�����������������������������������������������������������ͻ � � � SSSSSS U U BBBBBBB � � S S U U B B � � S U U B B � � SSSSSS U U BBBBBBB � � S U U B B � � S S U U B B � � SSSSSS UUUUUU BBBBBBB � � � � SSSSSS PPPPPPP AAAAAA CCCCCC EEEEEEE � � S S P P A A C C E � � S P P A A C E � � SSSSSS PPPPPPP AAAAAAAA C EEEEE � � S P A A C E � � S S P A A C C E � � SSSSSS P A A CCCCCC EEEEEEE � � � � N N EEEEEEEE W W SSSSSS � � NN N E W W S S � � N N N E W W S � � N N N EEEEE W WW W SSSSSS � � N N N E W W W W S � � N N N E WW WW S S � � N NN EEEEEEEE W W SSSSSS � � � �����������������������������������������������������������͹ � Sub Space News Volume 1 issue 1 Jan 1, 1992 � �����������������������������������������������������������͹ � HAILING FREQUENCIES ............................. Page 2 � � TRIVIA .......................................... Page 3 � � A BRIEF HISTORY OF WARP ......................... Page 5 � � TREK HUMOR ...................................... Page 12 � � LUST LUST LUST (LUST IN SPACE) .................. Page 16 � � HISTORY OF SHIPS NAMED ENTERPRISE ............... Page 28 � � EPISODE LISTS ................................... Page 35 � � UPCOMING EPISODES ............................... Page 40 � � IMPORTANT ADDRESSES ............................. Page 41 � � IMPORTANT DATES FOR STAR TREK ................... Page 44 � � SHIPS OF THE FLEET .............................. Page 45 � � WARP SCALES ..................................... Page 49 � � COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS IN STAR TREK CONFERENCES . Page 50 � � CONVENTIONS ..................................... Page 51 � � QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ........................... Page 53 � � STAR BASES ...................................... Page 54 � � ABOUT SSN ....................................... Page 55 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �����������������������������������������������������������ͼ SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 2 HAILING FREQUENCIES By W.H. Lambdin This is the premier issue of Sub Space News. I hope you like it. Later; I hope to have more Trekkers to take an active part in SSN by posting trivia, Star Trek Parodies, general rumors, and etc. This will not be the nicest looking Fan Club publication, and the grammar will not be perfect. But; the strong suit will be Trek related information. I had better tell you something about myself. I have been a fan of Star Trek since 1967 when I watched the episode "Arena" with an older cousin. I am very active on the BBS networks. Especially so in the Star Trek conferences. In fact; I read 6 Star Trek conferences on a daily basis, and moderate three of them. Intelec (Conference Host) Smart Net (Conference Host) Lite Link (Conference Host) U'NI Net Ilink RIME If you have access to one of the Star Trek conferences listed above, drop a note to Bill Lambdin, and say hi. I would love to hear your comments. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 3 TRIVIA! TRIVIA BY KEN AITCHISON who said the following quotes, what episode were they said in, and supply the next quote for the quotes with the N beside them. I will supply the answers in the next issue 1. "Abort Auto Destruct Sequence" RIKER, WILLIAM T. DO YOU CONCUR? 2. No, you can't get away...from hell's heart I stab at thee! 3. I certainly hope so sir, I can't stand this not knowing. 4. Not good enough, dammit, NOT GOOD ENOUGH! 5. Scanning...indications negative at this time (pause)...well, did I get it right? 6. Phasers? You've got 'em. I had one bank fully recharged. 7. We may be on a road that has no turns. 8. Computer you will not address me in that manner, compute. 9. Being your slave, what should I do but tend upon the hours and times of your desires... 10. And so you die, captain...and we all move up in rank! 11. Even in this corner of the galaxy, captain, two plus two equals four. 12. I'll call you the next time I pass through your star system. 13. Any man that coulda pulled a feat like that I wouldna dare dissapoint. 14. As a physician, you of all people should appreciate the danger of reopening old wounds. 15. I am well versed in the classics, doctor. 16. That, Ms. Lincoln, is simply my cat. 17. Well, Mr. Spock, for the next 5 or 6 hours, we're gonna have the happiest crew in space. � Kirk 18. Quomodo tua Latinitas est? 19. This isn't reality. This is fantasy! 21. This...is the helm... 22. WHERE TO? Transporter room. THANK YOU. 18. You know you both could really drive a man to drink. 19. Geordi thinks he is in command here. 20. Is there anyone on this ship who, even remotely, looks like Satan? 21. Appropriate ruffles and flourishes, Mr. Spock. � Kirk 22. I would not presume to debate you. 23. Why? How do we know he didn't invent the thing? 24. What do you want, Will Riker? 25. Heard any good rabbit jokes lately? SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 4 TNG TRIVIA BY W.H. LAMBDIN 1. What ship did Riker serve on prior to the Enterprise? 2. Where does Picard and Wesley first meet (on the Enterprise)? 3. What episode first used the phrase (Down load)? 4. What episode first mentions "playing cards"? 5. Who calls the Enterprise "baby"? 6. What is the first episode to show the Holodeck? 7. Who was weapons officer on the Stargazer? 8. What was Lwaxanna's valet before Mr, Hohm? 9. What episode does Picard smoke a cigarette? 10. What episode reveals that Data has an Off switch? SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 5 A B R I E F H I S T O R Y O F W A R P I N S T A R T R E K Last update: 11/19/91 Compiled by Kasey K.S. Chang Copyright (c) 1991 This essay is the author's compilaton and interpretation of the various sources available on the theory and evolution of warp travel as presented in Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation by Gene Roddenberry and the various Star Trek authors and writers. Almost all sources have been considered (except most fan created stuff which I don't have access to), and a compromise is arrived at to reconcile most differences. When there are conflicts among the sources, the TNG Technical Manual is chosen to be the undisputed source, due to the fact that it is the only manual done by people who actually work on the show. The essay is copyrighted by Kasey K.S. Chang, all rights reserved except for the following: Star Trek and Enterprise are trademarks of Paramount, created by Gene Roddeberry. Sources mentioned are copyrighted by their respective owners/ publishers/ authors/ etc. All attempts to credit them have been attempted, but there will be cases where I missed some. This essay may be freely reproduced in the fandom of Star Trek provided that no fee other than reasonnable transfer charges are levied against its distribution and this essay was not modified in the process of distribution. Author's name and title must remain with the essay. Please contact me if you intend to use any of this in your work/project. Please address any feedback to: Kasey K.S. Chang PC-Link : Ksc1 2220 Turk Blvd. Apt.6 America On-Line : Ksc1 San Francisco, CA 94118 Promenade : Ksc1 There will be periodic updates as new information came to light, so stay tuned. Enough of the legal jargon... Let's get to the story. PRE-WARP Before warp engines, there was impulse engines. Impulse engines are what enabled the first scouts to reach Alpha Centauri from Terra. They are based on the Newtonian action-reaction principle. The energy obtained from the fusion reactors is used to convert deuterium to plasma, and eject the plasma via forcefields. The impulse engines also act as power generators for the ship. Obviously the acceleration is rather slow and maximum speed is definitely nowhere near speed of light. After long periods of acceleration high impulse speeds approaching speed of light can SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 6 be achieved. However, due to relativistic time dilations, high impulse speeds are not used except in emergencies. Normal impulse operations are limited to a velocity of 0.25c. (1) One of the new ships equipped with impulse engines, the SS VALIANT galactic survey cruiser, went through a wormhole and encountered the edge of the galaxy. It did not return in the process. (2) EARLY WARP Zefram Cochrane was credited with the discovery of the principles of "warp drive". In short, single shaped fields, created at tremendous energy expenditure, could distort the space/time continuum enough to drive a starship. (3) The earliest Continuum Distortion Propulsion (CDP) Drive, or what became the warp drive, was completed by the Cochrane team in 2061, which they named the "fluctuation superimpeller." It is a fusion power source coupled to a subspace distortion generator coil. Unmanned tests showed the device allows the probe to travel at light speed without being subjected to the limits of relativity. What the drive did is to create a portal between Einsteinian space and "subspace". The portal is unstable due to lack of sufficient power. However, the probe is able to move into the portal and stay within for Planck time (1.3x10^-43 sec), and stay in this universe for Planck time as well. The probe then fluctuates back and forth, as the subspace distortion exerts an overall force on it. The net effect is the probe travelled at lightspeed without spending the infinite energy as being predicted by Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. The CDP engines are soon fitted to all ships. The Cochrane team moved to Alpha Centauri later on a CDP-powered ship, where they continued their research. The trip took "only four years" due to the CDP drive. The space and subspace distortion is measured in Cochranes, in memory of Zefram Cochrane, who disappeared one day when he is about 80 years old. (4) IMPROVING WARP As the CDP drive distorts space but could not maintain it, research is underway to cut down the power:volume ratio in order to generate more power in order to maintain a stable portal. There were no suitable answer for sufficient power density until the answer was found: anti-matter. Research have long found that matter-antimatter annihilation produces the most power. However, the potential danger is so great that the research in the area is quite slow until artificial gravity is mastered, and the anti-matter can be safely contained and controlled. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 7 The reaction between matter and antimatter produced clean photons, which is captured and used to generate the subspace field via drive coil(s). It was measured that the CDP engine uses approximately 5x10^4 megajoules to travel at lightspeed. Anti-Matter can provide ten to one hundred times the power in the same volume. Theorists argued over what would happen once the continuum distortion field could be maintained. Most agreed that the power usage will drop when the field is established. However, no one knows what will happen after that, or how they will use it. The probe using anti-matter power was readied and sent. It sent back surprising news: once lightspeed is breached, the power use drops back down to approximately 2x10^2 Mj. Attempt to increase subspace distortion beyond the point created an approximately cubic relationship between power applied and subspace distortion amount, which in turn affected apparent speed. The probe at one time exceeded 30c, which is a record. The power consumed at that time is approximately 3.1 times the amount used at light speed. Later studies shows that the probe generated subspace fields (later warp fields). The field is assymetrical, and exerts force in some directions. The probe is moved by the counterforce. To measure the supralight speed, the new unit called "time warp factor" is invented. It is named for the time-space distortions created by the drive. (5) Based on the empirical relationship established during the probe run, the Cochrane team decided to start a scale with lightspeed as the reference point. Based on the proportionality between power consumed and apparent speed, they derived a simple formula, S = W^3 c, where S = speed in multiples of c, and W is the "time warp factor". Later, "time" is dropped for simplicity, and the factors simply became known as "warp factor", or more simply "warp". The subspace field that is maintainable became known as the now familiar "warp field". Measured in Cochranes, the its definition is amount of subspace distortion at warp 1, or lightspeed. The cigar-shaped probe originally virated heavily during entry into warp space. Study of its telemetry lead to experiments with several designs. Finally, upon chance, it was discovered that a saucer-shaped hull helps facilitate entry into subspace. Later ships are mostly designed with a saucer-shaped primary hull. The first Federation warp-equipped ship is BONAVENTURE, which disappeared years later on an exploratory mission. (6) Improvements are soon added. Instead of a single coil, multiple coils are used to generate multiple fields. Each field is projected from the ship, which pushes upon each other only in certain directions. The ship then moves in the opposite direction. By varying the frequency of the field generation and the field's direction, speed and direction of the ship can be controlled. On the other hand, by having multiple coils, and varying the frequency the coils are energized, different amount of acceleration can be achieved. GALAXY-class starships can go from 0 to warp 9 in less than a second at top acceleration. