission Picard. Wes, and Dergo crash 84 12 44356.9 The Loss Deanna looses her powers 85 12 44390.1 Data's Day 24 hours of Data's life 86 12 44429.6 The Wounded Ben Maxwell starts a war 87 12 44474.5 Devils Due Picard faces the devil 88 12 44502.7 Clues The crew looses their memory 89 13 First Contact Riker hurt in mob 90 13 44614.6 Galaxy's Child Geordi and the real Lea Brahms 91 13 44631.2 Night Terrors Crew has mass hysteria 92 13 44664.5 Identity Crisis Geordi Metamorphosizes 93 13 44704.2 The Nth Degree Barclay turned into computer 94 13 44741.9 Q-pid Picard, Q, & Vash love triangle 95 13 44769.2 The Drumhead Admiral Seti conducts a trial 96 13 44805.3 Half a life Picard's risk to save scientist 97 14 44821.3 The Host Riker lends his body to parasite 98 14 44885.5 The Mind's Eye Geordi captured by Romulans 99 14 44932.3 In Theory Data falls in love 100 14 44995.3 Redemption Worf regains honor 101 14 45020.4 Redemption 2 Sela helps Duras family in war 102.14 45047.2 Darmok Picard with alien captain 103 14 45076.3 Ensign Ro Enterprise to save Bjoran people 104 14 45122.3 Silicon Avatar Dr. Mara destroys Silicon entity 105 15 45156.1 Disaster Deanna controls the Enterprise 106 15 45208.2 The Game Wesley stops addictive game 107 15 45233.1 The Unification, Part 1 Picard & Data search for Spock 108 15 45245.8 The Unification, Part 2 Unify Vulcan and Romulus 109 15 45349.1 A Matter of Time Historian from the future 110 15 45376.3 New Ground Alexander to stay with Worf 111 16 45397.3 Hero Worship Data bonds with an orphan 112 16 45429.3 Violations Crew members put into Coma's 113 16 45470.1 The Masterpeice Society Enterprise to save Utopia 114 16 45494.2 Conundrum Crew looses their memories 115 16 Power Play 116 16 Ethics 117 17 The Outcast UPCOMING EPISODES # Week Of Title -- -------- ---- ---------------------------- 115 2/22/92 215 Power Play 116 2/29/92 216 Ethics 3/07/92 209R 45349.1 A Matter of Time 117 3/14/92 217 The Outcast IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Star Trek episodes Columbia House Video Library Dept. LK3 P.O. Box 1112 Terre Haute, IN 47811 800 544-4431 Star Trek Chess set The Franklin Mint 2496 Franklin enter, Pa. 19092-2496 -- $29.50 for each peice Star Trek uniforms Johnson Smith Co. 4514 19th Court East P. O. Box 25500 Bradenton FL 34206-5500. (813) 747-2356 for credit card orders Star Trek uniforms, books, posters, etc Intergalactic Trading Company P.O. Box 1516 Longwood, Fl. 32752 (407) 831-8344 (407) 332-0142 FAX -- Send $2 for catalog. Star Trek books and other merchandise. Write for a catalog. Intergalactic Trading Company PO BOX 1516 Longwood FL 32752-1516 Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038-3197 (213) 956-5000 Writing to cast members Cast Member's name C/O Star Trek office Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038-3197 Creation Conventions 145 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 Books on diskette S3 Enterprises 137 Golfview Drive Glendale Heights, IL 60139. Klingon Recipes 1231 Garfield Havertown, Pa, 19083 Book $6 Tom's Sci-Fi Shop P.O. Box 56116 DPI, H. Hts, Il. 60656-0116 -- $3 for 75 page catalog. refundable on first order. Star Trek 25th aniversary game INTERPLAY 3701 S. Susan, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714)549-2411 Star Trek Calander $5.98. The Science Fiction Book Club 6550 E. 30th Street P.O. Box 6325 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6325 TOS, TNG, and all film scripts Hollywood Book and Poster Company 6349 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 465-8764 [voice] (213) 465-0413 [fax] Books, Scripts, etc Script City 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 1500 Hollywood, CA 90046 (213) 871-0707 for phone orders Collectibles Catch A Star Collectibles, Inc. 1951 Old Cuthbert Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Star Trek: The Next Generation magazine Starlog Press c/o Star Trek: The Next Generation magazine 475 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 -- $25 per year (4 issues) Pocket Books Press Pocket Books 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, Ny. 10020 General Trek related items. Starland PO Box 24590 Denver, CO 80224 (303) 671-8735 Comics, Games, Fandom, etc Dan Keene c/o I'M GAME 102 W. Pine St. Warrensburg, MO 64093 T-Shirts, and general merchandise OVER THE EDGE 1504 Country Ridge Lane Baltimore, MD. 21221 410-687-0876 -- Write for a catalog. Assorted Trek items. Send SASE for catalog Greg Stone P.O. Box 508 Lakewood, CA. 90714 IMPORTANT DATES FOR STAR TREK Birthdates Jan 20 Deforest Kelley Leonard (Bones) McCoy Feb 2 Brent Spiner Data, Lore, Dr. Noonian Soong Mar 3 James Doohan Montgomery (Scotty) Scott Mar 22 William Shatner Captain James T. Kirk Mar 26 Leonard Nimory Mr. Spock Apr 1 Grace Lee Whitney Janice Rand Apr 20 George Takei Mr. Sulu Jul 13 Patrick Stewart Jean-Luc Picard Jul 29 Wil Wheaton Wesley Crusher Aug 12 Jane Wyatt Amanda Aug 17 Harve Bennett Star Fleet Chief of Staff Aug 19 Diana Muldaur dr. Katherine Pulaski Aug 19 Gene Roddenberry Aug 19 Jonathan Frakes William Riker Aug 28 Gates McFadden Dr Beverly Crusher Sep 8 Star Trek anniversary Sep 14 Bruce Hyde Kevin Riley Sep 14 Walter Koenig Chekov Oct 15 Mark Lenard Sarek Oct 24 John Winston Transporter Chief Kyle Oct 24 Gene Roddenberry's death 1991 Nov 24 Denise Crosby Natasha Yar, Sela Dec 9 Michael Dorn Worf Dec 29 Nichelle Nichols Lt, Uhura SHIPS OF THE FLEET Enterprise America Suite 271 12439 Magnolia Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91607 $12 payable to Jim Lyon Star Trek Fan Club of California P. O. BOX 7094 COTATI, CALIF 94931 -- $8.00 YEARLY, 12 Newsletters, Attends 3 or 4 Star Trek Convensions yearly, and has tables at More than 2 con's a year.. Dues Payable to Chris Kren. Star Trek The Official Fan Club P.O. Box 111000 Aurora. Co. 80011 1 yr $ 11.95/USA, $14.00/CANADA, $23.95/FOREIGN STARFLEET P.O. Box 430 Burnsville, NC 28714 STARFLEET ACADEMY/STARBASE XII Starfleet Academy P.O. Box 2312 Evansville, IN 47728 Data Entries: A Brent Spiner Newsletter 1853 Fallbrook Ave, San Jose, CA 95130 -- Quarterly zine focusing on Brent Spiner and TNG. $5/year, single issues $1.50. Edited by Jim and Melody Rondeau. This was the first regular TNG publication. IAAPS: The International Audience Alliance For Patrick Stewart 1411 Colonial Ave #B-5, Norfolk, VA 23517 -- Patrick Stewart fan organization. $18/year domestic, $20/year Canadian, $22/year foreign. Publishes "Stargazer", bimonthly, a zine dedicated to the career of Patrick Stewart, zine reviews, articles and other information. Very member-oriented. Edited by Kate Maynard and the IAAPS Committee. Checks payable to IAAPS. Imzadi: The Marina Sirtis Newsletter 3084 Chastain Park, Atlanta, GA, 30342 -- Marina Sirtis and STAR TREK fan organization. $6/year. Publishes "Imzadi," three times/year, dedicated to fan input, talks with Marina, current news and more. Edited by William S. McCullars. Very chatty, newsy fanzine. The Electronic Male 7914 Creek Trail, San Antonio, TX 78250 -- Brent Spiner / TNG review/update zine. SASE for current prices. Pub- lished quarterly; zine features updates on Brent's career plus reviews and TNG nostalgia. Edited by K. Joyce McDonald. Beverlyophiles 2116 W. Garfield Blvd, Chicago, IL 60609 -- Beverly Crusher / TNG correspondence zine. $10/six months, $20/thirteen months. Published monthly, featuring correspondence primarily oriented toward Gates McFadden/Beverly Crusher, as well as current TNG conversa- tion. Edited by Kimberley Junius. Klingon Assault Group NasToj Squadron REC.DEPT. 245 Citation Dr. Henrietta, NY 14467 -- I don't have any information on this one. Send SASE The Michael Dorn Appreciation Organization P.O. Box 185, Ellicott City, MD 21043 -- Michael Dorn fan newsletter. $18/year. Publishes "Dorn" bimonthly; zine focuses primarily on Mr. Dorn and the Klingons. Edited by Marc B. Lee. Slick publication. Barbara Walker 17 Gateway Dr. Batavia, NY. 14020 -- Leonard Nimoy's only officially, personaly authorised fan club. Send SASE to address above for flyer. The Picardian Contact Marilyn Wilkerson on Compuserve 72371.2517 If you