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 8 However, there are limitations. One, due to manufacturing technologies, subspace coils can only go up to a certain size, which puts a limit on the size of the field possible, and therefore the size of the ship carrying it. Two, the higher the speed, the higher subspace compression becomes. That means more power must be consumed to generate the same subspace fields at higher velocities. The anti-matter powered ships have a maximum speed of approximately warp 4, or 256c, due to lack of power. The warp 4 limit became know as the first warp barrier, since researchers predicted that unless a breakthrough is found, there is no way a ship can fit the engine needed to break the warp 4 barrier due to limits on energy density. A second problem that arises is in order to make sure all matter reacted with antimatter, only minuscule amounts of each are injected into the reaction chamber in order to keep the reaction under control. This slow rate of injection limits the top speed and acceleration of the ship. (Information in this section is virtually the same from those presented in ST:TNG Tech Manual, with some historical references and my own conjectures thrown in) SUBSPACE RADIO Once we can travel, we need to communicate. Subspace radio is then invented, since if we can send matter beyond speed of light, why not energy? Subspace radio is based on this principle. Energy with encoded information is sent into warp/sub-space. Its propagation speed and distance depends on how "deep" it went into the warp space, which depends on how much power is applied and how focused and polarized it is when beamed. Early Subspace radios went up to warp (8), which is quite a bit faster than most ships at that time. Later, the speed is regularly upgraded as more efficient means of transmission are found, driving the energy "harder" and "deeper" into subspace, thus achieving greater warp factors. However, there is a problem with the subspace radio propagation distance. No matter how focused the signal is, the signal will eventually "float" out of warp space, and drop back into normal space as regular EM waves. For this reason, there are regular subspace booster beacons in a network around the Federation and beyond to retransmit the subspace radio waves that are almost out of energy or already out of energy. (Information in this section was first theorized by Kasey K.S. Chang in the original incarnation of this document, dated 8- 23/91, and confirmed by TNG Tech Manual, sec 8.5) SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 9 DILITHIUM Dilithium is the most useful material to a starship due to its ability to regulate antimatter flow. In a way, it acts as a sponge to anti-matter when subjected to a high-energy field. It will not react (maybe react very minutely) with anti-matter itself. If matter is injected into the crystal with equal amount of anti-matter (from opposite sides, of course), the result is almost perfectly tuned plasma, yielding much higher energy efficiency than pure matter-antimatter reaction without dilithium. Previously, in order to ensure the matter-antimatter reaction do not leave any residue, only minuscule amounts are injected at a time. Now, with dilithium, larger engines could be built since total reaction between matter and antimatter can be virtually assured. Early ships with dilithium crystal equipped warp engines needs to replace the crystals frequently since the crystals decrystallize after certain amount of usage. (7) It was not totally understood why this would occur other than the simple explanation of "aging". Later on, it was found that imperfections in the crystal traped antimatter atoms, which then reacted with the crystal itself, causing the molecular chain of the crystal to fall apart over time. However, scientists are puzzled since if that is the case, the crystal decay rate would be thousands of times faster than the actual rate. A theoretical explanation was offered much later, that high energy photons, when absorbed by dilithium, rebuilds the molecular chains. The matter-antimatter reaction produced photons, which means the crystal is self-repairing, up to a point, beyond which it starts to disintegrate. (8) So theoretically it is possible to regenerate a dilithium crystal. However, it was found that it is much more practical to mine dilithium that the idea was not tested or put to use until much later. In TNG's time, dilithium crystals are synthesized so imperfections are virtually nil, and reactions efficiencies are approaching theoretical maximum. Dilithium provided the necesary breakthrough to leap beyond the first warp barrier. Sufficient power is now available to power warp engines to deal with high power expenditures needed to surpass the power peak found at warp factor 4, and beyond. Later improvements brought about at the time of ST:TMP brought the theoretical maximum speed to warp 12, or 1728c. Although this speed limit has been broken, those are under extraordinary circumstances and cannot be repeated. After further research, it was found that speed increase beyond warp 11 requires exponential increase in power consumption. There seems to be no end in sight. (Information in this section was first theorized by Kasey K.S. Chang in the original incarnation of this document, dated 8- 23/91, and confirmed by TNG Tech Manual in relevant sections.) SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 10 TRANSWARP No information available, as the subject is still classfied. Several conjectures are available though. It is believed that the term "transwarp" is short for "trancendental warp". While the term could mean above all warp before it, the term also has a second meaning: above and beyond the material universe. What we do know is that the implementation in EXCELSIOR was "an abysmal failure". The failure itself was classified, but it was mentioned that EXCELSIOR was later converted back to use normal warp drive instead of transwarp. We shall leave the rest to your imagination. REDEFINING WARP For many decades, scientists have demanded a revision of the warp factor scale. The early scale was based on incomplete information. The power consumption ratio does not follow the cubed formula at warp factors greater than 4, and falls entirely out of proportion when approaching warp 11 and beyond. Vulcan Academy of Science, after decades of studying warp factors and related power consumption, found a series of repeating peaks and bottoms. At certain intervals along the power consumption curve, there are vertical drops, then geometrical increases of power usage vs velocity. A revised scale used these regular peaks and valleys to be the basepoints for the warp factors. There are nine valleys between warp 0.9 and warp 10, and at warp 10 the speed is infinite. Please see TNG Tech Manual's chart. Here's a conversion chart for those who do not have the TNG Tech Manual handy: new old warp c warp comment ---- ---- ---- ------- 1 1 1.0 2 10 2.2 3 39 3.4 4 102 4.7 5 214 6.0 6 392 7.3 normal cruising speed 7 656 8.7 8 1024 10.1 9 1516 11.5 emergency speed 9.6 1909 12.4 design maximum speed 9.9 3053 14.5 absolute maximum speed 9.99 7912 19.9 only Borg and Q go this fast 9.9999 237360 61.9 subspace radio speed 10 infinite !!!! SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 11 NEXT GENERATION WARP DRIVE Other than greater efficiency and better intermix control, there are no breakthrough technologies in The Next Generation, nor are any expected. Top speed in TNG is warp 9.99, and a starship can only maintain this speed for minutes. Anti-matter consumption is so great in this case that the cooling system cannot cope with the task for too long. Further usage risk coolant leak and runaway catastrophic reactions. On the other hand, acceleration have been much improved in the 24th Century. By employing multiple coils, each coil generating its own field, a larger amount of subspace distortion can be generated at once, and larger acceleration is achieved. GALAXY-class starship can accelerate from standstill to warp 6 in less than a second. LOOKING BEYOND We will just say that the following are under consideration or further research: ** A "shunt" drive, almost instantaneous transport from point A to point B, similar to wormhole but controlled (TNG: To The Nth Degree) ** Psi-assisted warp drive, as demonstrated by the "Traveller", with speeds up to warp 9.9999999996 (TNG: Where None Have Gone Before) Could Transwarp be one of the above? It was speculated that the ENTERPRISE of the year 3000 will by using the "shunt" drive as previously shown in TNG:The Nth Degree. Indeed, who will know for sure? --Kasey K.S. Chang, Treknologist REFERENCES AND FOOTNOTES 1 TNG Tech Manual, section 8.2 2 TOS: Where No Man Has Gone Before 3 TNG Tech Manual, Section 5.1 4 TOS: Metamorphosis 5 Please check "The Menagerie"/"The Cage", where Captain Pike clearly use the term "time warp". 6 What was that Animation episode? Where ships of all races got lost in the Triangle? 7 See TOSN: The Rift by Peter David 8 ST4:TVH SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 12 TREK HUMOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the ship Not a circuit was buzzing, not one microchip; The phasers were hung in the arm'ry securely, In hope that no aliens would get up that early. The crewmen were nestled all snug in their bunks (Except for the few who were partying drunks); And Picard in his nightshirt and Bev in her lace, Had just settled down for a neat face-to-face... When out in the halls there arose such a racket, That we leapt from our beds, pulling on pants and jacket. Away to the lifts we all shot like a gun, Leapt into the cars and yelled loudly, "Deck One!". The bridge Red-Alert lights, which flashed through the din, Gave a luster of Hades to objects within. When, what, on the viewscreen, shold our eyes behold, But a weird kind of sleigh, and some geek who looked old. But the glint in his eyes was so strange and askew, That we knew in a moment it had to be Q. His sleigh grew much larger as closer he came. Then he zapped on the bridge and addressed us by name; "It's Riker! It's Data! It's Worf and Jean-Luc! It's Geordi! And Wesley, the genetic fluke! To the top of the bridge, to the top of the hall! Now float away, float away, float away all! As leaves in autum are whisked off the street, So the floor of the bridge came away from our feet, And up to the ceiling our bodies they flew, As the captian called out, "What the hell is this Q?!". The prankster just laughed and expanded his grin, And, snapping his fingers, he vanished again. As we took in our plight and were looking around, The spell was removed, and we crashed to the ground. Then Q, dressed in fur from his head to his toe, Appeared once again to continue the show. "That's enough!" cried the captian, "You'll stop this at once!", And Riker said, "Worf! Take your aim at this dunce!", "I'm deeply offended, Jean-Luc," replied Q. "I just wanted to spend Christmas with you." As we scoffed at his words, he produced a large sack. He dumped out the contents, and took a step back. "I've brought gifts," he said, "just to show I'm sincere. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 13 There's something delightful for everyone here." He sat on the floor and dug into the pile, And handed out gifts with his most charming smile. "For Counselor Troi, there's no need to explain, Here's Tylenol-Beta for all of your pain. For Worf I've got mints as his breath's not too great, And for Geordi LaForge, an inflatable date. For Wesley, some hormones, and Clearasil-Plus; For Data, a joke book; for Riker, a truss. For Beverly Crusher, there's sleek lingerie, And for Jean-Luc, the thrill of seeing her that way." Then he sprang to his feet with that grin on his face, And, clapping his hands, disappeared into space. But we heard him exclaim as he dwindled form sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good flight!!" ----- Christmas Carols During a recent routine uplink to a communications satellite while attempting to call an Alaskan BBS, I happened to intercept the following mail packet. According to a physicist friend of mine at the university, unprecedented solar flare activity on that date may have resulted in a transient chronophase (or time-shift) in the subspace frequencies, with the result that I have, astounding as it may seem, apparently downlaoded seasonal E-mail from the crew of the USS Enterprise 1701-D. These holiday greetings are reproduced here as received (with editorial comment by myself), and with no guarantee of their authenticity (or quality). FROM JEAN-LUC PICARD (to the tune of "Let It Snow"): Oh, the vacuum outside is endless, Unforgiving, cold, and friendless, But still we must boldly go-- Make it so, make it so, make it so! SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 14 FROM WILLIAM RIKER (to the tune of "Deck the Halls"): Here's a vexing Christmas riddle: (Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la la) Why must I play second fiddle? (Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la la) How can I impress Deanna (Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la la la) When I'm number two banana? (Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la, la la) FROM WESLEY CRUSHER, Starfleet Cadet (to the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"): I'm at Starfleet Academy, And I'd just like to say I miss the opportunity To weekly save the day-- To make things worse, I have to be In some dumb Christmas play! Yes, I'm bright, though I'm just a teenaged boy, Only a boy, And the Enterprise was my most favorite toy! FROM DATA: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh-- or so I am reliably informed; lacking a subjective and intuitively perceived referent for the term "fun," I am able only to report the phenomenon as experienced by others, whose individual perceptions somewhat color the-- yes, sir. WORF E-MAILED two different greetings. The first appears to be to the tune of "White Christmas": I'm dreaming of a dead Pakled, Just like the one in Rec Deck Eight. They all think they've hidden, But this one didn't, And I'm using him as bait. I'm dreaming of a dead Pakled-- Their mental skills are rather lame. May your foes die sonless, in shame-- And I hope you're wishing me the same! SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 15 The second is most easily sung to the tune of "The Christmas Song" ("Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"): Phasers flashing in the depths of space, Ripping up an airtight hull; Signs of fear on your enemy's face, And life-support signs reading null! Ev'rybody knows a Romulan's a spineless foe Who lacks the Klingon will to fight! Phaser beams set his torso aglow-- He'll find it hard to breathe tonight! He knows that Worf is on his way! And soon he'll be the object of the verb "to slay"! And ev'ry slinking Rom and Pakled spy Will soon become the subject of the verb "to die"! And so I'm offering this simple threat To Roms, and all Ferengi, too: You'll be as dead as a life-form can get-- Merry Christmas to you! Evidence suggests that these last two greetings are samples from a proposed anthology entitled "Klingon Kristmas Karols," published by the Federation as an attempt to translate certain aspects of Terran culture into Klingon terms; further examples from this festive book of holiday glee would be (to coin a term) fascinating to contemplate. The reader will note that Christmas felicitations from Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Geordi LaForge, Guinan, and M.E. O'Brien are curiously absent; perhaps some other user has intercepted these, and will post them for our continued edification. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 16 LUST LUST LUST! or LUST IN SPACE Reprinted with permission from the authors. They retain all rights to this material. If you want to reprint this, you must request permission from Deborah Bolen, Judy Ranelli, and Scott Hollifield. They may be contacted on the Matrix BBS (205) 323-2016. Written by Deborah Bolen Judy Ranelli Formatting and some slight tinkering by Scott Hollifield Editor's Note: As our story begins (?), the Borg have returned to the Enterprise, and are serving up music for the wedding of Data and the Ship's Computer, arranged in a hallucinatory frenzy by Data under the influence of Kieko's Kung Pao chicken (MSG acts like LSD in androids). *********************** PROLOGUE *********************** Resplendent in his polyester tuxedo, Data entered Ten Forward and strode down the makeshift aisle, as his bride-to-be was wheeled in by four grim- faced engineering ensigns. The computer access terminal was a vision of loveliness in white peau de soie and lace. Data approached it, light-footed. "You do look lovely, my dear," he breathed. Amid mutterings of "matrimony is irrelevent," the Borg struck up "Here Comes The Bride". In formal dress, Jean-Luc Picard approached the happy couple. This is the most absurd farce I've ever witnessed, he thought, but kept his private musings to himself and prepared to direct the vows. "Do you, Data..." Data interrupted with a hiccup, and then another. The MSG was wearing off! He glanced regretfully at the ferrous bride. Picard wished he were elsewhere. "It would not work out," Data remarked blithely. "Our ports and plugs are incompatible. I am serial, while you are parallel. I am DC, while you are AC. I..." He was unable to finish his apology because at that moment, the access terminal began sobbing and quickly shorted herself out. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 17 The bridesmaids (all confirmed and hopeless DSBSG's) quickly saw their chance and surrounded the groom, determined to get rid of those blasted yellow contacts once and for all and see what color his eyes REALLY are. The Enterprise continued careening off into the depths of space out of control. Someone, somewhere, wailed pitifully: "Where is Wesley Crusher??" *********************** THE PART AFTER THE PROLOGUE *********************** Meanwhile, the jaded and rejected Geordi LaForge sulked in the enginnering lab, plenty pissed that even the robot got a fiance. Data, reeling from the electronic signals pressed into his skin by the Borg and bridesmaids, stumbled into the lab just in time to see Geordi ready to leave this happy world via a cable attached to the warp engine. Data knocked into him and got the cable shoved up his nose. The energy boost from the nasal link caused sparks to fly out of his ears and smoke to rise from the thin cracks where his scalp patches met. He turned, smiled lecherously at Geordi, and gurgled, "What's a blind babe like you doing in a place like this?" Geordi's hair stood on end. He frowned in dire anticipation of what Data was grinning about, and started to run as fast as he could, sprinting into the turbolift, just in time to avoid the randy robot. He turned around and was surprised to see the chief medical officer standing in the corner with the captain. Damn!, thought Beverly. Just when I was about to tell Jean Luc what I've been trying to tell him for the past 4 seasons! When the turbolift arrived at its destination, Geordi exited and escaped into Ten Forward, where he found Guinan busy cleaning up the mess made from the aborted wedding. Sweeping bridesmades & Borg into an untidy heap, Guinan turned toward Geordi to ask what was wrong, but accidentally knocked him unconscious with the brim of her hat. Geordi plopped into the pile of discarded wedding guests. Guinan sighed and turned to look at the unconscious Geordi. His VISOR had flown into the Borg pile when he fell, ending up somewhere in the hopeless tangle of cords and metal. She stared at Geordi for a moment, then frowned, thinking of her ex-husband, Q! Oh, yes, she better not let anyone ever hear about that mess, or she'd be the laughing stock of the ship. Now, why didn't she pick something a little less arrogant, a little less powerful, something like this Geordi? She wandered over to the pile. *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 18 Meanwhile, in search of the object of his desires, Data bumped into a cleaning droid, busily vacuuming up the remains of the Conga line. Data heard the strains of an obscure ages-old earth ditty as he gazes into the video receptors of the droid. Figuring if he can't be with the one he loves, he will love the one he's with. Sweeping the droid into a nearby broom closet, he whispered, "Did anyone ever tell you how lovely you are when the red alert beacon shines off your chrome outer covering?" The droid, beeping and blooping, began tingling all over, and started to overheat. *********************** Riker, finally becoming somewhat lucid after being clobbered by Data and Deanna, limped down the corridor, concerned about his ship and not half hopeful that he'd find Troi. Suddenly, he saw and smelled smoke from further down the corridor. Limping faster, Riker found the source of the smoke emanating from the broom closet. He pushed the contact, and out fell a totally dissassembled cleaning droid and a maniacal looking lieutenant commander. Data looked at him with delight. "Ah! Commander! Intriguing! I am feeling more fully functional than ever!" he yipped, and leaped out at his superior officer. Startled and remebering the bashing he just had at the robot's hands, Riker made a short sqeaking noise and backed into a laundry shaft he didn't know about. He felllllllllllll...........landing with a THUD on top of the pile of dirty laundry. OUCH!! "Ouch?" thinks Riker. "Why did I say ouch? I'm not hurt and my 2 x 4 is still in place." Feeling a movement beneath him, Riker dug down into the dirty pile to find who or what was lurking there. He pulled out the squirming form of "Wesley! Is THIS where you've been the last year?" Wesley looked up at him and yelled, "Geezus! I've been down here yelling for someone to notice me since stardate... uh... well, a long time! Commander! Wha..hey, what happened to your face?" "Oh, Wesley, shi- you wouldn't believe it. Data and Deanna beat me to shreds because Tasha... well, you've got a lot to catch up on. Tasha is alive, though! ALIVE!" "Is she still..." "Stacked? Oh, yes..." They sat for a moment in quiet reverence. Wesley finally turned and bit his lip (like he does) and said, "We need to get out of here, Commander. I'm too puny and spindly to bust this grate open; I haven't eaten anything in a year or so. But *you*..." Riker stood precariously on the pile of clothing, gave a manly smirk, adjusted his shirt and walloped the grate with a spinning kick. "Ooof!" he bellowed, and fell back into the laundry; but the grate had been bent open, and so he and Wesley bent it further back and crawl out. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 19 They found themselves deep in the body of the ship, damn near the bottom hull. The grate opened to a service corridor. Looking around, Riker noticed that there were no comm panels nearby, and no personnel. Well, at least here I can gather my thoughts for a while, decide on a plan, Riker thought. Thank god he doesn't have a thing for teenaged boys, Wesley thought. *********************** Keiko O'Brien, drunk on Saurian brandy and pissed off at her two-timing husband, lurched over to her special voice-print locked drawer, opened it and retrived her family heirloom: an ancient samurai sword. With the stealth of a ninja, she stole out into the corridor. *********************** In Ten Forward, one Borg, still stunned by the jazz rhythms, grabbed the VISOR and places it over its eyes. Mesmerized by all the pretty colors, it shorted out, thereby destroying the entire Borg pile. Well, thought Guinan, that's one less mess I'll have to clean up. She picked up the VISOR, stroking it lovingly. Yes, she thought, someone like Geordi could make me forget all about that insufferable Q. Suddenly there was a blaze of white light. Guinan turned to see her ex-squeeze standing before her, dressed in a Star Fleet Admiral's uniform. "You again," hissed the Hostess. "You really must do something about your wardrobe!" "Guinan, dear! Is that any way to greet me? You WERE thinking of me, you know. So here I am in all my magnificence!" "MagNIficence? Oh PLEASE. You have the worst timing. I just got through cleaning up the mechanical conga line and knocking out the chief engineer, and honey, I don't need you showing up right now." Guinan shook her head mournfully, and waved a warning finger at him, which he dodged. "You know, you colossal bastard, the last time we were together, I told you you'd better not cross my path again. I think you just made a big mistake. Now, I've put up with you visiting Picard, but to think of popping in on *me* -" Q laughed. "Don't give me your idle threats, Guinan dear - I KNOW you have a pretty mean gonad-disruptor-ray hidden in that hand, but I haven't spent eternity without a few tricks of my own, even for *you*!" Q snapped his fingers, and in a bright flash of light Guinan transformed into an exact likeness of Tasha Yar! "Damn you Q, turn me back!" Guinan shrieked. Q smiled/glared at her. "Oh no. I think this situation warrants you remaining just the way you are. Now, I'm going to go pop in on an old friend of mine." *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 20 Q found the one he was looking for in an unlikely setting. Data was still in the broom closet, futilely trying to