know the address for this fan club, please post it so I may update my list. -- Patrick Stewart/Picard-oriented newsletter. $6/year. Published monthly, focusing on the character of Picard and the actor, inclined toward the more fannish aspects. The Star Trek Welcommittee P.O. Drawer 12 Saranac, MI 48881. -- I don't have any information about this fan club. Send SASE. 24th Century News RR #3 Box 4-B Port au Port, Nf. A0N 1T0 Canada -- Atlantic Canadian NEXT GENERATION Fanzine. For info. send SASE. I.D.I.C. 15 Letter Dail Cairbbaa, Lochgilphead, Argyl PA31 8SX, Scotland -- IDIC ST CLUB: covers all TREK, bi-monthly 60-84 page n/ls. SAE + $1 to Janet Quarton. UTOPE P.O. Box 1031 Carthage, Tx 75633 -- The United Trekkers Of Planet Earth is a fan communication/news exchange group, dedicated to the original crew. newsletter published monthly. Tribbles Fan Club P.O. Box 543 Mendocino, Ca. 95460 -- Send SASE. Inside Trekkers Fan Club Edgar B Schodde 5215 Powhattan St. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15224 -- Dues $7. Make checks payable to Edgar B. Schodde. Membership includes Starship diagrams,StarFleet Officers regulations, Club roster and membership card. Quarterly fanzine ASTAF c/o Gabriele M. Wrubel P.O. Box 365 A-1211 Vienna Austria -- Dues Austria AS 250, Europe AS 300, Ask for U.S. Membership rates. Monthly Fanzine. Everything is published in German. Trek Guide P.O. Box 2522 Renton. Wa. 98056-0522. -- Send SASE. East Coast Trekkers c/o Richard Brown 2 Rowan Road Martham, Norfolk NR29 4RY England -- Send SASE Star Trek Toronto Inc. Suite 0116, Box 208 65 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5J 1E6 -- Holds monthly meetings for members and mail out newsletters each month as well. Send SASE for more info. Continuum 2753 Fourth Street Wyandotte, Mi. 48192 -- Here is a Fanzine for all loyal Q fans. It is authorixed and recognized ny John "Q" Delancoie. Write for info. Please send SASE. 3RD FLT HQ P.O. Box 710219 Santee, Ca. 92072-0219 -- Starships of the Third Fleet $11 for 6 months. LASTASAM STELAL ROM'LNZ 177th SINDARI R.R. 3 Box 107, Egg Harbor, NJ. 08215 in care of Admiral Tomianus or Commander S'Letya. -- Romulan Fan club $12.50 per year. $25 to include Tshirt. Make checks payable to Neil T. White. WARP SCALES TOS WARP SPEEDS Warp 1 the speed of light Warp 2 8 times the speed of light Warp 3 27 times the speed of light Warp 4 64 times the speed of light Warp 5 125 times the speed of light Warp 6 216 times the speed of light Warp 7 343 times the speed of light Warp 8 512 times the speed of light Warp 9 729 times the speed of light TNG WARP SPEEDS Warp 1 the speed of light Warp 2 10 Times the speed of light Warp 3 39 times the speed of light Warp 4 101 times the speed of light Warp 5 213 times the speed of light Warp 6 390 times the speed of light Warp 7 652 times the speed of light Warp 8 1017 times the speed of light Warp 9 1506 times the speed of light TRANSWARP SPEEDS Warp 1 the speed of light Warp 2 16 times the speed of light Warp 3 81 times the speed of light Warp 4 256 times the speed of light Warp 5 625 times the speed of light Warp 6 1296 times the speed of light Warp 7 2401 times the speed of light Warp 8 4096 times the speed of light Warp 9 6561 times the speed of light COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS IN STAR TREK CONFERENCES c - The speed of light (186,000 miles/sec (300,000 km/sec)) G - Grin LA - Laughing Aloud RA - Richard Arnold SD - Star Date ST - Star Trek WF - Warp Factor ;-) - Smiley face. There are many variations BJO - Bjo "Bee-joe" Trimble, author of Concordance BOP - Bird Of Prey BTW - By The Way FTL - Faster Than Light IDF - interial dampening field ILM - Industrial Light and Magic IMO - In My Opinion KHP - Klingon Home Planet (since TPTB refuse to give it a name) LOL - Laughing Out Loud MIE - main impulse engine NCC - Naval Construction Contract O&S - Okuda and Sternbach (authors of TNG Technical Manual POV - Point of View RPG - Role Playing Game SFA - Star Fleet Academy SFX - Special Effect TAS - The Animated Series TFF - The Final