repair the object of his desires. Q took one look at the burnt-out cleaning droid and Data's enamored expression and put two and two together. "Q!" said Data, "Why are you here?" "Why ask why?" chastized Q. "It looks like I arrived too late to save you from such a sorry state. For shame! And to think you would settle for a glorified vacuum cleaner when I have such a nice present waiting for you in Ten Forward!" "Present? Oooooooo...I love presents!" croaked Data. And off he stumbled in search of his surprise. *********************** Back in 10 Forward, Guinan was still trying to figure out how she was going to get out of this latest mess Q had so generously created for her. She cautiously looked in the mirror. Instead of seeing her own familiar face, the visage that stared back at her was a woman who could not act her way out of a paper bag. "I'll never get used to THIS!" wailed Guinan. Her hat was so frightened by the prospect of being worn by a blonde floozey that it flew off Guinan's head and burrowed deep into the pile of wedding guests, muttering something about wanting its Mommie. Just when Guinan thought things couldn't get any worse, in walked Data. In an instant, his fried former flame was forgotten. "Tasha! Baby! Come to Papa!" leered Data as he approached Gui-Yar with outstretched arms and twinkling eyes. "No...Data...you have me confused with someone else," stuttered Gui-Yar as she backed up toward the bar. Not wishing to play footsie with an amorous android, Gui-Yar furiously tried to come up with an idea (before Data came up with...never mind). I can transform back into myself if I just have something to focus my energies on! she thought. Scrambling, her hands found the phaser rifle she kept hidden behind the bar. Quickly thumbing the switch to setting 13 1/2, she fired! Data's eyes grew wide as he saw his beloved Tasha disappear in an explosion of sparks. Gui- Yar was gone. But in her place stood another woman with a strange hairdo and a hideously stiff uniform that hid her shapely form. She had become... RomuYar! Sparks flew from Data's earholes. "B-b-b-b-b-ay-bee!" he moaned mournfully. "What hap-p-p-e-nnn-ed to You? You look dreadful in that getup!" Before the mystery woman could reply, Geordi bleated "Help me!" from the pile of dead Borgs. Data turned and studied the pile one brief moment, then helped his friend out of the tangle. "Who's that? Wha- is that you, Data? Oh no...." "Do not be alarmed, Geordi" Data replied. "I am no longer interested in you as a potential mate. Where is your VISOR?" "I don't know," Geordi said. "I think it's in this -" SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 21 Just then a shaft of phaser beam pierced the light control panel, darkening the room so that only the glow of the stars outside remained. Startled as a machine gets, Data picked up Geordi and flung him over his shoulder, and dashed out of 10 Forward, too concerned with protecting his friend to remember to question the strange woman who so resembled his Tasha. *********************** Riker leaned up against the wall of the corridor. He had managed to ascertain that ship was not being captained because Picard would not answer his communicator call. For that matter, neither would anyone else. Wesley, though not knowing what was wrong, was already babbling about a technological solution. "Commander, if I attach a warp coil degeneration unit with an overhead cam and daisy wheel braking system, and insert a specially programmed virus into the ROM of the computer core, along with hooking up a special project I had in my lab when I disappeared and which by lucky coincidence just may be the thing we need, I think I can save the ship and increase gas mileage by twelve percent. And Commander, listen to this..." "Shut up, Wesley," Riker growled. "I am so sick and tired of you always popping up with some gadget to save the ship." He turned to face his companion. "You know, I worked hard to get where I am. Damned hard. I never asked for favors, like you do. I never brownnosed or kissed butt like you do. I never did the Captain's laundry like you do. I really don't mind when you have valid suggestions, but I wish you would for once let me think of some of my own solutions. You think that manipulating the hardware on this ship is all that'll ever save it. I don't see things that way. And Wes...get a real haircut, willya?" Wes bit his lip (like he does) and tears rolled down his cheeks. "Gosh, Commander," he wimpered, "I was only trying to help." "Yeah, well, help by thinking about this, kid: how do we find out what's happening without getting killed or kissed, and how do we get control of this ship?" "Yes sir," Wes replied, looking chipper. "And Commander...I won't let you down." When has he ever, the little brat, Riker thought. *********************** Data raced down the corridor toward the turbolift. "Engineering," said the android as he gently placed the still-groggy Geordi on the floor. "Engineering?" replied the turbolift voice. "Why would you want to go there? Why not the holodeck? We could have a lot of fun and..." "What the hell is wrong now?" exclaimed Geordi. "The computer was in a somewhat...unusual state when I last saw it," admitted Data. "Take us to Engineering," Data ordered the turbolift. "Now! That is an order." SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 22 "Well, if you're going to be that way about it..," whined the Voice. "What good will I be to you in Engineering, when I can't see a thing!" complained the engineer. "My VISOR is still in Ten Forward, remember?" "We can construct a temporary replacement there, Geordi," said Data. "Yeah," Geordi sighed. "I keep forgetting you can build anything." *********************** Wesley was still sniffling (yet another thing he does better than any- one). "Oh, wipe your nose, kid," grumbled Riker. "It looks like our best bet is to head toward engineering where you can construct your super-duper fix of the week." Wesley dabbed his nose with something he pulled out of his pocket. "Where the hell -" snapped Riker as he saw the piece of cloth. "What are you doing with Deanna's bra?" "Commander," wailed an embarrased Wesley, "How do you think I passed the time that whole year I was trapped in the laundry room? Besides...how did you know it was Counselor Troi's?" "Never mind, kid," said Riker, clearing his throat. "Just keep moving." *********************** In the ready room, Captain Picard and Doctor Crusher were in the middle of heavy breathing exercises (very good for the pulmonary system, dontcha know). Beverly cooed, "Oh, Jean Luc. I thought you'd never..." "After all, Bev," said the captain. "I couldn't have you falling for nothing but invertebrates every week. It's time you had a real man." Just as the couple was about to do something everyone has wanted them to do for four years, the red alert klaxon sounded. "Noooooo!!!!" wailed Bev. "Not NOW!!!" "Calm yourself, Beverly," said Jean Luc soothingly. "You know the ship has to come first." The couple, straightening their uniforms, strode into the bridge. "What the hell is going on, Ensign? Where are the rest of the bridge officers?" "I don't know, Sir!" said Ensign Bimbo-of-the-Week. "No one will answer their hails. And the computer refuses to help find them!" "Merde!" spat the Captain. "I can't leave the bridge for 5 minutes... Computer! Locate Commander Riker and Lieutenant Commander Data this instant!" he barked, tugging on his uniform. This powerful gesture miraculously restored the computer to full working order. "Lieutenant Commander Data is in Turbolift Four, heading toward Engin- eering with Lieutenant Commander La Forge," said the computer. "Commander Riker and Ensign Wesley Crusher are in access crawlway twelve, same heading." "Wesley!" cried Bev. "Damn! Just when I thought he was out of my hair!" *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 23 The turbolift sped towards its destination in perfect working order, for a change. Geordi leaned back against the wall and wished Data would make more noise to reassure him that he wasn't alone. If Data wasn't talking he would often not bother to "breathe" either. Geordi imagined putting a bell around Data's neck, when the whoosh of the turbolift ceased and he heard the doors open, then Data's solid arm guiding him forward. "Come on, Geordi, we are here," he prompted and shoved Geordi forward into an Engineering work panel. Geordi's head racked across several of the touch- sensitive panels and landed on one in particular with a loud "crack". "Self-Destruct sequence initiated!" the computer moaned suavely. "Recognize Picard, Jean-Luc. Recognize Riker, William T. Recognize that sexy Data. Recognize La Forge, Geordi. Recognize ice cream bazooka. Recognizzzblurp--" and the panel sizzled blue and smoked. Data stood in the blue glow and said, "I believe 'Oh shit' is the proper expletive in these circumstances." "Wouldn't you rather interface with me?" the computer pleaded. *********************** "Look, Commander!" Wes yelped, pointing to a red alert light. "Red Alert!" Riker rolled his eyes. "No kidding, pimple-head!" he muttered. Riker wiped his brow with the back of his hand, and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Wes" he said. "It's been a horrible day. Female trouble included." Out of nowhere, the computer blurted, "Don't play coy with me, honey- bunch." Riker thought, "At least we're almost to engineering. I think it's just a little more. I've got to believe that. We'll save the ship and be happy and politically correct again." *********************** Keiko returned to her quarters with a carton of two dozen glass jars and a container of formaldehyde. Once she finished her task, she would keep of the trophies safe where no one would bother them. An ancient method of preservation that they would deserve. She stood in front of her mirror, brandishing the sword masterfully. Turning, she swiftly sliced a patch out of a Starfleet transporter chief's uniform which had been left on the floor. That patch floated down like a leaf in autumn, having been excised from the crotch of the uniform. Keiko smiled sadistically, and stomped out of the room, heading for no particular reason (except to force speculation out of tons of viewers) straight to Engineering. *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 24 The Ensign-Bimbo-Of-The-Week smiled and thought that the Captain was talking French in a secret signal that he wanted her. "Merde," she thought. "I must look that up - must be for me". She imagined her life as the wife of such a famous Starfleet figure, and randomly touched her panels to look like she was concentrating. Meanwhile, Picard had turned and looked at Bev. "I guess we are not yet free from your son, Doctor." He grimaced. "I would like to get to the bottom of yo- er, I mean, this, get all the ins and outs of the situation, but how can I when all of my bridge crew has either left the show or is cavorting on my ship?" Bev glanced around, made sure no one was looking, and gave the top of Picard's head a quick rub. "Shhh" she said. "I had left a smudge". "Harrumph," the captain said, and sat up straighter in his chair. *********************** As Geordi attended to the cut on Data's leg, Riker swiftly removed the sword from the still unconcious Keiko. Just then O'Brian burst into the room. "Well, here she is! Is she alright? It's been all over the comm channels how she's been slicing and dicing every man she meets. Horrible!" said the Chief as he cradled his wife cautiously in his arms. Keiko opened her eyes and looked around groggily. "Miles! What am I doing here? What happened? Why does my head hurt?" *********************** Beverly's head was throbbing on the bridge after hearing the reports of the havoc Keiko caused on a good percentage of the male population on the Enterprise. "I'm off to sickbay, Jean Luc. All the transplant surgery and prosthesis implants I'll have to perform...." Picard just grimaced and quickly crossed his legs as he watched Beverly exit the bridge. "Merde!" he mumbled under his breath. Ensign Bimbo-of- the-Week uttered a small EEP! at the magic word and decided now was the time to make her move. Quickly, she leapt into the Captain's lap and began to kiss him all over his distinguished face. Just then, a bright light flooded the bridge. When it vanished, Q and Vash stood with arms linked congenially, decked out in safari garb once more. "We're back," said Q, with a smile and twinkling eyes. *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 25 Meanwhile, RomuYar entered the turbolift and purred, "Engineering!" "Oh, no you don't, sister!" spat the computer voice. "You're not going anywhere near my android!" With that, the computer turned off the gravitational field in the turbo lift and sent it plummeting down the shaft. *********************** "Jean-Luc!" Q said mockingly. "Your French sensibilities rising up again, eh?" Picard was in a whirlwind of arms and legs trying to free himself from the Ensign-Bimbo-Of-The-Week. "Q!" He yelped. "And- and VASH!" Vash looked brilliantly angry. "Jean-Luc, did you miss me that bad?" Picard finally managed to throw The EBOTW onto the floor where she sprawled and squeaked, "Oh, captain!", and, springing to her feet, ran into a turbolift and left the bridge. "Very well, Q. Are the disasters on my ship your doing?" "Oh, Picard. You dissappoint me. I haven't done anything to your ship. You humans have managed to get yourselves in this mess all by yourselves. I just stopped in so Vash could say hello." As Q said this the turbolift doors opened and out stepped a disheveled, bloody-nosed, pissed off Romulyar with a lar ge phaser-type weapon. "Haven't done a THING, have you, you bastard?" the Romulyar grumbled. "Do you think I want to spend the rest of my life looking like this and mixing drinks? Good thing I made sure this weapon still works!" And with that she deftly fired at Q, missing him entirely but taking off the top of Vash's head. (And a good thing at that; she could have hit the main viewer instead.) Vash slumped to the ground with brains oozing all over the carpet. Q, startled, quickly snapped his fingers and the Romulyar became Guinan again. He then snapped again and Vash was standing beside him unaware of what had just happened. "Guinan, you and I have got to have a talk!" Q said. "In a pig's eye," Guinan muttered and went back into the turbolift. Q's expression quickly evolved from an abashed frown to his standard smug grin. "Well, Jean-Luc, you have alot to clean up around here so I'll say farewell, mon capitan. Vash?" Vash smiled at Jean-Luc and said, "When you least expect it, I'll be back". They vanished. Jean-Luc sighed and got up to go into his ready room, stepping in the mess on the carpet. "Merde indeed," the captain groaned. *********************** In Sickbay, Beverly found that she was the most important person on the Enterprise. "What a job!" she thought, and called out, "Next!" *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 26 Keiko's sword had removed the "Self-Destruct" sequence. In Engineering, Geordi, Data, Riker and Wes the Wonder-Boy were trying to figure out the computer. "I just don't get it," Geordi said. "Why does it still have this romantic glitch about you, Data?" Data smiled innocently. Geordi continued, "We need an expert on computer interfacing. Lieutenant Barclay, report to Enginnering!" Riker leaned over to Data. "Close call there, Data. No offense, but I'm glad she went for you first." Data nodded. "My replacement parts are easier to manufacture, Commander." Wes looked at the patch on Data's leg under the torn uniform, and said, "Gosh!" Surely life aboard a starship brought him close to unimaginable possibilities. He shuddered, and went off to build another gadget. Meanwhile, Troi seethed in her room, wishing she had a counselor. In the end, she decided to go have a drink in Ten Forward. *********************** Guinan stormed through the doors of Ten Forward. Happy to be restored to her original form, she was nonetheless agitated by the recent trouble. Eeping feebly under the crush of discarded wedding guests, Guinan's hat peeked out into the room. Spying its owner, the hat burst out from under the pile, intent on landing atop its mistress's head. In it's excitement, it missed its mark and went careening into the food replicator. This, with the simultaneous Picard Manuver performed by the Captain as he tried vainly to explain to Beverly about his previous lapful of Ensign Bimbo-of the-Week, sent a massive surge of energy deep into the bowels of the computer core. *********************** Meanwhile, Data made his way back down to 10 Forward. Fully himself again after the shock of Keiko's attack in Engineering, part of him still looked forward to seeing his Tasha again, even in her altered Romulan form. "Data," said Guinan while retrieving her hat from the replicator, "Tasha is gone. So is RomuYar. They were never here. It was all a nasty trick that Q played on all of us." "So it was all just an illusion," whispered Data. "Even though my system has been cleared of all chemical and electrical effects, I was still anticipating seeing Tasha again." After some thought he asked, "Guinan? Do you believe I will ever find a mate? Though I cannot explain nor understand the need for a relationship, I feel somehow incomplete." "The last I heard, the computer was a bit taken with you," the bartender winked. "That is not exactly what I had in mind," said the android. But Guinan stiffled a giggle as Data tapped his communicator. "Computer?" "Yes, Commander," was its efficient and businesslike response. "Commander?!" said Data, bewildered. "What happened to "Honey bunch... Sweet cheeks...Cutey?" SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 27 "I am not familiar with those names," intoned the computer. "Do you wish me to located those individual's locations on board the Enterprise?" "No, computer. Data out. The computer malfunction has obviously been repaired," he told Guinan glumly. "Don't take it so hard, Data," Guinan soothed. "You'll find someone to call your own. Very soon. I tend to be very perceptive about these things," she said mysteriously. Just then, one lone Borg stirred among the party guest pile. Vaguely female in appearance, it looked up at Data and smiled a little Borgy smile while twirling one of its/her appliances suggestively. "Ohhhh, no!" yelped Data. "I am not THAT desparate!" and exited the bar at superhuman speed. Guinan smiled as she swept the Borg out with the rest of the trash. **** FINIS **** "So what do you think of my editing job?" I said. Data looked over my shoulder. "You did seem to capture many of the subtle characterized nuances," he remarked with a slightly crooked expression. "Well, Deborah and Judy did all the work, Data. My contribution wasn't much more than just...cleaning it up a bit." His eyebrows narrowed as his eyes scanned and rescanned the last part of the story. "Might I suggest that you further personalize this work by... adding a kind of narrative coda after the end of the story. It is possible that such an addition may further enhance the irreverent yet benevolent mood of the fiction." "Hmmmmm," I contemplated, and began typing again. *********************** SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 28 HISTORY OF THE SHIPS NAMED E N T E R P R I S E by Kasey K.S. Chang (Ksc1) Last Update : 11-23-91 This timeline is the history of all the vessels that beared the name ENTERPRISE, from wooden sailing ships to majestic starships. The objective of this timeline is to provide some reference to the curious Star Trek fans, while satisfying my own curiosity. I've always wondered what is the history of the Enterprise. I started some research, and found so many contradicting dates that I decided to put in my own educated guesses. Here is my result. I documented why I put things the way they are to the best of my effort and knowledge. Most entries are footnoted, with some explanations after the timeline itself. Comments are welcomed about this miniature timeline. Contents are hereby copyrighted (c) 1991 by Kasey K.S. Chang, all rights reserved except as follows: based on Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry. "Star Trek" and "Starship Enterprise" are trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation. This timeline will be periodically updated as new information comes to light. This timeline may be distributed freely within the Star Trek fandom with the following conditions: 1) This notice and author's name must accompany all copies of the timeline. 2) The timeline must not be modified in any form. If you think some events are misplaced, contact me, and we can discuss it. 3) No charge other than resonable distribution compensation be charged for its distribution. Comments should be sent to: Kasey K.S. Chang PC-Link : Ksc1 2220 Turk Blvd. Apt.6 America On-Line : Ksc1 San Francisco, CA 94118 Promenade : Ksc1 (By the way, that's Kay-Ess-Cee-ONE, not L.) Let's get to work then. (?) denotes questionable items, which should have happened but was not recorded. (#) denotes items that have happened but not sure when. Logical guess at time was given, but accuracy is not guaranteed. (*) denotes items that have occured at the date to the best evidence available. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 29 YEAR EVENT ------+------------------------------------------------------------------- 1616 (Great Britain, Terra) HMS ENTERPRISE sent to find an alternate naval route to the Orient (Asia), destroyed near India by a hurricane 1760 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, 12 gun sloop, captured on Lake Champaign by United States patriots in 1775, captained by General Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War. Self- destructed in 1777 to prevent capture by British Royal Navy 1780 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, 8 gun schooner, protected the Chesaspeake Bay against the British Royal Navy 1812 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, 18 gun schooner, used in the War of 1812, destroyed near the end of war 1936 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, LEXINGTON-Class military aircraft carrier, built 1938, commissioned 1941, fought several battles during Terran World War II Dismantled 1946. Designation CV-6 1963 (United States, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, ENTERPRISE-Class military aircraft carrier, commissioned 1961, first Terran military vessel with nuclear fission power. Participated in the Terran Vietnam War. Designation CVN-65 1976 (United States, Terra) ENTERPRISE, "Space Shuttle" reusable orbiter, built by National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), used for various atmospheric flight tests. Retired in 1986 to the Terran Smithsonian Institute, having never flown in outer space. Restored in 2269 for Apollo Tricentennial. Designation OV-101 1980 (Civilian, United States, Terra) ENTERPRISE, Goodyear lighter- than-air atmospheric vehicle (blimp), used for many Terran contemporary sporting events and promotions. Designation N A1 2001 (United Nations, Terra) UNSS ENTERPRISE, Peacekeeper-Class military aircraft carrier, second collaborative effort between United States and Soviet Union to ensure Terran world peace, the first being UNSS GORSHKOV. Used in several peacekeeping missions. Designation CVN-137 (?) 2097 (United Federation of Planets) USS ENTERPRISE, BONAVENTURE- Class interstellar scout, second warp equippped Federation space vessel (the first being BONAVENTURE herself), top speed warp 3. Lost and presumed destroyed at 2103. Designation FCC-1001 (?) 2152 (Civilian, Terra) USS ENTERPRISE, DECLARATION-class interstellar passenger liner, operating by United-Delta Spacelines. Regular route: Terra (Sol III) - Alpha Centauri - 40 Eridani (Vulcan) - Andor - Tellar, top speed warp 3.5, retired after 25 years of service. Designation CPL-1532 (?) (#) 2244 Shakedown cruises of NCC-1701 by Captain Robert April Secret rescue mission ended in Romulan space due to sabotage, April/Kirk engaged Romulan ships and returned safely, after tricking the Romulans into believing in an invisible Federation fleet, prevented a full-scale Romulan invasion SS ROSENBURG was rescued from ion storm by NCC-1701 (TOSN:"Final Frontier") (*) SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 30 2245 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, CONSTITUTION-Class heavy cruiser. Built at StarFleet San Francisco Yards, first ship with dilithium augmented warp drive, result of the "Starship" Project. Top speed: warp 8. Armed with shields, particle cannons, and lasers. Designation NCC-1701 (*) Commander: Captain Robert April Captain Christopher Pike Captain James T. Kirk (TOSN:Final Frontier, TNG Tech Manual) 2245 1st Five Year Mission under Captain Robert April (#) 2250 Return and refit Captain April promoted to Commodore, assigned as Federation ambassador-at-large (?) (TAS:The CounterClock Incident) 2251 2nd FYM under Captain Christopher Pike (#) 2256 Return and refit NCC-1701 refitted with phasers and photon torpedoes (#) 2257 3rd FYM under Captain Christopher Pike (#) 2262 Return and refit Captain Pike promoted to Commodore, assigned to StarFleet Academy (as commandant?) (TOSN: ENTERPRISE) 2263 4th FYM under Captain James T. Kirk 2263-2268 The period documented by Star Trek and Animated Star Trek c2264 Commodore Pike was injured in a training accident. In rescuing the cadets, he suffered near-lethal dose of Delta Rays, crippling him for life Spock hijacked the ENTERPRISE and returned Commodore Pike to Talos IV, where he can have the illusion of health (TOS:The Menagerie) c2267 Ambassador April was rejuvenated in time to attend the Babel Conference, having previously been at the age of 75 (TAS:The CounterClock Incident) 2268 Return, and mothballed Kirk promoted to Rear Admiral (TOSN: The Lost Years) Starfleet decided to rebuild NCC-1701 for both experimental reasons and publicity/morale (#) 2269 "Space Shuttle" ENTERPRISE was restored from Smithsonian Institute to participate in Apollo Tricentennial. It was damaged during an encounter with two renegade Klingons attempting to escape with a new energy converter, then repaired by the capable hands of Engineer Montgomery Scott (TOSN: A Flag Full of Stars) (*) 2271 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, CONSTITUTION II-Class heavy cruiser, result of the extensive refit including second generation warp drive. Top speed: warp 12. (ST:TMP) Designation remains NCC-1701 (#) (TNG Tech Manual) Commander: Captain Williard Decker Admiral (Acting Captain) James T. Kirk Captain Spock Refitted NCC-1701 was scrambled out of spacedock to deal with entity later known as Vejur, Captain Decker missing in action during the incident, along with Lieutenant Ilia (ST:TMP) (#) (NOTE: The rebuilt NCC-1701 is sometimes known as ENTERPRISE-class or STARSHIP-class in other literatures) SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 31 2272 5th FYM under Acting Captain James T. Kirk (?) c2274 First Vulcan Secession Crisis. Fanned by radicals, Vulcan had a public referendum to withdraw from the Federation. The measure had lost as the conpiracy is revealed. (TOSN:Spock's World) 2277 Return and extensive refit Individual ship insignia system abolished, ENTERPRISE command emblem establish as official StarFleet Emblem (TNG Tech M) Kirk assigned as Commandant of StarFleet Academy (#) Spock promoted to Captain, takes command of NCC-1701 (#) 2278 6th FYM under Captain Spock (?) 