Frontier (Star Trek 5) TNG - The Next Generation TMP - The Motion Picture (Star Trek 1) TOS - The Original Series TUC - The Undiscovered Country (Star Trek 6) TVH - The Voyage Home (Star Trek 4) UFP - United Federation of Planets USS - United Space Ship W10 - Warp 10 infinite speed YAR - Yet Another Rumor FASA - FAntaSimulations Associates GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike IDIC - Infinite diversity in infinite combinations IMHO - In my humble opinion LLAP - Live Long And Prosper OTOH - On The Other Hand TPTB - The Powers That Be (usually referring to GR or Paramount) TSFS - The Search for Spock (Star Trek 3) TTFN - Ta Ta For Now TTYL - Talk To Ya Later TWOK - The Wrath of Kahn (Star Trek 2) YATI - Yet Another Trek Inconsistancy BOBW1 - Best of Both Worlds part 1 (Season Finale for third season) BOBW2 - Conclusion to Best of Both Worlds CANON - what Roddenberry/Paramount decides is "real" Trek. Gene has already declared every novel (including the one(s) he wrote) to be non-canon. IMOGR - In Memory of Gene Roddenberry ROTBA - Reality On the Blink Again ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing TNGTM - The Next Generation Technical Manual VISOR - Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement VISOR - VIsual Sensory Optical Reflector TEASER - the short scene that comes before the opening credits. TGBOTG - The Great Bird Of The Galaxy (Roddenberry) TRAILER - previews (commercials) for the next EXCITING episode. CONVENTIONS If yot want information about the following conventions. call (516) SHOWMAN. Pittsburgh: March 7-8. Pittsburgh Sheraton Square with Marina Sirtis. Montreal: March 21-22. Montreal Sheraton Downton. Los Angeles: March 27-29. Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel. 5th Anniversary Salute to Star Trek The Next Generation with Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Levar Burton, Wil Wheaton, Michael Dorn, Majel Barrett Roddenberry. Edmonton: March 28-29. Coast Terrace Inn with Nichelle Nichols. Regina, Canada: Apr 11-12. Hotel Sasketchewan with Nichelle Nichols. Boston: April 11-12. Hynes Center with Patrick Stewart. New Haven: April 12. Park Plaza Hotel with Patriock Stewart. San Francisco: April 25-26. Cow Palace. Dearborn: April 25-26. Dearborn Civic Center. Los Angeles: May 16-17. Fango Weekend of Horrors. Hyatt Hotel with guest Dario Argenta. Minneapolis: May 16-17. Convention Center. (Tentative). Cincinnati: May 23-24. Convention Center with Gates McFadden. Valley Forge: June 20-21. Convention Center. Buffalo: June 20-21. Radisson (Formerly the Ramada Renaissance) with Gates McFadden. Manhattan: June 27-28. Ramada Hotel. Manchester, NH: July 11-12. Holiday Inn. Portland, Oregon: July 11-12. Holliday Inn Airport with Jonathan Frakes. Dearborn: July 25-26. Civic Center. Reno: Aug 8-9. Pioneer Center. Manhattan: Aug 29-30. Ramada Hotel. Annual Show. STARBASES Granite Cities Best Higher Powered BBS (612) 654-8372 (408) 737-9447 St. Cloud, Mn. Sunnyvale, Ca. SysOp Christine Blount SysOp Bob Jacobson Intelec Online The Rat Trap (516) 867-4447 (801) 561-5025 Baldwin, NY. West Jordan, Utah SysOp Cliff Watkins SysOp Marty Greenlief Strawberry Patch America Online (606) 432-0879 Pikeville, Ky. SysOp Terry West Cyber Space (206) 248-7647 Seattle, Wa. SysOp Michael Brunk ABOUT SSN Sub Space News is not affiliated with Paramount, nor any of the actors within Star Trek, and Paramount retains the copyrights to any registered logo I may use. I have been a fan of Star Trek since 1967, and I am a serious trekker. In fact, I read 6 Star Trek conferences, and host three of them. I host the Intelec, Smart Net, and Lite Link Star Trek conferences. I participate in the U'NI net, Ilink, and RIME Star Trek conferences as well. If you have access to any of these nets, leave a message to Bill Lambdin, and I will get back to you. If you have access to America Online, my screen name there is "Geordi1701" I am dedicating this publication in memory of Gene Roddenberry, and to his ideals for the future. Live long and prosper. HAILING FREQUENCIES CLOSED