2283 Return and very extensive refit 2284 NCC-1701 retired to training vessel of StarFleet Academy (*) 2285 NCC-1701 heavily damaged after engaging the renegade ship USS RELIANT in the Mutara Nebula (ST2:TWOK) Captain Spock perished after restoring warp drive, allowing the ship to escape the growing Genesis wave (ST2:TWOK) StarFleet decided not to rebuild NCC-1701 (ST3:TSFS) NCC-1701 left for Genesis planet under unauthorized mission by former Enterprise crew in search of USS GRISSOM (ST3:TSFS) NCC-1701 self-destructed over Genesis planet, after being disabled by Kruge's Bird of Prey. (ST3:TSFS) Kirk and company, after ending the "Whalesong Crisis", was court-martialed for the unauthorized mission. Kirk demoted to Captain, given command of the new NCC-1701-A (ST4:TVH) 2286 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE Constitution II-class heavy cruiser, new construction, rechristened from USS YORKTOWN (TNG Tech Manual) Designation NCC-1701-A (ST4:TVH) Fate unknown (probably lost, see later) Commander: Captain James T. Kirk (NOTE: The rebuilt NCC-1701 class is sometimes known as ENTERPRISE-class or STARSHIP-class in other literatures) 2286 NCC-1701-A hijacked by Sybok and his followers on the quest for Sha Ka Ree at the center of the galaxy (ST5:TFF) c2287 NCC-1701-A participated in the Khitomer Conference (ST6:TUC) c2315 NCC-1701-A lost with all hands during a peace initiative proposed by Spock to the Klingon Empire (?) (see later) Klingon Empire declared war on the Federation (?) The Swift War starts, also known as The Second Four Years War (Worlds of the Federation) (?) c2316 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, EXCELSIOR II-Class battleship, redesigned for normal warp engines instead of transwarp, built at StarFleet Antares Yards. (# TNG Tech Manual) Designation NCC-1701-B. Fate unknown Commander unknown (The date is just a guess...) (?) c2319 Klingon Empire signs armistice with Federation, declared war on Romulan Star Empire (?) Federation became entangled in the Klingo-Romulan war (?) c2334 NCC-1701-B decommissioned or destroyed (?) SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 32 c2335 (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, AMBASSADOR-Class heavy cruiser, built at Terran McKinley Station Designation NCC-1701-C Commander: Captain Rachel Garrett Lieutenant (Brevet Captain) Richard Castillo (year is an estimate only...) (#) 2345 NCC-1701-C lost, presumed destroyed by Romulan Warbirds while defending the Klingon outpost Narendra III. Rumors had some of the crew survived and were taken to Romulus (TNG:Redemption II) 2363 October 4th, (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, GALAXY-Class exploration cruiser, new construction, Utopia Planetia StarFleet Yards, Mars, Sol System. Top speed: new warp 9.95. Designation NCC-1701-D Commander: Captain Jean-Luc Picard Commander (Brevet Captain) William T. Riker (TNG Tech Manual) 2364 NCC-1701-D went "Where None Have Gone Before" during a propulsion experiment with Kosinski 2365 Captain Picard was captured by the Borg, Commander Riker takes command in the continuing struggle against the Borg (TNG: The Best of Both Worlds) 2366 NCC-1701-D underwent major repairs at McKinley station, Terra after stopping the Borg. (TNG:Family) ???? (UFP/StarFleet) USS ENTERPRISE, NOVA-Class exploration cruiser, new construction (TNG Tech Manual) And now to explain the dates. Everything before 2001 is based on historical research. The PEACEKEEPER-class vessel is entirely my imagination, due to the now relaxed global atmosphere. The BONAVENTURE-class warp scout is a tribute to the animation episode TAS:Time Trap, where the BONAVENTURE herself was seen. It is almost logical that one of its class would be named ENTERPRISE. The DECLARATION-class transport/liner is based on older timelines, where the ship is mentioned. I added some details to it. The commission date of the original NCC-1701 is 2245, given in TNG Tech Manual, page 3. Previous estimates are approximately 2249. The rest of her history was based on logical guesses. Refitted NCC-1701 (ST:TMP) was in the year 2271 because according to TOSN:A FLAG FULL OF STARS, they are just about to celebrate the Tricentennial of the Apollo landing of Luna, which is mid-1969. One and a half year is added since the Enterprise was not yet complete at that time. Approximate result is 2271. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 33 Admiral's Morrow's comment in 2284 that the ENTERPRISE is over twenty years old is made when the ship is 42 years old. If one counts from the point when the ship is rebuilt in ST:TMP, then the ship is about 12 years old... What is Morrow counting from? The only possibility remaining is Morrow counted from when Kirk first took command in 2262. Destruction of NCC-1701 in 2285 was confirmed by TNG Tech Manual page 4. TOSN:THE RIFT have some good historical references. The rift opens every 33.4 years. Due to Kirk's references in the book to his son's death, transwarp, and so on, Kirk is on NCC-1701-A. If the adventure happens sometime after ST5:TFF, in year 2286, 2286-33.4=2252.6, which coincides with early Pike's command, as Pike had already met the Talosians at that time. There is one more piece of information gleamed from TOSN: THE RIFT... According to Peter David, the next time the rift opened, Federation is involved in the Klingo-Romulan war... Assuming the events in THE RIFT occured soon after ST5:TFF, which is in 2286, 2286+33.4 = 2319 or 2320. As NCC-1701-C was destroyed in 2345... The war sure lasted a long time! In the episode TNG:Unification, Spock hinted at the fate of Kirk and company. On page 118 of the novelization, Spock said, "It was I who asked Kirk to lead that peace mission [to the Klingons]. And I who had to accept the responsibility for the consequences to him and his crew. Quite simply, I am unwilling to risk anyone's life but my own on this occasion..." On page 119 of the novelization, Spock said, "In your own way, you are as stubborn as another captain of the ENTERPRISE I once knew." From the statements, it could be inferred that NCC-1701-A, with Kirk onboard, was lost during a peace initiative by Spock to the Klingon Empire. Of course, this is not official, but could be inferred upon. Since McCoy and Spock survived, it is obviously they were not onboard at that time. Whether other of the famous crew survived would be up to the writers. Which raises the question whether Spock ever took captaincy of the NCC-1701-A... Probably not, at the present progression. It is likely that after the loss of Kirk, Spock quit his StarFleet commission and became a diplomat, as we saw Ambassador Spock in TNG. For more detailed analysis of the fate of NCC-1701-A, see my essay on "Fate of Kirk". A previous version of this essay/timeline stated that EXCELSIOR was destroyed. This was found to be incorrect. TNG Tech Manual stated that "Indeed, EXCELSIOR herself ultimately proved to be a distinguished part of the Starfleet" on page 4. NCC-1701-B is EXCELSIOR-class. I stated EXCELSIOR II class because the design is modified so normal warp drive is used, not transwarp. The launch date of the NCC-1701-B and C are estimated. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 34 The destruction date of the NCC-1701-C was provided by Data in the alternate timeline TNG:YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE, as having disappeared "22 years, three months, and four days ago". Leaving the odd fractions behind, and noting that the episode is in the fourth season, the year is 2364+3-22=2345, which is confirmed by TNG Tech Manual. NCC-1701-D was commissioned in 2363. Previously this was thought to be 2364, which Data specifically stated OED year in TNG:THE NEUTRAL ZONE, a first season episode. However, the TNG Tech Manual specifically stated the date of October 4th, 2363. NOVA-class is given in TNG Tech Manual. While we haven't decided on which of the designs to take, the entry is included. That's all for now... If there are any comments about this, I am reachable through PC-Link, America On-line, and Promenade. Or, if you prefer, through the US Mail service. Address is at the front of this essay. Till then, happy trekkin'! --Kasey K.S. Chang, treknologist SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 35 EPISODE LISTS TOS No. Date Episode Brief desc --- ------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------- 0 The Cage (Pilot) Enterprise to Talos IV 1 1513.1 The Man Trap Salt vampire 2 1533.6 Charlie X Teenage boy raised by aliens 3 1312.4 Where No Man Has Gone Before crew menbers become god like 4 1704.2 The Naked Time water molecules acts on the brain 5 1672.1 The Enemy Within Transporter Malfunction. 6 1329.1 Mudd's Women Harry Mudd and three women 7 2712.4 What are Little Girls Made Of? Roger Korby and clone exp's 8 2713.5 Miri Enterprise helps children 9 2715.1 Dagger of the Mind Kirk inspects penal colony 10 1512.2 The Corbomite Maneuver Kirk bluffs aliens 11 3012.4 The Menagerie (Part One) Spock faces court Martial for 12 3012.4 The Menagerie (Part Two) hijacking the Enterprise 13 2817.6 The Conscience of the King Kirk investigates an actors past 14 1709.1 Balance of Terror Enterprise chases Romulan ship 15 3025.3 Shore Leave McCoy killed by black knight 16 2821.5 The Galileo Seven Spock commands shuttle & crashes 17 2124.5 The Squire of Gothos Kirk & crew held by Trelaine 18 3045.6 Arena Kirk must fight the Gorn 19 3113.2 Tomorrow is Yesterday Enterprise thrown back to 1967 20 2947.3 Court Martial Kirk faces court martial(Finney) 21 3156.2 The Return of the Archons Kirk and crew confront Landru 22 3141.9 Space Seed Crew find Botany bay with Kahn 23 3192.1 A Taste of Armageddon Planets that war with computer 24 3417.3 This Side of Paradise Kirk Fights Spock to cure Spock 25 3196.1 The Devil in the Dark Crew fight the Horta on Janus 6 26 3198.4 Errand of Mercy Organians stops Klingon Fed. war 27 3087.6 The Alternative Factor Lazrus fights his anti-mater twin 28 3134.0 The City on the Edge of Forever McCoy Kirk Spock go back to 1930 29 3287.2 Operation - Annihilate Kirk kills one celled aliens 30 3372.7 Amok Time Spock to marry T'Pring 31 3468.1 Who Morns for Adonais Kirk meets alien Adonais 32 3451.9 The Changeling Kirk destroys the probe NOMAD 33 Mirror, Mirror Crew visit visit paralell universe 34 3715.0 The Apple Crew find and destroy Vaal 35 4202.9 The Doomsday Machine Kirk fights planet killer 36 3018.2 Catspaw Kirk & crew meets shape shifters 37 4513.3 I, Mudd Harry Mudd on planet of androids. 38 3219.4 Metamorphosis Zephram Cochrane and companion 39 3842.3 Journey to Babel Sarek & Amanda aboard Enterprise 40 3497.2 Friday's Child Kirk provides weapons to planet 41 3478.2 The Deadly Years crew experience rapid aging 42 3619.2 Obsession Crew fights a gaseous creature 43 3614.9 Wolf in the Fold Scotty accused of brutal murder 44 4523.3 The Trouble with Tribbles tribbles on Station K-7 & ship 45 3211.7 The Gamesters of Triskellion Race of aliens bet on fights SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 36 46 4598.0 A Piece of the Action a planet modeled after a book 47 4307.1 The Immunity Syndrome Space amoeba that eats ships 48 4211.4 A Private Little War Klingons supply weapons to a planet 49 4768.3 Return to Tomorrow Three aliens take host bodies 50 2534.0 Patterns of Force John Gill brings Naziism to planet 51 4657.5 By Any Other Name Kelvans take over the Enterprise 52 The Omega Glory Paralell of Earth with United states 53 4729.4 The Ultimate Computer Richard Daystrom invents M5 computer 54 4040.7 Bread and Circuses Captain Merik of the USS Beagle 55 Assignment: Earth Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln 56 5431.4 Spock's Brain Spock's brain is removed 57 5031.3 The Enterprise Incident Kirk & Spock get Cloaking device 58 4842.6 The Paradise Syndrome Kirk looses his memory and marriage 59 5027.3 And The Children Shall Lead Children take over the Enterprise 60 5630.7 Is There In Truth No Beauty? Blind doctor with Medusan 61 4385.3 Spectre of the Gun crew have a gunfight at OK Corral 62 Day of the Dove An alien that feeds on emotions 63 5476.3 For The World Is Hollow, Star ship run by computer Oracle And I Have Touched the Sky 64 5693.4 The Tholian Web Thoians weave a web around ship 65 5784.0 Plato's Stepchildren Aliens with kinetic powers 66 5710.5 Wink of an Eye Scalosians to kidnap men 67 5121.0 The Empath An alien Empath named GEM 68 4372.5 Elaan of Troyius Crew educate Elaan for her marriage 69 5718.3 Whom Gods Destroy Donald Cory tries to take ship 70 5730.2 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield Race of half white half black aliens 71 5423.4 The Mark Of Gideon planet of disease free aliens 72 That Which Survives Alien image that kills people 73 5725.3 The Lights of Zetar Mora Romaine and energy storm 74 5843.7 Requiem for Methuselah Flint an imortal being 75 5832.3 The Way to Eden 23rd century hippoes and Eden 76 5818.4 The Cloudminders Troglites mine Zienite 77 5906.4 The Savage Curtain Kirk meets Abraham Lincoln 78 5943.7 All Our Yesterdays planet that is nearing supernova 79 5298.5 Turnabout Intruder Janice Lester takes Kirk's body TAS Order Air Date PCode Stardate Title ===== ========= ===== ======== =========================================== 1. Sep 15 73 3A 5373.4 Yesteryear 2. Sep 22 73 7A 5371.3 One Of Our Planets Is Missing 3. Sep 29 73 6A 5483.7 The Lorelei Signal 4. Oct 6 73 1A 5392.4 More Tribbles, More Troubles 5. Oct 13 73 5A 5143.3 The Survivor 6. Oct 20 73 2A 5554.4 The Infinite Vulcan 7. Oct 27 73 9A 1254.4 The Magicks Of Megas-Tu 8. Nov 3 73 14A 5591.2 Once Upon A Planet 9. Nov 10 73 8A 4978.5 Mudd's Passion 10. Nov 17 73 15A 5577.3 The Terratin Incident 11. Nov 24 73 10A 5267.2 Time Trap 12. Dec 1 73 13A 5499.9 The Ambergris Element SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 37 13. Dec 15 73 11A 4187.3 Slaver Weapon 14. Dec 22 73 4A 5521.3 Beyond The Farthest Star 15. Jan 5 74 16A 5501.2 The Eye Of The Beholder 16. Jan 13 74 12A 5683.1 Jihad 17. Sep 7 74 19A 6334.1 The Pirates Of Orion 18. Sep 14 74 17A 7403.6 Bem 19. Sep 21 74 20A 3183.3 Practical Joker 20. Sep 28 74 18A 5285.6 Albatross 21. Oct 5 74 21A 6063.4 How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth 22. Oct 12 74 22A 6770.3 The Counter-Clock Incident TNG No. T Date Episode Brief desc --- -- ------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- 1 1 41153.7 Encounter at Farpoint Q puts the crew on trial 2 1 41153.7 Encounter at Farpoint Q puts the crew on trial 3 1 41209.2 The Naked Now Narcotic. 4 1 41235.25 Code of Honor Lutan abducts Tasha 5 1 41386.4 The Last Outpost Away team meet Portal 6 1 41263.1 Where No One Has Gone Before The Traveller 7 1 41249.3 Lonely Among Us Picard and energy beings 8 1 41255.6 Justice Wesley held by the IDO 9 2 41723.9 The Battle Picard and Star Gazer 10 2 41590.5 Hide and Q Q gives Riker power of Q 11 2 41294.5 Haven Wyatt Miller to wed Deanna 12 2 41997.7 The Big Goodbye First Dixon Hill appearance 13 2 41242.4 Datalore Data meets his evil brother 14 2 41636.9 Aangel one Crew to find survivors. 15 3 41365.9 11001001 Binars hijack Enterprise 16 3 41309.5 Too Short a Season Jamison and youth drug 17 3 41509.1 When the Bough Break's Children kidnaped 18 3 41463.9 Home Soil Silicon Life form 19 3 41416.2 Coming of Age Wesley tests for academy 20 3 41503.7 Heart of Glory Worf and fugitive klingons 21 4 41798.2 The Arsenal of Freedom All life on Mynos dead 22 4 Symbiosis Drug addicts 23 4 41601.3 Skin of Evil Armus kills Tasha 24 4 41697.9 We'll Always Have Paris Picard meets old flame 25 4 41775.5 Conspiracy Little parasites (sick) 26 4 41986.0 The Neutral Zone People from the 20th century 27 5 42073.1 The Child Deanna and Ian (Her son) 28 5 42193.6 Where Silence Has Lease Enterprise in void 29 5 42286.3 Elimentary Dear Data Data portrays Sherlock Holmes 30 5 42402.7 The Outrageous Okona The life of a rogue 31 5 42477.2 Loud as a Whisper Riva the mediator 32 5 42437.5 The Schizoid Man Data meets Ira Graves 33 6 42494.8 Unnatural Selection Pulaski (Rapid aging) 34 6 42506.5 A Matter Of Honor Riker serves aboard the Pach 35 6 42523.7 The Measure of a Man Data on trial 36 6 42568.8 The Dauphin Wesley meets Selia 37 6 42609.1 Contagion Crew discover Iaconia 38 6 42625.4 The Royale Trapped in a cheap Novel SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 38 39 6 42679.2 Time Squared Picard meets Picard 40 6 42686.4 The Icarus Factor Riker meets his father 41 7 42695.3 Pen Pals Wesley and team save a planet 42 7 42761.3 Q Who Enterprise and Borg (J25) 43 7 42779.1 Samaritan Snare Geordi held by Pacleds 44 7 42823.2 Up the Long Ladder Send in the clones 45 7 42859.2 Man Hunt Lwaxanna looks for husband 46 7 42901.3 The Emissary Worf meets K'Ehleyr 47 7 42923.4 Peak Performance Battle simulation 48 7 42976.1 Shades Of Gray Riker relives his past 49 8 43125.8 Evolution Wesley frees Nanites 50 8 The Ensigns of Command Sheliak 51 8 43152.4 The Survivors Old people on destroyed Planet 52 8 43173.5 Who Watches the Watchers Primitive Vulcans 53 8 43198.7 The Bonding Worf and Jeremy Astor 54 8 43205.6 Booby Trap Geordi creates Lea Brahms 55 8 43349.2 The Enemy Geordi and Romulan 56 8 43385.6 The Price Wormhole for sale 57 9 43421.9 The Vengence Factor The Gatherers 58 9 43462.5 The Defector Admiral Jarock defects 59 9 43489.2 The Hunted Crew hunts for war criminal 60 9 43510.7 The High Ground Picard and Beverly held hostage 61 9 43539.1 Deja Q Q reduced to a mortal 62 9 43610.4 A Matter of Perspective Riker accused for murder 63 9 43625.2 Yesterday's Enterprise NCC 1701-C meets NCC 1701-D 64 9 43657.0 The Offspring Data creates Lall 65 10 43685.2 Sins of the Father Worf before High council 66 10 43714.1 Allegiance Picard held prisoner with 3 67 10 43745.2 Captains Holliday Picard finds the Tax Utat 68 10 43779.3 Tin Man Tam Elbrun rescues Tin Man 69 10 43807.4 Hollow Pursuits Barclay's Holodiction 70 10 43872.2 The Most Toys Data Kidnaped by Fagio 71 10 43917.4 Sarek Sarek unstable 72 10 43930.7 Menage a Troi Troi, and Riker kidnaped 73 11 43958.8 Transfigurations Beverly and John Doe 74 11 43989.1 The Best of Both Worlds The Borg return 75 11 44001.4 The Best of Both Worlds 2 Picard altered by the Borg 76 11 44012.3 Family Picard visits his home 77 11 44085.7 Brothers Data, Lore, and Soong 78 11 44143.7 Suddenly Human Picard stabbed by Jono 79 11 44161.2 Remember Me Beverly trapped (Warp Bubble) 80 11 44215.2 Legacy Tasha's sister Ishara. 81 12 44246.3 Reunion Worf, K'Ehleyr, and Alexander 82 12 44286.5 Future Imperfect Borash captures Riker 83 12 44307.3 Final Mission Picard. Wes, and Dergo crash 84 12 44356.9 The Loss Deanna looses her powers 85 12 44390.1 Data's Day 24 hours of Data's life 86 12 44429.6 The Wounded Ben Maxwell starts a war 87 12 44474.5 Devils Due Picard faces the devil 88 12 44502.7 Clues The crew looses their memory 89 13 First Contact Riker hurt in mob 90 13 44614.6 Galaxy's Child Geordi and the real Lea Brahms 91 13 44631.2 Night Terrors Crew has mass hysteria SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 39 92 13 44664.5 Identity Crisis Geordi Metamorphosizes 93 13 44704.2 The Nth Degree Barclay turned into computer 94 13 44741.9 Q-pid Picard, Q, & Vash love triangle 95 13 44769.2 The Drumhead Admiral Seti conducts a trial 96 13 44805.3 Half a life Picard's risk to save scientist 97 14 44821.3 The Host Riker lends his body to parasite 98 14 44885.5 The Mind's Eye Geordi captured by Romulans 99 14 44932.3 In Theory Data falls in love 100 14 44995.3 Redemption Worf regains honor 101 14 45020.4 Redemption 2 Sela helps Duras family in war 102.14 45047.2 Darmok Picard with alien captain 103 14 45076.3 Ensign Ro Enterprise to save Bjoran people 104 14 45122.3 Silicon Avatar Dr. Mara destroys Silicon entity 105 15 45156.1 Disaster Deanna controls the Enterprise 106 15 45208.2 The Game Wesley stops addictive game 107 15 45233.1 The Unification, Part 1 Picard & Data search for Spock 108 15 45245.8 The Unification, Part 2 Unify Vulcan and Romulus 109 15 45349.1 A Matter of Time Historian from the future 110 15 New Ground 111 16 Hero Worship 112 16 Violations SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 40 UPCOMING EPISODES # Week Of Title -- -------- ---- ---------------------------- 111 1/04/92 211 Hero Worship 1/11/92 206R The Game 1/18/92 207R The Unification, Part 1 1/25/92 208R The Unification, Part 2 112 2/01/92 212 Violations SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 41 IMPORTANT ADDRESSES Star Trek episodes Columbia House Video Library Dept. LK3 P.O. Box 1112 Terre Haute, IN 47811 800 544-4431 Star Trek Chess set The Franklin Mint 2496 Franklin enter, Pa. 19092-2496 -- $29.50 for each peice Star Trek uniforms Johnson Smith Co. 4514 19th Court East P. O. Box 25500 Bradenton FL 34206-5500. (813) 747-2356 for credit card orders Star Trek uniforms, books, posters, etc Intergalactic Trading Company P.O. Box 1516 Longwood, Fl. 32752 (407) 831-8344 (407) 332-0142 FAX -- Send $2 for catalog. Star Trek books and other merchandise. Write for a catalog. Intergalactic Trading Company PO BOX 1516 Longwood FL 32752-1516 Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038-3197 (213) 956-5000 Writing to cast members Cast Member's name C/O Star Trek office Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038-3197 Creation Conventions 145 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 42 Books on diskette S3 Enterprises 137 Golfview Drive Glendale Heights, IL 60139. Klingon Recipes 1231 Garfield Havertown, Pa, 19083 Book $6 Tom's Sci-Fi Shop P.O. Box 56116 DPI, H. Hts, Il. 60656-0116 -- $3 for 75 page catalog. refundable on first order. Star Trek 25th aniversary game INTERPLAY 3701 S. Susan, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714)549-2411 Star Trek Calander $5.98. The Science Fiction Book Club 6550 E. 30th Street P.O. Box 6325 Indianapolis, IN 46206-6325 TOS, TNG, and all film scripts Hollywood Book and Poster Company 6349 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90028 (213) 465-8764 [voice] (213) 465-0413 [fax] Books, Scripts, etc Script City 8033 Sunset Blvd. Suite 1500 Hollywood, CA 90046 (213) 871-0707 for phone orders Collectibles Catch A Star Collectibles, Inc. 1951 Old Cuthbert Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Star Trek: The Next Generation magazine Starlog Press c/o Star Trek: The Next Generation magazine 475 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 -- $25 per year (4 issues) SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 43 Pocket Books Press Pocket Books 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, Ny. 10020 General Trek related items. Starland PO Box 24590 Denver, CO 80224 (303) 671-8735 SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 44 IMPORTANT DATES FOR STAR TREK Jan 20 Deforest Kelley Leonard (Bones) McCoy Feb 2 Brent Spiner Data, Lore, Dr. Noonian Soong Mar 3 James Doohan Montgomery (Scotty) Scott Mar 22 William Shatner Captain James T. Kirk Mar 26 Leonard Nimory Mr. Spock Apr 1 Janice Rand Janice Rand Apr 20 George Takei Mr. Sulu Jul 13 Patrick Stewart Jean-Luc Picard Jul 29 Wil Wheaton Wesley Crusher Aug 12 Jane Wyatt Amanda Aug 17 Harve Bennett Star Fleet Chief of Staff Aug 19 Gene Roddenberry Aug 19 Jonathan Frakes William Riker Aug 28 Gates McFadden Dr Beverly Crusher Sep 8 Star Trek anniversary Sep 19 Walter Koenig Chekov Oct 15 Mark Lenard Sarek Oct 24 Gene Roddenberry's death 1991 Nov 24 Denise Crosby Natasha Yar, Sela Dec 9 Michael Dorn Worf Dec 29 Nichelle Nichols Lt, Uhura SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 45 SHIPS OF THE FLEET Enterprise America Suite 271 12439 Magnolia Boulevard North Hollywood, CA 91607 $12 payable to Jim Lyon Star Trek Fan Club of California P. O. BOX 7094 COTATI, CALIF 94931 -- $8.00 YEARLY, 12 Newsletters, Attends 3 or 4 Star Trek Convensions yearly, and has tables at More than 2 con's a year.. Dues Payable to Chris Kren. Star Trek The Official Fan Club P.O. Box 111000 Aurora. Co. 80011 1 yr $ 11.95/USA, $14.00/CANADA, $23.95/FOREIGN STARFLEET P.O. Box 430 Burnsville, NC 28714 STARFLEET ACADEMY/STARBASE XII Starfleet Academy P.O. Box 2312 Evansville, IN 47728 Data Entries: A Brent Spiner Newsletter 1853 Fallbrook Ave, San Jose, CA 95130 -- Quarterly zine focusing on Brent Spiner and TNG. $5/year, single issues $1.50. Edited by Jim and Melody Rondeau. This was the first regular TNG publication. IAAPS: The International Audience Alliance For Patrick Stewart 1411 Colonial Ave #B-5, Norfolk, VA 23517 -- Patrick Stewart fan organization. $18/year domestic, $20/year Canadian, $22/year foreign. Publishes "Stargazer", bimonthly, a zine dedicated to the career of Patrick Stewart, zine reviews, articles and other information. Very member-oriented. Edited by Kate Maynard and the IAAPS Committee. Checks payable to IAAPS. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 46 Imzadi: The Marina Sirtis Newsletter 3084 Chastain Park, Atlanta, GA, 30342 -- Marina Sirtis and STAR TREK fan organization. $6/year. Publishes "Imzadi," three times/year, dedicated to fan input, talks with Marina, current news and more. Edited by William S. McCullars. Very chatty, newsy fanzine. The Electronic Male 7914 Creek Trail, San Antonio, TX 78250 -- Brent Spiner / TNG review/update zine. SASE for current prices. Pub- lished quarterly; zine features updates on Brent's career plus reviews and TNG nostalgia. Edited by K. Joyce McDonald. Beverlyophiles 2116 W. Garfield Blvd, Chicago, IL 60609 -- Beverly Crusher / TNG correspondence zine. $10/six months, $20/thirteen months. Published monthly, featuring correspondence primarily oriented toward Gates McFadden/Beverly Crusher, as well as current TNG conversa- tion. Edited by Kimberley Junius. Klingon Assault Group NasToj Squadron REC.DEPT. 245 Citation Dr. Henrietta, NY 14467 -- I don't have any information on this one. Send SASE The Michael Dorn Appreciation Organization P.O. Box 185, Ellicott City, MD 21043 -- Michael Dorn fan newsletter. $18/year. Publishes "Dorn" bimonthly; zine focuses primarily on Mr. Dorn and the Klingons. Edited by Marc B. Lee. Slick publication. Barbara Walker 17 Gateway Dr. Batavia, NY. 14020 -- Leonard Nimoy's only officially, personaly authorised fan club. Send SASE to address above for flyer. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 47 The Picardian Contact Marilyn Wilkerson on Compuserve 72371.2517 If you know the address for this fan club, please post it so I may update my list. -- Patrick Stewart/Picard-oriented newsletter. $6/year. Published monthly, focusing on the character of Picard and the actor, inclined toward the more fannish aspects. The Star Trek Welcommittee P.O. Drawer 12 Saranac, MI 48881. -- I don't have any information about this fan club. Send SASE. 24th Century News RR #3 Box 4-B Port au Port, Nf. A0N 1T0 Canada -- Atlantic Canadian NEXT GENERATION Fanzine. For info. send SASE. I.D.I.C. 15 Letter Dail Cairbbaa, Lochgilphead, Argyl PA31 8SX, Scotland -- IDIC ST CLUB: covers all TREK, bi-monthly 60-84 page n/ls. SAE + $1 to Janet Quarton. UTOPE P.O. Box 1031 Carthage, Tx 75633 -- The United Trekkers Of Planet Earth is a fan communication/news exchange group, dedicated to the original crew. newsletter published monthly. Tribbles Fan Club P.O. Box 543 Mendocino, Ca. 95460 -- Send SASE. Inside Trekkers Fan Club Edgar B Schodde 5215 Powhattan St. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15224 -- Dues $7. Make checks payable to Edgar B. Schodde. Membership includes Starship diagrams,StarFleet Officers regulations, Club roster and membership card. Quarterly fanzine SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 48 ASTAF c/o Gabriele M. Wrubel P.O. Box 365 A-1211 Vienna Austria -- Dues Austria AS 250, Europe AS 300, Ask for U.S. Membership rates. Monthly Fanzine. Everything is published in German. Trek Guide P.O. Box 2522 Renton. Wa. 98056-0522. -- Send SASE. East Coast Trekkers c/o Richard Brown 2 Rowan Road Martham, Norfolk NR29 4RY England -- Send SASE Star Trek Toronto Inc. Suite 0116, Box 208 65 Front Street West Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5J 1E6 -- Holds monthly meetings for members and mail out newsletters each month as well. Send SASE for more info. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 49 WARP SCALES TOS WARP SPEEDS Warp 1 the speed of light Warp 2 8 times the speed of light Warp 3 27 times the speed of light Warp 4 64 times the speed of light Warp 5 125 times the speed of light Warp 6 216 times the speed of light Warp 7 343 times the speed of light Warp 8 512 times the speed of light Warp 9 729 times the speed of light TNG WARP SPEEDS Warp 1 the speed of light Warp 2 10 Times the speed of light Warp 3 39 times the speed of light Warp 4 101 times the speed of light Warp 5 213 times the speed of light Warp 6 390 times the speed of light Warp 7 652 times the speed of light Warp 8 1017 times the speed of light Warp 9 1505 times the speed of light SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 50 COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS IN STAR TREK CONFERENCES c - The speed of light (186,000 miles/sec (300,000 km/sec)) G - Grin LA - Laughing Aloud RA - Richard Arnold SD - Star Date ST - Star Trek WF - Warp Factor ;-) - Smiley face. There are many variations BJO - Bjo "Bee-joe" Trimble, author of Concordance BOP - Bird Of Prey BTW - By The Way FTL - Faster Than Light IDF - interial dampening field ILM - Industrial Light and Magic IMO - In My Opinion KHP - Klingon Home Planet (since TPTB refuse to give it a name) LOL - Laughing Out Loud MIE - main impulse engine NCC - Naval Construction Contract O&S - Okuda and Sternbach (authors of TNG Technical Manual POV - Point of View RPG - Role Playing Game SFA - Star Fleet Academy SFX - Special Effect TAS - The Animated Series TFF - The Final Frontier (Star Trek 5) TNG - The Next Generation TMP - The Motion Picture (Star Trek 1) TOS - The Original Series TUC - The Undiscovered Country (Star Trek 6) TVH - The Voyage Home (Star Trek 4) UFP - United Federation of Planets USS - United Space Ship W10 - Warp 10 infinite speed YAR - Yet Another Rumor FASA - FAntaSimulations Associates GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike IDIC - Infinite diversity in infinite combinations IMHO - In my humble opinion LLAP - Live Long And Prosper OTOH - On The Other Hand TPTB - The Powers That Be (usually referring to GR or Paramount) TSFS - The Search for Spock (Star Trek 3) TTFN - Ta Ta For Now TTYL - Talk To Ya Later TWOK - The Wrath of Kahn (Star Trek 2) YATI - Yet Another Trek Inconsistancy BOBW1 - Best of Both Worlds part 1 (Season Finale for third season) BOBW2 - Conclusion to Best of Both Worlds CANON - what Roddenberry/Paramount decides is "real" Trek. Gene has already declared every novel (including the one(s) he wrote) to be non-canon. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 51 IMOGR - In Memory of Gene Roddenberry ROTBA - Reality On the Blink Again ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing TNGTM - The Next Generation Technical Manual VISOR - Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement VISOR - VIsual Sensory Optical Reflector TEASER - the short scene that comes before the opening credits. TGBOTG - The Great Bird Of The Galaxy (Roddenberry) TRAILER - previews (commercials) for the next EXCITING episode. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 52 CONVENTIONS Atlanta, Ga February 22-23 Patrick Stewart, Michael Okuda, Jeanne Dillard, Richard Arnold, Laura Banks, Cheryl Mandus. CREATION CONVENTIONS If yot want information about the following conventions. call (516) SHOWMAN. Portland: January 4-5. Holliday 4-5. Holliday In Airport with Marina Sirtis. Manhattan: January 4-5. Fangoria Weekend of Horrors with Elvira, Lance Herrikson, Clive Barker, Addrienne King, Jefferey Combs, William Butler, David Emgee, and Johnny Legend. Manhattan: January 4-5.Hotel Pennsbylvania. NY Toys, Comics. and collectible show. Boston: January 11-12. Shreratn Hotel annual show. New Haven: January 12. Park PLaza (tentative) Cincinnati: January 11-12. Drawbridge Inn with Michael Dorn. San Jose:January 18-19. Le Baron Hotel Seattle: January 25-26. Red LIon Sea Tac. Los Angeles: Feb 2. Quantum Leap Convention. Universal City Hilton. With Scott Bakula, and Dean Stockwell. Manhattan: Feb 16-27. Ramada Hotel Abual show with Jonathan Frakes, amd Peter David. Valley Forge: Feb 16-17. Convention Center. Tucson: Febuary 22-23. Convention Center with Marina Sirtis. Pittsburgh: March 7-8. Pittsburgh Sheraton Square with Marina Sirtis. Montreal: March 21-22. Montreal Sheraton Downton. Los Angeles: March 27-29. Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel. 5th Anniversary Salute to Star Trek The Next Generation with Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Levar Burton, Wil Wheaton, Michael Dorn, Majel Barrett Roddenberry. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 53 Edmonton: March 28-29. Coast Terrace Inn with Nichelle Nichols. Regina, Canada: Apr 11-12. Hotel Sasketchewan with Nichelle Nichols. Boston: April 11-12. Hynes Center with Patrick Stewart. New Haven: April 12. Park Plaza Hotel with Patriock Stewart. San Francisco: April 25-26. Cow Palace. Dearborn: April 25-26. Dearborn Civic Center. Los Angeles: May 16-17. Fango Weekend of Horrors. Hyatt Hotel with guest Dario Argenta. Minneapolis: May 16-17. Convention Center. (Tentative). Cincinnati: May 23-24. Convention Center with Gates McFadden. Valley Forge: June 20-21. Convention Center. Buffalo: June 20-21. Radisson (Formerly the Ramada Renaissance) with Gates McFadden. Manhattan: June 27-28. Ramada Hotel. Manchester, NH: July 11-12. Holiday Inn. Portland, Oregon: July 11-12. Holliday Inn Airport with Jonathan Frakes. Dearborn: July 25-26. Civic Center. Reno: Aug 8-9. Pioneer Center. Manhattan: Aug 29-30. Ramada Hotel. Annual Show. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 54 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: Can I travel up or down, in that axis? Can I travel in all conceivable direction? Kraig Mottar A: Space is somewhat spherical, and you have often heard Picard and others call out directions in this format. 23 mark 57. This equates to two compasses turned at right angles to each other. A heading of 0 mark 0 would be toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Q: I recently heard of Gene's death, and I would like to express my condolances to his family. How can I do this? A: Send all cards, letters, and whatever to the address below. Majel Barrett-Roddenberry Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038-3197 Q: I am having some problems with the warp scale for the Next Generation. What is the problem with attaining warp 10? Joseph Smith. A: This is very complicated, and I don't know the real answer myself, so I will post two rumors, and let you select the one you like the best. A. It takes an infinite amount of power, and warps space too much, so the ship would literaly be every where at the same time (infinite velocity). B. It takes an infinite amount of power to attain warp 10, but Warp 10 is not infinite velocity. Naturally, I believe the later. Q: Where do you get all of your Trek information. You were the first one to say that Star Trek 6 was to be released December 6th when everyone said December 13th. You were right, and I would like to know how you knew. Brian Jones A: I read 6 Star Trek conferences on a daily basis, I am also a member of three Star Trek Fan clubs. I am nothing special. I just pass along rumors to others. SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 55 STARBASES Granite Cities Best Higher Powered BBS (612) 654-8372 (408) 737-9447 St. Cloud, Mn. Sunnyvale, Ca. SysOp Christine Blount SysOp Bob Jacobson Intelec Online The Rat Trap (516) 867-4447 (801) 561-5025 Baldwin, NY. West Jordan, Utah SysOp Cliff Watkins SysOp Marty Greenlief Strawberry Patch America Online (606) 432-0879 Pikeville, Ky. SysOp Terry West I will be selecting up to two more official distribution points during the coming months. I need distribution sites in the following geographical areas of the U.S. Pacific North West Central If you are the SysOp of a BBS, and would like to be an official distribution site for SSN, please send me some information Geographic area Modem type Storage space Networked mail Fee's Additional nodes SSN P.O. Box 118 East Bernstadt, Ky. 40729 SUB SPACE NEWS; Star trek information zine Page 56 ABOUT SSN Sub Space News is not affiliated with Paramount, nor any of the actors within Star Trek, and Paramount retains the copyrights to any registered logo I may use. I have been a fan of Star Trek since 1967, and I am a serious trekker. In fact, I read 6 Star Trek conferences, and host three of them. I host the Intelec, Smart Net, and Lite Link Star Trek conferences. I participate in the U,NI net, Ilink, and RIME Star Trek conferences as well. If you have access to any of these nets, leave a message to Bill Lambdin, and I will get back to you. I am dedicating this publication in memory of Gene Roddenberry, and to his ideals for the future. I hope to publish this publication on a bi-monthly basis to start. If the Trekkers support this, it may move to a monthly schedule. Live long and prosper. HAILING FREQUENCIES CLOSED